Gifted love

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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Gifted love

The sun was setting for the last day of February, where the only clear lights were the ones shining on the windows of a loft building at the outskirts of a busy city blinking its lights with the first dark. Inside the 5th floor of that living flat there was a young wolf named Shiro. His grey-white fur covering a tall strong muscled body was hidden under a nice red t-shirt, black denim jeans and a pair of black socks. The red blood-like eyes where looking at a black and silver laptop computer over the glass table in front of the red fuzzy sofa he was sitting at and his arms were folded looking at the screen where the white square of the text processor sheet showed the alternating writing pointer on it. The strong wolf was concentrated as he started at the screen with a patient face, but then he sighed in frustration and grabbed the sides of his head, saying "Aw, I'm not inspired anymore". Shiro was a script writer at a videogame studio and he wasn't pleased of his recent creativity blocks around his mind. He used to write short stores as a hobby and practice at the same time, living with his beloved vixen lover on the loft. The entrance door of the big flat opened and so a vixen entered inside: it was Kiowa. She was smiling on a nice tank top and short shorts, showing her blue sky fur except her white hands and feet which showed a purple color border and also the two stripes under her eyes were purple. She walked with a nice glee on her red ruby eyes shining with the light and happily said with a cheerful gasp "Shi-chan!"

Kiowa was coming back from her usual ninja training of Sunday. She was a vixen girl that, even if she didn't look, her family was a legendary clan of ninjas, the Kitsune, bound on her blood of dark spirit fox. She has trained her arts since she was a child, but she also like to draw and now she shares her two skills balanced, training hard by all means and drawing hard for improvement too. Shiro met her when he was at the karate team at college, and let's say she found him strong and cute, yet kind and cheerful.

She sat next to Shiro on the wide chair, giggling. Shiro looked to a side, a bit amazed for the time it was, saying "Oh, Kiowa... You came earlier"

Kiowa nodded as she hugged her lover from a side, whispering "You know what day is today, right?"

Shiro nodded, feeling the pressure of the lovely hug "Your birthday, of course"

Kiowa smiled giggling shortly and said "That's right, and so I have a present for the both of us" and so her right eye winked in a coded sense.

The night was getting darker, having the moon at its full state as the only point of light in the sky. The shine of the white full moon was able to be looked from the window of the loft, just next to the lover coupe at the sofa. As the kitsune she was, Kiowa adored the full moon, and this made her body react to the romantic pearly light of that night. She quickly removed her dress, showing a nice set of bandages as underwear which she used to change every day, over her round breasts and thin plain belly and hips. Kiowa smiled as she felt how the bandages got wet: She was in heat. Her crotch was sweating with a sweet aroma while her breasts started to milk as an effect of her awaited estrus induced by the full moon. Shiro grinned as he took off his shirt and said "Let's do this slowly, shall we?"

Kiowa kept her smile as she slipped a hand on Shiro's crotch, grabbing the denim tissue and rubbing it firmly, saying "Let me do something first" Shiro blushed with a low sexy growl coming from his throat as he saw her placing the buttons out and finding his bulging private bits hidden under some black boxer shorts with red cotton stitches and also a red elastic band wrapping his hips. The vixen soon rubbed that big bump and unveiled a nice slightly aroused piece of lupine flesh, showing its pink color and size, about 9 inches and even without being hardened at all. Kiowa stared at it as her lower bandages soon started to get wetter for the reaction of finding a male.

Shiro only could watch her gazing at his member, so he rubbed the greenish short hair of her. The ninja vixen hummed like hungry and so she placed her lips on the huge cherry the tip of that meatloaf had, licking it slowly with her small yet dexterous tongue. Then she started to spread the fluids of her mouth with the moist tongue over the surface of the gifted organ of her male mate, covering all over it as her throat released moaning sounds and pants. She gave a last deep lick to the down side of the shaft, leaving it completely hard so it achieved its maximum size of twelve inches. The male wolf had a grin on his face, looking at the bandages she was wearing, so he showed his sharp nails and soon, with sudden swift cuts from his limbs the bandages tore off into a cloud of cotton, showing Kiowa's stand body naked at all senses.

Kiowa's most sensitive parts were outraged: her breasts were trembling with breast milk, her face was terribly blushed, showing a face of surprise and she tried to hide her moist intimacy with her hands. Still, Shiro could sense both scents coming from her, making his brain switch into a more instinctive, primitive way to think, very usual as the wolf he was: great hunters and mating machines. He stood up and made a step to be close to Kiowa, touching and passing her right side with his accurate sharp hands and moving his head towards her face, so he French kissed her into a tango for their both tongues. The right hand of the wolf soon started to pass her left thigh and moved to the left, finding the kunoichi's most sensitive part. Two of the fingers pushed inside the labia and the palm placed on the upper side, pressing her clit softly. She soon took her tongue out of her lover and moaned with every shock of pleasure that couple of fingers were giving to her like low voltage shocks into her skin. Her nipples were rock hard the moment that hand invaded her vagina and her face was totally covered into a shade of deep crimson red due to the heat and blood stacked up due to the heat that pleasure was stacking up inside her body.

Shiro looked at her ruby-like eyes with his lips being licked by his own tongue, like if he was hungry. The wolf soon flexed down his legs and took his fingers out from the dripping cunt, grabbing Kiowa's legs and swiftly making her fall over her back, laid on the green carpet of the loft wooden floor. The vixen girl chuckled with the hit on her own back, the wolf soon moved his head to her lower limbs, as he found the source of the sweet aroma coming from her crotch. Kiowa could only whisper "No, please... not with the tongue"

Kiowa didn't like to be licked there as she found Shiro's tongue so thick and rugged, she wouldn't control her moans, in other words, she wanted to control her pleasure, and being licked didn't make the trick for her. Shiro placed the surface of his tongue, covering her pube with the mouth and so the moist flexible muscle his tongue was started to tickle her with pleasure. Kiowa felt how the wolf mouth was giving her enormous amounts of pleasure as the tip of the tongue drill her nectar filled walls a bit. She was waiting this moment so hard, she couldn't let her throat stop moaning, until she made a last moan louder, filling the brave wolf's lips with her milky fluids. She was completely blushed, looking at the head of the alpha male she just teased. He took his mouth quickly and gave a nice smile before cleaning his dirty lips with his right arm, saying "tasty... you are just like a bitch in heat".

Kiowa, trembling and quiet, looked with her red eyes at Shiro's muscled body, as her chest moved in and out because of the irresistible amount of pleasure her body suffered. Shiro wasn't finished yet, as he showed his massive boner and sat on the floor, wrapping his sides with Kiowa's legs, placing his meat over Kiowa's belly so she could see the huge member she desired all this time. The little vixen only could whine "Please, do not rape me..."

Shiro chuckled at her acting, leaning over her body with a devious grin, showing his sharp wolf teeth and saying "Really? You smell like a bitch in heat, so I can't really let you go"

The wolf pulled his hips, aiming his rod at Kiowa's front door, rubbing the tip between her nether lips and then, he pushed his hips with sudden push, tearing her moist walls and letting that fleshy blade invade her body. Kiowa screamed in a quick loud moan, as her legs crossed together by the ankles and surrounded the sides of the predator that was raping her in a role-playing way. Her cervix bumped the impact of the member, as the walls fixed it tight and so Shiro's mind went into a bizarre but high sensation of pleasure as he faintly drooled over his lips, growling low over her body and grabbing her right shoulder with the strong grip of his teeth. Kiowa only could pant like if her body was struck by the cold, as the pain made by the oversized organ, which its base could be seen outside of her body, started to turn into small shocks of pleasure. The wolf looked down, at Kiowa's chest, changing the bite on the shoulder to a lick session on her both breasts, saying "I'm hungry..."

Kiowa gasped for a moment, as the hardened nipples spilled some drops of milk as estrus was making her body gone wild. Shiro grabbed both breasts with his paws and gave a good suck to each of them, drinking a small ration of her stored white ambrosia. The vixen bent up her back from the floor, moaning loud with her eyes closed as she said "I'm cumming again, damn!"

Shiro smiled, Kiowa moaned hard again as her flower soon released fluids without any control and her breasts were stimulated by the sharp fangs of his lover. He placed his hands on the ground, flexing his chest and setting his hips for the pumps, looking at Kiowa with a teeth showing snarl. Shiro soon moved his hips backwards and then he pushed them forward, letting his lungs get any air with pants of absolute pleasure. Kiowa moaned at that forced but strong pump, blushing hard as she closed her eyes to hold the awkward mix of sensations that was bombed on her body. Shiro started the pumping motion, keeping the pace of the pumps as he growled to show his supremacy to the small pretty vixen that was dominating with his wolf pride. She only could press her legs harder on his spine, as she only could speak with moans coming from her mind's deepest lusty places. The wolf soon lean his chest to hers, pumping faster and harder as his growls and pants became higher and deeper. The cock was soon covered in veins as the tip was seriously hitting her cervix, making her to suffer contractions that ended in a third orgasm, made by the size and thickness of Shiro's well endowed body. The moon light soon lighted the couple with its clear white dazzle, as the male wolf looked up, at the roundness of it. He growled with a smile as his cock soon let go a small stream of precum, wiggling his tail and filling the space of Kiowa's intimacy. Both fluids got out together like cream between their both walls and the base of the member, set outside, got swollen up, leaving the 12-inch long rod filled with veins and about to finish its purpose. The knot bloated out as a squishing sound was filling Kiowa's insides, so the wolf pulled off his dick and biting the right ear of his lover, he whispered "Get on all fours... you deserve to finish this as a female wolf"

Kiowa, panting and exhausted, nodded saying "Yes, master..."

She set her hands and knees on the ground, lifting her tail in a trembling way and opening her legs, leaving a whole opened moist flower she had at his mercy. She was succumbed by pleasure, so much, she didn't care that after all wasn't a slave or a toy, but his stress relief tool and that pleased her much more than anything else.

Shiro grabbed his almost finished member, plugging it again as he placed his muscled torso almost rushing her back, pushing deep. He started to pant, so Kiowa heard those next tries to breath from his throat very close, feeling them as something sweet and exciting that relived the pain she suffered on the first time. The knot was drilling her exterior bits, so she moaned harder, then the wolf gave a last thrust with a big howl, making his shaft enter inside her completely and leaving the bubble of flesh the knot was act as a blocking device. The big messy organ burst in a flood of genetic material directly injected into her pussy, as the cervix was pierced by the strong and powerful pressure of the cum shot, vibrating as an effect of the ejaculation. Shiro kept the big member inside her, letting its vibrations whiplash Kiowa's senses with huge amounts of pleasure that she showed with big moans. She was feeling the real purpose to be a mated female wolf, the mate of a handsome, kind, strong and yet wild wolf, like the one she had in her several wet dreams. The perfect birthday that came with the perfect gift for her.

Both lovers, enjoying the end of their role-played rape scene, sat aside over the sofa. They were hugged at each other, close and tight. Kiowa had her own back wrapped by Shiro's big muscled body, without the need of any blanket. Shiro started to lick Kiowa's ears, saying silently "Happy birthday, Kiowa"

Kiowa, led by her emotions, cried happily and answered "Thanks for your gift"

She turned around and kissed the lips of him, finishing with "Shi-chan"

Kiowa closed her eyes and fell asleep then Shiro did the same short after. Both lovers could hear their heartbeats, their happiness and their link.

After all, they were soul mates, the strongest bond made by nature, and this granted them a life of friendship and no solitude.


© Shiro Uzumaki, 2010

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