08 Jake and Mitch: Moving Day

Story by Kittymeow on SoFurry

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"I can't believe he's gone." Mitch said to the empty room. Ryan had to leave early in the morning due to a job opening up near his apartment, and Jake had left with him to help him move in. Mitch was asleep when they left, but Jake left a note explaining where they were. Mitch got off the couch and began collecting loose clothing to clean. He grabbed all the clothing by the couch and noticed Ryan's clothes were missing from the pile. Jake had taken his jacket so that was also missing. After collecting all the clothing Mitch sat back on the couch and let out a long sigh. He held the ball of clothing close to his face and inhaled Ryan's weak scent among his own and his mates.

"It's like I only just got to know him." Mitch said again to the empty room. Mitch put all the clothes, except for a shirt Jake had lent the lizard when he was staying at their home. Mitch held the shirt close and smelled it again. Damn lizards have such a weak scent he thought. Mitch threw the shirt in the wash and then left the washroom to enter the kitchen and begin making his breakfast. He whipped together some pancake batter and put it in the waffle maker Mitch had bought at a thrift store a few weeks ago. When the waffle maker dinged he pulled out his meal and covered it in syrup before sitting down at the table and eating. As he ate he thought of all the things he wanted to do with Jake and Ryan. Lost in thought, the fox didn't notice a wolf sneak up behind him and grab him from behind.

"Why so glum, foxxy?" A female voice said.

"Hey, Jenny. I didn't know if you and Kevin made it back last night. Good to hear from you." Mitch replied. Mitch put the last piece of his waffle into his mouth and swallowed before standing up and turning to face Jenny. The wolf was dressed in a shirt that could have been Kevin's and some white panties with a pink lacing. After noticing the wolf's clothing he remembered that he was still nude from when he had awoken.

"Sorry, let me get some clothes on." Mitch said, trying to cover himself from the wolf's stare.

"Don't worry about it." Jenny said before Mitch had a chance to find any clean clothes. "Just answer my question."

"I was just thinking about Ryan. You know, Jake and I finally got to, well, have him, and he had to leave so soon. I just feel like I missed out." Mitch explained to the wolf. Jenny nodded and said "You need ice cream."

"But it's like eight in the morning." The fox protested.

"Ice cream can't tell time." Jenny said as she got a half gallon jug of the delicious frozen sugar out of the freezer. Mitch and Jenny took a seat on the couch and watch early morning sitcoms while sharing a jug of vanilla-chocolate swirl. After they had eaten their fill, Mitch hugged Jenny's waist tightly while saying his thanks and resting his head on her lap. Jenny just nodded as she pat the foxes head calmly while they continued to watch the show.

A few commercials later, Kevin had managed to wake himself from his slumber and shamble lazily into the living room. He glanced over at Jenny and fox on the couch and laughed internally before waking his mind fully.

"If you were any other naked fox clinging to my girlfriend's waist I might have had to do something." Kevin said to the two on the couch.

"Good morning, sleepy." Jenny said to the other wolf.

"If you want, I could cling to you instead." Mitch said with a sly undertone.

"No chance, buddy. I belong to this beauty." Kevin said as he walked over to the couch. He leaned in and kissed the other wolf on her forehead before walking into the kitchen.

"Do I smell pancakes?" He said loudly from the other room.

"I just made some waffles, there is some batter left over if you want to make some." Mitch called back.

Meanwhile, Ryan and Jake were driving to the apartment. Ryan was driving, and Jake was in the passenger seat, just waking from a well deserved nap.

"We almost there?" Jake said groggily.

"Almost." Ryan responded. Jake repositioned himself in his seat and took a look out the windows to see where they were. He saw passing greenery on either side of the highway, and through an opening in the trees he could see large buildings.

"Is that where you live, the city?" Jake asked.


"Moving up in the world are we?" Jake said sarcastically, getting a small chuckle from Ryan's side of the car. After a dull silence had passed over them Jake felt the need to fill the silence.

"So, about last night." Jake began, hoping for Ryan to pick up on what he was getting to.


"Just thanks?" Jake asked.

"Just thanks." Ryan said, forcing another silence over the car. When Ryan drove the car to the off ramp and turned to the city Jake began looking around at the many sights around him. After twenty minutes of amateur navigation, they arrived at Ryan's new apartment.

"We're here." Ryan announced proudly.

"About time." Jake said as he got out of the car. Ryan opened the trunk and they both chose a box to carry up to Ryan's new home.

"302... 304... 306! This one is mine." Ryan said when they found his room. He set his box down and fumbled for the key. When he got the door open they were greeted by a scent of freshness. The apartment was mostly empty. There was a TV stand, but no TV. The couch looked old and worn down, but other than that the place was well lit and clean. The carpets were a bright white as if they were new. The walls were also white, which made the place seem barren and dry, but Ryan assured him that he had plenty of decorations. There was a center room, and three doors. One was Ryan's new room, another presumably a bathroom. The last door was a guest bedroom at the time, but Ryan said he planned to turn it into an office if he gets the chance. The two of them went back to the car and got more boxes. When all the boxes were up, Ryan began pulling out thing's he would need soon, like his laptop and some clothes.

"Looks like that's all I'll need for now." Ryan said. "Wanna crack open a six-pack to celebrate my first home of my own?"

"I would love to, but I have to drive home, and I don't want to keep Mitch waiting."

"Alright man, I understand. Thanks for everything, and feel free to drop by."

Jake said "No problem." as he walked out the door. He turned left and went towards the elevator down the hall. After a short wait he heard the ding of the elevator and stepped inside. No one was with him in the elevator and the doors shut, almost in slow motion. When the cart-like elevator began to move it was slow and Jake could hear a faint screeching sound coming from the cables above. The elevator made it to floor two and the doors opened revealing Ryan.

"Ryan?" Jake started.

"Jake, I can't let you leave, not yet at least." Ryan said quickly. Jake just stood there silently. "I- I have something I want to say but-" The elevator doors began to close and Ryan pressed the button again to keep them open.

"Can we go back to my apartment?" Ryan asked when the doors were open again.

"Sure." Jake responded. Jake insisted on taking the stairs back up and Ryan didn't argue. When they got back to Ryan's room he shut the door behind them.

"What's on your mind?" Jake asked, trying to sound innocent though he had an idea.

"That night, the first night your brother stayed here, I had a dream." Ryan explained the dream he had, in all its detail, to the wolf who had been his closest friend for years. They sat on the couch while Ryan talked, telling Jake about how the dream made him question himself, and also made him a little jumpy around Jake.

"It sounds stupid, I know, but I had to tell you while I had the chance. I had to tell you in person." Ryan ended with. Jake sat on the couch, choosing his words carefully.

"So, that's why had sex with me and Mitch?"

"Well, it's what made me open to the idea." The two of them sat in silence again. When Jake stood up Ryan stood with him. Jake reached out and hugged the lizard tightly.

"Thanks, Jake."

"Just thanks?"

"Not this time." Ryan said trying his best to imitate Mitch's tone of voice. Ryan knelt down and slid his long tongue down the front of Jake's pants. He used the fork in his tongue to tickle the tip of Jake's sheath. Jake's penis began to rise out of his sheath and Ryan gripped tightly at Jake's waistband. Jake doubled over slightly, forcing Ryan's head lower onto Jake's penis. Ryan lowered Jake's pants and began taking Jake's full length into his mouth, using every bit of his tongue to tickle and squeeze Jake's member. Jake began bucking his hips to Ryan's movement before an idea struck him.

"Wait, wait." Jake said through moans of pleasure. "I got an idea for your tongue." Jake brought Ryan back to his feet and began undressing the lizard. When both of them were fully nude Jake got on all fours.

"Try your tongue on that side." Jake said, presenting his tailhole.

"Won't that taste terrible?" Ryan said.

"Well, it's not gonna taste great, but Mitch makes sure I clean it daily because he likes to do this, also it feels wonderful." Ryan knelt down, still a little hesitant.

"I'll do you afterwards if that will help you." Jake said back at the lizard. Ryan drew out his tongue and started to lick around the ring before finally touching it with the tip of his tongue. He began to use his forked tongue to pierce the wolf, and slid his tongue as deep as it could go, about an inch and a half. Ryan started getting creative and began swirling his tongue around, using his forked tip to tickle deep inside the wolf. Jake let out a few moans of pleasure before telling the lizard that was enough. They switched positions and Jake first began licking right over the lizard's tailhole. His tongue didn't have the same ability as Ryan's, but he did have more experience. When he finally got his tongue past Ryan's still tight ass he began moving and swirling his tongue in every direction he could.

"Your right!" Mitch said to Jenny. "You can taste the lemon." Mitch had been baking cookies with Jenny for when Jake came home after helping Ryan unpack.

"Thanks." Jenny said. "I found the recipe online and have been wanting to try it for quite some time." Kevin was writing a report he had due by the end of his vacation on a laptop in the living room.

"Alright, don't you think it's about time you got dressed?" Jenny said to the still naked fox.

"I don't know, I kind of like it." Mitch replied. "You should try it." He added.

"I would, but I don't think Kevin would be able to write his paper if he had two beautiful naked furs around him." Jenny said.

"Alright, well how about I dress up in your clothes?" Mitch said smiling.

"I don't think my clothes would fit you."

"Only one way to find out." Mitch said as he hurried off to the bedroom they were borrowing, with Jenny following. Mitch went into the door and looked for a suitcase. He found one and opened it, only to find a dildo at the top of the clothing. He brought it out and stared at Jenny with one eyebrow raised.

"Do you really need this with that man willing to give you anything you want?"

Jenny chuckled before saying "That's Kevin's suitcase, he's into that kind of thing." Mitch couldn't help but to burst into a short fit of laughter before replacing the dildo in the suitcase. Mitch found Jenny's suitcase and opened it as quickly as he could. He pulled out a pink skirt and matching tank top.

"Think I could try these on?" He asked.

"Find some panties too, might as well complete the picture." Jenny answered. He pulled out a pair of white panties and began sliding them up his legs. He struggled to get them on and finally managed to get them to his waist, though his testicles were slipping out the left side and they didn't fully cover his sheath. He then put on the skirt and slid that up with relative ease. The skirt managed to cover the rest of his sheath, but the bottom of his balls still dangled in view. Jenny helped Mitch get the tank top on, and then dragged to a full length mirror.

"You look adorable." Jenny said in a baby voice.

"I look hysterical." Mitch corrected her and they both laughed.

"I think I'm going to stay like this until Jake comes back." Mitch said. "Though I may have to take off these panties." Mitch took off the panties, even though his testicles now hung lower, at least now they weren't being squeezed by unforgiving silk.

"I wonder what Jake is doing right now?" Mitch thought aloud.

Jake was just starting to take his mouth out of the lizard's well lubricated anus.

"Don't I owe you one?" Ryan asked casually.

"I think you do." Jake said through his haze. He knelt up and held his pink cock in his hand. He pressed the tip against the hole before him and slowly applied a steady pressure. After a few moments of pushing, Jake's penis slipped into the lizard with a small pop. Ryan let out the breath he had been holding and Jake continued a slow movement inside the lizard. He pushed foreword until he felt signs of discomfort, when he would stop, pull out a little, and then push back in a little deeper. Jake kept up this steady process until his was buried up to his knot.

"I'll tie you next time." Jake said to the lizard, who was grateful as he had seen the size of Jake's knot. Jake pulled out to his tip and pushed back in, a sound of sticking fluids accompanying each movement. Ryan was breathing faster, enjoying being fucked for the first time. Jake pushed further and pulled back repeatedly, and began to slide a paw up to Ryan's shoulders. He held his shoulders and pulled back on the lizard with each thrust. After a few more thrusts Jake moved a paw down to feel the lizard's organ, only to find something that he did not think was Ryan's at first.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Jake said through his thrusts.

"Yeah." Ryan called back.

"I can tell, your dick's as hard as a rock." Jake began rubbing the large phallus along the shaft up to the head. He continued thrusting deep into the lizard's bowels until he heard Ryan say something inaudible.

"What was that?" Jake asked.

"I'm about to cum." Ryan repeated, and he was right. Just as the word "cum" had slipped through the lizard's lips the lukewarm seed had begun to spew from the hard cock. As semen coated the carpet, and part of Ryan's hands, Jake began to quicken his thrusts. Before long, Jake went through his own orgasm, depositing wolf semen deep inside the lizard's ass. As he came, he pulled his dick out of the lizard and prayed the last drops over the lizards back. The loss of Jake's support caused Ryan to fall to the floor in the puddle of his own semen, and Jake soon collapsed onto Ryan's back. Jake rolled off the lizard and licked off any semen dripping off the lizards scales.

"Now we're even." Jake said through breaths.

"I don't know. You did make a mess of my new carpet; I think you owe me one now." Ryan said. They laughed and Jake began to get up.

"I'm going to test your shower now; you just lay here and rest."

"Lock the door before you leave." Ryan said before finally passing out.

When Ryan awoke, Jake had already left. He looked at the clock and saw he had slept for at least three hours. I guess it's time for me to move foreword in my life Ryan thought.

Mitch was playing cards, still dressed in the skirt, with Jenny and Kevin, who had decided to take a break from his report.

"Do you have any sevens?" Jenny asked Kevin.

"Go fish." He responded. The sun was beginning to go down, though the sun set opposite of their local shoreline so there was no reason to watch the sun set from the beach. After a few more rounds of their card game Mitch finally began to wonder where Jake was.

"How long can it take to unpack some boxes?" he said to vent his frustration. After another turn Mitch spotted headlights turn into their driveway and his eyes lit up like a cub. When Jake walked in Mitch jumped up and ran over to the wolf.

"I missed you for the day; I thought you had left me for a moment."

"What are you wearing?" Jake said to the fox.

"You like it? They're Jenny's."

"As long as it's my fox underneath I don't care what you wear." Jake said to Mitch, who rewarded him with a passionate kiss.

"So what took so long anyway?" Mitch asked out of curiosity.

"Well after we unpacked Ryan wanted to talk with me, and when I went to leave he asked me to have sex." Jake said casually. Mitch's eyes opened wide at the thought of Jake and Ryan having sex.

"And you didn't invite me!?" Mitch exclaimed.

"I would have but it's like two hours away, but don't worry, I always save the best for you." Jake said as he lifted the fox into his arms. Jake turned his attention to Kevin and Jenny. "Now if you to don't mind, I've got some things I need to do with my fox." Jake carried Mitch off to the bedroom, leaving Kevin and Jenny out in the living room.

"Wanna go see a movie?" Jenny said quickly.

"Yeah, sounds like a great idea." Kevin agreed and they left the house together.

It wasn't long before Mitch was on his back with Jake inside him. Between thrusts, Jake talked about his day.

"So it was a... long and boring drive... and Ryan's apartment... looks alright I guess... and when we had sex... I showed him that tongue trick you do... but there is one thing... he still couldn't do." With that Jake pushed deep into Mitch's backside forcing his knot to bury itself into the fox's rump. "He still can't take the knot." Jake said as he kissed Mitch while they were tied. Jake spent the next ten minutes fulfilling every one of Mitch's needs while they were tied before finally letting them both cum. As Jake started to pull his knot out Mitch protested.

"Leave it in, like our first time." Mitch said. Jake smiled and kissed the fox before rolling so he was below Mitch and falling asleep.