Echo; desired ending, interlude

Story by Dragonlover45 on SoFurry

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The interlude of my Echo fanfic.

I admit I may have gotten carried away with this and gone overboard by making it a crossover.

But it was fun to do!

Echo; desired ending Interlude: the unseen As emergency workers are rolling out body bags and putting people on stretchers into ambulances, two figures stand among them unseen and unheard. They have a reptilian appearance, masculine form and well-developed muscles. They each have two curved horns pointing up from their heads. One is a similar height as Flynn, the other is a whole head taller! The shorter one has an aura of unimaginable power and authority! They are wearing nothing besides shiny black boots and belts with odd devices attached to them. "So, you do know that you could have killed the little otter guy by putting that bush there right?" the taller one asks. "I was going to put a rock there, but changed my mind at the last second! But he fell unto fairly soft soil, he was just stunned and shocked. There was no possibility of a life threating injury". The shorter one replied. "What if he had fallen under the train? Surely you take these things into account when you do this master?" "I made sure he would trip with his right foot. Therefore, he would swing to the right away from the train. And you don't need to be so formal with me Exave, we've been together for three years!" "I'm supposed to be your bodyguard! It doesn't feel right to casually speak your name!" Exave replied. "Oh yes you guard me well in bed and the shower! As one of my mates you have the privilege to speak to me freely!" "I just want to show the proper respect to you. After all, you are the immortal emperor!" His majesty just smiled and gave Exave a pat on the shoulder. "So, was your experiment successful?" "I consider it a resounding success! The rekindling of love staggered the evil entity responsible for all that madness! Of course, what it feeds on still remains so it will all happen again as long as this town is inhabited". "Does that mean we can leave now? Or when you want to.... The presence of that thing makes me sick! It's in the ground, the air and the water!" Exave said glancing around nervously. "There are several beings and entities here I would like to capture and study, the most interesting are the ones attached to the otter and the one that wonders through time. And don't be so nervous! If something saw us and attacked, I'd protect you! I have yet to meet my equal anywhere I've gone, including here!" Exave seemed to relax. "Seeing those two love each other again and forgive each other was truly touching. D-Do you love me like that?" The emperor looked Exave in the eye and said, "I love you. I care about you; I enjoy being with you. Even though you're supposed to be the one protecting me, I'd fight to the last of my strength for you! I took you with me here so that I could have some company during this experiment. It's not over yet, I want to try for an even better outcome!" "Wait you're going to turn back time, undoing their new relationship and risk it never happening? That seems too cruel for you." Exave is watching the otter being patched up by paramedics as the wolf stood close to him. "Oh, don't worry, I'm isolating this timeline in case all other possibilities are inferior! If that happens, I'll collapse all the others leaving this one the true outcome!" "As usual you have it all under control! Even if I'm afraid of you sometimes, I love you.... Astral". The two embraced tightly and then simply vanished! "Are you sure there is something strange about his house? I don't feel or sense anything besides the evil". Exave said, standing on the roof of a mansion. "There are a number of dormient spirits underneath and to the side of this house. There appears to be remains foundation of a much larger structure around the house, with one intact room. It seems to be attached to the house, but there is no entrance." Astral said. "It's a secret room then? I wonder how long nobody has been inside?" Exave asked. "It seems to have been decades at least! I feel no residual life at all inside!" Astral said. Then he put a hand on Exave's shoulder and they vanished again. Inside the mansion basement the two reptiles appeared, still only visible and audible to each other. It's this way". Astral said. They walked down a hallway to its end. Astral opened the door to reveal total darkness! "I'll try and find the light". Exave said. "No, someone would notice that. If your night vision isn't good, just trust me I'll guide you." Astral said getting hold of Exave's hand. Together they stepped into the darkness and down some stairs. "This is the crawlspace. Actually, a very large and high crawlspace!" Astral said as he peered through the darkness with his enhanced vision. He can see the floor is covered with a plastic tarp and there are a number of large plastic bins against some of the walls. "Do you see the spirits?" Exave asked, keeping hold of Astral's' hand. "No, their completely dormient". Astral walked to the far side of the space keeping Exave close. "Here! This wall is where the current structure ends and the remains of the previous structure is behind it!" "You're going in?" Exave asked. "Of course! You're not afraid of ghosts, are you?" Astral said leading Exave towards the wall. "You remember that I'm mortal right? I'm just nervous". "Don't worry, I won't let them touch you. Your mine!" Astral reached out and touched the wall. His hand went through it! He walked right through the wall and pulled Exave in with him! "It's an extension of the crawl space, but it has a wood floor". They looked around for a moment, Exave seeing less then Astral. "There's not anything here, time to move on". Astral said, letting go of Exave's hand. When he did so, Exave collapsed! Astral was instantly crouched next to him. He carefully lifted Exave and sat down with his friend over his lap. When he spoke, his voice was chilling. "Release him, now! There are things worse than death, and you've earned it!" Exave found himself on the floor of a fairly ornate hallway. "Astral?" He called out. He tried his natural telepathy; it seems to be blocked somehow! "Stay calm, he'll find me. He won't just leave me here!" He thought. He got up looking around. There are wooden doors on each side of the hall, and a turn ahead. He looked behind him and it is the same. He opened a random door; it is a windowless bedroom. He left it and opened the opposite door. It seems to be a dining room. He stepped inside and looked around. It is an ornate dining room that opens into the kitchen. He catches the scent of smoke. Something is burning in the old-fashioned looking oven. Suddenly the oven door slams open and black smoke billows out! Exave tried to open the door and leave but it is now locked. "I'm sure I can smash though it, it's only wood". He looks back at the smoke to see a gruesome face has appeared! The face sprouted numerus appendages! As smoky misshapen hands reached towards him, Exave preformed a mental trick his kind naturally have and blocked all his pain receptors. "My mental powers are not enough to fight this; I only wish I could see him one more time". Just then a bright blue light shown from seemingly nowhere! The light seemed to dissolve the smoke monster! When the light faded, Exave heard a familiar voice in his head. "It's me, stay calm! I've entered your mind and expelled the evil!" "Where am I? what happened?" Exave asked. "You are still in the extended crawlspace, what you are seeing is a memory of the structure that used to be here. The evil force used your natural telepathy to trap your mind in it. I'm holding you; do you feel me?" Astral said. "No, I feel nothing". "It's dislocated your mind from your body. I'll bring you out now. Close your eyes and let me have control". When Exave closed his eyes, he felt a strange sensation spreading through his body. Then he realized he had no control of his body as it laid down on the floor without him meaning too! He had a moment of fear before hearing Astral's voice again. "It's just me, I've got you". Then he felt like he is going to sleep. His eyes snaped open to darkness! He gasped. "Your alright, your out of it!" Astral said. Exave felt strong arms holding him up. "What...was that?" Exave said. "Let's get out of here first". Astral replied. Suddenly they where in the middle of the desert with the town barley seen in the distance. Astral did not let go of Exave. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that could happen! I should have kept better watch! Are you ok?" "I'm fine, you got me out before that thing could do anything!" Astral helped Exave get up. Exave noticed his body feels tingly now. Seeing the look on his face Astral spoke up, "I've drenched you in my power to make sure it doesn't happen again. We still need to investigate this evil force, it's so similar to our enemy that we can gain valuable knowledge from it!" "I'm not afraid as long as you're with me. Where are we going next?" Exave said, brushing dirt off himself. "There are anomalies in the nearby canyon and the lake. After we see those, we go to the center of the sphere and see what the source is". Astral said, looking out across the land. "Do you know what it is?" "A primordial force like me, just spread out instead of concentrated. It appears to be in many different places at once. Just like what We're fighting back home." Exave took hold of Astral's hand and said, "Lets get it done". Astral nodded and they vanished.

Echo: desired ending part one version one

Echo, desired ending Version 1 Note: I highly recommend you play/read Echo and Leos route before reading this story! ...In the distance I can see the lights on the train, slowly winding its way toward us." At this point dawn is just...

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