chapter 13: sisterly love

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry


#13 of bob and co.: a dog's life

Sisterly love

when Aiyana cheered up she checked her emails and saw her sister was coming down to visit with her boyfriend. So she told the others and they got ready for the guests to arrive. A few hours later she arrived and knocked on the door Aiyana opened it, her tail wagging "hey sis"! She cried hugging her sister "hello Aiyana, you've met my boyfriend steele haven't you"? Aiyana invited them in "guys this is anoi, my sister" freddie got up and kissed her, bob just waved and jenna licked her face, anoi walked up to bob, this must be freddie, Aiyana has told me so much about you apparently you have a big dick" bob laughed "no I'm bob, jenna's mate that there is freddie" steele was getting jealous so showed off his cock "oh steele you know I love you, I wouldn't leave you for my sister's mate. I truly lo... holy crap that is a big dick" anoi was shocked "hands off, I found him first" Aiyana laughed, freddie smiled then he licked Aiyana's face, steele muttered something under his breath and kissed anoi.

"well it seems these two have a bit of friendly rivalry... there's only one way to see who's better" Aiyana said spreading her legs for everyone to see "Aiyana"! anoi looked shocked "you can't do that, it's just not very lady like" Aiyana smiled "what's wrong afraid my boy will beat yours"! Anoi suddenly grinned naughtily "no, mine is much better In lots of ways... some more entertaining then others" freddie then jumped on Aiyana with his dick at her cunt he penetrated her, Aiyana moaned so steele turned anoi over and did her up the ass, jenna was just sitting there not paying attention getting licked by bob, after a few hours the two male competitors were spent they all looked at jenna "so which was better, it was freddie wasn't it"? Asked Aiyana, jenna looked confused "what"? "sorry was I supposed to be judging your little game"? Jenna walked off and steele looked at her leave he then turned to Aiyana "what's wrong with jenna's cunt" he asked "its all... um... bruised... did bob do that"? Jenna heard this and she burst into tears, bob ran over to jenna and hugged her "its ok love... that stuff is in the past" steele then ran up to jenna "oh jenna im so sorry I didn't know it would upset you so much" jenna took a deep breath "would you like to know what happened"? Steele looked concerned "only if you really want to tell because if you don't thats fine" jenna looked at the ceiling and told the story of jaeger and his family, about the sex and the beatings, then his last wish, steele was in tears by the end of the story, anoi was also crying "you never told me" Aiyana looked sad "i thought it would only worry you" anoi smiled "you could have told me silly, we could've got through it together. Aiyana hugged anoi "i love you anoi, you are the best sister ever"