
Story by ZekeTheGeekyPanda on SoFurry

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An abrupt text which simply read, "Gid, let's talk." Made the plump red fox jump out of bed. He scratched his head trying to figure out how to respond when his phone dinged again. "Meet me at my place, we should do this face to face." Gideon started to sweat, he and the Hopps family had been doing business for a while, he had thought things were going well. The fox threw on his clothes and hopped in his van. "On my way" he sent out the text and drove off, his mind racing. By the time he arrived he had thought up so many horrible outcomes to the potential conversation that he was shaking as he stepped out of the van. He found the aging bunny sitting on his porch, Stu smiled waving at the nervous fox.

"Heya Gid!" Stu walked up hugging the fox tight, Gideon was a bit taken aback but returned the hug, leaning down a bit to match the shorter man's height. "Hope i didn't scare ya, thought if i kept things a little vague it'd get ya over here a bit quicker."

"It's alright Stu." Gideon managed to crack a smile, his mind put at ease seeing Stu acting like his usual jolly self.

"Come on out to the barn with me Gid, we can talk in private." He ushered the fox forward and the two walked side by side enjoying the warm summer breeze. "Don't know how Judy manages to live in that city, i mean just look at that!" He pointed up toward the moonlit sky, stars twinkling against the dark blue backdrop of the night sky. "Can't imagine many things prettier than this."

Gideon found himself staring at Stu's eyes, reflecting the beautiful scene before them. He turned away blushing, "Yeah, can't reckon much can beat a view like this"

The two walked in silence for the remainder of their stroll, Gideon tried to speak up, to say anything at all, but when he opened his mouth he simply couldn't muster anything. Stu gave Gideon a sly little grin and opened the door to their sizable barn, lit only by oil lamps that littered the side walls. "Gideon, i know."

Gideon's eyes went wide as the mature bunny took him by the hand, "W-w-what? Uh, w-whatever could ya mean?"

"C'mon Gid, I've seen the way you look at me. I've been around longer than you, and I know when a critter gets that warm fuzzy feeling for someone."

Gideon stood there dumbfounded, had he really been that easy to read? His trance was broken by another guiding tug from Stu, who smiled up at him.

"It's ok Gideon, I've got almost 300 kids running around. Did ya really think all of em were straight? This old bunny has the gaydar of a pro!" Gideon snorted, smiling at the goofy bunny. "Not to mention the fact that you pop a stiffy whenever I so much as touch you." Stu chuckled pointing down at the obvious erection that Gideon was sporting.

Gideon's face went red, matching the rest of his fur and he quickly went to cover himself. "I-I'm sorry, it's just...." Stu cut him off pulling him in close.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for Gid. If anything you've shown me just how sweet and kind a fox can be." Stu gently pulled Gideon down coming face to face with the blushing fox. "Is it alright if i kiss you now Gid?"

Gideon gulped and nodded, the mature bunny pulled his face in and kissed the inexperienced fox, Gideon pulled back at the sudden realization. "S-stu yer married!"

Stu just laughed, "Bonnie knows Gid, hell she wanted a crack at you too but I kinda got the feeling that you only swung my way."

"Stu, I dunno if I can do this. I mean i've never.....ya know." The fox blushed turning away whispering, "I've never been with anybody before."

"C'mere Gid, let your daddy show you the way." Stu reached around grabbing at the fox's erection, rubbing him through his overalls. Gideon gasped, his virgin dick pulsing at the sudden touch from the more experienced man. Pre soaked the front of his briefs as he felt his knees start to buckle. Stu lowered Gideon to the ground undoing the buttons on his overalls and kissed him again.

"Oh Stu." Gideon moaned as bunny explored every inch of his plump body. His soft paws slid up and down his curves while removing his clothing. Gideon was left in his white briefs, his cock throbbing hard against them with a noticeable wet spot on the front where he had been dripping pre.

"Gideon, you really are the cutest fox i've ever laid my eyes on." Gideon continued to squirm and moan as Stu carrased him. Stu's paws stopped at the waistband of Gideon's briefs. "You doing alright Gid?"

The fox had his hands over his face, he was panting moaning, but managed to give Stu a nod. "Y-you can k-keep goin."

Stu pulled Gideon's paws away from his face, "You're too cute to be covering up a face like that." The fox blushed as Stu peeled back his briefs, freeing his erection. Stu rubbed his soft chubby face against Gideon's erection and licked up the pre leaking from his cock. "Kind of a first for me to Gid, never have tasted a fox before." He gave Gideon a wink, and licked up the length of his cock before placing his soft paw around it jerking off the chubby fox. Gideon shuddered and moaned, he squeezed his nipples, he started moving his hips without even realizing, humping into the bunny's soft paw. "Damn Gid, you're really getting into it now." He fapped the fox faster and pushed him over the edge, Gideon let out a long moan as he came hard against Stu's paw, splattering the bunny's overalls in the fox's cum.

"Oooh, fuck Mr.H." Gideon layed there for a moment catching his breath. He sat up seeing the front of Stu's outfit covered in his cum. "Oh my stars, i-i'm so sorry. You were just so good, and I've never..!"

Stu laughed again, "C'mon Gid ya gotta stop apologizing so much, ain't the first time i've been hit by a good load and it won't be the last." He winked at him again, embarrassing the plump fox even more. Stu slipped off his shirt and overalls, revealing his own chubby cock wet with pre. "If you couldn't already tell, I've been having a good time son, aaaaand this ol bun goes commando!" Gideon chuckled seeing Stu, wave his junk from side to side.

Gideon hesitantly moved his paw toward Stu's erect dick. Stu decided to give Gidoen a little helping hand and guided him the rest of the way. The fox was mesmerized by the mature bunny's cock, he leaned in and took a big whiff of the musky bunny's scent, which managed to get a little blush out of the mature critter. Gideon slowly moved his paw along the length of Stu's shaft, and stopped near the tip, massaging the head of the bunny's dick. "Mhm, you're doing great Gid, making your daddy feel real nice."

Gideon's confidence grew as he started hearing pleasant moans escape Stu's mouth, stroking the bunny faster, as his other paw made its way around to his backside, squeezing his firm cheek. "Checking out this bun's buns eh Gid?"

Gideon rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile, "You're such a dork, D-daddy." He blushed saying it out loud for the first time, and felt Stu's firm dick pulse in his paw."You love it~" Stu playfully rubbed the fur on Gideon's head.

It wasn't long before the mature bunny blew his load. Gideon was pulled down by Stu, who held his face and smiled up at him. "I'd say you did pretty dang well Gid." He gave the fox a quick kiss laying down next to him. Gideon layed there, covered in the bunny's cum, grinning ear to ear. "Well ya gonna say something Gid? Hope i didn't break ya hehe!"

"S-sorry, kinda just baskin in the afterglow. Can't really believe i actually fooled around with ya is all" The fox felt the warmth of the bunny's paw again rubbing his belly.

"We can do a whole lot more if you want Gid, we bunny's have a knack with this sort of thing." He pointed down to his dick, already getting hard again.

"Hehe, i'd like that a whole lot Stu, b-but i think i'm done for tonight." Gideon sat up wiping the cum out of his fur. "My head is still kinda spinnin."

"All righty, guess I can wait to pound your ass another night!" The bunny chuckled and Gideon blushed hard.

"S-s-stu!" It was all the fox could muster in response, already feeling butterflies in his stomach, fantasizing about getting fucked by the chubby bunny.

"Next time we do this, let's use your place. Tonight was hot, but my back is gonna hate me later." Stu sat up cracking his back, "I'd really prefer to fuck on a bed." He said patting the hard floor of the barn.

"Y-Yes sir!" The two shared one last kiss and cleaned themselves up as best they could, Stu opted to walk back to the house without his overalls, partially because they were still coated in cum, but he really just liked seeing the fox squirm as he strutted his stuff. They parted ways at Gideon's van, Stu spanked Gideon's ass while he was getting in and waved him off on his way.

Gideon's Proposal

The chubby red fox nervously fiddled with his paws, trying to work up the courage to ring the doorbell. "C'mon Gid you can do this! You're gonna get in there and make em see that cha ain't....!" Gideon's pep talk to himself was interrupted by the sound...

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