The Ribbon That Ties us Together
A Quiet Forest
The absol blinked his eyes open, a smirk coming to his face at the sight of the messy flareon, obviously not a bit turned off by the realization that the flareon was a male. the dark type leaned forward, giving a soft lick at the flareon's messy cheek.
What A Twist!
He shrugged inwardly and kissed again, much to flareon's pleasure.
Evolutionary desires pt 6
Eevee nodded his head furiously, which was enough of a sign for flareon. flareon bent over and presented herself to eevee, waving her upright tail suggestively.
Overheated: Realizations And Heated Relations
Just in her own little flareon world.
A Flareon in Need
The flareon moved slightly closer to her trainer's legs. why should he care if the lucario is carrying a bag? he had his flareon carry stuff from time to time.
Eevee evolutions orgy 1
Eevee wrapped her arms around flareon, buried her face in flareon's breasts and gave her big hug. a smile came to flareon face. she slowly opened her eyes and looked down at eevee. eevee unburied her face and was looking up at flareon with a big smile.
M Jolteon x F Flareon x M Vaporeon
flareon blushed as she looked at the two, hard, twitching cocks in front of her. "uh... b-but..." flareon started to say.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Sylveon's Cousin Conundrum
flareon says cheerfully. "great, then let's get going!"
Hunter plays Strip Pokemon
flareon blinked in confusing before scyther tossed flareon up in the air before following him up before slicing the fur off of flareon's tail and head leaving just his belly before flareon hit the ground still confused. "finish him off!"
Another Day at Daycare
He hadn't even noticed the flareon approach. the flareon male was about three feet tall, give or take an inch, and a quadruped canine based pokémon.
She gets comfortable in the bed, and brushes against the flareon. "oops." she thinks to herself. flareon is nice and warm, being a fire type.