I won't be long, just hanging with friends....

Story by Mechaknucles on SoFurry

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#3 of Be My Bad Boy

I won't be long, just hanging with friends . . .

I arrived at the caf辿 a little before twelve, and I found Shadow was already there. He was sipping tea, looking at something in the distance. He had a few words written on a paper in front of him, but I could not make them out. As I drew closer, he stood up and obscured my view of the sheet. He greeted me with a hello, inviting me to his table.

He wore a leather top, sleeveless. It cut just above his navel, and gave view to his well-muscled chest. His pants wear leather, a jet black. I noted the change of a collar, and the tag said, "Owned." I giggled as he sat down. It felt so odd to be here, it felt like a date, something I never experienced before.

"What is so funny?" He enquired with a smirk.

"Sorry, this all feels surreal to me, my love, we just kinda feel into love."

"Your love...?" He questioned, more serious. I felt crushed, I had never told him, but it was no surprise. We were not going out, but he must feel betrayed. I used him for my own needs, despite his or anyone else's care. I just didn't give a damn, and now look. The one time I did something for me and I get fucked.

"Untouchable . . . I knew I liked you for a reason."

Tears had formed in my eyes, and I heard his words. He didn't mind, no, he wanted me because of it.

"No . . ." I began, "I am not worth all that trouble . . ."

"You're right, the price is a bargain for a priceless gem." I blushed a deep red, I could feel the burn of my rose color cheeks. He leaned in and licked me almost playfully, and I looked at him suspiciously. "Sorry," he began, "You looked like you needed to be cooled off . . ."

I laughed.

The waiter finally came by and apologized for his being tardy. My partner waved it off, but also informed the waiter, and me, that we were just leaving. "C'mon, sweet. I already paid for the tea." The waiter looked dumb founded. Perhaps he could not believe, and neither could I, that the ebony hedgehog had just called me 'sweet.'

We left the caf辿 door and he turned to me. He handed me the sheet he was scripting on, and I found it to be a short poem. "Call me this afternoon. I wanted to have dinner with you tonight, if that is all right."

"Oh, um, well I . . ."

"Shh" he whispered, pushing his finger against my lips. "Think about it, talk to you later."

I felt lost, and confused. I walked back to my house. I looked at the paper and began to read the poem. It was cute, and read:

_Who knew a weekend lover, a Bad Boy, in truth

And the lover of desires and dreams, a lust sleuth

Are, in fact, one, but one and the same

An ebony hedgehog, Shadow by name_

When I returned home, Tails was sitting in the recliner snoozing. He had a job this morning, and I told him I was going to take a quick stroll, but I doubt he thought I would take so long. Tails was never able to stick to a task for too long, so he worked odd jobs, and was actually quite handy. He liked to fix things, build things, anything furs could need. He rested his head on both of his paws, and let his legs spread out.

I snuck to the kitchen and picked up the phone, and dialed the number. I then slipped the paper into my pocket of my jeans, and then I heard the phone ring. Shadow picked up, and asked me his curious "Hello?"

"Hey Shad."

"Developing nicknames already?" He asked.

Boldly, I replied, "I have thought of nicknames for other things too . . ." I always seemed more open when I was not face to face.

"Et moi." he replied curtly, "So, have you decided . . . ?"

"Yeah, let's go. However, you have to pick, I'm no good at picking restaurants. " I had to be honest. I didn't care where we ate, I was just wondering how to get away from the fox. The thoughts of the fox caused my rear to scream remembering the previous night. I recalled being double knotted, and the feelings of guilt, and betrayal. I felt sick, and like I was doing something wrong.

Shadow's voice brought me back, "Well then, I am picking simple."

"I was thinking that . . ." I teased. I covered, my true thoughts.

He replied, half laughing "Burger World . . . ?" I heard the clear sarcasm, the joke in his voice. But I jumped at it anyway.

"Perfect." I whispered, attempting to control my voice. I heard something rustle behind me. "I have to go though." I continued innocently. I hung up the phone. I turned around, knowing Tails was there, I gave a jump of surprise. "Wha! T-tails . . . Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry . . . who were you speaking with?"

"No one, just a friend. We were just planning a little get together." I smiled, feeling the word lie creep from between my teeth, forming in the eyes of my fox.

"Oh, who's going?"

"Just friends" I said, opening the fridge to grab a Coke.

"I see. I am going to cook spaghetti, will you want any?" He is being more submissive than normal. He seemed to be like a pessimistic slave, who accepted his fate. I rubbed his fur, and he purred like a kitten. His purring put me at ease, at least he still could feel joy.

"You are a good fox boy." I told him. "But no, I think we are going to eat out."

"Kay . . ."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "C'mon brain, let's do a crossword or something." We went to the living room and ended up playing 20 questions. He amazed me, his ability to figure things out in about 7 questions astounded me.

I passed the time with frugal attempts at entertainment. The nervousness and excitement destroyed any attempts at concentration. Eventually, Tails read a book while I started to watch TV. The minutes slipped by, going at a snail's pace.

A clock was conveniently located above the television. I watched it carefully, the second ticking themselves to never be known again. Time, an imaginary point of reference, was torturing me with the completeness of its power. I felt the stab of the ticking sound, the pain crept over me like a lizard upon a desert rock.

Feeling restless, I jumped up and headed for the door. I stopped to grab my coat from the rack when Tails called to me over his book. "Don't worry, I won't be long." A lie. Not a white lie, not a lie that is going to comfort him from something unimportant. No, this was one that could kill him, if he knew the truth. Yet, I look on his behavior and wonder . . .

"Just hanging with some friends." I walked outside with that said, and felt the breeze cross me. I felt it bitterly whisper, 'liar,' 'cheat.'

Burger World was only a little way off, and I became excited with every step. My remorse, my regret all melted at the sight of my beloved. I saw him, and ran at full speed the remainder of the way. I hit him, we crashed. We rolled. We stopped. I was on top, straddling him.

"I think this is a good sign." He said coolly. I blushed, and picked myself up. I offered my hand, and he took my offer. I pulled him up too, finding him to be exceptionally light.

The place was indeed simple, and we ordered two of the #1s. The number one was a "special burger" with fries and a drink. Shadow decided to get a shake instead of a soda, and I did too. Our meal was quick, and unexciting.

"Shad?" I asked, "What's wrong?"

"I thought I saw something staring in through the window." I looked back, and found it to be the playpen area.

"You're a nervous wreck tonight, it was probably some little girl who thinks you are as sexy as I do." I put my paw on his, and leaned in, slowly licking his cheek. He did nothing.

"You know what's good?" He enquired, picking up a fry.

"Me?" I asked arrogantly.


I felt the redness wash over me like the ocean over sand, and he continued to tell me something. When he finished, I realized I had not heard a word he said. The only response I could think of popped out of my mouth before I could say something better. I asked, "Really?"

"Absolutely." He retorted. "You try it." He took the french fry and dipped it in his strawberry shake, and offered it to me. I took it, and looked at it like it was a snake he handed me. "Well, go on."

I put it in my mouth, and savored it, suddenly feeling the need to eat a 100 more. "Wow!" I said loudly, "That is good."

"I know. I think it is the hot and cold with the salty and sweet that gives it that flavor. It is good." It was a little corny, and I had heard it somewhere before. However, it was my first date, and as far as I care, this one was going great.

"You know what, Sonic, I think you should see my apartment tonight." Sonic . . . ? Now that I think about it, I do not recall giving him my name. Perhaps, I told him that when I told him my distaste for coffee . . . ?

"Oh, well . . ." I was cut off by the ebony hedgehog chiming in, preventing me from saying 'no.'

"C'mon." He jumped and pulled me from the booth. We walked south for a time, enjoying the stars, and the calm of the weather. We started to turn into an alley, and I froze. When I was younger, my mother was robbed in an alley, and I had refused to go through them. I explained this to my love, and he understood. No masculine bullshit of, 'Oh I'll protect you.' but sincere understanding of my wishes.

As we went around the corner, I shyly thanked him for respecting my request, and he smiled at me. "I will never hurt you." He was so strong and kind. I noticed that his dress was the same as earlier, except his collar tag had actually changed. On one side, it had 'Taken' inscribed. The other read, 'marked.'

The apartment building was surprisingly pleasant, and the neighborhood was peaceful. "I could live here." I said to myself quietly.

Picking up on my comment, my black furred love took my paw, saying, "I am working on that."

His apartment was on the second floor, and was quite large for a studio. It consisted of four rooms. The front door led into the largest, the Livingroom. It had very little decorations, and was painted in black. There were horizontal stripes, which turn out to be words, equations, and other oddities that came from his mind. I looked closely at them, trying to find a pattern. I let my hand scape across the wall.

"Coup de Gr但ce . . . ?" I read aloud. The phrase was written beneath an unskilled picture of a canine shooting what seemed to be a dying fur.

"French." He said taking off my coat. "It means 'Blow of Mercy.' It was for a short story I was writing, but I did not like the idea, and it involved too much research."

"Oh." I said quietly. I turned to him, "You write?"

"Not professionally, just for fun really." Shadow replied, shying away. I could tell he did not wish to talk about the matter. I walked past him to a wall that looked brighter. I touched in lightly, finding it to be wet. I was correct, this was fresh. The writing was scribbled, and looked rushed. I scanned over it, not genuinely interested until I saw my name.

"Sonic, a blue flower in a dead field?" I asked him about the sentence he had written.

"That was just the makings of a poem . . ." He said timidly.

"So, how did it turn out?" I asked.

"It didn't. There are not words to describe how I feel for you." He said. I felt my heart skip a beat, and I felt so warm. Never, had I felt so happy, so needing in my life.

"There are actions . . ." I hinted. I wanted nothing more than to be with him. I wanted nothing more than to feel these emotions while I lay next to him. But first, I decided, there was something long over due. I took my left hand, and caressed his cheek.

He leaned in, and I let the warmth of my breath dance on his lips. His mouth opened slightly, panting. I pulled him close, and pressed my lips against him. I slipped my tongue through his parted lips, and licked his teeth. I slid the moist muscle across his teeth, licking the fang. I pressed against his tongue, and let them dance in the wetness. I pulled him close, his warmth giving me a warm feeling.

Ever so slowly, I pulled from the kiss. He exposed his neck, and I nipped above his collar. I bit gently, and kissed where I did. I pulled his furry skin between my fangs. I teased him, and the licked lightly. I nipped him and he moaned loudly.

He took me up in his strong arms, and carried me to his bedroom. He tossed me on his bed, and I laughed as he got down next to me. He silenced me with a deep kiss, letting our tongues battle for control. I pushed his from my mouth into his, I pushed and pinned him to his bed. The room was well lit with a large wall-sized window, and I was able to see him perfectly.

I unzipped his pants, and pressed his sheath with my index finger. He groaned lightly in pleasure, and nipped at my neck in the style I had done to him. I took his ebony colored balls, and pulled them lightly. He pushed me off and got on top of me,

Lying back, he started to straddle me. "My turn to ride." He said. He reached up, and I saw several leashes hanging from the ceiling. "Woven red and black. I think you'll like it." I took the leash and he hooked it to his collar.

I pulled him close with my leash and forcing his lips onto mine. I broke the kiss quickly saying, "Just testing the leash." He pulled back and started unzipping my jeans. He pulled them down to my ankles and was pleased to see my prick already out, pulsing. He took it in his hand, giving a few slow, torturous strokes. I bucked madly, humping his hand without much of a result.

"Feisty?" He asked me. He took again to the ceiling and searched for something, quickly finding his treasures. "I think you need to be pinned down for a while." I fought against him, but he held an overwhelming amount of power over my smaller frame. His treasures, two sets of handcuffs, were covered in a red substance.

"Is that . . . blood?" I asked him curiously.

"Yeah, I used to be kinky on a different level." I licked the cuffs as they passed by my head, finding them to actually be the bitter taste of metal and blood. He took my wrist and cuffed it to the post. He then did the same to my other hand, and I loved giving him complete power over me. My member pulsed in the agony of not being touched.

"What's wrong?" He put his hand behind him and stroked my cock painfully slow. He then took another pair of shackles and chained my legs together. He tied the chain to his bed. "No unexpected humping from you huh?"

"I am starting to regret this." He lifted himself from me, and sat in front of my prick. He took my cock into his mouth, letting his tongue swirl around me. I could feel his muscle tango with my throbbing cock, and I could not help but let my legs uselessly push into his mouth. He released my prick, and then straddled me once more. I looked deep into his eyes as he lowered himself, grabbing my dick to aim into him. He pushed down, roughly taking me into his tight entrance. He began squeezing his anal muscles around my cock. He began to ride me, milking me for my worth. I moaned, and attempted to pull his leash but to no avail.

He leaned in, breathing on my sensitive neck. He let his hot breath dancing upon my flesh, I panted with the oncoming feeling of desperately needed release. He locked lips with me, as he rode my pulsing prick.

Without much warning, he broke our kisses, releasing his seed from his member. Our chest coaxed in the warm, milky substance. The clenching and releasing of the walls around my shaft, the sudden choking of his muscles, the feeling of his ecstacy washed over me. It took me, making me join him. I graciously filled his bowls with my own essence, my own seed. I let him milk me for all I was worth, grateful for release.

Shadow collapsed upon me. He slowly released my bindings, before drifting into a dream. Rubbing my wrist, I joined him there quickly.