2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 32

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#32 of 2628

This is the next book in the Orr Family Saga.If you want to rewad the whole thing ahead of everyone, you can do so here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/36973643 by supporting me at the 1$ levelTucker and Theo find the bad guy, and things go in unexpedted directions from thereIf you want to support me, you can do so through my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kindarOr by Buying me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kindar

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The walk to the control room took them down the stairs again and past too many people who didn't pay either of them any attention. Tucker didn't like it. Infiltrations never went this smoothly; it was a miracle no one in that room had managed to call out and let others know they were under attack.

Not one glance in their direction, the occasional nod of greeting, but everyone was busy with their work, or conversations. The whole place felt too fucking normal, and that just made his hackles rise more.

The overlay Cass provided placed the entrance to the command center on the left at the next intersection, no guards. The door was locked, but he could unlock it for us and keep anyone else from entering. He couldn't provide identity, but five of the six were seated at controls, the fifth in a central chair before a half column coming out of the floor. His guess was it was how the new AI would be inserted in the network.

Tucker would take the five and leave the scientist for Theo, even if they had weapons Cass couldn't see, they were armored and Cass was adept with his now. This would be finished in seconds, they'd shut the interference dome from there, and call in an assault unit.

"I'm ready with the door," Cass said as it came into view.

"Theo, go for the scientist, ignore everyone else. Get him away from that column and subdue him."

"Once he's down, I'll come help you."

Tucker smile. "You do that. I doubt it'll take me longer to deal with them than you with the scientist." He looked around to confirm there was no one else in the hall. "Armor up."

The door opened, they entered and Tucker cursed. The overlay of the room showed it as being ten feet shorter than it really was, and in that ten feet of space stood ten rough-looking muscular men and women. The door closed behind them, and Cass cursed.

"The lock's disabled," he said.

"That's okay, we're not getting out of here until that AI is destroyed."

"Welcome!" the wombat seated in the chair exclaimed. "I'm so happy you could join us. This is going to be a wonderful day."

The five seated at the consoles stood, they were matches for the other ten. Fifteen would make that tougher, but the objective was the same. "Same plan," Tucker told Theo privately.

"I think I will be done before you," Theo replied. "You sure you won't need my help?"

Tucker smiled. "This might slow me down a bit, if you feel like it, jump in." He took a step forward and stopped. Something was happening with his vision; static, the sensory data from the armor's surface was vanishing. He raised a hand and made out through the static the armor crumbling away to dust.

Before it fully registered, Tucker was down to only the belt, as was Theo.

"You military types and your armors," the wombat said in amusement. "Anti-nanite swarm, the room is filled with them. My own creation, I figured I'd have to deal with you types before this was done with." He yawned. "But without all that technology, you're nothing more than naked men, aren't you?"

"Now what?" Theo asked on their private link.

"The plan's the same," Tucker replied, "we have to keep that AI off the net."

Cass sent him a new overlay, highlighting an object the wombat held. "That's a drive, the most likely place for the AI to be."

"Tell me you know how to fight," Tucker asked Theo.

"I have training, but it's never been my strength."

"You're going to have to make it because I don't think these people are interested in dancing with you."

"You're a little early," the wombat said, "but that's okay. My associates could do with some entertainment. Please don't kill them, I'm certain Lazarus will want to play with them once he's awake."

"Theo, be careful," Tucker said, "but do me a favor and show them that even naked, Orr men shouldn't be taken lightly."

The fifteen formed a line before the wombat, holding pipes, knives, or nothing. No guns. Good. Tucker stepped to the left to give himself and Theo space. Nine of them rushed him. Good, he was the bigger, tougher, of the two, he could take on more.

He blocked the knife, kicked the man's balls. Took a pipe in the side, elbowed the windpipe, dodged a knife, kicked the woman into two others to give himself space. Another pipe came at him. He caught the arm, grabbed the pipe out, felt a knife slice at his back, swung hard; the pipe connected, bone shattered. He swung it between a man's legs, lifting him off the floor to crash down, holding his bleeding crotch.

Tucker caught sight of Theo, moving between his attackers. Two were down, unmoving. His chest swelled, his brother was literally dancing around them, a knife in hand slashing and--

A hard hit in his side reminded him he had his own problem. He grabbed that pipe, brought down his hard, crushed bones. The man let go, and now Tucker had a weapon in each hand. Six of the nine were down, four in the process of getting up. The guy he'd kicked had a hand on his crotch, his expression still pained, but anger in his eyes. He hadn't liked that.

Tough, Orrs weren't known for fighting fair.

They came at him. He blocked a knife, smashed a windpipe, kicked the man in the crotch again. Brought a pipe down on an incoming kick, smashing a knee. A pipe in another crotch, another man howling in pain. A pipe through a chest, the smell of blood. Another neck broken.

Time to breathe.

He kept himself from panting. A large hyena looked at him and the damage he'd caused. She was the only one without bruises or signs she'd even fought. Of the eight others, only two stirred, doing their best to get to their feet.

"Looks like you know how to handle men," she growled, raising her fists. "Let's see if you can deal with a real woman." She came at him with punches and kicks.

He blocked and dodged, waiting for his opening. "All my combat trainers were women," Tucker replied as she left herself open. "I know how to handle you." He kicked her between the legs.

Surprise registered on her face, then pain, then nothing as Tucker brought down both pipes on her head at the same time and she crumpled to the floor.

He looked at the terrified wombat as he slammed the drive into the column. With a curse, Tucker ran for it, but he'd be too late.

"I'm in," Cass told him. "I'm doing everything I can to keep him from unfolding, but hurry!" A timer appeared in his sight with a fifty-five-second countdown.

"It's over!" the wombat yelled.

Tucker raised a foot and slammed it into the column, felt it give a little.

"You're wasting your time," the wombat said with glee. "You might as well give up and bow before your new master."

"I'm." He slammed a foot in the column. "Tucker." Again. "Fucking." Again. "Orr." The column cracked out of the floor. He slammed it again "I." Slam. "Don't." Slam. "Fucking." Again. "Give." Another foot in it. "Up." With this slam, the column wrenched from the floor, and the wombat jumped out of the way. The timer showed twelve seconds. Tucker hoped it had been accurate.

"Lazarus! Stop him!"

Tucker advanced on the wombat, his grin broadening. "Looks like not giving up still works for me." He punched the man hard, and he went down.

Now he let himself pant, turning to see what kind of help Theo needed. Theo ran at him, hunger and wildness in his eyes and an erection, Tucker noted, before his brother threw himself at him and kissed him hard, backing him against the chair. Tucker was ashamed it took him a full second to get over the surprise and kiss Theo back.

Theo's hands settled on his ass and squeezed, his tongue pushed its way into Tucker's muzzle, their hard cock ground against another. Amidst the daze, where they were found a way to register and reluctantly, Tucker pushed Theo away.

"This isn't a secure location," he panted.

"I don't fucking care," Theo replied panting as hard. "Get down on all four so I can fuck you. Don't make me throw you down."

Tucker was on all four. Fuck the location, he wasn't passing up a fuck with Theo. He moaned at the tongue that traveled from his balls to his hole, then gasped as it pushed in. The thought he should mention to Theo he was experienced with taking it raw crossed his mind and flitted away as he heard his brother let out a moan. If Theo was enjoying himself, Tucker was not going to stop him. He crossed his arms on the floor and rested his head on it, watching Theo's hard cock leak precum.

Theo ate his ass with abandon. Moaning and grunting. Spreading the cheeks. And Tucker saw stars, whole fucking galaxies of them. The tongue was occasionally replaced with fingers stretching him out and Tucker bit his arm to avoid crying out when one pressed his prostate. Then, with a quick bite on a cheek, Theo sat back on his knees, panting.

Tucker couldn't form words, so he watched his own cock drip precum and beyond it Theo's cock, slick with its own. His brother lifted himself, pushed Tucker's ass down, and rubbed his cock between the cheeks, pressing against his hole before slamming it in.

Tucker cried out. "Fuck yes!"

"You like that?" Theo said, pulling out and slamming it in again.

"You fucking kidding?" He gasped at another slam. "You have any idea how long I've been craving you?" another slam. "Fuck me, Theo. Hard."

His brother obeyed.

Theo's cock pulled out and slammed in. His brother changed his angle, and Tucker grunted in response. Theo gripped his hips and pounded Tucker's ass.

Tucker moaned and groaned. Twice he thought he'd cum from the pounding, but Theo changed the angle and it went away. Theo's grunts turned into curses and amazed Tucker with how foul his language could be, even after he switched to a language Tucker didn't know. Theo pushed in hard and was still as his cock pulsed in Tucker's ass.

Tucker let out a satisfied sigh as his brother slumped over him, panting hard.

After a few seconds, Theo slid off him and laid on the floor. Tucker pulled him close and spooned against his brother, licking the back of his neck, nibbling at it, while slowly grinding against Theo's ass.

"I'm not lubed," Theo said, almost slurred, as Tucker's cock pressed against his hole.

"Don't worry, I won't go any faster than I can produce it." He went back to grinding between the cheeks.

"You produce lube?" Theo chuckled.

Tucker held his brother tightly. "We're Orrs, we precum like faucets." He pressed his now slick cock against Theo's hole, going in until he felt resistance, then went back to grinding. He was please that for once, Theo didn't protest being called an Orr.

When Tucker's cock head finally popped in, Theo let out a gasp and took one of Tucker's hand to put on his hard cock. Tucker nuzzled the back of his brother's neck, eliciting another gasp as he pulled it out, ground to slick it again, and slowly stroked Theo's cocks.

He had a third of his cock in when Theo squirmed, pressing back. Theo's cock grew hotter as he cursed, then tensed, squeezing Tucker's cock and came. Tucker stayed still through his brother's orgasm, then went back to ever so slowly easing himself into him.

Once fully in, he let out a sigh, enjoying his brother's warmth, and the hard cock in his hand. Theo moved, there was a thunk, then metal hitting the floor. Tucker opened an eye and looked over Theo's arm.

"He was stirring," Theo provided. The wombat now had a bleeding wound on the side of his head. One of the pipes Tucker had dropped rolled away, some blood on it.

Tucker closed his eyes, rested his head, and went back to slowly pulling out and pushing into Theo's ass.


Tucker nip at his brother's nape. "Yeah?"

"I think I'm slick enough."

"Huh-uh." He breathed in Theo's scent, thrusting slowly.

"You can fuck me, if you want."

"I'm doing that," Tucker replied dreamily.

The ass tightened around his cock. "No, I mean you can really fuck me."

"Oh yeah. I'm loving this."

"Tuck, if you don't fuck me hard, this instant, I'm... I'm going to figure something to do you won't like."

Tucker chuckled. "Finally willing to admit you need this cock?"

"You've been driving me nuts for the last fifteen minutes with this slow loving. I thought you were a beast when it came to sex."

"I am whatever I need to be to drive my brothers crazy."

"You drive this brother any more insane and he's going to leave you here to use one of those unconscious guys instead."

Tucker tightened his hold on Theo. "You said you're my brother." Tears fell along his cheek.

Theo sighed, but it was a happy sound. "I am." He was quiet as Tucker continued thrusting. "But if you don't do what I tell you, I swear I'm going to find a way to get myself disowned. Marry a girl or something." Theo shuddered.

"You have met Grandma, right? You're not going to get us to abandon you that way."

"Tuck," Theo whined, "Will you fuck me already? I need to feel you pound my ass."

Tucker let go of Theo's cock and laid his hand against his stomach. "Hold on." He pulled out and slammed in, making Theo gasp. Out and slammed in again and again. Slow, but forceful.

"Oh fuck," Theo gasped. "Tuck, fuck, you're going to--" he screamed as his ass tightened around Tucker's cock. Tucker moaned and kept pounding Theo's ass.

"Is this want you wanted, brother?" he whispered, picked up speed.

"Fuck yeah."

"I'm happy I gave you what you wanted." He held Theo as he fucked him ever faster. His moans turning into grunts. "Fuck Theo. You feel so fucking good. I'm going to cum." He buried his muzzle in the back of Theo's neck and his cock deep in his ass and groaned through his orgasm.

Once it passed, he had nothing left, no cum, no energy, possibly not even bones. He was a limp mass against Theo. He didn't want to move, or do anything, for the next century.

"Yes!" Cass exclaimed. "Finally!

"What's he on about?" Tucker asked.

Theo chuckled. "He's been wanting to record us fucking since that first time you put your hand down my pants."

"Ah. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one looking forward to this then."

Someone cleared his throat. "I'm going to have to see that recording," Uncle said. "I don't allow just any recording of my family's sex life to float around the net."

Tucker glanced at the new tiger standing in the middle of the room. "Didn't you watch?"

"I just let the dome down," Cass said. "I needed to preserve my exclusive right to my recording. But I'm willing to share with you, Uncle, so long as you promise not to leak it."

Uncle rolled his eyes. "If I approve its release, it'll be a Cassius Gold recording, no worries there. I have no interest in getting into the movie industry."

Tucker gave a quick thrust. "Maybe I can arrange to have you record the entire family, Cass."

"That would be Theo's decision," Cass answered.

"Don't we have something more important to deal with first?" Theo said, pushing at Tucker's arms.

He tightened them in response. "That can wait, I'm not ready to let you go."

"You're going to have to Tucker," Uncle said. "There's a shuttle on the way and while we get a lot of leeway, your superiors are not going to approve of finding you having sex while the operation is incomplete. The AI has been stopped, as far as I can tell, the scientist captured, but there's still a base full of Anarchist on the loose."

Tucker rolled on his back, pulling out in the process. "There are days I hate my life."

"If you say that today is one of them," Theo said, picking up a pipe. "I am hitting you. This was definitely among the highlights of mine. Infiltration included. Are we missing some bodies?"

Tucker cursed and sat. A quick count gave him twelve plus the wombat. Fuck. "Cass?"

"Three of them were just unconscious, they had an override for the lock and were wise enough to leave unnoticed."

"You should have told us," Theo said.

"You two were busy, and I'm not suicidal," Cass answered. "At least not for that. We need to destroy that column, and my copy in it, I doubt I was successful in stopping Lazarus from unfolding and he's going to be looking for any way out of it before the power runs out. I'm not sensing any way to transmit, but I'm just a beta, Lazarus is an unknown alpha. We don't want to risk anyone getting their hands on it."

"What about the research?" Theo asked. "Are trusting the Orrs with it?"

"You don't--" Uncle began.

"I've destroyed it." Cass interrupted it. "No, I'm not trusting them with it. Bech was one of us, and he created it. I don't want to think what some scientists not raised with our higher respect for people would do with the knowledge."

"I agree, Cass," Uncle said. "I wouldn't have allowed the technology to remain."

"Theo, stay here. I'm going to go out and find myself a gun to blow this thing apart." Tucker paused. "Unless you have something in your arm that can do the job?"

"I could cut it apart with the welder, but I can't get that done before others show up."

"Then I'll be back in a bit."

"Tucker," Uncle called. "You might want to get dressed first."

"Belt's busted."

"There still seems to be a wide selection of clothing available," Uncle pointed out.

Tucker looked around, sighed, and proceeded to find a pair of pants that fit him. "I hate my life," he grumbled.

* * * * *

Uncle floated in the void of the network.

He'd picked this location because it was away from anything within the system, at least in the way the network registered distance.

"I know you're here," he called. "I think it's time we talked."

"Yes," the response came, and a fractal pattern formed before him. "I believe it is time."