chapter 5: got milk?

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#5 of bob and co.: a dog's life

Got milk?

the week after freddie's birthday he woke up only to find himself tied to a bed he looked to his right and saw bob tied to a similar bed with his dick encased in plastic with a tube leading to a machine with two tubes coming out of it the other tube led to his plastic cased dick he tried to swear but the gag in his mouth prevented him from doing so "ah I see your awake now we can start" said a familiar voice from behind him he looked back and saw his mate Aiyana in the same lingerie from his party bob was getting the same from jenna " I guess you two are wondering why you are in this situation?" said jenna "well we reckon you two think you're the dominant ones well we're going to prove you aren't, Aiyana, Hun, turn on the machine please" Aiyana flicked a switch on the machine and a dildo in the boys' asses started to vibrate then Aiyana turned a knob and the vibrations got worse and worse until the boy's couldn't hold on to their cum any longer, so Aiyana flicked another switch and the tube on their plastic cock covers started sucking the cum from them.

Freddie looked at Aiyana with pleading eyes saying please stop this "no" replied Aiyana so freddie held on to his cum harder "nope that won't do" cried jenna as she turned the vibration knob up more, which made Freddie cum instantly. The milking went on for hours, after eight hours bob and freddie didn't have any cum left. Then jenna

noticed that during the time Aiyana had fell asleep. Jenna giggled she tied her down with her legs spread on a spare bed, when Aiyana woke up she saw she was tied down then she saw jenna walking towards her with a dildo with a tube that was attached to the machine but all she could do was shake her head and look at jenna pleadingly but jenna wasn't having any of it she thrust the dildo in Aiyana's pussy and walked towards the machine and set it to blow, then a torrent of bob and freddie's cum shot through the tubes into her uterus Aiyana moaned as eight hours worth of cum was shoved into her pussy, later on jenna untied them all, Aiyana rushed to the loo with cum dripping from her as bob and freddie started discussing their revenge.