Fair Exchange Part 1

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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#1 of Fair Exchange

A loving husband and high school principal has his life disrupted by an unexpected foreign exchange student.


Lykos Bane

Warning: This story contains stuff that is inappropriate for all ages! It contains adult themes and nasty situations. Enjoy!


"It's your own fault, dad!" Cary shook his head, arms crossed over his chest. "All you had to do was sign the papers on time! And you get on my case for procrastinating. I kept up my end of the deal."

Daniel squeezed the steering wheel tight as another yellow cab cut in front of him and immediately applied the brakes. The airport seemed particularly busy tonight, even at this late hour. Convenient. Somehow the old wolf kept his road rage under control. Now wasn't the time for that. His boy was about to leave for six months.

It was true. They shouldn't have procrastinated. Ever since Cary brought up the idea of being in the exchange student program during his sophomore year of high school, Daniel and his wife hated the idea. Neither wanted to have the boy away for so long. Yet, he persisted on the subject.

Finally, they relented some, offering up a deal. Maintain a 3.7 grade point average and he could apply for the fall and winter semester of his senior year. Much to their dismay, the boy outdid himself. By June of his junior year, Cary maintained a 3.9 GPA and two letters of academic merit. It wasn't even a month into the summer before the pup had acceptance letters to two of his three preferred colleges. And it wasn't that the university declined, they were just dragging their feet. Procrastinating.

The dreaded papers for the exchange student program arrived early July. Cary made sure his parents knew about it on a daily basis too. They swore they would...but they didn't. When the deadline passed, they breathed a sigh of relief. Both were prepared for an angry young pup, but not a disappointed one. And definitely not a vindictive one.

A calm and collected Cary confronted them. The young wolf let them know he was hurt and felt betrayed. Trusting his parents, he went above and beyond what they asked of him when they made their deal. Even proved he was trustworthy and mature enough to be an exchange student. With his senior year on the horizon, it was his final chance to join the program.

To further prove his point and display his maturity, the seventeen year old wolf knew he was still a minor so he had no say in the matter. He respected their decision. Then, the little shit tossed a couple pamphlets on the table for his parents' benefit. College brochures. London. Australia. Japan? Still completely calm, Cary let them know he decided to apply to a couple more schools.

Daniel realized the astute young wolf expected this of his parents and had a backup plan. Especially when he tossed the acceptance letter from the University of Melbourne on the table. The brat made a pre-emptive attack! The father didn't want his son to go away for six months let alone four years. Reluctant to call his son's bluff, Daniel pulled some strings to get Cary as a late entrant into the program.

The deal?

"Blah," the old wolf growled. "You just love using that excuse."

Cary grinned at his father, "I really hope you learned a lesson."

Daniel knew what the kid meant. The fucking deal. To get Cary into the program after the deadline passed, the wolf and his wife had to accept an exchange student as well. This wasn't necessary for a child to get accepted, if all paperwork was submitted by the deadline.

The process of placing a student with a family normally took time too, involving interviews with the families and opportunities to meet multiple potential boarders. The student would know the family and the family would know the student, getting a chance to form a basic bond. It made sure everyone was a fit.

Being the principal of the high school meant Daniel was able to make a deal. Willing to bypass much of the process due to his profession, the exchange program was more than happy to accept Cary as a late applicant, but only if they accept a student of their own. So, in this case, the exchange was "blind". At least it came with a probationary period; a week to see if everything worked. An interview would be conducted with the student and the family when the probationary stint was over. Either party would be able to call it off if they felt it wasn't right. Pretty straight forward safeguard.

All Daniel could expect was an Eastern European bear named Vedmid. Yeah, Vedmid. A stranger in the house, approved or otherwise, made the wolf feel uneasy.

Cary must have read his father's emotions and rolled his eyes, "Come on, dad. Just send the guy packing after a week. You don't have to agree to keep him." The younger wolf laughed, "Besides, I can feel for the guy. Thanks to you and mom, I have to go to this family sight unseen as well."

Daniel grinned at that, "I don't know. You deserve to sleep in the mud for a few months. Maybe you'll have to wash your own clothes too."

Cary smirked and shook his head before directing his attention to the world outside. Traffic moved at a crawl, but it did move and cut their precious time shorter inch by inch. The terminal wasn't that far away.

The old wolf looked over at his pup. Cary was a spitting image of his old man. Besides the pudgy, doughy, and agey parts Daniel sported, anyway. The kid was well on his way to becoming a mature adult.

Bittersweet thoughts saddened Daniel a little. Regrets of never having another child now that his pup was almost an adult were hard to ignore. Funny how he didn't feel the desire to have another one until now. Not that it mattered, unless a vasectomy could be reversed nearly twenty years later. Back then, he was certain being one and done in the puppy department was the best option and took precautions. Meg was more than alright with that after giving birth to Cary.

Emotions swelled in the old lupine. Six months was starting to feel like a very long time! Time which would cut hard into the remaining time they had left together. Half of the boy's senior year would be over by the time he got home and then what? College and beyond.

Daniel inhaled deep before he slowly exhaled in an attempt to keep himself in check. Never really the sappy wolf, he knew Cary would have a field day if his father cried. He was going to miss his son and it probably showed.

"My god dad."

The old wolf realized he was daydreaming. Half his attention was on the world around him, but most was on the pup. Their eyes met in the reflection of the passenger window.

"I can see you in the window!" Cary's ears perked, his annoyed growl playful. He grinned over at his father, "You gonna cry or something? Don't look so...sappy."

Daniel realized he had been staring. He shook his head, "Nope. Not gonna cry until I'm done with my song. And its a ballad about a son and his father." After anther deep breath, he began to sing, "Oooooh.....the boy was...."

"That's it. I'm gonna jump," Cary grabbed the door handle, as if he were serious. Not that the slow crawl would be dangerous. Getting to the boy would never get old to Daniel. Parents will always be ready to embarrass their children.

As much as the wolf wished for the drive to last, he knew it couldn't. Conveniently, a spot opened by the curb in the drop off zone and he pulled into it. Putting the car in park, Daniel looked at his son, the final time for six months. Cary looked a little nervous as well and made no move to open the door. Neither father or son were much for this 'goodbye' stuff. The silence hung for an uncomfortably long moment.

"Well...." Daniel started.

"Well," Cary nodded, finally looking over. "I guess this is it."

The old wolf nodded once, "You know what?"

"What?" The younger wolf opened the door and perked his ears.

"I do hope you have to do your own laundry."

"Love you too dad," Cary laughed and slipped out. The backseat was emptied of a duffle bag and suitcase a moment later. The pup could move fast when he wanted to. Before the door closed, he leaned back in, "And stop worrying. It's just a week. Tell the program he isn't working out after that."

"Yeah," the lupine grinned. "See you in a week then?"

The question seemed to confuse his boy, "Huh?"

"Think your exchange family is going to want to keep you?"

"Geez dad," the kid laughed. "I already said I love you."

"Love you too, kiddo," Daniel said before the door closed.

"Alright," Cary stood at the still open passenger door and leaned in, "You remember what terminal to pick him up at, right?"

The exchange program did them a 'favor' by arranging Vedmid's flight so it arrived around Cary's departure. As if that won't be an awkward hour home. Daniel managed a nod, but not much else before the boy continued.

"Good. Don't leave the poor guy waiting all night."

The door closed and that was that. Before he could get another word in, the pup was gone. His pup. Most of the goodbyes were handled over the last few days, so the lupine wasn't expecting much. But still.

Car horns reminded the wolf where he was. Dreadfully, he pulled away from the curb. The International Terminal was on the opposite side of the airport, providing Daniel with some relief. He thought he had a few minutes to mentally prepare. Obviously, this would be the time for the traffic to clear up. It took two minutes tops, including finding a parking spot.

Sitting in the car, Daniel contemplated the next week. Seven days wasn't that bad. Hell, it wasn't even a full seven. The interview was already scheduled for Friday. Six months without Cary would be much worse. It took a sigh, but the wolf finally found the nerve to open the door and head into the terminal.

Airport crowds always reminded him of those at amusement parks. It was no different at this late hour either. Apparently everyone had red eye flights to catch. People moved or milled about as if they actively intended to get in his way. A few bumps to his shoulder and tail later, the apprehensive wolf entered the international terminal.

How much trouble could he really get into if he turned and left the kid there? Now that Cary was on his way, there was no real reason to hold up his end of the bargain anymore. Even for a week. The urge was overwhelming, but the wolf couldn't do that. Especially to a kid recently arriving in a foreign country.

Inside the terminal, the crowd thinned out, or at least Daniel made it past the rush of recent arrivals trying to exit the building. It gave the wolf an opportunity to look around without being bumped or shoved by passengers eager to catch their flight or escape one.

The plan was to meet Vedmid at the baggage carousel, which was easy enough to find. Hopefully the bear would be just as painless to locate. Bruins weren't exactly a rare breed in his neck of the woods. In fact, he could already spot three or four in the forty or so people milling about the carousel and that was only a casual glance over the crowd.

Braving the sea of people once more, Daniel set sail for the carousel. Unlike the crowd outside, this flow was a bit more solid, forcing the wolf to go with the flow as it were. Dodging around them was harder, but he managed with only a few bumps. He was practically panting by the time he found a clear spot, nearer the baggage claim.

Three of the four bears he noticed before appeared to be a family. Unless the exchange student program was conned, the fourth bruin was way too old to be in high school. Then again, as far as the lupine knew, Eastern Europeans could go grey muzzle at twelve. Another two bruins caught his eye, but they also appeared to be there together. It required one more scan of the crowd before Daniel found a solitary ursine that checked all the right boxes.

Young, alone, and a bear.

Too bad Daniel didn't have more information because he couldn't take his eyes off this impressive beast. In his nearly forty years of life and interactions with countless bears, he had never seen one like this. Every part of the bruin appeared exaggerated in some way.

Black fur covered a head three or four times the norm. It needed to be to contain his wide, square muzzle. Daniel wasn't sure the bear had a neck, as if a neck could even support that large noggin. Those shoulders sure could, at least they could if there were any strength left after carrying those massive arms. Everything about the behemoth was thick. The contrast between the large black bear and the others around the carousel was striking, as if they were completely different species.

If the crowd of people were a sea, then this bear was definitely an island. He stood out as the flow of the crowd moved around him, giving the large male extra space. This couldn't be Vedmid either. No way this bear was Cary's age. The guy was obviously on his way to some strongman competition. Before Daniel could continue his search, their eyes met. A shiver ran through the old wolf as the bear's ears perked forward, brow raised and hopeful.

The ursine moved toward him, effortlessly splitting the sea of people as the crowd scurried to avoid his path. Unlike Daniel's experience, being bumped around and ignored, not one person failed to give way to the large beast. In fact, the bear never took his attention off the lupine, totally disregarding everyone else.

Shit, Daniel began to panic for some reason, more so than before. This...can't be...

"Danielle?" The bruin's voice was a deep; bassy enough to send vibrations through the lupine where he stood. The thick accent had a Russian edge to it, maybe Ukrainan. The pronunciation of the wolf's name sounded feminine. "Danielle...Ferguson?"

Perhaps the program had been conned after all. No way this bear was Cary's age. Daniel wondered what the bruin's parents had to do to get him approved for late entry in the exchange program. A thought occurred to the wolf. Maybe this wasn't a case of late entry, but a failure to find a family willing to take him. Did the bear fail all the interviews? The lupine wasn't sure if he would have accepted had they interviewed.

"Ummm..." The height difference forced the lupine to crane his head back to look up at the behemoth. For a long moment, Daniel stood there dumbly and stared before coming back to his senses, "Oh! Sorry. Yes!" He extended a paw for a friendly shake, deliberately sounding out his name slowly to provide the proper pronunciation to the foreign bear, "I'm Daniel Ferguson."

"Dan! Good!" The bear sounded relieved as a paw effortlessly engulfed his own and shook it with a firm grip.

"Daniel," the old wolf repeated, slow like the first time. He hated being called Dan.

"Tak. Sorry," The bear nodded once, "Danielle!"

Damn it...

Clearly, the lupine would have to grow accustomed to being Danielle for a week. Dan would be better than that, but he had no intention of correcting the bruin again.

"It's great to meet you, Vedmid...." Daniel drew a complete blank on the kid's last name. "Ummm....Vedmid....?"

"Tak! Vedmid!" It sounded more like Ved-mead. "Vedmid Chorney."

"It's great to meet you, Mr. Chorney," the wolf figured 'Tak' was an affirmative word. The equivalent of yes, maybe? He wasn't going to ask, already expecting a wacky week caused by the language barrier.

Vedmid's grip grew tighter and shook the wolf's paw enthusiastically, obvious relieved. Now that he found the lupine, he wasn't going to let go. It must have been unnerving for the young bear to not know who he was looking for.

"Finding Danielle like needle in hay pile," Vedmid laughed, the sound deep and jovial. It got strange looks from passing people, at least seven of which were of the lupine variety. And Daniel thought his task was difficult with the six or seven bears he had to search through.

"Ooh man," Daniel never considered how many wolves there were! "Heh...I can see that being a problem. Glad you found me then." The wolf wasn't sure how truthful that statement was right then.

Daniel finally released his grip, only to find Vedmid's grow tighter. The pawshake lasted an awkward moment longer before the pressure made the wolf visibly cringe. The bruin's wide muzzle split in a grin and released the smaller male's paw. The wide muzzle full of vicious teeth gave new meaning to the term bear trap.

There was just no way this guy was a high school student. He definitely looked much older than a high school student. Perhaps they didn't graduate until their thirties where Vedmid was from.

They definitely built them big out there, apparently. Up close, the bruin's size was amazing, definitely Grizzly. Black fur disappeared under a black and white tracksuit that did little to hide the bulk contained within. Even though the fabric bulged round in the gut and thighs, Daniel didn't need to touch it to know it wasn't fat.

First impressions were important, especially for wolves. Unfortunately for Daniel, his first one was intimidation. This kid was huge, clearly dwarfing his five foot ten inch stature by half a foot at least. The throbbing in his paw was proof of how much more powerful the bear was too.

"Ahem, Danielle?" Vedmid got the wolf's attention away from his gut and legs.

My eyes are up here...

The bruin's eyes said it all. Caught. Staring. Daniel felt his ears flush with heat. He hoped the bear couldn't see his ears glow, especially looking down upon the wolf like that. Vedmid regarded the smaller male for a moment, as if reading him.

"We go," the black grizzly smirked slyly, then held out his duffle bag toward the wolf.

The accent made it difficult for Daniel to know if it was a question or a command, but it didn't matter. A slight nod in response to this confident, young bruin was the only thing the lupine could muster before he absentmindedly took the offered bag. Their roles were established.

"Good. We go!" Vedmid turned then glanced over his shoulder, "Come!"

The big bruin walked toward the exit as if he were strutting down an empty hallway, the crowd spread so effortlessly around him. Daniel fell in step with Vedmid before the flood of people could close back in. The bear's pace required the smaller wolf to trot in order to keep up.

Having an ursine shield made the trip back to the car far less hectic. The parking lot was empty and gave the lupine a chance to walk along side the bear. Yet, Vedmid increased the pace until Daniel stayed one step behind. A simple button press on his remote caused the wolf's car to chirp and flash its lights a few times, directing the bear. Far less effort considering their communication to this point.

Even the large SUV looked small next to the mountain of bear. It rocked under his weight as he got into the passenger seat. Daniel dropped the duffle bag in the back and climbed behind the wheel. Almost immediately, an unfamiliar scent caught the wolf's nose. The sharp tang of male musk filled the cabin of the SUV. His nose sniffed a couple times. While heady and overpowering, it wasn't offensive. It wasn't there before the bear got in, so the source was obvious.

Daniel felt a bit perturbed. Not because of the odor itself, but how appealing he found it.

Quit sniffing the kid, the wolf shook his head, as if that would dislodge the scent from his nose.

"This," the bear rubbed the dash once. "Nice."

"Thanks," the lupine perked his ears, flipping the AC to high as he put the SUV in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot. "It gets me around."

Airports are far easier to escape and soon it was in the rear view mirror. Another mile and the traffic lightened up enough to pick up some speed. Soon they were flying down the highway, pushing 80. Traffic wasn't so bad this late at night either. It would be after midnight by the time they got home.

Be it the language barrier or merely fascinated by his new surroundings, Vedmid didn't seem much for words. The ursine's attention never left the world outside the passenger window. Had it been anyone else, the lupine would probably have been ok with that, but the silence felt awkward in this instance. Plus, his head was reeling as he still dwelled on that musk. The AC cycled the air, but did little to dilute it.

"So uh..." Daniel finally broke the silence after they were cruising comfortably for a good ten minutes, "I've never heard a name like Vedmid before."

Round ears tilted toward the wolf's direction like satellites zeroing in on the old man's broadcast. It took a moment, but he finally looked away from the window, "Family name. My...ummmm..." A paw tapped his knee as he mulled something over, "How you say...My father father."

Ah! A translation problem. Daniel perked his ears, "Grandfather?"

"Tak!" Vedmid grinned and pointed a thick finger at the wolf, "My grandfather name."

"Oh!" The wolf smiled and nodded, "You're named after your grandfather."

"Ay. Tak," Vedmid nodded too, a look of pride on his face, "Was huge. Fight dragons!"

Daniel smirked at that, "Dragons huh?"

This kid came from big stock if his grandfather was fucking around with dragons. Dragons were huge! Or at least they appeared to be in the old grainy photos of them. They were long gone though. The bear was probably confused and meant his grandfather's grandfather, but who was he to argue.

"Tak," another nod from the bruin. "Big dragons. For fun!"

"Does it mean anything?" Daniel took his eyes off the road to glance at the bear.

"It mean Vedmid!" The large grizzly laughed, a hearty sound that reverberated in the SUV. "What Danielle mean?"

Now, Daniel joined in the laughter, "Okay. Point taken."

It took a moment for the laughter to pass. When it did, the lupine made sure not to let the silence hang.

"So were are you from, Vedmid?"

"Little village," the bear held up an index finger and thumb to indicate just how small. "Western Country."

"Oh yeah?" Daniel's ears perked. Interesting answer. "A little village in the west of what country?"

"Ukraine!" Vedmid grinned, as proud of his country as he was of his namesake.

"Oh, the Ukraine?" Daniel felt proud of himself for guessing that at the airport, but probably should have known already.

"Ne!" Vedmid growled, an unnerving sound the wolf instantly hoped he'd never hear again. The bear shook his head, "Not The."

"Huh?" Daniel was still focused on the growl, unsure of what he did wrong, but definitely sorry he did it.

"Ukraine!" The grizzly calmed a bit, "Not The Ukraine."

"Oh!" Daniel realized his ignorant mistake, "Sorry. Heh....I didn't mean any offense."

A large paw clapped down on the wolf's shoulder, "Is good!"

Somehow, the paw and the pressure it applied on his shoulder made the lupine feel even smaller. It looked like it could close around his head and crush it like a rotten melon. When the paw squeezed him, Daniel held his breath and waited for the inevitable snap of his shoulder. Firm, yet not painful, the pressure stopped and left the wolf's body intact. This time, Daniel let the silence seep in for a while, a good five miles or so.

Unease continued to gnaw at the lupine when he glanced over at the bear. There was no way this beast was a teenager. Vedmid had his attention outside once more, audibly gasping as the cityscape of skyscrapers and apartments gradually morphed into suburbs full of large tracts of houses. Every time the sense he was being scammed creeped up on Daniel, the bear would have a youthful reaction to something, like his apparent fascination with the SUV or the surrounding suburbs. The little village kid seemed mesmerized by the maze of various houses along the highway.

"So Ved," Daniel began, only to be interrupted immediately.

"Vedmid," the bruin replied without so much as a glance.

Only fair, Daniel thought before he continued.

"Vedmid," the wolf started again. "What are you into?"

The grizzly gave the wolf an approving nod, then a sly smirk, "Into? Like...ladies?"

Daniel chuckled, "Besides the obvious I mean. Let's see...What do you plan to do after school?"

"Get out of village," Vedmid looked wistful. "Too small."

Daniel figured the bear would be accustomed to things being too small by this point in his life. He held off from making that terrible joke though, "Any idea where you'd like to go?"

"Moscow," the grizzly had an excited look in his eye, "College."

"That so?" Daniel said as he glanced over his shoulder at this blindspot before he pulled the car to the right, preparing to exit the highway.

"Tak," the bear nodded. "Full...uh...how you say...ride."


"That one!" Vedmid pointed a finger at the wolf again. "Full scholarship."

"Oh! Good for you!" Daniel was impressed. This bear wasn't dumb, that's for sure. "What are you studying?"

There was a shake in the bear's shaggy head, "Physics." It sounded like he didn't like the word.

"Physics?" Daniel didn't mean to sound as surprised as he did. It was the last thing he would expect from the bruin. Agriculture? Sure. Muscles? Definitely. Not physics.

Vedmid wasn't as impressed and shrugged, "Parents."

"Ah," the wolf nodded. "I know how parents can be."

The bear smirked, "Because you parent."

"Got me there," Daniel laughed, "I'm also the principal at your school, so I deal with a lot of them. You don't seem to like physics very much."

Vedmid snorted and shook his head, but that was it before turning his attention out the window again.

On the dash, the clock changed to midnight when Daniel took the next exit and slowed the car at an intersection. Meg would surly be asleep by the time they got home. Silence filled the cabin until the light changed. When they pulled away, Daniel tried again.

"So... any hobbies?"

"Suka!" The growl was immediate as the bear looked away from the window and flashed a look Daniel could only read as angry frustration, "You talk too much!"

No language barrier could prevent Daniel from reading the bear's voice and expression. The older wolf felt his ears pin to his head, paws tightened on the steering wheel. He stared straight ahead at the road, fearful of looking at the bear in case it exacerbated his annoyance. He probably resembled a scolded puppy in that moment. Definitely felt like one.

"Only joke!" Vedmid laughed when he saw the wolf's reaction, "Heh...sorry."

Daniel shook his head and tried to ease his nerves with a chuckle. Did he just get bullied? When he finally glanced at the bear, he found Vedmid focused on him again. The wolf perked his ears when he realized they were splayed.

"Ummm....What's... su..." He tried to sound out the word, "Sura was it?"

"Suka!" Vedmid flashed that bear trap grin, "It mean..." There was another struggle with translation, "Like...you. You Suka Ferguson."

The wolf chewed on that translation himself for a moment, "So...you would be Suka Chorney?"

The bear's laughter was unexpected, shaking his head, "I am boy! Not Suka. You Suka. Suka Ferguson."

Daniel still tried to piece the puzzle together. What does 'I am boy' mean? Not Suka. The pieces fell together suddenly, "Oh! Do you mean...Mister? I'm Mister Ferguson?"

"Tak!" Vedmid clapped his paws together and held that grin, "Mister! You talk too much!"

The lupine laughed, which helped his paws ease their death like grip on the wheel. That joke was...scary. Ukrainian humor apparently went over the wolf's head. At least this drive was almost over. Home was less than a mile away.

"So," Daniel's voice still quivered a bit. Even though it was a joke, he felt nervous to speak again. "Do you...have any hobbies?"

"Hobbies?" Vedmid wasn't thinking out loud. He had no idea of the meaning, "Not sure...hobbies?"

"Umm..." Daniel considered it. "Hobbies... interests. Things you like to do in your free time. The opposite of physics."

That got a laugh from the bear, "Oh! Like ladies!" Vedmid flexed, arms and chest appearing to inflate and double in size, "Weights. Be bodybuilder. Not scientist. Strong like grandfather! Fight dragons."

Flexing muscles distracted Daniel from the road. It was impossible not to stare. Something told the wolf Vedmid preferred the heavy lifts; the deadlifts, squats and bench press. Screw the small stuff. The bruin must have been used to getting stared at, or he was being a courteous guest and let the lupine look. That scent seemed to grow as the ursine showed off, producing an even more agreeable relationship with Daniel's olfactory sense.

The next turn got his attention back on the road before he could stare too long, "Body building, huh? I do a bit of weight lifting to keep in shape. Maybe my weight bench in the garage will get some actual use."

That caught Vedmid's attention, "You?"

He didn't have to sound so surprised! Daniel shrugged, "Okay. I did a bit. Its been a while."

"Maybe you need partner. Better fun."


"We lift!" Vedmid patted the wolf's shoulder, "I be partner."

Unsure why, the wolf found himself rather excited by the thought, tail wagging and everything. Daniel was certain his max was a fraction of what Vedmid could lift. Seeing the behemoth lift would be quite a sight, for sure. All sweaty and panting.


Daniel had to get away from this car soon, disturbed by that image he held in his mind for a moment, "Maybe after you finish your physics homework."

Vedmid laughed again with that same baritone bellow that made the wolf cringe at first. He was growing accustomed to it. Seven days with this bear might not be so bad. The drive home from the airport turned out to be far less miserable than expected. In fact, it was pretty much over. Before the conversation could continue, the lupine pulled into the driveway of his modest two floor home.

"Oho!" Vedmid sat up as the car stopped, "So...big!"

You're one to talk, Daniel thought.

"Welcome home."

"Here?" Vedmid gave Daniel a wide eyed look, showing his youthful wonderas he looked at a cookie cutter generic suburban house. One minute, the bear was intimidating and down right scary, the next he's lost in childlike fascination.

The lupine definitely no longer felt worried about the bear being a scam. Having the large grizzly comment on the size of his house made the wolf smile, "Here. Come on."

Daniel grabbed the bag from the back seat before he lead Vedmid to the house. He fished his keys out of his pocket and glanced back at the big male, "I guess my wife is asleep, so I'll have to introduce you tomorrow."

The bear, still looking around in wonder, nodded his head. Daniel pushed the door open and flicked the light switch for the entryway. Vedmid stepped by the smaller wolf to get a further look at the house.

Right by the entryway, a flight of stairs went up to the left, granting access to the second floor. Beyond that was a large living room, dining room and kitchen. A small light above the oven illuminated the kitchen and bled into the dining room somewhat.

Daniel set the bag down at the foot of the stairs, "Are you hungry Vedmid?"

The bear shook his head, unable to answer as he yawned wide. This was the first time Daniel saw the muzzle do more than grin. Could there actually be more teeth in there?

Yes. Yes there could.

The lupine nodded, "You must be exhausted then." That got a nod from the bear. Daniel picked up the bag again, "Then lets just crash for the night."

"We drive more?" Vedmid asked.

Daniel smirked and shook his head, loving this language barrier, "I meant lets just get some sleep. You'll be sleeping in my son's room."

The wolf went up the stairs, Vedmid following close behind. Daniel showed the bear where the bathroom was as he walked down the hall to Cary's room. When the ursine walked by him, the lupine couldn't ignore the odor, now letting it wash over him. He watched Vedmid until the bear stood by the bed, glancing back at the lupine questioningly.

Stop it.

"Uh," Daniel waved a paw. "We have class tomorrow, but we can go in late. So...sleep well."

Vedmid smirked, "Uh huh. Good night Suka Ferguson."

Daniel retreated down the hall as Cary's door closed, blaming his exhaustion for the strange behavior.

Just seven days, the lupine reminded himself. No problem.


Megan sat at the dining room table the next morning unsure of what to do with herself. The normal routine was heavily Cary-focused. The pup's absence created some unexpected freetime. At the moment, a book sat in front of her in case she ever gathered enough focus to read it.

A good book would be the perfect way to pass some time, but not today. Her focus was on other things. While she wanted to go to the airport to see her son off and meet their new guest in the process, exhaustion caught up with her. Preparing a teenager for six months away from home was a monumental task, apparently.

Meg wondered how Cary was faring. She didn't expect to hear from the boy for a few days. Settling into a move like that would take some time. Plus he would be distracted with his new surroundings and friends. If anything, she anticipated a text message or two in the first week. Nothing to worry about.

Heavy thumps drifted through the ceiling, an indication someone was up. The sound travelled a short distance then stopped, followed by the sound of running water. She knew it wasn't Daniel since he'd be using the bathroom attached to their bedroom. The dull hum of running water meant it was time to get started.

Casually, Megan gathered ingredients to cobble some kind of breakfast together. Not knowing what the bear would want, they figured it would be better to restock after their boarder arrived. There were eight eggs left in the carton and a couple slices of bread. It was enough.

By the time she had the eggs whipped together in a bowl and the bread in the toaster, the flow of water upstairs stopped. That was fast. She put a frying pan over a flame on the stovetop and added the butter as the thud thud thud of steps retreated back to Cary's room on the floor above. They sounded heavy, much heavier than Cary. That didn't surprise her. Bear's normally were larger and all.

Megan considered that when she poured the eggs into the frying pan and watched them form fluffy yellow curds. This kid could be like anything. What if he's overbearing? She didn't want to react to the joke, but couldn't help it. Her chest shook as she held back a giggle. What if he's un_bear_able? Alone in the kitchen, trying not to laugh at her own lame puns made Meg feel silly. Thankfully there was no one to see her.

No need to be embarrassed.

That got her. The unexpected one made her laugh. It wasn't until she turned to get a fresh bowl for the eggs that she realized she wasn't alone. Her eyes widened and heart skipped a beat when she cried out, paw clutching at her chest, "Ooooh!"

A mountain of muscle wearing a bruin's pelt stood in the entryway of the kitchen, the absolute last thing Megan expected to see. The monster wore a tight tank top and loose fitting shorts in an attempt to look like a real boy, but the female could see through the disguise. The proportions were all off, like a nightmare, but she could tell it was a bear. Bushy eye brows perked over friendly dark eyes that eased the wolf's pulse, but only a bit. .

"Ummm..." Megan couldn't take her eyes of the bear.

A massive paw lifted as the bear walked in, greeting her, "Hello."

"Heh. Hehe." Meg giggled. The bassy voice sent her tail a flutter with two simple syllables. It was so smooth.

Poor kid! Walks into the kitchen to find her laughing at herself, staring, babbling and giggling. What a great first image.

Meg's ears flushed and she shook her head, "Sorry." With a sigh, she stood a little straighter, "Had too much coffee this morning. Let me start again. Good morning! I'm Megan. You must be Vedmid."

The bear made little noise when he moved closer and extended the previously waving paw to take the one offered by the wolf, "Tak! Meg." Intending to give the bear's paw a squeeze, Meg's paw went slack the moment his fingers closed upon it and lifted it to his large muzzle. Vedmid never took his eyes off Meg as he pressed his lips to the back of her hand. "Is pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

If Daniel had done such a cheesy thing, she'd laugh and find it silly. Instead, Meg felt her cheeks grow hot and her fur bristle out. When he released her paw, she was slow to lower it.

Something about the beast made her heart swoon and breath increase. Megan felt really...hot, not the reaction she expected upon meeting their teenage boarder for the first time. Maybe it was his voice. That accent tickled her. Or maybe his dense, damp bear fur, apparently appealing and intoxicating. The musk was so intense it overpowered the smell of cooking eggs.

She never knew it was possible for biceps to have biceps.

Meg's ears perked a moment later, "Oh shit! The eggs." She turned back to the stove, rapidly stirring the now smoking pan of eggs. The wolf whined, "Damn it."

"Oh ho!" Vedmid stood close, large head glancing over Meg's shoulder.

The wolfess sighed and shook her head, "I'm sorry Vedmid."

The bear flashed a smile, "No worry. I eat!"

That voice made her whole form tremble. Meg perked her ears and gave a laugh that sounded a bit more nervous than she hoped. "It's ok! We still have some toast."

Vedmid blocked Meg's path when she took the frying pan from the fire, "And I'll eat those too."

Despite his size, the bear's smile was jovial and friendly. And those eyes. Meg could stare into those for a while. She had to shake her day dream away again, "You sure?"

The bear gave an eager nod, "Tak! Of course."

"Alright," she couldn't deny that smile and the contents of the pan onto a plate. A couple slices of toast soon joined them.


Once again, the large teen cleared the short distane to the dining room. Silent like a teddy bear. Megan couldn't believe how quickly her opinion of him changed. She watched from the kitchen as the bear dug into a pile of eight eggs.

"What smells so good?" Daniel entered the kitchen.

Megan's head was elsewhere, "He does."

Her husband grabbed a mug and perked his ears, "What was that?"

"Huh?" She shook her head, then smiled, "His breakfast does."

Daniel smirked and poured himself some coffee. He was dressed in some off the rack suit. The type you throw in the washing machine once or twice a month. No sense wearing your Sunday best when you could be the target of a spoonful of mashed potatoes or half open container of pudding. He still looked good in it.

"Danielle!" Vedmid merrily called, muffled from a muzzle full of food. "Morning!"

Megan saw the twitch in Daniel's ears before he forced a smile and raised his mug in greeting, "Morning Vedmid." He took a sip of his hot coffee before he affectionately nuzzled his wife, "Good morning."

She had to poke, "Sleep well, Danielle?"

The wolf sighed, "Wonderful accent."

Megan had a far different reaction to the bear's accent, "Uh huh."

"I guess I don't need to introduce the two of you now, eh?"

"Mmmm," Vedmid cleared the last bits of egg from his plate with a final wedge of toast, "No worry, Danielle! We meet. Mrs. Ferguson has good eggs." He rubbed his belly.

"He's just being nice. They were burnt," Meg's ears perked.

"Mmmm," the wolf's brow furrowed. "That sounds great, but can I have mine just a bit over easy?"

"Ummm," she let her ears flick a bit, "I burnt all the eggs."

Vedmid overheard that as he entered the kitchen with his empty plate. And Meg thought Cary did a good disappointed puppy dog. He had nothing on this downcast bear. , "Sorry Vedmid. I'll make sure we have enough tomorrow. Is there anything you'd like me to get?"

"I eat everything," Vedmid flashed a grin, dark eyes moving over the her.

Meg felt herself grow flush again, a heat in her ears that matched her belly. Weird. "I'll see what I can do."

The ursine's expression brightened, "Is alright! I survive until lunch."

Daniel nearly choked on his final drink of coffee, noticing the time, "Speaking of. We really should be going."

"We go!" A heavy paw clapped on Daniel's shoulder and shook the wolf. His eyes lidded and he sighed softly. "Have good day, Mrs. Ferguson!" With a polite bow of his head toward the female wolf, then left the kitchen.

Daniel sighed as the bruin disappeared, "Just one week, right?"

Somehow, their whole plan escaped her mind. Meg hadn't even thought about that once the bear was in the kitchen. It was only a brief meeting, but there was something about the bruin. Perhaps they were in too much of a rush to write this off.

Daniel quirked a brow, "Right?"

Meg realized she hadn't replied, "Oh."

"Suka Ferguson!" Vedmid called from the other room, near the front door. "Come!"

To Meg, it didn't sound like much of a suggestion or a request, "Suka?"

"I guess it means mister in Ukrainian," Daniel's focus switched immediately, no longer questioning how long Vedmid would stay.

"Huh," Megan thought about that.

Her husband gave her a quick peck on the cheek and perked his ears, "See ya tonight, babe."

Megan nodded and watched her husband exit the kitchen. She followed and watched both organize their things in the entry way, Daniel grabbing a brief case while Vedmid slung a backpack over his shoulder. They both gave a final wave before heading out.

Meg couldn't explain the quiver in her legs or the heat in her belly. It felt like a layer of sweat clung to her flesh, under the bristled fur. She wished she could be so fluffy naturally.

It was just the heat in the kitchen, she told herself. That's why you giggled like a school girl.

Judging Daniel's behavior, at least she wasn't the only one having trouble getting accustomed to that huge bruin. If he even attempted to. Meg forgot he already had it in his head to send him packing after the first week. Regardless if that was the case, it meant Meg had her work cut out for her, starting with a trip to the supermarket.

That bear sure could eat.

Daniel stared in stunned silence while the bear cleared his third plate of pasta. Worried the bruin might choke, the wolf already tried to form a plan of how he'd perform the Heimlich. There was no way he'd be able to get his arms around the behemoth.

Despite not having breakfast, Daniel only needed one helping, which he wolfed down before the bear went sniffing for a fourth serving. Next to him at the dining room table, Megan sat fascinated by the ursine's unending hunger. Clearly more focused on Vedmid than dinner, she hardly picked at her food which was now at risk of adding to the bear's insatiable appetite when the teenager pushed his empty plate away.

There was no pasta left!

"Mmmm!" Vedmid savored the last bite and grinned at Meg, "So good Mrs. Ferguson!"

Megan beamed and wiggled in her chair, "Thank you Vedmid!"

Behavior like that always made Daniel smirk, but he could tease her later. His ears perked when she pushed her plate towards the bear, "Would you like more?"

"Tak!" Vedmid didn't say another thing and dug into the pile of noodles.

The plate was empty in a matter of moments. Daniel expected the bear to request more, but he appeared satiated for now. Finally catching his breath, the bear rest back in his chair and rubbed his belly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Ferguson," Vedmid held his plate up for the wolfess while she gathered the dishes.

"Please, call me Meg," the wolfess said.

"Carb loading, are we?" Daniel asked, handing his plate to his wife before she took them into the kitchen.

Vedmid flexed, "Must feed these!"

Daniel could swear he heard a gasp from somewhere in the kitchen, near the sink, at the ursine's display. Again, he ignored it, making another mental note to talk with Meg about her flirting. Although, the wolf would need to have similar conversations with just about everyone at school.

The day had gone great, despite the lack of breakfast. Everyone had the same reaction upon meeting Vedmid; looks of envy from every male and looks of desire from every female. By the end of the day, he strutted the hallways, king of the school. It was only one day, but everyone Daniel talked with had nothing but positive things to say. Impressed by his physical prowess, the coach was eager to get the bear on the field. Impressed by his intelligence, the science teacher was eager to get him in the lab. Even the food service in the cafeteria were eager to get him in for lunch, fascinated by his appetite.

"Oh!" Vedmid perked up, gaze intent on Daniel. Something in that stare made the wolf's hackles rise. "Suka Ferguson! Let's lift weights!"

Fuck, Daniel mentally kicked himself for even mentioning the weight bench in the garage.

"Oh Vedmid," Daniel started with a shake of his head, but got interrupted by his wife's laugh from the kitchen.

"Daniel?" Megan asked the bear, "Work out?"

"Hey now!" The wolf stood from the table in mock frustration, "What's that supposed to mean? I work out! We have a weight bench in the garage."

"You mean the storage shelf?" Megan teased, tail wagging behind her as she dried her paws on a dish rag.

"Dust and a couple boxes does not make it a storage shelf!"

Vedmid's booming laugh silenced both wolves, "Excuses!"

"I don't know," Daniel gave the clock on the wall a glance, "It is kind of late."

"Excuuuuses!" Vedmid repeated, hounding the lupine.

"I'll just hold you back," Daniel waved a dismissive paw. "You don't need that."

The ursine crossed his large arms over his larger chest and quirked a brow, "Excuses."

Daniel relented with a sigh, "Alright, but I really can't lift that much."

"I know! You are little wolf!" Vedmid stood from the table. "Not to worry. I spot you."

The wolf's jaw hung open. Little wolf!? Daniel was of average size and build, thank you very much! Then again, what was 'average' to a behemoth like Vedmid? Everyone was little to him and the lupine dreaded ever meeting anyone that made the bear think otherwise.

An eager wolfess stood next to him before he could respond, "Oooh. This sounds like a good idea." She nodded and poked Daniel's gut playfully, "Exercise would do you good, hon."

Yeah. That's why you want me to work out, Daniel thought.

"Yes, little wolf!" Vedmid grinned, "Mrs. Ferguson agrees!"

"Jesus!" Daniel threw his hands up, "Alright! Alright. But I'm not doing it in a tie and slacks."

"We'll go empty the 'storage shelf' while you change," Megan teased again. "Come on, bear."

"Yes ma'am!" Vedmid flashed a grin at Daniel, "See you soon little wolf."

Daniel followed the pair out of the kitchen. With the bear already dressed to work out, they went out the door that led to the garage. As he undid his tie, enroute to the bedroom, the wolf wondered how he got talked into this.

Removing his shirt, Daniel looked at himself in the reflection of the closet's mirror doors. He never considered himself unhealthy or out of shape. Signs of age did show through his fur, slightly thicker at the waistline with a bit more jiggle in his upper arms and chest, but there was some muscle definition too. A rib or two still showed along his side, not yet concealed by fat or sag. And his waist size had only gone up to a very reasonable 36, although that was getting a bit tight recently.

While he would never consider himself an athlete, he was an active person. In his younger years, he ran and rode a bike regularly. Although, those were soon replaced by career and family, he still managed it occasionally. Sadly, Meg wasn't joking when she called the weight bench a storage shelf. It was a passing fad for sure, the weights probably loaded up a few times the first couple weeks he had it.

Still! He was the reason there was even a weight bench there to store boxes on! That had to count for something.

Daniel sighed and opened the closet, done with overanalyzing his health through his reflection. If he wasn't careful, he'd start making unrealistic comparisons to the huge ursine. The wolf dug out a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt. Both fit him somewhat tight, as if to show how much weight he had put on.

"Whatever," Daniel smirked and left the bedroom.

The garage already smelled of bear by the time Daniel entered. The musk wasn't offensive or dirty, just strong. It struck the wolf the same way fresh forest air did, earthy and curious. Much like the woods, it appealed to the lupine's primal side and drew him in further.

Like most suburban garages, the Ferguson's used theirs for overflow, storing things no longer regularly used. A mess maybe, but an organized mess. Enough space remained to allow access to the weights and the bench, even for the large bear. It would be a tight fit for the large bear and little wolf, but they could do it.

Obviously, Vedmid was already at it, pumping the barbell up and down without so much as a grunt. Cheering him on, Megan encouraged the bear from her seat by the door. It was hard to tell immediately how much weight the bruin worked with, but the bar appeared to bend under the strain. Daniel worried he might hurt himself without a spotter, but the bear pumped out a good fifteen reps effortlessly before he put the bar back on the support.

Megan clapped as the bear sat up, "Nice work Vedmid!"

"Tak!" The ursine agreed.

Daniel whistled, impressed, "Yeah. Very nice."

"I only warm up," Vedmid stood.

Warm up? Daniel though. More like show off.

It worked though. Meg's tail dusted the floor behind her seat. It appeared like his wife wanted to touch the bear, "Oooh. How much can you lift, Vedmid?"

"How much you got?" Vedmid replied, eyeing the wolfess.

Meg giggled and Daniel smirked at her behavior again. His wife was a terrible flirt, and not in the libidinous nymphomaniac way. She was straight up bad at flirting. It still struck the wolf as strange to see her act like that though. Then again, she wasn't the only female he witnessed behaving like a giddy teenager around the ursine today.

"Your turn," Vedmid really was passionate about this, his excitement showing.

The lupine's ears perked, looking at the weight bench. There were three big plates on either side of the barbell, nearly twice as much as the wolf weighed. He shook his head, "No way I can do that much weight."

"I know!" Vedmid stood, "You little wolf!"

Daniel hoped this little wolf stuff would stop. Danielle was bad enough! He let it slide though, reassuring himself that it wasn't a slight against him, but the way the large beast saw the world.

Vedmid began to de-load the weight, removing the large plates as if they were made of plastic until there were none left.

"Alright funny guy," Daniel crossed his arms, "I'm not that weak."

Vedmid grinned, goading the wolf, "Prove it."

Daniel grinned too. That got him, a bit of a friendly harmless challenge. He laid down on the bench and reached up to grip the empty barbell.

"You better spot me," Daniel teased.

"No worries!" Vedmid stepped up to the head of the bench, "Will not let puny bar crush little wolf!"

Of course, that got a giggle from Megan.

As if the garage didn't already smell of warm teenage bruin, at this distance it was overpowering. He found himself becoming lightheaded. Daniel had no idea when he started panting and he hadn't even removed the bar yet!

"Too heavy?" Vedmid smirked.

"Har har," Daniel lifted the bar from the support.

The ten reps were no problem for the older male. It did its job and got the blood pumping, warming up the muscles for additional weight. Embarrassingly enough, it left the wolf a bit winded by the time he set the bar back.

"Now we see max," Vedmid stepped away from the bench.

While Daniel caught his breath, the bear retrieved two twenty-five pound plates. From his position on the bench, Vedmid seemed even more monstrous. Normally loose fitting gym attire fit snuggly on the young bear and made the details far easier to read. They clung to every curve and bulge they could. The wolf followed the bear's movements until he returned to the head of the bench. The thick, furry pillars on either side of his head were tough to ignore.

"Go," Vedmid grinned.

The lupine nodded once, then pulled the bar off the support. Ninty-five pounds. This was a bit heavier, but not outrageous. Slow and steady, Daniel pushed the bar through another set before he returned the bar, By the time he sat up, Vedmid already had two more plates, this time ten pounds, and started adding them.

"Wait wait wait," Daniel stood. "Isn't it your turn?"

That got a questioning look from the bear as he slid the last plate home.

"Unless your warmup wore you out," the wolf challenged.

"Psh..." Vedmid took the bait. "Not worn out."

"Prove it."

Daniel and Vedmid switched spots, the bruin taking the bench while the wolf stood at the head. One hundred and fifteen pounds was nothing to the behemoth, who had the bar back on the supports in no time. Megan clapped when the teen stood.

Where's my cheerleader, Daniel asked himself as he took the bench again.

Removing the bar, the wolf's arms shivered under the weight. This time, he could feel the weight, but grunted through his set too. It left him panting, practically drowning in the young male's scent now. Daniel wasn't sure if it was the exertion or the musk that left him dizzy. At least Megan cheered for him after his set.

Megan clapped her paws, "Look at you hon!"

The bear removed all the plates again, "Good! You strong little wolf!"

Daniel grinned as he watched the bear, still panting, "Tapping...out?" He was getting into this friendly rivalry now.

Vedmid lifted two large forty-five pound plates, on in each paw, and returned to the bench, "Hah! Now that warm up really over, we lift!"

Jesus, Daniel said to himself. One hundred and thirty five pounds was a lot!

Vedmid stood by the bench while Daniel caught his breath, "I go first."

"Be my guest," the wolf nodded and moved.

Daniel didn't bother attempting to spot for the bruin and stood by his wife instead. Somehow, this set looked even easier for the bear. It didn't even look like his muscles needed to engage to work the weight.

Megan seemed enamored more than ever by the young bruin. She flashed a smile at Daniel, but didn't let her attention stray far from the ursine. In the fluorescent lighting of the garage, they appeared to be a bit glazed, like she wasn't blinking.

The rattle of weights got Daniel's attention as the bruin sat up. The load may have not been too heavy for him, but the effort left the bruin panting. That got a grin from the wolf. So the kid did run out of this endless energy, eh?

Daniel didn't waste a moment getting back on the bench once the bear moved. Instantly, he felt his back grow wet and realized that neither of them had bothered to wipe down after their previous sets. The musk assaulted his nose when he lay back on the bench. The bear's sweat was soaking into his shirt.

Mentally preparing himself for the weight, the wolf tried to center himself with a sigh. Glancing up at the bear to make sure he was ready to spot, Daniel noticed Vedmid's shirt showed signs of perspiration around the collar and arms, already sweating. He couldn't blame the kid, considering the layer of sweat soaking under his own fur.

With a grunt, Daniel lifted the bar from the support and felt his arms complain instantly. He brought the bar down to within an inch of his chest before pushing it back up again, grunting at the apex. Taking a deep breath, the wolf went for another rep regardless of how much his biceps burned. Lowering the bar until it felt like his arms would refuse to straighten up, he clenched his teeth and growled as he pressed through and completed a second rep.

Weights rattled as Daniel's arms trembled noticeably under the effort to support the bar. This brought the bear closer, ready to spot if the wolf needed it. To the lupine's dismay, Vedmid practically straddled his head, close enough for nylon to tickle his whiskers. The teenager's paws were ready to grab the bar, but didn't provide any additional support.

"You got this, Danielle!" Vedmid encouraged. "One more."

Heart racing and head spinning, the lupine gave it another go, bringing the bar down. This time, Vedmid's paws followed along which forced the bear to squat. Danie's breath caught as his nose was engulfed in wet, musky nylon. Attempting to cheat to escape, he only brought the bar down about half way before lifting it again. Flexing his legs and arching his back, he tried to push through with all his might.

It was no use though and the bar sunk down again. To the wolf's horror, Vedmid followed. Well versed in anatomy, Daniel knew immediately what that impossible weight drapped over his nose and muzzle was, too heavy to be the shorts alone. He gasped and squirmed as he pressed on the bar, the strength in his legs and torso starting to give out.

Vedmid did nothing to help, "One more!"

"You got this hon!" Megan encouraged.

Panicked panting lead to intense heat filling his nose, sucking in a hormone laden lungful of sweet bear musk. Through the thin nylon fabric, Daniel could feel the mass of the bear's testicles resting on the bridge of his muzzle. That meant the pressure on his nose and lips was...

"You got it," Vedmid's urged. "Come! One more!"

A surge of power went through the wolf, reigniting his muscles to work through the burn. Snarling, Daniel tightened his grip, pressed his feet into the floor, and pushed with all his strength. The effort drove his muzzle upwards, firmly buried it in the wet valley between the bear's legs, and gradually, the bar lifted upwards. Miraculously, his arms straightened before the bear guided the bar home.

Daniel gasped for breath the moment the bear stepped back. Dazed, his heart hammered his chest while his lungs tried to purge themselves of bruin funk. It only served to suck more in and kept the wolf on his back. A salty flavor lingered on his tongue and lips, the fur along his muzzle wet. It bothered the wolf, even as his tongue flicked out in search of more.

"Yes!" Megan clapped again. The cheering made the wolf smile.

"Good!" Vedmid cheered. "Strong little wolf!"

It took effort, but the lupine slowly sat up, blinking away the dark spots in his vision. Close to passing out, Daniel had to sit there for a moment, "Heh...I guess that's my max."

A heavy paw patted his shoulder, "And it is good!"

The words made the wolf smile, or at least smile as much as his panting muzzle would allow. Daniel's legs quivered as he stood, as if they were the ones lifting the weight and not his arms. Head still spinning, the lupine felt a desperate need to escape the bear at that moment, "Alright...I'm going to have to be carried to bed if I don't go now."

Vedmid grinned, "Okay. I carr..."

"No!" Daniel held up a paw and shook his head. The last thing he needed was the teenager carrying him to bed like a puppy. "I can make it."

Megan was there and took his arm, "Don't worry. I'll make sure he makes it."

The bear nodded, "Okay. I stay and continue."

Daniel noticed some reluctance in his wife when Vedmid said that, hesitating at the door, "Good night, Vedmid."

"Good night, Mrs. Ferguson!" The bear was already loading more weight onto the bar, practically doubling the weight the lupine failed on.

"Don't overdo it," The wolf shook his head and smirked. "Good night, Vedmid."

Vedmid laughed and flexed, "No worry! Good night, Danielle!"

Daniel's weak legs somehow managed the stairs and got him to the bedroom. He cringed when he rubbed a paw over his muzzle. It was soaked. His back felt soaked too, but that wasn't surprising considering he just spent the last half hour repeatedly lying on the sweaty bench.

His reflection in the mirror showed just how slick his muzzle was, glowing with a sheen of sweat that wasn't his. He looked at his paw, the fur showing the same gloss. The stuff felt greasy, like it was soaking into his skin.

It brought back memories of a friend in elementary school, the poor skunk. Not completely in control of his 'abilities' yet, he came of age at the wrong time, right in the middle of fourth period. While the skunk's mephitic odor was anything but appealing, the oily substance he expelled clung to the classroom for a couple weeks. Daniel feared he might stink like bear for a while.

His arousal was something too.

"I need to go wash up," Daniel rubbed his muzzle again, whiskers still wet. "Be back..."

The wolf never finished. Meg was on him, muzzle locked with the shocked lupine, tongue flicking around his lips. He sputtered and pulled back, somehow laughing and cringing at the same time. It didn't stop his wife's continued assault, attacking him with rapid licks.

"What the..." Daniel tried to speak, but Meg's tongue made it impossible as it licked over his lips and chin before she started rubbing against him, "Fuck, Meg..." He tried to push her off despite the exhausted muscles of his arms and chest.

"Yes please," the female squirmed in his grip, eagerly nuzzling him.

Before he could mutter another word, her tongue was back deep in his maw. This wasn't helping his arousal in any way. Soon, the wet fur no longer concerned him, more focused on hungrily kissing his mate. Their tongues entwined as Daniel took a firm grip of his wife's rump and pulled her close against him. Meg's paws found their way into his t-shirt and rubbed directly along the thick pelt of his back. The kiss broke so she could lift the shirt off him.

Daniel didn't question his wife when she held the shirt to her nose and inhaled deep. After another whiff, she tossed it aside. A rough push sent the wolf stumbling the short distance to the bed. There wasn't an opportunity to sit up before the wolfess grabbed his sweats and ripped them off. The lupine's tapered shaft sprung free, painfully erect and needy.

"Looks like the bear isn't the only one that enjoys working out," Megan teased through a lustful grin and pulled her shirt off. There was no seductive show of stripping as her shorts soon followed.

"Meg," Daniel panted hard, "Wait."

Megan practically pounced him, his words falling on deaf ears. Daniel tensed, prepared for a misplaced knee or fist, but neither occurred as his wife successfully straddled him. Paws pressed his shoulders down when she leaned forward, the wolf expecting another make out session. Instead, she rubbed her muzzle along his chin and throat, inhaling and exhaling wet air into his already moist fur. Confused, the wolf lie there processing this strange behavior. Normally, an affectionate nuzzle was somewhat...affectionate. This was nothing of the sort; firm and sloppy if anything. Definitely feral.

Daniel realized Meg was scent rubbing against him!

And he didn't care. All confusion and concern was gone the moment a paw took a strong grip of his raging cock and angled it upwards. Meg's entire form tensed as she moaned into his throat and impaled herself, taking his length to the hilt in her ardent core. It was immediately obvious how aroused his wife was. Inner vaginal muscles fluttered as they gripped his engorged maleness, already leaking her excitement onto his sheath. The heat and pressure of her slick, plump vulva against his swelling knot nearly threw him over the edge immediately.

Megan snuffled and licked along Daniel's lips until her nose pressed to his. When she gave a teasing roll of her hips, the wolf growled and nipped her chin. His cock pulsed and fed her hungry cunt a spurt of pre. Ignoring the complaints from his already sore muscles, Daniel sat up to alleviate the burden on his knot, the change in position lifting her along his shaft some. The lupine kept her aloft, entrance hovering a few inches above the base of his shaft, still clutching at the inches still within her.

Daniel held her in place, despite how much she squirmed and struggled to impale herself again, until she whined needfully. Continuing to hold her, his hips started to move, sawing into her body with shallow, teasing thrusts. Nibbling along her panting muzzle, the wolf made his way to Megan's neck, which she offered up without complaint. The moment he took a grip between his jaws, he released his hold and let her fall back fully upon his shaft, tasting her moan through her throat. Both wolves tensed, groins rolling firmly together before the female began to bounce in his lap.

It didn't matter how sweaty or aroused either of them were, everything reeked of teenage bear. In fact, he couldn't even detect the faintest hint of Meg's pussy, knowing the female's horny scent well. Daniel knew it was that musk that fanned the flames in his loins, in their loins, but he didn't care. It had been ages since he felt this type of passion and he wasn't going to let confusion ruin it.

Neither wolf moved much, grinding and rocking to keep their union as tight as possible. Their mixed fluids coated Daniel's length as the concoction naturally lubed his rapidly inflating knot. Not fully swollen, it easily popped in and out of of the female's molten depths, the pressure no longer on his orb but around it. Suddenly, Megan tensed up and leaned against her husband before she whined out her pleasure, trembling as a powerful orgasm rocked her body.

Daniel pulled free, intensifying the female's sudden overwhelming pleasure, her juices making a mess of his crotch. While it failed to overpower the scent of the bruin, the lupine could recognize his wife's scent now. The way they mixed though, sent a new thrill through him. Regardless, he controlled his movements while he held his wife close, prolonging this little tryst.

"F...fuck," Meg panted hard into Daniel's throat, coming down from the heights of pleasure.

Daniel had no intention of letting her land and started his assault once he felt her body stop shuddering. She tensed up immediately, legs squeezing his hips tight. Unable to stop herself, she started to bounce in time to his movements, pussy slurping along every inch of her husband's fat cock. The force already threatened to push his knot back in.

While they still had a healthy sex life, tying was something they seldom did. Usually, they planned any sexual encounter they might have. Spontaneous mating was rare, having a kid and all. The last thing they needed to do was deal with a curious pup while locked together for half an hour. Sure, this left Daniel with an angry, leaking cock for a while, but this was another reason it was planned. Megan could run interference.

"Meg," Daniel panted as his hips took on a mind of their own, his knot dangerously close to pushing in. "Meg...I'm..." He whined again, "I'm going to tie."

"Yeah you are," Meg bared her canines, totally lost to instinct as well as she drove herself down.

Daniel growled then, no longer concerned about his knot as he gave into his more base nature. His fully engorged shaft sprung free of her depths when he found the sudden strength to push her off his lap. It twitched once and sent a surge of liquid pre onto his chest. The wolf's sheath was scrunched up behind his throbbing knot showing his entire girth.

There was no complaint on Meg's part, who instantly turned to all fours and flagged her tail in presentation. Before she could even glance back, Daniel was over her and in her again. Jaws closed tight on her scruff and twisted, snarling into the fur. Meg rocked with the force of her husband's thrust as he drove his maleness home into her.

Daniel's entire form went rigid when his knot finally sank in, sending his wife into another fit of climactic convulsions. The intense, quivering squeeze around his entire dick was too much. Teeth tightened to a breaking point on Meg's loose scruff as it muffled the lupine's pleasured howl, cock expanding and balls drawing tight before their contents exploded into his mate. A torrent of thick cum sprayed deep into the female, flooding her depths as if attempting to put out the fire burning there. Despite the snugness of their tie, some fluid flowed out, dripping onto the bed and his balls alike.

Neither moved for a good minute before Daniel released Meg's scruff and rolled to his side, pulling her with him. Thankfully, they made that position change. He always found it much more comfortable afterwards, allowing them to rest while they remained tied. They made the mistake of tying once in the missionary position.

Talk about awkward.

Megan panted as her body continued to tremble with climax, Daniel's seed still feeding her womb even if he was shooting blanks. She turned her head as much as possible and tiredly nuzzled her mate, "I think I enjoy working out too."

Daniel nuzzled her affectionately, "Good. I was afraid I'd have to lift the weight again."

Megan wiggled her hips, getting a gasp from the male as it massaged his overly sensitive knot. She yawned, eyes hardly open now, unable to maintain consciousness. Daniel gave her a slight shake and nudged her scruff with his nose.

The wolfess stirred suddenly, glancing back again, energy tank running on fumes, "By the way. Groceries cost $600."

"Huh," Daniel gave a tired yawn. "Is that all."

The lupine fell to sleep reeking of bear.

Megan awoke early the next day, intending to get a head start to ensure her husband and the bear were ready for it. They couldn't be late again. Mind still foggy with sleep, she rolled out of bed and realized her mistake the moment she stood up. Her crotch was a mess, slit showing the signs of the pounding she received. Dried cum caked the fur around her loose vulva, having leaked sometime during the night when Daniel's knot subsided and he pulled free. Oblivious, her mate slept away, sprawled on his back and flaunting an equally messy sheath.

She had no regrets as she limped to the master bathroom, a paw over her privates just in case, and turned on the shower. It had been ages since they fucked like that, wanton and primal. The memory brought a smile to her face as she stepped under the water.

Daniel should work out more often.

The hot water felt great, the steam soothing to her tired body. It made quick work of the messy pubic fur, washing away the remnants of the previous evening. After she turned off the water, she let it drip from her fur before giving a powerful shake that sent loose drops streaking over the glass door and walls of the shower. She grabbed a towel and proceeded to dry her damp fur as she left the bathroom.

Daniel sat on the edge of the bed, paws rubbing his face, "Fuuuuck." He gave a weak wiggle of his arms before they hung limp at his sides, "So sore."

Meg laughed and tossed her towel back into the bathroom, "Did I work you too hard hon?"

"Yeah," Daniel flashed a dopey smirk on his disheveled muzzle, "I must be out of shape."

"Only means we need to do it more!" Meg nuzzled him affectionately, and noticed the lingering odor of the bruin on his maw. "Go wash up. I'll get breakfest ready."

With a nod, he walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. By the time she pulled a pair of shorts and a blouse on, she heard the shower running. She gathered the clothes left strewn about the room the previous night to take to the laundry. Might as well save a trip.

Could it be possible for the shirt to still be damp?

Megan resisted the urge to shove her nose into it. Just put it in the washing machine, turn it on, and forget about it. Clutching the clothes, she left the bedroom. Before she could get down the stairs, the hallway bathroom opened, stopping the wolf in her tracks.

Vedmid exited the bathroom clad in only a towel. It barely made it around his waist. The bruin's size made it look more like a loin cloth. A leg was exposed all the way to the hip. Vedmid definitely didn't skip leg day.

Her tail wagged when she met the bear's gaze, "Ah! Mrs. Ferguson! Good morning!"

"Oh!" Megan returned the friendly smile, "Good morning, Ved!"

There was a sly glint in his eye, "You and Danielle sleep well?"

Had he heard them last night? Meg felt herself smirk shyly as she nodded once.

"Good! Good!"

Meg stared. She didn't want to, but there was something she couldn't ignore about the bruin. Some kind of feral magnetism strong enough to cause goosebumps. When Vedmid perked a curious brow, she realized she hadn't said anything for an awkward moment.

"Oh! Uhhh," Meg stammered. "Breakfast?"

The bear nodded once, "What silly question!"

Megan laughed as the bruin flashed her a grin and turned away, walking down the hall toward Cary's room, "I'll see what I can do."

She watched him walk away. The sway of his rump was easy to see through the towel with each step. Vedmid was hardly in Cary's room before he dropped the towel on the floor. Meg's heart skipped a beat as she took in the sight of the bear's exposed ass before he closed the door behind him.


"Really?" Daniel stepped out of the master bedroom, tucking a white polo shirt into his slacks. Once again he snuck up on her, somehow getting out of the shower and dressing without her noticing.

"Huh?" Meg held the clothes in her arms a bit tighter, squaring her shoulders. Did he see Vedmid's little display too?

"This going to be a morning routine?" Daniel smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Megan frowned and turned her chin up at the wolf.

"Quit...flirting... with the teenager," Daniel grinned.

Megan worked the clothes into the crook of one arm and swatted her husband's chest, "I was just saying good morning!"

Her husband laughed at that, "Uh huh. And what was that little stare fest of yours? I'm pretty sure I heard you giggle."

"I was just saying good morning!" Meg tried again.

Daniel leaned in and gave her an affectionate nuzzle. The scent of the bear remained, even with the minty breath and lingering fruit smell of their shampoo. She went in for a nuzzle of her own, lingering with her nose in the crook of his neck for a moment.

"Anyone ever tell you that your tail wags when you flirt?" Daniel leaned away to watch her with a playful expression.

"Oh my god!" Megan threw her armful of dirty clothes at her husband, then made a show of storming down the stairs. Daniel never could help pushing her buttons, but he didn't tease her about drooling over the bear's ass, so maybe he didn't see.

"Hey!" Daniel gave chase, "What about my breakfast?"

Megan stuck her tongue out at him before she went into the kitchen, "Vedmid ate it already."

"No fair he gets to eat and get bigger while I waste away to nothing." Daniel went straight for the coffee maker and poured himself a cup, as if to beat the bear to it. He always was a quick learner. The sound of sizzling meat caught the wolf's ears, "Sausage?"

Megan was already cracking eggs into a bowl while the frying pan smoked. The smell of cooking meat soon filled the room, "Your breakfast wasn't enough for him. Gotta cook some more."

"Har har," Daniel set his coffee down to take his wife into a hug.

Once again, Meg couldn't help herself and pressed her nose against his jaw, sniffing along it a couple times. It took a couple licks before she hungrily kissed her husband. For a moment, he seemed surprised by the affection, but soon returned it, walking her back until her rump hit the counter. Megan remembered the previous night as their tongues flicked against each other. The firmness grinding against her hip more than proved Daniel had the same thing on his mind.

"Get a room, you two," Vedmid somehow got down the stairs and into the kitchen without alerting either lupine, impressively quiet for someone of his size.

Meg grunted into the kiss and wriggled her way free to step passed the wolf in her way, "Oh! Vedmid. How would you like your eggs?"

Vedmid rubbed his belly as he entered the kitchen too, making space a precious commodity, "In belly."

Meg actually giggled for a moment before she caught herself, "Ahem. Sorry. I can only do raw or burnt." She glanced at the stove, "Is burnt okay?"

Daniel laughed at his wife's behavior and her terrible flirting, but it was short lived as the bruin took the steaming mug of coffee off the counter, "Hey!"

"Ah! Danielle!" Vedmid lifted the mug in a sort of good morning cheers before taking a slow drink. He looked back at Megan, "Don't even have to crack shell. I eat!"

Vedmid continued to drink from the mug as he walked into the dining room, completely disregarding the older wolf. Daniel sighed and already reached for a new mug. Before he could finish filling it, the bruin called from the table.

"Ah yes! Danielle!" The teen held his mug in the air, "More!"

The wolf made a show of emptying the coffee pot into his mug, setting it back in the coffee maker, "Sorry Vedmid. All gone." He held his mug up, returning the gesture he got from the bear a couple minutes ago before he too took a drink.

Meg shook her head. Boys. They're the same no matter what part of the woods they come from. She continued her work, stirring the eggs into another hot pan and flipping the sausage. When she turned towards the dining room, Daniel and Vedmid both sat at the table chatting quietly. They appeared far more comfortable around each other this morning.

The eggs only took a couple minutes to solidify into fluffy yellow clouds. She dumped them into a bowl before she removed the sausage links to a plate and took both to the table. This time, Daniel wasn't fast enough to beat the bear, who took the bowl of eggs. It looked like he was going to dig in and eat straight from the bowl, but he poured most of them onto the plate in front of him.

The amount the bear could eat continued to amaze Megan. After the ursine's performance yesterday, she cooked up eighteen eggs to make sure there was enough. Going so far as to add a few ounces of egg whites, too. Daniel looked just as amazed, distracted enough to allow the teenager to clear the plate of sausage before he could get any.

"Mmmm!" Vedmid rubbed his paws together, then tossed no less than two sausage links into his muzzle. At least, that's all Megan could count before that bear trap of a jaw closed on them. "Mmmmmm."

Meg giggled again before she could catch herself. What was wrong with her? Her husband smirked at her too, brow quirked teasingly. She scrunched her nose and mouthed a quick 'shut up' before she looked back at Vedmid.

"Good?" She asked.

Vedmid gave an enthusiastic nod, muzzle too full of egg to give more of a response. In fact, he shoveled more in a moment later, followed by another link of sausage. He used a napkin to wipe his muzzle off.

"Too good, Mrs. Ferguson," Vedmid finally managed, taking a moment to come up for breath. "Good like you!"

Meg cringed immediately after another giggle. Damn it.

"Oh! Suka Ferguson!" Vedmid had a thought he found more exciting than his eggs, "Good workout last night!"

Daniel took a drink of his coffee, taking his time with the minuscule amount of eggs on his plate, "Thank you Vedmid."

Megan imagined her husband and the bear working out again; sweaty and panting. The thought nearly got her panting too. It did get her thighs to grind together in an attempt to scratch a sudden itch between them.

The bear nodded, already scooping another mouthful of eggs into his muzzle. This time, he wasn't so polite with his conversation, talking through the mouthful of food to Daniel, "Be proud! Five years ago, I lift same weight."

The wolf sighed with a soft chuckle, "Gee. Thanks."

Vedmid wiped his muzzle again, his plate practically empty besides a couple leftover scraps. They were safe for the time being, "Don't worry. You be big like me in no time." He patted his chest, then glanced down at his plate. His fork caught the stragglers and scooped them into his mouth.

Daniel did laugh at this, struggling with the mouthful of egg for a moment before he choked it down, "Hah! I highly doubt that!"

Vedmid gave a jolly laugh as well, "True. True. You little wolf."

The wolf shook his head and took his last bite of breakfast.

"We try anyway!" Vedmid looked happy, like the topic of working out always seemed to do, "Tonight."

That suggestion got Megan's tail wagging. She could go for another round of watching the bear lift. Her husband too, of course. Mentioning that evening apparently reminded Daniel of something.

"Oh!" The wolf held up a finger as he chewed rapidly, getting that mouthful down before he took another drink of coffee and continued, "That reminds me. I need to stay late tonight and review the rest of the curriculum for this year. Do you think you could pick Vedmid up this afternoon?"

Meg's nod was a bit enthusiastic, but she was focusing on her behavior now. The last thing she wanted was for more ribbing from her husband, "Of course. That'll be no problem."

Vedmid shook his head though, "No need to worry! Coach Rice say I can workout anytime. I stay late with Suka Ferguson. No inconvenience for you, ma'am."

"No inconvenience at all, Ved," Megan reassured the bear, but he would have none of it.

"Really," Vedmid stood from the table with two empty plates and the bowl, taking them to the sink, "It okay! Hassle free."

"The coach must love him," Daniel jokingly whispered to his wife before he stood as well. He spoke before Meg could try and convince the bruin further, "That's okay with me, if you're sure Vedmid." He took his plate to the sink after the mountain of bear left the kitchen, "Perhaps I'll come get a workout too when I'm done with my work."

"Good, Danielle!" Vedmid's grin was eager, "That's the spirit."

"Don't be silly!" Meg didn't like that idea! She shook her head, responding a bit quick despite how much she monitored her behavior, "Just save time and do it here again!"

"Alright," Daniel finished his coffee and set the mug on the table. "Gotta get going."

Vedmid already had the front door open, backpack on and ready to go, "We go!" The bear was gone without another word.

"He must have Gym for first period," Daniel chuckled, then leaned in to give Meg a final affectionate nuzzle. Even that wasn't enough to get the wolfess' attention as she watched Vedmid leave, "Don't worry. I'll bring back your eye candy."

Meg swatted her husband for the countless time that morning and growled playfully, "Too bad you have to come back too."

"Oh!" Daniel paused at the doorway, keys jingling in his paw as his fingers played with them, "Hon?"

"What?" Megan crossed her arms, frowning playfully.

"Your tail's wagging."

Her husband didn't wait for a reply before he left. Megan went to the window to watch them leave. Their behavior was far more relaxed than yesterday, both males apparently in a good mood as they left. At least they were smiling while they backed out of the driveway and drove off.

One of her paws was in her shorts by the time she stood at the base of the stairs, searching to pacify that ever growing heat between her legs, which had grown unbearable during breakfast. A finger rubbed hard over her swollen clit, eliciting a sigh as that itch finally got scratched. Another finger joined the task, tweaking the nub before both pushed into her wetness.

Considering the fucking she got last night, it was almost unbelievable she was so worked up already. Pushing 40 and all, her drive had greatly diminished. Not to the point of a sexless marriage, but both her and Daniel were perfectly happy with their one time a week. She couldn't really remember the last time she masturbated.

Megan bit her lower lip and growled at her behavior. Her legs trembled as she pulled her paw out of her shorts, index and middle finger positively soaked. Daniel made her feel silly, but thank god he was there to point out her behavior. Unwittingly reverting to a shy, giggling school girl around the bear was peculiar, probably why she didn't notice. Maybe she could work at stopping it.

The twinge in her vagina made her jaw clench. The brief bout with her fingers left her feeling slick, and that only made the ache more intense. She tried to persuade herself to get focused on the chores. Soiled sheets and dirty dishes needed to be washed.

Fuck it.

As Meg ran up the stairs, already panting hard, she told herself this was the behavior she needed to stop. Nearly tripping on the clothes that littered the floor, the wolfess grabbed the old t-shirt her husband wore for his workout the previous night. It was pressed to her nose when she burst into the master bedroom, hardly having her shorts off before her fingers once again invaded her cunt.

She could analyze her behavior later.

"Oh please please please," begged Coach Rice. The lion even clutched his paws together in that traditional pleading gesture. "Can we keep him?"

Daniel smirked at the obviously excited lion filling his office doorway. It wouldn't have surprised the wolf one bit if the feline fell to his knees right there and thin to continue pleading his case. He laughed and invited the lion into the office, indicating to the seat opposite him, "Have a seat before you hurt yourself, Tom."

The end of the day had come faster than Daniel ever expected, so focused on work that even hunger couldn't distract him. He totally forgot to eat lunch. On the desk in front of him sat the curriculum for the current year. He wanted to review it a final time before sending it to the super intendant for the school board's final approval.

Sitting didn't mitigate Coach Rice's excitement; the lion practically trembled in his seat. Five years ago, Thomas Rice became the head of the high school's physical education department after he retired from the stressful life of coaching at the university. College sports can really take its toll and the lion wanted to semi-retire, so at 50 he put in his notice and accepted his current role. Considering the awards display in the main hall - and the overflow display in the auditorium - Coach Rice was killing it.

Normally, Daniel didn't find it easy to be friends with the 'masculine' type, never being much for sports or physical exertion. Well, besides occasional weight lifting apparently. Despite that, Tom and him somehow developed an unlikely rapport, even if the lion insisted on calling him Dan. It didn't take long before random meetings like this, sans the overexcitement, were a normal thing.

Coach Rice was seriously excited though, "Where did he come from? Is he really in high school? Would it be weird to test him for drugs now? I mean...can that be normal?Are those even real? Can we keep him?!" Once again he clutched his paws together, "Please please please?"

"Jesus, Tom." The wolf laughed, "He's from Ukraine. Still haven't convinced myself he's a teenager. It might be a little weird to stick the kid with needles his second day in a foreign country." The lupine then leaned in as if a fellow conspirator, "And they can't be real right? I mean...I haven't felt them or anything...but god damn, man." Daniel leaned back and shook his head, "And no. We can't keep him. Not sure we can afford him. He ate a dozen eggs this morning and asked for more. She spent $600 at the store yesterday and I think he ate through half of it already."

"Wow," Tom noticeably relaxed in his seat and finally calmed a little, "I've never seen anything like it, Dan. Even when I worked for OSU! I thought it was a joke when he walked into the gym."

"You should have seen us at the airport Sunday," Daniel said.. "I think I stared at him for a minute straight before I managed to say anything. I thought it was a prank too."

"It's ridiculous," Tom shook his head, "I've trained professional weight trainers and football players who wouldn't even dream of comparing to Vedmid," the lion definitely had stars in his eyes. "We could win it all, Dan."

"So you decided that after a couple PE classes?" Daniel opened his sandwich.

"And two lunches," Tom's gaze grew kind of distant as he reminisced about the past day. "He used the weight room then."

Daniel perked his ears. Vedmid did that yesterday before they trained last night? "Is that...even a thing? Do the students use it often at lunch time?"

The coach took a turn to smirk, "You stop him."

Daniel laughed and shook his head. The coach's words distracted him and made him think of the previous night. The shrill chime of the school bell brings him out of his thoughts.

"Aww, shit," Daniel looks down at the desk and the open file. "Its going to be a late night."

"I heard," the lion grinned and stood up.

"Yeah," the wolf laughed. "Don't look so happy, Tom. And thanks for letting Vedmid stay late. Not sure my weight set will suffice." Daniel rubbed his arms.

"I'm not convinced the schools will either," Coach Rice waved. "Good luck with the curriculum. Remember to add more sports."

Daniel laughed as the feline left and started reading. After a whole day of focus on this, obviously his mind would wander. It didn't help that he couldn't shake the bruin's scent, no matter how much he scrubbed his muzzle, bad as a skunk. The lupine found his focus waning with the dimming light outside. No sense wasting any more time at this rate. A couple pages later and the lupine gave up. He flipped to the last page and scribbled his signature along the final line, signing off on the curriculum before setting his pen down.

"Alright," Daniel removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle.

The gym and locker rooms are on the opposite side of the school from administration. The wolf was never one for working late or overtime, but there was something peaceful to walking the empty halls of a school after hours. Daniel couldn't possibly be the only principal that found a school to be better without the students.

Only half the lights were on along the hallways, set on a timer so they all shut off after 10PM. The gym, science building, administration building and library created a small quad shaped courtyard where the students generally gathered during the lunch hour. Light dimly showed through one of the small frosted privacy windows along the top of the gym's wall, indicating it was in use. The lupine really hoped two hours was enough time for the third workout of the day.

Daniel could reach the weight room through the locker room without walking around the building. It had an exit directly onto the quad. The wolf opened the door marked Male and was instantly hit by the odor of bleach and cleanser. Made sense the cleaning crew would have come through already. School let out a couple hours ago.

"Vedmid?" Daniel called from the doorway. There was no response. Figured two hours wasn't enough. "Tom?"

There were no lights on in the locker room and it appeared the place was completely empty. The door closed behind the wolf and left him in complete darkness. A paw felt along the wall in search of a light switch, but found only smooth tile. He considered turning back and going around, but chose his phone instead. A white LCD sent its glow a short distance in all directions, creating a bubble of light around the wolf.

The acoustics in the locker room bounced echos of each step Daniel took. That was the only thing his astute ears detected until he reached the door that led to the weight room. The first grunt made the wolf's ears perk and the second made him snicker. Yeah, he might be an adult, but a grunt was a grunt and never failed to conjure one image.

Grow up, Daniel told himself while he switched off his cell phone light and opened the door.

Daniel knew he found Vedmid the moment he opened the door and was assaulted by the bear's intense scent. Yesterday was bad enough obviously, but this was unbelievable; the result of a couple hours uninterrupted strain. Apparently the bruin convinced the coach to join him in a work out, as if it would take much considering how the lion fawned over the kid.

"We should stop," Coach Rice panted, out of breath.

"I say when stop," Vedmid voice growled.

Peculiar words of encouragement, Daniel thought.

Apparently they did the job and goaded the old lion into trying another set. The feline's grunt said as much. Daniel expected to see the cat pumping the weight bar, probably with enough weight to put his own max from the previous night to shame.

A light near the weight bench provided the lupine with enough visibility to make out the two, but kept most of the room in darkness. It left him hidden from view. Initially, when he found the pair, it looked as if they were using the weight bench much like Daniel had the previous night. In similar fashion, the bear stood at the head of the bench, ready to rescue the feline should he fail out. The wolf felt for the lion, having been in the same position the night before, although not after the bruin had been working out for two hours. Vedmid must be dripping with sweat.

There was another grunt, but the coach didn't lift the bar from the bench. This time, Daniel didn't need to conjure any lewd images as the pair provided enough to outdo anything his mind could form. Daniel's jaw dropped as he watched his friend and colleague swallow Vedmid's thick cock, grunt muffled as he choked on the length. The bear remained motionless while the lion thrashed on the bench.

Eventually, the teenager rolled his hips, making the cat gag. Both of Tom's paws released the bar to swat at the ursine's massive thighs, as if that would do anything. In the low light, Daniel could see the coach was also naked. Daniel never thought he'd see his friend nude, erect, or sucking dick, but now he wasn't sure he'd ever forget any of it.

Somehow, even more shocking than any thing else was that Vedmid was gay!

"No no," Vedmid spat down at the lion before he withdrew from Tom's muzzle, leaving the old lion coughing and gasping for air.

Daniel nearly gasped and gave away his presence when he got his first view of the bruin's shaft. While the length was proportionate to the bear's size - which was large - the thickness is what caught the wolf off guard. It easily put the wolf's knot to shame, let alone the rest of the lupine's shaft.

Vedmid grabbed the thick mane on the feline's chest and roughly pulled the coach about a foot upward by his pelt, until the old cat's head hung off the back of the bench. "Choking means form is bad. You could hurt self."

"Vedmid wait. I...can't." The coach tried to catch his breath and sit up. Tom got a face full of very large balls when he tried to sit up. Unlike Daniel's own experience, the lion didn't have the privilege of shorts to protect him. When the bear knelt, it pushed the coach back down into a lying position with Vedmid's throbbing shaft resting along the cat's muzzle.

"It why I do for you," Vedmid placed a paw on the lion's chest, pressed down firmly enough to force the coach to gasp, and thrust the beercan thick cock back into Tom's wide open muzzle.

Vedmid didn't miss a beat, fucking Coach Rice's muzzle with little effort. The bear spoke the truth too, the lion no longer choked each time the bruin's dick stabbed into his throat, the angle allowing a little more give for the older male.

Daniel was confused. It looked like Tom was being forced to service the teen, but why would the old lion be so hard? Perhaps things got out of hand and now he couldn't stop it? That couldn't be it either, since the lion no longer looked to be trying to push the bear away. Tom's moan, while muffled, told the wolf everything he needed to know.

"There. Good!" Vedmid praised and rubbed the lion's chest. Even in the low light, Daniel could see Tom's cheeks pull in as he sucked, then expanded as he exhaled around the bear's shaft. "Perfect form. I train well."

Vedmid ground his groin against the lion's muzzle. It may have been a trick of the light, but it looked like the coach's throat bulged with the girth it tried to swallow, even if obscured by the thick, dark mane. Tom's nose was buried in the bear's heavy balls and sweaty taint. The same taint that soaked the wolf's muzzle last night only the lion didn't have the privilege of gym shorts to dampen the effect. Daniel couldn't imagine what the coach was dealing with considering the musk in the air was enough to make the lupine dizzy, even at this distance.

"Now we finish," Vedmid easily thrust his entire cock in and out of the feine's drooling mouth.

Coach Rice's moan was repeatedly interrupted each time the teenager's shaft blocked his windpipe. It might have been comical under other circumstances, like in a porno, but not coming from a coach and teacher while a student fucked his throat. One of Tom's paws dipped down and squeezed the base of his shaft, erasing any doubt in Daniel's head regarding the lion's willing participation.

"Mmmm," Vedmid groaned, "good. Pussy stroke his little cock."

Daniel realized he wasn't breathing as he watched the unbelievable scene unfold. A weight rack provided support for the suddenly light headed lupine as he took a few, slow breaths. It was a mistake. Flooding his lungs with more of the bear scrambled his thoughts more than any of Megan's heats ever did. He couldn't imagine what the poor lion was going through and felt pity for the male.

Poor lion? Can you say that about a teacher with a student's cock down his throat? The principal considered doing his job and intervening, having seen more than enough to end Coach Rice's career in a heartbeat. The raging erection tenting his slacks made the lupine hesitate though, not moving a muscle.

Vedmid growled low, muzzle twisted in a grimace, hips no longer making long thrusts. Instead, they were short and shallow, with most of the teenager's shaft remaining in the cat's muzzle. The erratic motions were more than enough signal of the bruin's impending explosion.

Tom's paw was a blur on his own leaking length, regardless of the girth clogging his throat. With perfect form, the feline managed to breath and service the bruin. A heavy scent of semen nearly overpowered the bear's musk when the lion suddenly reached orgasm. A geyser of cum sprayed over his belly and into the thick pelt on his chest, some even splattering his chin. He squirmed and thrust into his clutching paw, whines of pleasure suppressed by stinky bear crotch.

An incredible bellow from the ursine put any roar the lion could possibly muster to shame. Vedmid lifted his muzzle, hilted his cock to the root, and went so tense that his muscles bulged under the strain. The sight left the lupine dumbfounded, unable to look away as the bear announced his orgasm. Coach Rice didn't make a sound as the bruin fed the lion his load.

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably less than a second, Vedmid pulled back a couple inches and moaned as he flooded the feline's muzzle. That lasted about just as long before the bear pulled fully free, stroking rapidly. Impressively, he still had more left, continuing to unload his balls with such power and force.

The sticky goo coated the coach's muzzle, chin and chest, all but guaranteeing the feline was in for a hell of a long night grooming. It didn't look like Tom really cared though, the way he lapped at the bear's sheath. Coach Rice lie there while he was covered in the teenager's incredible scent.

Daniel realized he openly panted now. Thankfully, the pair were distracted with other matters to have noticed, allowing the lupine to remain unseen. All three males began to gather themselves.

"Heh," the lion's expression was a mixture of shame and exhaustion as he sat up on the weight bench, obviously realizing what he just did as reality cleared away the haze of lust. Tom looked down at himself, cock dropping now that his climax ended. The 55 year old looked nervous and bashful around the much younger bear. "I...guess I should hit the showers."

Vedmid gave one of those bassy laughs of his. Daniel could swear the weight rack supporting him rumbled with it. The bear's paw rested on the lion's head, a very domineering action to anyone.

"It is rude not to clean up," the teen talked down to the coach. "Don't be gross, pussy."

The bear rubbed the lion's head once before he reached for a near by towel, using it to wipe off his still dripping cock, but not before a gooey strand dripped onto the workout mat. He tossed it to the coach, ensuring it hit the cat's face before it fell to the lion's lap. Another strand oozed from the bear's tip, but the teenager did nothing to stop it from hitting the floor too.

"Good workout, coach," Vedmid turned away from the coach and headed toward the locker room.

Daniel panicked when he realized he stood between the bear and the door and made a quick retreat. The locker room was completely dark and the wolf thought better than to turn on his cell phone light. There was no time to do so. Using his paws, he felt along blindly until he found a row of lockers. He ran his fingers along the cold metal and followed it further into the locker room. Right around the time his shin collided with a bench and he yelped out, the room was filled with light.

"Fuck!" Daniel barked out, both at the pain in his shin and being caught in the locker room. The wolf sat down on the bench, looking as if he were rubbing the pain out of his leg, but mostly hoping to hide the bulge in his pants.

"Ah! Suka Ferguson!" Vedmid greeted, happy as ever.

The lupine didn't want to look up, but knew he had to. His eyes went over the nude bear, the bruin completely unashamed. Not that he had any reason to be embarrassed. His fur had a sheen to it, obviously still wet from sweat and the effort of his 'workout'. Daniel didn't want to, but found himself staring at the bruin's spent cock. The length of flesh hung heavy from his sheath. The lion's saliva made it glow under the light too.

"Uh," Daniel found himself unable to form a single thought. The bear moved closer to where he sat and made the fur along the wolf's scruff bristle a bit. "Vedmid?"

The bear walked by, incredibly close to the wolf, leaving the lupine lost in that scent again. Vedmid laughed, "What wrong? Never been in locker room, Danielle?"

"No," Daniel shook his head. "I mean....yes. Its...." The wolf growled and closed his eyes to organize his thoughts. Big mistake as it only brought back images of a lion with a mouthful of bear dick, "Where are your clothes?"

Vedmid opened a nearby locker and retrieved a tank top, "In locker. Workout naked always nice. Americans too bashful!"

Daniel finally stopped rubbing his leg and watched the bear again. He didn't get up, still struggling with his own erection, "Heheh...well, I'll go talk to the coach while you shower. Where is Coach Rice?"

"Pus..." Vedmid caught himself. "In office. And don't be silly." The bear pulled the tank top over his sweaty form, the fabric instantly showing wet spots at the arms and neck as it soaked up the sweat in his fur. "Already shower. This morning."

Daniel felt a rush of panic. The strain of his shaft felt tight in the confines of his pants. Surprisingly, it had only slightly retreated back into its home. He had hoped the bear would take a few minutes to shower.

Vedmid slipped his shorts on, adjusting his impressive sheath to fit it in. Only his cockhead remained visible before he pulled the shorts up, "We go!"

"Ummm," the wolf tried to think of an excuse to stay, just a moment longer, but could come up with nothing. What reason could he possibly have to stay in the school locker room.

The bear zipped up his duffle bag, then tossed it next to the wolf, "I said we go! Come."

Vedmid turned and walked to the exit without looking back. Daniel hated how relieved he felt to pick up the bag, considering how obedient it made him look, but he did and followed the bear. At least he had something to hold in front of him. Even now, the teen's body left a trail of musk that kept the wolf unexplainably hard. Another male's scent never had a reaction like that on the lupine before.

The drive home was going to be hell.

To be Continued...

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