Patreon Reward - Picture Perfect Pet

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#30 of Commissions and Rewards

10490 Words

A patreon reward for one of my long time patrons. A couple tries out some pet play, and while they learn a lot about themselves, they may have ended up going a little further than they intended.

I really liked working on this one. Something about the whole scenario clicked, even if I don't think I'm quite dom enough to be a proper pet owner~

Hey, if you like what you're reading, please support me! Details here: Or, if that's too hard, just head there directly: or

This story contains: Trans males, gay couples, love, lust, insecurity, exhibitionist tendencies, getting comfortable in your own fur, pet play, knots, and impregnation. If you like that, keep going!

Jamie nuzzled into his boyfriend's chest, his tail wagging behind him as they cuddled on the couch. The poodle's fur was tightly bunched around his head, the caramel color standing out against Pedro's dark grey fur. The poodle was actually taller than his boyfriend, but it was all in the legs, giving him a tall, svelte look when he kept his fur trimmed. The wolf hound he was dating was much more generically fit, though the fluff of the fur on his chest was the perfect pillow for them to waste time on a silly movie.

Pedro's hands were firm, but gentle, gliding down Jamie's side and under the tank top he wore. Despite them being intimate, and Pedro sitting in only his underwear, Jamie nearly never went without some sort of clothing covering up his chest. Though Pedro could feel the small scars running up the side of his lover, the only signs, other than the medication, of Jamie's transition. The poodle was proud of his svelte frame, loving to show it off in tightly fitted suits and body-tight swimwear, but he was practically a never-nude, still worried about backlash from those little scars under his nipples.

Of course, any thoughts of them were far from the front of his mind as he breathed in his love's scent, listening to the heartbeat and feeling the slow rise and fall of the chest fluff under his ear. Jamie lived for moments like these, hardly even watching the crime drama or whatever Pedro had put on for them to ignore together. He could hear Pedro's tail moving as well, thumping the couch and swishing through the air, unlike the tight cut along Jamie's. It was a natural cut, he wasn't like one of those show poodles, normally, but it still left his tail as more of a whip to the gentle, curling fluff of his boyfriend.

He craned his neck up, his rich brown eyes meeting the stormy blues of Pedro, and with a soft smirk he placed a gentle kiss on Pedro's muzzle. This was met with a soft kiss back, Pedro's second hand coming around for a hug. He soon found himself being pulled tight against the wolf hound, tongues locking together and exploring each other's muzzles, while hands roamed each other's body. Jamie's fingers played through the fur of his love, gently tugging at the longer scruff around his neck, while Pedro's hands slid slowly down Jamie's shirt, then slipped under his pants, making the tail whip even faster as he caressed that tight butt... Then slid a finger into the dampness beneath.

Jamie moaned breathily, looking into Pedro's eyes lustily as his tail hiked high, holding still while his pussy gently massaged his lover's fingers. Pedro just smirked, shutting off the TV and looking his poodle in the eyes. "A little excited today, aren't we?"

Jamie giggled boyishly, kicking his feet in the air as he wiggled his rump into Pedro's palm. "Oh, you know how much fun it is to Netflix and chill... I'd been waiting to get to the 'chilling' part." He growled lustily, biting his lip gently.

Pedro laughed, tapping Jamie on the nose as his hand slipped free, his tongue lolling out to lap at the glistening dampness that clung to his fingers. His underwear was officially tented at this point, the boxers doing practically nothing to hide the shaft throbbing under them, but he didn't leap forward. Instead, he tilted his head, his ear flicking the way it always did when he had an idea he was worried about. In response, Jamie grabbed the hand he'd just licked, gently suckling around his fingers and cleaning off any lingering taste of his own arousal, pulling free with a soft pop, before he giggled again. "Something on your mind? Or would you like me to help you clear it?" His hand slowly trailed up Pedro's thigh, teasing over the throbbing length hidden under the thin layer of fabric.

Pedro's eyes locked on Jamie's muzzle the whole time, clearly loving what he was seeing, but he then looked towards the bedroom. "You know... I had something I wanted to try. Just... to see what we could do. You feeling a little adventurous, Sugar Fluff?"

Jamie grinned, nodding. "You bet, Snuggle Fluff!"

Pedro grinned, getting up and heading towards the bedroom. "Then you wait right here... It won't take long at all." Jamie curled up on the couch, his tail high and swishing back and forth while his boxers continued to catch the dampness leaking from him. He truly wondered what sort of surprise it would be. Something pampering? Or maybe something spicy? Would Pedro be into toys? Would there be fuzzy cuffs getting their cheap fur matted into his luxurious caramel curls?

However, as he pondered the many possibilities, each one making him shudder and his walls clench with anticipation, Pedro walked into the room with reality... namely, his beautiful body bared, a length of red woven fiber wrapped around his hand, leading down to a little metal clip that was attached to a rich teal length of leather, which gently encircled the red, tapered length of his crotch, settling between the soft swell of his uninflated knot and the top of his sheath. Also attached to a different point on the leather band was a small metal ring, from which dangled a small, bone-shaped tag with the word "Sugar" engraved on it.

Jamie looked at the whole setup for a moment, mostly taking in the length he wanted to wrap his lips around and suck free of every ounce of cream, but his ears perked and his head tilted as the rest of it registered. "A collar? What's that for?"

Pedro blushed a little, his face turning nearly as red as his cock, while he twiddled the handle of the leash between his fingers. "Well... I've always loved being dominant, as you well know, but it's... always been a kink of mine to be holding a leash and being in control, you know? Just... sometimes. If that's okay." The wolf hound's ears were back, his tail wagging, but just the tip, nervously. He usually projected so much confidence, it was sweet to see him so awkward around Jamie again. It was a side he'd hardly seen since their first date all those many months ago.

Jamie's eyes sparkled as he stood up, walking steadily towards his boyfriend's nervous, naked form, and knelt down before him. He then took the collar, holding it against his fur. It was a color that complemented the caramel well, much better than the red leash. He nodded, as if approving, before placing the collar around his neck and locking it in place with a clip. The leather was soft and snug, but well crafted. It didn't chafe on his fur or rub against it, if anything, it was more like a choker... present, but definitely an accessory and not a restraint. Jamie moved in it a few times, making sure it was comfortable, before he looked up at Pedro with lust, love, and need in those rich earthen eyes. "What is your wish, master?"

Pedro's tail suddenly sped up behind him, practically making a breeze between his legs that wafted his scent right into Jamie's needy nose. The playful poodle stuck out his tongue, liiiiiicking up the red popsicle before him as he kept his big, sparkling eyes on his love's face. He might not quite get this, but if it was something Pedro wanted to try, who was he to say no?

For Pedro's part, he felt a thrill in his heart as he heard that word and saw the sight before him, his boyfriend kneeling, his round, feminine hips on the floor and his tongue tracing the length of Pedro's cock. He gripped the leash tightly, tugging gently, seeing the collar move slightly, but still pull Jamie along. He thrust his length forward, grinding it against Jamie's muzzle. "Well, my pet... Let's begin by giving you a treat, shall we? A nice little bone to play with." Pre clung to Jamie's face, a small string linking the poodle to the rod he would be working. "And once you've done that, I'll reward you properly for being such a good pet."

Jamie didn't need much encouragement, his eyes never leaving Pedro's as he brought up his hands, gently caressing Pedro's thigh, then roving up to his full, heavy sack, before he worked that hand over the shaft, getting slick pre over his fingers. As that hand disappeared again, his other one took its place, gripping gently around the bulge of the knot as his head leaned forward, the lanky poodle pressing his muzzle down, down, down on that length, his teeth ever so softly rubbing along the length.

His tongue pressed up on the underside of that wonderful cock and he breathed in, tasting the musk and the scent of the pre that was drooling onto his tongue. Like a sommelier savoring a fine wine, he rolled the drip of pre over his tongue, letting it coat the inside of his mouth before he swallowed it down, shuddering at the raw, sweet, virile taste of his lover. Once more his lower lips clenched at nothing, imagining that rod, that raw masculinity pressing into him. It had happened so many times, but in this position, with the leash in his peripheral vision and the collar around his neck... somehow it triggered that primal need deep inside him like he normally only felt when his heat rolled around.

For a moment he remembered he'd have to up his hormone dosage soon, as his heat would be coming by shortly, but he let that thought file itself away as he bobbed on the length, his hand working the base to simulate a clenching pussy around that cock. At the same time, his pre-slickened fingers slid up around his lover's rump, the long, thin digits slowly circling the ring of muscles back there before pressing in, cupping the heavy balls of his lover in the process.

Pedro moaned, tugging on the collar, while his other hand gripped the top of Jamie's head. "Mmmmmph~ Good boy. You know exactly what your master likes. Keep it up and I might not be able to hold back on your treat." He rolled his ass back slightly, pressing those fingers deeper into him until they teased his prostate, his cock bouncing in his pet's muzzle before he pressed forward, emptying his rear and filling up his lover's mouth.

Jamie's tail wagged at the compliment, something about this whole situation hitting him exactly right. He could feel himself dripping, honey flowing from his pussy and rolling down his legs... The sheer amount of it was surprising, as he was always a bit wet, but this? Clearly he liked this more than he thought. He pulled back from the cock thrusting forward, sucking hard on it the whole time until he pulled free with a loud pop, a string of pre drooling down his chin while another pulsed from the throbbing shaft, splashing across his nose. "Anything for my master... I'll be the best pup you could ever want~" He shuddered, feeling the submissive side of him thrill at his words as he gave himself to Pedro. And, rewarding that, Pedro pulled the collar, surprising Jamie, who squealed, then moaned as his mouth was suddenly filled with cock once more.

His fingers continued to work along the tight, clenching muscles of Pedro's ass, the dainty fingers pressing on all the right spots. It wasn't like this was Jamie's first rodeo with his lover... And immediately after the transition, it had been all he'd been willing to do. That had bothered the few boyfriends he'd had... but not Pedro. Sure, maybe the wolf hound missed being the bottom from time to time, but he loved each and every inch of Jamie, even those he rarely saw. And he'd been the first to claim Jamie's pussy as boyfriend and boyfriend, something the poodle held very dear to his heart.

Though nothing so romantic was driving his motions now, his eyes still locked on Pedro's face save for blinking, watching every twitch of the lips, every growl, every moan escaping the wolf hound as he went to town on the poodle's face. Jamie twisted his head, getting on that cock at every angle, feeling it tickling the back of his throat when he went deep and kissed the base, and sliding his tongue along the thick vein on the bottom when a throb or twitch would bring up a delicious little pearl of precum. He could also feel the clenching on his fingers, the balls bouncing in his palm as he worked Pedro's rear end, the wolf hound's tail raised and out of the way for every sloppy sound those fingers made pushing in.

They were absolutely drowned out by the moans and grunts of the cock pushing forward, Jamie's eyes rolling and his face flushing hot as he was taken. Between the hand on his head and tugging of the leash, he was worried he was going to end up getting knotted, and he knew that would make it hard to breathe with how big his love was. That was, conveniently, what his other hand was for, rubbing and caressing the swelling knot, ensuring it wouldn't push too far and stretch out his jaw. He wasn't going to catch it with his fingers or anything, if anything, they were going to make things better, not block it, but he knew how rough a lover could be.

Or, at least, he thought he did. He was suddenly pulled forward, the knot pressing against his nose as Pedro slammed forward. "Oh, pup, your tongue is divine. You're so amazing, Sugar, you're gonna get your treat in no time. You ready? Bark for master." Jamie shuddered, his tail going wild as he let out two excited yips around the cock in his mouth, sending vibrations right into his love's most sensitive nerves. This made Pedro grip all the tighter, wrapping the leash completely taut and pulling Jamie forward as he tried to plunge his cock knot-deep into that jaw.

Fortunately, Jamie knew how to stop himself from getting locked. Unfortunately, he was caught off-guard and completely in the moment as he pressed forward, feeling the knot pop in, then his teeth lock behind it, ensuring Pedro was going nowhere. He pressed his fingers forward, his tongue licking along the cum vein, feeling it pulsing and filling, and he took one last big, deep breath as he pressed against Pedro's prostate.

The wolf hound's howl echoed through the apartment as he came, thrusting so the tip of his cock was against the back of Jamie's throat, pulsing rope after rope of thick, musky seed that clung to the poodle's tongue and shot back out his nose. The dog's eyes rolled back in his head, his throat working both to pleasure that cock as well as to swallow everything it was giving him, and he moaned deeply, his whole body shivering and writhing. His hand worked right along the base of the cock, rubbing it and clenching, acting like a proper pussy while his teeth held the knot in place so he could be claimed fully by his master...

Finally, when he stopped swallowing and pulled his fingers free of his love, when he slumped a little from the pressure so he could get some air in his lungs, even if it was all laced entirely with cum... Finally, when his eyes regained focus and saw Pedro's stormy blues looking down at him with pure love, did Jamie realize he'd cum too. His boxers were soaked, a small puddle of arousal on the floor being added to by every drip of honey still rolling down his legs. He couldn't say much, what with his mouth full, but... this was the first time he'd_ever_ cum like that without his fingers or a toy or his lover buried deep inside him...

He whined as another shock of pleasure pulsed through his body, his jaw slightly sore from letting himself get knotted. Still, his puppy dog eyes sparkled up at Pedro as he said some muffled words around the length lodged in his mouth, to which his master only chuckled, patting his head and giving him a few scratches behind the ears. "You did wonderful, Sugar Fluff. You get any treat you want~." The process of explaining how to, then moving to the bed while still connected knot to muzzle was a beautiful comedy of errors, but once the knot was down and the collar was off, Jamie couldn't help but feel a little empty.

They went back to their normal way of doing things, hanging out, having fun, flirting with each other until, a few days later, they were once more cuddling on the couch, not paying attention to some movie, when Pedro looked at Jamie with a lusty grin. "So... You seem bored, I'm definitely bored... Does my Sugar Pup want to come out to play?"

As much as Jamie tried to hide his excitement, his tail gave it away immediately, thwapping loudly against the couch cushions in an incredible blur. It was hard to hide excitement as a dog... especially from a wolf hound that could read your every emotion. Jamie blushed, trying to pretend like he wasn't quite so eager, but Pedro didn't need confirmation, heading into the back room and coming back out quite similarly, the collar this time swinging in his hands. He looked at Jamie, who had jumped up excitedly, his boxers and the tank top hiding his caramel fur, then let out a small huff of disappointment.

"Bad dog! Sitting on the couch, and wearing clothes... You're going to make a mess of them, like last time. Get those off right now." Jamie looked confused, opening his mouth to argue about how he always had clothes on, and how he still wasn't always comfortable without them, but before a single word could exit his muzzle, Pedro had stepped forward, clamping his hand on the muzzle firmly, taking control. "No whining, pup. Pets don't wear clothes, at least not with Master in charge. And you're too beautiful to be hiding that fur away anyway." In his other hand he swung the collar, frowning and looking at Jamie expectantly.

Jamie tried to open his mouth to say something, but the hand held it shut, and he looked, pleading, but saw a wall there. All the love and all the need was there, the naked wolf hound still throbbing hard, his tail wagging with excitement behind him, but he wasn't going to budge on this front. After a moment Jamie whined, then nodded, starting off by removing his boxers, letting his drenched pussy into the open air. He shuddered, feeling the breeze between his legs from his own tail wagging. He was still excited, his heart pounding, as he was placed under his master's control... Why was it such a turn on?

He looked at Pedro seductively, whining again, as Pedro finally let go of his muzzle. Jamie moved for his tank top, then hesitated, his fingers running over the smooth skin of the scars hiding under his fur... He opened his mouth to say something and caught another stern look. "If the next sound out of your mouth isn't a happy bark at how handsome my good boy's fur is when it's bare, I'm not listening." Jamie swallowed, then nodded, pulling the tank top off in one motion, like pulling a bandaid.

He knew how he looked right now. He spent a lot of time still looking in the mirror, ashamed of the form he'd had to alter to get there. The memories of his old life still stung, those six scars, running in pairs down both his sides, showing where the old him had been cut out and modified... He hadn't felt beautiful then... He still sometimes didn't feel handsome now, but hearing his boyfriend's words, feeling the confidence... and feeling the need welling up inside him, burning between his legs, Jamie barked happily. He would be a handsome good boy for his master.

Pedro grinned, laughing gently as he placed the collar around Jamie's neck, fitting it slightly tighter than he had last time. He had to actually reach up to get to it, the long legs of his tall, slender boyfriend making the buff wolf hound look like a chihuahua by comparison. But he loved everything about his subby boyfriend, from his curly fur and beautiful eyes to his gentle touches and playful tail and, yes, especially the scars around his nipples and the vagina dripping needily between his legs. Jamie was a perfect boyfriend... And he'd be a perfect pet too. "Good boy! You're such a good boy, Sugar! I want to take you out and show everyone how good you are!"

Jamie's eyes widened, shaking his head and whining, staying in character, while Pedro shook his head too. "But you wouldn't like that. Still, I think you should see how good a boy you are." He grabbed the end of the leash, walking slowly through the house, making sure Jamie was following. The poodle, svelte and confident with clothes on, looked much less secure with those thin layers of fabric off. It was like his every movement was trying to hide himself... It was the one thing that bothered Pedro, but he hoped this would help.

He led Jamie into the bathroom, holding up a hand. "Heel." Jamie got face to face... or rather, chest to face with his boyfriend, then stopped. Pedro then pointed to his right. "Look over there boy. What do you see?"

Jamie looked, catching the glimpse of himself in the mirror. Naked from tip to tail apart from the collar around his neck... He averted his eyes for a moment, but Pedro continued. "You know what I see? A good boy! A perfect boy! The most handsome boy I could've ever asked for." The poodle's eyes then looked back up, tracing his own reflection. He looked at the thin, beautiful legs, shapely and with a soft, feminine curve, but rife with boyish charms. He saw the hips going up into the boxy chest, with six tiny cuts, sure, but they were hardly more visible than the nipples themselves, fur curling around and filling in all the spaces.

His eyes trailed down, seeing his crotch, soaking and stained, the tail behind it low and still. But... those folds didn't look so bad, for once. Actually... in a way, they were beautiful, a small flash of pink amid all the caramel, bringing warmth and light to his body. It wasn't the bouncing red rocket next to him, but it was still beautiful in its own way. Slowly his eyes lifted up, tracing up to the collar, the small bone tag with "Sugar" visible, shining so beautifully contrasted with his fur... And then, up the long neck, to his face.

"Who's a good Sugar? Who's a handsome boy?" Pedro said encouragingly, as he was seeing the shift in Jamie's stance. He could see the tail starting to move, the hands resting at his sides instead of hovering in front of him. He could see Jamie looking directly into his own eyes, something he hadn't seen once in all the time they'd been together... He walked up behind his love, caressing up his side, then up his long neck, before he rubbed along Jamie's cheek, his head leaning against the taller poodle's shoulder and looking into the mirror. "You are~" he said in a seductive whisper, punctuating his words with a small thrust that brought the warmth of his rod hovering between Jamie's thighs.

The caramel poodle shuddered, glancing into the stormy blue eyes looking at his in the mirror, before he locked onto his own rich, fertile browns. For years he had seen shame and confusion in those eyes. He'd seen hatred, he'd seen worry... but now he was locked on them, transfixed at the androgenous, but slightly masculine face they rested in... Encouraged by the caress, he leaned forward, looking into his eyes, seeing the confidence, the light perking in them, the sparkle they held. He grinned, barking happily as he looked at Pedro, who shook his head, spanking Jamie and getting a surprised yelp from the collared pet.

"Don't look at me! Look at that handsome boy! Look at the most beautiful pup in the world!" He wrapped the leash around his hand, then pushed Jamie forward a little, forcing the poodle to spread his legs and bend over, but his tail was wagging in the air, his welcoming pucker and drooling lips just beneath. He rubbed his cock forward, dragging them along the slick pussy lips of his lover, while both of them looked in the mirror. "Sugar, I want you to tell me who the most handsome pup in the world is."

He thrust forward, teasing Jamie's clit and making the poodle whine, his head turning back. When it did, Pedro pulled the leash, growling dominantly. "We're not moving until you let me know, pup." There was a whine, but it was met by another thrust, then the tapered tip pulling up, dragging slick arousal right up to rest at Jamie's folds. "If you want to feel your master, I want to hear it."

The whine was soft, a low bark, that was met with just the very tip parting those outer lips. Jamie shook, his tail pressing to the side, his body presenting itself, while the muscles fluttered for the wagging, each phantom movement teasing the tip inside him. He groaned, then barked a little happier. For that he got another inch sinking in, and a slightly tighter pull on the collar. "Look at yourself. Look deep into your eyes and tell me who the most handsome boy is!"

Jamie's eyes roved over his reflection, taking in the sight. He was bent over the sink, his tail up, his head back and slender neck on display from the collar pulling him back. Behind him, his handsome lover was gripping his full hips like a perfect handle, looking with pure love at the face reflected. And then he finally met his own eyes... They were filled with lust, true, but also love. Not just for Pedro, either... for once, as he let Pedro dominate him and force him to see himself... he could feel the love swelling in his heart. He was hot, he was beautiful... he was handsome. He barked loudly, pressing back as he did, only to point his nose directly at his reflection.

Pedro didn't pull away, sinking all the way in until the gentle swell of his uninflated knot teased against Jamie's clit. "Good... Now, Sugar... you have two options. Do you want me to rut you senseless, barking like a good boy? Or do you want to get some special stress relief, seeing what only my most beautiful, handsome pet can do?" He leaned forward, pulling the leash tight and whispering up into Jamie's floppy ears. "If so, you'll have to speak properly. Tell your master who the most handsome boy is~" He then, with his cock buried deep inside Jamie, dragged another smooth, warm sensation between Jamie's legs, teasing at his clit.

The poodle couldn't look down due to the collar, and his fingers held the sink tightly as he looked in the mirror, trying to find out what was teasing him and what Pedro had in mind. He could find out in oh so many ways: wait until after this play time, ask for the collar to come off, bark and be rutted and see what happened... But he needed to know. And, moreover, he truly believed the words he was about to say. It was a quick yelp, almost like a bark, but he got it out in the end. "Me! I'm the most handsome boy! Sugar Fluff! Your Jamie!"

"That's what I like to hear!" Pedro grinned as he pulled his hips back, making Jamie shudder at the sudden emptiness, not feeling like he'd gotten a reward. It took a few seconds for Pedro to prepare the surprise, but a moment later something was teasing the hole that had just been emptied, while something warm and throbbing was teasing the ring just above it. It didn't take a genius to realize what had happened, as Pedro had clearly figured out a very creative use for the strapon they played with from time to time, and a moment later, he was slowly pressing his honey-slick dick into the tight, awaiting pucker, the toy sliding into the honeypot slowly.

Jamie groaned, about to look back and reach under himself, when Pedro pulled the leash, growling dominantly and stopping, his tip juuuust teasing open his love's ass. "Hey now, pup. I said look at your handsome self. And I expect to hear two things: you moaning and barking in pleasure, and you saying how beautiful you are. Bad boys get punished. Good boys get bred~." Jamie nodded, whining, then letting out an enthusiastic bark and leaning against the sink. Again, as he looked into his own eyes, he watched them widen, his face twisting with pleasure, pressure, and lust as Pedro did the work of two, filling both his pet's holes with inch after inch of cock, both real and fake.

Jamie's eyes rolled back in his head, then squeezed tight as his body did the same, clenching around the twin lengths inside him. The dildo was nice, filling, pressing against the sensitive walls, but it didn't even begin to compare to the throbbing wolf hound cock filling up his ass. He didn't let Pedro back there often; he had a perfectly good hole just a few inches away, but this was pure heaven. The sensitive nerves of his pussy were gently squeezed between both the fake and real cock, making his body spasm and shock with pleasure. And when Pedro pulled out, the slooooooow tease of his length along the sensitive ring and the even sloooooower drag of the false rod over his clit had him panting and moaning, one hand on the leash as he tried to process all the pleasure.

The rutting proper began after that, Pedro growling and thrusting into his lover with slow, deliberate strokes. He was going to make Jamie feel all the love he had for the poodle, one inch at a time. But he also knew just how sensitive it could be to be the bottom, especially when you didn't do it often, and with TWO cocks filling the handsome boy shuddering beneath him, he made sure to keep the ride gentle in the grand scheme of things.

Jamie could feel the swell of the knot pressing against his ring and his eyes shot open, wondering if he was going to end up locked with his lover again. He tried to look in the mirror to catch a signal from the fluffy wolf hound, but instead all he saw was himself: his face scrunched up beautifully in pleasure, his tongue lolling from his mouth with abandon. His fur gleamed with the sweat and the effort of their mating, his pussy stretched and glistening as drips of honey were pulled free, clinging to his clit before dripping to the floor. For the first time, he saw himself not just as a male, but as a sexual male... and a damn sexy one too. He looked straight into his eyes right as Pedro slammed forward, threatening to either lock himself out of Jamie, or otherwise in.

Jamie could feel the sensation swelling up, and how just... amazingly beautiful he was, and between his barks, moans, and whines, he cried out in orgasm, feeling his pussy spasming as he launched over the edge "I'm your handsome boy~!" With that he pressed back, wondering if he'd get bred or punished for speaking. When he met the wolf hound's hips moving forward, stretching his ring just that tiny bit wider before the knot popped in, locking them together... He knew he'd done the right thing. That made his tail, shaky as it was, wag back and forth, that muscle movement mixing with the thrusting, the clenching, and everything else. He felt so full, so warm, so... fulfilled, and it made him feel truly, truly beautiful. Just like the most handsome boy.

He was still very much in the throes of his orgasm as Pedro's small humps worked against the sensitive spots inside him. He might not have had a prostate to tease, but the sensation of the toy and the warm cock both locked in small thrusts, filling him completely and reaching as deep as they could possibly go kept him in bliss. His ass hurt a little from the knot, but the pleasure of it inside him, the squeezing against his sensitive inner walls, and the base rutting back and forth in his pucker had him moaning, his tongue lolling out, his eyes rolling back. And then Pedro tugged the leash hard, using it as leverage to thrust forward and howl. The knot pulsed wider, the only hint of a disappointing orgasm being that the toy didn't do the same, but that thought was flooded from Jamie's body as rivulets of cum rushed deep into his backdoor, flooding his body with warmth. He shuddered, naked, knotted, and leashed as his master filled him to the brim. He could almost imagine it swelling out his stomach, then flooding through his body and shooting out his mouth... but that was a pipe dream, one he whined and ground his ass back for, wishing it could happen.

Stuffed full of both lengths, Jamie leaned forward, the collar tight on his neck as he was trying to catch his energy again. Pedro saw it, starting to loosen the leash, his other hand going for the buckle, when Jamie stopped him, whining and shaking his head. He didn't speak, just wagged his tail and looked into Pedro's eyes with those beautiful, big, brown puppies of his own. Pedro chuckled, then kissed Jamie on the cheek. "Okay, Sugar Fluff, we'll stay this way for a little while. We'll both savor the most handsome boy in the world~." Jamie barked excitedly, then slumped forward, his ass squeezing the cock inside it from time to time as he let the warm glow of the cum meld with the warm glow he was feeling deep inside.

From time to time over the next few days the collar would come out even for non-sexy times. Every so often Jamie would just sit with it on, or walk around the house. He was never naked without the collar, but once it came out, he seemed more comfortable, listening to his master and even starting to take pride in showing his shiny fur.

It was during one of these sessions, as Pedro gently caressed Jamie's hair and Jamie was nuzzling Pedro's crotch, that Pedro brought up an idea he'd had. Jamie was particularly playful and horny today, as he often was in the week or two before his heat kicked in. But when Pedro saw how eager he was, he pulled out the leash, twirling it around his finger. "You know, Sugar Fluff, I've been thinking... You're a wonderful pet, but I have been being a terrible owner, keeping you all cooped up in the house. How about we go for a little walk?"

At this Jamie's eyes went wide, his tail stopping as he whined softly. Being naked and proud of his body in the comfort of his own home was one thing... being out there where people could see him was something different. There was a moment when he was going to argue, but he held himself back, knowing a good pet didn't talk when the master held the leash. However, Pedro wasn't being quite so stern, reading Jamie's hesitant body language. "Look, I wouldn't want you in full pet mode... not unless you want to be. I was thinking maybe you put on something nice, I do too, we have a little bit of a time out... I'm just holding a leash, showing the world how much I love my handsome pup. Maybe let me pick out an outfit and just... be ourselves, you know? And, if you have any worries, you can speak, Jamie."

With the permission, Jamie's next whine poured out into words. "I'm just... nervous. You know how I dress, right? You wouldn't make me do anything that'd make me uncomfortable though... would you?"

Pedro thought about it, then shook his head. "Maybe push the envelope a bit, but to that end, I'll give you a safe word. If you're feeling uncomfortable, for any reason, say "Swordfish" and we'll figure out the level of response, whether it's just stopping that or dropping everything and rushing home. And you wouldn't have to do any of the 'pet' stuff unless you want to. That sound good to you?"

Jamie sighed, visually relieved, as he nodded and barked happily, going back into pet mode. Pedro then chuckled, getting up and clipping the leash on Jamie's collar. "Good, let's get you in something fancy for our night out, Sugar."

The two dressed up for the evening out, both in outfits a little more lavish than they normally would do. Pedro had a brown leather jacket he had been wanting to wear, ending up in a stylish semi-punk look as he matched that with jeans, matching brown leather martens, and a set of tight jeans. Honestly, the cool guy look had Jamie swooning, even though he wasn't quite so comfy in his own clothes. Jamie tried to always look stylish with slacks and patterned button ups, but this time he was being put in his skimpier clubbing clothes. Some tight jean shorts, a mesh top with a built in tank top, and one of Pedro's blazers if it got too cold, with sneakers for ease of walking around. It was... well, he'd normally have to be pretty drunk to be out in this, but with Master holding his leash, he worked up the courage to exit out in the rest of the world.

At first the date was a little awkward. Try as he might, Jamie couldn't get over the self-conscious walk that tried to hide himself away, even though there was no covering his clothing. He kept the blazer on and his head low, with the leash being the only really odd thing about the duo's look. However, when they got to the restaurant to eat, seating in the booth, the building was too warm for the blazer to stay on. He had to either take it off or cook... And so he finally bared his fur in the mesh top.

Immediately he could feel eyes turning towards him, his heart starting to beat faster as his mind raced. They must be staring at his scars, or questioning what gender he was supposed to be. Maybe they were just gearing up to yell, or make a huge stink over a good, old fashioned gay pairing... He winced, looking around to look at the people around him. Cats, dogs, birds, deer... seemingly a million eyes from a million species. And yet, as he looked, not a one was hostile. There were some intrigued, some curious... some looking at his body approvingly, some simply jealous, but... None of the hatred he expected.

His ears stopped being pinned back and he sat up, looking across the table to see Pedro smirking at him, the leash dangling softly from where he'd hidden it under the table, the end twirling in his fingers. "You're such a drama queen sometimes, Sugar. You really should know better." It was a gentle ribbing, but even so Jamie blushed, looking around again. He expected more eyes, but they were gone back to their meals, not a care in the world about him and his mesh clothing, no glances at his scars or judging his fur or hair... Just people out enjoying their meals whose eyes had been drawn to a handsome poodle taking off his jacket.

The telltale thumping of a whip-like tail on vinyl seating drew a chuckle from Pedro, who leaned forward on the table. When Jamie was distracted, looking away, he rolled his eyes, tugging on the leash to pull Jamie closer before he pulled the poodle into a full, deep kiss. This got more attention, a few more heads turning, and yet again, there was no hatred. Maybe one or two parents disgusted at the public display, but... right now, Jamie didn't care. His tail was like a fan, making a cool breeze that chilled his back fur as he pressed forward, meeting Pedro's muzzle and kissing him deeply, showing his affection for that he'd been given. Their heads tilted, tongues twirling and twisting together, lips locked in passion as breath passed between them, barely being released...

And then the waitress coughed, the round robin placing down the full plates of food they'd both ordered. "Enjoy your meal, you two. You do make a lovely couple." She then lowered her voice, pointing to the side with her pencil at a small family with a scowling mother. "Though, maybe tone it down a little? Mrs. Karen Rathers really earns her first name, and I wouldn't want you being asked to leave." She then moved to the table in question, her customer service voice already in full swing as she tried to placate the motherly cougar.

Jamie and Pedro looked at each other, then at the food, then shared a hearty laugh, finally easing properly into conversation deeper than the weather and off-handed replies. Jamie had to admit, he'd missed anything from before he took off the blazer, but now that his thoughts weren't all self-deprecating, he was much more ready to enjoy the evening.

And enjoy they both did. From food they went to a movie, cuddling up near the front for the romantic comedy and some kissing in the dark where nobody would mind. Then a walk together through the park, holding hands with the leash between them, fingers curled together through the loop and the wolf hound's head resting on the taller poodle's shoulder. The stars were lovely, a chill in the air breezing through Jamie's fur, but he didn't mind it. He actually was reveling in the cold, his nipples hard, his fur on end... and out in the open, where he could be proud of his body.

For once, he was proud of his body. He leaned his head over, kissing Pedro's cheek. "Thank you, Snuggle Fluff. It's been a wonderful evening."

"I'm glad Sugar Fluff." He then tugged the leash gently, grinning at his boyfriend. "But... let's go make it a wonderful night too, don't you agree, Sugar?" The poodle barked excitedly, feeling his crotch already dampening as they both eagerly made their way back home.

A few days later, Jamie was nuzzling against Pedro's crotch, kissing the fuzzy package while they lounged on the bed. Jamie knew his heat was coming soon, as his libido always kicked up a notch, but he was procrastinating on taking the extra hormones to try and mitigate it. For one, he felt comfortable in himself, and wanted to relish his new pride, but for two, it always made him feel sick... He could wait until he started showing proper signs.

Both of them were playing on their phones, just passing the time and lounging naked together, when suddenly Pedro stood up, a determined look on his face. "Sugar! Heel." Immediately Jamie's tail started wagging and he hopped up, running to Pedro's side. Pedro turned, a stern look on his face, while his hands slowly caressed up the side of Jamie's leg, then up his side, before caressing the happy poodle's cheek. The caramel puppy leaned into the touch, looking into Pedro's eyes lovingly... and lustily.

"Just as I thought... You've got a lot of energy you need to get out. You need a walk. Stay right here." He grinned, walking towards the closet, but as Jamie went to move, Pedro held out a hand, his voice a dominant growl. "I said stay!" Jamie stopped, returning to his spot with his heart pounding. Had he upset his master? But Pedro just smirked. "Now now... You're going to be a good pet on this walk, aren't you? Apart from the safeword, I don't expect a word from you. You're gonna listen to everything I have to say. You'll follow me, you'll bark, you'll heel... You will do that, won't you?"

Jamie barked the affirmative, his crotch glistening with arousal, while he watched Pedro's cock slowly growing from the situation and thoughts of what was to come. Of course, the poodle was nervous... pet play wasn't something you did outside, but so long as it wasn't too obvious...

That's when Pedro pulled out the collar and the outfit. The collar was fine, the usual, but the outfit was skin tight, incredibly revealing pieces of teal fabric that didn't cover more than the top nipples on Jamie. It was all the rage in gay fashion, but wouldn't even pass a test for a bikini. With it was what could only be described as booty shorts, a bedazzled bone pattern across the back with "Sugar" across it. With the same outfit was a pair of long gloves and thigh-high socks with the toes free. They culminated at a set of sandals that looked like they'd wrap up the whole of Jamie's leg. It was... well, a very sub, feminine outfit, but all very revealing without giving too much away on a man. But it was right on that line for Jamie, who remembered when he'd hit puberty, three sets of breasts growing in and shame coming from any of the six being uncovered...

He whined at the outfit, but his tail was still wagging, his nervousness clearly not from the outfit itself. It honestly looked kind of cute, if very revealing: it was going to turn heads for sure. But Pedro was smiling away as he gave the pieces to his pet. "Now now, you're going to look lovely. Just the most handsome man out and about today. And when you look as good as you do, you've got to show it off! Make the world a better place by showing them the sexiest bod alive." He smirked as Jamie began pulling on the clothes. "If you've got it, Sugar, you flaunt it. And I've got the most beautiful pet around."

Jamie's heart soared at all the compliments, repeating them to himself whenever a thought of doubt would come. He trusted his Master, sure, but beyond that he trusted Pedro. The wolf hound had shown him more in the last few weeks than he ever would have been comfortable with before, and if he could wear this outside... well, he'd prove he was one of the guys, like he'd always felt deep down.

When the clothes were all on, he stood in front of the mirror, twirling at the revealing outfit. He'd seen less on men, particularly at clubs... but women would get in trouble for being so naked. And yet, as he looked in the mirror, he didn't see a bitch playing dressup, but a man showing off his beautiful figure. His pussy clenched, excitement trilling through him, which was only heightened as fingers brushed over his neck, the collar sliding around and settling into place with the gentle clinking of the buckle near his ear. As it was pulled tight, he could hear Pedro's voice whispering against his fur. "Remember: bad boys get punished. Good boys get bred. Can you be a good boy for Master?"

Jamie barked excitedly, nodding as he leaned into the touches, only for the hands to pull away, coming back around with the leash once more. "Well then, let's go, shall we?" Pedro wasn't wearing much more: the broad daylight was too much for the punk look he'd been rocking. He was in a tight jogging outfit, with short shorts and a tight zip-up top, giving a good alibi that the couple would be going for a walk... at least if you ignored the leash. He then smirked, walking to the door and tugging on the bright red fabric. "Let's go. I have a handsome boy to introduce to the world."

It was more than an introduction, it was an announcement. All eyes were on the pair as they walked down the street, clearly showing off a sex thing with confidence. There were a few murmurs, and a few whispers, particularly when Jamie would bark a reply to one of Pedro's orders. He could hear the whispers, though: "Who are those men?" "Is this some kind of sex thing?" "Man, I wish they weren't gay, I'd be all over that..."

But the one that stood out wasn't a whisper. It was a young child loudly yelling after they walked past. "Mommy! What are those men doing? Why is he on a leash like Spot?" The mom clearly was trying to silence the kid, and when she saw the glance from Jamie, she apologized with her eyes, but he couldn't even be mad. The thrill of being on display, of showing who he was and who he loved... it had him going nuts. His tail was a metronome at full speed, his stride confident, his chest out and loving every moment of it.

And not just his mind. Between his legs there was a fire burning, though his pussy seemed to be trying to put it out. The exhibitionism, the eyes on him, the confirmation of who he was, and even more, being next to Pedro who seemed entirely cool for the whole situation... it was hot. It was beyond hot. Heat coming or no, he was going to be ripping clothes off the second he got through the door. The precautions could wait until he was showing signs.

After a nice, long walk around the park a few times, Pedro stretched, then grinned at Jamie. "I think it's time for a bathroom break, don't you?" He stood there near the toilets, looking almost expectant, but Jamie wasn't falling for anything this time. Instead of leading the way, the leashed pet stayed obedient, looking at his master lovingly. This just got him a wide, if slightly disappointed, grin. "Awww, I wanted to scold you, but you're too good a pup." He started towards the tree, whispering right into Jamie's ear. "You've been fantastic... and you know what happens to good boys." He gently stroked his hand over the soaked front of Jamie's clothes, practically sticking the fabric to his sensitive, dripping clit.

As they reached a point off the path surrounded by trees, Pedro looked at Jamie expectantly. After a confused head tilt, Pedro shook his head. "Well, go pee! It's not like pets can use the bathroom. Though, if you're nervous, I could go with you..."

Jamie's ears went back, one quick glance around showing, apart from the bushes and leaves... they weren't that hidden. Hidden enough to be decent if nobody came over, but what if they got caught? And then he felt the collar around his neck, looking down the leash to where it was being held, then up to those stormy blue eyes full of questioning, love, lust, and conviction. Jamie then nodded, pawing at Pedro's shorts before he squatted down, removing his own tight clothing.

The thick strings of honey and the musky scent of arousal and sweat rushed into the air, making Jamie shudder with pleasure and Pedro growl lustily. However, both were a little preoccupied, and there were more than enough distractions and explanations to ignore the spiciness of the scent. Jamie spread his legs, his swollen, aroused pussy inches from the ground, before he pawed once more at Pedro. The wolf hound chuckled, then pulled down his shorts, preparing his hard, shaft right at eye level for Jamie.

And that was when the moment hit him. He was just a few leaves from being discovered, from being outed for his gender status... and he didn't care. He knew he was male, even as he squatted down while Pedro stood up, even while his musk didn't quite match up with Pedro's... it didn't matter. He shuddered, somehow finding enough relaxation to release, the flow his master had asked for beginning into the ground beneath him. Simultaneously Pedro let out a relieved groan, his head lolling back as he looked up at the trees, but Jamie wasn't nearly so distracted.

His eyes were on that wonderful red rod, releasing its contents across the trunk of the tree in front of them. The way it glistened with Pedro's sweat, the way it throbbed and twitched with his heartbeat... the smell, the musk, the closeness, the trust they were showing each other by being so openly vulnerable with only each other to count on... Jamie's eyes narrowed, his target locked, his pussy clenching, releasing a small squirt of a stream to join the puddle they were both making. As distracted as he was, he didn't notice the strength of his own musk, nor the fact that it was more than arousal starting to burn through his loins. And while Pedro didn't notice it either, his body did, his stream arcing near the end as he got harder, the last few drips rolling down the length before being shaken off.

If Jamie had been at all into watersports past this point, he would've been licking that wonderful rod. But as it was, he didn't want to push his luck, and he had too much he wanted to get done. He pulled on his shorts again, standing up, before he kissed Pedro on the cheek, growling sexily. Pedro got the hint as he did up his own clothes, a lewd grin spreading across his muzzle. "Why yes, I do think it's time to go home, my good boy~. They've seen enough of you for now... it's time for me to enjoy my pet." He growled dominantly, sending a shiver down Jamie's spine, and they both started power walking back towards the apartment, not wanting to miss a beat, but far too eager to pull the illusion off or notice the important scent Jamie left behind.

The second they got to the apartment clothes went flying, and before Jamie could even bark their lips were locked, hands roaming down to each other's pleasure centers, with delicate fingers caressing, stroking, and tugging on that throbbing meat between the wolf hound's legs, while rough, eager, strong fingers curled their way into the delicate, swollen folds of the poodle. The long gloves and the socks stayed on, the effort of ripping them off too much, as they made it all the way to the bedroom without breaking the kiss.

Right as they reached the bed Pedro spun Jamie around, pushing him lightly on the back and holding the leash. It caused him to fall onto the bed, legs spread, ass up. His tail curled to the side, and the leash taut, pulling against his throat and holding him in position. He moaned, spreading his legs wider and shaking his rear. "You've been a very good boy, Sugar. And you know what good boys get." The thought of being bred locked hard in Jamie's mind, hitting exactly the right spot and making him even wetter as he braced himself.

Pedro didn't hesitate, and this time he didn't tease, being driven on by a primal need for the beautiful poodle ass in front of him. His cock lined right up with Jamie's pussy, sinking in with a hard thrust that filled the bottom up and made him sing and howl with delight. Every nerve was on fire for the subby pet, his muscles fluttering and clenching, while Pedro seemed to be more sensitive than ever, his cock twitching within the warm, wet confines of his love's delicate flower. He ground the base of his cock against Jamie's ass, the tip teasing right against the poodle's cervix, before he pulled out, the gentle swell of his knot already noticeably larger.

Jamie felt himself spread wide, that knot pressing against every sensation inside him. He felt beautiful, handsome, powerful, needy... He wanted to be taken by his Master, filled up and bred until he was full of puppies... He groaned, pressing back slightly while Pedro tried to pull free, only for the leash to be pulled tight, making him yelp and gasp and moan from the sensation. "You have to let your master be in charge," said the lusty, dominant voice that made his very soul shudder. "You know the safeword to make it stop... until then, you just focus on feeling amazing and slamming into me as I push forward."

The panting breath of the wolf hound even reached the poodle's shoulders despite the distance between the two, the tight leash keeping them apart. Pedro's eyes roamed over that beautiful back, catching glimpses of the fertile brown eyes that glanced back so lovingly. He growled, slamming in while he pulled on the collar, making Jamie pull back. Their hips crashed together, Jamie yelping in pleasure, huffing and panting as he was suddenly spread so full, before immediately being emptied again. But already the next thrust was slightly larger, the knot already trying to swell and hold his innermost chamber shut. His clit was teased with every motion, his pussy pulling and milking, coating the cock in layer after layer of honey as he practically squirted arousal with every motion.

Soon enough Pedro was grunting, his knot reaching its size limit and popping in and out of the tight, plump lower lips that practically were trying to swallow it. The thrusts were harder, but each time that huge knot spread him larger, Jamie growled and howled, breathing in sharply and letting it out in a long, low shudder that was building like a train whistling in the distance, but rushing ever nearer. It was during one of the big, deep breaths that Jamie finally caught the scent, the first hint of a heat... And suddenly realized the danger he was in. He whined, words about to come out, when the collar was pulled, the knot threatening to lock inside before it popped free again, achingly wonderful and making Jamie's knees shudder. "Now now, pup! Bad boys are punished, good boys are bred~!"

"You don't know the half of it," thought Jamie, trying to calculate the risk. He could be a bad boy, break the moment, call out the safeword... It would end all of this safely, ensure nothing bad happened... And yet, he couldn't find the breath. The deep breaths he was taking, nearly pushed out of him each time that cock slammed into him and tried to rearrange his insides, weren't for that. They were only for the howls of pleasure, each one pushing out all thoughts of stopping. There was a risk, sure... But it was only a risk. Who heard of a trans male getting pregnant?

"But I hope I do," he found himself thinking, a thought that had never occurred. Suddenly, looking at the wall of the bedroom with his neck in the collar, he wished he could see the mirror. He closed his eyes, seeing the sexy male form being rutted senseless by his boyfriend, seeing the lust, the love, the beauty... everything that body contained. And then he looked lower, seeing a full swell to that taught, svelte caramel furred stomach...

His eyes snapped open as he slammed back, pushing the knot into him, then he actively clamped down his muscles, locking it in place as it swelled even larger. The pressure pressed against his clit, making the poodle let out a loud, orgasmic howl while heated honey rushed from his pussy, coating Pedro's cock and inner thighs with the pheromone-heavy liquid. His heart pounded, only to rush even faster as the wolf hound's howl joined his, then warmth bloomed deep inside his pussy, filling it to the brim and then some. He could feel it leaking, the howl turning into a whine for each drop that dared try to escape past the wolf hound's huge knot.

"There's no way I could be so lucky," thought Jamie as the vision in his mind faded, his arms giving out as he flopped forward onto the bed, knot buried deep inside him, each pulse of cum almost trying to push his belly a little further out. He moaned, then nuzzled back as Pedro landed on top of him, holding him tightly and kissing and licking all across his neck, shoulders, and face. The contented purrs and happy yips were met with more kisses and a few words that broke the hold. "I love you, Jamie," said Pedro as he ground his knot forward, pushing one more spurt of cum right where it needed to be.

"I love you too, Pedro," Jamie panted out, his eyes fluttering closed. He didn't realize how hard that rutting had been, or how much energy had been used being excited around the park earlier. He'd mention the heat when he woke up, then laugh about his thoughts... after all, it's not like the virile swimmers flooding his womb had just found a fertile field or anything...

When Jamie woke the next morning, only then pulling the knot free and letting the seed spill from his womb, he wasn't feeling the arousal he had been."Must have been a false alarm," he thought, trying to plan for when his heat would next arrive. It would have to be any day now. But when any day turned into a couple weeks, he started to worry, and the first time he woke up feeling queasy for no reason, he knew what he had to do.

That afternoon, Pedro was laying on the couch alone and naked, his cock at half mast, when he called out to Jamie in the bathroom. "Hey... you feeling frisky when you come out of there, pup?"

Inside, however, Jamie was looking at the little plastic stick... all three of them, all confirming the same thing. He then grinned, picking them up and strutting out of the bathroom with a huge smile on his face. He might not have planned it, but he was going to give Master a surprise. And the look as he responded to Jamie's bark, only to have his eyes widen in shock, then the grin spread with happiness... It made the punishment for being a naughty boy and not saying anything entirely worth it.