Love of my Second World Life Chapter 16

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry


#3 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

For those who have read from the beginning I am still less than half way through what I have to upload and then I have 4 pages of notes to continue the story. I am a slow typist as well as having a ton of things to keep me busy. I will add to this as I can get to it.

Sorry for the delay but here are the next couple of chapters for now.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 16

While I was out Navaja explained to Kantagin and the others what the medicines she had given me did. When finished they nodded. Herod and Kantagin then headed towards the front door.

Kantagin stopped and said, "If there is anything Ariani or I can do Navaja, just let us know. The family all wishes you the best."

Navaja said, "I appreciate that Kantagin but I think the best thing now is having a helper her for now is all we need."

With that he nodded and left to the office building with Herod. Navaja then went to grab something to eat and afterwards returned to my bedside to keep an eye on me.

The next thing I remember is Navaja lying next to me gently resting. I smiled and thought this lovely panthress has given me more than anyone else has ever given and she is still willing to be with me. I gently placed my arm over her and snoozed till she stirred.

When she opened her eyes she realized my arm was around her and she looked at me and I said, "I love you my pretty kitty."

She smiled at me and asked, "How do you feel my love?"

"Run down but otherwise okay. How long have I been out?"

"Three days my love. Your feet have begun to heal over and I think the worst of it is over now. I won't make you drink anymore of the sleeping draught." She said.

She then rolled away from me and got out of bed and asked, "Do you think you could eat something? You have had nothing but my sleeping draught for the past three days."

Like a switch thrown in me I realized I was starving and I replied, "I think I could eat a full grown horse my love."

She laughed at me and replied, "I don't think we have any of them in stock but I'll get you something."

She left the room for a bit and I gently moved my legs and felt a sharp pain when the heel hit the bedding. I thought to myself, don't do that stupid. I then raised myself up a bit so I could see how I looked. I was fully on the bed except for my feet. They were still wrapped in Navaja's makeshift bandages and hanging just over the bed so they wouldn't hit anything and cause me any major pain.

Navaja came back into the room with some sliced meats, cheeses and bread. She also had a glass of ale to wash it down with. She sat on the edge of the bed and adjusted me where my legs were propped over something to make an ottoman. She then gently raised me to a sitting position and helped me eat.

When she had finished feeding me she just sat there and held onto me. She softly said, "I was afraid we lost you that time. The medicine I had to give you was also a poison and you were already weakened by the attack and I wasn't sure you could handle it. You; however seem to have a hell of a will to live."

"My lovely panthress, if it weren't for you I wouldn't even be here. If you wish to see the reason for my wanting to live, go look in the mirror my sweets."

She blushed at that and said, "You never quit do you?"

"I'm just telling the truth my love. I love you so much that I don't want to lose you and if I died I would lose the love that I have finally found with you."

"We need to get you cleaned up and change the bandages on your feet." She then said.

"When will Ariani be here to help you my dear?"

She replied, "I'm not sure."

She then stood up and took the dishes back into the kitchen. When she returned I looked at her and saw the gleam in her eyes that made me wonder what was going on in her mind.

About that time there was a knock on the door and Navaja went to open it. Ariani entered with a greeting to Navaja and came to the room and looked at me and asked, "Do you feel well today?"

"I feel as well as am to be expected I think Ariani. I am laid up and unable to do anything once again but otherwise I am here and the love of my life has decided to put up with this as well."

Ariani looked to Navaja with her head cocked.

Navaja then said, "He's afraid that I am going to leave the only one I wish to be mated with for someone less accident prone." Navaja then came into the room and said, "You're not going to get off with that my mate, I'm here to stay." She smiled at me with that said.

I gently reached out and pulled her to me in the bedside and kissed her and said, "I couldn't blame you if you did go looking for another my sweet."

She then looked me in the eye and said, "You were the first to ever treat me as more than an oddity to gossip about.

I never want to lose that. I never want to give up on the one I have fallen in love with ever."

With that she then turned to Ariani and asked, "Would you help me move him to the bathroom? I need to get him cleaned up today and I wish to look how his feet are doing and I think it would be best in the tub."

Navaja and Ariani then each put themselves on each side of me and had me wrap my arms around their shoulders and then they each grabbed one of my legs to keep them from touching the floor and lifted me up. They then walked into the bathroom turning sideways and going through the door. Then they gently sat me on the tub edge making sure to gently set my feet down so they didn't jar too much. When they touched the fool there was a sudden sharp pain in both of them but it was manageable.

Navaja then told Ariani, "You may want to go out of earshot. This will be the first time I have to remove the bandaging while he is awake and I'm sure it's going to hurt."

Ariani then replied, "I can go take inventory of the root cellar and then you can tell me later what all you need for the shopping trip."

Navaja nodded at that suggestion and then turned her attention on me. She gently placed my feet over a bench she had sometime earlier created to rest my legs on. She then gently removed the bandage from my right foot and as soon as it got down to my skin I felt as if she had placed a branding iron against the bottom of my foot and I groaned from the pain.

"I know it hurts my love but I must clean and redress the wounds or you will get infections in them." She said seeing my pain.

"I know, but that don't make it hurt any less."

She then proceeded to remove the left bandage and it didn't hurt as much. I remembered that my right is the one with the plants seed growing in it and I shivered involuntarily.

She saw my shiver and then asked, "What is the matter?"

"I was thinking about that plant growing inside my foot."

She then said, "at least there are no others of them inside of you."

"Thank god there are not. That thing was horrible."

She then gently helped me into the tub of warm water and the water hit my feet and first hurt them like having hot pokers on them and then they backed down in intensity and actually began to feel good after a bit. I washed myself as good as I could and Navaja helped me in the areas I couldn't reach. She then drained the water and began to dry my upper body off.

"I need to wash your feet again and inspect them for infection before I rebandage them my love." She said.

"Do what you must my love, I trust you."

She then soaped her hands up real good and gently rubbed my right foot. As she touched it I screamed in pain and shook from the pain. She then rinsed the soap off real good and I saw a pink color to it.

"Am I still bleeding from the wounds?" I asked.

Navaja replied, "No my love it is the salve I used on your feet it trapped some of your blood from escaping and it is that which you see. I see no open wound and I see no infection with this foot."

She then worked over my left foot and again the pain was intense. It however was less than the right one because of the hole in the right one.

She then reapplied the salve to my feet and instantly the pain eased. She then replaced the bandages with fresh ones. When she finished she gently dried the rest of me off as best as she could and then asked, "Do you wish to put a suit on or stay naked and get back in bed?"

Smiling at her I said, "I would feel better without the suit on my dear, but I'm worried about Ariani seeing me without the suit on."

Navaja said, "I have a way around that, I'm going to change the bedding and get a clean sheet and bring it in here and cover you with it and then we will move you back in the bed."

"You have figured out a good way my love. Let's do that."

She then left me in the bathroom to wait till she had changed the bedding and then she came back into the bathroom and gently wrapped me in the sheet and then called for Ariani. The two of them lifted me and put me back in the bed.

Navaja then said, "thank you Ariani, you may return to whatever you were doing."

Ariani nodded and left the room. Navaja then helped me unwrap from the sheet and recovered me with it.

There she said as the sheet fell across my prone body.

The simple fact that Navaja was so near was having an effect on me and my manhood began to rise, tenting the sheet.

Navaja saw it as I gently turned sideways and said, "Someone is thinking about mating I see."

"It has been awhile my love and I haven't forgotten how wonderful it is with you."

She smiled at me and said, "I too miss how it feels to be with you my love. We may try to fix that this evening if you think you are up to it."

"Even if I was completely immobile, I would be up to it for you my pretty kitty lover."

She started turning deep red at that statement and then said as she got up, "Rest now then lover. I will see what is going on with Ariani and when it is time for her to leave we will be alone to enjoy each other."

"I will be here waiting for that time then."

With that Navaja left the bedroom and headed off to the rest of the house with the bedding and bandages from my feet. I drifted off to sleep and didn't realize how long it was until I heard Navaja's voice.

"There is no hurry as long as we have clean ones for his feet for the next couple of days." Navaja said.

Ariani then replied, "I will have Kantagin help me get the supplies for you tomorrow."

Navaja then said, "then I will see you tomorrow," and gently closed the door.

The next thing I knew Navaja was in the bedroom with me smiling. She took off her suit and climbed into bed with me and said, "I hope you still want to mate my love? I've had a hard time trying to keep from showing the wetness that is leaking from my over excited womanhood. There were a couple of times today I thought I felt it running down my fury legs."

I giggled at that and said as I rolled upon my back, showing her my raging hard-on. "When I was awake, all I thought about was feeling your lovely body on mine as we mate and the pleasures of the mating."

She then rolled gently on top of me and said as she aligned our sexes up. "You no longer have to only think about it my love." As she gently placed my cock into her vulva and gently started down my hard shaft.

I couldn't believe how wet she was. Her love tunnel was almost dripping wet and the sheer pleasure of her body taking my shaft within it was making me hornier than ever. As she slowly bottomed herself on my shaft I felt the fur of both our crotches as they touched and I gently took her butt cheeks in my hands and started rocking her on me.

She gasped as my pole moved within her wanton body.

I then started rocking my shaft in and out of her and she started purring, again making my shaft feel so wonderful.

She then started moving faster as she was reaching her first orgasm and I sped up to match her. Soon even though every bounce prodded me with pain from my injured feet I was bouncing her up and down my shaft like a jackhammer. Her womanhood was making slurping sounds as my shaft slid within her.

Before long she was growling with pleasure and I was getting very close to erupting my seed into her. "I'm about to blow my love." I said as I pumped her. She suddenly spasmed and I knew it was a big one for her as her love tunnel clamped down on my shaft. That sent me over the top and I shot squirt after squirt deep into her as he froze up in her ecstasy.

I moved my hands up to her shoulders and gently lowered her down to lay on my body as she basked in her orgasm. I smiled as she just lay there in a stupor from the feelings she was having.

She slowly recovered from her pleasure and looked at my smiling face. "You may not be able to walk, but you sure can take care of my needs my love."

"I'm just happy I can make you feel that good my love."

She kissed me and then looked as if something was wrong.

"What's the matter my love?" I asked.

She looked at me and said, "am I crushing you my love, I am lying on top of you?"

"If you were crushing me I would have moved us to lay on our sides my love. This feels wonderful to me. Just feeling you lovely body on mine is keeping me fully hard within you. Even if I was in severe pain I would willingly accept it to have you here with me."

She snuggled herself to me and lay her head next to my head and I felt as she started purring again. "You make me feel so good that I can't help but purr."

"You go right ahead my love, I don't mind at all. It feels wonderful to me as well when you purr with me inside you." With that I wrapped my arms around her and just held her to me.

She soon however had other ideas and stated wiggling herself on my shaft again. As she gently found a rhythm to please her I smiled at her.

Soon were making passionate love again and she was growling with her pleasure as she had orgasm after orgasm, building up to the one I knew would take her over the top again. She was rocking on my shaft swiftly and the sounds of our combined love juices as they were oozing down my shaft and onto my crotch was better than any music I had ever heard on my world. That squishing, along with her sounds of pleasure was causing me to reach my second overload quickly. She again was in a race with me to see who went over the top first. This time I erupted into her like a fire hose gone wild and that took her over her peak and this time she roared out loud and collapsed.

I gently lowered her down my body again as she was in her stupor of erotic bliss. She just lay there panting against me as she slowly recovered from our second round in one night.

After a bit she came back to her senses and smiled at me, "You're such a good lover, I am so glad to have met you and allowed you to first mate me. You make me feel so complete when we mate that I desire it always."

"If we had it always we would get tired of each other my love."

She smiled at me and said, "I don't think I could ever be tired of your mating me my love."

I gently rolled us on our sides and said, "This time I will go soft within you my pretty panthress. I am exhausted and am going to fall asleep soon. I hope you will not take offense to this?"

She looked me in the eye and said, "How can I be offended by the man who just made me pass out twice while mating? I am glad to know I can please you enough to fall asleep."

"Oh you sure did please me kitty." I then stretched and yawned. I placed my arm over her lovely body as I slowly fell asleep and I didn't feel anything until early in the morning.

I awoke to the feeling of Navaja moving. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom where I heard her getting sick.

I suddenly was fully awake and worried for her. I decided I was going to get to her and slowly oriented myself to slide belly first off of the bed. After hitting the floor with my knees I oriented myself to get on my hands and knees and crawled to the bathroom.

Navaja was startled as I knelt next to her and placed my arm around her.

"What is the matter my love," I asked?

She turned to me after retching and said, "its morning sickness, I most assuredly am pregnant now my love."

"I'm going to stay here with you till you feel better then my lovely kitty."

She tried to protest but I cut her off with, "you were by my side when I needed you. The least I can do is stay by your side for this my love."

She accepted the statement with a shrug and was heaving once more. I held her for about an hour when she finally said she felt better.

We went back to the bedroom and Navaja asked, "How are you going to get back into the bed my love?"

"Like this," I replied as I reared up on my knees and sort of fell onto the bed and reached across it to grab the side and pull myself up on the mattress. I then oriented myself back to my side of the bed and held my arms out to her.

She climbed into bed and I wrapped her in my arms and held her to me and whispered into her ears, "I love you my pretty panthress and I always will be in love with you."

She smiled when I said that and placed her hands over mine and held them as she went back to sleep. I on the other hand couldn't my feet were bothering me from the abuse of them last night and this morning. I thought it was a small sacrifice to make for keeping my lover happy.

Soon the front door opened softly and I heard footsteps come to the bedroom. I held my finger to my lips as Ariani looked in to check on us. She nodded and left the room closing the door softly as she did.

About an hour later Navaja started stirring and smiled when she felt me still wrapped around her. She took my hand to her face and kissed it and said, "Thank you for last night my love, both the mating and this morning when I was sick."

She then got up and went to the bathroom to do her business and get ready for the day. I grabbed a clean suit and wiggled myself into it as best as I could.

When Navaja returned she smiled at me and said, "I think it is time for something to eat, don't you?"

When Navaja went to get some food I heard Ariani enter the bedroom and ask, "Are you two alright? She doesn't usually sleep in this late."

"She was sick earlier this morning and I wanted her to rest more after she recovered a bit."

Ariani asked, "Is she having morning sickness?"

"Yes, I was awakened by her being sick in the bathroom."

She then said, "Good, that means her body is trying to carry your young to term. Kantagin and I were afraid she might abort with the differences of you two. It seems, however that you are like enough to have children."

"I never even thought of that. All I thought of was she wanted to mate and I wanted to be her mate."

Ariani smiled and said, "I believe she could have chosen no more a loving mate."

I looked at her and asked a question I never thought to ask Navaja, "how long will she carry till birth, Ariani, I have no reference but the wild cats from my world and the term of my species."

She said, "If she is like others of her kind she will come to term in three moon cycles."

"That quick," I said surprised

She then said, "Well there is the part that you are human and not a creation but I think that it will make no difference with your mate's ability to grow your children."

"She's already a quarter of the way through her first moon cycle if she is right about when we created the baby."

Ariani then said, "That is when most of us have the morning sickness, fortunately it is only a couple of days."

Navaja then entered the room with a plate of meats, cheeses and breads and handed it to me. She then looked at Ariani and smiled.

"You two were talking about me weren't you?"

"Yes Navaja, Ariani was asking why you slept in this morning and I was explaining to her about your morning sickness."

Navaja then said, "Did he tell you he never left my side during the time I was sick?"

Ariani looked at her and smiled, "he is really your true mate, and not even my mate did that for me."

Navaja then said, "I am so happy to have found this one. There has never been one more caring than he is to me and it makes me feel special."

"I love you too my sweet kitty." I replied to Navaja.

Ariani then asked, "Can I bring the supplies in now?"

Navaja said, "Just a second and I will give you a hand with them." She then came to my side and kissed me and said, "I'll be back in a bit to check your wounds again and see if they need redressed."

She then helped Ariani bring the supplies into the house with me lying on the bed dozing. I was in and out of consciousness and I kept hearing noises. Then, after a bit I heard the front door close and the pads of someone coming into the bedroom. I opened my eyes to see Navaja looking at me.

She smiled and said, "I didn't want to wake you to make you hurt again, but it's time to redress your feet and check to see if they need anything else."

I smiled at her and said, "I would rather get it over with and be able to know it's done than wonder when it would be done. Where do you want to examine me my love?"

She said, "I think unless something is badly wrong I'll do it here where the light is better." With that she called for Ariani to help her with the washtub. They brought it into the room and began filling it with warm water and when

Navaja was satisfied she asked me to hold still while she undid the bandages on my feet.

She again undid the worst one first and when it hit the air I caught a glimpse of the area between my toes. It looked horrible to my eyes, all swollen and dark.

"That doesn't look good to me Navaja."

She replied, "They both look way better than they did when we got you here. Your feet are starting to shrink back towards normal and the blackness of the poison is leaving them. Soon they will be able to bear your weight again.

You will limp; I'm quite sure, until the right one heals over completely."

She then undid the bandage on my left foot and I saw it had more of a pinkish color to it like it should. She examined them closely without touching them.

When she was done she smiled at me and said, "I see no reason to make you hurt too much today my love. All that has to be done is to cleanse them and recoat them with the salve then rebandage them."

"Sounds great to me too my love."

With that she had me readjust to where the tub was and gently placed my feet in the warm water. There was again an intense pain as the water contacted my raw, damaged feet. Navaja gently rubbed my feet and then rinsed them off individually and placed them off to the side of the tub. She asked me to roll over so she could apply the salve. I did as she asked and was so happy to feel the numbing effects of the salve as it deadened the pain.

She then gently rebandaged my feet and said, "That wasn't too bad I hope my love."

All I could do is smile at her through my sweat covered face.

She then said, "Try to get some rest and I will bring your lunch in later." With that she left and I curled up as best as I could and fell blissfully asleep.