Gimme The Works!

Story by wrince on SoFurry

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It's a simple question, really; which Eeveelution is best? It's got a simple solution, too - try them all and see what fits! Of course, if things were that straightforward, it wouldn't be a Plaisir tale, now would it?

My part of an Anthology, titled 'An Eevee Walks into a Bar'! We each wrote about a different Eeveelution visiting Café Plaisir, and I got Sylveon! you can get the whole selection here, in PDF and EPUB.

October, Red, Yellow, Blue, and Chai all belong to October Flixard

Jack (The Typhlosion barkeeper), alongside the whole concept behind Café Plaisir, belongs to Palibakufun on FA.

Pokémon is (c) Gamefreak.


Surely you've heard of Café Plaisir? It's a lovely little place nestled in the heart of the Oklahoma plains, a place for pokémon and humans to intermingle and relax... and often, to do a bit more than that. Sometimes quite a lot more than that.

Take today, for example. An Eevee walks into a bar... but one way or another, that Eevee isn't walking out again.

The Main Bar of Plaisir is so central, so foundational and built-in to the very bedrock of the Café that it doesn't need a name. Dark Pulse is the nightclub, all flashing lights and rave music; Captivate is the combined cabaret, dance hall and theatre, but The Main Bar... The Café has built around it over the years, aggregated like the layers of a pearl. That Typhlosion behind the bar could well have been standing there, cleaning that same glass, since the place was first built, wiping a rag across the counter to deal with errant brick-dust and grumbling at the plasterers to wipe their damn shoes.

An Eevee walks into a bar...

It's early afternoon. Quiet. This kind of place doesn't exactly get much of a lunchtime rush. The bartender looks up from his endless polishing and gives the newcomer a curt nod. Neither friendly face nor obvious troublemaker, he seems content to leave it at that. A few locals glance from their drinks before returning to quiet conversation with the pokémon across from them, the words deliberately muted by the place's low music. About half the pokémon in the place - none of the humans, though - were wearing aprons, or skirts, or sometimes just a bandana. The only thing actually uniform about these uniforms was that they predominantly featured the café's stylised, flowing 'P' somewhere upon themselves, designating them as a waiter - and, by extension, as someone who would be more than happy to get to know any prospective customer that smiled their way.

The Eevee made her way to a table near the corner and had barely gotten seated when a flash of red caught her eye. One of the waiters bustles his way over, flashing her a warm smile... in every sense, given that he's a fire-type. A fellow Eeveelution, specifically.

"Afternoon there, and Welcome to the café! Can I get you anything?" The Flareon chirped with a happy flash to his eyes - practiced, yet genuine.

"Oh, uh... Just an ice-water for now, i think?" she replied, quiet and uncertain.

"Sure thing! Back in a sec!" He spun about, heading towards the bar.

The Eevee watched his receding back with a thoughtful expression, but quickly averted her gaze with a faint blush as he turned around, not wanting to be caught staring.

"He's a fine piece of ass, huh?"

The voice caught her by surprise and made her jump - she twisted on her seat to look down, right into the eyes of the biggest Umbreon she'd ever seen, and right into the teeth of a leering grin. She gave a nervous little 'eep!', ears splaying out.

"Aw, relax wouldja? I'm not gonna bite! ... Well, not for free." He snickers, looking his unevolved compatriot up and down. "Say. Aren't you a little... old to be an Eevee?"

"Chai!" This came from the returning Flareon, directed at the Umbreon - well, at least she knew what to call him, now.

"Yeah, yeah... Sorry, Red." Chai grumbled to himself as he stood up, stretching out and casually unsheathing his claws into the bar's green carpet. "Listen, when you get bored of him? Come find me." With that, he sauntered off... tail held high, making no attempt to hide anything. The motions of his walk made his ass sway from side to side, his heavy ebony orbs bouncing enticingly with each step. Despite herself, she couldn't help but stare.

"Ahem... Your water, miss?" The glass was slipped onto the table before her, its ice long since melted, gentle wisps of steam coming from it, belying the Flareon's irritation. "Don't mind him. He's... Well, it's really not my place to say." He shook his head gently. "Anyway! Should I leave you to browse the menu? Or, would you mind a little company?"

"I wouldn't mind... Sorry, it's my first time, this is... all a little overwhelming..." She murmured softly, her eyes snapping away from that black booty as it vanished behind a door marked 'STAFF ONLY'.

"Oh? Well, allow me to fill you in!" He flashes a teasing wink across the table, his forepaws resting on it as he leans slightly closer. "What've you heard so far, how'd you find us?"

"Oh, uh..." The Eevee swallowed gently, looking abashedly off to one side. "Well... I heard it was a good place for... y'know, pokémon to come... and, relax, and-and meet other pokémon, and..." She stumbled to a halt.

"Ooh, I see... So, first time, huh?" The Flareon's voice was tinged with understanding, with more than a hint of flirtatiousness to it. "Don't worry, we specialise in that sort of thing."

"W-what!? Yes! No! I mean, I, ah...!" If the Eevee's blush got any hotter, she was in danger of evolving into a Flareon herself, right then and there.

"Hey, woah! Calm down, geez. I didn't mean to upset ya. Here, have a sip of... Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise! I'll be right back..."

He hurried off with the glass of water, sending it almost bubbling over with barely-concealed embarrassment at his mishandling of this potential customer. She slumped down in her chair with a sigh... only to lock eyes with someone stalking underneath the table. The blue fishdog flashed her a grin and flowed up into the seat beside her, leaning back with a casual grin.

"Hey there... Sorry about my brother. Red can get himself all worked up sometimes." He offered, by way of apology. "I'm Blue. Welcome!"

"Uh, thanks. Don't worry, he already gave me the run-down." She shook her head slightly.

"He did? Only, it sounded like he'd barely gotten started... Do you even know what kind of a place this is?"

She swallowed, taking a while to answer. "...yeah," She said, finally. "I mean, you've got a Pro²creations billboard outside, right? This isn't exactly a daycare, but..."

"But it's not exactly not a daycare." Blue interjected smoothly. "That's it. A place for pokémon to meet other pokémon and make more pokémon. Or, given that this is the 2020s and not the 1950s, to do all sorts of other, MUCH more interesting things..." His voice dipped down a notch or two. "And not just with other Pokémon, if you catch my drift. You think every human here is a trainer here to pass the time while their battle-buddies knock boots?"

She just looked around at this, before quickly shaking her head. "Gosh... Well, I'm, uh. Not here for them."

Blue smiled, leaning a little further over the table, his headfins perking up. "No? Well, do tell. What ARE you here for, missy?"

Their conversation was interrupted by a polite clearing of the throat, and a careful 'tink' of a glass being placed down. Clearly Red had taken some time to calm himself - Condensation was beading off this glass; it was so cold that it threatened to claim a layer of skin from the lips of anyone foolish enough to try drinking from it.

Red stood behind it, staring at his brother the customer-poacher, his gaze almost as chilly as the drink.


"Oh, hey bro! Have a seat. Our guest here was just about to tell us what she's here for!" He flashed her a wink, one that made her shrink back and almost melt into her seat.

"Blue, stop teasing the poor lady! Can't you see she-"


Her voice cut through the music, cut through the conversations around them, sent heads turning towards her from every direction. Even the bartender looked up from his glass - was it the same one as before? - to shoot them a look. Quietly, she shrank down, until only her eyes and ears were peeking up above the edge of the table.

"...I want to evolve. I'm sick of being an Eevee... the jokes, being mistaken for a kid, having to be careful not to expose myself to the wrong influences..."

"...Huh." Said Blue, finally.

"Well?" asked Red. "What's stopping you?"

"I don't..." She took a breath. "I don't know. It's just... so final! What if I pick wrong? What if I evolve and spend all my life wondering 'what if i'd been that instead of this? Wouldn't I be happier that way?' So I thought, maybe if I... Y'know, get to know as many different evolved Eevees as possible... really see what they have to offer?" She slowly lifted herself up, reaching for the glass of water. "Maybe it'd help me finally decide."

Blue and Red glanced at each other. They shared a look... and then a smile.


"I mean, you did come to the right place. But did you want to get to know them?"

"Or... get to KNOW them?" Red's eyebrows waggled suggestively, a playful smile on his face. The Eevee's blush returned, deeper than ever.

"I-I don't wanna get knocked up, if that's what you're asking!"

"Oh, we have a lot of ways around THAT." Red laughed. "We wouldn't be in business if we couldn't keep repeat customers! Y'know, condoms, certain pills and potions, or the traditional option - pick another hole."

"Red!" Blue slapped his shoulder good-naturedly.

"Heh, sorry. Too far?" He glanced over to their charge, who shook her head slowly.

"N-nooo... I think we're all on the same page, here..."

"Great! Though, for all these waiters, we'll need to get you a room... Maybe one of the Party Rooms, on the top floor..."


It was an hour later. Payment had been discussed and dealt with, and Sammi - for that was our Eevee's name, hadn't we mentioned that before? - was sprawled out on an enormous bed, pondering her life choices thus far... Was this really such a good idea? She could always -

Her momentary self-doubt was interrupted by the soft 'click' of the door opening. She sat up, coming eye-to-eye with Blue's confident smile.

"Why, hello again..." He started, sauntering his way across the large room, his heavy finned tail sweeping to and fro behind him. He'd barely cleared the doorway when Red followed suit, accompanied by a Jolteon. They moved quickly, flanking Blue, the three of them giving her knowing smiles. Red spoke up "Allow me to introduce-"

"Let me guess. Yellow?"

"Got it in one, miss~" Yellow shook his head. "Maybe a little too predictable, but why mess with what works?" He dipped his head with an in-the-know smile, before uttering an awful-casual, "Anyway, I've heard you want a bit of a show - but I hope you don't mind if we keep things to just us three, to begin with? Some of our companions will be joining us... shortly."

Sammi nodded, scooting up the bed to make room for the three Eeveelution brothers. She needn't have bothered - the bed was easily large enough as it was. The three hopped up onto the bed, quickly surrounding her - Blue moving sinuously, looking like he was swimming through the air, Yellow dashing to the right and whipping up onto the bed, quick as lightning, while Red slipped closer, flashing her a smouldering look.

"I trust you won't mind if we take the lead, here? Things might get a bit... hectic, but if there's anything you don't like, just let us know and we'll mix things up until you're happy again. After all," He leant in, giving her a quick kiss on the nose. "That IS what this is all about, isn't it?"

She just nodded, silently, staring up into his eyes. Blue, not wanting his brother to hog the spotlight, leant in to nose lightly against her side. "Well. Three Eeveelutions, three holes... sound okay to you? Or would you rather we try something else...?"

"Oh, no, that sounds quite fine to me..." She'd barely gotten the words out before a cheeky yellow paw dove between her hindlegs, giving her spade a slow, tingling little rub, tiny jolts of electricity running through her body. "Oh~!"

"Just a little warm-up~" Yellow teased, his bristles starting to quiver and stand out as he drew in energy, reifying his aura in the form of a static buildup.

"Something to get you going..." Red added, stroking a forepaw down her cheek, and across her neck, drawing her into another deep, heated kiss.

"After all, you've got a long night ahead of you..." breathed Blue, his fins stroking against her side as he nuzzled and nibbled at one of her fluffy brown-furred flanks.

"And that's just from us," finished Yellow, his strokes growing steadily firmer, kneading at her snatch. He swapped from the constant tingling to occasional small zaps - the same amount of power, but with peaks and troughs, enough to keep her guessing and make her jump with each one.

Suddenly, Red shifted, sprawling out on his side, hiking his leg up to reveal his swelling shaft. Already mostly free of his sheath, the length lived up to its owner's namesake, a deep, ruby red in colour, heat visibly radiating from its surface. "I'll try not to burn you~" He warned, teasingly, even as he drew her head down to his tip. "Come, just a lick... feel the power of a fire-type's aura~"

Obligingly, she dipped her head forwards, her fluffy tail sweeping around, bumping against Blue's cool rubbery hide and Yellow's tingling spikes as she breathed in Red's aroma. The scent was potent, but not unpleasant; earthy and undeniably masculine. Her tongue rolled out to taste it, feeling the thick, fire type shaft spreading out into her mouth, even as Red gave a soft gasp. He encouraged her deeper, one paw lightly resting on the back of her head. "Oh, good girl~"

Blue, not to be outdone, drew himself closer, until she could feel him grinding against her - His shaft was only just peeking out of his vent, slightly marring his otherwise sleek swimmer's lines. But even with his barely-started arousal, the water-type was already dripping and drooling precum... and suddenly, that tip MOVED! It surged forwards, curving down to smear its watery payload against her behind, slowly drawing teasing circles around her ring, mere inches from his brother's grinding paw. She jumped forwards - right onto Red's dick, driving her down until his tip prodded at her throat, filling her mouth with intense, aching warmth. Quickly, she pushed herself back for air - and pressed herself right onto Blue's surging shaft, the prehensile length doing its best to slip into her behind and stretch her out with its tapered body.

Yellow drew his paw back, giving her spade a firm smack, making her moan around Red's drooling tip. He dipped down with a chuckle, tongue rolling over her sex, spreading conductive electric-type spit across her, the tingling and sparking lingering long after he'd drawn back - acting as both lubricant and a conduit for his own dick as he began to slip it in, teasingly slowly. It was canine-type in build, similar to his brother's, but where Red's gave off enough heat to relax the muscles of her throat - not quite enough to burn her, she was sure that was quite deliberate on his part - Yellow's instead gave off more of those teasing zaps, the energy making her spade involuntarily flex and clamp on his grinding dick. "Oh fuck, yes..." he breathed out, grinding his way in deep, putting his type's speed to the test as he bucked and thrusted, showing little of the discretion his brothers were employing.

His quick bunny-thrusts bounced her against the bed, and deeper onto the other two shafts - before she knew it, her lips were pressed against red crotch-fuzz, all but making out with his sheath as her rump complained about the fat stretch of Blue's wide base. Thank goodness for all the pre he was producing - she could feel the cool, watery stuff filling her backside up, just as she could feel his shaft twisting and coiling, ensuring that every spot inside got a good coating.

Her hips shifted softly in place between the two, but her attention was brought back to their fire-type brother as his paws came down to stroke over her head. Her eyes were all but buried in the soft, warm, red ochre fluff of his crotch, and her head was surrounded by his warmth - not least of all radiating from inside her mouth, that achingly hot shaft grinding against her tongue and slipping into her throat, the heat relaxing her further, massaging away her gag reflex... it was almost soothing, in a way...

The three were working harder now, in competition with one another to fill her the most, showing off their strengths as they pistoned in and out in time with one another - Blue and Red forming a nice sine-wave motion while Yellow fucked almost exactly twice as fast - Now it was just an endurance contest. Three against one? Sammi had no chance of winning. It started with a series of shuddering clenches around Yellow's shaft as pleasure like an electricity all its own raced up her spine. Her cries were muffled by the musky fluff of Red's sheath, but surely the three of them could feel her convulsing around them, orgasming hard from the joint attentions of the Eeveelution Brothers.

Blue was next to lose - she'd barely finished her orgasm before she felt him gently biting at her neck, his thrusts increasing in speed as he thoroughly ploughed her back door... Before, with a high pitched "Vaaaap~!" he bottomed out one last time, his dick spraying like a firehose - and spasming about inside her in much the same way, swinging to and fro and thumping against her walls as spurt after spurt after spurt of hyperproductive water-type cum filled her, her stomach visibly stretching from the load. He slowed down, letting go of her neck, holding onto her as he ground and gently rocked his way to the end of his orgasm.

Yellow grinned at his exhausted brother and redoubled his efforts, ploughing in at breakneck speed, his fat knot hammering against her pussy, sending sparks deep into her with each rough smack. She moaned around Red once again, bobbing her head up and down around the intense warmth, her ears splaying out as yellow finally unloaded. There was one last intense spark - but she got the feeling that it would have been far more intense had he knotted her. He drew out slowly, falling onto his back with a groan, dick twitching and throbbing as the last of his static discharge made itself known, the thick seed drooling out of her cunt. "H-hah, fuck..."

"Mmm... Sorry about them. They've got no stamina... unlike me~" Red chuckled, curled up to murmur into her ear, before giving it a teasing nibble. "Now then, let's finish up here, shall we? After all, you've got a few more friends to meet... Obviously I'm gonna be the winner here, but a deal's a deal, right~?"

He didn't give her much time to answer, both forepaws on the back of her head as he began to buck and grind in earnest, his pointed tip stretching out her throat, growing steadily warmer with each long, slow thrust. "Oh fuck...yeah, that's it..." he murmured breathily, "You can take the knot... Yeah~" He shunted harder, that fat swelling of flesh grinding insistently against her lips, pushing its way past her unresisting teeth. Her tongue stroked across it, squeezing and milking the shaft, taking in one last gulp of air before she shoved herself down...

Achingly hot, thick fire-type seed began to jet from his tip, the Flareon giving tiny humps into her warm throat as he filled her with a good hot load. The stuff settled in her gut, radiating warmth like a too-quickly-eaten meal, pleasant and relaxing. Slowly, Red drew his shaft out, knot and all, the fat, drooling length throbbing before her as she slumped to the bed to catch her breath.

"Hah...fuck. Thanks for a good time, sweets. We'll just go get your next pair of lucky Eeveelutions. Don't go anywhere~"

She dazedly lifted a paw, uttering a murmur through her haze that was a good attempt at a farewell. Which was about as much as she could manage.

With a sway of their hips and a swish of their tails, the three were gone, leaving her alone once more. She stretched out, soreness from the intense treatment mixing with exhaustion from the day, a yawn escaping her...


She'd fallen asleep. She must have - for how can one dream without sleeping? The room around her had taken on an almost ethereal state, and it took her a few moments to register the newcomer. The door to her room was open, and in it stood an Espeon... not just any Espeon, but everything she'd ever wanted. Tall and muscular, with sleek fur, he floated into the room, towards her, with a knowing smile on his face. The words filled her mind - not just words, but knowledge, still somehow containing a rolling and deep Italian accent that made her swoon. <<Greetings, lover. I am Zizzari.>>

Zizzari... The name sent a shiver down her spine, anticipation and excitement slowly building within her, bolstered by the purple feline-like figure that was even now swooping over the bed towards her. He drew in, anticipating her desires, giving her a soft kiss on the lips, one paw brushing gracefully over her, psychically feeling her out.

<<Goodness... My fellows have been rough with you. Let me help...>>

His forehead-gem glowed brighter than it already had been, and she felt...lighter. She hadn't really been thinking about it, but Yellow and Blue had left her a tad sore, though Red's warming, relaxing nature had helped a bit on his side of things. She floated off the bed into his gentle embrace, a soft shared sigh coming from both of them. His aura intensified, surrounding them in a faint purple glow, lines of energy surrounding them both - lifting her, stroking over her sides, providing just the right amount of pressure here to simulate strokes, rubs, squeezes... her whole body was being psychically massaged by the faintly smiling Espeon.

She sighed, sinking into the rubs. This...this was just perfect. Bliss, relaxation... all her worries just melted away, sinking into the massage with a little purr.

<<That's it... Just relax. Let me take care of you, little one..>> came those dulcet, rumbling tones, right into her mind, ironing out any worries, soothing her, making her more receptive to the psionic touch of this powerful Espeon. Slowly, she rolled onto her back - or perhaps he rolled her, not that it made much of a difference, drawing her closer, into his embrace.

Suddenly, unprompted, an idea slipped into her head. It would only be fair to repay his kindness, right? And somehow, she knew just what to do. Coyly, she shifted a little lower, flashing him a sweet little smile, her forepaws stroking over his fur. "Oh, Zizzari~ Thank you..." she crooned, stroking her soft little digits through the larger male's stomach-fur. He gave a faintly knowing smile, pushing his hips forwards, his sheath grinding against her hindpaws.

<<Oh, my... are you looking for something more than just a relaxing massage?>> He asked, his smooth, rolling voice echoing in her brain. <<Naughty girl... I suppose I could LET you give me a pawjob, if that's what you really want... but...>> he paused, studying her, watching her enraptured emotions closely. <<But only if I can finish in your ass.>> He smiled at her, his gem flashing all the brighter. The answer to her seemed obvious. All hesitance evaporated as she squeezed his swelling sheath with her paws. <<Do we have a deal?>>

"Oh yes, Zizzari, Please let me stroke you off!" she all but begged, squirming with need under the powerful Eeveelution.

<<Very well... since you insist.>> There was a faint bump as they hit the bed, and she found herself no longer supported by his psychic power - except for her legs. Two brightly glowing rings surrounded her hindpaws, anchoring them in place, stroking and grinding them against his sheath as he began to thrust against her. <<Rrgh... yes...>> he growled above her, leering at the Eevee as he took what he wanted. Or... what she wanted to give him? Right? She swallowed, clinging to the sheets, feeling reality start to reassert itself around her. It had seemed all so clear... but with his focus so concentrated on his own enjoyment, she was finding herself steadily less certain. She felt him squeeze her beans around his growing tip, making him hiss out in pleasure... Wait. What was that?

A hint of a shadow moved in the periphery of her vision, near the foot of the bed, a hole in Zizzari's psychic web. The worked-up Espeon was mid-thrust, panting and gasping with pleasure, precum spraying into her fur. He gave one particularly hard thrust, moaning out loud when the shape POUNCED! A huge, dark, and overall familiar figure suddenly drove him down to the bed... and against her, crushing her into the sheets. She let out a surprised gasp as the Umbreon from the bar growled above them both.. "Fuck-ing Es-peons..! You just think everyone's brains are your damned cat-toys, don't you? What're we ever going to do about you, huh~?"

Zizzari squirmed, finally speaking aloud - but the voice that came out was plaintive and squeaky, nothing like the dulcet tones he'd been communicating in psychically. "Chai!? I'm with a customer! What're you doing?!"

"Pff... Yeah. Just giving her the old psychic schtick, huh? And she just *decided* to give you a pawjob, right? Totally her idea?"


"And you said you'd only do it if she'd let you plough her ass into the ground, yeh?" He cast an eye down to the shocked and confused 'vee beneath them both. "Stop me if i'm wrong, here.

"Well... I mean, but- it was my idea!" She squeaked.

"Was it?" He shifted about, pinning the diminutive Espeon to the sheets, right next to her. With his Psychic aura being overpowered by the Dark-Type currently crushing him, she could see him properly for the first time. Neither as big nor as beautiful as he had made himself out to be, the Espeon was scraggly, with an almost disproportionately large head and enormous ears.

"I...I thought it was..." she murmured, finally pulling her paws away from his twitching, drooling dick.

"Yeah, I'll bet. Well, I thought that I might follow up on a few rumors I've been hearing... Seems there's some truth to them all, hey, Z?" He scruffed the squirming Esp and pulled him down, towards Sammi's still messy nethers. " about you two kiss and make up, huh?" He looked up to Sammi. "... I mean, assuming you're okay with this guy sticking around. I'm your next waiter, by the way."

"You!?" Cried Zizzari. "But Ray-"

"Ray's busy. Having a long talk with HR... about you." Chai growled, silencing the Espeon once more, save for a nervous gulp.

"Well..." She murmured. Honestly, she felt a little guilty - she HAD been enjoying the scene, even if she was a little hazy about which bits she'd been enjoying and why - but this at least promised to be almost as fun, and she'd had her fill of Psychic powers for one day. She reached down, resting a paw on the squirming Esp's head, nudging him further downwards.

"You heard the lady..." Said Chai, sensing Z's hesitance. "Get to it!" With that, both his forepaws landed on the Espeon's head, shoving him firmly into Sammi's nethers. Reluctantly, plaintively, he began to lick - making her shiver and moan.

"Now... About my finder's fee..." murmured the 'Bre, getting himself a pawful of purple psycat ass. "Kinda scrawny, but fair's fair, right?"

He barely got off a plaintive squeak into Sammi's spade before Chai mounted him, casually grinding his hips against the smaller male's. "Aah, quit complaining and get to work... or things might get MUCH worse for ya."

Sammi leaned back on the bed, just watching with wide eyes. The Espeon may have been a massive creep, but his tongue felt simply divine on her cookie, even if he was clearly hesitant about cleaning out another male's seed. After all, the still-tingling electric-type cum was likely giving him a sparky surprise. Not like he could pull away, though - not without impaling himself on whatever the 'bre was packing. Shame she couldn't see from this angle... but from the sound of the Espeon's muffled complaints, it wasn't small. So she settled back, feeling that tongue slurp and lap with each grinding thrust, the little Esp protesting weakly as he was stuffed and stretched - then not so weakly at all. Chai reared back and gave his ass a smack, hammering in a few times for good measure, digging his claws into that bony purple ass. "How's that, all cleaned up? ... well, you're halfway there. Eat up, champ~!"

"Chai, no-!" He started, but the Umbreon casually mashed his face down against Sammi's rump, flashing her a grin.

"Lemme know when he's deep enough, yeh~?" He waggled his eyebrows and got back to thrusting, hard enough for black hips to clap on pink hinds and make the little Espeon wail and squirm - but, sure enough, she felt that tongue digging about with an eagerness born of fear, pumping and probing and clearing up *most* of Blue's mess, bumping against her with each of Chai's rough thrusts. She reached down and began to stroke herself, earning an approving snicker from Chai. "Oh, well... Getting off on this? My kind of girl." he punctuated the sentence with a few more thrusts, driving himself in deeper. "Rrgh, fuck..."

Chai lunged down, grabbing one of the Espeon's ears in his mouth, biting down hard enough to draw blood - and a muffled scream from Zizzari, the sound muffled by Sammi's ass. If anything, this drove the muscular Umbreon to further peaks, his hips jackhammering relentlessly, slamming his prey into the bed again and again. A low growl built up inside him as he thrust harder and harder, the Eevee just watching in shock as the trickster was relentlessly taken. The poor boy was breathless, his task forgotten, whimpering into her tail as his ass was stuffed and ploughed. Chai's claws dragged down his side, scraping harshly at him, leaving fine red marks of blood seeping through the coarse purple fur. All breath was driven from him as Chai drove home again, and again... before one last powerful thrust brought forth an audible 'pop' and the Esp's eyes grew wide as saucers, even as she winced in sympathy.

"Fuuuuck..." Chai sighed dreamily, grinding happily, dragging Zizzari's hips to and fro under him. "There's the fuckin' knot..."

And if the Espeon thought his troubles were over? He was soon proven wrong. "Hey, who told you you could stop licking? Get back to work!" Chai growled out, claws digging into his head as he pushed him into place, driving all his weight down on him as he finally got into his stride. Zizzari's legs were hoisted clear off the bed as Chai ploughed in relentlessly, jerking him about, his own still-hard dick bouncing under him as his ass was abused and stretched. The poor boy's tongue got back to it, licking and lapping, teasing the Vee... dinner and a show, it would seem.

The hammering kept going for longer than she would have thought possible, those flashing eyes looking up to her with a cheeky twinkle in them, even as he bit down on the scruff of the Espeon's neck - that, combined with a certain finality of his next few thrusts, gave a hint to her that the show was drawing to a close. Chai growled loudly as he came into the whimpering, spent, abused Espeon.

He let go of Zizzari with a gasp, a faint grin on his face as the Espeon fell to the bed. "All right... I think you've had enough. Now fuck off, and if I catch you doing this again, I'll set Rain Flower on ya. Don't think yer cuz'll be too happy about hearing you taking advantage of sweet, innocent little Eevees, will she...?" He paused, dick throbbing and pulsing inside the Espeon. "Oh, what, you're stuck? Here... let me help."

With a dark grin, the Umbreon turned around and casually trotted off the end of the bed, dragging the mewling Zizzari away... but where Chai slunk to the floor with catlike grace, his poor victim fell and landed with a thump, still trapped on Chai's knot. The Umbreon rolled over, braced both hindpaws on his backside, and ripped his dick free, leaving the gaping purple kitty to weakly stumble out of the door. Sammi rolled over to the edge of the bed, and finally got a full look at her savior. . . all of him.

Hanging between the Umbreon's legs was a fat black truncheon of a cock, twitching proud and free - save for a condom coating the whole thing, still tucked into the base of his sheath. He ducked down and tugged it off with his teeth, casually lobbing it in the direction of the trash can. "Sorry about that... didn't wanna leave things too messy. Some girls can be prissy about that kinda thing and I didn't want to risk it." Sammi just swallowed.

"Thanks, uh, Chai, was it?" She shuffled closer to the edge of the bed, eyes still locked on that twitching, drooling shaft, messy with Umbreon cum and artificial lube. He stepped forwards, casually rearing up so that his paws were either side of her head.

"Oh, I can think of a way you can thank me." He leered, dick still twitching and dripping right before her - fuck, it was the biggest she'd seen! "But I'll be nice. Tell you what, you can pick the hole."

She thought back to her stretching out, her recent lubing up... thoughts of orally servicing the obsidian behemoth were briefly entertained, before being just as quickly dismissed, replaced by thoughts of breathing and how nice it was to be able to do so, ever. "Uh... How about my ass...?" She gulped, uncertainly.

"Fuck yes, you got it." He gave her no time to second-guess herself, scrambling onto the bed to get behind her, dragging her back towards the middle. Before she knew it, she was on her back with him atop her, his black tip prodding against her stretched and spit-slicked hole, grinding for just a second before pressing insistently inside. It was just harsh enough to make her hiss, but thanks to Blue's fat dolphin-dick and Zizzari's panicked attentions, it was a lot easier than it could have been. He began to grind, slowly at first, but building up a good head of steam, driving his stake into her hard enough to make her gasp - and showing no signs of slowing. Casually, he put a paw on her chest, shifting his stance, squeezing down as that fat dick stretched her out far past her previous limits - and he wasn't even halfway in! He leaned down with an evil grin, dropping the corner of the duvet over her mouth.

"Feel free to bite down. Because I'm going to."

She barely had time to register his advice before he began to properly hammer himself home - her teeth dug into the soft fabric as that huge club forced her tight ring wider than it'd ever gone before. There was no grace, no dexterity, little care given - just pure, unrelenting force, drawing back to hammer home again and again with the relentlessness of a piledriver, and with only slightly less force. Her eyes began to water and she squealed, her voice muffled by the thick material filling her mouth - but her squirming and whining only spurred on the dark-type. He grinned a sadistic grin, all fangs and self-indulgence, claws digging into her, going right through the silky fur to scrape at her flesh, leaving fine red marks behind - his marks, his bitch, anyone that saw her would know that...

He lunged, just as he had with the Espeon before her, needle-sharp teeth digging into her shoulder as he curled up, driving himself deeper, his dick poking into virgin territory. She gasped and gulped, eyes widening in shock as plain and pleasure intermingled, his fat fuzzy balls slapping against her tailbase as he got closer and closer and ohfuck here came the KNOT...

He leant down harder, driving the air out of her, both paws digging into her chest as his teeth squeezed harder, denying her even the air to squeal as that enormous slab of meat battered against her poor ring - how the hell had Zizzari taken this thing? how had he walked afterwards!? - She found her mind wandering, struggling to focus from the lack of oxygen, trying to distract itself from the pain - but it was no use, the overwhelmingly intense sensations filled her world, BECAME her world -

  • POP -

  • it was in. Dear god, it was in, her ring closing thankfully around the base, squeezing it like it didn't want to let go. But then, somehow, defying all odds... Chai sped up. If she thought it was an overwhelming force before... The poor Eevee was dragged to and fro against the bed as he hammered with enough force to take a 'mon three times her size, even despite him pinning her down with his whole body weight to try and keep her from being fucked clean off the bed. He shifted his grip, biting down on her exposed neck now, teeth digging into her fluffy ruff.

"Rrgh... C'mon..."

No holding back now. Nothing but a laser-focus on his pleasure, his orgasm - and if she didn't enjoy it, well, that was her problem. That knot battered at her ring from the inside with each back-thrust, causing her to clench up and him to hiss with bliss... She lost track of time, lost track of the world, until Chai drew back one final time, letting go of her to arch his back up and cry out into the air, hammering home with one final "FUCK!"

Pulse after pulse of sticky Umbreon cum flooded her ass, and that knot only swelled further with his orgasm. He collapsed atop her in a self-satisfied heap, sprawling out with a big grin, his yellow rings flaring up brightly. "Fuck yeah... I've been needing that. Heh... get comfy. I figure you don't want me pulling out 'till I've gone down a bit..."

Sammi just nodded gently, her hips just trembling, quivering against his with pent up need. "O-Oh, god... Chai, I don't think I want you pulling out at all..." Her body was quivering with lust and desire, her own neediness building up again. Sure, every other 'mon had been wonderful in their own way, but that roughness, that sheer primal desire, the sadistic precision with which he'd worked her over and applied those bites... And yet...

She lifted herself up to look him in the eye, ignoring the protests from her brutalized rump, going against her better judgement, knowing now what she needed more certainly than she'd ever known before. "Chai..." She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you weren't holding back on me? 'Cause I think you were holding back on me~"

The Umbreon shifted, lifting himself up again, his post-coital bliss melting away like snow under a flamethrower. "Holding back? Insatiable little minx, aren't ya? Well..." He pressed forwards to hiss into her ear, "Well, we'll just have to see how much you can really take. Hope you don't mind me dragging you to the sickroom once I'm done with ya~"

Had she overdone it? She swallowed nervously, searching his eyes for any hint of a smirk, any glimmer of humor... but no, it seemed he was deadly serious, with emphasis on 'deadly'. He drew back, that knot hauling at her ring, and her eyes widened. "W-wait, hey-" She got out, before crying in pain - and perhaps just a shameful hint of pleasure.

"Hey what? You said not to hold back, now you're telling me what to do? Make up your mind!" Chai bit her ear this time, squeezing it in his needle-sharp teeth as he dragged his massive knot inexorably out of her ass, stretching and straining her, her squeals growing into full blown screams as the sensations passed mere pain, the stretching overwhelming, blocking out all other sensations -

  • POP -

  • it was out. Where his hot, twitching cock had been, where the stretch of that knot had been, there was nothing, save a faint chilliness that hinted that she was probably gaping open back there. Chai let go of her ear and lifted himself up, casually pinning her with a paw as he regarded his dick. "Huh. Not as much blood as I'd figured there'd be... You done this before, or what?" He asked teasingly, suddenly grinding the slick, dirty cock into the fur of her thighs and stomach, until that knot bumped against her spade.

"Ah! Chai, I never-"

"You never what, asked for this?" He cut her off again, rubbing and grinding. "You told me to stop holding back and playing nice... Out on the streets we were never prissy about this sort of thing, so why should I be now?" He drew slowly back, both paws pinning her comparatively tiny frame, a smirk spreading over his lips once more, showing off those shiny fangs. "'Course, normally I wouldn't bother to wipe my dick before doing this. Maybe I AM going soft..."

She swallowed hotly, feeling his tip bump against her needy little spade - and plough in, hard and fast, stretching her out once more, spearing that black truncheon into her until he felt resistance. "AH! F-FUCK!" She cried out, pawing weakly at his chest - God, it stung, it burned, but it felt so damn GOOD. She panted and huffed, squirming on his dick as he jackhammered in, all but using her as a toy, as little more than a warm hole to dump yet another load into, caring nothing for her...

Chai tutted, not slowing as he sneered down at her, his claws digging into her chest to help keep her in place, sinking in until he drew blood. "Wow, you really DO like it rough, dontcha? Fuck, maybe I'll keep ya, even..." He leant down to bite again, harder, until she could feel the blood from her shoulder seeping out and over his tongue. He clamped down as his fully inflated knot slapped off her cunt, growling into her fur. "Assuming I don't split ya in half before then."

Sammi panted and moaned, eyes screwed shut, nodding hotly... God, this, THIS was what she needed, what she'd been craving - everyone else had been so soft, so ginger and gentle, treating her like she was some precious china doll... when what she REALLY needed was to be pinned down and split in half by a cock almost as big as she was. She could feel her orgasm building up, unbidden, already close, but... Something else, something... more.

"D-don't stop... No matter what..." She gasped out, her toes curling up, a strange resonance in her voice making Chai almost hesitate... but at this point stopping was unthinkable. His knot slapped off her again and again, shoving in harder and deeper each time. With a loud growl, he slammed himself forwards, bouncing off the slickened spade before cramming himself in, not caring if he damaged anything in the process. He shoved and thrust, working Sammi over, helping to build her cry into a scream, and then a wail, and then...

The dim mood-lighting of the room was overwhelmed by a searing flash of light, the overwhelming brightness of it enough to make Chai rear up and fall backwards, clean off the bed!

Of course, he was still quite firmly knotted...


October was not having a good day. A promising customer had turned him down, HR had told him in no uncertain terms that he was going to be part of some damn 'sensitivity training', and some utter walnut of a fresh recruit had called in sick, leaving him lumped with their job, the worst one in the café - laundry duty. Dragging soiled sheets down the corridor, listening to lots of happy folks rutting and bouncing on either side, knowing you've not a chance in hell of bagging a customer while they have all the fun and you've got to clean up after them... No wonder the newbie had called in sick.

His mental litany upon the unfairness of the world in general - and this bit of it in particular - was broken by a scream, louder and MUCH closer than usual. A nearby door burst open, and Chai scrambled into the corridor, his eyes wide with shock. But the whitish lump he was dragging behind him wasn't laundry... it was a fully grown Sylveon! Chai yelped and snapped at one of her ribbons - all four of them were wrapped around him, squeezing and fondling and stroking and caressing. The one he'd snapped at drew back, as if offended, then curled around to rub at his ears.

"Grah! Stoppit!" He growled, dragging himself forwards, clearly trying to disengage - but between the ribbons and the knot, it was clearly a futile endeavour.

"I told you, I don't know how! ... Besides, I never said for you to stop fucking me! I've still got three hours on the clock!" Came back the snappy retort from the girl under him, even as she twisted to try and roll onto her front - with little success on her end, either.

"Hours or not, if you don't stop molesting me with your flesh-feelers, I'll..."

"You'll what? Bite me some more~? Oh no, anything but that!"

The argument continued around the corner, and they were gone. October sighed, and dipped down to grab the laundry sack in his teeth again.

Some people got all the fun.