Blood Rushing to the Wrong Head

Story by Alissa_Skips on SoFurry

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I've always been interested in parasite erotica, but for some reason I haven't touched upon Vampire and Blood-sucking stories till, like, two days ago when I wrote this in a half-asleep stupor. I tidied it up some more and am posting it here for anyone else who's looking for a nice, cozy, yet sharp and thirsty story about blood-sucking.

Lahpi the grey rabbit whimpered atop his bed as the jet-black female slunk towards him on her hands and knees, her needle-sharp canine fangs glinting in the moonlight coming in through his bedroom window. Her canine figure, once sleek and refined, now bore juicy curves that rippled with hidden muscle. Lahpi's fat, flabby body was no match for her beauty, and his exposed genitals shamefully quivered beneath his plump gut as she drew nearer and nearer.

Lenla hissed in annoyance. "You're already hard," she said, gripping his shift with one powerful paw.

"S-sorry. I was just so excited about tonight-"

"Shush. We just need to soften you up." She placed a firm paw on his chest and pushed him onto his back. His head hit the mattress with a thwump, missing the wall behind him by an inch. His ears followed through with the motion, the sensitive folds slapping against the wood. "Sorry," she mumbled, licking her fingers and coating them in her spit.

"'S okay," he slurred happily, trembling with excitement. "What's a little brain damage among friends?"

She giggled happily and closed her wet, saliva-slick paws around his shaft. He bucked at her touch, his legs gently kicking her in the gut. The brief contact was enough for him to realize she had gotten just a touch softer around the middle than he last remembered. He smiled, his cock swelling further at the thought.

"You're not helping," she grumbled. He laughed and flexed his loins, making his cock bob and wag like a dog's tail. "Really, you think this is some kind of game?"

"Oh yes," he said. "The best kind of game."

"Hmmph." She closed her lips around his tip, making him freeze. If he so much as twitched too far to the left or right, his member would find itself getting cozy with her fangs. It was best to let her take over during these parts and relax the best he could.

Her fingers traced the contours of his cock down to his balls, fat and heavy between his legs. She sank a finger into the soft flesh between the testes, slowly burrowing her way into his spongey innards. He let out a piercing squeal and quickly covered his face with a pillow. His neighbors kept bringing up 'Untraceable, Lewd Noises' as a common complaint at the weekly picnics. Taking this as a good sign, Lenla wriggled the finger a smidge deeper, feeling the faint bumps and bulges of her lover's balls against her tip.

The next shriek made its way even through the pillow, and she withdraw her paw. "Big softie," she said distractedly when she paused for a breath. The spit on his cock rapidly cooled in the exposed air, only to be replenished with fresh, hot fluid as she dipped her head down again, slobbering over him like a juicy meal. The magic in her maw tingled against his sensitive flesh, stirring and stimulating the plump clusters of nerves in along his length. His squeaks turned to long, shuddering moans as his teeth sank into his pillow.

The moon in the sky had shifted a great deal along its path by the time he climaxed. He'd done his best to hold off as long as possible against Lenla's skilled handiwork, but his will always caved in the end. She had parked her finger between his testes once again in anticipation of his climax, and the hard, alien sensation wracked his balls as they contracted against it and dumped their load into her waiting maw. Lahpi's cheeks jiggled with a guttural cry into the tortured pillow as his tubes bulged with his fat, gurgling load. Lenla's eyes went wide with surprise as the thick strands hit the back of her throat and drained into her stomach, the volume of seed so large that her frantic swallowing could hardly keep up. Little bubbles of spunk formed in the corners of her lips as she began to lose the battle, but was saved when Lahpi's orgasm began to dwindle, his balls noticeably smaller and pulsing in time with his heartbeat.

Long strands of cum linked shaft to snout as she pulled away, not bothering to wipe herself clean. Her expression had settled into a indignant pout. "You took something, didn't you?"

He tossed the pillow aside and heaved himself upright, only to see her face and break out into laughter. "Haha, yes! That's the look I wanted to see. I've been taking a double-dose of fertility pills for the last week."

She crawled up onto the bed beside him and scowled. "You'd do that to your own body for a prank? I mean, alongside what you're already taking to accommodate me..."

"C'mon, it's not that bad. The worst part was finding new underwear to accommodate these boys." He reached down past his gut and gave his nuts a little heft in his palm. "Luckily there's enough body types in the world that someone, somewhere, has a size for me."

"Not for long," she said, flicking his belly. "You're getting fatter by the day. You need to start cutting back a bit on those Twistie Blondies."

He gulped. "How'd you know about those?"

"The dumpster outside was full of the wrappings."

"... Those could belong to anyone."

"Like anyone in this building is as much as a glutton as you are, and they aren't. I checked."

Lahpi sighed, gently stroking her cheek. "You need to stop sneaking around like that. I don't want people to call the Guard on you."

"I have to know," she said with a shrug. "It's my job."

He grunted, unsatisfied. The conversation was over, though, according to the look in her eyes. "I'm soft now," he said with a chubby smile.

"What a coincidence," she said, narrowing her eyes and licking her lips. "I'm wet now."

"I think we can work together on our problems."

"If you can even call them that." She pushed herself up and placed her knees on the bed on either side of his head. His vision filled with her puffy slit and robust tail-hole, causing his mouth to water in anticipation. Small droplets of dew were already forming on her lips and glistening in the silvery moonlight. Soon, he would be drinking from her body like a bountiful fountain.

And she would be drinking from his, too.

Lenla leaned forward over Lahpi's belly. His bulging stomach fit snugly against her arched torso as she positioned her head beside his glistening cock, licking her lips with a wet smack. Her hands pinched at his sensitive inner thighs, making him spread his legs even wider apart. The fat rabbit's thighs were meaty enough to get in the way of his genitals, so it took an extra layer of preparation to get him ready for 'feeding'.

"You ready?" Lenla asked, wriggling her bottom tantalizingly close to his face. He responded by diving in with a lift of his head, burying his muzzle in her sex. Puffy lips kissed chubby cheeks as she let out a yelp of surprise, then laughter. "Greedy, greedy boy... Hope you don't mind if I get a little greedy tonight, too." She opened her maw and fingered his fat and floppy cock inside, using her tongue to hold it in place. She suppressed a gag as his tip reached the back of her mouth and started snaking further inside, a small price to pay for her favorite meal.

Her fangs glistened beside the base of his cock as he bottomed out inside of her. Lahpi shivered, his body sensing the wrongness of the canine's magic fangs. Some deep-rooted instinct cried out in warning that a parasite was about to have it's way with him... but he suppressed the warning, fed on it even, letting his pounding heart grow louder, faster, filling her ears with the sound of his rushing, gushing blood.

Inside her mouth, his cock began to grow stiff.

She bit down.

Two points of numbness blossomed in Lahpi's groin as his lover's fangs sank into his body, slipping with ease through flesh and muscle alike, seeking out the fat veins that fed his growing cock. He'd grown fatter, so much so that she couldn't find them at first! She closed her eyes and grunted, growing her fangs another inch or so, her snout itching where the fresh bone sprouted anew. The new length was more than enough; she had been only a hair's breadth away from the veins before, and was now sunk deep into the hot, pulsing river.

Lahpi's heart skipped a beat as his body protested, anxiety and panic rising in his chest, urging him to fight back as the numbness began to spread up his veins, into the blood-rich tissue of his cock and the fat of his belly. Lenla's back heaved as she drew in great gulps of his blood, so much so that he could feel the changes of pressure within himself, his body twitching and shuddering as liquid life was sucked away. He gurgled blissfully against her pussy and writhed his tongue from side to side, matching his rhythm with the pace of her drinking.

More and more, more and more... Her breathing was growing heavier now, frantic, desperate. She reached down to his thighs and spread them further still, clawing and clutching at them, easing the flow of blood through his lower body, encouraging and stimulating the veins and muscles. Her touch stirred him, made his erection throb... only to slowly start to soften again as its fuel was stolen, sucked away through her fangs. Specialized tubes running alongside her sinuses carried the thick, potent flow through her snout and into the back of her throat, where it pooled and mixed with the air, ripening its flavor before she gulped it down into her sloshing tummy.

Lahpi continued to dutifully eat his woman out, even as his strength began to fade, letting her juices settle on his tongue and quench his growing thirst. His dizziness fed his arousal, as did his gradual suffocation as she ground her cunt against his face, drowning and marking him with her scent.

A dim sense of urgency filled her mind as she sense Lahpi growing closer to the breaking point. It was not her role to harm, both with her job and her lover. Sadly, she drew out a last few sips of his body, savoring the sweet taste as much as she could.

But Lahpi was not done with her. Lenla grunted in surprise as he closed his thighs around her snout and locked her in place. The extra pressure sank her fangs deeper into his body, punching into a less-drained patch of flesh, ripe for the picking. She started to lift her hips, ready to protest... but he picked that moment to lash out with his tongue, aiming for the spot he'd been avoiding all night long, her favorite spot, one that was so sensitive that he might as well have tased her.

He curled up his body as she came over his face, drenching him and his sheets. His tensing muscles and bunching fat sent blood gushing into her fangs like a broken dam. He bellowed with determination as he emptied himself, his very life, into her body, feeding her the huge meal he knew she wanted but was too polite to ask for. Lenla's eyes rolled as twin jets of blood spurted down from the roof of her mouth into her gaping throat, her belly filling as her mind emptied.

Lahpi tensed till he saw stars, then released with a heaving, wheezing sigh. His limbs went limp, allowing Lenla to slowly tug her fangs from his body, her magic sealing the wounds with hardly a trace. She too was panting and bleary-eyed, her pupils dilated and mouth agape, drinking in the scent and sight of the moon as ancient magic coursed through her veins. Magic that many feared and hated. Magic that could be used for dark, evil acts in the dead of night... or just kinky sex. There was a razor-thin line between the two.

"Le... Lenla," he whispered, pawing weakly at her flank. "There's... some tablets... on my desk..."

Lenla stirred out of her trance, shaking her head. "On it," she said dreamily. Cold air struck his face as she lifted her bottom away and grabbed the metal canister, emptying a few into her palm. Medical tablets, designed for use after severe injuries. They'd grown quite common in the more... aggressive sex scene of the Highplains, though, and were now sold at both clinics and sex shops. Lahpi didn't skimp out when it came to his safety meds, so these were the finest quality he could find. Lenla fed him the tablets and used her gentle paw to help him chew.

A few minutes passed, with him slowly regaining his bodily functions while she lay cuddled up beside him, lovingly stroking his belly. "I've never felt so full," she said dreamily. "Is this how you feel? All the time?"

He squeezed her closer and nodded. "Always. All that eating I do... it's for you, you know. To keep my body big and plump. So I can do that to you." He gave her bulging belly a little poke. There was an audible slosh of thick, creamy liquid as she giggled and squirmed. Her motions, her voice... he found his emptied loins stirring once more, blood cautiously returning to his cock, filling it with a wet, spreading heat.

Lenla made a little noise of annoyance as he rolled towards her, his soft belly flopping against her bloated on. "Big oaf, what are you... oh. Ohhh..." Her voice trailed off as his fingers found her pussy, teasing the delicate, graceful folds apart. "And here I thought you were done for the night."

"Just because I'm done," he said with a wink, "Doesn't mean you are." He bumped against her belly and grinned. "Let's put all these calories to work, shall we?"

Lahpi's face was a soppy matted mess as the sky began to blush the pink hue of sunrise. Wincing, he massaged his jaw and pulled away from Lenla's damp, quivering backside. "Good girl," he panted.

She gave a shuddering sigh in response. "We fucked all night... when was the last time we did that?"

"Must've been ages ago." He stretched out his neck with a firm twist. "Sure took its toll on me. How are you holding up?"

"I can't move my legs," she said happily. "You really worked some magic down there..."

"I aim to please. And if it means I get to keep you in my bed just a little longer, of course."

Outside, the sun continued its relentless march upwards, unheeded by the wants and wishes of the people below. "I should go," Lenla said.

"You probably should." He waited patiently as she stared into his eyes, her face pensive. "What?"

"I... might not see you for a while." She cocked her head, ears flopping to the side. "I didn't want to tell you earlier and spoil the fun."

Lahpi gave a slow nod. "I see. Business?"

"Family business," she said with a subtle roll of her eyes. "Very important. You're not upset, are you?"

"Disappointed, yes. But not upset. Not even close." He gave her hip a loving pat. "I know you'll come back when the time is right."

"Right," she said, almost to herself. "I will. Always."