Mind Your Manners - Chapter 1

Story by TheMysteriousDee on SoFurry

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#1 of Mind Your Manners

Grace, Ella and Mia are three beautiful knockouts, but come into some trouble when they insult Lucas, the new boyfriend of the fourth member of their group. Lucas decides they need to be taught a lesson, and the next day the girls find themselves behaving badly. Is this Lucas' doing, and how permanent is it? One thing is for sure... If they don't find a way to remove it, they're lives are going to be a lot harder.

"What do you think he's like?" she asked, looking over her martini, at her two very attractive girlfriends. The trio were the centrepiece of the bar they found themselves sipping cocktails in, with the gaze of several young men was repeatedly straying towards Mia, Grace and Ella, often times to the annoyance of the women that they supposed to be paying attention to instead.

Grace swept a hair from her eyes and smiled at the question. The Asian woman was the shorter of the 3, but no less a bombshell. Her petite frame was well toned and captured in a tight black dress, full fronted with and open back, leaving her arms and shoulder bare. Her smaller stature was equally reflected by her chest, with breasts that did not threaten her dress in any meaningful way, but the men around her were content to fantasize about the supple shape of them none the less.

Ella and Mia were similar in height, but the two were chalk and cheese when compared. Mia was a toned beauty, whereas Ella was an athlete. Rare was a day you couldn't find Ella out jogging or in the gym distracting as many of the other gym goers as she could. She loved the attention and went often enough that spending some time flirting with the young bodybuilders really didn't detract from her overall workout. She was a gymnast in her youth, and her flexibility was often a highlight of evenings like this, at least to the young mean she would drag home afterwards. Her hair was dark, with blonde highlights, and she kept it short in a cute, boyish way.

Mia met the beauty of her friends and then some. Platinum blonde hair, large full breasts, and tight waist would have easily put her on the front cover of any major modelling magazine, or the seedier playboy equivalents. Despite this she was demure and didn't revel in the thrill or conquest her companions so often boasted of during nights like these. She had had partners, but was less gung-ho about hook ups, much to the disappointment of the many suitors she would reject on a night out, and equally Grace and Ella who loved watching her hook up with cute guys.

"I'm sure Chloe has got a real winner if she's invited us all out for drinks with him." Mia replied. Chloe, the missing fourth member of their quartet, was absent only because she was bringing along her new man. The four had been inseparable since they started college but this was the first time Chloe had spoken of a man in such a serious way. She'd invited them all out to meet him, as her girlfriend's opinions really mattered to her and if he was the one, she wanted them to be a part of the experience. It was an expensive bar too, in the heart of the city's nightlife. The group often would only come here if they could be assured that they wouldn't be the ones buying the drinks, and tonight was no exception. Chloe had promised that her new man would foot the bill, so they had already opened a tab with some nice, expensive cocktails ready to greet the couple when they arrived.

"Did she say what he did?" Ella asked, thumbing the edge of her glass, nervously waiting for Chloe to arrive.

"Something to do with medicine or health care, I think. Maybe a doctor or surgeon?" The trio continued to speculate, until eventually a merry cry rang out over the noise of the bar. Chloe stood by the door waving. She met the beauty of her friends handily. She was tall, with long dark hair and her outfit was gorgeous, a sequined number, strapless, that barely contained her ample assets, and a slit in the short skirt made her already risqué attire even more dangerous to a woman who might no want to flash too much to her audience.

By Chloe's side however stood a young man, which it took the girls a moment to truly process. Mia wondered if Chloe's boyfriend was somewhere behind her or outside but taking his arm, it was clear that this was the man in question. To say he was not what the group was expecting would be an understatement. He was much shorter than Chloe, and his thin frame suggested he had never once hit the gym. Messy blonde curls framed his face, upon which sat comically large glasses. His suit looked awkward on him, as if he wasn't used to wearing one, and his nervous smile rounded out the full nerd visage he seemed to be going with.

The girls were stunned. This couldn't be him, right?

"Over here!" Ella shouted, trying to hide the shock on her face and greet Chloe.

"Seriously? I used to take lunch money from kids like that." Grace whispered to Mia, eliciting a giggle in response. Chloe's date however heard perfectly, pain flashing across his face, instantly replaced before anyone could notice. Despite hoping otherwise, he now knew how this evening was likely to go.

"Girls!" Chloe said, embracing them each one by one. "This is Lucas!" She gestured to the young man, and despite trying to be polite, they couldn't quite hide their discomfort.

It didn't take an expert in body language to see the girls were displeased at Chloe's offering. "Seriously?" Mia asked, trying to keep civil and smiling.

"Yeah. We met a few months ago. He's such a sweetheart." The couple embraced, the taller woman pressing herself into him affectionately.

"Oh wow. That's great. It's great to meet you Lucas." Mia added. Lucas remained friendly and cordial despite all of this. Mia thought she was being polite, but pretending to be friendly was not a skill she had much practice with.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Chloe has told me so much about you all. She speaks very highly of you all."

The group all sat down and began ordering more drinks, and the evening continued in much the same vein, with the girls putting on a very bad show, Chloe not picking up on any of the clues, and Lucas seeing nearly all of them. Mia couldn't keep her tone of voice, Ella kept saying or the wrong things and grace flat out ignored him. Chloe was so excited to be seeing her friends though, let almost all of it slip by, oblivious to anything her friends might have been signalling. Lucas also never left the table, which didn't afford the girls an opportunity to talk to Chloe in private.

They talked for hours, mostly ignoring Lucas and gossiping about their usual talking points. Chloe would occasionally bring Lucas in and he would politely contribute, but he was very clearly not welcome with the group, and he was progressively more and more irritated by their dismissal. Despite the conversation continuing on for painfully long by Lucas' standards, the bar eventually began to thin out, and the evening draw to a close.

"Well... I'm going to head to the lady's room and then I think we should make a move. Lucas has to be up early for work tomorrow." Chloe signalled, getting up to leave. The group remained calm, but this would be the first time that they would be alone with Lucas since his arrival and the copious amount of drinks they'd subsequently consumed.

Lucas stared after his girlfriend with a rather lecherous gaze. He knew exactly what he would be doing to her in that dress later.

"OK! Can you stop?!" Mia snapped, her annoyance finally bubbling over. Lucas spun round looking puzzled by her sudden outburst. Chloe's departure was clearly a signal for formalities to disappear as well. "She's way out of your league kid. I don't know how you think you have a chance with her." Mia's remarks were cutting, and Lucas might have dismissed them as drunk ramblings if not for the behaviours they'd been displaying throughout the whole evening.

Grace and Ella looked shocked at Mia's sudden outburst, but not more so than Lucas who tried to regain his composure and replied "Actually, I'm 28".

Grace stepped in, trying to smooth things out a bit. "Look, Lucas. You seem nice, but we have to look out for Chloe. You're not the sort of guy she usually dates." She probably thought she was helping, but Lucas was not impressed by the added clarification

"And you think that I shouldn't be dating her." His tone belied a bubbling annoyance at their blunt statements, but he remained calm enough for now.

"We just think she can do better." Ella replied. "No offense." Adding that last phrase as if this was some logical conclusion, and not what it actually was: an offensive generalisation.

"She wants to go out with me." Lucas pleaded. But it landed on deaf ears, the trio sighing out how pathetic this all was.

"Well she doesn't always know what's best for her." Mia added triumphantly. Lucas bit his tongue a little, now really struggling to keep his emotions in check. He'd been no stranger to beautiful women attacking him, but this had him on the edge. He loved Chloe and wanted nothing more than to make her happy... but her friends.

"Look. Lucas. You seem like a nice guy. But Chloe is a 10. A complete knockout. She's going to go far in life. I think you should think about what's best for her." Mia's words were cool and calculated but loaded with venom. Her condescension was neither subtle nor unintentional. She clearly had strong objections to this relationship and had sat through the entire evening wanting to say something.

It was that comment that finally caused him to snap. "You know what." He replied, reaching into his pocket. "I think you guys need to learn a little humility." Whatever was in his pocket though the girls never saw it. Nor did they register what was to happen next.

Mia, Ella and Grace had a slew of other jabs at his saved up, however in that moment, a sudden wave washed over them. Their minds went blank, as if they had suddenly forgotten what they were doing or where they were, and confusion distracted them entirely from their previous chain of thought.

The music suddenly changed. The people at the bar had moved to from where they seemed to have been mere moments ago. Mia looked around to see Grace and Ella looking as dazed as she felt, but Lucas only met her eyes with a large grin on his face. Chloe had returned and was tapping him on the shoulder. She seemed like she had not been in the bathroom for that long. Something was wrong, but none of them could really put their finger on it.

"Well we must be going." Lucas said standing and giving Chloe a loving peck on the cheek. "it was lovely meeting you all. I hope your week goes well." Chloe held him for one sec, looking concerned at her disorientated friends.

"Are you guys alright?"

"I think they've just had a bit too much to drink. I've asked the bar staff to call them a cab." Lucas replied.

"Oh babe! You're so considerate!" she mewled.

Mia was paying attention but was still feeling a little dizzy. Grace and Ella looked at each other. As the couple made to leave.

"Bye Girls!" Chloe waved as they head out. The trio waved back before with meek limp motions before they rose from their own seats and started making they're own way out. Had something happened?

Mia's head was pounding as she sat up in bed. She was certain she hadn't had that much to drink the night before, but her current hangover begged to differ. She tried to remember anything special, but much of her memory was dominated by her friends, as well as Chloe's new "boyfriend". She sighed remembering the slimy little creep that Chloe had picked up this time. That girl really didn't have any taste in men. Still, it had felt pretty good putting the worm in his place, even for a moment. She'd have to talk to Chloe more some time today. Maybe she could convince her how much of a mistake he was for her.

Swinging her legs out of bed, she realized that her drunken evening had landed her in bed naked. Clearly, she had been too tired to properly change before bed. She pulled her bathrobe off the hanger by the door and headed out into the main living area. She needed to get showered and dressed still, but more pressing was her need for something to address this headache.

As she walked out of her room she heard the footsteps of someone already up and wondering around their flat. Ella usually hit the gym early in the morning, mostly to flirt with some of the young suits who worked in the city. She spotted Grace in the kitchen but froze in her tracks when she turned to greet her.

"Oh, Hi Mia!" Grace said groggily. Mia felt a sudden jolt at that moment, as if she's had a static shock, but it barely registered on the odd scale compared to what she saw in front of her. Grace looked pretty hung over too, so it clearly wasn't just Mia suffering the effects of the previous night. What came as more of a surprise though was what Grace was wearing. Whilst Mia had managed to throw on a bath robe to cover herself after waking up nude, Grace had clearly been more lazy and opted for a more minimalist approach. Nothing.

"Uhm... Grace?" Mia stuttered, eyeing her friend strutting around the kitchen completely naked. Grace just looked at her, quizzically, clearly not picking up on the source of her friend's confusion. She was almost done making her morning tea. It just needed a lot more milk in it.

"Grace? Why are you naked?" Grace finished topping her mug up to the brim. She glanced down at herself, examining her breasts and smooth, chestnut skin.

"What? You've seen me naked before?"

"Yeah" Mia replied, stunned by the blasé response. "But usually not in the kitchen."

"What difference does it make?" Grace moved to sit on the couch, laying down across the full length of it, breasts jutting proudly skyward, and her pubic mound on full display. Mia, not usually the prudish type, was a little red, but she couldn't help but eye up her friends' body. Grace was sexy, and thoughts of what males' hands might have done to her beautiful orbs, or what fingers might have probed her, flashed through her minds. Pushing the sudden images of her friend squirming to foreign ministrations to the back of her mind, Mia turned to the kitchen, looking for something to eat that might cure her hangover, or at least abate it for a few hours. At the very least she hoped for something to distract her from Grace.

The fridge yielded little of interested, but she eventually settled on a carrot which she began to nibble. Cautiously she turned back to Grace, hoping she might have got the hint and covered herself, but sadly the beautiful Asian woman was now stretching herself out on the couch, arching her back, and the fantasies that Mia had earlier suppressed came rushing back with a renewed intensity.

Mia was confused by these sudden feelings but kept trying to distract herself anyway. She'd never felt this way about another girl before, certainly not Grace. She was beautiful and sexy to be sure, but they'd been friends for years. Grace however had never paraded around their apartment buck naked before, so this was clearly a day of firsts.

Ella emerged from her room and interrupted Mia's thinking, and fantasizing. She was wearing her usual gym attire, some tight black shorts and a bright pink sports bra. "Good Morning!" she happily greeted them both. Clearly the hangover wasn't affecting her in the same way, or she was doing a good job hiding it.

"Hey Ella!" Mia replied, trying to turn away from Grace, who had twisted seductively on the couch to look towards her friends.

"Grace. I though you were going to put some clothes on." Ella said matter-of-factly. She must have been up earlier before Mia walked in. Grace shrugged and went back to stretching out on the couch.

"Are you off to the gym?" Mia asked, noting Ella's outfit.

"Yeah, just heading over now."

"Do you not need your gym bag?"

"Nah, I thought I'd jog there and back. I'm feeling really energetic today for some reason." Ella seemed to have a bounce about her more than usual, but she always preferred to get changed at the gym rather than walking home in her gym kit. Lecherous stares at the gym were fun, but best avoided when outside on the street. Not that it was massively out of character though. Mia took little note of it. "I'll catch you guys later." She added before heading out the door.

Mia too was in a bit of a hurry. She left Grace lounging about and decided to follow Ella's lead. She needed to get ready and head out for work. Grace would be there when she got back, and hopefully remembered what decency was by then.

Ella bounded through the front of the gym with as much energy as she left the house with. She looked around at her usual areas of interest, mouth open, tongue out, panting heavily from her morning run. Her passion for weights was absent today. Instead, her run to the gym had got her blood pumping and she wanted to keep the pace up, so made her way over to the treadmills.

A few regulars and even some newcomers stopped to gawk as they always did, but unlike her usual routine, she didn't stop to flirt, or even put any extra wiggle in her walk, but kept right on until she got to a treadmill. A young man, early twenties, pretty fit looking, was jogging on the machine next to her, but she paid him no mind, hopping on and immediately starting up a jog at a decent pace.

"Hey" he said, turning towards her as he continued to run.

Ella smiled back at him but carried on with her run. He seemed nice but she was having way too much fun right then.

"You ok? You look pretty out of breath." He added. There was a hint of concern in his voice, and Ella realized she'd been panting quite heavily, tongue still hanging out. It wasn't a habit she usually had whilst running. Had she been doing that on the way in as well?

The young man slowed his pace but kept jogging with her. "My name's Michael." He introduced himself.

"Ella." She replied curtly. She liked playing hard to get, particularly in such an easy environment.

"Do you come here often?"

Ella smiled again and looked at him. He was cute, there was no denying that, maybe she'd play with him a bit later after her run. "Arf!" she replied, but immediately slapped her hands across her mouth. Had she just barked at him?

"I'm sorry?" he asked, certain that he'd misheard her.

"Yes!" she quickly responded, trying to cover her embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm a regular"

"That's great. I've only recently started working nearby." He clearly was enamoured with her enough to let whatever had just happened slide.

Ella turned to him again and tried to reply. "Arf, Arf!" She barked, before once again going bright red and clamping her hands across her mouth. Okay, something weird was going on now.

Michael, had now stopped his run, and decided to step off the machine. Ella too, in a panic tried to shut down the treadmill, but in her rush, stumbled and ended up tripping over her feet. Loosing her balance, she made a made grab for anything, and ended up falling backwards, right on top of Michael.

Still red with shame, she lay there for a moment on top of the rather gorgeous young man she'd been trying to flirt with. He had a hand around her waist, and another resting on her backside. She lay on his chest, her breasts pushed against his pecs, and his leg between pressing against her shorts, or at least she thought that was his leg. Their faces were inches from each other, and as they both regained composure, Michael just smiled at the beautiful girl lying on top of him.

"Are you alight?" He asked, concerned, but still finding humour in the situation. He was enjoying the white knight act he got to put on now. Ella didn't know what to say, or do, but as she lay there on top of him, she did the first thing she could think of. She reached down and licked his cheek.

Michael was a little stunned by this. "Did you just ...?" but another bark from Ella cut him off. He didn't really know what to make of this. It wasn't a tactic he'd ever seen before from any of the girls he'd been flirting with previously.

"Excuse me miss, are you okay?" asked another woman. From her shirt she looked to be a gym employee who'd come running over at the sound of the commotion. Ella looked up at her, and again, without really thinking, began to growl. Michael was her saviour after all. The woman backed away at the odd display, but Ella was jumped back to reality by the movements Michael made below her as he tried to return them both to a standing position. Oh God! What had she just done?

"I...I..." she stuttered, looking around at the stares she was receiving from the other onlookers. What was going on with her? Something wasn't right. She looked at Michael again and tried to say something, but only another series of barks emerged. Mortified, she made a beeline for the exit, running at pace to escape the situation as quickly as possible. Michael and the gym attendant stood them, dumbfounded by the bizarre situation they had just witnessed.

Mia knew something wasn't quite right with her. Maybe it wasn't a hangover, maybe she was coming down with something? Her nose was kind of itchy, and she'd been twitching it involuntarily all day. The carrot she'd had for breakfast too had seemed so delicious to her that now, looking at her packed lunch which consisted entirely of carrots and lettuce, she suspected she might not have made the wisest choice. Not even a little seasoning or salad dressing, but raw vegetables.

"Mia?" She suddenly sat bolt upright at her desk. A weird sensation flooded her body for a second time that day, only much stronger. It felt like a finger had just stroked her most intimate area, and out of instinct she'd clamped her thighs together. Her named had been called from behind her and she spun round to see Carol, one of the assistants in the department standing near her desk.

"The morning meeting is about to start." She added, by way of encouraging her to come along with her. The fashion company they both worked for had an early morning meeting every day to catch up one the previous days' news and the agenda for that day. Carol eyed Mia with concern. "Are you okay? You look a little flushed?"

"Yeah. Fine!" Mia replied, not wanting to reveal the sensitivities of the feeling she'd just had.

"Mia. If you are coming down with something you should really head home." Mia straightened up suddenly again. The sudden erotic feeling hitting her again like a truck. She clamped her teeth together but kept her legs firmly planted on the floor for fear that she'd stumble if she tried to stand at that exact moment.

"I'm fine Carol." She tried to say through gritted teeth. "I'll be along in a second, ok?" Carol nodded and headed off, leaving Mia panting for a second, trying to regain her composure. What on earth was that feeling just now?

Gathering up her files, Mia smoothed out her business skirt, and made her way from her desk and down to the conference call. Whatever was going on, she would have to soldier through it for now. Hopefully it was something that would pass soon enough.

The conference room was a lavishly decorated modern affair, as you might expect from a top fashion company. About 15 people were sat around, with some of the big exec's perched at or near the head of the table. The men, many older with grey hair, wore immaculate suits, and the women in blouses and business attire. Mia snuck in and took one of the lower ranking chairs near the door.

"Ahh, Mia. Thanks for joining us." Came a friendly greeting from her boss, a older woman in her thirties mid way up the table. Mia suddenly felt the shock again, as if someone had just tweaked one of her nipples. She muffled a squeak, but the slight jump went unnoticed by the others around her. Her concern was elevated now, and she hoped against hope that this was going to stop, or at least not get any worse. It seemed to be when someone said her name, but she'd never had a problem like that before. What was it, some sort of illness? She'd never heard of an illness that makes you feel more aroused, let alone something that felt like something so real.

The meeting began and proceeded fairly normally. Mia was struggling to concentrate due to her heightened arousal, but was busy making notes when it came to her section to report. Her boss began to speak and Mia forced herself to pay attention now.

"Thanks Mark. We have a few good announcements today. The main one is an announcement of the closure of the deal we've been working on for the last 4 months, with large thanks going to Mia for some excellent last minute work to bring them on side."

Mia's whole body tensed as she felt the shiver along her skin. The feeling was more acute than before, like she was being stroked intimately by a finger running up her pussy. It would have been very pleasant and sensual, if she wasn't at that moment being watched by 15 of her colleagues and bosses. Her boss didn't seem to noticed how red she'd become, or she had and seemed to think it was from embarrassment at being called out during a meeting for praise, but she made no comment on it. What happened next though might have been her worst case scenario though, and any doubts she'd had about what the trigger was, or what was happening evaporated as a chorus of praise began to circle the table.

"Well done! Mia!"

"Good Job! Mia!"

The adoration from around the table but Mia was more distracted by sudden and powerful bombardment of stimulation. With every mention of her name, the excited in her core erupted. It was more intense now, perhaps due to the rapid fire occurrences, but each time her colleagues said Mia's name, she could have sword that right then and there, she was being penetrated by a thick cock. Her body was on fire, and she squirmed helpless to the feeling as each mention of her named caused the imaginary penis to slam into her. Thighs clamped tightly shut, teeth gritted, hands curled up in fists pressed tightly against her thighs, eyes scrunched closed.

"Congrats, Mia!"

"Mia? Are you okay?"

Thrust after thrust. Jolt after jolt. Ever part of her skin felt like it was on fire. She didn't know where she was anymore. The sheer amount of times her name had just been said felt like someone had stuck a vibrator down her panties and turned it on to full. She couldn't resist. Trying as hard as she could to stay still, she was almost doubling over from the extasy that was building in pulses from her core to her extremities.


That last concerned question from her boss finally caused her to fall over the edge. She was biting her lip to keep from making a sound, but her whole body spasmed, despite her desperate fight to keep still. She couldn't help it. The orgasm washed over her and all sense of reason was lost. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to rip off her clothes and bask in the afterglow, but her mind was desperately trying to remain in control as she shivered from the first orgasm she'd ever had in public. She opened her eyes to see all the members of the conference looking at her confused.

"Are you okay Mia"

She squeaked once again, audibly this time, as even in the warm of her post orgasm bliss the feeling of stimulation hit her like a truck once more.

"I'm fine," She cried trying to regain composure. She forced herself to try and stand, but her legs were weak, and the warmth from her pussy made every movement difficult. Still, she managed to get her feet under her and began stumbling away. "Please excuse me. I'm not feeling well."

It was a lame excuse, but it was clear from all in the room that something had just happened. A few even suspected, correctly, what they had just witnessed, but none dared speak it aloud. All Mia knew was that she needed to get home now, and avoid anyone else saying her name.

Grace rolled over on the couch. She'd been sleepy all day. No, more like she'd been lazy all day. Her friends had left for their various activities for the day, but she'd ended up lounging about. What's more, the petite Asian girl still hadn't managed to find the energy to go put any clothes on. What was the point anyway?

She rolled over and crawled forward to reach for her mug. It was supposed to be tea, or coffee or something, but whatever she'd tried to make was almost entirely milk. Not that she minded though, it was very pleasant. It was however nearly finished, so she finally pulled herself up and walked over to the nearby kitchen counter to try and make some more. Feeling peckish, she reached into one of the cupboards. For some reason she had a hankering for some fish, and she just so happened to spot a tin of tuna on one of the shelves.

Grace knew something wasn't quite right with all this, she'd never had cravings like this before, but her pondering was interrupted when she heard the doorbell go off. Leaving the milk and tuna on the side, she headed over to see who could possibly be at the door.

The young man doing the mail deliveries that day probably wasn't expecting to see a beautiful naked woman answer the door. It was one of those bizarre fantasies only realized in cheesy porno's, but here, in the middle of his round, he was confronted with just that. The woman was beautiful, with warm brown skin and jet back hair that fell lavishly over her shoulders. Her couldn't help but have his eyes straight to her perfectly round breasts, which a few strands of her hair draped neatly across. Not huge by any stretch, but her thin waist and wide hips accentuated them brilliantly. Her neatly trimmed pubic hair, and delicate folds topped off the distracting assets she possessed, and he was thus stunned into a mumbling fool.

Grace looked at his face confused, and then looking down, realized she was still naked. She let out a cute giggle, mostly at how silly she'd been. "I'm so sorry. I forgot I wasn't wearing anything." She said. It would have been too cliché to be believed, but Grace genuinely had forgotten she wasn't wearing anything. The whole morning she'd been so comfortable like that it hadn't occurred to her to change into something when the doorbell wrang.

"Urmm... it's quite alright ma'am" the boy replied, not sure how he could be this lucky. He was trying hard to burn every details of Grace's physique into his memory so he could relive this moment forever. Grace smiled flirtatiously. Might as well have some fun with him. She wasn't like this normally, but today she felt more playful than usual, despite her lazy start.

Grace stood there smiling at the dumbstruck young man, eyeing her body like a lion, hungry for his pray. "Hey..." she said, breaking him from out of his staring. "Is that my package."

The boy nearly jumped and he fumbled the package in his haste to hand it over. Grace reached out to grab the sides of the carboard box, deliberately and obviously glancing down deliberately at the young man's own package, before taking it from him. The young man was a sweating nervous wreck in comparison to the calm and flirtatious Grace.

She smiled and turned to head back into the house with the package. The delivery boy followed after her with his gaze, watching her adorable bubble butt sashaying backwards with a bounce from each step. Could this day get any better?

At that moment, Grace leant over to place the package on the low coffee table. Knowing full well what she was doing, legs straight and bending over completely at the waist, the poor helpless boy got the most delicious view of her pussy she could muster. He didn't even notice that putting the package down took a considerable number of seconds.

Standing slowly back up, she ran her hands up her legs, across her hips and turned to face him. Bashfully playing with her hair she giggled again. "Is there anything I should sign?"

"Oh.... Yeah." He stuttered. He stepped inside the flat, hurriedly walking up to grace with a clipboard.

"Puurrrfect!" Grace replied, sultry and sexily. She reached out and lingered with one hand on his. His eyes continued to move up and down her body. "Oh to hell with this!" Grace finally cried Grabbing the back of his head and pulling his mouth down to her own.

The clipboard fell with a tumble and crash to the floor, but neither cared. His hands came across to grab Grace by the hips and pull her close to him, and she pulled away from him and let out a noise, which he could almost mistake as a meow. He dismissed it, so enraptured was he in roaming across her soft skin, and he equally dismissed the purring she was also making. If anything the odd noises were turning him on even more. He sincerely believed that right then and there nothing could ruin that moment.

"Grace!?" Came the cry from the door. They both spun, red faced with embarrassment as an equally shocked looking Ella, stood there, out of breath and flustered, gazing upon her naked best friend making out with some stranger in the middle of their living room.

"Ella!" Grace replied, embarrassed, by the sudden turn of events. Suddenly she realized just what she'd been doing, and how naked she was too. She spun about and frantically searched for something to cover herself with, settling finally on a small blanked draped across the back of the couch.

The delivery boy wasted no time in grabbing his clipboard and making a beeline for the door. He darted past Ella, mumbling something that might have been an apology, but neither of them really cared that much. The door slammed shut and Grace and Ella were left alone, in silence looking at each other. Ella still in her gym clothes, and Grace clutching a blanket to her chest.

"Ella. I don't know what... I think there's something wrong with me."

Ella looked her up and down. She held the moment for a few seconds, pondering all that she had seen, and what she had been through as well. "Me too." She replied.