Fun in the Sun

Story by Vaunmutt on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissioned Work

A super fun story a friend commissioned me to write, involving his nudist otter getting up to all sorts of wholesome hi-jinks in a park! That's a lie - its not wholesome at all!

The late-morning light kissed the concrete and dew-covered grass as it rose up into the sky, casting dark shades of cool respite from the summer warmth. The park sung with life; from birds happily chirping to vendors hawking cheap, cool drinks and overpriced hot dogs, it seemed everyone out and about was just looking for a good way to beat the heat. Of course, the most _direct_method seemed to elude everyone's attention - whether that be out of ignorance or a respect for common decency, none could say. Everyone's attention, save Caleb's - and _he_certainly wasn't escaping anyone's attention.

Being a nudist had its ups and downs, of course, but when it came to evading that sweltering heat and numbing it down to a mere warm glow, there was hardly a better way to go about it. Course, that meant that a lot of "fine dining" was off the table, but a food truck parked on the side of a road was hard to beat! A panting husky wiping his brow off with the hem of his shirt openly gawked when the otter walked by, nude as the day he was born save the flip-flops on his feet. He was about to stand up and have words with Caleb, when a nearby pedestrian reminded him that, yes, while public nudity might be frowned upon, it was by the grace of an obscure city statute that it wasn't_outright_illegal. That certainly gave him a few ideas.. once he worked up the courage.

The otter, for his part, scantly noticed the exchange, too busy striding towards the park for a spot of morning exercise while blaring music through his headphones. It had taken him a while to get used to the idea of just.. -being- naked, but once he embraced it, he found he hadn't felt freer! There were a few hurdles to jump past, though - some he still hadn't quite cleared completely. The most obvious, and most at the front of his mind was "don't get a boner". Sure, in a nudist colony, it was just accepted that they happen and to move past it. But in public, in a city - in a park, no less - that wasn't quite so easy to do! Especially when said park is packed to the brim with shirtless dudes freeballing under their shorts to escape swamp-ass. Every jump during a game and step during a jog sent an obvious mass flopping about, outlined in the contours of their sheer coverings. Frankly, it'd be hard not to have your raging hard-on noticed in such a place even if you _were_wearing pants.

If you weren't? Well, as Caleb found out, the only solution that'd avoid him a citation for public indecency would be a quick step to a bench and a hasty fold of his thighs, trapping that uncut otter-cock beneath and pinning it down out of sight - but not mind. A quick rush of blood to his cheeks caused his skin to prick with sweat as he fought to calm himself down, the sudden thought of eyes rolling across his nude form doing _nothing_to abate that throbbing problem he had to deal with down below - a problem that became so much worse when he felt a sudden thump in the bench beneath him. He quickly glanced over only to be met with an absolute scaly _hunk_of a dude. Fresh off of his run and glinting with sweat, the musclegut-toting gator had one foot perched up atop the bench as he chugged from his water bottle - a cascade of sun-catching droplets running down his pecs and belly until they dripped down past his co-

His cock. His cock was out. Well, not _out-out-,_but still - hanging loose out of one leghole along with a sagging, sweatslick ball, his choice of stance giving Caleb a front-row seat to the wardrobe malfunction that let his fleshy crown and stark silver Prince Albert piercing breathe. _Throb, -throb-._He couldn't tell whether it was just his heartrate from the pace of his exercise or if he was doing it on purpose but -fuck- , did it matter? The otter felt his own meat press up against his leg as pre began to dribble from the tip - a thin glinting stream of it hanging from his tip down to the ground through a slat in the bench. Finally finished with his drink, the gator dropped his gaze down to the naked male and flashed those sharp teeth.

"Damn kid, you must be wearing dental floss or some shit. I don't see a thread on ya."

Caleb chuckled - nervously. Extremely nervously, actually, given the fact that if he so much as shifted either leg an inch he'd slap his belly with his own cock.

"A-aha, yeah. I'm uh, a nudist, actually! So, yeah! That's pretty accurate, hah.."

The gator let a smirk cross his lips, which somehow looked _more_predatory than when he was simply baring his teeth. His eyes dropped a little lower, catching sight of a poignant dark, wet spot on the ground, and a faint hint of something glinting in the sunlight.

"That explains _ that _, then. Have a good one, rudderbutt~."

Huh? Caleb gulped down some saliva to wet his suddenly desert-dry throat, his eyes watching that toned, thick gator ass bounce as he started to jog off towards the exit. The lack of blood in the otter's brain meant it took him more than a few seconds to both _stop_staring, and to ponder just what the hell he was talking about. Putting it out of his mind - or at least, trying to, Caleb quickly started to call up every boner-killing image he could think of until he could manage to work his dick down to half-mast, but this wasn't something he could just ignore, he knew he'd need to go somewhere a little bit more "private". He waited until the passersby thinned out enough to stand and _quickly_dashed behind a set of shrubs near the main pathway. Hardly a guarantee of privacy, but it would have to do.

In the shade of a nearby tree, Caleb slumped against the soft cushion of the bush, letting his head fall back as he tried to push the sounds of people playing and running mere feet away aside to focus on what he'd just seen. Gods, if he'd been _anywhere else_he would've stuck his face in that sweaty mound of gator-crotch in a heartbeat - probably. Its a fantasy, after all! He wrapped his fingers around his own dick and began to tug, pinching his foreskin with each slow roll of flesh past his dripping cockhead until the pleasure began to mount and he just couldn't keep his voice back any longer. Metering his moans out to quiet whispers as best he could, he imagined himself back on the bench, brazenly jerking his cock and throating that dad's meat, the drool running down his chin as he slipped his sloppy tongue into the gator's foreskin, feeling a phantom hand on the back of his head push him down as the other tugged on his nipple or squeezed his nuts - anything to amp up the scene stirring in his mind.

"_....hh.. Hfh-fuck.."

"You hear somethin' dude?"_

Caleb's heart practically stopped as he heard that nearby voice, but his hand certainly didn't. His eyes clenched shut tighter as the raunchy porno playing in his head evolved. Now there were onlookers; he bit down on his lip as he imagined another cock dropping across his snout, and another hand squeezing his cock. He heard the click of a camera as it took pictures and worked that in too - seeing himself through the viewfinder as he degenerated into the centerpiece of an impromptu orgy. He licked his tongue across his lips, tasting phantom gator-jizz pour into his throat as he was tugged tight to the man's crotch, his nose pressed firm into the crease of his waist, eyes obscured by green belly as he felt himself drawing closer, and closer, and oh-so-much closer.

"..haah~.. harder..."

"I swear, Jake, there's someone over here. Sounds like they might be hurt?"

Just as he felt that spring of orgasmic tension begin to coil up behind his cock, he was ripped from his fantasy by a sudden voice - so close that it pierced through his arousal and made him tense up, the grip on his cock turning into a vice as he tried to hold his orgasm back. Quickly turning about and getting to his knees to hide his throbbing shaft, he went wide-eyed as he was met by the crotch of a strapping young horse, his eyes lingering on the unsubtle bulge of an equine sheath before quickly snapping his eyes up to meet his gaze.

"You alright, guy? I thought I heard someone in pain like, right here."

He was -about- to reply, when he suddenly felt his body act against his mind. He _ had to hold himself together, but the vice-grip on his cock had loosened just enough for his fingers to act as a faux cock-ring, and the resulting fullness in his shaft made it feel too good. He started to stroke, he then tried to _stop_stroking, to no avail. Left with no choice but to endure for all he was worth, he clenched his teeth and nodded, his "_mhm!" coming out a little more ragged and high-pitched than he was intending it to. The horse raised a brow but didn't mention it, instead glancing over the bushes and then back down to Caleb, whose shuddering breaths and half-lidded eyes more than raised his confusion.

"Uh so, what'cha doing back there? I'd guess having a picnic, but I don't see a blanket or, uh, food.."

The otter gulped again, letting out a wash of hot breath as he picked up the pace down below, his shaft spitting globs of thick, gooey precum onto the green leaves in front of it, each stroke sending more and more flooding out from his bunched-up foreskin and glistening, throbbing crown. His eyes darted around but lingered on the horse's crotch more than was polite (which, if you're wondering, is not at all) and quickly realized he was asked a question. He stumbled over moans hitching in his throat, his panting growing more and more labored as he fought his urges and forced his eyes up to the horse's

"O-Oh, just.. hf.. enjoying the sceneryyy.. Got.. g-got a little hot so.. I'm taking a str- break! I'm t-hhh.. takingabreakintheshade! Ghh.."

Half of that was true, at least. He _was_taking in the scenery. The _extremely local_scenery, situated two feet in front of him behind a barrier of nylon. Despite the conversation he was.. well, taking part in, his fantasy had never quite stopped playing behind his eyes, it had just taken on a new form now. The horse bent over to fetch a water bottle from his backpack to offer the otter - he reckoned he seemed parched - and had apparently neglected to tug up his shorts after whatever he'd just finished doing. The harmless bend quickly turned into the object of Caleb's perverted desire when a chance swish of the tail gave him an unobstructed view of half of the male's puffy, equine donut-hole. He felt an audible groan roll out of his mouth as his cock throbbed hard enough to push his clenched fist apart, the sudden mental addition of sinking his dripping, throbbing dick into the stallion's pliant, rubbery back-door enough to push Caleb over the edge.

He let out a shameless moan and bucked his hips forward, fucking his cock into the pre-lubed hole he made with his fingers as he felt that same spring wind up until it nearly hurt and then uncoil like a rocket taking off - the sudden throbbing heat in his prostate flowing through his crotch as the bottom of his cock distended from the thick flow of jizz traveling through it. Holding onto the top of the shrub, clenching at a branch for dear life, Caleb shivered as the first fat rope of white, gooey cum shot from his cock like a fire hose, landing clear between the horse's legs and about three feet in front of him to boot. His balls tensed up _tight_to his crotch, hugging his cock as they pumped load after load of otter-nut out and across the footpath, splattering leaves white as he creamed a hole clean through the shrubs with the force of his release. Rope after sticky, syrup-like rope poured out, each one weaker than the last until they no longer cleared the bushes, merely firing out into the mess he'd made of the soil down below.

Panting, groaning, the otter slowly regained the sense of where he was and what he'd just done, and he could already _feel_a number of eyes boring into his skull - not the least of which was the horse's. The same one who unintentionally played the goalposts for his impressive salvo. He shivered, feeling those powerful aftershocks roll through him - his softening dick still spurting out weak, dribbling streams of seed that made his shaft bounce with each little push. Casting his eyes down and growing hot with the knowledge he'd been caught white-handed, Caleb glanced up to find the horse sheepishly holding a water bottle out in front of him for the otter to take.. his other hand nervously fiddling with the waistband of his shorts.He gave the bottle a shake.

"..So. Uh.. would you rather have.. this?"

He then gave the waistband a little tug, showing off the top of that leathery sheath.

"..Or this?"