chapter 12: your no slut, you're my lover

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry


#12 of bob and co.: a dog's life

You're no slut,you're my lover

after bob and jenna had gone to bed after the film had ended Aiyana burst into tears and hugged freddie "what's wrong love"? He asked concerned "i was thinking about what Nikita said the other day, I'm a slut I will do it with anything that walks" freddie hugged her tighter "don't be silly, you don't do it with anything that walks" freddie reassured her "but I do I did it with your brother and his mate, when I was being raped by Jaeger and his family... I enjoyed it, I don't deserve a good mate like you" "oh well, that doesn't make you a bad person, you could screw all the dogs in the world but I would still love you till the day I die" Aiyana smiled "you mean it"? "of course I do, you are the greatest person I have ever met" Aiyana started crying again "that nikita is a bitch, she is just jealous that you are loved" jenna heard this conversation and came and hugged Aiyana "oh come on hun, you know everything she says is bull shit" Aiyana just hugged the two "you two are the best, where's bob"? Jenna jumped up "crap, he's still tied up" and she ran off.

"you know we all love you, you don't need some stuck up bitch to tell you that you are just a plaything, you're not. you are my mate and I love you" and they passionately kissed then Aiyana spread her legs for freddie to see so he licked her, soon she came she hugged freddie again and he hugged her whispering in her ear how much he loved her.