Twins In Love Become One

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to

[email protected] don't hold back now I'm in to that sort of thing. Bit over the top I know but it's cute and full of two hot horny teenage twin incest who can say no.* (edited/updated Aug/5/09/)

Twins In Love Become One (Carlo and Carmen Lynx) become Carmel L Herm

"Note from KC (the author) This stories like nothing I've done before real shocker let me tell you. Still don't know were the whole idea came from and that is what makes it such a great idea never seen anything like it. However as I was letting this write itself I started to really like the idea of Carmel and shi will be in her own story soon also this story decided to link it self to another of my stories so yes Carmel will show up there at some time as well but I think getting that other charter in to a hot little nurse outfit ranks up there with hottest and at the same times scariest thoughts iv ever had try and pick out the random guest star in this one enjoy"

M/F, Insect, Twins, Love, Transformation, Herm

It's hard to describe sometimes. How do you talk about yourself when you were two different fursons at the time you are trying to describe? My name is Carmel, and I was a test subject for an experimental medical device, no wait they were the test subjects. I used to be Carlo and Carmen Lynx, twins. There was not a lot that was all that special about them. They both were slender and until Carmen started maturing physically you could never tell them apart. My father...there father often would put names tags or dress them specifically different just to tell them apart. Sometimes they would swap clothes just to confuse him.

They spent every moment of every day together. Even though they had there own room's they would often be found sleeping together, Carlo holding his sister tight agents his chest resting his chin on her shoulder. Because we used to live in an arid area clothing was often skipped at night making the twins nightly snuggles a little to intimate for there parents They tried nearly everything they could think of to stop this odd habit the two had formed but nothing seemed to work for long. A week here, a week there but they always found there way back together.

Years past and the rents gave up. It had to be a faze, they would grow out of on there own. They couldn't passably keep doing this when in middle or even high school they just had to wait for them to want time alone. At least that kept them content about the matter yet the twins lived on as they always had, best friends, inseparable, day and night. At fifteen most fursons are trying to be more independent trying hard to pull away from everyone to discover themselves Carlo and Carmen were no exception except with each other. The two were only apart when in different classes.

They kept are...there parents at a distant they moved all there things in to one room and locked the door every night. This lead too many heated arguments between them and there folks. Everything was still innocent then. As the two slept one night however Carmen pressed tightly agents Carlos chest the split of her firm rump cradling his sheath, she wiggled unconsciously as the hardening shaft slid up under her tail. The moment only quickened the growing members advance on its sister's virgin tail as the tip reached full length and touched the pucker of her ass her eyes shot open.

Quickly she tried to move, this caused her to shift up drawling her brother's shaft away from her tail hole but in line with a much easier entered place. This sudden movement awoke her brother and in the confusion he tried to get up and see what the matter was. Only to feel strange warmth around his loans. I remember it form both sets of eyes both minds both sets of thoughts. Fear, surprise, pleasure, pain, all so beautifully I long to experience that again and yet I know it shell never be...


(Years past)

"What just happened?"

"I... I don't know I was asleep and I felt this thing touch me and ,I, jumped and, and I woke you up you jumped and, pull it out."

"I...umm...I didn't...Ooo"

(Whispering harshly)" I know you didn't mean to! Please just slowly pull it out."


(Carmel's memories)

Nothing was the same after that it was all she could think about and the same was true for him however he felt so guilty about it he could not bear to look at her. It's not that it happened that bothered her it was that she wanted to do it again but this time more so much more the only thing she cold see when she closed her eyes was her brother's long shaft half way in her cunny. Unlike his sisters reaction Carlo was repulsed at himself he had taken his sisters virginity worse yet he had done it with out her permission or her even knowing and cum inside when she asked him to take it out, but he did not know if she knew.

Two weeks past and still the two were not the same they could not make eye contact any more. Shame burned in Carlo's ears and lust made Carmen's panties damp. They moved back to different rooms much to the joy of there parents who finally thought the faze, that had lasted from year four through fifteen was finally over. Night after night they stayed away from each other. Still there minds were of the other. Finally Carmen could not stand the lust any longer she need her brother more then she could imagine and he need forgiveness or his shame would eat him alive.

Late one night, Carmen slipped from her room wearing nothing but a thin robe made of a light pink satin. Her tail twitched as she stood out side her brothers door. Her left paw rubbing herself with need, the other shaking just above his door's handle. How many times she had walked the hall just like that even I can't say, this time however need was stronger then the fear. Slowly she opened the door and let her naturally gifted eye's peal the darkness back. Swiftly with the grace only a cat could, she crossed the un-cleaned room. With his mental stress he had found no drive to even attempt cleaning up. He hated being so far from his sister but could not stand the thought of harming her.

She laid her hand across his chest and felt his steady beating hart making hers race with need. Carefully not to wake him she lifted the blankets off him and gently set her self at the end of the bed. Overcome by the slender male form that lay before her. Could she go any further this time or would she run form the room like shed done every night that week to relive her need herself to the image of him upon her minds eye. She ran a paw gently over his thigh and up closer to the item of her desire. Cupping and relishing his maleness, slowly coxing his sleeping form to revival something she had only seen once before. The reddish pink shaft slid silently from its home reviling its feline ridges to her longing eyes.

It was time she could not back out now her mind screamed to run yet her body made its demand know. As a shiver rushed up and down her spine, she lifted herself feather up the bed until her firm breast matched his solid chest, carefully she lowered her self letting the fur touch and mingle together as it had so many nights but now she would add flesh and much more to this beautiful moment as her paw guide his shaft to her. Carlo jumped awake as her paw raped around his shaft forcing it into her, his surprised was quitted by her muzzle pressing into his. I remember it so well the feel of my cock in, I fell her joy and longing and his shock and fear then they melt away.


(Years Past)

"Shhh my brother... let me do it. It's all right"

"I'm sorry I..."She holds a finger to his muzzle.

"You did nothing that was not meant to happen "Another deep passionate kiss this time returned in kind.


(Carmel's memories)

The two melted into one another. Allowing themselves to be lost in the pleasure of each other only keeping themselves quiet by keeping there muzzles otherwise occupied. Carlo's speed increased as he became closer and closer to his fifth climax both his and Carmen's body's were exhausted from the waves of pleasure that had overtaken them one after another, they both sensed this would be the end and pulled one last powerfully orgasm threw both of there bodies.

They slept the day away and most of the night awaking sore, sticky and a little worse for wear. The decided quickly they would leave they could not face the idea of there parents finding out what they were doing and they both knew it would happen again. Packing quickly and slipping form a second floor window into a tree just outside they made there leave.

The world was not kind and they knew it was not going to be as nice of a life they had left behind. Yet two years past and the two lived a quit life with a small apartment and not much more. Both worked all day and on day's they were off they would yiff the day away until there bodies forced them to stop as they had forced them to start. Still money was tight and the two were not exceptionally happy. By chance over the radio one of the few luxury items they owned an aid aired.


(Years Past)

"Bioengineering firm MUCK Corp is looking for subjects to take part in a revolutionary experiment. Siblings are invited to the MUCK Corp building for test selections, if your pair is chosen you will be give free housing medical care and participate in one of the most exciting scientific endeavor since the first clowned sheep. ALL EXPENSES PAID IN FULL NEVER WORK AGAIN!"


(Carmel's memories)

They laughed about it for a few minutes then looked at each other, was it worth it could this be the pass to happiness. How bad could a few tests be? They talked it over tried to sleep on it but the twin's physical needs over powered there logic again. The next morning was normal the aid played again and this time they just walked out there door blowing off both there jobs with hopes and dreams of being together in a much happier setting.

The MUCK Corp building was an imposing structure glass and steal scraping the havens. The twins slipped in to the main hall looking dreadfully out of place in there dull worn clothing. And attendant stood up and called over to them. "Are you here for testing regarding the genetic experiment or are you here for a personal matter."

Carlo and Carmen looked at each other before answering in unison. "We are here for a chance at a beater life."

The attendant smiled and ushered them into a room. Three other groups were there each looking more desperate then the last one was even two female tigers who seemed uneasy about being together in public. A male wolf entered the room wearing the standard lab coat. His black fur making his outfit seem to, glow weight. The other sibling pairs were called back one at a time until the room was empty except for the twins.

When the black wolf called them back they could not help but be hesitant, none of the other groups had come back! They were lead down a long hallway with doors on both sides it smelled like a hospital. That disinfectant smell, that makes most anyone uneasy was overpowering. The farther you traversed down the hall the more and more you got the feeling there was something awful waiting for you at the other end. Finally the wolf opened a door and instructed them to strip and put on the provided gowns, he would return shortly. The twins wasted little time changing they were not shy in the least of each other.

Dressed in there paper garments the two looked odd standing in the light blue hospital room if you had not know you were in a sky scrapper you would never know. The door opened and the wolf walked in with a small cart. A very young looking gray mouse in nurse outfit followed behind him a strange violet dot in the center of her chest just above were her top began.


(Years past)

"Greetings. I'm, Dr. Mc Valin. This is Eliana one of are staff nurses." The gray mouse gave them a small smile and returned too prepping a number of medical things on the cart.

"Ok then, To start off where going to run a normal physical examination. Then will take some blood and a few other fluid specimens from both of you to cheek if you're compatible with the experiment. You will have to stay here until the test results come back. A room and all necessitates will be provided for you. If you wish to back out know would be the time. Any questions before we proceed, and have you fill out the wavers.


(Carmel's memories)

The twins did not truthfully think about it that long and signed the wavers. Eliana took her time taking different measurements of both Carlo and Carmen. The small mouse seemed to enjoy the turn your head and cough bit with Carlo a bit too much and I can tell you she squeezed a bit too hard. Finally she left the room with a clipboard full of numbers and other such scraps of info. Dr Mc Valin took samples of blood form both of them next. He then asked Carmen to fill a small plastic container with urine will Carlo filled one out here by the sink. After the embarrassing bit was complete the Doctor left the room say Eliana would be back to take you to a room for the night and they could now put there clothing back on.


(Years past)

"I don't know why but the mouse scares me." Carlo looks over at his sister who did not seem to hear him.

"Relax, nothing bad is going to happen and if were lucky this room were headed too will be nice and have sandwiches." Carmen bends over a bit farther then need as she pulls up her pants.


The gray mouse called through the door and asked if they were ready, the twins followed her down the hall and up a flight of steps to another hall of doors five doors down the hall Eliana stopped and ushered them inside. The room was sparsely furnished bed, table, two wooden chars and a TV sat on a platform that hung from one wall. Wishing them a good night and pointing out the fully stocked mini-fridge in the corner, Eliana left the twins in peace. A courteous grin chanced across her muzzle as she left

The mini-fridge was nearly clean when they had finished picking through it. Relaxing on the much nicer bed then they had, the two were at ease for the first time in two years. They wasted little thought on what if some one walked in on them wasting this moment of peace with out the fear of what life held for them tomorrow they looked deeply into each others amber eyes. As the longing in both of them grew deeper, there muzzles touched in a passionate kiss that seemed to stop time.

I remember it so well the last night I was them. Carmen rolled on top of Carlo sliding her hand down the front of his pants rubbing her brother's swiftly growing member. The noses touched as there eyes soaked up each others longing. Tossing there clothing with little care the two were soon panting and purring in rhythmic lust. Both so intone with the other that they quickly peeked and forced them selves through the pleasure intensifying it until they feel nothing except there sibling, and like this they fell asleep.

During the night the doctors came and sedated them they really should have read what they signed that's one thing I learned form my birth. They were taken to a device that splices genetic material together it was a new idea repair damaged cells by using copies of the cells from a healthy furson but it had to be calibrated and they were the flawless samples nearly exactly the same genetically.

I'm them yet, I'm not, my life is very comfortable, It was not always this way the MUCK guys forfeited my contract something about it not actually applying to me it applied to the twins. Eliana took me in she's not that bad once you get past her oddness. And she reintroduced me to my little crush the good Dr. Can't say I haven't enjoyed myself... yes MySelf its getting easier now if I could just get this government crap filed out for my new id male/female?... dame it that question always lead to odd poking...O well life is good if sometimes odd.