Roadie Chapter 9: A New Look

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#10 of Roadie

Felix's relationship with Tiffany has changed him in a few ways. He's slowly growing more confident and less ashamed of his body. So much in fact, that he figured it's hightime to get some new clothes that properly fit him. His girlfriend is, of course, always willing to help.

Felix Rose belongs to Jerimiah Chase

Tiffany Star belongs to me

It started out like any other morning. Alarm off, the urge to stay in bed despite it, and the regretful rise to actually waking in the new day. Yawning wide and stretching, the pink leopard went about his usual morning routine. Showering, brushing his teeth, getting dressed, and making breakfast. Though he stopped at the door of his room, taking a chance to peer into the mirror he had by his bedside.

Something was different. While his clothes were always baggy, they felt...wrong to wear now. His posture didn't default to a slouch, revealing just now much of his neck the loose black shirt showed, and even with a belt, it looked as though his pants would fall off if he so much as ran quickly. He blinked, unsure what was so strange with his usual attire.

Then it hit him, he was smiling. For so long he wore baggy and bulky clothes to hide his figure. To paint a masculine form his body failed to deliver. But recent events had him caring less and less about what other people thought of his looks. In no small part because of his girlfriend.

Grabbing his phone, he pressed her contact and let it ring. "Morning, Cutie," She answered, "Couldn't wait until the afternoon to hang?"

"No, it's not that." He brushed off the anxiety devil from his shoulders, having no need to feel clingy right now. "Well, actually it's kind of about that. I was wondering if we could change our plans."

"Oh?" Tiffany tried not to sound concerned on her end. "What do you have in mind? Or did something come up and we need to reschedule?"

"No, nothing came up, really. It's just..." Felix stared back at the pink leopard in the mirror, noting just how poorly the clothes fit him. How poorly they always fit him, but he'd been too worried about his own feminine appearance to find anything in his size. "Well, I wanna change my wardrobe a bit. I know clothes aren't really your idea of a good time, and it isn't mine either, but I was looking at my reflection this morning and I figured..." He shrugged, ignoring that only he could see his movements, "Well, I thought I should get something that fit me, ya know?"

The following pause had the devil on his shoulder snicker. Tiffany's answer knocked him off his perch, "I'd love to. Hanging out with you is already a good time. Plus it's still a date, just with more shopping involved."

"Hopefully not too much shopping," He smiled. "Clothes are pretty expensive after all."

"Tell me about it," Tiffany groaned. "You wouldn't believe how much I spent to change my wardrobe after...well it all came slowly. Though I'm not exactly an expert on clothes, I know someone that is and knows how to get them on the cheap. Do you mind if I bring her along?"

Something lodged in his throat for a second. Today was just another hangout date with his girlfriend, did he already ruin it by making it a shopping trip? No. Shaking his head to banish the negative thoughts, he nodded to her request and said, "No problem. I mean, cheap is good for us, right?"

"Right, totally."

He took a moment to mentally run through who Tiffany knew and asked to bring. There was her roommate, a lanky hyena with fuse styled dreadlocks that he'd only met once. Then there were the two rats in her band, but he'd only read about them online and what he'd heard did not sound pleasant. They seemed like prime targets for Rattle to make a quick buck with the right picture, the only job his friend could really do well with. Maybe she had other friends? He should make an effort to know more of them after all. She met his parents and Ein, the latter of which he was much worse if he thought about it.

"So, who are you bringing?"

"Connie," Tiffany said, unable to hear his heart seizing on the other end. "She and her brother are pretty fashionable. When we had to do a mock cover for our Twitter page, they picked out the clothes to give us a style. I'll admit I wasn't a big fan of the spiked collar they gave me, but it worked for the time being. Anyway, pick ya up around three?"

"Y-Yeah," He nodded, "I'll be ready then."

"Till then, cutie," She said, blowing a kiss on her end as she hung up. Felix felt the blood drain from his face. He slowly made his way to the living room, finding his corgi roommate chowing down on some cereal. Ein's normally energetic self stopped in his tracks with one look at the leopard.

"You see a ghost?"

"No," Felix shook his head, "But I'm probably gonna see a devil later."


"I still don't get why you're hiding your looks," Connie complained, her Australian accent running thick as the rat followed the hand holding couple into the mall. Tiffany pulled down her hood when they entered, revealing her ungelled mohawk flopping over the right side of her head. As per usual whenever she and Felix went to a more public outing, she dressed more inconspicuously to avoid attention from fans. RockJaws weren't extremely popular, but its members were easy to spot in a crowd, especially if you are a tall muscular sharkgirl with a pink mohawk. Felix had grown used to it, happy to be with her rather than having his girlfriend deal with fans. Plus he didn't do well in crowds either.

"It's cause it's just an us day, Connie," Tiffany said, pulling her shorter boyfriend closer, "We can't really enjoy ourselves if I keep getting asked for pictures. Plus you know how crazy the media is for relationships."

Connie scoffed, "Anyone who reads tabloids seriously needs to reevaluate their life anyway." The rat didn't share their need for anonymity. She dressed just as Felix imagined she would, wearing tight jeans and a spiked leather vest with a striped black and blue tee underneath. Craziest thing was that even knowing it was Connie, the leopard couldn't tell if he was looking at a man or woman underneath those shades and buzzed headfur. He'd heard a rumor that she and her brother swapped clothes to play each other's instruments before a performance, but he couldn't tell who defaulted to what.

And frankly, he didn't feel like asking. Every time Felix looked at Connie, he could feel his spine shiver. Not because he was cold, but because he couldn't read her at all. The leopard couldn't tell if she would crack a joke or straight up cut him, and it only made his grip on Tiffany's hand tighter.

Connie took point in the mall, leading them past several shops before finding a small used clothes store. "Love that they got a place like this in here," Connie said with a smile as her combat boots stepped through the open archway, "It's like...well it certainly feels funny to have a hands-me-down shop in a shopping mall. Doesn't seem very capitalist."

"How do you figure?" Tiffany asked.

"It's too cheap. Malls are expensive to operate in right? That's why gaming stores are dying out in 'em."

Felix quirked his brow, "You play D&D or something?"

The rat rested her hand in the hair and tilted it left, then right, "I dabble. Expensive hobby so I usually go with what stuff I can find for free online. Tried to get the band interested but they didn't take."

"You offered it in the middle of practice. Vicky was furious at the distraction."

" hindsight I should have known better to bring it up when she's in the zone or whatever. But anyway," Connie clapped her hands and turned facing them with a cocky smile. Pulling off her shades, Felix noted the fire in her eyes as she looked him over, making him feel all the more uncomfortable as she turned back to the store. "You lot go wait in the dressing room. I'll get lookin."

"Shouldn't I pick out-"

Connie brought her finger up, "Ya brought me to help you find some cheap outfits. Let me do that." Felix looked up to Tiff with worry, but the shark smiled warmly. That damned smile kept him at ease, knowing full well that Tiffany would never do something to harm him. If she trusted Connie, then he would too.

The backroom was not built for two, at least not when one of the two stood as an amazon. Rather than wait inside alone, Felix leaned against the door with Tiffany by his side. They didn't speak, preferring to silently eye each other and giggle when they stared too long. She played with his headfur, curling a finger through it again and again until he almost had actual curls.

They got a stare or two from the other customers walking by to try things on, but Felix didn't even care. He didn't realize it until the third head tilt his way, but the leopard wasn't bothered by their confusion over how he and his girlfriend interacted with one another. A relief that was almost shattered when Connie returned with her choices.

"I think you're gonna look great in this," She said, holding up a plaid rockergirl skirt and a black punkish blouse. Felix blinked, surely the rat couldn't be serious. He looked to Tiffany in support, finding the shark trying to hide her blush behind her hanging mohawk.

"That's a bit too...girl for what I had in mind," Felix admitted.

"Really? What about you, Tiff?" Connie raised the outfit to her bandmate, "You think your boyfriend would look cute in a skirt?"

"That's...well I..." Her tongue twisted with each word as she looked between the punk ensemble then back to Felix. The blush across her grey skin growing stronger, "I's Felix's look we're shopping for. And I know he hates people assuming he's a girl. nice as it is, it'd only make the perception, well, worse..."

While she was on his side, Felix couldn't help but notice how tight her cargo pants were looking. As much as he didn't want to wear an actual dress, the leopard couldn't quite resist the urge to try it on for her. After all, he'd worn some lingerie for her before, and he did enjoy it for when they were alone.

"I'm fine with trying it on, but this is the only skirt or dress, got it?" He said, putting his proverbial foot down before the two of them. Connie didn't seem intimidated, nodding with a cocky smile and handing him the skirt. "Make sure you do a little twirl for ya girlfriend here. Give her a show." Felix considered giving her the middle finger but decided to be the bigger person and take the skirt.

The dark colors only served to brighten his naturally lighter pink fur. Actually putting it on was easy. His reflection, however, chained him down. It didn't look like a boy staring back at him, not with the skirt and his naturally androgynous hips. Taking a shaky breath, Felix told himself it was for Tiffany first, then the rest of the clothes were for him. Her smile was addictive enough that he wanted to make her happy even on days meant for him. And she felt the same, he knew that in his heart.

With anxiety, he stepped out of the dressing room. Hands in front and balled, head arching toward the floor, he peered up to see the girl's reaction. "H-how do I look?"

Connie held up her phone, "Like a mill-"

Tiffany pushed her friend's arm away, "Cute. And," She eyed the rat with silent anger, "Private."

"I was gonna say million bucks, not views. I can't save it for my private collection?"

"Not without his consent."

Sighing, the rat tilted her head and put her phone away, "Well there's no point in askin' then, since I know damn well he'll say no." Felix gave a relieved breath at his girlfriend's protectiveness. Or maybe it was how much her cock strained in her pants. Blushing, he bit his lip to stifle his own moans as the barbs of his cock bristled against his cage. No matter how often it happened, it always had him feeling so weak in the knees.

How long had he been locked up now? A week, a month? He couldn't tell, but it had led his mind to wander more. If Connie weren't here and he had a little more courage, Felix might have made a few suggestions on how to help Tiffany with her not so little problem. The thought had him blushing with such intensity that he rushed back inside and closed the door.

"Felix," Tiffany knocked, "You ok?"

"Y-Yeah," He stuttered, his breath ragged, "I'm fine."

"Look, I'm sorry about Connie," The shark said. Felix felt her slump up against the door and slide down. "She's just...she wouldn't actually post that. She does have blackmail tactics, but I figured she wanted to save that picture for me."

"Blackmail tactics?"

Tiffany's hand reached under the door, open for his own. "Yeah. She and her brother are...well you know how it's like every famous band has their 'problem' member? Like John Lennon and the Beatles?"

"Kinda?" He didn't know much about musical history. The leopard sat against the floor and grabbed her hand. It felt so strong in his grip, strong enough to crush his if she so desired. Yet she was soft, despite the rough shark skin over her body, or the fangs that gave her smile its intimidating glare.

"They're kind of like that, except they have enough self-control to avoid hurting the band. We like to joke that Connie is the kind of girl that'd stab you as a warning."

"That's not funny."

" it really isn't," She sighed, "Sorry. I know you wanted this to be just us. I'm just, well despite the tits and cooch, I'm not very good with clothes. I used to pick most of my casualwear without any idea if it looks good or not. And now I kind of follow my friend's advice on outfits. With at least some personal flair."

"I mean...I don't know clothes either. I just picked guy clothes two or three sizes bigger to hide...and I don't want to hide anymore, at least not when I'm with you." He squeezed her tight, not enough to hurt, the leopard knew she was too strong to be harmed like that, but enough to have her notice. "If...if Connie is so good at fashion, then I trust her."

"Is that why you put on the skirt? Since you tend to normally hate-"

"No," He interrupted. "I put it on cause...well you seemed to like it. And I remember how much you like me in that lady's lingerie. I'm not ready to like, go out in public like this. But putting on a show for my girlfriend is...well I like making you smile."

That sappy little line almost had Felix reeling from embarrassment. Tiffany's grip held tighter in their shared grasp. A soft chuckle escaped her lips, one that had the leopard feeling all the warmer near her.

"You two havin' a moment?" Connie asked. They let go and Felix poked his head out the door. Connie stood in the hallway with a pair of skinny jeans and a loose green shirt, and a backpack over her shoulder. "No," Felix said, "We're good."

She smiled, "Good. Found you some more clothes. I took the liberty of avoidin' any dresses or skirts this time, though I think you look better in these." Tossing them over to the leopard, Felix caught them and already wondered how they would fit.

"Aren't these a bit...small?"

"They always look small. Just try 'em on."

"What about pockets?" He asked, "I don't think these pockets are even that functional."

With a smile, Connie pulled over the backpack. A black pack with a cyan blue shark tooth aesthetic across the midsection, "That's why I picked out this. Bro uses backpacks or satchels all the time when he goes out."

Of the three of them, Tiffany blush's rung the loudest at the bag.


He never realized how much variety there was in clothing. It should have been obvious, but Felix never paid it much mind until he'd gone through what felt like 50 different outfits in the span of a few hours. Added now with Tiffany helping pick them out, and Felix had several options to choose from.

And not the budget for more than one.

His most recent outfit was a little...unconventional. A tank top, with a loose shirt that hung over his right shoulder that made his outfit just feel...right. That and the stretch pants felt strangely comfortable, even if it did express his cage's outline a little bit.

"Hey, Tiff, what do you-" He opened the door to find her and Connie missing. Figuring they'd be back in five or so minutes, he sat back in his booth and waited. When that passed, he pulled out his phone to text her only to hear it ping outside his door. Checking over, he found it in a pile of previously tried clothes.

Where was she? Curious, he headed out from the back stalls to the store and got his answer. A small crowd of five or six furs had gathered in the store, swarming around his girlfriend and Connie to take pictures and ask for autographs, with several cheering out their names, or just misgendering Connie as her brother. The rat didn't seem to mind, enthusiastically signing stuff for the ladies. But Tiff...she looked trapped behind that smile.

She needed help. He knew it, and Felix's legs were already moving before he had a plan. The devil on his shoulder told him to back down, to let his girlfriend deal with her fanbase and pretend like it never happened. The leopard blew the devil off, taking a moment to remember how Cyko dealt with groups that harassed his workers.

"Hey!" Felix called out, back straight and supported with a spine he finally grew. Some of the girls turned their heads, then tapped their friends' shoulders to do the same. All dressed in mixes of goth and punk rocker fashion, with eyeliner and dark colored lipstick. Already he wanted to back away, but Felix stood his ground, "Can you please fuck off? They're tryin' to have a personal day over here."

Three of the girls turned their heads, each displaying an expression of disgust at the feminine leopard. "Rude," Scoffed a dalmatian. "Go wait in line like the rest of us," demanded a cheetah.

He would have done that, the old Felix that is. The Felix that cared more about how people saw him than anything else. But he didn't want to be that person right now, or maybe not ever again if the leopard could help it. Ignoring their complaints and brushing past them, he grabbed Tiffany by the wrist and pulled with what strength he could muster. One of the girls grabbed him, but a quick stare from Tiffany had her letting go on their way to the backrooms.

They didn't stop until both were in the dressing room. Felix felt his heart pounding against his chest, he still couldn't believe what he'd done. Smiling, he looked up to Tiffany and said, "Sorry, I-"

Her lips cut him off. She pushed him to the wall, her tongue wrestling against his for dominance while he felt her cock tenting against her pants and rubbing against his crotch. A primal growl erupted from her, shaking him in delight as she overpowered him.

"I'm not normally the one rescued," She said, smiling wide and blushing with predatory glamor, "I think I need to thank my special prince for saving me." Slipping a hand down his stretch pants, she easily took hold of his caged cock. The barbs scratching against its walls were driving him mad, helping him forget just exactly where they are. "Does my special prince want a reward?"

"Y-yes," he breathed. She twisted him around, carefully pressing his face to the wall, and gently pulled his pants down, far enough to expose his ass.

"I've been wanting to do this since we started," She cooed, brushing a finger against his back hole. Pulling out a small bottle of her travel lube, she draped it over her digit and slowly spread it against his pucker. With a little force, the muscular shark pushed it inside him. Silencing his moans with her other hand, she whispered, "You got to be quiet, my knight in tight pants. We don't want any of those nasty girls coming in and seeing you get your reward."

Biting his lip to silence himself, Felix relaxed his ass to her finger. Letting her toy and prod like she owned it. Tiffany might as well at this point, he loved it all the same. Hearing her zipper draw down and lube slather across that erect cock of hers, his ears twitched in anticipation right as her cockhead nestled against his hole. "Just relax," She cooed, pushing in without any resistance. Not that he wanted to. Not a day went by that he didn't miss her cock inside him. Filling him up better than any dildo he could find.

"Oh, someone's been practicing."

"Y-You sure you haven't just worn me out?" He teased. Tiffany chuckled, reaching around and sliding under his shirt to pinch his stiffy nipple in response.

"I'm going to go slow, ok? Try to stay quiet for me, my brave boi." His legs turned to jelly all the same as she moved inside him. Every small thrust rubbing against his tense prostate like a wind from heaven. Tiffany locked her fingers between his against the wall. Her teeth scraped against his neck, never enough to bleed but to further cement who was in charge. "Good boi," She whispered, over and over as speed built up. "Keep quiet now, or I might have to silence you."

Try as he might, Felix couldn't fully suppress his moans with her ramping speed. His cock begged for release, for a quick way out of the hell it endured in its prison. Barbs scratched the walls, pleasure clawing at the door. Tiffany hooked her arms under his bits to hold him as she covered his muzzle, muffling his moans so that only the wet sound of her lubed up cock pounding him echoed in the stall. She panted with joy, replacing her sweet words with the animalistic grunts of claiming a bitch.

Yes, that's what he was. He was her prince and her bitch. Her boyfriend and fuckhole. A prisoner on the pleasurable ride to hell that he wanted to last for as long as...he gasped as his pleasure peaked. Felix lurched into his girlfriend's cock, burying it deep in his ass as the orgasm hit him, pleasure rippling through his soft form. Not his first erectionless orgasm, but first with only his ass. Strands of cum dripped from the tube locked over his cock, breaking off thanks to Tiffany's heavy thrusts. She wasn't done with him yet, and he wouldn't let her be until she filled his ass. The lock of his cage clattered with each push, mixing in with both their moans and breathy gasps.

Gritting her teeth, Tiffany's grip clamped down hard against him as her seed filled him. She carried him to the floor, letting the leopard lie against her chest as she laid her back against the wall. Her finger trailed down to his stomach to his crotch, rubbing against the messy hole in his cage. Giggling at his moans, she whispered, "You finally got to cum without me even touching it. How did it feel?"

"Amazing..." He said with a breathless gasp, unable to describe it any better.

"You know..." She ran another finger through his hair, "Now that we got that to happen, we don't really need to take that cage off. I mean, yeah it's a little extreme but..." Felix smiled. Reaching for the pants he walked in on, he pulled out a small key and palmed it into her hand. "I-I was just-"

"It's ok," Felix whispered, "I trust you."

"But these are your back up," She said, finally take her cock out and leaving him feeling empty, "Like, these are for if you're in an accident and don't want people to see-"

Turning around, he brought a finger to her lips, "I don't care if people see." Kissing her, he whispered, "I'm fine with people knowing I'm yours."

They embraced for what felt like an eternity, neither one wishing to release the other from their warmth. That is until a knock rang from the door. "Oi, you two done in there? It's half-past noon and I barely had any breakfast." Connie asked.

Both smiling, they got up and dressed. "You're not going to change back?" She asked.

Felix shook his head, giving a little twirl in his new outfit, "Nah. I think I'll walk out in these. After I pay for them anyway."

Roadie Chapter 10: Newfound Confidence

It didn't stop with the clothes. Felix's newfound sense of confidence continued to rise. Where once he would walk with a low hunch in a shirt two sizes too large with baggy cargo pants to hide his feminine form, now he walked with proper posture in...

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RockJaws: The Manager

The alarm waking her up would have been a blessing. Just one day where Deborah could wake up on schedule, get up to have some instant coffee, a shower, and breakfast, before starting the workday. But no. Instead, she had to wake up to the sound of her...

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RockJaws: Stereotypes

"Go ahead and sing for me, you pathetic excuse for a yeen." Vicky reeled as the crop struck against her exposed tush. Fists clenched, she bit harder against the rubber ball strapped into her mouth. Impeding her voice, the hyena forced whatever...

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