A Final Farewell

Story by Xialus on SoFurry

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Yay!  First story!  I'm not sure whether or not this'll be any good, so please, any type of constructive criticism you can give me will help out greatly.  This whole story was more or less used as a test to see if I can write a good sex scene.  ...Also, a tip to writers, don't write a short story like this when it's part of a fully fleshed out world.  But enough, on with the story!

I knew that it was going to be an irritating night. All I had to do was take a look at the sign hanging above the tavern door to realize it. It was a place I had been to in my past, the first time that I admitted love for someone. Seeing as it was that same person who wanted to talk to me after being away from him for a good half a year, I could not be too surprised that this was the location he had in mind.

It had been a long while since I returned to my home city. I had intended to simply walk through without having to talk to any of my old connections, but naturally I had no such luck. I saw the one person I least wanted to. The fox had a smile plastered on his face as he realized who I was, and naturally came up to me. I tried to act as cold as possible, hopefully to end the conversation, but instead all it got me was an invitation to the tavern I was currently standing outside of.

I could have stood outside the door for all eternity, but unfortunately I was wearing plated armor which was quickly drawing attention to myself. I suppose that glaring would have stopped anyone who looked at me funny. Considering wolves are considered one of the stronger races, it would have worked. But I decided against it, as well as my better judgment, and stepped inside.

The tavern was just as I had remembered it: Large, but cramped thanks to all the tables and people inside. The main room itself was rather small, but the sixteen rooms (Eight on each side with four to each floor) made the place significantly larger than most taverns were. Eight tables with four chairs each dotted the locale, with a bar taking up the entirety of the back wall. The place had plenty of people in it, far more than there were seats. Despite that, however, it was fairly easy to find who I was supposed to be looking for.

He stood energetically at one of the far tables, his orange fur sticking out in a place as brown and dingy as this place was. Nim was the fox's name. His eyes were a piercing blue, almost literally, as he had a somewhat irritating knack for telling you what you were thinking. My fox friend was waving, a big smile on his face as he saw me enter. There was something strange about it, however. Something I couldn't quite place. Unlike the people outside, I did give him a glare, hopefully to sober him up. Naturally, it did not work. It never did with him. Resigning myself to my sad fate, I shuffled over to his table.

Each step brought me past the doors on the sides of the tavern, and my thoughts lingered back to the time Nim and I had first gone into those rooms as a means to reciprocate our love for each other. That was their entire purpose: Sex. Nothing more, nothing less. The people at the tables, naturally, were simply drinking, talking, and groping as a means to get themselves ready for those rooms. Would I too be forced to go into those rooms? I shuddered and hoped that it would not come to that.

Nim remained standing until I got to the table and sat down. The table already had two drinks on it, confirming my worst fear. While they had the appearance of standard drinks, the bartender had a bad habit of slipping drugs in them, increasing their drinker's virility, and thus allowing multiple bouts of sex. It made me slightly depressed, as I knew I would have to continue pushing Nim away from me. This was probably going to be the last night I could see him for the rest of my life. I could never tell him, though. The look on his eyes when he gets sad... I could barely resist that stare.

It brought me back to when he first gave me that look, when he first confessed his love to me at this very place. He was always so happy that even I couldn't help but warm up to him. As anyone could probably guess, I found myself falling in love with him just as he fell in love with me. Despite my usual irritation at people trying to win my affection, his way of not trying to seduce me at first sight was something I ended up liking the best about him. On the other side, he enjoyed how compassionate and emotional I could be, despite my often cold exterior. It was a romance that probably should have ended in failure, but despite the odds it did not. I still loved him, in fact, but certain extenuating circumstances that had entered my life made me never want to see him again, lest he be hurt by my new future "career".

"Sirrus, you came!" he said, his eyes already getting misty. "For a moment there, I thought that... That..."

"How could I pass up a chance at being with the one I love, hm?" I asked, putting at least a smile on my face. It probably made the entire situation worse, but I was unsure of whether or not I could handle a saddened look on his face.

"Well, it's just that I thought... With how you were in the street..." he started, tears welling up in his eyes, "I thought you... You didn't love me anymore!"

The accusation was the last thing I had expected to hear, and naturally threw me back in the chair. Finding myself unable to swallow, I grabbed the drink in front of me reflexively and took a huge gulp. My throat unclenching, I started to speak.

"You... Did you seriously think my love for you had faltered? Nim, the two of us-"

"Then why!? Why did you act as though you were pushing me away? Oh Sirrus, I was so happy to see you, then when you weren't talking back to me as much as you used to, I thought... I thought..."

"That I had seen someone else and did not want to be with you anymore?" I finished, throat clenching up again at his saddened face. Despite the perpetual amount of energy Nim had, I also knew he could get quite emotional. Apparently I had done too good of a job of trying to cut off conversation. So good, in fact, that he wanted to call me out on it after inviting me. My eyes fell to the floor, not wanting to look at him. He didn't deserve someone like me, especially not now! Not after becoming a Shifter...

"It's been six months, Sirrus! Six months! I couldn't stand being away from you so long! What was I supposed to think you were doing when we haven't even laid eyes on each other for half a year?"

"I... I found a new job. It kept me busy, alright? Please, Nim, whatever you do, do not cry. I know you feel like I practically abandoned you, but... But... It isn't true! Every day, I thought of you, and..."

"And you couldn't find a single day of time off to come visit me? Sirrus, no employer has that high of demands for his workers!" Tears were flowing from his eyes, and his face had a look of mistrust on it. Not that I could blame him, of course, since I was not being wholly truthful myself.

"I... I'm sorry, Nim." It was all I could say. Even though I was so close, all I had to do was reach out and I could grab his hand, I felt so distant. So far away. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see his face anymore. All I knew was that it would make me feel worse. Make me feel like I had brushed him aside and forgot about him, despite the fact that it was far from the truth. I was sobbing. I could not care less if people noticed us. If they did, they were too drunk to care.

It was then that I felt a hand beneath my jaw, lifting my face up. I opened my eyes, only to see Nim moving in for a kiss. I could not move away. His lips touched mine, and I finally had that familiar feel of Nim's lips on my own. I returned it, my body moving closer. His other hand grabbed mine, and he pulled away.

"What happened, Sirrus? Why have you gotten so cold? I knew you were never the warmest of people, but you were never like this to me," he said, his mood slightly better.

"I wish I knew..." I replied, the sentence being the understatement of the millennium.

"Well then," he said, a smile at least on his face, "Let's get it back. Your warmth, your compassion. What do you say?"

I looked at him, fully taking in his face. As I saw the warm smile, I thought back to all the times we shared, all the fun we had together, all the wondrous times that I felt glad to have Nim by my side. It was a long time ago, but I still remember seeing those sharp blue eyes in my childhood, Nim living next to me and my parents. Ever since I realized I had loved Nim, it was that set of eyes, and the person they belonged to, that inspired me to do, as he put it, protect him.

In a low tone, only one Nix could hear, I responded, "Yes... Lets."

He draped his arms around me, tearing up with joy as the childhood friend he wanted, he loved, was back. I clasped his hand in mine, guiding him to one of those rooms that I no longer feared to enter. I wanted tonight to have at least one good memory, and this would be it.

As soon as the door shut, I was tackled to the bed, Nim pinning me down on the comfortable sheets. He closed in for another kiss, this one longer than the momentary one we shared in the company of everyone else. As soon as he pulled away, I motioned for him to move off of me. I was still inside of my plated armor, and it would, at the very least, interfere with our activities.

I sat up slowly, keeping my eyes on Nix the whole time. My arms guided my mail off of me, letting me toss it to the side. Who cared if it was going to get damaged? So long as I could be with Nim, nothing mattered by this point. Once it was all off, all I had left was a cotton shirt and pants, as well as my bandages I kept wrapped around my arms. My shirt and pants I tossed off immediately, letting my silver fur shine, while keeping my bandages on.

Nim, meanwhile, was repeating the efforts on himself. He tossed away his leather shirt and pants, revealing to me his nude form once again. As soon as we were both stripped, he pushed me down on the bed again, letting our lips meet once more in a kiss. His hand ran down my chest, feeling every contour my muscled chest. His hand reached lower and lower until he found the prize he was looking for.

He took my sheath in his hands, slowly rubbing it while continuing our kiss. As soon as it was fully erected, he broke contact with me and smiled devilishly.

"I see you're just as big as ever, Sirrus," he said cockily. He slowly moved away from my face, not once removing that grin on his face as it came dangerously closer to my cock. He started off gently; a simple lick or two to get me started. He continued this teasing for a bit, licking up and down the entire length of my penis, but we both knew he couldn't keep it up any longer. Nim lowered his mouth, beginning to take my length into his mouth. His tongue ran slowly around it all, trying to take in every detail it could. Within moments, he had taken my full length in his mouth, tongue continuing to lick up and down for additional growls to escape my mouth.

He began to suck, letting the warmth and wetness of his mouth start to set me off. It didn't last long, however, as he diverted his attention away from sucking and slowly began to bob his head, using his tongue to continue the work from before. Of all the things he knew, how to use his mouth was one of the best. It didn't take me long to begin panting. His rhythmic movements combined with his tactful licking were setting me off quite quickly. I resisted the temptation to thrust into his mouth, but with how his pace slowly continued to increase was making it harder to resist.

My moaning caused his eyes to glance up at me, no doubt seeing my mouth wide open due to how good he was doing. I could feel myself shooting off precum in his mouth, but it didn't hinder his work at all. As per his usual tactic, he slowed, but instead focused on the intensity of his blow job. His tongue ran up and down my cock, and he started to increase the intensity of his sucking. I could not refuse any more. His warmth and intensity was too much to resist it any longer. I put my hand behind his head and began to slowly thrust into his mouth, letting him continue to send me closer and closer to heaven.

It took no more than a few minutes of this, and I finally let loose my seed. It was as if an explosion of ecstasy went off inside me, making me howl as more seed shot out. He kept his mouth in place as he swallowed as much as he could. My mind was lost by this point. I couldn't think at all-there was only the tremendous amount of pleasure I was feeling. After I finished, he lifted his head off and looked at me lustfully.

"Just as good as I remembered," Nim said, a bit of teasing in his voice.

"Same... Here..." I replied, propping myself up against the back of the bed.

Nim moved in and kissed me one more time, the taste of my cum still fresh on his lips. He then pulled away, a smirk on his lips.

"You know, now it's your turn," he said, giving a quick turn of his head towards his now-erect penis. I could only chuckle.

I leaped forward and grabbed him by the waist. His body fell to the bed, and I was on top of him. I bent down and kissed him again, not holding back anymore. Just as he did with me, my hand moved down to his cock and I began to stroke it for him. He was already moaning and gasping for air with this simple bit of play.

My body moved back, towards what I wanted. My previous play had already caused a knot to form at the base of his penis, something I would take advantage of soon. Licking my lips, I gave no hesitation to go all the way down, avoiding the knot for now. I began to suck, already hearing the gasps and moans from Nim. Between us, he was always so sensitive, which caused him to have bigger reactions to my slightest motions.

My hand moved to cradle his sack, and my mouth began to swiftly move up and down his entire length. I wanted to take in as many tastes as I could. Such tastes included that of his precum, which he was already beginning to shoot. My head moved down near the knot, focusing only on sucking. After smiling somewhat at his sudden gasp of air, my hand then drifted up towards his knot. My hands gave it a solid squeeze, eliciting another gasp from Nim's mouth.

In a manner of seconds, all it took was that yelp to know what was coming. His cum shot out into my mouth, forcing me to swallow it instantly. After a short bit of drinking his fluids, I picked myself up off and looked at him, just like he did to me.

"I see you still have the same sensitive spots as when we first did it," I said, some humor in my voice.

"And you still haven't forgotten them, Sirrus," the fox returned with a wink.

I could feel my cock remaining at its full length, the drugged drinks no doubt he cause. I gave it a quick look, and then returned my gaze to Nim's eyes.

"Shall we finish this, Nim?" I asked.

"It's been a while..." he responded, letting the obvious implications come to me.

"I shall be gentle, I promise."

Grabbing his legs, I lifted them up over my shoulders, revealing his tailhole to me. I moved in, my cock approaching it. As soon as its tip touched the entrance, I could hear Nim sharply intake some air. It was fortunately somewhat lubed from my previous orgasm, giving me some ease as I pushed in. I had to resist the temptation of forcing myself in more quickly, as his rectum twitched and squeezed involuntarily. I maintained my slow pace, moving it in inch after inch, the warmth and tightness making me want to cum as it was, and ended at my own knot.

I paused, taking a look at Nim's obviously pain-stricken face. The spasms stopped, and after returning my gaze, he gave a slight nod. It was all I needed to continue. I began to move back, slowly pulling out. As soon as I reached the end, I pushed back in, trying to form some sort of rhythm. In, and out, and in, and out, it was slowly setting me over the edge. I could only sigh inside myself as Nim's original yelps of pain turned into moans of pleasure. I started to increase my pace, my thrusts becoming harder.

I started launching precum, creating a natural lube as I continued to move at my quickened pace. There was no holding back now; I had lost all sense of reason. My body moved, my whole length thrusting in and out each second. Nim himself was lost in a wave of pleasure. My near-mad fucking continued, reaching an incredible speed. Harder and harder, faster and faster, each pump moved me closer and closer to my orgasm.

I could sense it at any moment now. With one final thrust, I pushed all the way inside, knot included. With a howl, my second orgasm of the night shot out into Nim's rear. After it finished, I fell over, landing next to Nim's body.

"Nim?" I asked.

"What is it, Sirrus?" he responded.

"...I have to apologize. About everything. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course I can," he answered, a tired smile on his face. With one last goodnight kiss, our bodies wrapped around each other and let sleep take us off to a world of dreams. I was about to wake to a world of nightmares, but if I were to go there and leave Nim behind, I could at least feel relief in the fact that he would always support me, even if only in spirit.

And that's the end!  Like I said, this was a side story to an already developed world, which will probably be the main story series I write on here (If I ever get time.  This story, barely 5 pages, took a good week or so, if not longer to write!).  So yeah, if you have questions about the world, namely a lot of the stuff Sirrus said about being a Shifter, and why he's so mopey about it, feel free to ask.  I don't want to suck up more space in this story field.