No-Alt Insurance 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#12 of Working with Criminals

The hunt for some mysterious quarry continues, and Alt-Nor continues to find himself in compromising positions. This time, something haunting.

Commissioned by Taiko

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No-Alt Insurance

Part 3

For Taiko

By Draconicon

This time, Nor felt like he was ready for any sort of opponent ready to hack his system. The purple mule had wrapped tinfoil around his head, but the tinfoil was laced with enough anti-data-probe circuitry that he was pretty sure that it would take one of Lil's supercomputers to actually get to his brain. Certainly there was no way that the Luntist - or anything like him - would be fucking with his programming this time around.

In addition, he had installed a couple of digital diaphragms in himself. One was deep in his ass, waiting to catch any code that might be injected anally, and one was a little dam in the back of his throat, waiting to catch any cock that might be waiting to screw him over.

That, plus the anti-viral programs that he had upgraded over the night, should be more than enough to keep from being humiliated in the same way that he had been for the last two missions. He didn't think that he'd need them for the one coming up, but considering how his life had gotten turned completely upside-down the last few times, he didn't want to risk it.

Besides, he still had to get something done while he was waiting for the list of names to finish compiling.

The purple mule sat on a gargoyle on the edge of an office building, not daring to move too far just in case things started to slip. He even kept one hand around the head of the gargoyle, wanting to make sure that he could grab it if the building decided to hop. That had already happened once, and he had no intention of pulling another undignified scramble to keep from falling to the streets below.

His target was the apartment building a few dozen floors below. It had hopped around, too, though with less franticness than the office building, and surprisingly, it was more the entrances that were on top of the building that were left behind. The doors remained boarded shut on street level, and most of the windows remained busted out. Not completely broken, but busted, hanging off of their hinges rather than completely shattered.

It was a strange building, almost like it was haunted, but Nor knew better than to buy a story like that just on appearances. More than likely, it was just a strange building.

The mule got to his feet as it shifted again, finally getting into the right position for the roof entrances to be aligned again. The mule hopped forward, spinning in a forward flip. A passing blimp slipped between him and the apartment building, giving him something soft to land on, and then jump off of to make sure that he didn't snap anything.


As he landed on the apartment building, the mule looked over his shoulder. The office building had already bounced again, moving to another part of the city. It was almost like it had retreated as soon as the smaller building had gotten closer. Or maybe that was just his imagination.

I can't wait for this to be over...

The more that he saw of this city, the more he wondered how the other Nor could stand to be in a place that never stayed the same for more than a few hours at a time. At least in the other place, no matter how dangerous it could become, it at least followed the rules of a city. The only changes happened as the city rings turned around a central point. There was none of this random -


The purple mule dropped, covering his ears as a monorail suddenly appeared above his head, the train moving at full speed. It was loud enough to set his ears ringing even as he flattened them against the back of his head, his hands holding them down until the train rumbled out of earshot.


Nor knew that half his problem was the fact that he wasn't really from here. Not this Novus Ager, anyway. Everyone else here seemed to be tapped into something that he wasn't, like they were getting everything smoothed over by some other entity. If there was something like that, he honestly didn't want to think about the power level that sort of smoothing out would require, nor how much energy was being put into keeping everyone from crashing, burning, or dying on a daily basis. Particularly not when the thing in question hadn't done anything to him just yet.

Instead, Nor turned his attention to the rooftop panels. There was only so much time before the building shifted again and took the access points away, so he knew that he had to get inside while he still could. There was no point in waiting any longer.

Throwing the panel open, he dropped inside. He had barely thumped against the floor below when the sun went dark. Looking the way he'd come, he saw that the rooftop had sealed up again with no sign of the panel that he'd just fallen through. He was stuck until the building moved back to where it had just been, and that could take hours.

Well...better make it count.

Shaking his head, Nor looked around. The whole place was darkened, but here and there were old bits and bobs. He'd fallen into someone's apartment rather than into the hallway, and from what he'd been able to gather about the person that he was looking for, they'd been a bit of a mad scientist. This didn't look like that sort of room, so he walked out of the living room, down the hallway, and up to the apartment door.

Said door was jammed shut, probably from all the moisture in the air. Nor shook his head, reared back, and punched the door as hard as he had punched the androids the day before. He had to say, the androids took the blow a lot better than the door did.

Stepping through the wreckage, he looked up and down the hallway. There wasn't much to be seen. The power had obviously been shut down a while ago, and the rains that had come through the damaged windows had rotted the carpets and the walls, and left the doors swollen with moisture to the point where they were all jammed. He groaned under his breath, knowing that this was going to be a long job.

One door after another, he broke into the various apartments. Here and there, he swore he saw something moving in the shadows, but it always disappeared before he could see what it was. Nor never just assumed it to be harmless, though. Whenever something moved, he stopped, watched where it went, and then went right to the shadow it disappeared in and checked every nook and cranny. He was getting sick of getting jumped, and he wasn't about to give something a free shot at his ass.


However, it did mean that it was a very slow search, and it was taking him hours to go through the different apartments, even though he knew the sort of thing that he was looking for. A mad scientist had lived here some while back, a cobra named John-James Watkins. One of those that had legs rather than just a long naga-body, the cobra - as far as the files had read - had been one of those odd minds that tended to brood, that held himself away from the rest of society, and wasn't the nicest to the people that he didn't like. Not cruel, but not particularly nice, either, going so far as to seal some of them in escape rooms that wouldn't open if they weren't smart enough to figure out how to get out.

Nor punched down another door, pausing as he felt something move again. It was less seeing something, more feeling the air change a bit. The mule turned on his heel, looking up and down the hallway, but there was nothing. He shook his head, slowly looking back in the apartment.

Yet another one that didn't look like it belonged to someone that had been experimenting with phasing physicality. As far as he understood - and what he didn't understand would fill more volumes than what he did - John-James Watkins had been experimenting on how to slide something physical up and down the different dimensional existences. The experiment, supposedly, would mean that...

How did the cobra put it in the notes on record? Right. That 'a door would stand in the same place in every version of Novus Ager across all of existence, allowing passage to and from with ease.'

The idea of that sent a shiver down his spine, and not just for the idea of having the people in this universe meet the people in his. Apart from the various lack of propriety, and the way that the Luntist would most likely humiliate him in front of Lil, with his luck, it would mean that every version of everyone would eventually see each other, and that could not do anything good for the time-space continuum. What limited knowledge he had of that tended to suggest that interactivity between universes was best kept to a minimum.

Another useless apartment down, he started to leave when he looked at himself in the mirror. Seeing that he was still on the purple side, Nor pulled at the disguise program. It only took a moment, but the purple split into red and blue, running in stripes along his body like a strange zebra. His musculature remained, but the weird part -


He wobbled for a moment or two as his feet turned to hooves. He always hated that part, feeling his toes merging, feeling his legs twist and his heel rise off the ground. It always took a few minutes for him to get his balance after that. Yes, it gave him a better, harder kick, but he never felt quite right without being properly...footed, he supposed. It was just wrong being on hooves.

Shaking his head, Nor kept up the search, going from one apartment to another. Each broken door was another annoyance, another frustration, but every bit of intel told him that John-James Watkins had lived here somewhere. He just had to find the right room.

Eventually, he punched down a door near the end of the hallway, just two doors down from the stairs. At first, it looked exactly like all the others, and he was about to stomp off to the next one, but something flickered at the edge of his vision. He paused, narrowing his eyes at it curiously.

When the light flickered again, that was enough of an invitation to get him to enter the room. What he found was more than he ever expected.

The vault door in the wall probably would have been invisible when it was first made, but all the wood rot and damp areas and peeling wallpaper meant that the immaculate disguise had been left in better shape than the wall around it. He was honestly surprised that was the case, but he wasn't going to complain. After all, he needed anything that he could get at this point, and if it meant rooting through drywall to try and find something good, then that was what he was going to do.

After a bit of pressure from behind the rotting wall, he was able to pop the vault doors open. Inside were several rather fascinating devices. A couple of pistols, but ones that weren't like anything that he had ever seen before. Considering that he had interrogated a number of gadgeteers back home, that was saying something.

He laid the glowing guns to the side, not wanting to fiddle with them considering what this Watkins had been working on. If they were of the same sort of experiment, then he might end up screwing with things across the multi-verse, and if they weren't, then he had no idea what they did besides blast things. Considering the fact they were glowing, that meant that they were some sort of science weapon, and if they had power after this long, he really didn't want to try messing with them.

Behind them was a notebook, one that looked like it might contain a journal. With the luck that he was having so far, he shrugged and pulled it open.

"Property of John-James Watkins." Nor grinned. "Jackpot."

He'd been fairly sure when he saw the guns, but now that he had confirmation, he felt relief just wash over him. He'd started getting worried that there'd be nothing in this building, just a giant collection of rooms that had nothing that he needed, and a lot of disappointment waiting at the end. Watkins's, as far as he knew, was required for him to finish his mission, and while Lil hadn't told him just what it was supposed to do, he knew that was the next part of the plan.

He flicked through the journal until he found something sticking out towards the back. It was a keycard, glowing ever so slightly, and the mule smiled.

"Got it."

Picking it out of the pages, he tucked it into the pouch that the Nor-Disguise had down at the crotch. It was a bit weird-feeling, but it was better than trying to make a pocket on his body at the moment. He got to his feet -

And then immediately froze, hearing a hiss that echoed through the air. The mule clenched his hands into fists, his eyes flicking this way and that, trying to find the source of the sound.

There was nothing to see, but the sound kept coming, rising through the air. It seemed to come from below him, then from the left, then from the right. It never seemed to stay consistent, and the sound was getting louder by the second.

"Who's there?" Nor called.

"Sssssomeone mosssst annoyed with you."

The voice was definitely serpentine, but more than that, it wasn't entirely physical. He gritted his teeth, not liking the sound of dealing with someone that didn't have a corporeal body. The last time that he had to do that, it hadn't gone well for him. Even back home, some of the ghostly ones had some weakness against his dick, but when he was out here, it seemed only the physical did. And even then, only the living physical.

Here's hoping that this isn't a real ghost, he thought, turning on the spot, slowly looking in every direction. If he's a real one, this just got that much more -

"Why...are you ressst?"



Nor had to admit, the reveal was a pretty grand one. The sight of the snake ghost rising out of the floor was more than he expected, and he jumped back fast enough that the tinfoil hat he wore almost slid off completely. He grabbed it tight as the rest of the snake's body slowly rose through the floor, glowing a dull gray-blue as the cobra fanned his hood.

He was a remarkably striking individual, Nor had to admit. The big guy had the muscles of a construction worker, but the physique of someone that actually studied how to get the right sort of chiseled look rather than the muscle-gut appearance. Every limb was thick as hell, with his legs being like solid trunks of muscle, and his arms being more like a line of bumpy rocks. His chest was thick and his shoulders broad, and his hood cast shade over it all.

He even wore a rather intimidating expression, right up to the point where their eyes met. Then, John-James grinned.

"Nor? Oh, wow, is that really you?"

"...Yyyyyyes?" Nor said, really hoping it was the right answer.

"Holy - oh, wow, I never got the chance to talk to you when I was alive, so it means a lot to see you around now. Why are you here?"


"Oh, you probably were looking for something, weren't you? Digging around? Not that the famous Nor would ever use guns, right?" the snake ghost said, actually laughing. "No way. He's always sworn to do the right thing with fist and hooves and no more. No killing for him."

...Did I seriously just dig up Nor's #1 fan?

It certainly seemed like it. The muscular cobra walked around his room as if he was busking and cleaning it for a sudden, much-wanted, often-fantasized-of guest, and he was still shocked enough that he allowed himself to be led to a half-collapsed couch and sat on the good side of it. The snake sat on the other side, running a hand along his thigh and smiling all the while. No more hissing, either; it seemed to have been a sort of affectation, at most.

"I cannot believe that you're in my apartment after this long. How long have I been dead, by the way? They don't deliver newspapers here anymore, and they cut the cable a while ago."

"I'd say...maybe two years? Something like that?"

"A long time. But people remember me, right?"

"...Sure. Yes. They remember you. I remember you a bit better, though," Nor said, knowing he was lying his ass off and hoping that it would keep working out in his favor. He honestly didn't know what else to do, though; there was something to this poor guy's desperation that plucked at his sympathy strings. "I already got what I came here for, so I'll just be -"

"Oh? What? The - oh, my journal," the cobra ghost said, nodding at it. "Yes, please, take it. I bet that it's going to be valuable to a number of scientific publications. My theories...I know they're based more on architecture than on actual theoretical sciences, but I tell you, they're sound."

Nor said nothing about that, not trusting himself or his protections at this point. All of the gear he'd picked out had been based around the idea that he'd be dealing with more electronic hazards. Gadgeteers, mind-stealing aliens, stuff like that. Nothing that he had packed up and brought with him would do a damn thing against a ghost, and knowing his luck, neither would his cock.

His best bet would be to get the hell out of here before things got any more awkward, any more...difficult.

"I should get it to them as quick as I can, then, shouldn't I?" he said, starting to get up.

"Where are you going?"


"But - wait. I installed the panels on the roof. They're not back yet."

Right. The panels. Shit. There was no way out without using them, at least not without blowing a hole in the roof. Considering that he didn't have that much of a super-jump, he was actually stuck for a while.

Stuck with a ghost that was still fawning over him, he realized as he was pulled back onto the couch, held down with a hand along his thighs, rubbing so close to his cock that he could almost feel it already.

"You know...I've always fantasized about having you here," the snake said. "I watched you, you know. Running through the city, saving everyone. I kinda wondered, could I make doors for you so you could have your own network, jumping from place to place all over the city? Ones that stuck to where they were supposed to be, instead of...well, you know."

It was...weird. That was the sort of thinking that would make this Novus Ager much more livable, but he doubted that anyone here would want something like that, least of all the Nor that was native. But that wasn't all that John-James had to say.

"I thought, after I finished one more job, I'd come to you and ask if I could help. Maybe design you a hide-out. Maybe work with you on stabilizing things, connecting them so that it was easier to get around, so things...things didn't break as much. But can see what happened," John-James said, gesturing at himself. "It didn't entirely work out."

"I'm sorry," Nor said, not sure what else he could say.

"It's okay. You would have saved me if you knew. And now you're here...and...and you know...I just..."

The ghost was even closer now, and his hands were glowing in a way that really didn't make Nor feel good about himself. He tried to edge further away, but the ghost followed him, the cobra's eyes shining brighter.

"You know...I think...I think you wouldn't mind...If we had a little fun. Just to pass the time."

"I'm really -"

"No, no, you don't mind. I know Nor. Nor has that kind of fun with people all the time. And he doesn't mind. He likes it. You're Nor, so -"

Too late, the mule tried to move, but no sooner had he tried to throw himself from the couch than the ghost threw itself at him. He gasped as the cold presence of the spirit slid into his back, riding along the back of his spine and sliding into him. It was almost like he was a suit to put on, and he felt the chill running down his arms and legs, first, and then the back of his head. His torso filled out with the same sort of chill, a goose-bump sensation running across his entire body before it started settling down.

It was completely different from the Luntist manipulation of his systems before. Rather than an attack on his mind, this was something that hit his body, and it hit him hard. The feeling of it running up and down his spine, the way that his arms and legs started moving without him even thinking about it, the way that his head lifted and his mouth moved -

"No fangs. That's weird," he heard his own voice say, even though he knew that it had to be John-James saying it.

He was made to stand up again, and his hands fiddled with the bindings on the crotch clothes that he wore. Nor blushed, trying to say something, but the ghost wasn't in his head, nor was it in his processor. It was just in his body, but that was enough for it to have full control, to do what it wanted.

"Mmmph. Why isn't this coming off?" his voice said. "It looked so much easier when the villains did it..."

The fact that this guy was still so eager was a little disturbing and...well, kinda flattering at the same time. He had never had someone that he hadn't fucked be this eager to play with him - outside of Lil, that was - and it was honestly a nice change. That didn't mean that he wasn't blushing beneath the ghost's control as his own hands felt so foreign, groping at himself even as they tried to get him stripped.

"Oh, fuck this. I don't have time to waste on getting this off. We'll do it the old-fashioned way."

What does that -

The crotch-guard went from being just barely roomy enough for his cock and balls to being far too tight. Nor's eyes just about bugged out of their sockets as he slumped forward a bit, the ghost doing the same, and they both gasped for breath as their package swelled and rolled in the guard.

"Just a...a little bit...more..."

Holy fucking - what are you - ah!

The first crack showed on the crotch-guard, and he realized that the ghost was actually making him grow. How, he didn't know, but his cock was getting bigger by the second, fattening out and pressing forward and out. The whole thing was swelling, and he could feel every inch of the cloth and plastic that formed the armor piece down there getting tighter and tighter. More and more cracks started to form around it, making his cock feel that much more compressed.

His balls weren't in that much better a position, particularly as he felt them swelling, too. They were getting pushed firmly into the guard, and they felt heavy. He'd never felt them quite like this, not even the time Lil had him on a few days of chastity just for the fun of having a fountain in the bedroom. This was...this was insane...

Finally, just when he thought that the guard would defeat them, the plastic cracked completely. The cloth followed suit, and his clothes fell to the ground in a mess. John-James gasped for relief through his mouth, and the pair of them looked down.

Their cock had grown enormous. The whole thing had to be double its normal size, pushing towards the two foot mark, if not past it. His balls ran all the way down to his knees, making it impossible for him to run, probably impossible to get around.

"There...that's what we wanted..." Nor heard himself say. "I knew Nor was big, but this is even better..."

Better?! This is...well...

His cock throbbed a few times as the ghost used his hands to take hold of their bigger, more impressive shaft, and Nor had to admit, it felt better than he expected it to. The sensation of hands on a cock that big was always going to be a bit different, and it was almost like...

Well, there was a part of him that liked feeling something so big, and he wondered if he could convince Lil to allow him to grow the Dane at some point.

Wait...wait...why am I...

"But we can play with that more in a minute. I want a close-up look at what Nor has in the trunk."

Normally, he would have expected someone to go to a mirror in order to see something like that. However, he expected that this ghost would have a very different way of getting a close-up look at his backside.

He did not expect to have his spine bent backwards, twisted around, and then stretched so that he was able to keep his lower half standing in place and have his upper-half bent around like some stretchy-hero on a perverted bender. He had been bent, spiraled, and moved so that his upper half was 'laying' down on his stomach, looking right at his own ass.

Not that the ass of an ass was a bad ass - though he liked to think of himself as one - but it was one thing to know that you had a good ass, and quite another to know what everyone else was looking at when they were at this angle. Feeling his own hands spreading his rump cheeks from an angle that would never normally be possible, Nor fought a groan as his upper half pulled itself even closer.

His hole looked...well, it didn't look used, exactly. It didn't gape, and it was pulled in tight enough, but it no longer had that 'unused' look that he was so proud of it having. He'd had an amazing record back on his home world for being nice and tight, for never letting a villain get the better of him, but here? That wasn't the same anymore. It was starting to get a bit more use to it, and he could see that there were a few stretch marks here and there. He blamed the androids for that; they'd taken to double-penetrating him towards the end.

"Wow. This is such a hot piece of ass," John-James said, and he would have blushed. "Man, I could stare at this thing for hours."

It's...okay, I guess, Nor thought, his oversized cock throbbing slightly. I guess...glad you like it...

"But I could rim it for even longer."


But there was no waiting around. John-James stretched them further, their muzzle sliding between their muscled cheeks. There was no real smell back there, as the android had been taking great care of himself, but there was a slight hint of musk from the way that his cock throbbed not far away.

His lips found his pucker almost immediately. Nor braced himself, but nothing could have prepared him for what came next. The first lick lapped across his pucker, and it was more than he ever expected.


Nor had never had that sort of attention directed to his backside before. Not even Lil, even when they were having their pampering times, wanted something like that. This...this was something that was insanely intense.

It didn't matter that he was technically the one doing it. Sure, it was his body, but he was the passenger, able to take a backseat and just watch, enjoy what was happening to him. As he watched his tongue flick across his asshole, he felt each and every warm lick, every little tease that tugged at his pucker. The warmth of his tongue, the wetness, everything was a wonderful break from being fucked every time something went wrong.

Nor shivered from head to toe, and he swore that John-James was enjoying what he was doing. The ghost seemed to take some sort of pride in getting him horny, and the licking got more frenzied. He could taste a bit of sweat back there, but not much, just a little bit of moisture that faded into a salt taste before it was gone for good. His tongue probed at his own hole, his hands groped at his own ass, and the odd mix of feeling in charge and feeling taken charge of was arousing in its own right.

Lick, lap, wet, warm. The pressure of that tongue was not that hard, either, just enough to tease, just enough to make him feel okay about allowing it to happen. He relaxed, and so did John-James, and -


The feeling of his tongue sliding up his ass was so different to a cock that he really would have collapsed if it hadn't been for the fact that the ghost was supporting both of them. He panted as the wet, slippery thing wiggled up his hole, flicking from side to side before pulling out. Huff, puff, hot air against his open pucker, before -


In it went again, and he almost came on the spot. Nor moaned from the wiggling tongue, feeling it growing longer and longer, going deeper and deeper inside of him. He barely cared. This was an entirely different sort of penetration, much better than a cock, and a hell of a lot better than an android trying to upload a virus.

Nor's tongue had to be at least a foot long, though, and he felt it slithering in and out of his mouth like a chameleon shooting for flies. Each thrust rocked his lower body, and his cock -

Oh god, how long is that now?

He didn't know, but the head of the shaft was touching the floor, and it had never done that before. The sudden flash of insight shocked him out of the pleasurable high that he had been in, and he struggled slightly. He managed to bend one finger.

That was it.

John-James blinked the mule's eyes, pulling back.

"Wha - oh, right. Nor is always getting fucked. Don't worry. We're going to get that done, too. And you should have a cock more than big enough for you, now."

Like a piece of taffy suddenly yanked back, or like a tape measure being sucked back into its roll, the mule's upper body rebounded along itself. He could almost hear the bouncy-ball, rubber sound effects as his body rolled over, around, and back to where it was supposed to be, standing up normally. His eyes felt like they were rattling in their sockets, and even John-James had to take a moment before looking down.

Nor's jaw would have dropped if it had been up to him. His cock hadn't grown any wider, thankfully, but it was at least as long as he was tall. The ghost made them kneel down, taking the head in hand. The whole thing was like a hyper-flexible dildo, and as they got on all fours, Nor realized what the ghost was going to do.

Mind-controlling dick plus ghost in body...this is going to be interesting...

"Mmm, I never thought that we'd be able to have fun like this, Nor. But I hope that I can fuck you the way you like. You know, it's not the same as using my cock to do it, but, well, here's hoping this is good enough."

It was definitely more than big enough. Nor felt oddly at peace as he was made to kneel forward, his cock wiggled beneath his balls like some sort of hose-dildo combination. It rested against his pucker for a moment, then got shoved in -


And it was like shoving a fork into a power socket. Everything just fizzled, sparks shooting everywhere, and John-James yelping for the split second that the mule's cock-head was inside of them.

Then, there was nothing.

Nor experimentally tried to move his hand, and it worked. He shifted his leg, and that worked, too. That was good enough for him, and he pushed himself back to his feet, feeling his balls shrinking and his cock reeling in again. Everything was slowly resetting.

"...John? John-James?" he called out.

There was no response. Either the ghost was completely out of it, or - and if this was the case, he honestly felt bad for it - the shock of being hit with Nor's magic dick had put John-James to his eternal rest.

He honestly hoped for the first one; the poor guy didn't deserve to drop like that without meeting his hero.

Nor shook his head, gathered up the notebook, and -


"Ow!" He grunted as he rubbed the back of his head, looking up at the open panel. "Where were you five minutes ago..."

The End