Broken Dreams Chapter 5 (adult)

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of series2

This chapter is only to ease the minds of those who say I'm writing this unrealistically. I do not mean to offend anyone by my words. These stories are just that. There is no truth to them at all. Any characters that relate to you or someone you may know is purely coincidence.

Chapter 5

Two weeks after my second accident Mr. Fluck, my ex-psychiatrist, was arrested on the accusation of rape. The case went to court and I was called to testify. I wasn't the only victim. Mike was furious when I told him what he did. Luckily, for Mr. Fluck, Mike was still away in Iraq.

I was at the stand and the prosecutor was asking questions.

"Now, Miss Daneson, did Mr. Fluck ever make any advances toward you? Any sign that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with you? Before the act was committed."

"No he didn't."

"And did he say anything about sex while you were having your session?"


"How, then, was he able to get you undressed and sexually assault you? Did you offer it to him?"


"How, then?"

"At the time of the raping I had recovered from a concussion, but still had a broken arm and three cracked tailbones."

"But it says here that your broken arm was false up 'til seven days later when you really broke it. Now does that sound suspicious to you?"

"I didn't know my arm wasn't broken until three days afterward. My doctor Okayed me going on a camping trip."

"Thank you. No further questions. You may step down."

Some of the other victims were called up next. There were seven of them, ranging in age from four-teen to forty. All of them were otters.

The entire case went on for a week and a half. Finally, Mr. Fluck was sentenced to thirty to thirty-five years in prison by the state of California. Every time I thought I was able to put that day out of my mind, something triggered the memory of the pain and helplessness.

Broken Dreams Chapter 6 (adult)

Chapter 6 One full year after I got the news that my parents were dead. All of my injuries were healed but my tail never did, I moved it too much for that. Mr. Fluck was in jail for rape charges. Mike worked at home now and I had my own job....

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Broken Dreams Chapter 6 (clean)

Chapter 6 One full year after I got the news that my parents were dead. All of my injuries were healed but my tail never did, I moved it too much for that. Mr. Fluck was in jail for rape charges. Mike worked at home now and I had my own job....

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Broken Dreams Chapter 5 (clean)

This chapter is only to ease the minds of those who say I'm writing this unrealistically. I do not mean to offend anyone by my words. These stories are just that. There is no truth to them at all. Any characters that relate to you or someone you may...

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