Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 6

Story by Otter Ennui on SoFurry

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#7 of Rabbit Heart Part Two: The Spike


Nola (Rabbit)

Agnes (Bull)

Leon (Rabbit)

Patrice (Wolf)

Tanya (Otter)

Kiba (Rat)

Nola copes. Nola misbehaves. Nola REALLY misbehaves.



I spent most of the next week staring at the wall of my cell, unsure what to do with myself. I had books I could read, but they held no interest. I didn't want to be in the Yard. I went yesterday and had a panic attack when I looked at the bench where Val had collapsed. The crude black oil where her blood should have been; the scaly patches where her fur had fallen out; her tongue falling out of her mouth, severed by her sharp fangs, lying in the dirt and grass like a dead pink slug. My breath shortened just thinking about it.

So, I laid down on my straw mat and stared at the walls. Despite the aching need in my loins, I didn't masturbate at all. Every time I tried, Val crept into my mind and my mood died with my libido. Meals came and went. I got up to use the toilet. Then I laid back down. After what seemed like an eternity, a Scrofus banged on my door and called, "Lights out!"

I rolled over in my mat and stared at that wall, somewhere in the dark in front of my face, and drifted off to sleep.

A week of that.

On the eighth day, Agnes called me into her lab after breakfast. I sat on her exam bed, not willing to look her in the eye. Agnes sat down on her stool and wheeled over to me. She was staring, probably hoping I'd look at her when she spoke to me, but I couldn't bear it. Part of me blamed her for Val's death, a big part. I mean, all that weird shit, it had to be the serum, right? Especially after my own reaction to it. Would I end up looking like that? Covered in weird scales and biting my own tongue off? If I did, it would be Agnes's fault, and that hurt. It hurt that she would endanger me like that. I should have known the Spike would be no less heartless than the Pit. I should have known it would be the same--

Was... was Agnes crying?

I risked a sidelong glance. Sure enough, the Minoan's head was drooped and she was squeezing her eyes shut trying to stop the flow of tears streaming down her face. She took off her tiny spectacles and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"You must think I'm a monster now," she said hoarsely. It didn't sound like this was the first time she'd cried lately. "How could you not? It's my fault what happened to Val. I should never have brought her into the experiment. I knew her age would make her vulnerable to side effects. But... she looked so tough, you know? And the thought of someone her age dying in a quarry just... I thought I was doing her a favor. I'm a damn fool and she died for it."

Now I looked away not out of hurt but discomfort. I couldn't look her in the eye because I agreed with her. A wolf Val's age should never have been in a damn breeding experiment to begin with. She was too old for pups. Why, then? Did she really think she was giving Val an out? Gods, she probably did.

"You know," I said quietly. "For being the smartest Anthropus I've ever met, you can be pretty stupid." Agnes's lips trembled, and I put my foot on her thigh and rubbed gently. "But you did it with good intentions. That doesn't help her now, but... It's... it's something. You're not a monster."

Agnes held out a hand without looking at me, and I grasped it. I hurt, and I was angry at her, but the pathetic part was that I wasn't even angry at her for getting Val killed. I mean I was, but that wasn't the main reason. The main reason was that she rejected me, and it still felt like someone was kicking me in the ovaries every time I thought about it. But she was hurting too, and I was too dang soft to just let her keep hurting alone.

"You're maybe the kindest soul I ever met," Agnes said. She kissed my fingers, and my heart ached, and I almost started crying. "The others, they... they been unresponsive. Patrice is outright hostile. He won't talk to me at all. I had to have the guards pin him down to give him his last exam, he struggled and fought so damn much. I dunno if I'll be able to give him the next serum injection." She shuddered. "I dunno if I should."

I bit my lip. No, she shouldn't. I knew it. Even if she toned down the serum like she said she would, it could kill someone else. It could kill me. Or Leon. Oh, gods, I hope it kills me. The thought of living without him made my stomach turn.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and brought her hand to my lips to kiss it in turn. It hurt so bad to steal little affections like this instead of tearing her clothes off and telling her to take me, right now, right here. I missed her taste already, the way she looked naked, the way she looked at me naked. At that thought, I did start crying again, but I kept myself from becoming a blubbering mess, at least. Just a few tears and a shaky breath.

"No," I said. "You have to. You have to make this work. For the Republic. For Val. Don't let her die in vain. Please."

Agnes looked at me with a searching gaze. Could she see my doubt? I'd already started to question everything in the books she'd given me. If the Republic was so much better than the Autocracy, why were Leon and I slaves? It hated slavery so much, but that's what anyone consigned to the Pit became: slave labor. Nobody left the Pit except through death or the Warden, and I had my suspicions about what happened to them.

But if Agnes saw my questions, she didn't react to them. She gave me a shaky smile and nodded, patting the hand that held hers before slipping them both away into her lap, leaving my hand dangling and empty. "Thanks, honey. I needed the reminder. Come on, lie down. Time for your exam."

I hesitantly pulled off my shirt and pants and lay back on the bed, trying hard not to think about what those hands could do to me if she'd only let them. The whole time, I couldn't stop crying. No sobs, no snotty nose and ugly, pinched face this time. Just tears that wouldn't stop. I wondered if they'd ever stop. Maybe being a leaky pipe was just my life now.

* * *

By the time I reached the Yard after lunch, I had gone from sad to angry. I wanted to hit something, hard. I wanted to hit Agnes for letting Val die, or for fucking me and then dumping me. I wanted to hit Leon for not being a fucked-up weirdo like me. (Gods, sorry Mom. I swear I'll do better. Uh... no pun intended.)

I was just so freaking pent-up and hurt and angry when I walked into the Yard, I vowed to punch the first thing I saw. I didn't care if it got me killed by the guards, I wanted to hurt someone. It almost seemed poetic that the first person I laid eyes on was Patrice.

(Okay, there's a small chance I was sort of seeking him out.)

I think he realized he was in trouble the second he glanced up from where he was talking to Kiba, because he backed away from me as soon as he saw me. "Whoa whoa whoa!" he cried, putting his hands up defensively. "What the fuck is your problem? Back off!"

I didn't back off. I went for a right hook.

Man oh man, was it satisfying watching his face sort of bunch up in a squishy pile on the opposite side of his head, like his features were made of rubber.

He sat down, hard, on the ground. "Ow," he whimpered, and started tearing up.

All the anger and fight drained out of me. Hands grabbed me by the arms and restrained me, but I didn't fight them. To my surprise, when I turned to look at the guards, they weren't guards. Leon and Tanya each had one of my arms. "Okay," Leon said, his one arm locked around mine, pulling it back at just the right angle to make it impossible to move. "Okay. He got the message, sis. Calm down."

The guards hadn't moved from their posts. What the Hells were they good for, then? I'd just punched another prisoner without provocation. Would they have intervened if I'd killed him?

Oh, gods, what if I'd killed him?

I slumped in their grip, and Leon let go. Tanya helped me down to the ground. "I'm sorry, Patrice."

Man, I actually felt bad for him. He looked... lost. Scared. And definitely hurt. I put a wicked shiner on his left eye. All he said was, "W-why...?"

Was there something lower than dirt? Because I was that. Sure, he'd been an annoying dick when we came in, flashing his Gift and talking a big game about his sexual prowess. But I realized, then, that he was our age. We were not children, no, but we weren't adults either. We were scared, and he'd processed that fear in a different way than us. He deserved more than an apology. He deserved an answer.

"I don't know," I said feebly. "I was angry. I'm still angry. And you were there. And you were annoying that first day so when I needed someone to hit, I hit you. I'm sorry."

Patrice was sobbing now. Kiba put a hesitant little claw on his shoulder, looking uncertainly from me to him. "I miss her," he sobbed.

I blinked in surprise at Leon. He returned the look. I turned back to Patrice. "Val? You... miss Val?"

He nodded. "She saw through my..." He waved a hand. "You know..."

"Bullshit?" I offered. Leon swatted my arm hard.

But Patrice just nodded. "Y-yeah. Even though she knew I wasn't really strong, that I was just scared, s-she... she was nice to me. My mom was... wasn't..." He sniffed and tried again. "She wasn't much of a mom. Val was... she felt like having a mom, a good mom, for a little bit..."

Well, jeez, make me feel worse why don't you. Man, when I screw up, I really screw up. Leon, of course, was there to save me from myself.

"We lost our mom when we were little," he said. "I don't really remember much about her. The Maw causes Lumps--cancer--she died of it when we were six. Since then, we've only had each other. Did you have anyone? Out there?"

Patrice looked at him and nodded, sniffling. "My older brother, Marcus. He took care of me. But h-he died in the War. He wasn't a soldier. We were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. He took a spear to the guts. It... he..." Patrice started sobbing again, and Kiba, sweet Kiba, she grasped his head and pulled it down to her tiny chest. It was an awkward position, but he didn't complain.

I looked uncertainly at my brother. He looked at me like I was stupid and jerked his head in Patrice's direction. The meaning was obvious: fix this.

I didn't want to stand up and startle him, so I just kind of scooted across the grass until my big flat feet were near his. I reached out hesitantly with one foot and rubbed him. He glanced up at me with obvious trepidation. I grabbed my left ear and tugged it nervously. "Patrice... I... I want to make it up to you."

He watched me, frightened eyes alert for deception. I swallowed. "I want you to hit me."

Behind me, I heard Leon's hand slap his forehead. Not what he'd had in mind, apparently. Well, I couldn't read his mind, so really this was his fault. I wasn't taking the blame if this one went wrong.

"W-what?" Patrice asked. He looked absolutely mortified. "I can't hit a g-girl!"

Well now I was annoyed. "Say that again and I'll hit you," I growled. Then, realizing what I'd done, I slapped my own forehead. "Sorry. Just. It's okay, Patrice. I promise you I can take it. Leon and I were trained by someone who hit pretty dang hard. We know how to take a punch. And I deserve it for sucker-punching you like that. I feel awful about this and I think maybe it will make you feel better."

He shook his head. "I d-don't wanna."

I swished my nose as I tried to think of a different tack, when suddenly it struck me. "Pretend I'm Agnes!"

Patrice froze, a combination of surprise and anger on his face.

I pushed a little more. "I know you blame her for Val. I get it, I'm angry at her too, but maybe not as angry as you are. Pretend I'm Agnes and knock me one right in the kisser. I can take it, I promise."

What I did _not_say, and what I was having kind of a hard time admitting to myself, that the idea of him hitting me was... um... doing things. Downstairs. I mean he _was_cute, if annoying. And admittedly I was curious about this famed knot of his. I'd never seen a knot up close before, let alone experienced one.

"Really?" he asked. He seemed hesitant still.

"Really," I said, nodding vigorously. Maybe a little too vigorously. Good grief.

I stood up and offered him my hand. He took it, and I hefted him to his feet. He swallowed and reached his fist back slowly. My face dropped. "Oh, jeez. Okay, no. Hold on." He looked at me, confused, and I moved over and grasped his waist. Wow, he may have been skinny, but what he had was all muscle. He felt like the mortal embodiment of the tetherball pole, he was so solid. This was gonna be awesome, if I could just get him to plant his dang feet right...

I used my foot to push his feet into position. "Okay," I said. "Feet here. Feel the difference? In your center of gravity?" He nodded awkwardly. "Now. Hands up. No, not that high, silly. Down by your chest. Yeah, there you go!" He had stopped crying and was concentrating intensely on my instructions. "See, now, don't cock back when you're gonna punch. You telegraph where it's going and lose power. Even when you're swinging wide with a hook like I did, always start from the chest. Now, when you punch me, punch with your back fist, that's the one that's going to have the most power. Don't aim for my face, aim a couple inches behind it. Okay? Ready?" Patrice nodded vigorously. Gods, I hoped I wasn't about to squirt like I did with Agnes.

I stepped back and stood straight and still. No fighting stance. "Okay, let 'er rip!"

I gotta give the boy credit, his jab was a lot more impressive than my first swing against Van had been. I mean, granted, I was six, but still. His form was better, he put a decent amount of power behind it, and despite the fact that I'd said I could take a punch, he made me earn the words. He socked me right in the mouth, and I felt a couple teeth loosen as I stumbled back.

And gods dammit, I was wet. I could feel it. At least I didn't gush, I guess.

"Hot damn, Patrice!" I said, touching my rapidly swelling lip. "That was hot!" Everyone stared at me. "A-as in... awesome. Like, a good... good hit." Welp, there went my ears.

Patrice looked at me in a mixture of shock, horror, and awe. "Did you... like that?"

"Wh-no!!" I stammered.

"Liar," he said. "I can smell it." He immediately looked down. "Sorry. I--"

"Hit me again," I said.

Now everyone was staring hard. Well, I mean, screw it. The jig was up, right? He looked terrified of me now, but he was also tenting in his pants. "I..."

"But... this time... slap me. Hard. On the side you didn't punch."

He moved up and raised a hand. It was shaking. I had to calm him down. I didn't know how else to do it, so I leaned in and kissed him.

His breath didn't taste as good as Agnes's, but he didn't taste bad, either. He melted a little as I kissed him, and very hesitantly dipped his tongue into my mouth, like it wasn't sure anyone would be home. I licked his tongue with mine once, then stepped back. He looked more concussed than when I'd punched him. I grasped his hand and placed it against my cheek so he could feel the warmth. "Right here. Okay? I want it hard. Do it and I'll... I'll reward you."

Poor boy didn't stand a chance. He cocked back--oh, honey, I told you not to do that--and slapped. It wasn't as hard as I'd been hoping, but the shock of stinging sensation rippled through me, made me quiver, made me melt a little. I drooped myself into his arms. "G... good boy... Mmm... Lie down..."

I couldn't believe I was doing this in front of the others, but I had needs. Agnes had sated them momentarily, but I still ached for more. Something more primal. I needed dick. And there were only two in the Spike I was allowed to play with by the rules of the experiment. Leon wasn't playing so Patrice was going to have to.

I helped him down to the ground and straddled him. I could feel the bulge of his cock through our pants, and I rubbed it between my legs slowly. Patrice whimpered a little. Tanya and Kiba knelt down by me. I glanced at them in surprise. "I want to have sex, too," Tanya said flatly.

"Me three!" Kiba squeaked, then turned bright red in the cheeks, matching her eyes. "Pleeeaase?"

I glanced over at Leon. He stood nearby, flabbergasted. His pants were tenting too, but he twitched his ear and sullenly moved away. I thought about asking him to join us, but I suspected he'd say "no." Besides, it would probably freak the others out, and I had a whole crowd of people to have fun with. If Leon wanted to pout in a corner instead of joining in, that was his prerogative. I was going to get filled.

I leaned over and kissed Tanya. Her whiskers tickled a little as our tongues intertwined. Kiba wriggled excitedly out of her pants and shirt, naked in an instant, and leaned down to kiss Patrice. He returned the gesture with vigor, thrusting against my crotch to match the rhythm of my gyrations. I leaned back from Tanya, who didn't look deadpan anymore. She looked serene. Gorgeous. At peace. I waggled my fingers. "May I?"

"Yes," she whispered. "You don't need to ask my permission again. Take me whenever you want me."

My ears pretty much vibrated. "Thank you." I knew what that meant to her. Would have meant to anyone, really, but especially Tanya. I slid my hand down her stomach and into her pants, and she spread her legs for me. I slipped a finger in, marveling at how tight she was, and thrusted in and out. Tanya moaned and pumped her hips against my hand. Patrice was whimpering now, and I looked over to see Kiba straddling his face, her pussy buried in his open muzzle. Her eyes were squeezed shut from the intensity of his tongue in her. I couldn't believe the little Ysoki had taken the initiative like that. I beamed at her even though she couldn't see me at the moment. Patrice whimpered again and I ground my crotch against his, faster now, and I tried to finger Tanya at the same pace.

Patrice shuddered and thrust his hips up to me. I felt his cock throb, then spasm over and over as I rode him through our clothing. His cock pumped spurt after spurt of jizz into his pants, staining them as the load spread out. Tanya growled at me and pushed my middle finger into her along with the first. I thrust them in and out, being sure to rub my palm against her clit every time my fingers slid out. I turned to Patrice, who was still shuddering and twitching as the last of his load exited him. "Don't think you're getting off that easy, Patrice," I breathed. "You better have plenty more loads in you. I think each of us girls should get one." I rose up from him and pulled his pants down, revealing his thick red cock with a bulge at the bottom--that must be the knot he'd mentioned.

Patrice answered with another whimper and a nod of his head. Kiba groaned and ground her crotch deeper into his muzzle. He gagged a little from having something so far in his mouth, but he dutifully lapped at her little cunt. The sight was making me absolutely soaked. I slipped my fingers out of Tanya, who groaned. I put one juice-soaked finger to her lips to shush her. "I'll get back to you soon, don't you worry." I shoved the two fingers in my mouth and sucked them clean. Tanya tasted different than me, and way different than what Agnes or my brother made. I savored it for a second before I stood up and threw off my clothes.

Once I was naked, I helped Tanya out of her shirt and pants, then tugged Patrice's slimy pants off him. I hunkered down between his legs and pushed up his shirt a little, admiring his lean, muscular frame. His stomach had a few drips of cum on it, and his dick was absolutely slathered in it. The knot was already deflating a little. I'd read in one of the anatomy books that Lupa knots didn't last as long as their feral cousins, which could take as long as a half hour to deflate enough to unlock from their mates.

I didn't want it to deflate too much. I lapped up the cream he'd left on his tummy, flashing back to a time a year ago when I'd done the same for my brother. My pussy soaked itself all over again at the thought. Yeah, I definitely had issues. Worse, I was all talk--I still badly wanted him to join us, give me an excuse to see him in action again, maybe sneak a touch... or sneak him into my mouth...

Tanya's tongue hit my pussy and I almost squirted right there. The Lontramar lapped at me with slow, deliberate strokes of her tongue that made me shudder. Each pass along my labia pushed me toward the edge, and each time her tongue pulled away, it edged me back away from it. It was exquisite torture. I'd make her pay for it when I filled her mouth with my girl-cum.

I turned back to Patrice, who had his tongue all the way into Kiba now. She was small enough she could sort of sit inside his muzzle a bit. It didn't look comfortable with all the teeth, but it allowed him to push his tongue awfully far inside her. She squealed, face buried in her hands, as her legs quivered from a raging orgasm. I slipped up Patrice's torso and gently pulled her hands away so I could kiss her. Tanya followed me dutifully as I moved, still lapping away.

At first I was afraid Kiba wouldn't let me, but she finally leaned her little muzzle the rest of the way between us and kissed me, even letting me push my tongue into her mouth and explore it. She let out a scream right into my mouth as Patrice hit a sweet spot and sent her into a second orgasm.

I decided I was at just about the right spot and reached a hand down to start stroking Patrice's thick red rod. I needed him hard, because I needed him in me. That itch was back, and I knew this would scratch it for sure. Poor Tanya wouldn't have anything to do though. I looked around and caught my brother several yards away on the benches, hands buried in his lap to try and hide his erection that was obvious from here. He locked eyes with me, and his ears started twitching frantically. I nudged my head in Tanya's direction. He looked, considered, then shook his head vigorously.

Please, I mouthed. Then I moaned as Tanya's tongue brought me to the brink. Please, I mouthed again.

Leon hesitated again. I knew I was asking a lot of him. I knew he didn't much care for Tanya, and I knew he was still sick over Rika, but maybe this would help take his mind off things. And besides, he had his sister there to keep him company. Surely that was worth something, right?

Leon finally threw off his shirt and tugged off his pants, striding over to us with his erection bobbing majestically. "Tanya," I gasped. "My brother would like... ohhh... to join us. Can he... to you..."

Tanya didn't respond with words, just nodded her snout vigorously in my crotch. "Th-thankyoooouuu," I moaned. Leon knelt behind Tanya, gently placing his hands on her upraised rear. She wiggled a little to let him know he was welcome to come in. Leon hesitated another moment, and I felt myself cresting. Put it in, Leon, make your sister cum by proxy...

Leon pushed his cock into Tanya, who moaned into me, and I shuddered and squirted all over Patrice's dick. The wolf grunted, and what little his erection had started to flag was immediately gone as I sprayed it with my juices. It made a fantastic lube, making my hand slide even faster up and down his member. I squirted again as Leon's thrusts pushed Tanya's tongue inside me over and over. Tanya cupped a hand in front of me to catch a palmful of fluids, then lapped it up with a loud slurp before shoving her tongue back into me.

That only made me gush even more, squeaking frantically as she thrust her tongue in and out. By the time I started coming back down, Leon was gasping and slowing his pace. Watching my brother try to keep from blowing his load too early made me quiver all over again. I decided to give Tanya's tongue a break and pulled away from her. She growled and tried to pull me back, but I spun around and kissed her instead, twisting my tongue against hers in her mouth before licking my juices off her wet snout. I reached down and gently squeezed one of her small, perky breasts, fingering the nipple. She panted heavily as Leon slid in and out of her. "I can feel you're close," Tanya panted. She wasn't talking to me. "Cum inside me." Then she turned back and batted her eyelashes at him. "Please."

Damn, girl, that was fighting dirty. Leon didn't stand a chance. He thrusted frantically, his erratic movements finally ending in a series of spastic twitches as he came inside her wet otter-pussy. I kept kissing her as I slowly lowered myself onto Patrice's erection.

It was an awfully tight fit. He spread me out as I slipped him into me, and I gasped and squeaked into Tanya's mouth with every inch I managed to slide down onto. I finally just sat right down, taking the last inch up to the knot, but the knot did not go in. I was pretty sure that wasn't happening, but what I had in me felt absolutely divine.

This was it. My first cock was in me. It hurt, but it was a good hurt. Agnes's tongue had stretched me out surprisingly well last week, but this was even thicker. I stopped and sat upright, pulling away from Tanya as she continued pushing her cute butt against my brother. He was just now finishing inside her, and I eagerly watched and waited for him to pull out while I let myself get comfortable on Patrice's thick shaft.

Leon finally slipped out, and his pink member drooped a little, still dripping cum. I felt myself shiver with pleasure at the sight. Gods, I was the worst. Wanting him when he clearly didn't want me. I mewled a little, until a hand came into my vision and slapped me in the face. It wasn't hard, but it shocked me out of my reverie.

Tanya was kneeling in front of me, hands on her hips. She still looked serene, even after getting railed by Leon. "I didn't finish," she said. "You like getting hit. So I hit you to get your attention."

"Thank you," I whispered hoarsely.

I was dimly aware of Kiba crawling across the grass hesitantly toward my brother, who was lying on his back with his flagging member bobbing in the air. She gently touched him inquisitively, and he raised his eyebrows at her, then nodded. She scurried to his crotch and took him in her mouth, taking in several inches of him despite her small size. I turned back to Tanya and bit my lip. She was looking at me curiously, like she was waiting for a response.

"Stand up," I whispered. When she did, I pulled her close to me, her pussy slightly above eye level. She spread her legs and hunkered down a couple inches, so she was sitting on my open mouth. Immediately my brother's cum started dribbling into my mouth. It was hot and familiar and bittersweet, and it made me start grinding against Patrice's cock. He put his hands on my hips and started thrusting with me, in rhythm with my gyrating hips, and within seconds I was squirting again. Soon I'd have my brother's cum inside me from one hole and Patrice's cum inside me from another. Outside of actually putting my brother's dick in me, this was maybe the hottest thing I could think of.

I thrust over and over on Patrice, whimpering and squeaking as a massive orgasm started building. By the time I squirted and shuddered, I was furiously scooping my brother's jizz into my mouth with my tongue as Patrice started frantically panting. He was getting close again, I just knew it. Tanya whimpered as I gripped her ass cheeks and drove my tongue deeper, desperate for more of Leon's sweet seed. I glanced over to see Kiba cheerfully bouncing up and down on Leon's cock; where she put it all was anyone's guess, but by golly, she took it with gusto. Leon wasn't looking at her, though. He was looking at me.

Eating his cum out of Tanya.

I couldn't stop myself. I gathered a nice, solid dribble onto my tongue and turned to show it to my brother with a heavy-lidded stare, then swallowed it. The effect was immediate. He shuddered and gasped as another orgasm took him. Kiba seemed blissfully unaware as she continued bouncing happily on his dick. I maintained the eye contact for as long as I could, but I was about to ride another orgasm, and Tanya needed my attention. I could tell because she grabbed my head and shoved my face back into her pussy.

When she finally came, she didn't squirt like me, but she did drip a whole lot of juice into my mouth. I swallowed it eagerly as Patrice shuddered and clamped down on my hips, pinning me to his rod as he pumped load after load into me. He pushed hard enough that his knot pressed against my opening, trying with all his might to push it into me. It wouldn't go, but it stretched and mixed agony with ecstasy, making me squirt once more.

It was a feeling unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Even sweet Agnes's amazing tongue felt nothing like the hot wash of sperm splashing against my vaginal walls and cervix. It brought my own orgasm to a crescendo, and I screamed into Tanya's pussy, grasping her little ass cheeks and squeezing hard as I shoved my snout as far into her as I could make it go.

I finally felt the very last of Patrice's spurts inside me, and I slid off him and plopped onto the grass, panting hard, trying to catch my breath. Tanya wasted no time--she shoved Patrice's flagging dick in her mouth and started working on getting it back to working order. I looked across the grass to the other side of the two lovers to see Kiba snuggled up against Leon's chest, caressing his fur and whispering excitedly to him. Leon smiled at her and said something in return. I couldn't hear what over the ridiculously loud slurps from Tanya. Eventually, he looked over at me, and his smile turned into a frown. Not a mad frown, thankfully. But his ears spasmed and his nose twitched, and he looked a little ashamed. I wondered if I should make my way over to him and talk to him about it, but Kiba seemed really content. I hadn't seen her this social ever, and I didn't want to ruin her moment of bliss. She needed this as much as the rest of us.

Instead I smiled and waved at my brother. He awkwardly waved back and gave me a little half-smile. It was a good start, anyway. We'd talk about it when we had the time.

But we did need to talk about it. I couldn't keep poking the bear like this just to get off on him. We needed to do something about the tension, and my unnatural obsession with him. Never mind that it was basically his fault for being me but better and also more delicious.

I drifted off into a doze to the sounds of Tanya slurping away on Patrice's cock, getting him ready for round three.