Embrace of the Serpent Men

Story by Mauduin on SoFurry

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My name is Cargan, and I am a human soldier in the army of Algerion. Our country has been at war for almost a year now with what we have called the "Serpent Men". My convoy, which was delivering weapons from the west, was ambushed by the Serpent Men and now we are being kept in their dungeon.

The Serpent Men are a race of half men, half snakes that have a thirst for conquest. Each serpent man differs slightly. Some have human legs while others have a serpent's tail instead, some have both legs and a tail. Some were green and some were brown. The only features that are consistent throughout their species were they all have serpentine faces and scaly skin.

Our forces have been slowly and slowly on the retreat during this war and we have slowly began to lose more and more land. Only a few surrounding towns and the capital remain before we lose the war. Rumors have it that they only leave a few dead bodies and take more prisoners as slaves or as food.

I await my fate in this cell alone. My clothes were tattered and torn, but still covered the most of my body. Our convoy consisted of 12 men; three of them were killed in the ambush. As I drew my sword I felt a blunt object hit my head and the next thing I knew I was in this cell, a prisoner to the Serpent Men.

The cell was small and the only light came from lanterns and the light that reflected off the damp stones. Two guards regularly patrolled the corridor. Both of them had legs and a tail, and were covered in black plate armor. I have noticed that all the serpent men have been well built. Unlike our army which has all ranges of builds, the serpent men seem to consistently be well toned, which has probably given them the upper hand in this war. I wasn't complaining though. The serpent men had always been attractive in my eyes. I was indeed gay and their lovely bodies had always stimulated me. It was too bad I was fighting for the opposing side.

According to Algerion law, homosexuality is seen as an abomination and anyone who is gay is to be burned. I grew up with my lust for men in secrecy. It was hard growing up as the son of the captain of the guard. I was expected to follow in his footsteps, so I was surrounded by men all the time. While this was a blessing it was also a curse. I had to hide my secret all the time. Being the son of the highest ranking Captain had it's upsides. I was privy to all the secret passages and escape routes, as well as all defense strategies for the capital. Little did these snakes know how valuable I was.

A little while later a serpent man wearing only greaves came to my cell and scanned me over. His chiseled abs and his strong pecs caught my eye. Slowly I started building an erection. I could of stared at his body and been satisfied despite being locked in a cell. This one was different from the other Serpent Men I had seen since he was wearing a spiked collar around his neck and looked bigger. I worked my way up his body to his serpentine face. I looked into his slit pupils and noticed he was glaring down at my erection. I tried quickly to hide it but he had noticed it. He smiled and hissed.

"This one will be perfect for the master. Chain him up and escort him to the masters chambers. You will do quite nicely."

The other two jailers came into my cell, chained my legs and hands up and started to take me down further into their stronghold. I walked past the rest of the cells down my corridor to hopefully see my fellow squad, but the cells were empty. Perhaps I was the only survivor, or maybe the rest were sent to start new lives as slaves. Once we had left the cells I started to wonder what the "master" wanted with me. Perhaps a meal? Perhaps a sacrifice.

We had walked past corridor after corridor and finally we had reached a large wooden door. I was escorted in. This room was a bedroom chamber. A large bed lay on the left side of the room and a large desk with maps and battle strategies across from the bed. By the window on the opposite side of the room was a very large Serpent Man, larger than the other Serpent Men. All I could see was his backside. He had a serpents tail instead of legs and was green in colour. He was wearing black plate armor laced with gold. He also had a hood around his head like a cobra.

"Bow before your future king." The left Serpent Men told me.

The giant Serpent Man turned from the window and showed the front half of his body. He was incredibly built, it was like looking at the body of a greek god. His large fangs protruded from his mouth.

He looked me over with his eyes and smiled just like the collared serpent man did earlier.

"He will do quite nicely. Leave us!" The large Serpent Man had commanded.

The two guards left the room and closed the door behind them. I couldn't help my erection this time, this was one definitely hot man. If I was going to be eaten I was at least going to enjoy myself one last time.

"I must say my elites always pick the best subjects for me. And I must say you look like you're ready for some fun. What is your name?" He asked me.


"Why do you fight us? Your race is losing this war and your losing countless numbers everyday, while each and every day we slowly advance on your capitol." He started to slither towards me. "We are given strength by our god Sseth. He gives power to his children so we may dominate the mammals. Please, make yourself comfortable. My name is King Cohbran. I am the king of the Serpent Men."

I decided to sit on the bed as he offered.

I spoke up, "If you're going to eat me, please stop with the pleasantries."

"You really think I'm going to eat you? I'm saving that privilege for old and decrepit King. We don't take prisoners to eat them. We sort our the prisoners into two categories, the weaker ones for slaves, and the stronger ones are sent for conversion."

"Conversion?" I asked.

"It has been one of our best kept secrets from you mammals."

He started to remove his armor to show his rock hard abs and his large pecs, his muscles were bulging everywhere. He was completely naked, but Serpent Men kept their genitals inside their bodies. I had never seen the genitals of a Serpent Man, but I was definitely interested.

He continued, "Our god Sseth has given us the ability to turn you humans into Serpent Men. Ever noticed that our numbers don't seem to dwindle while yours are declining? That's because they become part of Sseth's children. I can definitely see that you find me attractive. I thought that was forbidden for your people."

"It is." I replied.

"Sseth has told us to embrace the love that two males can show. It is not an abomination, it is natural. If it was wrong, you would not feel the way you do. It is also why my elite chose you to meet me. For I am also gay. I prefer the sent and the seed of a man over that of a woman."

I think I figured out why he wanted to meet me, he wanted to mate with me. But was I to be a slave or to be converted after he was through with me. Really that didn't matter, either was fine since I was going to be taken by this hot Serpent Man.

"The conversion process requires our priests to do a few spells and for the human to drink a potion derived from the venom of Sseth, but I can perform the conversion myself. I only choose the pick of the crop for my conversion."

So I was to become a Serpent Man, instead of repulsing me the thought intrigued me.

"While you are already nicely toned, you would receive more strength and muscle. And you homosexuality would be embraced among our people. However, you would be converted through my special method. Sseth gave me the power to convert mammals by myself by a means that well suited me. I will convert you by mating with you if you choose."

"If I choose?" I had a choice in the matter?

"If you accept my offer you will join my elite guard, you will be stronger than the other serpent men. You will be the best of the best. If you decline my offer, I will still mate with you, but you will become a mere snake and live the rest of your days crawling on the ground in the forrest. But no one so far has refused my offer. At least not yet."

"What would I look like?" I asked.

"That is up to the divine will of Sseth. What is your answer? Embrace Sseth and become his child, or refuse."

This was something I craved for, I had never mated with another male before, and I had always felt like an outsider in Algerion because of who I was. This was a dream come true. I lusted for the Serpent Men, and now was my time to join them.

"I wish to become one of your elites my king." I got off the bed and bowed before him.

"Just as I had predicted. There are three methods to my conversion method. First you must drink my seed, then your seed must be injected through your anus. Finally, once I ejaculate, I will bite you and inject my venom into your body. Normally my venom is poisonous to Mammals, but if my seed is given to a subject, it will speed up the transformation process and you will become one of us."

"How will you have enough seed for me to swallow and to inject into me?"

"Sseth also blessed me with two penis'. One for each job."

King Cohbran slithered towards me, leaned towards me and asked me, "Are you ready to embrace Sseth?"

"I am ready my King"

He then kissed me, I felt bliss as his forked tongue worked around my mouth. He then went upright and one of his penis' emerged from his scaly hide. With a snap of his scaly fingers, my chains unlocked and fell off.

"Drink up from my seed and be blessed by Sseth." He commanded.

His penis was oddly shaped like a human's penis than a snake's penis. It was very large, larger than any human I had seen. Still bowing before him, I took his penis and put it in my mouth. I started to massage the head with my tongue. King Cohbran moaned, "That's it, just like that." This was my first time ever doing this with a male, but I was loving every minute of it. I started to take his penis further and further down my mouth, caressing his head with my tongue. I tasted what must have been pre-cum. It was a wonderful feeling on my tongue.

"Almost there, my seed is almost there!" King Cohbran moaned. He started moaning louder and louder. His hands were caressing my head as I pleasured him. All of a sudden, his seed erupted from his cock and into my mouth. This was it, the first phase of the transformation. Without second thought I swallowed it. I started to lick King Cohbran's penis to make sure I got all of his seed within me.

"Excellent, you have done well. You have taken the first steps towards become a child of Sseth. Now, rise up, I like to penetrate my subjects while they are standing."

I got up from the ground and stood up. He tore my clothes from me and I stood in front of him naked. He started to examine my genitals with his hands.

"Very nice...for a mammal. I will wrap my coils around you and I will embrace you with my second penis. It will hurt at first but accept it and it will turn to pleasure"

I felt his warm coils wrap around my body, working his way around my legs and feeling his body against my ass. Scales felt nicer against my skin than human skin did. He bent my upper body slightly forward and then I felt his second penis around my ass. His penis played with my hole, teasing me. He then thrust forward and I could feel his penis inside of me. I let out a little yelp. It hurt at first, but I relaxed and let it happen. It felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. This was the greatest feeling in my life. His hard hot body pounding my ass as his penis worked it's way in me. His hands caressed me as he leaned forward and started to lick my face with his forked tongue. My anus relaxed more and more to allow his massive cock to work it's way inside me. King Cohbran was moaning louder than before.

"It is almost finished. Prepare to embrace Sseth!" Immediately I felt a warm liquid inside my body. His seed was now injected inside of me. All that was left was his bite.

I suddenly screamed in pain.

I felt his fangs penetrate my shoulder. His fangs felt like two daggers had penetrated my body at once. I felt his venom entering my body and working it's way into my bloodstream. I was expecting him to warn me like he did the other times. I now started to feel dizzy.

King Cohbran raised his fangs out of my body and let go of my body with his coils.

"You will feel dizzy while the transformation takes place, but it will only be for a moment. Let Sseth's warm coils embrace you."

My skin started to feel itchy. It started to dry up and flake off revealing green scales underneath. My hair started to fall out and wither away. I felt a tail start to break through my skin from the top of my ass and grow longer and longer. I could feel my muscles growing larger and stronger than they were before. My face started to get longer and I could feel my teeth changing into sharper fangs. I could feel my tongue getting thinner and forked inside my mouth. This was what I wanted, it was really happening. My penis also started to sneak back into my body like the other Serpent Men.

The transformation was now complete, I stood up and looked at my new body in the mirror. I still had legs but also had a tail. My body was now covered in green scales and my muscles definitely looked bigger than before. I could definitely feel like some divine entity was making me stronger. I opened my mouth to look at my new fangs. The pupils of my eyes were now slit. I took my forked tongue and hissed. I could taste the smells in the air. I was now who I was meant to be, one of the children of Sseth.

"Turn around my child and bow before your king." King Cohbran commanded.

"As you command my liege."

I bowed before him, the male who had set me free and let me embrace the love of another male. He slithered over to his desk and pulled out a collar just like the one the Serpent Man that came to his cell had on earlier. He slithered back and put it around Cargan's neck.

"You are no longer Cargan. From now on you will be known as Ssargan. You are now one of my elite guard. You may choose any male for your mate, but you will always belong to me and will mate with me whenever I choose."

"Whatever you command my master." I acknowledged.

King Cohbran brought in some other Serpent Men and had me fitted with new armor. I informed my new King of the secrets I knew of the castle. All the passageways, escape routes, and the defense strategies. We used my knowledge to form a massive assault. Sure enough, Algerion fell to the might of Sseth. I personally brought the old king to King Cohbran and watched as he swallowed him whole. He now wears the Algerion crown on his head and rules over this land with the other serpent men. He is master to all and he will embrace those he finds worthy.

All hail King Cohbran! May the coils of Sseth embrace his children and his venom kill those who are unworthy.