Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 2

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#2 of Rabbit Heart Part One: The Pit


Leon Hart (Rabbit)

Nola Hart (Rabbit)

Tofa Hart (Rabbit)

Blake (Viper)

A distant memory. Cold nights in the Den. Also anal.

The Den was a fucking terrible place to sleep. It was a stone hut about twenty feet in diameter. Straw covered the floor and slop buckets lined the back wall. There were no windows--once the heavy oak door slammed closed for the night, the room was pitch dark, save for the slivers of moonlight that drifted in through the various holes in the ceiling. Finding a dry spot to sleep during a rainstorm was damn near impossible. I suppose you could call it a blessing that the Pit was in the middle of a desert, so rainstorms were incredibly rare. I recalled only two in my life.

A twenty-foot circle was not enough space for everyone, especially when a good five-foot stretch next to the slop buckets was given an understandably wide berth. People slept squeezed against each other, and there were no clothes for prisoners. A few apocryphal tales told of prisoners who had used them to strangle guards once upon a time, and after that the Scrofa just left everyone naked.

I mean, they gave us goddamn pickaxes every day and I'm pretty sure those are much better weapons than some fucking linens, but whatever. No one said the guards were burdened with an overabundance of education.

I was molested about a week and a half before Mom died. Nola and I were maybe six, and it was deep into the winter. Winters in the Pit never reached close to freezing, but it was still damned uncomfortable with no layers. The sleeping pile was packed especially tight during winter months. Well--the cold months. Deserts didn't really get a proper winter.

One night, some scaly-skinned Vithis was pressed against me in the sleeping pile, and I felt something hard against my ass crack. I thought it was his leg. I know better now, of course, but I was too young to understand then. It was warm, though, and the night was cold, so I leaned into it.

I felt his big hand move across my thigh, then slide over to my small penis. I didn't really get erections yet--leastways not for the reasons I would later--but it felt nice anyway. He was never rough or aggressive, always gentle and massaging. It felt so good, I found myself drifting off to sleep. When I woke, there was white goop between my ass cheeks. It was a long time before I knew what that was.

The next night, I looked around for my Vithis friend before they closed the door to the Den. There were about a half dozen Vithia among the prisoners, and I had no idea which one had kept me company last night. Besides, the sleeping arrangements were far too haphazard to expect the same arrangement every time. Hells, half the time Nola and I didn't even end up sleeping next to Mom. So I curled up against Mom and Nola with a disappointed sigh and tried to fall asleep. The Cheron who ended up next to me was withered and decrepit, so he didn't offer much in the way of heat. I mean, the cold-blooded Anthropa usually didn't, but my Vithis friend the night before certainly had.

I didn't sleep well.

On the fourth night, my Vithis friend was back. I got a good look at him before the door closed. He was broad-shouldered and hoodless, with crinkled ridges for teeth; a constrictor then, not a viper. His brown scales bore a line of black rings down the length of his torso and tail, and his yellow eyes stared at me with a strange intensity I found unsettling, as if he was trying to hypnotize me. But, I reminded myself, he was a friend. He massaged me and kept me warm the night before. If he was unusually interested in massaging my dick, that was okay. It still felt good, and he still kept me surprisingly warm for a Vithis.

Darkness enveloped the Den, and it took several minutes for my eyes to adjust. I waited for what felt like an eternity, but eventually I felt his stiff cock slide between my ass cheeks, and I leaned heavily against him. Mom and Nola snored lightly on my other side. Soon I felt his big, smooth fingers find my dick and start rubbing again. This time, though, I could feel his cool breath on my neck. He whispered almost imperceptibly into my ear, "I'm Blake. What's your name?"


"You feel nice, Leon."

"Thank you, Mr. Blake. You feel nice too."

In response, Blake rubbed his cock against my ass crack, gently at first but picking up speed over the next couple of minutes. It felt a little uncomfortable, but he was still massaging my cock and stomach, so I didn't complain. After another minute or so of his humping, I whispered, "Are you gonna leave white stuff on me again?"

The humping paused, and despite the discomfort, I found myself disappointed without knowing why, precisely. Blake was quiet for a moment before replying with a question of his own. "Did you like it?"

I shrugged. "It was cold and sticky."

"It comes out warm."

I thought about that for a second. "But it's cold out. Wet stuff gets cold fast."

"True," Blake whispered. He sounded disappointed too. After a second, he added, "But, it's how grown-ups show they like each other sometimes. Do you like me?"

My young brain never questioned the logic. "Yes. You're my friend."

"Thank you, Leon. I'm flattered. Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

"What's a 'boyfriend'?" I muttered.

"Sshhh." He paused before replying. "Boyfriends have sex with each other."

I had a vague notion at this point what sex was; we'd already seen it several times, and heard it a lot more. The darkness hid most nightly activities in the Den, but occasionally moonlight showed us the acts of the adult prisoners. We'd asked our mother and she'd promptly told us it was sex, that grown-ups did it, and to drop the subject. That only made us more curious of course, but we never pressed her on it.

"Mom says only grown-ups have sex," I whispered back uncertainly.

"Then pretend you're a grown-up," he replied. I felt his broad shoulders shrug.

I liked the sound of that. I enjoyed pretending, even though I had no real concept of the world outside the Pit. I'd heard stories from other prisoners about trees, and the ocean. Mom once said we'd been born on the ocean, inside a ship with great big black sails. Pretending to be a grown-up was nothing new to me. I nodded vigorously.

"The first time hurts sometimes," Blake warned. "You will have to be brave."

"I'm brave," I argued.

"Shh," he repeated.

This time, Mom's eyes peeled open just a sliver, and I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I felt Blake's body shift subtly away from me, but I could still feel his dick throbbing against my back. That was warm, but the rest of me was cold. I tried my best not to shiver as I waited as long as I could before peaking my eye open. Mom was still staring at me, with heavy lids but clearly awake. I wondered why Blake stopped humping me when Mom woke up, and my young brain took its sweet time coming to the answer. I closed my eyes to hide my wakefulness from Mom for the same reason Blake stopped humping me when she woke up: we were both being naughty.

I closed my eyes again with a sigh, Mom's heavy-lidded gaze still on me as I did. There was something unsettling in her gaze too, though I couldn't place what. An intensity that she and Blake shared when looking at me, but subtly different.

Blake didn't rub against me again that night. Disappointed, I lay awake for what seemed like forever before finally falling asleep shivering.

Blake didn't sleep next to me for several nights. Maybe Mom waking up scared him off? It made me more certain with each passing night that Blake was doing something he wasn't supposed to. Far from making me glad he'd stopped, however, it made me want him to do it again even more. There was something forbidden about it that my young mind found enticing.

Even more frustrating, every night as I fell asleep, Mom was watching me. Nola slept like the dead, as she always did, but Mom kept giving me that half-eyed stare as I fell asleep. Thinking back on it, it's kind of unnerving actually. There was something profoundly wrong in those eyes, something... defeated. As if she'd given up some internal struggle. I know what it was, now. I sure as Hells didn't then.

It ended up being almost a week before I found my scaly friend lying behind me again, and it took nearly half the path of the moon through the night sky before Mom finally fell asleep. Even after her eyes closed, it took forever for Blake to say anything. I thought maybe he'd fallen asleep too, but finally I felt his pulsing cock warm against my back. "I missed you," he whispered.

"Me too."

"Do you still want to be my boyfriend?"

I hesitated. "How bad will it hurt?"

"Only a little. I'll start with fingers, until you're ready for my dick."

"... Okay."

"I need lube," he whispered, and I felt one of his smooth fingers press against my lips. "Lick my finger."

I pressed my little pink tongue against his finger. It tasted terrible, but I didn't want to be a bad boyfriend, so I kept licking. His breathing got heavier. "Nnfffuck," he breathed, so quiet I almost didn't hear him. "Gods, I'd love to fuck that mouth of yours." I didn't know what that meant, but I didn't want to stop licking to ask him. Eventually, when his forefinger was entirely coated in my saliva, his finger disappeared from view.

"This will feel a little like a pinch," he breathed. "Don't cry out, okay?"

I nodded.

When his finger entered my asshole, I bit my lip hard to keep from whimpering. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but it was still painful. I wanted to tell him to stop and let me catch my breath, but I couldn't speak.

His finger only entered to the first knuckle, probing this way and that, sending electric currents into my stomach with each movement. I started tingling through my belly and legs, and my dick hardened almost instantly. "Fuck, you're tight," Blake breathed. "I wish I could fuck you right now, but I'd break you."

That scared me a little, but I thought to myself, Be brave, and the fear subsided a little. He probably wasn't serious. He seemed really excited right now, and Nola said silly nonsense all the time when she was excited.

After a while, it didn't hurt so much anymore. It almost felt... nice.

"Okay," Blake whispered, his thin forked tongue flicking the back of my ears and tickling them. "I think you're ready for the tip. But I need more lube." His finger slid out of my ass with not a whisper of sound, and reached my lips again. His finger smelled funny, not quite like the slop buckets and definitely not as smelly, but similar. I licked the finger hesitantly. It tasted kind of gross, but also kind of fun. Within moments, I had his finger in my mouth and was sucking it eagerly.

Blake uttered a breathy little moan. "Gods, you're good at that. Okay. Okay. Here we go." He pulled the finger from my mouth and rubbed it against my asshole. A second later, something large and broad pressed against my hole and I sucked in a breath. I didn't whimper, but the sound wasn't quiet, either.

Mom's eyes slid halfway open.

Blake froze. I froze. Time stood still.

The older Vithis didn't move for several long, excruciating moments. I saw Mom's gaze move away from mine to, presumably, Blake's. After a few moments of that emotionless gaze on him, Blake pushed the head of his cock into my ass.

I moaned loud, then bit down on my lip. No one in the dark of the Den reacted. Mom's gaze moved back to mine and watched me with a hungry expression. One eye remained half-lidded, while the eye with the lump looked nearly closed. Her hands were deep between her legs, moving back and forth. Nola lay nuzzled between her breasts, fast asleep.

Blake didn't dare try to push more of his dick into me than the head, but that was enough. It was way bigger than his finger, and it hurt like crazy, but I tried to push out the pain for my boyfriend. I wanted to fit as much of him in me as I could. Because even though it hurt, by the gods, it was hot. Like, almost scalding hot. It was a deep, intense warmth in the middle of winter and I would suffer every inch of his cock inside me if it meant more of that warmth. The juxtaposition of pain and pleasure was enough to make me woozy.

Blake thrust the head of his dick in and out in small, anxious thrusts that made him pant even with that minimal movement. Mom's eyes occasionally flicked away from my face to look at Blake behind me, then back down to me, her hands moving against the space between her legs with greater quickness. Now her breathing was heavy too.

A few moments later, Mom looked from me to Blake and moaned, "Cum inside him." Her expression was pained as she said it, as if she was injured, but in a good way. It was a weird look.

As if on cue, something hot and wet shot inside me. I could feel it deep, all the way into my belly. It came in large, rhythmic bursts. There was so much of it that it spilled out around the head of his cock. I cried then, not in pain or fear but because it felt so good, so fucking warm. It would be a long, long time before I felt warmth like that again.

Blake's tongue flicked all over my head and neck. "Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you. Gods, I love you. Thank you."

He was still repeating it as I drifted off to sleep, my entire body tingling. Mom's eyes welled with tears as she stared at me, hands still moving between her legs as I fell asleep.

The next day, Blake slipped off the scaffolding and fell into the Maw. I cried for three days. Mom died the fourth day, overcome with the Lumps. I stopped crying after that--I didn't have anything left.

Nothing left but Nola. I held onto my twin with all my might. I never told her about Blake, or Mom. Part of me knew it had been wrong, I think, and I didn't want her to worry. So, I cried my three days and Nola cried after. It was her turn.