Hypnovember Day 14: Tail

Story by JelDragon on SoFurry

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#12 of Hypnovember 2020

Bullboy'd gotten a text from Jel to come over. He had been very coy, suggesting he had something new he wanted to show him, or the like. Regardless, every evening with Jel was quite interesting, so he made his way over without much delay.

The dragon answered the door quite quickly, and he seemed very excited to see the bull. He raised an eyebrow, but came in, noticing that the dragon kept facing directly towards him. Like there was something hidden behind his back.

"Well? What is it?"


He smiled, turning around to show him his tail.

Bullboy gaped, quite surprised at what he saw. The tail was black and white, with stripes and spiral patterns all along it. His head started to feel a bit dizzy, eyes trailing from the black tip down, tracing the spiral patterns.

"Do you like it?"


He didn't answer besides the mumble, knowing what was expected of him. He stared at the tail, eyes moving steadily downward as he could feel himself slipping into an easy trance with each swirl his eyes followed.

Jel was saying something, but at this point he was already far enough gone that he wasn't really paying attention to it. His eyes went along each swirl, each stripe along the tail, moving further and further downward toward his hips.

There was a little bit of movement, and he saw more of the underside, with its own swirls and patterns that he got lost in. There were some sections that went around and around into a center, then back out and down the tail. It was a collection of intricate patterns; something that the online hypnotic swirl patterns could only hope to replicate.

Further down, there were spirals that made his head even more and more dizzy, mouth slowly gaping open as he travelled through each intricate twirl and curl. He felt himself getting down on his hands and knees, to see more of the patterns better and better, eventually finding himself lying on his back and staring upward.

Slowly, so slowly, his eyes followed the patterns to their apparent center. Jel's pucker was above him, but he barely recognized what it was. To him, it was the center of the spiral, and he relaxed and was deeply entranced and content. His hands came up, bringing that center down to his face and sticking his tongue into it, moaning and closing his eyes. He started to cum, his cock forgotten as he ate out the hypnotic spiral.