Forced into Slavery - new home

Story by Aaliyah Moon on SoFurry

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#4 of Valdriana Valeria Villainess

Another little chapter of Valeria's Story.

A white car parked at the front of the shady building. It looked pretty fancy, but most importantly scary to Valeria, as she was escorted to the vehicle. Two men pushed her into the back, where she was chained again, so she wouldn't be able to escape.

The back of the car was separated from the front with only a black window as a connection. Valeria assumed that it could be opened with the push of a button from the other side. Right now it was closed, not allowing her to see through it.

The door had been closed too. So Valeria sat there, in the car, not knowing where they would bring her to. She could feel the car start now... it drove off as she helplessly looked outside the window. The Wolfess trembled. But she couldn't really cry.

"How old are you?" The voice of the white Wolf who bought her could be heard to a speaker next to her. There was a camera and a microphone too. Valeria glared into the camera, but she didn't answer the question. The next thing she sensed was an electric Schock. The white Wolf had forced a belt on her. This belt had just delivered the shock right to her pussy. It hurt. Like a lot.

"I don't know." She finally declared, as she realized that she'd get punishment if she didn't comply. "I lost my memory's years ago.."

"So how old do you think you are?"

"I really don't know. Older than twenty-five for sure." Succubi didn't really age. She could be hundreds of years old and still look like she was in her mid twenty's as she currently did.

A bit of silence followed her last answer. Then he spoke again:

"You are my pet now. I'm your Master. I expect from you to adress me as such. Understood?"

Valeria didn't know what to think of this. It was disgusting. But what could she do? "Yes." She answered. As another electric shock tortured her pussy, she screamed in surprise. Her hands automatically tried to get between her legs. But there was the chastity belt, not allowing it.

"I just told you to call me Master. I won't hesitate to use harsh punishments to train you. So let us repeat this.. do you understand what I want from you right now?" He sounded still calm.

"Yes.. Master." The Succubus said. It felt wrong. Really, really wrong. And on top of it all, she felt her burning needs slowly becoming unbearable. As a demon, she'd need to get laid. It's been too long since she had sex.

Her hands began to move between her legs again.

"Ah.. I see, you are already desperate, aren't you? But you'll find.. I won't allow you to be relieved right now. I've got other plans."

As she heard this, Valeria began to whimper..

Forced into Slavery

> After being forced to take a bath right in front of that mean Lion and the cold Wolf, Valeria was dressed up like some sort of maid, except without any underwear. A way to short dress was the only thing they gave her, before putting her into a...

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Getting into Slavery

The cracking fire at the fireplace made the only sounds in the room.There wasn't really anything, Valeria could do with her hands cuffed behind her back and being gagged. The female Wolf lay there, on the red carpet, trying to figure out what was...

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The Mad One and Me - Professor Dr. Sypher Emanuel Travis

Das künstliche Licht des Computers fiel auf sein blasses Gesicht und erhellte als einzige Lichtquelle den Unterirdischen Raum. Die Intelligenten, und unheimlich durchdringenden Augen zeugten von wenig schlaf. Sie waren durchgehend auf den kleinsten der...

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