SB-TB 02

Story by Sly Bluepaw on SoFurry

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#3 of SB-TB

Another teaser submission for a story I'm (albeit slowly) working on.

Family... heh, something I wish I had right now. Well to put it into more perspective, a family that was a family, than just those who know each other by blood.

I have a mom, a dad, and a sister. I'm not very close to each of them, not even equally distance either. I don't connect well with either of them; not at each other's throats but lacking of a strong bond. My sis had a better bonding with Mom as I did with Dad. However the bonding between me and Dad wasn't quality enough. It was more spur of the moment and then a gap of nothing.

I have several aunts, uncles, and cousins but always felt overwhelmed or shy around them only because the um... how overly excited they were to see me while I was the exact opposite, scared and nervous, especially with my cousins. Smiles were a bit too heavy. Eventually they stopped trying to greet me or left me be after many attempts to get me talking about what's going on in my life and I had literally nothing to share because my life was dull, boring and depressing.

I didn't know what to say or do, and my cousins had interests I found distasteful or boring, at least was in my view. Rarely they had a game I enjoyed and wanted to play more of, but they found it boring and wanted to do something else I felt uncomfortable of doing. Same happened with some friends over the years; just grew apart like that.

..... ..... ....., ..... ..... .....?

...No, I don't miss any of them.


Any of them. Whlie I may have grown up with majority of them, I never connected well with them. Heavy lack of common interests than just one, heavy lack of talking points to get a conversation going. Besides, I refused to talk about a few things that I knew would be either boring for them or cause conflict; and I've had to deal with that as a kid between my sister and my mother alone. Almost on a weekly basis they would be at each other's throats in a shouting match. I've long since blocked those out of my mind.


...There are some friends I miss, but they're better off I'm not a part of their life anymore. I believe they're happier without me. Besides, made better friends here than from my old home. Maybe if those--

..... .....! .....?!

Ah flimrod, let's go!

Maybe if those suits didn't invade and demand respect at a grave cost of living, my friends would be still living with. Shame I'll never see them again even if I do go back.

SB-TB 01

Hmm? What's the history of this old thing? I don't know what you mean it's just an ordinary-- .....! Alright, alright you don't need to grill me like that. You noticed it's unique than what you usually see in this world you live in, with designs so...


SB-TB 00

_CRASH_ That was me being thrown out a tall skyscraper. _SMASH SMASH_ That was my two friends following suit in turn. We were tasked of taking down this building of cold soulless metal, and we failed. We thought we had it in the bag, be wrapped up...


Orange of the Twin Pools

You know the twin pools, deep inside the cave on the Isle of Kasau? I heard various yarns about it: Legends, Myths, and Witness Encounters. One stuck out to me the most. Numerous miners reported to have seen an orange entity wondering the caves and...

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