The Dream That Turned Real, Part 2.5

Story by Triple xXx Werewolf on SoFurry

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#3 of The Dream That Turned Real

The Dream That Turned Real, Prologue to Part III

This part is written from a third person view (meaning i'm out of the picture, and it's from noone's pont of view). No yiff here (maybe a little), but there is swaering, just enough to be classified as "Adult". Time, from part 2, is somewhere around 1:00 AM.

'Oh, fuck! what did i do?' Ryan thought as soon as he reverted back into his normal werewolf form, as he saw the near-lifeless teenage human under him, trying to remember what had happened. He looked around, hoping nobody had seen, when he saw the boy's house. 'Must be where he lives if he came here.' he held back a snicker at that last part, reminding himself of the teen, bleeding internally to death, as he tenderly scooped him up into his arms, a few tears rolling down his cheek, as he ran as fast as he could to the boy's house, crashing through the door using hid body as a battering ram, as he skidded to a halt in the hallway, almost falling, had his prehensile tail not caught the bedroom doorknob. Using his night vision, he made his way around the house, using his nose to find the bathroom. He finally found it, opening the door, flicking the lights on with his tail, and gently laid the boy down in the bathtub, as he went through the medicine cabinet, looking for something to clean up his mess. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything, aside from a bottle of peroxyde he knew wouldn't help, as he took a clean towel from the stack and gently wiped away the blood off of the kid, deciding to wipe his face as well, as he heard a motorcycle rev up and shut off. 'Oh, shit, they know!' he thought as he heard a pair of boots ascending the hallway, as he carefully laid the towel on top before saying a small prayer that the human would be all right, as he heard the bootsteps grow louder and then stop. He spun around to find Dan standing in the doorway, with a serious look on his face. "Didja rut'im?" he asked in a dark tone.

"Did i what?" Ryan said as he stood to face the dingo.

Dan asked again. "Did.. You.. Rut.. Him?"

"Why do you wanna know that? Cause i did that before you showed up at my place." Ryan defended, confused.

Dan sighed and looked down, before pulling his hat off and looking back at Ryan. "Cause, after you ran off and Mike chased after you, i was all healed up enough to go into the control room to go watch the cameras, and i got a really good shot of you chasing him back, and..." he trailed off.

"And, what?"

"I clocked you in at roughly the same speed Mike was goin' at."

"No, really, what?" Ryan asked. Dan went over to the tub to take a peek at the comatose human.

"Shoot, mate, yer scent's rank, man!" Dan said, putting the bloodied towel back down and putting his bandana to his nose.

"Is it?" Ryan asked, pulling the towel up again, only to notice the wounds he inflicted had disappeared into scars.

"Whoa, Dan, check this out."

Dan, still holding the bandana to his nose, leaned over to look, as Ryan pointed out where the scars were, indicating that the human was starting to transform into a werewolf like him. "I take back whatever i said about yer sperm, mate." Dan said as Ryan started to clean the boy off, gently rolling him on his side with help from the dingo, to clean the backside. "Okay, now, see these claw marks on his... hind quarters, if you will. That's where i ripped his pants off."

"So, you 'pantsed' him?"


"Sorry, couldn't resist."

Ryan now knew that the boy was healing, so he took the towel he used to clean him, and dampened it, wringing it out before wiping the teen off some more, before exchanging it for a dry one, as Dan picked the human up and held him as Ryan dried him off, not touching the boy's privates because he just didn't wanna go there. Yet. Ryan put that towel on top of the first one he used as Dan handed him over to the werewolf, as he cradled the limp thing in his arms, using his night vision as Dan followed him to the boy's bedroom, gently laying him on the futon on his back.

"Yer not gonna cover him?" Dan asked. Ryan held up a fist in the dingo's face. "What? I'm just asking. Wouldn't want'em to get cold."

"He doesen't need any, 'cause he's gonna get a lot of fur on him to keep him warm." Ryan replied.

"You're not suggestin' we--"

"No, Dan." Ryan said as he pushed the dingo out of the room.

Dan looked at the door Ryan broke down, and jokingly asked "Jeez, Ry, ever heard'a knockin'?"

"Only thing i'm gonna knock, is you, Dan, if you don't shut it and follow me." Ryan said, walking out of the house through the bull-rushed door into the night. Dan followed him on his bike as they walked down the trail back to the bar.

"So, what's the news, D--?" Jord asked, turning to see Ryan. He jumped at the sight of him.

"No worries, Jord; He's cool." Dan said from behind Ryan, walking around him.

"So, Mike's gonna be okay?" Jord asked.

"How'd you know?" Ryan asked, surprised at the other wolf's question.

"I, uh..."

"Was spying on me?" Ryan said.

"No. Well, yeah... but i was using the security cams."

"Lame!" Dee shouted. Ryan cleared his throat, and the camel backed off. "He's gonna be okay. His transformation should be done in, like, a few hours, depending on how his system reacts to the, um, stuff."

"Well, we can't leave him there, alone!" Kraig intervened.

"Did i say 'i was gonna leave him there'?"

"No, but we should go, anyway, and check on his progress." the fox replied.

"All, of us?" Dee asked.

"NOW, camel!" Ryan shouted into his ear.

"Okay, okay, i'm going, jeez!"

"Right, then, everyone help me close shop before we go, don't want any critters comin' in here while we're gone!" Dan said, clapping his paws together. Everyone helped as asked, before exiting the bar and locking the door.

"Hey, Ryan, do you have, like, any other forms of transport? Like a truck or something?" Jord asked.


"So that i can bring the bike-"


"...bikes, back to either your place, or Mike's, so i can work on'em."

"Sorry, i only got the quad and the bikes."

"Hmm. Okay, ah, Dan, is it okay with you if i hide the kinja in the bar?"

"'Kay." Dan said, unlocking the door as Jord pushed the Ninja into the bar, Horscht bringing in the parts Jord took off of it and putting them next to the bike. They both came out and Dan locked the door again. Everyone hopped onto their rides, except for Ryan and Jord, Ryan leaving his ATV at his place as they walked ahead of the others, Ryan leading the way, grabbing the human's dirt bike along the way.

"Amazing what a simple stick can do." Jord said, looking at the thrashed front wheel, brake fluid leaking out onto Ryan's back.

Finally, they arrived, Ryan putting the dirt bike down as they entered. "Which room?" Kraig asked as Ryan gently pushed the door open to the bedroom where the teen was recovering. "Wow, look at that, he's already gotten a muzzle!" Kraig whispered, lightly padding over to touch it, when Ryan's paw lightly smacked it away. "No touchie." he said.

"Got it." the fox said as they left the bedroom and found the living room.

"Man, what a night!" Dan said, plopping onto the couch. I'm friggin' bushed, and that's just from getting slammed into the wall after arm-wrestling you."

Ryan lifted the back of the sofa, dumping the dingo off before putting it down, walking around and laying on the couch. "Uh, Kraig? Where'd you find that?" Ryan asked, hearing video-game sounds coming from the fox, laying on the carpet on his belly.

"Oh, the game boy? In his room."

"Put it back."

"But i just-"

"1... 2..."

Kraig knew better than to mess with Ryan, so he got up and returned the device to where he found it, taking a quick peek at the teen adolescent, who was now completely turned into a werewolf, happily snoring as he slept. The fox quickily ran back over to Ryan. "Ry! Come look!" Kraig said giddily.

"Where's the fire, fox?" Ryan chuckled. "Fire, fox. Oh, man, i'm gettin' good."

Kraig tried pulling him off the couch, to no avail, as Ryan was a lot heavier than the fox. "Alright, i'll follow, but it better be good."

Everyone followed the fox down the hallway to the wolf-boy's room. "Woah," Dan whispered loudly, "I can just tell he's gonna look hotter than you, Ry." the dingo got a flick to the ear.

"Looks like his system's taking it better than i thought." Ryan commented, as they went back to the living area, Dan trying to call dibs on the sofa but getting dumped out again by Ryan.

"Kraig, i thought you were told to put that away." Dan told the fox, lying on the carpet like before.

"I never got a chance to, because..."

"Fine, you can use it, as long as you put it back after you're done." Ryan said.

"Yes, daddy." Kraig said in a cute, yet annoyed, tone. Ryan rolled his eyes as the fox continued playing with the Game Boy.

Dan tried to jump on Ryan, but failed, as a massive paw swiped him away. "Just tryin' to pass the time, mate." Dan said.

"I- Put that away!" Ryan said in disgust.

"I thought-" Kraig asked.

"No, i meant Dan." Ryan said as the dingo stuffed his junk back into his pants.

"Anything good on?" Dee said, picking up the TV remote, Ryan grabbing it from him and setting it on the TV. "I don't want anyone touching his stuff until he says so, so don't touch!"

"Uh, Ry, you got something on your back." Horscht said, noticing the brake fluid stain on the couch.

"Oh, sh- why didn't anyone tell me?" Ryan said as he turned to look at the giant spot he made on the couch.

Horscht pulled a bottle of stain remover from his vest jacket and handed it to Ryan. "I never go anywhere without it."

Ryan proceeded to clean the couch, as Horscht got behind him and, with a rag dampened with the stuff he gave Ryan, started rubbing down Ryan's back.

"Yeah, can it wait till the shower? Kinda uncomfortable having you behind me."

Horscht moved away from Ryan and returned the rag to his vest.

Ryan got the last of the stain removed from the couch. "Wow, stuff works great!" he said, admiring his work.

"Sooo... where are we gonna sleep, 'cause you got the couch." Dee asked Ryan.

Ryan pulled the couch towards the center of the room and pulled a handle on it, turning it into a bed. "Futon." he said.

"Lessee, that would be big enough for you, Horscht and Dan, i sleep in a chair, and Kraig can sleep on the carpet, providing he doesent 'wet the bed'." Dee said. "As for Jord, i don't know where he's gonna sleep."

"Or," Ryan responded, "There's two guest bedrooms on this house. Kraig, Dee and Jord get one room, Dan, Horscht and I get the other." Ryan said as he replaced the futon, laying on it again.

"I know what yer gettin' at," Dan said. "Split the couples up so they can't 'do the nasty' and filty up the beds. Am i right?"

"Once again, nailed it." Ryan said as Dan sucsessfully jumped on Ryan again, landing on his sheath, forcing a small grunt out of the larger lupine.

"Oh, and Ryan?" Kraig asked him.


"Um, i'm kinda embarrased to say this, but i accidentally came in the ninja suit while we were riding."

"What? No way."

"Sorry. But don't worry, i'l clean it for you, so you don't hafta touch a thing on it."

"Wow, you're a lot nicer than Mister 'Brokeback Mountain' here, trying to ride this here stud. I mean, how can you put up with someone who's literally trying to cheat his ass off on you?" Ryan asked.

"Probably a lot more than how you put up with him back at your place when he was checkin' Mike out, if you still remember that."

"Yeah." Ryan said as the dingo started to bounce on top of him. "Dude, ya mind getting off?"

Dan started rubbing his crotch on Ryan, trying to literally 'get off'.

"Ugh, i said, 'off of me', not 'off on me'!" Ryan said, grabbing Dan by the shoulders and tossing him over the back of the couch. "Sorry, Dan, not the time right now."

"Or is it?" Dan said, getting back up with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Kraig, permission for me to take him outside and beat the living daylights out of him?"

"Um, i wanna say 'granted', but i have a better idea."

"Like what? Stick a collar on h-- Actually, that's a good idea i just came up with. Kraig and Horscht, watch after mike in shifts, Dee, Jord, make sure 'ding-ee' here doesn't go anywhere."

"Where ya goin, Ry? Pahty's just gettin' stahted!" Dan said.

"My place, i gotta get something!" Ryan said, grabbing the Valkyrie and speeding off.

"OY,THAT'S MY BIKE!!" Dan shouted, before Horscht's big paw cut him off, muffling the dingo's words.

Ryan squealed the tire as he hit the brakes on the chopper, skidding to a halt as he turned off the bike, hopping off and running into his house and into his basement, looking at his rather impressive rack of torture equipment. He picked out a stun gun, a leather mask in the shape of a canine head, as well as a metal choker collar with a solid metal cable for a leash with a rubber-covered handle so that he could shock the wearer without getting it himself. He packed his 'toys' in a bag and booked it out of there like he was robbing his own house, flaming back down the path back to the boy-wolf's house, squealing to a halt again as he jumped off and walked back into the house, grinning evilly at the rowdy canine.

"What's in the bag?" Dan asked.

"We're gonna lock you up so you won't be of any trouble to us." Ryan said, chuckling, as he pulled the collar out and snapped it around the dingo's neck, the leash already clipped on. Dan 'urf'-ed in surprise as his lust drove him crazy again. "Ooh, what game are we gonna play, master?"

"This." Ryan said, activating the shocker and putting it to the cable, shocking Dan for a second.

"Maybe you should take him, Kraig. He listens to you better." Ryan said, handing the leash to him with the shocker. Dan tried to lunge at Ryan when the fox zapped him. "No, bad dog." Kraig said.

"Aw, can't i just cuddle wif him?" Dan asked, giving the fox his best puppy-dog stare.

"No." Kraig zapped him again.

"Maybe if he gets off, he'll stop screwing around." Dee said.

"Well, you do have a point, Dee. This stuff happens to him when he doesen't."

"Translation?" ryan asked.

"He gets like this when he sees someone who looks hotter than him. And you're 'it', Ry."

"Or maybe i slammed him into the wall a lot harder than i thought."

"No, he's perfectly fine. His sex drive goes hyper if he hasn't had sex for a while, so he gets unbearably horny sometimes-- DOWN!" Kraig zapped him again. "As i was saying, he gets unbearably horny to the point where he either has to, pardon my language, 'fuck, or be fuck-ed'."

"So, simply speaking, he gets off, he chills out?"

"Basically, yeah."

"Well, that sucks." Dee said.

"So, now what?" Jord asked.

"Okay, we got a turned human, sound asleep, and a dingo who's coo-coo for cock, um...... Don't wanna get Mike's house all dirty, but we also can't go outside, hmm... Oh, wait a minute, i know! Horscht!"

"Yeah?" he said as he came out of the bathroom.

"Hope you didn't stink it up in there." Ryan said under his breath. "Uhm, Dan, or should i say, 'Ding-ee' here needs to, uh... 'take his medicine', if you get what-"

"I gotchya." Horscht said, taking the leash from Kraig and leading Dan outside, only for Dan to get away from

Horscht and pounce on Ryan, licking him all over as he shot a massive load all over Ryan, splashing it all over everyone else, making a giant mess of the living room, covering nearly everything in the room in his jizz.

"Aw, dammit, Dan!" Ryan said as the dingo passed out on top of him. "You f... Aw, man, look at this!" he sighed heavily.

Horscht proceeded to take the passed-out canine off of Ryan, tossing him on his shoulder. "Man, now that, i wasn't expecting." he said, licking his lips.

"Yeah, no joke." Jord responded, wiping his eyes.

"Great." Ryan said, picking himself up off the floor. "How are we gonna clean all this? Horscht, i hope you gotta big bottle of that stain remover, 'cuz we're gonna need it!"

"Um, yeah, about that, this is all i got." Horscht said, holding up his bottle. Ryan just sighed in disbelief, not knowing what to do now. Then he got an idea.

"hold it, i know! we'll use Dan to- oh wait, he's passed out. Um, Horscht?"

"Everyone get a towel and start wiping. He won't know the difference."

"Except for the smell." Ryan said.

"Let's see here... Oxi-Clean, Febreeze, Pledge, Windex..." Horscht said as he went through the cleaning stuff in the kitchen closet, handing them out to everyone and proceeded to clean the room real good, not missing a single spot.

Two hours later, they were done. "Whew! Finally." Ryan said, doing a tail count. "Horscht, where'd you put Dan?"

"Bathtub, why?"


Dan awoke from his orgasm-induced sleep. "Oh, man that nap felt good! Wait," he said, looking around. "Why am i in a bathtub, covered in- what happened?"

"You... came on me and passed out." Ryan said, standing in front of the dingo.

"Was i high?"

"Horny would be the word, and yes you were."


"Um, Ry?"

"Yea, Kraig?"

"Shouldn't we bathe now? I'm starting to feel sticky."

Dan laughed at Kraig, only for the fox to give him a tit-shock with the stun-gun. "OW!" he shouted as Kraig laughed back at Dan. "I think, for your punishment, we're gonna tie you to a tree for a while. You can get off all you want, then, you'll get the hose later. Horscht?" Kraig snapped his fingers. Horscht snapped the metal collar on Dan again, and carried him outside and tied the chain to a tree a good 500 feet from the house and left to go back into the house and brought out the mask, fastening it to his head snugly, before walking back to the house again. "I put the mask on him to make sure he stays quiet."

"Good. Now, then, who needs a bath?" Ryan said, grinning. "Come on now, don't be shy." He looked at the bunch, Jord, Dee, Kraig and Horscht. "Anybody? Nobody? Me?" Ryan pointed to himself. Everyone nodded. "Yeah, i need it more, since i got the brunt of that impact."

"Actually, i think we'll all take one, together." Kraig said.

"Cool, but no-one touches the caboose, or they get the fa-toosh." Ryan said as he went in first, followed by the others.

They cleaned each other up, nothing sexual, aside from a few friendly sheath grabs, when Kraig popped a boner, followed by Horscht. "Oh, my- Real mature, guys." Jord said catching his own erection in the act.

"I wouldn't be one to talk." Ryan said, his own member unsheathed.

"uh, ya wanna?" Kraig asked. "We got a few hours before sun-up."

"You guys do whatever you want, just don't touch me or you'll regret it." Ryan said, moving under the shower spray.

"Roger that, Ry." Kraig said. "Horscht, don't lick Ry's tailhole till i give the word." he whispered to the bear.

"Don't even think about it, you guys. Let's just get cleaned up before we get Mike's house all dirty, 'cause now he's a Were, he's susceptable to mood swings." Ryan said.

"So, ya mean, docile one minute, aggro the next?" Dee asked.

"Pretty much. But it depends on which hormones are dominant in his body, since they help control his moods, like mine, so, he might be irratable when he wakes up tomorrow."

"Which would be today?" Kraig asked as they finished the shower. "Don't ask; it's complicated."

They got out, each one grabbing a fresh towel and drying off, as Kraig reached for the hair dryer. Thinking twice about using it, the fox decided not to use it. "Good boy." Ryan said with a wink, as he wrapped his towel around him, showing an obvious tent.

"Um, Ry? What are we gonna do for clothes? Mike's stuff'll fit me and Jord, but not you guys, i think. And your's are nonexistant after you 'went feral'." Kraig said to Ryan.

"Actually, his'll fit me, but it'll be either loose or tight, depending on what he's got." Ryan said as they entered 'Mike's' room, noticing that he rolled over so that his back was to them, as Ryan, grabbing the Mag-Lite that supposedly went up the boy's arse, and pointed it at the collection of clothes in the closet, as they each picked something out to wear, before exiting the room to put them on. "See? Told ya. Perfect fit." Ryan said, flexing his muscles.

"Oh, dang, what about Dan? He's still outside!" Dee asked.

"I... did say he would get the hose later, yes?" Kraig asked Ryan.

"Yes, you did. We should do that now." Ryan replied, walking outside and grabbing the hose.

"Um, i didn't literally mean 'get the hose', i just meant ' take him back in the house and put him in the tub, and scrub him down'."

Horscht undid the chain on Dan's end, and threw him on his shoulder, taking the dingo back in.

They went into the bathroom, where Kraig had everything ready, as the bear plopped him into the tub, holding him down as the rest scrubbed him down really good, almost to the point of rubbing the fur off, rinsing him off with high-pressure water from Horscht, closing the door, then using a combo of hairdryer and towel until he was dry as a bone, then Horscht put the shaking canine down on his feet, before Dan fell over in a heap of frizzy fur that receded into his now human skin, as the dingo changed into a human, in all his naked glory.

"Uhm, what just happened?" Ryan asked as everyone except the fox said "whoa." in amazement, as Dan, now human, stood up off the floor.

"Ah, man," he said, "that was- " he shuddered.

"Okay, now what?" Ryan asked kraig, who was now a 5' 1" human. Ryan then looked at the clock. 5:38 AM. "Oh, that's what." Ryan said, slowly changing into human form, the last part of him to change was his muzzle, shrinking into his face. He looked around, everyone else had changed back. "Let me ask again. Now, what?" Ryan reiterated.

"I... don't have a clue, honestly." Kraig said.

"I think what he means is, what are we gonna do while we're human?" Jord said.

"Well," Ryan said before his stomach rumbled. "Uh, i could... whip up some breakfast?"

"Sounds good." Dan said.

"The usual eggs 'an bakey?" Kraig asked.

"For you guys, yeah, but for Mikey, i'll set him up with a couple steaks, since his stomach's gonna be starvingly sore, especially since it had to regenerate after i, uh..." he trailed off. "Speaking of which, we should go check on him."

With that, they made thier way to the boy's bedroom, seeing the werewolf still sound asleep. "He'll be outta REM sleep shortly, so we'll have to be careful not to disturb him till he's up." Jord said.

"How'd you know?" Ryan asked the 6'5" human.

"I got my sources." he replied, before they heard Mike yawn and turn around in his bed, making everyone scatter except for Ryan. "Babies." he said, walking back to the kitchen to make breakfast. "Dan, how ya want your eggs?" Ryan asked Dan.

"Over easy. Just the way i like."

"Scrambled it is, then."

"Oy!" Dan retorted.

"Just kiddin' Dan. Jeez!"

"You know what you're doin' Ry?" Jord said as Ryan grabbed a cook-book from the bookshelf.

"It just looks that way, 'cause you've never hung out with me. Ever."

"True dat." Jord said back.

"Yea, and at this pace, looks like mike's gunna have a 'dingoes breakfast'." Dee said in a new-yorker accent.

"Oy, mate, what're ya takin' bout, dingo's brekkie?" Dan said, sparking another arguement between them, as a 7'5" human Horscht, complete with a body-building 'gay human bear' physiqe, stood behind dan and cupped his hand over Dan's mouth, his hard-on pressing on the other human's backside.

"Nice. Now can we get back to making 'brekkie'?" Ryan asked, now wearing an apron with the 'For Dummies' logo on it, waving a spatula at them.

This is not the end, there is more... in Chapter 3!