Slag ND 3: Dark day

Story by randomman29 on SoFurry

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So this one I put in "Exteme" because I still think the death in it is over the top but I'm not going to leave it out because it's an important part that must be told.

She awoke with her usual roar and was surprised to find that she was in shackles again it had become such a frequent event that Slag had started training her in all forms combat and survival. She tested the strength of the bands; they were strong and combined with the fact that she was shackled directly to the wall so she couldn't get any momentum told her who had kidnapped her this time, "Come out Mistress Ine, I know it's you."

A soft applaud started as a red gargoyle female entered through a dimensional portal, She looked almost human except for the wings and tail coming out of her back, she wore a basic black dress that went to the floor, "Oh you're clever I expect that from my brothers choice in wife."

"I...he...What?" She asked confused.

"I see he hasn't told you his feelings yet, well that was never his strong point." Ine said, "Though that won't matter now, because I know he doesn't truly care about you, he just wants sex."

"And let me guess you're going to tell me his whole past?"

"Oh yes!" She answered happily, "As I am a villain in the class of "Envy" it's my job to ruin what you could have with him."

Clarice gave a snarl at hearing that then screamed, "You fucking bitch, do you have any fucking idea how hard my life has been?"

"Oh but I do." She said then snapped her fingers and a screen appear on the wall to her right, "Let's watch shale we."

"Oh god not this!" Clarice cried seeing the start of the video.

At Slag's castle.

Slag stares out at the sun shining, birds chirping, and says "Oh not again!" He then growls "Alright then time to show her why I am "Wrath"!"

Sometime ago.

In a cave-like cell Clarice held a young gray skinned, black-haired gargoyle male in her arms, he had the same build as her but didn't have the same skin pattern and hair as her nor did he have the head shield "It is all going to be okay my son." She said wanting to make her feel better as well. "It will all be okay"

They were both had incanted chains on their wrists, the other ends imbedded into the wall. She was still holding out that someone from her clan would save them. She had tried to break the chains but every time she moved they drained energy from her, she was only able to move because she had been trained in combat with the rest of her village, but her son had none and hadn't said a word or opened his eyes in the last two nights. He was still alive and breathing, but he wasn't going to be for much longer. "Well it seems there's someone that has taken an interest in you." One of the guards said opening her cell. "But first you need to be broken." He adds then yanks her son from her arms.

She tries to stop him but the energy drain doubles and she wobbles on her knees. The guard gives a smile as he unlocks the chains on her son.

"Mommy...what's...happening?" He asked weakly giving her strength to stand up and reach out to her child.

"Oh so touching." The guard taunted as he backed out of the cell and the horrible sound of metal rubbing on metal started up, it was like knifes scraping on each other.

The gate was left open to show her clearly what was going to happen to her son. She watched in horror as he was lowered into the top part of the thing that was making the sound. She stood up at the sound of his voice, "Mommy help me, I'm scared."

She fought the chains with all her might, as her ears were flooded with the sound of his flesh being cut and his cries for help, "Mommy it hurts, it hurts so much."

Soon the chains began to dig into her skin. Blood flowed down her arms, legs, and tail, she was starting to lose consciousness but it didn't matter, all that mattered was getting to her son. "Mommy, I love you." Were his last words before he was pulled into the machine, he knew at that point there was nothing that could be done, the pain had overwhelmed his young mind and it went numb.

She collapsed as the guards turned off the machine, she didn't notice as they undid her chains or as the moved her, her son was dead and no one was going to save her.


"You take such a lovely picture." 'Ine said pausing the video as she was being taken away.

"You sick fuck!" She shouted as her eyes started to glow red, "How the fuck could you make me relive that?!"

"You asked." She answered joyfully as the lights turn on, "Isn't that right brother?"

Clarice turned to see what looked like Slag, it had his shape but was down on all fours, teeth bared, snarling and saliva dripping off his two front saber-teeth. He was practically a living shadow with two red flames for eyes the way darkness was flowing out of him in waves and his eyes glowed. Clarice takes a moment to wonder how long he has been here when she looks beyond him to see a wall missing. Out past the opening she sees a city engulfed in darkness, broken only by the buildings on fire. "Oh that's a good one brother, but can you keep it up and fight me at the same time?"

"You can, I know you can my lord." Clarice said to encourage him, knowing that he must have blotted out the sun. "Show the bitch whose boss."

"Well this has been a bust." She said disappointed, "I guess she is perfect for you, have fun."

Slag stood up, took a deep breath though it didn't calm him, he still looked like he wanted to kill her, but still let her warp out. He turned toward her and said, "Lets go home. I have a few things I have to tell you."

Two months later.

Clarice sits in a large bed watching Slag on a large screen as he violently beat another hero, "That's you're daddy." She said happily rubbing her swollen belly, enjoying the thought that she was not going to have one child but two.

He told her how he knew of her son long before they met, why he didn't attack his sister, and how he was a magnet for troubled females. He could have beaten his sister easily but that wouldn't have accomplished anything. As for the females before her, he thought they could deal with his rage he had; they couldn't and left, there was one however that was that knew him before the rage took him over, but in the end it was better for her that she moved to her mothers. She couldn't understand why a parent would abuse their child in any form, let alone sexually abuse them. She was thankful though that he still had an understanding of the need for balance, that he is the villain only because one is needed, and that he still has a heart, it may be a heart of darkness but it's still a heart, the biggest heart she's seen in anyone.