New Neighbours

Story by StrangeTales on SoFurry

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#9 of The Second Half

Yet another fun chapter of the centaur series brought to you by @Frostipuppi This one brings Cerrid's family to a whole new level with Jake and Rose's. Hope you all enjoy :)

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


The sun stood lazily in the middle of the summer sky as Jake, Rose and Cerrid lay on the grass, gazing up at the sky as they watched the soft white clouds drift by. They let out soft sighs as they stretched out and yawned, simply enjoying the warmth of the sunlight that touched their thick coats of fur. "I wish this summer would never end," Cerrid said with a long, melancholy sigh, "I really don't want to leave you guys!"

Rose looked over to her friend with a sympathetic smile, leaning close to nudge against his side, "We don't want you to leave either!"

Jake nodded and also got nice and cozy with his two best friends, his voice soft as he thought aloud, "If only there was some way of you not having to leave."

As the trio was talking, another centaur slowly began to approach them, Jake's father Blake making his way over to the small group, "Hey guys, what you doing?"

"Just realizing," Blake said with a little shrug, looking up at the sun, "It's a lovely day." There was a sadness in his voice and Blake knew what it was, not blind to how close to the trio had been getting.

"It is a nice day, isn't it?" Blake said with a big grin, hiding a big secret from the three younger centaurs, "We got some news for you guys by the way."

"News?" Rose asked, "What is it?"

Blake just continued to grin warmly, "Follow me inside and we'll tell ya!" The group was quick to get up to their hooves, following Blake towards the homestead. There they saw the group of centaurs standing outside near the stables, Orion, Daisy, April, Albion and Aleena all awaiting the group of younger centaurs. "Here we are!" Blake said with a big grin, turning to see the curious looks on the face of their kin.

"What's going on?" Jake asked curiously, his head slightly cocked to the side as he wore and expression of puzzlement.

The group of older centaurs looked amongst each other, exchanging a few glances, giggles and even a wink or two. "Y-yeah, what's going on?" Cerrid piped up, his father replying to him.

"Son, you know we're set to leave in a couple weeks right?" Albion studied the expression on his son's face, seeing how disappointed and somber he looked.


"Well," Aleena chimed in next, the boy's mother smiling at him, "How would you feel if we decided maybe... just maybe, we're only going back for a short time."

Cerrid cocked his own head to the side next, looking rather confused, "What do you mean mom?"

"Well, your father and I have decided," she spoke rather joyfully, "That we are going to take the gracious offer given to use by both of your friends' parents.

"Offer?" Rose spoke next, "What offer."

April turned to her daughter beginning to explain, "Remember how that farm next to both of ours recently went up for sale?" Rose simply nodded back. "Well, we all decided to pitch in and..." she paused for effect, cheeks rosy with the exciting news, "We're going to buy it! Cerrid and his family are going to come live with us!"

"Really?!" all three friends spoke at once, the warmest tones of joy in each of their voices.

"Yes really!" Albion said brightly, loving the cheerfulness that was overtaking his son, "We are going home for a few weeks to get things ready and then making the big move!"

"That's so awesome, oh my god, you guys!" Cerrid exclaimed, the three hopping up and down with excitement before a few whinnies escaped them, only causing the whole group to burst out into warm laughter.

"I suppose it's all settled then!" Albion said with another chuckle, turning to look at the others, "I think this calls for a celebration, a feast perhaps!"

Orion nodded, rubbing his belly, "A feast? Now you're speaking my language!" The group all shared another laugh, settling upon the idea of preparing a big festive meal.


There was plenty to go around when dinner had finally been served, the group choosing to set up the big round outdoor tables. They were not far from the stables and slowly brought up serving after serving of food for the large party to share. There was a bit of everything, and each centaur made sure to have their fill. "That was delicious!" Blake said as he pat his belly, smiling around to the rest of the joined families.

"It was!" Rose said in return, Cerrid the next to chime in.

"Do we have anything for dessert?"

April smiled a little tellingly and looked over to Orion, who was already wearing quite the perverted little grin, "As a matter of fact, wo do... sorta."

"Sorta?" Cerrid asked back, confused.

"In a way we do..." Orion joined in, his son looking more irritated than puzzled.

"What do you guys even mean?"

"Well," Orion began to explain, looking back at the handsome centaur with some longing in his eyes, "We were thinking maybe, we could all, give each other a little... sugar."

Cerrid gulped as his cheeks flushed red, looking back at the handsome stallion, "You mean? Do you really mean?"

Orion nodded back, licking his lips eagerly, "Indeed I do... and don't think I haven't caught you staring a few times out in the field." He looked down at his own crotch, Cerrid simply gulping and feeling his face going beet red.

Rose looked to her mother and opened her mouth to speak, stopping to sigh in a flustered manner before mumbling out, "Y-yeah, sounds good."

Blake turned to his son, his face red as well as he tried to hide it from the sensual gaze of Cerrid's pretty mother, "What do you think Jake?"

He nodded slowly, melting from the beautiful mare's smile, "S-Sure."

The centaur laughed and nodded to the rest of the group, "Great, let's ditch the dinner table then! We can clean up later."

"Agreed!" Orion said as he leapt to his hooves, his husband laughing back at apparent eagerness.

"Alright then," he said as they all moved on the grass, each preparing to find their first little play group, "Let's get this thing going then!"

The youngest trio was a little shy at first, clearly not a feeling shared by their adult counterparts. They slowly got over it however as they find their places, Jake the first to be pulled away by a gentle whistle from Aleena, "Why don't you come over here and get to know me better handsome?"

Jake nodded despite the noticeable blush, and gradually made his way over to the gorgeous mare, "S-sure." He hadn't had much time to get to know the mare admittedly, which felt strange to him considering how close he was with her son. "Y-you're really beautiful" he said shyly, receiving a warm grin in response to that statement.

"Thanks hon, have to admit, been peeking at what you've got tucked under that pretty flank a few times?"

Jake's cheeks only flushed redder, "Oh y-yeah?"

Aleena nodded back, "Yeah, a handsome stallion such as yourself really does get me going!"

Jake gulped, "It does?"

She nodded back, stepping to her side to show him a hint of what she was packing, "See for yourself!"

He took a quick glance and his eyes went wide, seeing the jet black cock already dropping out a bit from its sheath, "Oh my!" He studied it with interest before looking back up at her, the mare nodding down to it invitingly.

"Don't be shy now," she said with a soft little chuckle, spreading her legs out wide, letting her semi-hard shaft and firm balls wiggle in the air for him.

Jake gulped as he nodded, cheeks flushing a little red as he moved closer. His nose drifted just above them, inhaling the scent of the ebony shaft deeply. It had such a strong masculine scent to it, something that was evenly mixed with the feminine scent that surrounded the rest of the mare's soft form. "Smells so good" Jake said gently, his voice sounding elsewhere as he was distracted by the enjoyment of her mixed scents.

The mare smiled softly before whispering down to the younger centaur rather sensually, "They taste even better!" Jake gulped as he realized what she had said to him, slowly peering up at her shyly. The beautiful mare simply smiled and nodded down to him, "C'mon Jake, go for it!"

Jake nodded slowly, muttering out under his breath, "Y-yeah." He gently pressed his lips to the mare's balls first, giving the gentlest kiss. He added a slowly growing suction to them, tugging very softly.

"That's it," the mare said with a content little mumble, "That feels nice!" Her shaft in fact had begun to stiffen a little more, really filling out in form. It hung out over Jake, his eyes entranced on it as he licked his lips. He suckled and slurped on her balls a little bit longer before letting them drop out of his mouth, quickly moving in to wrap his lips around the head of her cock. She let out a long, hungry moan as he began to swallow the first few inches of her cock, mumbling down happily to Jake, "Good boy!"

Nearby, Cerrid and Orion had their arms firmly wrapped around each other, the pair sharing a long, sensual kiss. Their lips moved over each other's as their tongues intertwined slowly, both moaning into each other's mouths until the kiss eventually broke. "Been wanting to do that for a while!" Cerrid said with a laugh, Orion smiling back at him.

"That was great, I just hope my husband doesn't mind!"

He turned to look over to Blake, laughing as the centaur was blushing, clearly very turned on, "Mmm, it's alright with me!"

Cerrid smiled back at Blake before his attention snapped back to Orion, "I walked in on you and Jake once... a week ago."

"Yeah," Orion smirked, "You thought I hadn't seen you, but I did! Wish you had joined in!"

Cerrid nodded, "I wish I did too, just wasn't sure I was invited."

Orion's eyes flashed at the handsome centaur, "Oh trust me, you're always invited... speaking of." He nodded down to his cock, the jet black monster already fully erect.

Cerrid grinned ear to ear and licked his lips, "Yeah, how about I take care of that for you!"

Orion nodded as he leaned back, letting the boy get settled, "Be my guest!" Cerrid moved up to the cock carefully, pressing his lips to it, planting soft kisses on its thick head. Orion let out a satisfied little grumbled, loving how the centaur's lips felt, "Mmm, yeah, just like that!" Cerrid sighed contently as he planted peck after peck on the thick head, soon wrapping his lips around it and trying to bury a few inches of it into his throat. He began to bob his head up and down, moaning as he sucked on it hungrily.

In another patch of grass, Rose had her eyes closed and her lips pressed to Daisy's, mother and daughter sharing a very passionate kiss and moaning into each other's mouths. April was between her wife's legs, swallowing her shaft down, while Albion had his lips wrapped around Rose's. Rose whimpered and moaned as the kiss with her mother broke, cheeks flushed red as she spoke in a flustered tone, "H-he's s-s-so good!"

Daisy peeked down and nodded, holding the back of her wife's head as she swallowed her entire length into the back of her throat, "Yeah, I can see that! Oh April, mmm, you're such a good cocksucker!"

April moaned as she did indeed deep throat her partner, stopping only when Albion did, the pair reaching to frot both cocks together, suckling the sides of them and taking turns with which cock they slid their tongues around. "You like that babe?" April asked, breaking from her daughter to share the head of Daisy's cock in a big kiss.

"Fuck, that's hot!" she moaned hotly.

After a few moments, the kiss moved over to Rose's, but not before the stallion cooed out, "Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you beautiful!"

Rose rolled her head back as a wave of pleasure overtook her, panting and groaning out as the pair slowly slurped their tongues over her shaft, "Oh my god, that feels so good!" She looked down as she started to push her hips a bit, thrusting her shaft up and down between the enclosure of their shared lips.

Back over at the other patch of grass, Jake kept bobbing his lips up and down, swallowing the entirety of Aleena's shaft down with one long, hungry gulp. His eyes were closed as he kept letting out soft, satisfied moans, little murmurs escaping his lips as a tear or tour left his eyes from his gag reflexes, especially when the firm cock head would hit the back of his throat. "Oh yes, you're doing such a great job!" Aleena moaned out, thrusting with her hips a little bit herself, "Feels s-s-so good!"

Jake let out more hungry moans himself, letting the cock really fill out his throat. He was almost greedy with it, continuing to cover its entire form with the damp warmth of his throat and gullet. He let it drop slightly out, just enough to allow his tongue to linger over the slit on the front of the head, lapping up all the precum he could find before sucking firmly on the shaft once more, eyes looking up into Aleena's as he spoke, "You taste so good!"

The mare moaned before nipping her bottom lip, "Mmm, glad you like it. May I taste you?" Jake blushed fiercely, but nodded his head, slowly turning the other way and holding his rump up in the air. He let his tail flop to the side, showing off the soft, pretty pink folds that were hidden underneath. Aleena leaned in to give them a quick sniff, panting out with a rather hungry exhale, "Mmm, that smells great... let's see how good it tastes!"

Her tongue slowly grazed over the centaur's luscious lips, trailing gently around its form until Jake was panting, "Oh my god, that feels amazing!"

Aleena kept lapping and slurping, even suckling gently on the centaur's clit, "Mmm, your arousal tastes so good, almost sweet!"

"G-glad you like it" was all Jake could say anxiously, feeling a tad bashful at just how provocative the idea of their conversations topic was. The act was so lewd, and the sound of her lips and tongue smacking against his wet pussy was insanely hot.

Cerrid let out a long, muffled moan as he kept Orion's cock buried deep in his throat, Blake having moved around behind him to lap at his pussy gently. The added pleasure made Cerrid work Orion's cock harder, bobbing his head up and down wildly, choking it down as deep as it could go. His eyes watered a bit as it bottomed out in his gullet, Orion desperately moaning out, "Shit, careful you might just make me nut like that!"

"Don't cum too quickly!" Rose called out from not too far away, Albion letting out a loud grunted moan as the mare stood over him, driving her cock good and hard into him.

Daisy was riding her own wife just as hard, April moaning out as the mare's balls smacked against her, "Oh yeah, just like that, s-so good!"

Orion nodded as he watched them having a good time, still having his own, cock buried deep into Cerrid's throat, "Good job there ladies!" As he was distracted, Blake whispered to Cerrid, both centaurs giggling as they turned around. By the time Orion had noticed them turning it was too late, both of their flanks pressing to each other out of nowhere, their pussies grinding over a different side of Orion's shaft. It was like a scissoring, butts pressing to each other as the folds grinded the hot-dogged shaft. "H-holy shit!" Orion groaned out, completely surprised and blown away by what the pair was doing to him.

"You like that babe?" Blake asked, continuing to grind on him.

"Yeah, do you like it?" Cerrid chimed in, sliding up to let his cock head press into his pussy just a little bit, "You sexy stud!" Orion's eyes rolled back in his head as the transition was so smooth, his husband suddenly moving away as Cerrid leaned hard against his cock head, letting the shaft start to penetrate into his tight pussy. "Yeah?" the centaur asked the stallion as he dropped more of his weight down over his shaft, getting more and more of the length buried into his tight snatch, "Mmm, fuck, that feels so good!"

Orion nipped his bottom lip, "You're telling me!" He slowly dropped down onto his back, to make the positioning easier for his partner, eyes going wide suddenly as Blake stood overtop of him. "Oh shit" he moaned out as his mate knelled down over him, flashing him a big grin.

"Figure I'd give your other side something to do!" Blake said just as he knelled down, resting his pussy over Orion's lips. Orion's tongue immediately got to work, knowing exactly where to place itself to really get his mate going. Blake let out one long moan, eyes rolling back as he huffed out, "Oh babe, you're way too good with that tongue!"

Not too far away, Jake was practically on the ground, with his flank raised high in the air, his own moans getting louder and louder as Aleena had moved onto his teats. Her lips were on the right one first, sucking tightly on the sensitive teat, occasionally nibbling on it just a tad to really get him going. He nipped his bottom lip as his breaths became struggled hisses, his legs all shaky as he mumbled out "F-f-uuuck!"

Aleena chuckled happily as she moved over to the left teat, her tongue trailing along Jake's body, "You like that huh?"

The centaur nodded slowly, fumbling with his words as his pleasure continued to increase, "I l-l-love it!"

The mare half chuckled half sighed as she continued her steady work on Jake, suckling at his teats with careful precision, "Mmm, that's good!" She kept lapping, nipping and tugging at them until the poor boy was a quivering mess, eventually letting out a long, very exuberant whinny. Aleena sighed happily as she heard that sound, allowing her tongue to slowly slide up towards the centaur's folds once more, lapping at his soft folds gently before resting on his clit.

Jake let out another longing moan as her tongue darted around his luscious lips, teasing him over and over until he squealed out, "Ahh, p-please, f-fuck me!"

"Mmm, you want me to?" the beautiful mare asked as she gave his pussy one last firm kiss, enjoying the desperate moans he was letting out.

"Y-yes, oh my god yes. Please Aleena!" He remained in his position as she moved around behind him, "I need to feel that big, beautiful cock inside me!"

Aleena let out a satisfied little whinny as she got up right behind the boy, planting her heavy cock head over his slick folds, "Good boy!" She reached down to softly touched the centaur's rump, aiding in keeping him steady as she slowly leaned into him. Her cock head slowly but surely wedged itself in, forcing the tight snatch open. She let an inch or two push forward before whispering down to him, "Ok, you ready?"

Jake nipped his bottom lip, nodding his head up and down slowly, "Y-yeah, I think so!"

The mare laughed and spoke more words of encouragement to him, "I've seen your stallion, you'll do fine!"

Jake started to laugh himself, the tension readily cut, "Yeah, I guess you're right there! Alright then, claim that pussy!"

Aleena licked her lips, making sure she was lined up as she growled out, "Don't mind if I do!" All at once the shaft came pounding into the poor boy, all of the mare's weight given to her strong, powerful thrusts.

Jake let out a resounding yelp of a moan as the thick shaft buried itself into him, his breath growing heavy as he was left whimpering and moaning in response to the sudden onslaught. "Ah-aahh f-fuck!" were some of the only fragments of sentences that could escape his lips as the mare really gave it her all, pounding her shaft down as deep as it could go. Jake nipped his bottom lip as he began to shake a bit, breath heavy as his eyes closed and he whimpered out some more.

"Oh my god, you're so tight!" Aleena called out mid-rut, her own breath growing heavier with each passing second, "Feels so good!"

Not too far from them, Cerrid's eyes were rolling back in his head as he continued to bounce up and down over Orion's thick shaft, panting and moaning as the thick head of his cock kept hitting the very depths of his pussy. His soft, damp flesh clutched the cock as it continued to ravage him, the centaur's juices flowing out near constantly, coating the fur around Orion's crotch in his juices. His balls were also getting quite soaked, the stallion showing no signs in slowing down as he just kept pounding away at the centaur's wonderful pussy. "Oh f-f-fuck!" Cerrid mumbled as he kept riding the hefty stallion shaft, eyes practically rolling back in his head as his arousal just grew and grew.

Orion let out his own hungry grunts, having just moved his lips over to his husband's teats. He nibbled and suckled at them gently, teasing him with carefully place precision. He kissed and sucked, nibbled and licked away. He let a low grunt as his cock head really began to flare, not quite cumming but throbbing enough inside of Cerrid to coax a climax out of him. "There we go!" he spoke heartily as he broke from stimulating his husband, watching the centaur bounce up and down over his shaft, "Ride that cock!"

"O-Orion, my god!" Cerrid cried out at the top of his lungs, really working his hips as he bounced up and down. He rode out his orgasm until he could barely stand, sliding off of the thick cock head, that exited him with an audible pop. "G-god damn!" he murmured as he collapsed on the grass, taking long, heavy breaths.

Orion beamed down at the boy, so proud of his work, "You felt so good Cerrid!"

Just as he was about to speak more however, Blake came around to his front, Orion standing up on his hooves again just in time for his cock to rest against his husband's damp folds, "You ain't don't yet stud!"

Orion grinned ear to ear at his husband's eagerness, planting his cock right against his slicked entrance, "Good!"

Daisy and Rose were quite close to climax themselves as they each continued to claim their own separate partner, Daisy and Albion left a stuttering, moaning mess as their shafts kept claiming them. Over and over they drove their thick shafts deep inside of their partners, rutting as hard as they could, joyfully slamming their meaty cocks deep inside. "I'm s-so fucking close!" Rose moaned out, really rutting hard into the beautiful white stallion, who was already whinnying away.

"M-me too!" Daisy chimed in, panting as her balls slapped firmly against the familiar flesh of her loving wife.

"W-wanna cum together?" her daughter asked with a big grin, Daisy nodding back to her. They looked down as Albion and April began to kiss, their tongues sliding along each other gently. Rose watched as the pair kissed, licking her own lips as she felt her balls tensing up, "Mmm, oh yeah that's hot!"

April kept moaning into Albion's mouth, squeezing tightly to really make things tight for her wife. Daisy groaned out at that, nodding to her daughter, "Fuck, your mom is doing that thing... Won't last much longer, so this might be it!"

Rose nodded back and really started thrusting, "Ok, let's do it!" The pair thrusted in wild frenzies, and soon even the two on the bottom broke their kiss, slapping and sloppy thrusts mixed together until all four centaurs were whinnying, the loudest exchange filling the area around them as they all shared a resounding orgasm.

Jake was whinnying himself as Aleena kept burying her entire length inside of him, rutting harder and harder until the poor boy was shaking. He quivered and moaned, legs all wobbly as she put all of her weight into it. Her own breath was getting rather heavy and her cock head continued to flare, her eyes going wide as she squealed out, "Ahh, J-Jake, I'm gonna, oh!" Right then and there her head flared out as wide as it could, firing a thick white load into the boy as the pair began to whinny at the same time.

Orion was really pounded hard into his mate, holding nothing back as his husband was used to just how brutal his rutting could be. Blake appeared to want every bit of it too, pushing back with every thrust his husband made into him, "C'mon Orion, give me that hot load!"

"Mmm, you want it bad don't you hon?" Orion asked, grinning as he continued his vicious assault on his husband's hot sex.

"Yes, please! Give me that hot load!" Blake was shaking as his own juices flowed constantly, shaking in place as his own whinnies were next, Orion not far behind as it only took a few more ragged thrusts, painting the inside of his mate's pussy a rich coat of white.

"Fuuck!" Orion said as he dropped to the ground, his mate chuckling.

"You're telling me!" The group lay in their won respective places as they each had achieved a very powerful orgasm, resting as they reeled from the intensity of their shared experience.

Albion was the first to speak after a prolonged silence, jovial in tone as he asked his son, "So Cerrid, glad we're moving here?"

The group all laughed, Cerrid sounding happy as could be, "You know it!"

Breeders Cup Champs

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _ _ _..._ _ _ Jake and Cerrid stood next to each other on a...

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Rodeo Roundup

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _ _ _..._ _ _ Rose, Jake and Cerrid all made their way...

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Breeders Cup

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _ _ _..._ _ _ Jake let out a slow yawn as his eyes slowly...

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