Silent Invasion Part 1

Story by lexorius on SoFurry

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#1 of Silent Invasion

a Soldier discovered a secret room and a artefact.

(Reworked Version)

Silent invasion

thanks to @Barefoot for helping with the Story :)

I was bored. It was Saturday and i'm on duty guarding a building, an empty building. as I do every weekend.

The same old shit was on tv as is every weekend. Sleeping on duty is strictly forbidden by the guard-sergeant. He appears at random times as he always did.

It was to mind numbing ... so on the reception desk I place the sign that says I am on my rounds and take my keys to walk the guard round.

The building is huge with hundreds of rooms, so as usual I take the elevator to the top floor. It is easier to start my rounds at the top and work my way back down to the ground floor.

So, I pressed the button for the Elevator.

I should introduce myself. I am private Peter Smith and have 10 Years service in the Army. I was injured during an incident several years ago. I have 2 years to go in the army and no future except this boring guard duty.

When I joined the army I was a first class sportsman. Now, without a future I find it senseless to run miles or lift weights for nothing. So I gained weight and became really fat and lazy.

The elevator pings and the door opens. While I was thinking about me and my future I stepped into the elevator. I entered my security code, swiped my access card through the slit and pressed the button for the top floor. The door closes and it goes up.

As usual I looked at the display and count the numbers 1...2....3....4....5....6..... The Elevator stops with a loud bang and a shake. The display turned into dashes. Other than in the horror movies the lights are not flashing or something...- My first thought "Dammit", my second "Well just my luck. it's weekend so nobody will know I am stuck in the elevator ".

As I was thinking this and about to push the emergency button there was another shake. The Elevator display flashes "88" and I feel the elevator going down. The descent was controlled so I thought "well... this is not to bad". Then the elevator suddenly shudders to a stop after a couple of seconds and the lights go out.

Without the lights or display I don't know on which floor the elevator has stopped. I try to keep my claim. I think "If I get stressed I am bound to make mistakes". I push out my hands and press buttons on the display. Well. "modern weapons" i thought with a smile.

The display from the elevator came to life. a Boot Screen with many numbers and lines of boot messages appear - the display changes and the normal numbers show. The number on the display was "-10". - so i was on a secret level?!?

I thought "-10 I have never seen this before. Was I on a secret level? As a normal curious human being (and soldier) what should I do". I talk to myself - "shure, explore".

I looked out of the elevator and saw one long floor and the elevator seems to be at a point near the middle of this floor. The floor looked quite futuristic and very clean. Cold metal lined the walls. I looked up and saw there were no security cameras here. Maybe this floor was some sort of storage area.

There was no sound to be heard so I decided to explore the floor. I left the elevator turning right and went walking down the floor. I turned in fear as I heard the doors from the elevator close with a rolling noise and then there was silence again.

I turned back and walked to the elevator doors. They were locked by a keycard mechanism. That would not accept my access card, so i walked on. The next door had a sign on it "don't close the door, the lock mechanism is broken". a fire extinguisher held the door open. A smile ran over my face and I entered the room.

The room was dark and only some computer monitors lit it up. In the middle of the room were some artefacts. They looked like they were from Egypt or something. I walked to the table that artefacts rested on. One of them, a cylinder with a ball on one end seems like a sceptre. There are strange symbols on it, none I have ever seen before, and they don't look like Egyptian hieroglyphs.

I can't read it - I stroke my hand over the artefact. It seems to be made from a material with texture I have never felt before. But it felt good. It appears to be a mixture of rubber and metal.

"Strange" I thought.

Then I felt an electric tingle in my right hand, where I touched the sceptre. I felt strange and at the next moment waves of pleasure were running through my body. I instantly get a hard on. Next thing I notice my left hand has opened the zipper of the uniform trousers and pulled my erect penis out and with my right hand I grab the cylinder and with a swift movement plunge my penis into the cylinder.

I lose all feeling except for the pleasure of the sceptre on my cock. It made me cum twice with such intense orgasms I nearly passed out.

It seems the sceptre wants to hold me awake. Then I hear in my thoughts "Sorry for this but it is necessary" - I feel something enter my piss-slit and two assimilation tubes shot out to the base of my penis. Incredible pain followed the pleasure i felt before. The pain seems to be endless, but I know in my head it only took 2.7738 seconds.

Then I lower the sceptre to the table it was lying on before.

I didn't notice it but I had been frozen in place for about 10 Minutes. In this time the colour of my testicles and my penis changed, first to metal gray and then to completely rubbery black.

As I unfreeze, the colour fades back to my natural skin tone.

A booming voice in my brain ordered me to "GO BACK TO YOUR NORMAL DUTY" - and I knew it was right.

I returned to my Guard post at the reception after my planned guarding round. The Sergeant was waiting for a Report. I thought to myself "he is an asshole but he looks quite good". the booming voice in my brain orders "WAIT, YOU ARE NOT READY". - and I know it was right.

After the report and he had left the building I sat down and tried to think what had just happened. All I could remember was my normal duty. and it was boring.

After this day I got into my bed and tried to sleep. I know something is wrong with me. I feel it, but I don't know what it is. Then I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I dreamed I was lying on my bed and playing with myself. My testicles are twice as big as normal and as the cum covers my body my skin is transformed into a black scale suit. It was incredibly horny and I woke up and my penis stood upright as black as a rubber condom. I panicked until the voice in my mind ordered "CALM DOWN SOLDIER - OBEY - YOU WILL NOW BE TRANSFORMED INTO AN IMPERIAL SOLDIER" - I could do nothing. So I received a wave of unbelievable pleasure.

I know I must obey to receive more pleasure... I breathe deeply - and rub my hardon. I know the only important thing is to cum. Pictures of black naga-soldiers with long tails appear in my mind. I know- soon I will be one of these.

And then, the world turned into the only important thing - Cumming...

I cum as I never came before. Streams of black cum pulsing out of my penis right onto my chest. where the cum touches the my clothing it disappear. Die black cum bound to my skin and turned it to a scaly rubber skin. I rubbed the cum on every part of my skin and received more pleasure. My face also became, my teeth sharpened and pushed out into a muscle, my ears disappear and my eyes - I could see in the dark as if it is the brightest day. I was rewarded by another wave of pleasure and then I passed out.

The next morning, it was a sunday, I was ordered by the voice in my head "WAKE UP SOLDIER WE HAVE WORK TO DO"

Without thinking, I obeyed and stood up. My life has a new purpose. I need to gain more soldiers for the empire, have to free my Emperor and I need my armour to be completed. I imagine how sexy I look and feel with these scales, but as I look into the mirror I was human again. The voice in my head does recognize my disappointment. it says "COOL DOWN YOUNG ONE. WE GAIN FOLLOWERS IN SILENCE. I HAVE PREPARED YOU WITH SOME SPECIAL FEATURES - YOU WILL SEE" -and I know he was right.

My stomach grumbled, I have to eat something. So I went to the canteen where I grabbed some coffee and a rich breakfast. While I sat there and ate, I met the guard-Sergeant from yesterday. As usual I greeted him and thought dam he would look sexy in imperial armour.

He sniffed and murmured "that smell is good what is it ?" - I ask "Sir?"

I don't notice, that my new body is sending out Pheromones and and was suprised when he sat right next to me.

"SEE WHAT I MEAN" the voice in my head said. "HE WILL BE GLAD TO BE OUR GUEST". So , I asked him "Sir, I want to watch a movie after breakfast - would you join me?" - Without thinking too much he answered - "it would be a pleasure, private".

So we did. I ate my meal and he joined me as soon as I was ready. I could smell his pre and his heat and I wanted to seed him... quickly...

We entered my room, closing the door and he pushed me against the closet. He can't wait and kissed me deeply . For the first time in my life I kissed a man and it felt a thousand times better than the kisses of women. We rubbed our bodys together and I grew hard.

I lifted him onto my bed, without any problems. He seemed to be really lightweight. He loosened his belt and lowered his pants so I could see his full pride. I took a deep sniff while I licked from his testicles to the tip of his shaft. Instantly he orgasmed and his cum spurted over his chest. I know it would be his last orgasm as a human.

My pre spread over his feet, I turned him over and instinctively buried my shaft into his anus. He screamed in pleasure. He smells so good and I sniffed his smell deep into my growing nose. I transform into my naga-form. My scales now shine in a black oily green and I feel like I was made from rubber.

While transforming many things happened at the same time. I was rewarded from the voice with pleasure, and I saw on his back the scales were also growing. I came into him and pushed my seed deep into him. He nearly screamed in pleasure but he couldn't and the voice was linked to him and me. His muscles pushed outward and we kissed deeply. His chest had a humanlike shape, but with the scales, it felt much better. I rubbed his chest and he rubbed mine. We are now in one unit. - buddies. and we need to grow. The voice in our heads boomed "GOOD SOLDIERS. NOW HAVE FUN UNTIL YOUR OTHER VICTIMS ARRIVE" - we don't ask. I reached down into his reptilian slit and rub, until his now red penis came out. What should i say, it feels so right and the taste of the Imperials seed are marvelous. Each time we came, my body grew in strength and I lost body weight.

After a Couple of hours we had to get up. We knew the soldiers were returning to the barracks. There will be much to do.

He gives me a last deep kiss and while he is getting up, his body shrinks to a well formed human shape. His tail disappears and he took his uniform - well the parts of his uniform I ripped in excitedly from his body. "Sorry" I said. He kissed me on my muscles and without another word, he left the room.

I lay on my bed, rubbing my rubber scaled body and tried to think. The voice in my head shows me pictures of the perfect empire and so, i know what i have to do.

I stand up, take a fresh Uniform out of the closet and walk back to the canteen. I walk straight into the kitchen, where two soldiers are washing the dishes. Both first look at me in anger then they sniff my pheromones. They turned and looked lustily at each other, then kissed each other deeply and full of passion embrace each other and drop to the kitchen floor lustily rubbing their bodies together.

I need to seed themI standing over them get my penis out of the uniform. it doesn't take long and the black seed shoots out over both of the lovers... after the first drink the first drop of my seed, both of them greedily lick every drop of my seed from each other. and then, they lick my rock solid shaft. I pumped more seed into the mouth of the first soldier with a quick form shaping effect. The second soldier now also starts to transform. All he needs is a another pump of my seed. Their bodys grow very fast and after a couple of seconds two full scaled, black shining naga-soldiers are standing in front of me. Now it was my time to feed. While I rub and lick the first soldier, the second came all over the prepared dinner plates and I know any soldier eating this would has never eaten such good stuff before...

I leave the kitchen, still in my human form. I am sure tomorrow will be a good day.

As I returned to my room the other soldiers I share my room with are back from their weekend vacation. They looked like they were in trance as I entered the room. I was wondering why then the voice tells me "YOUR MUSK VERY STRONG TO THIS VICTIMS. THEY WILL OBEY"

And they did Obey. I undressed and told them to undress. We took our matresses and put them on the floor so we all have enough space. They lay down and I could not resist turning into my naga form and fucked the first. The second grabs my tail. First he licks and then he pushes his shaft into me. I never had such a feeling before pain and pleasure combined . I shot my seed in the first soldier which instantly transformed. I pulled, still cumming my shaft out of his forming tail and the two left humans drank my seed. It was so intense I passed out while the other two soldiers transformed and licked my shaft.

As I awoke, we were still lying on the floor and all four imperial soldiers were snuggling together. it feels so good. I look at the clock. It was Monday morning. The soldier who should wake us will be here in a few seconds - we are prepared.

He entered the dark room and milliseconds later he lay between three Naga-soldiers and me. I grab his trousers and lick his penis until it's hard. it took only seconds. his mouth and his ass were filled with our seed and while he shot his last human cum, he transformed into one of us. We must hurry as he has to complete his rounds. Two minutes later a newly recruited Imperial soldier continued his way to wake all other (human) soldiers. We know every soldier lying in their rooms will soon be one of us.

While I dress up for duty my uniform doesn't fit. I have grown in my human form into a well built bodybuilder and my shirts don't fit anymore. I took a shirt from my comrade and we went to the canteen. I am highly pleased as I saw the soldiers all eating and eating the meals because they would transform in their private rooms to our imperial army.

At the morning rollcall most of the soldiers seem highly concentrated ... their eyes are empty and almost everyone had a hardon. The strangest command was to go back to our rooms, check our belongings and be back after lunch. I could feel the desire of our commanding officer and gently asked to help him with "his belongings". he can't deny my pheromones.