Brotherly Love

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#1 of Brother's Love

Hey! Another story in less than one month! Yippee!! Please please please PLEASE leave me comments I really enjoy coments, and ratings... so yeah and oh! if you feel inclined to draw a picture for this story please do so! i would love to see some pictures! Thanks!

  • * * "Jamie you have to finish you breakfast before you can play." Lydia said quickly, her eyes catching a little fox trying to run out of the kitchen. Jamie turned around and crossed his arms, giving her a pouty look. "But mom! I don't like it... it tastes nasty..." The little fox was only about twelve years old and he was a ball of energy, even this early in the morning. Lydia smiled and set down her crossword puzzle. "Just finish your food and then you can play for the rest of the day." "Erf..." Jamie went back to his seat at the counter and sighed. "How come Kyle doesn't have to eat breakfast..." "Because your brother is always asleep at this time, plus which he is old enough to make decisions for himself..." Lydia leaned against the opposite side of the counter and playfully hit him with the crossword puzzle. "Now hurry up and eat." Jamie finished the rest of his food and ran up to his room. He jumped on his bed, giggling as he hugged his stuffed wolf to his chest. It was a gift from Kyle, his step brother, for his tenth birthday. Jamie adored the stuffed wolf; it looked almost exactly like his brother. Grey fur, blue eyes, and a long fluffy tail. Jamie sighed happily and looked around his room before jumping off the bed and running downstairs. "Mom, have you seen my skateboard?" His tail wagged happily behind him as he bounced slightly on his paw pads. "You brother was complaining about it being in his room the other day, it's probably still in there... Hey, you wouldn't happen to know... a... ten letter word for talkative that starts with 'L' would you?" She looked up hopefully, knowing full well that he would have no idea. Jamie just stood there, mouth open as he shook his head, looking dumbstruck. "Uh... I'll go check his room..." Jamie zipped off back up the stairs. 'It was worth it for his expression...' Lydia mused as she grabbed a dictionary from amongst her cookbooks. Jamie opened the door to his brother's room quietly; it was pretty dark in here, even for being ten. Kyle kept black curtains over the windows to block out the light. Jamie gently shut the door and stepped into the center of the room, looking around. Music was playing quietly from the stereo by the bed, and Kyle was still completely asleep. Jamie smiled as he spotted it. It was partially under the wolf's bed. He snuck up next to the bed and reached down, pulling it out slowly. Once he had it in his paws he turned to leave, but as he did his foot paw got caught on the stereo's cord and he tripped, pulling the thing from the end table in the process. The fox and the stereo hit the floor with a loud thud, the music ending. Jamie whined and sat up, nursing the bruise on his elbow from hitting the skateboard. "Ow..." "What the hell is going on?" Kyle asked, sitting up in bed and looking down at Jamie. "Why are you in my room?" Jamie's ears flattened as the wolf glared at him. After all, he did have six years on him. "I... I was just trying to get... get my skateboard... and I... I tripped on the cord... and... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Jamie sat there, trying not to whimper, his little fox tail curling around himself. Kyle sighed irritably and threw back the sheets, standing up. He was completely naked and four inches of wolf cock were sticking out of his sheath. He stepped past his awe-struck brother and bent down, picking up his stereo and placing it back on the end table, turning it back on. "Just... don't be so clumsy..." Kyle said finally, turning back around to look down at the little fox. "Are you alright?" Jamie looked up at Kyle's face and nodded slowly. "Yeah... I'm fine..." He looked back at his brother's semi-hard cock. Kyle chuckled and sat on the edge of his bed. "What's the matter? Never seen a hard-on before?" Jamie blushed and placed a paw on his firming sheath. "I've... I've seen one before... but... only... only mine..." Kyle laughed, making Jamie blush harder. "Wow... I've seen a bunch... you play with them, with others too... you're young, you don't know." Kyle absent-mindedly reached down, giving his wolf meat a firm squeeze, another inch protruding from the furry holder. Jamie's head swam with questions; he didn't know which to ask first. "How... err... how do you... ummm....." He nibbled a bit on the tip of his finger, his other paw still pressing his sheath through his shorts. "How do you, you know, play with them?" "Who with my friends?" Kyle asked. Jamie nodded slowly. Kyle lay on his back and sighed thoughtfully, pulling his sheath down past his shrunken knot. "Well... you can paw them off... suck them off... or be fucked... we've done a lot..." Jamie couldn't help but stare at the wolf's cock, dripping clear liquid onto the grey fur beneath, something he'd never seen before. "Can... I mean... I want... can we... play?" Kyle looked over at the blushing kit, a paw on the bulge in his shorts. "Well... sure... I guess, someone's gotta teach you." He scooted over and patted the spot next to him. Jamie slowly got up and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. "What do you want me to do...?" His voice was barely above a whisper. He was frightened of what kind of 'play' his brother had been talking about, but he was excited to, evident from the growing bulge. "First you gotta take off your clothes kit." Kyle lay his head back on his paws and watched as his brother nodded. "All my clothes?" Jamie asked tentatively, to which Kyle nodded. Jamie sighed and stood up, peeling off his shirt and dropping it on the floor. He then pushed his silky gym shorts down and underwear down, stepping out of them. His little fox cock was standing fully hard at five and a half inches. "N-now what?" "Come lay down..." Kyle said softly, rubbing the spot next to him. 'Gods... I never realized how cute he was until now...' Kyle thought to himself. Jamie did as he was told, lying on his side, facing his brother. "Okay..." Kyle pulled Jamie into a hug, holding the small fox's body against his own as he rubbed the red furred back. Jamie shuddered and wrapped his arms around the large wolf's chest. "Jamie, whatever you do... don't tell mom about this... got it?" Jamie giggled a little and looked up at his step-brother. "Okay." Kyle grinned a placed a paw on the back of Jamie's head, leaning in and kissing him hard, forcing his tongue into the kit's muzzle before he had time to react. Jamie's eyes went wide as he struggled against his brother's kiss. It was a strange sensation, having someone else's tongue in his muzzle, but after a few seconds he stopped struggling and just lay there, licking at the invading tongue. After a few more seconds of exploring his brother's muzzle, Kyle broke the kiss. "You're so damn hot..." He whispered. Jamie blushed and stared at his brother. "So... now what...?" Kyle pushed Jamie onto his back and sat atop his chest gently, rubbing his paws through the white chest fur. "Now for the real fun!" Kyle winked at his brother and reached down next to the bed and pulled up a container labeled 'KY'. Jamie looked at it quizzically. "What's that?" "It's lube, it's to make your cock slick so that it doesn't hurt." Kyle poured some of the stuff onto his paw. "So what doesn't hurrRRT!" Jamie's eyes widened again and he lay back, giving off a low groan. "Oh wow... that feels good..." "You're going to love what's next..." Kyle grinned and lifted his long lupine tail out of the way and pushed himself down slowly onto the small fox cock. Jamie yelped out in pleasure, bucking his hips a few times as he felt a slick, tight warmth engulfing his member. "Ohh ohhh! What.... what're doing?" Jamie was blushing furiously as he looked down. He couldn't see his own cock but he had an idea of where it was. "Is it... is it inside you?" Jamie asked incredulously. Kyle panted softly, grimacing a little at the slight sting of being entered. "Yeah... you're inside me... and it feels damn good..." Kyle sat on his brothers hips, taking hold of his own cock and beginning to stroke it slowly. Jamie laid his head back down, paws gripping his brother's legs as he moaned quietly, his hips bucking slightly. He didn't know whether it was a good thing that he was inside his brother, or if it was disgusting. He did know it felt amazing, so that pretty much blew the other out of the water. "Oh... this is... fun..." Kyle laughed a little at his naive brother and continued to pump away at his shaft. "Yeah... fun..." He carefully started to ride up and down on the five and a half inches of fox cock, moaning as it just barely teased his prostate, something he'd half to teach his brother about later. Jamie moaned a little louder and began to feel an odd sensation in his balls; the pleasure was beginning to feel ten times better. "Oh wow... my balls feel weird nowwwwowwww...... ohhhh....." Kyle moaned a little louder, both his and his younger brother's knots were beginning to grow and the little fox knot was popping in and out of him with barely any resistance. "Fff-fuck yeah..." Kyle pulled off, yipping in surprise as he pulled off too far, having to reinsert the fox cock into his tailhole. He chuckled breathlessly. "I hate it when that happens..." Jamie lay there, whimpering in pleasure as his brother bounced up and down in his lap. He didn't rightly know what was happening, he knew his brother was making him feel good and he was slowly feeling better and better. "It's... soo.... great...." Jamie uttered, panting slightly between moans. Kyle just nodded in response and let the little fox knot pop in him one more time, biting down on his free arm to hold back a loud moan as his cock and knot throbbed in his paw, cum shooting out across the white furred chest beneath him, a few hitting the fox's muzzle. Jamie opened his eyes as he felt the warm liquid hit his chest and looked up to see some splash on his muzzle. He licked his lips, tasting the salty fluid as he felt the warmth around his cock squeeze down tighter. He laid his head back and moaned loudly, his little cock throbbing inside his brother's passage. He could feel some fluids running down his balls but was too exhausted to care. Kyle pulled off the golf ball knot with a soft yip and grabbed a towel, cleaning the kit cum from beneath his tail. "That was amazing Jamie... really.... amazing..." He held up the towel and looked back at the bed. Jamie lay there, chest rising and falling slowly as he slept quietly. His white chest fur was matted down with wet cum and his cock was slowly retreating into his sheath. He had a silly smile on his muzzle and looked content. Kyle smiled and gently wiped up as much of the cum as he could, lying next to his brother gently and hugging him close to his chest. "I love you Jamie..." Kyle whispered. A few minutes later the pair had fallen asleep. Lydia opened the door to the bedroom quietly, peering in at the sight. Her nosed picked up the smell of sex and she saw the two brothers asleep on the bed. She shut the door quietly and went down the hall to the office. "Hey Jackson, come here, you have to see what your son did..." The older wolf stood up and set down his calculator, following his wife down the hall. "My son?" Lydia nodded and opened the door slowly, pointed at the bed where the canines slept. "See?" Jackson peered in and tried not to laugh. "Wow... I remember that age..." Lydia closed the door and grinned. "Which? Twelve or eighteen?" The wolf crossed his arms. "I was the middle child... so both... you had a sister... didn't you two ever have fun?" Lydia blushed and giggled. "Well, there were a few occasions..." Jackson murred and hugged the smaller vixen close to his chest. "Well how about you tell me about those 'few occasions' hmm...?" She nodded and the two made their way to their own bedroom, tickling and hitting at each other playfully.