Conrad Meets Raziel, Chapter 1

Story by Khabi on SoFurry

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Hey all! When meet someone who I click with in roleplay and I feel like that roleplay, and the combination and work thereof, is worth showing off, I want to try to start showing it off again. This work is a combination effort with SilverTiger812 on FA and it was quite the experience, even though there's still quite a lot to go before we even get to the meat of what's to come in a roleplay log like this one. This one is just introductions and one hell of a musky blowjob.

It can be all too easy to ignore a word of warning. To venture to far from an established trail, knowing that the direct route must be faster, to dismiss stories of monsters prowling in the forest, or how easy it is to get lost in the shaded hills.

At least, until it happens, purely by accident. Night began to fall much faster than expected, made even darker by the onset of stormy clouds in the sky above - and the inevitable downpour of ran, and peals of thunder. The path has become nearly impossible to see, let alone follow, and only the trees offer some degree of reprieve from the storm. Traveling in these conditions is untenable - the only real option is to find somewhere to wait it out.

Of course, there's no village around for miles, not a homestead in sight. The only conceivably dry place right now might be one of the many caves tucked under the overgrown hills, but finding one of those in the darkness is still proving quite the challenge!

The brightness of his Everburning Torch is small solace against the darkness that completely surrounds the man as he stumbles through the darkness, wind, and rain. The thunder and lightning is actually a blessing - without it, he would have even more trouble navigating the madness of this unfortunate night he has found himself in.

It surely must be inevitable, the man thought to himself. You make one too many bad decisions, take one more shortcut, one more deep trip risking something like this happening, and eventually it comes to roost for you. He shudders, his traveling cloak now doing precious little to protect him due to the deluge of rain soaking his body.

Then, there, lit up in a flash of lightning, he sees a cave. He grabs a few sticks on the way there, as much as he can, hoping he can get it to dry out before too long and that perhaps it was dry before this rainstorm, but to do anything he has to get out of the rain. He stumbles up the embankment to it, unable to see any signage about it, and bends over at the waist. "Whew..." he says. Then, he stands and tries to gauge his surroundings.

A small waterfall washes over the last of the man's soaked cloak as he ducks into the cave, but the deluge is finally kept off his back by the rocky overhang once he's under it. Not that it does anything to lessen the roar of the heavy rain outside, or the cracks of thunder, but it at least offers an opportunity to at least start the process of getting less wet, instead of more. The sticks he's gathered are, unfortunately, quite wet as well, and make the prospects of starting a fire rather unlikely in the immediate future.

His torch, at least, manages to cast some light around the interior of the cave mouth. It looks relatively unassuming, naturally formed stone walls... Though it becomes obvious right away that it heads deeper into the hillside, past a bend, out of reach of the light of his torch. There also seems to be...air flowing out from deeper within the cave - but unlike the cold, drafty air one would expect from an underground tunnel, it's surprisingly warm! And it...carries a scent on it, one that is hard to place, but distinctly different from the peaty, petrichor smell of the rain.

Something...salty, and sweet at the same time. A scent that tingles at the back of his sinuses, natural but pleasant. Part of it immediately calls to mind the mental image of a languid, sunning feline, but...there's so much more to it than that. Musky, subtly spicy, and surprisingly alluring...

He finally manages to get out of the rain - no small feat, considering that the whole world seems to be an ocean on the outside of the cave mouth, but he sighs in relief at having accomplished at least that much. He takes the hood down from his cloak - then, thinking better of it, takes the whole cloak off and hangs it on an outcropping on the cave's natural walls. He realizes, somewhere in his mind, that he must have walked into some kind of den.

Warmth and scent assault his senses. The warmth first - because it's so incongruous. An animal would not have warmth coming from deeper within, which tells him that whoever is dwelling here is certainly not just an animal. Warmth can only mean fire or some kind of heat source, which, he is forced to admit himself down to his soaked bones, is something he needs much more than any trepidation that would prevent him from investigating.

But more than that. There's also the scent. It must be a truly powerful smell, the smell that tickles his nostrils and triggers an additional curiosity to him. It smells like a feline's den but with more going on than that. With some kind of additional smell that raises the hair on his neck, but not in revulsion, in... something he can't quite put his finger on. Steeling himself, he follows the cave deeper inside. Remembering himself, he announces his presence. "Hello? Is someone else sheltering in this cave?"

The smoky scent of a fire eventually reaches his nose, as he forges deeper - which would explain the warmth coming from inside, though it also makes it more apparent how strong that curious, animalistic scent is, to have overshadowed that of the burning wood. And it is rather thick, though not enough to be overpowering, or unpleasant... It's merely...pervasive.

As he starts to round the bend, too, he can see a flicker of light off the cave walls, and the heavenly warmth continues to radiate out, restoring feeling - at least, to his fingers and face, and other parts not covered by soaked cloth. And as the tunnel straightens back out, he can see a larger chamber up ahead, lit with flickering amber light coming from the fire pit in the middle, a proper chimney venting most of the smoke up and out of the cave. Blankets and pillows ring the central fire, arranged in cozy piles... Someone isn't just taking shelter here, someone lives here!

Confirmation comes moments later when a voice replies to his call - a bit rumbly, and gruff, though the pitch is... Well, it's hard to tell if it's a man's or a woman's voice, though the way it carries suggests it's not coming from a small individual, in either case. "Oh...? A visitor?" comes the surprised response, though he can't yet see the source. "Got caught in the storm, eh? Well come in, come in - you must be drenched!"

He has to admit a couple things at this point - that scent, that pervasive, intoxicating, confusing odor that is assaulting his nostrils is definitely powerful. For him to have felt the warmth coming out from near the entrance to the cave, it must have been a strong fire indeed, one that would produce quote a lot of odor on its own - and yet that musk overpowered it all the way to the outlet of the cave as well. It fascinated him, too, because in addition to everything else - he, like most humans, was not known for a particularly powerful sense of smell.

He stared in awe when he rounded a bend and found not a temporary shelter set up by another traveler, but instead, what amounted to an entire proper domicile. It was a sizable fire, as he had figured, but now he realized part of why the smoke didn't produce as strong a smell - the person had created a chimney for it to escape, as this was someone's living space. And then...

Then the person spoke. A bit gravely, but clearly... well, he guessed he could probably call it androgynous, but as a male himself it lent him a belief that the person uttering it was feminine by comparison to him, at the least. "A visitor perhaps, yes, and indeed I was caught in the storm, found shelter where I could." He looked around. He took off his coat, soaked, revealing just a tunic and trousers. Which were damp at least. "I hope you don't mind if I share your fire."

"Not at all! I don't get many visitors," the androgynous voice replies. "I'll be out to greet you properly in a moment, just washing some linens while the water is running." The audible trickle of water over the crackle of the fire suggests that the rain-water must be funneled in here in some controlled way. "By all means, settle in by the fire, and dry out some." Quite the trusting tenant, to invite a stranger into their home, without even seeing him. He could be armed to the teeth, a bandit or a brigand, and receiving quite the warm welcome.

As he enters the main, roughly dome-shaped chamber, he can see a few additional openings in the stone walls, leading to other tunnels or rooms, these ones seemingly dug out (or at least widened) by the owner, their tall outlines more regular than the cave's opening. Decorations and adornments scattered throughout - a few dreamcatchers and chimes hang here and there from the ceiling, thugh the latter remain mostly still in the cave's warm air. The lighting is supplemented by a few crystals set on sconces, glowing with a pale inner light. Patterned cloths hang on the walls, walls, covering some of the bare stone. A long-hilted sword or short spear of some kind is displayed on the wall as well, in addition to a few other blades of surprisingly high quality, and glinting silver construction. The various decorations scattered around give the place an eclectic, but lived-in look, though none of it answers just what kind of person lives here - or where that strong, animalistic scent is coming from. Perhaps some sort of large pet, or...



From one of the openings, the human's host emerges, hard hooves clacking against the stone floor to announce the creature's arrival. It makes sense now why there was no concern about inviting a stranger - it looms over him, furred frame sturdy and strong like a gnoll, or some other sort of beast-man... But it's not quite like any he recognizes. A fact made all the more obvious by the fact that it...isn't clothed, at all.

It seems to have a mostly feline form, at least in terms of head, and arms, and stripes...but also horns, and hoofed legs, and a long, almost draconic tail that sweeps slowly behind them. Him? Her? Even that is far from apparent, and the androgyny of that voice is starting to make perfect sense, now - the beast sporting breasts, in greater quantity than any human...but also a sheath and set of testes not unlike those he's seen on full-grown stallions. Shi seems unashamed of the display, though, taking a few casual steps closer to the fireplace. "Welcome, traveler," shi states, smirking slightly at his no-doubt surprised reaction. "I am Raziel."

He notices the shamanistic feel that the decor has in the place. He supposes that it's possible his new host has access to some sort of magic, something he had a passing familiarity with as he was something of an amateur alchemist - one of his greatest achievements was creating his torch, for example. But this seemed to dwarf his experience, so he wondered if he might learn something while he was here weathering out the storm.

He stares up at hir - shi must be an entire head taller than him, and even then, he's far from a short man, standing at six-foot-two-inches. That's the first thing he honestly notices about hir. Obviously of course he notices hir scent - now that shi's no longer hidden behind a curtain or in another room of the cave, the scent becomes that much clearer. Oh yes, the musky odor he smelled - that feline, yet mixed scent that has been following him since he entered this cave a few moments before - and how it was odd in more than one way becomes absolutely clear.

He thought it was a humanoid tiger, like a rakshasa, at first, given hir obvious feline appearance, but then his eye continued to scan over hir body. The horns, no, the draconic tail, the hooves, and that sheath he definitely hasn't seen outside of a stable, and hir multiple breasts - he might have even expected larger given hir frame - and everything made a lot of sense. "Um!" was his initial reaction, before continuing. "It is excellent to meet you, Raziel, thank you for allowing me into your home," he tells hir, that scent still just way more enticing than it had any right to be. And shi was just... showing him hir body like this. Culturally speaking, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and arousal at

The creature, the...strange, hybrid that shi is, seems to take his reaction in stride, casually walking over to hang up the sheets shi'd been washing. "You're quite welcome. Feel free to hang up your clothes to let them dry as well," shi offers, gesturing to an empty section of rack that wraps around the chimney. Shi soon takes a seat, lounging nearby with feline fluidity, and an amused, but curious look in those violet eyes as the androgynous creature looks him over.

Though reciprocally, the longer he looks at the hybrid, the less sure he can be what shi is. Tigrine, yes, but not a rakshasa - hir paws are facing the right way. Not a gnoll, minotaur, or any sort of standard cat-folk. A druid stuck in a botched transfiguration? No, too unashamed. A self-modifying, potion-brewing deviant? He doesn't see an alchemy least not here. A forest spirit? Or just...something he hasn't seen before?

That scent is quite distracting, though. The salty, sweaty, spicy masculine tang of it, combined with the sweet, subtle female flavor, make it both awkwardly arousing and surprisingly intoxicating, plus the subtle musk of who knows how many other creatures - feline, equine, canine... And that's just what his relatively weak human nose can pick up. "Pleased to meet you, in any event. You have a name I might use, traveler~?" The purring, feline lilt to hir voice blends right in with that androgynous tone, making it oddly pleasing to the ear, as well. "It's been _years_since I've had a human visit, and I'd love to be a good host. And just run screaming, so you're already more interesting than many~..."

]: He stopped for a moment, trying to consider his actions. He was a guest in hir home, that was for certain, and that meant he ought to accept hir hospitality in whatever form in which it arrived. All the same, he was still a little bit overcautious - the difference in culture might create some awkwardness, considering that he found hir body interesting to begin with, and hir scent was working on his libido in a... measurable way. But, at the same time, he was forced to admit that he was absolutely soaked and that he could not simply stay in his clothes like this, he knew that. So he decided to throw caution to the wind, and he nodded at his host.

"I'm deeply apologetic Raziel, you introduced yourself, and I didn't. I'm called Conrad, and I appreciate you opening your home to me." Then, he turned away from hir - a little bit of an attempt at privacy, though he gave up the ghost with that pretty quickly and turned back around, revealing his average, perhaps somewhat lithe, form. His dick wasn't remarkable, but it was a bit bigger than average, by hir judgment, for a human. "You seem downright pleasant, so I'm surprised that any other visitors run and scream," he said, joining hir on a nearby cushion. Wow, hir scent was even stronger sitting near hir.

creature grins a bit at his apology, but waves a paw dismissively. "No need to be sorry... You've done nothing wrong," shi replies, noting, "Though I admit I don't know much about human custom. I won't be offended, regardless. Make yourself at home, Conrad. This storm might last quite some time." Shi remains quiet as he disrobes, though he can't help but feel that the creature is still watching as he does so, those bright, curious eyes too sharp to miss much. And yet, hir gaze doesn't linger, either, not fixating in the way a human might on his nudity, instead passing over his form with a cursory inspection.

"Thank you~... I try to be, but I fear most humans are upset by my appearance long before we reach the point of pleasantries. It is what it is, though. I suspect most humans have never encountered a chimeric creature like myself, either." Shi seems quite pleased by his decision to take a seat near hir, though, and the heat of the cave quickly starts to strip the chill from his exposed skin - though he can feel a fair amount of warmth radiating off the beast's body as well, in addition to that scent. "Truth be told...I haven't seen many humans, either. Well...not for long, anyway."

Shi seems to inspect him a little more closely for a moment...before reaching out, and touching his thigh! Warm, pebbly paw-pads trace along his skin, curiously, before shi speaks up. "I admit, I've always found you humans and your bare hides rather fascinating. Must be quite sensitive...but with even a short coat of fur, you wouldn't need those woven garments at all."

He felt particularly exposed like this. "Well, I appreciate your hospitality nonetheless," he continues, smiling up at hir. He was thinking that sitting nearby hir like this was a show of sorts, to convince hir that he didn't find hir scary. He found hir body a lot more curious than he did frightening, as the way his eyes kept glancing over at her nakedness implied. This was another cultural difference, one that he felt that he ought to address.

"For some time? Yes, I suppose it only really just got started," he said in response to hir commentary. He can feel hir gaze on his body, but it wasn't only sexual. Of course there might be some aspect to that - he was nude after all - but he shrugged a bit. "Well, suffice to say, most humans don't walk into unknown caves in the wilderness unless they're rather forced to, you know? As to my bare skin..." he said, commenting as everywhere she touched made the hair on his thigh prickle up in goosebumps. Touching was a different custom perhaps as well, but when in Absalom... he thought to himself.

"Well, the custom is to keep ourselves clothed to protect against the elements. I suppose that the taboo about nakedness grew from that," he said. "Probably there are other factors, but you're right, if we had fur we wouldn't need as much clothing. Probably those of us in the far north might have some anyway," he said with a laugh, before he caught onto something. "You don't see them for long? You mean they run away?" he asked her.

The chimera chuckles, a hearty rumbling laugh that does call to mind the sound of wild felines just enough to make the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, but shi seems to have no intention of causing any harm. Those meaty paws, large as they are compared to his own hands, keep their claws sheathed comfortably. Shi definitely doesn't seem to have the same conception of personal space or intimacy that a human does, suggesting that shi probably isn't a transformed human...or at least never was particularly socialized.

"Mmm, true. Most don't venture this far from the beaten path, either. An adventurous human, then," shi observes, continuing to feel along the skin of his thigh. Only then does a claw come out, grazing lightly along the surface of his skin, just enough to leave a faintly visible line. "Taboo? There's a taboo against being unclothed?" shi asks, clearly...having not known that part! The chimera probably only knew that it was to keep off the cold, not the social connotation. "...Hmm. May explain why some humans run from me, then... This is good to know," shi says with a shrug, tucking that bit of information away for later.

"Hmm. It would be interesting to see furred humans. Or furless beasts! Fascinating. But, I digress..." Shi pulls hir paw back, and shifts a bit - the heft of those dark-skinned balls and sheath shifting atop hir lap, while those breasts subtly jostle as shi stretches out, reclining more. "Hmm? Ah, indeed, most run. Those that don't run never seem to stay long. They have their fun, and then leave. Disappointing, really~..."

He shudders a bit at hir rumbling, purring laugh. It makes him feel like a big cat is right there with him, which is close enough to being true to might as well be, but the way shi's acting is putting him at ease. Perhaps the scent is affecting his mind a little bit, he rationalizes. He oughtn't feel perfectly safe here, and yet he does. He does figure out that this must be hir natural form, though, as she doesn't seem to act human in anything but the broadest sense.

He pauses for a moment, trying to figure out how to phrase this. "Most humans, at least where I come from, associate nudity with sex... or sunbathing," he said with a slightly nervous chuckle. If shi thought his goosebumps came up when she touched him, she saw them spread when she touched him with one of hir claws.

"You would be intimidating, to someone who didn't know what to expect," he said. He had waltzed into hir cave and shi had been anything but hostile though, downright friendly, he thought to himself. He found himself staring at hir body again, though. Those lovely breasts, seeing them move made him aroused - he couldn't help himself. And the sheath... gods, he hadn't seen anything that big but on a horse. "You say they have their fun and then leave?" he asked.

The chimera raises a brow-stripe, curious. "And is there something wrong with sex, or sun-bathing? Both are pleasant, and perfectly natural," shi rumbles, clearly not sure where the stigma lies. And it does seem rather silly, even trying to think of how to explain it. Perhaps hir musk is affecting him - his body feels warm, despite those goosebumps, and the air around them is thick with that mixed scent - yet the more he breathes, the more pleasant it seems...

Shi mulls over his answer though, and nods a hint. "I suppose that is true. Humans can be skittish... But some of you are quite brave. And interesting." Shi scoots a bit closer, and gives a Conrad a sniff of hir own - drawing air over his bare skin, before exhaling, and billowing hir warm breath back onto him. "You do not smell afraid..." Raziel pauses, hir grin slowly growing, becoming a hint more toothy. "You smell like the others. Aroused. Curious..."

The chimera nods chuckles, and nods a hint, tracing a claw over hir own sheath when shi sees where his gaze falls, the loose, glossy skin dimpling a bit under hir claw. "Most run, yes. Those that do not, and come in...usually find themselves taking a liking to my scent. They say it is strong, but good. I suspect you are of a similar mind~?" shi gives a knowing smirk, and a small purr. "But yes, they have their fun, and leave. Some wish to breed me, others beg me to breed them... Some just press their noses in against my sheath and sac, and praise me..." shi explains, with a casual wave of hir paw - though it's clear shi's watching Conrad's reaction out of the corner of hir eye. "But all tend to be gone by the time I wake back up. Disappointing..."

He shakes his head in response to hir first question. "No, nothing wrong at all with sex and sunbathing. In fact, two activities I quite enjoy," he said with a slight nervous laugh, listening to hir rumbling after commenting on it. "It's just... people tend to only get naked when they want to show off, or have sex," he said, simply. "But it appears while you have no such compunction... you have similar desires," he said, as he listened to hir describing what happened with other humans who came along.

"I... can't deny it. I am interested. Perhaps it's your scent that's doing it, Raziel, I can't deny that it is affecting me in some way. It makes me feel comfortable, makes me feel at home in your home, which is quite a handy thing indeed," he said. "I can't imagine why someone would want to breed with you - or be bred by you - and just leave," he said thoughtfully. "That doesn't make any sense, to me. Why wouldn't they stay? Missing the comforts of home? You seem comfortable enough... here," he said. The scent must be getting to him, because he found himself staring at hir body again when she traced hir own sheath. Gods, what kind of cock must hide in that. "Bred, too, you say? You're feminine as well," he said. "I don't know why anyone would leave, at that rate," he said with a slightly nervous laugh.

He actually got noticeably aroused right when shi went in and gave him such a sniff.

The chimera smiles, enjoying his responses, flustered - but encouaging - as they are. "Sex and sunbathing are activities everyone should give a chance - though we can't do the latter right now, sadly," Raziel chuckles, while a convenient echo of thunder rumbles down the chimney. "Why would I want to hide what I am? I am comfortable with my body...and even if not everyone can appreciated it, some certainly seem to~..." Shi can clearly tell that hir scent, hir physicality is getting to the human, by now, and sits up a bit, actually pulling away from him.

"I have never understood the inhibitions of humans. If you want to get closer, get closer. I will not bite~," shi purrls, now blatantly inviting him to touch, and admire hir - spreading hir legs to let those glossy orbs dangle, hanging most, but not all of the way over the plump female slit beneath them, while hir sheath sags slightly under the prodigious weight of the flaccid member inside. Hir breasts rise and fall with hir calm, collected breathing, arms spread over a pair of pillows - baring as much as shi can all at once.

"Masculine, feminine, both, neither... I never understood the split between the two in you humans, either. But yes, I can sire_or_ bear young..." Shi gives a little shrug at his question about leaving. "I cannot say, since none ever stuck around to explain! Humans can be capricious. But..." shi gets a bit of a playful look in those violet eyes, looking him up and down again. "Are you implying that you would stay~?"

He considered his response to her questions, and continued the conversation. "You're right, the weather is certainly not particularly helpful for trying to get out and sunbathe, just regular bathe," he said with a laugh. "With a body like that, I can certainly see why you would want to show it off. I can clearly see that you are enjoying the best of all worlds, truly," he said, now no longer hiding his interest in her hermaphroditic form.

Hir scent was doing a number on him. Not only was he getting comfortable, he was getting aroused looking at her. "I can't imagine why anyone would want to leave, still. You would think one night's worth of sex wouldn't be enough to explore a potent body like yours," he said thoughtfully, not looking at hir fully as he mused at himself.

Then he looked back at hir, at hir exposing hir body. Clearly propositioning him. Clearly showing him all that shi had to offer, hir sheath and balls, hir feminine sex, hir octet of breasts, and the fact that the scent seemed to only grow stronger at that point made him blush, looking up at hir. "Oh my goodness," he said, under his breath. Then, he moved over, and his hands moved. Shi offered, and it would be rude to refuse, he rationalized. One hand touched hir sheath and balls, the other hir bottom right breast. "Yes, I think I would stay. Probably as long as you like." The thought of breeding when she mentioned it so casually really... stuck in his mind. The fact shi could sire and bear. That was... intriguing.

Raziel purrls, deep in hir chest, that happy feline rumbling reverberating through the cave - and soon his hand, as he palms that modest lower breast. Shi clearly is enjoying soaking up his praise, verbal and physical, and the tip of hir tail gives a satisfied wag as he the comment about the 'best of all worlds'. And that scent... As he touches hir sheath, his palm comes away slick - hir sweat, pheromone-laden and fascinating, clings to his skin, while that plump sleeve of hir own gives a thankful throb around the member hidden within.

"I can assure you, one night is not enough to explore everything I have to offer," shi replies, tone growing more overtly sultry, both from hir own arousal, and, well... Shi must know what shi's doing to the human. Shi's lured him in...but even he can tell that it isn't so much being caught in a carefully woven web as being toyed with, as any feline might play with their prey. And yet, despite that doesn't make the offer any less enticing.

Hir paw comes to rest on his head, stroking over his head and neck as he admires hir form. "You aren't the first to say you would stay," shi explains, tracing that paw down his neck, and gently teasing the tips of hir claws along his back. "But...I suppose there's only one way to test your sincerity~..." Shi meets eyes with him, grinning that playful, feline grin, and curling hir fingers under his jaw. "Though, you'll have to decide how you want to enjoy my body, which part calls out to you to explore first." Raziel rumbles, and leans in a bit, pressing both hir sheath and breast more firmly into his grasp. " Or I shall decide for you~..."

This close to hir, he was easily able to detect how shi was responding to his attentions. It was a wonder to him that the big hermaphrodite would be interested in someone as... relatively speaking, vanilla compared to hir many wondrous charms. Not that he was complaining, mind, but he did cotton on to the feeling that shi was kind of having some fun with him. He shook his head clear of a little bit of cobwebs as his hands toyed with hir sheath and hir breasts a bit more, before finding his fingers damp from the former. He pulled it to his face and sniffed.

Oh wow. That's definitely part of where the musk in this place was coming from. He flared his nostrils to smell it deeper and then he even stuck two of his fingers into his mouth and licked them clean. "My goodness Raziel... there's so much to work with, I scarcely even know where to begin," he said, as he looked over hir body. He could clearly see hir sheath twitch when he touched it, realizing that he was having an effect on hir, too, even if it was, perhaps a little bit more muted than what was happening to his own, as his erection prodded hir thighs. He was more concerned with hir body than his own - there was so much to explore. "You said you've sired and been bred before. That's fascinating," he said, talking about it with hir, as his hands went back to where they were before, though they grew a touch bolder, stroking hir sheath instead of just touching it, lightly fondling hir breast instead of just resting his hand on it. "I think I'd love to explore all of you in time, without a doubt. I bet getting down and exploring your pussy might give me a lethal dose of your scent," he said, though his hands were elsewhere.

]: Raziel is playing with him, but shi also watches him curiously, sweeping hir tail slowly over the pillows, and purring at the interest he shows. Though shi's been suggesting that his preoccupation with hir body is perfectly normal relative to hir other visitors...shi does seem to enjoy his attentions, even so. And though shi's not inclined to let on - yet - he's already a fair bit more invested and eager than most.

Taking a deep breath of the musk on his fingers is, simply put, heavenly. It skews more heavily in favor of hir masculine musk, as compared to the sweeter feminine scent of hir slit, but...even to a male human, the scent is captivating, tingling his sinuses with its intensity - and almost innately makes his heart beat a little faster, either from intrinsic aphrodisiac qualities, or his own inexplicable attraction. The taste of it is equally sublime salty and malty and every bit as nuanced as hir scent. It may be the gradual intoxication and arousal, the moment, it's hard to think of anything else that tastes as good.

"It might, at that~," shi says with a chuckle, rubbing over his head again. "I'm not sure I should give you a taste just yet, though..." That hungry, playful smile resurfaces. "No, if that's what you really want... I'm going to make you wait." That devious smile spreads, and hir tail begins to slither down, and coil around his waist. "Perhaps that was my mistake before - giving in to first requests." Shi begins tugging him in closer with that paw on his head, guiding him down between hir legs...and toward that pulsing, sweat-slick sheath and sac. "So...if you really want a taste of my pussy, feel the size and shape of it, under your fingers, against your cheek, around your dick...I'm going to make sure you have to stick around for it~..." It's hard to fault hir logic - or just how fuzzy hir scent makes him feel, as shi brings his nose an inch away from that bare, black flesh, purrling eagerly. "_This_time... I want you to admire my sheath, and sac, and make sure you're well-acquainted with them , first~..."

He was shuddering. At some level, he really knew that Raziel was definitely playing with him, like, as mentioned earlier, a cat might with hir prey, even though it was clear that while he was the prey, it wasn't any kind of violence that belied hir efforts. Judging by hir reactions, by hir body, by everything at play here in these moments, that shi was actually actively interested in him, and shi was being particularly coy about it, or so his mind rationalized.

He moaned out, lightly, as he swallowed at his fingers again. It was bizarre, how divine it felt to taste her like this. He could feel hir lizard-like, perhaps draconic tail slipping around his waist and tuggling him closer. He was surprised it was that strong, but perhaps he should not have been, considering hir overall size.

He felt his mind growing kind of hazy. It had to be the effects of hir smell, or hir body, or maybe some kind of magic that shi was playing his body with, but in the end, no matter the truth of what was happening, he was feeling the results of it and it was absolutely impossible to deny that he was incredibly turned on, and turned on for hir.

"Well, I'm male, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising," he said, after he finally got done tasting all of hir flavor on his fingers, but he looked up at hir and grinned. "I bet all of you tastes every bit that good," he said, as he got to work stroking at hir sheath with two hands now. "I suppose if I have to work on your sheath and your sac to get to know all of you, there are much worse places to start with," he said with a grin and then he went in for it. He leaned down and buried his face between hir sheath and balls and sniffed, then licked. Unable to stop himself.

Raziel seems to revel in the reactions shi gets out of the human, and is clearly enjoying his company - after all, it must have been some time since shi last had a visitor. Shi's coy, indeed, but there's no hiding the reactions hir body reciprocally gives to his teasing and attention. "Very true~," shi replies with a huff, exhaling as shi leans back, leaving his face at crotch-level, and leaving him to explore. Shi trusts his sincerity (and the snug grip of hir tail) to prevent him from digging into hir female folds too early, and is intrigued to see just how...invested he might get.

The warmth, and the scent, and the feel of hir sac against the skin of his face is almost overwhelming as he presses in against them. Hir body temperature must be higher than his - managing to feel warm even against his flushed cheeks, and the considerable heat of the cave. Every breath is thick, humid, heavy, huffing the thick scent of hir equine-like masculine equipment...and the first taste of that intoxicating, salty musk from the source is enough to get him hooked. Shi groans out in pleasure as shi feels the smooth muscle glide across hir skin, purring deeply. "Therrrrre we go~..." isn't long before hir sheath begins to bulge more, starting to stretch around the stiffening member inside - drawing some of the slack flesh taut around the growing spire. Hir tip is just starting to peek at the rim of hir sheath, but rather than fat and flared, and completely equine, it appears to have...a bit of a point to it...

He is pretty well invested by this point, not able to resist hir charms at all, considering how much of them that shi is offering up his way. It's quite a scene, honestly, with him being pulled lightly into hir crotch by hir long, muscular tail. He shudders. No doubt he's never felt this aroused in his life, as whatever hir musk is doing to him, it's working overdrive on him now that he's this close, this tightly snuggled up against hir crotch and hir sheath and hir balls. All of it is incredible. Like this is clearly where some large percentage of hir strong pheromonal scent is coming from, but he's also close enough that he's still able to get whiffs now and again of hir spicy feminine scent hiding just below.

And he did lick it. He did it. It was intoxicating, like it was a drug just boiling into his mind and changing him to want more of it. Not that he needed that much more work to get him that deep into it, considering how far he had already fallen. He stroked at hir sheath more as he felt it plumping and the dick within beginning to stiffen and slowly, just barely starting to emerge. "Well," he said in response as it seemed to be slightly diffferent from how he had expected. "Not that I'm complaining, but everything told me it ought to be equine. Oh well," he said, as he slipped a pair of fingers into hir tight sheath a bit just to help hir grow.

Raziel pants softly, hir cloven toes curling and uncurling, scraping lightly against the stone under him. Shi wants him to explore, introduce himself to hir anatomy, and slowly but surely it seems to be paying off. "I defy many expectations~," shi says with a chuckle. "And...keep going. I'm sure you won't be disappointed~..." Shi gives a surprised, but pleasured yelp, and an extra hard throb as he slips his fingers into hir sheath, but it does indeed help the beast grow - wincing and panting as hir thick rod grows up around it.

The tip is angled some, like a canine's, but it _is_rather broad, and has a hint of an equine flare to it...though as another inch, and another emerges, barbs begin to bristle and rub against his fingers, held nearly flush against hir shaft on the way out before spreading a bit once free of hir sheath. And it keeps going, and going... Six inches of it end up protruding past his fingers before his knuckles meet the medial ring of hir thickening rod! It's only half-way out!

"Oh wow... you truly are full of surprises aren't you?" he asked with more than a little hunger. Now, it seemed like, he literally had the big feline-based chimera in the palm of his hand, he thought to himself bemusedly. He didn't stop though. Now that he was having some work going on hir, he was not surprised at all, really, to see that hir cock had all kinds of different features; so did shi, so that made perfect sense to him. He didn't even need to be addled by hir pheromones for something like that to make sense; it actually just straight up did.

"Hmm... well, I shouldn't be surprised you're this exotic here too," he said, as he ogled hir member as it slowly emerged from hir sheath. He saw the canine-ish tip but with the slight appearance of an equine flare, and he definitely noticed the fleshy barbs lining hir cock as it came out. He thought perhaps, somehow, the medial ring might be the end before shi kept growing. "Oooh... wow... I can see why anyone would want to be bred by this thing..." he said. Then, as though he couldn't help himself - as he, in fact, indeed could not - he licked from the ring to the tip slowly, using his muscle on her. The taste was something he couldn't begin to describe, he just knew he wanted more.

Raziel lets hir head roll back a bit, basking in the as hir sheath is fingered and licked, growing longer and thicker with each pulsating throb as shi stiffens up right in front of him - though it's large enough that there's still a bit of softness to it, just yet, the length bowing and bobbing against his forehead as he explores it. That inhuman spire surely the largest he's seen this close. "I...most certainly am," shi pants, a moment before something wet drips atop his head. Something he's experienced plenty today, but...this is warmer, and thicker, and stickier... Shi groans as hir shaft begins to drool a bit of pre onto the top of his head, leaking more of hir intoxicating musk before shi's even fully hard!

Another gasp sounds throughout the cave as his tongue drags up her flesh, soft barbs bristling and rubbing against his tongue, flexing and flaring by miniscule degrees as shi continues to harden. Really, by human standards, it's taking quite a long time for the beast to reach full mast - but with a member nearly a foot in length, and double the girth of most men, it's hard to judge it by the same standards. As shi grows out, hir sheath bunches up around the base, creases and wrinkles forming, and forcing him to dig his tongue in to continue teasing hir sheath... But by then, shi's almost entirely erect. The last thing to slip free (with a bit of effort, pressing up against his fingers) is the chimera's knot. The pitch-black bulb is large and lupine, but like the rest of hir seamlessly fused pieces, seems right at home on that partly-equine, partly-feline cock...

He was now getting to real work on hir. The fruits of his labor were clearly coming to fruition and he was loving every moment of it, really relishing it as he kept encouraging hir cock to grow bigger and stronger, even now spending a little bit less time on hir balls and hir sheath as it kept on growing and growing and somehow, impossibly, still _growing._This impressive spire of chimera cock was definitely something to behold, and it was something that he was really appreciating now that it was basically thrust into his face. Even while he was working the shaft, he felt hir drip pre onto his head! "Oooh.... wow..." he said, half to himself, half to hir. That scent was strong.

He kept working at hir cock though, now his hands working hir over both - such a massive spire of a dick was now something that he figured needed his whole attention, even if he occasionally drifted lower to tease at where hir sheath met the base of it and suckle one of hir nuts. He was in for a penny, in for a pound at this point, and shi had, basically, his total undivided attention on that lovely, impressive spire of a dick. He drifts up, letting his tongue explore over hir knot, relishing its size. "You really do... you really do have everything,' he said, licking up the next drop of pre.

The chimera's length is, at its full size, an impressive spire indeed, the throbbing, black, monolithic member pulsing and dripping strands of pre down onto the human's head. While not purely equine, it certainly does seem to have an equine sense of scale to it, in addition to the flare and medial ring. The bristles are distinctly feline, while the subtle curves and contours recall a canid shape, plus the knot on the bottom. All in all, quite the exotic tool - and every bit as seamlessly blended as the rest of the chimera.

At this point, it's clear shi doesn't need to provide much encouragement, at least not directly. The moans and shivers shi gives as a result of his attention is surely a source of encouragement all its own, and (undoubtedly to his delight), the taste and scent of hir sweat and musk is even more concentrated along that shaft, having been nestled in that warm sheath until recently. Hir shaft drools almost non-stop as he explores it, giving a stronger spurt as he teases hir sheath, and mewling as he suckles on the loose, slick surface of hir sac. "And you...really do have quite the attention to detail," shi purrls, wincing and gasping as he squeezes and slurps on hir sensitive knot. "Mnnnf...! It's been...a long while since I had...a guest this eager~..." Hir tail gives another squeeze around his middle, and shi moans softly, reclining more into the pillows. "Not long I'll last, at this rate...!"

He groaned out pleasantly as his work was doing quite number on this chimera, who he was all too happy to show his appreciation to for welcoming him into hir home when the weather outside was so frightening and he felt like he must surely have perished had he tried to continue going on in it. And he felt like this was the right thing to do, as his tongue continued to course over hir member, using its length to explore it, examine it, appraise it, get a good feel for her tool and really appreciating it.

He did suckle around the base of hir knot - knowing well that it had quite a bit of the scent and sweat of hir sheath around it before working his way upward the spire of length, shuddering playfully as he swallowed his spit and the pre that was dribbling down hir length. Soon he took long enough to lick aaalmost all the way around hir medial ring. "Attention to detail, huh?" he said playfully before continuing to stroll his tongue further up hir length, a free hand holding around hir knot to keep hir steady, before working his way to tease and flick his tongue on some of the nubs lining around behind hir crown before diving to the spade like head of hir dick, feeling the slightest of flarings as shi no doubt felt hir arousal rising. "Don't have any reason to hold back, do you?" he asked, before trying to swallow all hir pre that he could.

Raziel moans grits hir teeth and groans happily as he continues to work hir up and down. That scent, the fire, hir presence, all of them have the human's body feeling hot and aroused in its own right, his head fuzzy, but pleasantly so. That musky intoxication hardly makes him forget the experience, though. On the contrary, every inch of it he explores, every taste of her magnificent musk, seems to burn the image of hir spire into his mind, to the point that he hardly needs his eyes open to picture it in breathtaking detail. What would've seemed so bizarre before walking into the cave now seems...perfectly normal, lavishing attention on this animalistic member feeling like the most natural thing in the world. It's unclear when (or if) the spell will break, but for feels like there's scarcely a better place to be.

"I suppose...I don't have a reason, no," shi replies, involuntarily starting to buck hir hips against his grasp, shivering and panting. Hir appealing scent rolls off the rest of hir even more strongly now that shi's so aroused, though it hardly makes a difference so close to the beast's nethers, the strands of hir pre coating his tongue in that strange, but infatuating flavor. The throbbing of hir knot grows more powerful in his palm, expanding outward, bulging between his fingers - while that flare flexes more than a little, barbs bristling and flaring out with each rapid beat of hir heart.

And then...with a howl that echoes through the cave, shi throws back hir head and cums, clutching the pillows nearby firmly enough to sink hir claws into them. The first shot of seed jets straight into his waiting mouth, the sweet, slimy wad of pre suddenly replaced with a gush of cum unlike any he's ever experienced - thick, and heavy, and syrupy, clinging to the interior of his maw and coating his tongue completely. A single shot is all it takes to fill his human mouth with that sticky, glue-like semen, to the point that the second shot has no chance of staying inside - the pressure pops his lips off hir tip, and more ropes of chimera-cum arc up into the air, before landing back on his head, showering him in spunk and coating his head and cheeks in the beast's potent musk!

He was devoting all of his attentions to hir massive member this point. While he was enjoying conversing with hir, the conversation was soon given way to moans and panting, soft slurping of his lips and tongue working over that animalistic, bestial shaft. He was feeling it even more than seeing it now, coating essentially his entire upper half with her sweat, her pre, her musk, as he was sure he was going to wind up smelling exactly like hir by the time this night was over, not that he minded by this point. The musk had so thoroughly infected his mind that this was where he ought to be, at this point. Some part of his mind rebelled, reminding him that this was probably why people fled - to avoid getting addicted to hir smell, which led inexorably to hir incredible body.

What was most remarkable about this was that he hadn't considered himself particularly enamored by cock prior to this. Surely the musk had been having some kind of effect on him, he couldn't deny that, but at the same time, the pleasure he was recording by doing all of this far outweighed any concerns he was having, any second thoughts he might have entertained had he not been spending his time suckling down hir pre and relishing every second of it.

He kept swallowing at that delicious pre until the animalistic roar pealed in the cave, louder still than the thunder outside and the heavy beat of the rain at the cave entrance, and he quickly found that sweet syrupy pre thoroughly replaced by just the first shot from hir massive, equine-in-scale balls. He did his best to try and swallow but that was essentially impossible, the sheer volume and fluid pressure forcing him off and even though he got a couple really good gulps of hir fertile seed, he wound up with much more of it in ropes over his face, his hair, and his chest. His own cock spewed its much more meager, relatively speaking, spurts to the cushion below, sympathetic to hir lust.

Raziel lets out more pleasured rrarls and grunts, breathing heavily as those stallion-sized balls are emptied onto and around him, the thickness of hir seed making it a challenge even to swallow - though he can surely manage after a few moments' struggle. That seed clings to his skin just as strongly, though, the warm slime almost making his skin seem to tingle...and prompting the oddly alluring idea of that scent of hirs soaking into his pores. It does almost feel like it's soaking into his skin, but it might be a figment of the incredible warmth, and just how sticky the stuff is...

Shi starts to calm down before too long, rumbling in relief as hir heavy cock begins to soften once more, drooping and...patting gently atop his head. "Ohhhh, I needed that~..." shi says with a contented sigh, hir tail loosening a bit, and slipping down around his waist. "You're quite the dutiful lad, Conrad..." Shi states with a yawn, reaching down to rub on his cheek - and take a taste of hir own salty seed, licking it off hir pad. "But the true test is yet to come..." The warmth, the arousal, the's starting to catch up with him, too, making the human feel groggy. "We'll see if you are still around, after I wake. I do..." Shi yawns, and...hooks hir legs around behind his back, as if to hold him close, "I do so hope so~..."

He felt incredible as he felt the chimera's thick, almost syrupy seed covering him. He was so lost in lust he didn't even mind it getting into his hair, covering his face, making his chest a spattered white mess from the thickness of her spurts utterly covering him, what he wasn't able to catch in his mouth like he was playing a game trying to swallow as much of hir cum as possible. He was that far into it, that deep into the lust of hir scent coating him and covering him - in effect, marking him in a way, as he felt so incredibly warm, even before shi used hir tail to pull him up to snuggle with hir.

The warmth was indescribable. His body - well the upper half of him, anyway - was pretty thoroughly coated in hir cum, and he actually felt himself just the tiniest bit chided when shi reached down and gathered up some of hir own goop to taste it. He wondered, idly, if that sort of scent would have any effect on hir, too? Well, a question for another day, as the exertion of not just the absolutely exultant blowjob but the hard rain walking he'd been doing before caught up to him all at once. "With a bed like this? I'm not going anywhere. Thank you for the ... yawn... compliment." Then he nuzzled himself into hir many breasts if shi allowed, to get some sleep.