Married to a goddess

Story by MrMidnightbear on SoFurry

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Dan Fremont finds himself waking up married to a mysterious woman, he can't remember what happened last night yet she claims she is infact a goddess. What is a man to do?

Chapter 1

Dan Fremont grunted. His head was pulsing with unrelenting pain, and it was the kind of pain that if it was given to a small animal, it might have killed it. This was something that Dan would realize was nothing more than an intense hangover. The way it came onto him. It was pulling him away from his dreamless slumber. Which annoyed him, thank you very much.

He grumbled as he pulled himself out of bed, throwing the sheets over as he walked towards the bathroom. His eyes closed shut, not wanting the dreaded sun to hit him through the windows--such a moment as he shuffled along. Every sound seemed to amplify with serious annoyance as he tried to end it all.

Though admittedly wanting stuff to end was what got Fremont in this situation, Dan admitted as he grunted, his eyes slowly opening as he reached the bathroom. The dimmed room, feeling too, brought.

Where's that Advil at? He wondered as he shuffled through the medicine cabinet. As he eventually found some Ibuprofen, at least a five-hundred milligram. Version. He was tempted to take the whole bottle; at that moment, though settled around six capsules, that would surely be enough to get him through the day. He tried remembering what happened last night, though it came across to him as a blank.

Fremont tried remembering though all he could remember what happened last night, though the most he could come across was that he had been off at Succubus, a local strip club his friend Dave took him to. A way of washing his troubles away and, as his friend put it.

'Get you out there, see some good tits, and just let you forget all about Vanessa.'

He shuddered more as he moved to overturn the water. He waited till it finally worms up before Dan began running his fingers under it and soon began washing his face. The warm water was brushing against his face, really waking him up as he moved his neck back and forth, giving it a nice loud pop.

"Gahh, fuck, that feels good." He mumbled to himself. That was when he looked down at his hand. Dan looked into the mirror for a minute, looking at himself, and he was a shabby haired man with lightly tanned skin, Heavy blue eyes, with his eyebrows a little wild looking. He wasn't the most handsome man. But he was alright. He looked down at his thin body, Barely any muscle with hints of fat around his gut. That was when Dan noticed something. Something strange, there was something on his left finger, when he looked closer. He realized it was, in fact, a ring.

"The fuck?" He muttered as he reached over, trying to pull it off. Though found he was unable to, as he looked at the golden band. He reached over, grabbing some soap, and lathered his finger. Though whatever was going on. It was clear that the ring wasn't coming off.

"Fuck, what the hell!" He muttered. The ring wasn't tight; Hell, he barely noticed it. He imagined it would just fall off if he let his hand down. But someone it was sticking to him like it was glued to his actual finger. This was quite annoying.

"I'll figure this out later, maybe get a grinder." He grunted as he began heading back into his room. He was not thinking much about the ring. Thinking it could've been just a joke. Dan stepped into his room when suddenly he saw her.

She was lying in his bed, the covers over her body. She had pale skin, almost like a porcelain doll, soft cheekbones with ruby red lips. That somehow reminded Dan of blood. Her hair was short just under her ears that were white like snow. But she was gorgeous. Such a beauty that Fremont had never seen before. In some ways, Dan imagined that she was way out of his league.

The woman shuffled some with a light moan. Her voice was soft and tender as she lifted herself. The blanket slipped off her revealing a pair of slightly ample bust with dark nipples. Her skin looked smooth without a flaw- No wait, Dan looked closer and saw freckles on top of her breast as she began raising her arm, yawning.

Her eyes were opening and closing quickly as she seemed to wake up. Giving Fremont a good look at her eyes, they were storm grey, like thunder clouds, as she examined him for a minute. Her eyes softened more as she licked her lips.

"Hmm, Hello Darling, did you sleep well, my handsome husband."

It was there Dan's eyes suddenly widened as he realized something, something that would shake his life. Fremont was married to a woman, and he didn't even know who she was.

Dan was confused, though he didn't do much as she laid in his bed. What was the worst she could do? Though he tried remembering who she was when he attempted to come up with a name, everything came as a blank.

"Um, Hi there." He muttered slightly as he looked towards the stranger.

"Hey darling, how's your head. We were drinking quite a bit last night." She giggled more bubbly as she stood up. We were not even caring that she was exposing herself to him.

"It's fine just hurting a little, But- I'm sorry, but who are you? What happened last night." He grumbled, leaning against the wall. The light was burning his eyes from the window alone, While the stranger giggled.

"You don't remember, well I guess I can tell you, sweetheart, Last night you purposed to me asking me to marry you, and I said yes. We went off and got married. As for who I am, well. I guess you could call me Annabelle, though the name you knew me as was Crystal." She giggled more as she got out of bed. Revealing she was wearing a white G-String, that simply looked erotic on her. Wide hips were showing off a plump ass and long legs that just went off nearly endlessly.

Dan admitted that if his head didn't feel like it would crack open, he might've been turned on.

"Crystal... Isn't that kind of a stripper's name?" he asked without thinking, suddenly hit with diarrhea mouth. Fremont didn't even notice that the bed was instantly made. As she walked over,

"Hmm, yes, it's a bit of a stripper name, as you mortals call it, but I found it very nice when I chose it. Plus, you didn't seem to mind using it last night, now did you, Sweetie." She walked over, kissing his neck. Soft and tenderly as Dan shuddered, feeling as though lightning was passing through his Spine.

"I kind of wish I remembered." He grumbled, Dan's fingers passing through his hair, trying to soothe the hangover that seemed to come at him, like an army, taking a battering ram to the door that was his skull.

"Here, Let me help you with that," Annabelle smiled as she moved over, kissing the top of his head. It was almost as if the pain was going away. It began to turn from a sheering pain before it was nothing but a dull ache. Dan grunted some as he watched her pull away,

"There now that's better, the pains all gone right?" she said more chipper as though she was about to bounce around, but Dan felt even more confused about what the Hell was going on?

What the heck, it's gone- No, it's just the aspirin I took, that's all.

"Um yeah, though I think that's just from the Ibuprofen I took, not the kiss."

"Well, it helped a little, but I used some of my magic to help you out some." She winked at him while Fremont looked more confused; an eyebrow raised as he muttered,

"Magic?" He couldn't help but think he could've run into one of the crazy ones. If that was the case, he might be in big trouble. It was one thing to get a stranger in bed. It was another if they were crazy. That was when your ether had to call the Cops. Or the Cops got called on you.

"You're not crazy, honey buns. I used Magic. After all, I'm a Goddess." She giggled slightly as she turned around, showing off her amazing ass cheeks. But Dan kind of freaked out. It was a red flag at this point, as he was about to run.

"Ok, I think I might need to go get some food- or." He tried thinking of an excuse, but he heard the door clicked the lock as he turned around. The problem with that was the door, didn't have anything to lock it. He grabbed the handle and tried opening the door, only to find that he couldn't get the doorknob to budge of the door opened.

"You don't believe I am a Goddess." Dan almost laughed as he shook his head,

"No- please, you're not a god, Fuck I'm an atheist." He exclaimed as he wanted to laugh, trying to rationalize things, though it was clear that Annabelle wasn't kidding her face losing that particular smile she had as she exclaimed,

"I can prove it if you desire. Even I have no qualms if you are an atheist, my dear husband. But I can prove I am." Her voice was somewhat calming. Even though she was beyond annoyed. Dan watched her for a minute, as he shrugged some,

"Sure, prove it." He crossed his arms for a minute, waiting for proof that she was a God. Nothing she could do would convince him less than an utter miracle.

"Give me a second; there are limits to what I can do as a goddess."

"Ah-Ha, so you're not some goddess, then since a god could do whatever they want," Dan said, overly confident as he crossed his arms as he looked at her, Though It was clear Annabelle or Crystal, whichever one she wanted to call herself just shook her head.

"It's not that simple, and most people think we gods are like the God of the Bible that's simply not true. Each God has a dominion we follow and do. There is no such thing as a single god who is Omnipotent. That would simply be dangerous." She sat on the bed and began thinking. However, Dan was more curious as he watched her admiring her form and soon asked.

"Well, what kind of goddess are you?"

She snapped her finger as she realized something as she got up--her hips swaying back and forth. A long smile on her face as her fingers twitched as she rolled her hips and exclaimed.

"I am The Goddess of Death and Lust. I Rule the fate of man as they take their final breath or release their inner desire. I can see what ends them and brings them bliss. And those that desire something. No kink is beyond my reach."

Her voice seemed to echo in the small room as she moved in like a thunderous roar. As she grabbed his arm. Her warm touch caused him to shudder as she moved down. Her naked breast. Annabelle nipples poking into him as he looked down, not sure what to say, as he muttered,

"So, you're Annabelle, the Goddess of Death and Lust, well that's something." He was more curious as she grinned wider as she licked his neck.

"Hmm, well, I'm going by that name, it's easier than my true name, cause if anyone found out about it. They would have power over me. I would be under their thumb. Very much below a Goddess of my stature." She spoke those words in between, kissing his body going down as she caressed his check. Her tongue was licking at his nipple. Dan couldn't help as a moan escaped his lips.

Fremont couldn't help remembering how Vanessa had done that, it had caught him off guard when she bit them. Biting seemed to turn him on a bit. Annabelle looked at him with a lustful grin as though she could read his mind as she nipped at him giving his nipple a hard bite.

"Grr, careful they-"

"Sensitive I know, I can tell what turns you on. I feel how it riles you up. Especially after last night." She moaned as she started giving his chest another kiss. Her left hand moving towards rubbing the bulge that was growing in his underwear.

"I wish I could remember what happened last night." He grunted as she reached down slipping his underwear off just enough to let his cock spring out.

"Hmm I'm sure I can help you with that. Just relax and look ahead." Annabelle would reach up spinning her finger in a circle. While Dan looked Forward, a hard grunt as she gave his cock a firm squeeze at his head.

Dan grunted her hands were quite good at pleasuring him. When he suddenly looked ahead noticing this. Appearing over Annabelle's head. He began watching it.

He watched as he was sitting at a bar, drinking his sorrows away, misery in his eyes as it was clear that he was on his fourth? No, it was his fifth shot of whiskey. The girls in the background dancing taking their clothes off for cash. He Knew the place far too well. It was the Succubus Strip club. A strange name but it was the same bar/Club his father had taken him to when he turned twenty-one.

It was where he had his first beer. Though this visit wasn't a happy one, that was what Fremont understood. He had just caught the woman he loved cheating on him. Cheating on him with some stranger, catching them in the bed they shared when he stayed at her apartment.

He even looked down towards the box in his hand. The ring he was going to use show her that night. For a second he was tempted to throw it away, just get rid of the damn thing.

It almost made him sick seeing the thing. The diamond rings. That was when she appeared. Walking towards him stroking her side as she gave a snap at her G-String. The G-string she was wearing this morning, Wearing with it a matching red bra. It showed off her breast, though from the screen Dan was watching. Annabelle, or Crystal whatever her actual name was. She sat by him a soft smile on her face. Those Storm grey eyes latched to him.

Clearly, she was a woman on a mission, but what was that mission? Dan didn't know,

"Hi there, I'm Crystal. Is there something wrong handsome?" Annabelle said, her voice as seductive as the moment she woke up leaning against the table as she licked her lips her breast slipping lightly but the patch prevented him from seeing her nipple.

"Yeah, I just caught my girl cheating on me, bleh!" His voice was clearly slurred in his drunken stupor. There was a sad expression on Annabelle's face as she stood there,

"Oh dear, that's horrible! Why would she do something like that, just... Woman like that is just terrible. You can do so much better than that. I'm sure of it, you're a cute guy." She smiled more as she was clearly trying to cheer him up. Though Dan was clearly distraught as he looked down at his whiskey.

"I don't know she was so great she made me feel good." He sniffed more as he was depressed. Not knowing what his future was.

"Hey there's always someone out there for everyone don't give up. It's not the end of the world trust me; I've never been married but I hope I will one day. Just got to look towards the future." She giggled more as she rubbed his shoulder. There was something in his eyes.

Dan couldn't tell what it was as he watched himself through the portal, He was having trouble paying attention at this point as he looked down. Watching as Annabelle was wrapping those ruby red lips around his cock head giving it a firm suck. Moaning with it in his mouth as she rubbed his base. She looked pleased with herself. He shuddered breathing heavy. His heart raced as he looked back towards the portal screen

He wasn't sure if this was all real or he was having some kind of nervous breakdown.

He looked over as His red eyed drunken self-watched her for a moment, as he looked back to his drink for a second as he took another drink maybe liquid courage. He wasn't sure, but Dan saw the look in his eyes. He had an idea and nothing but his nerves would stop him. So, he was going to drown those out.

Fremont grabbed reached into his pocket and taking the ring as he opened it up. He Held the box out, and muttered,

"Marry me!" His body rather wobbly. Annabelle was clearly shocked by it. Her eyes widening as she reached over covering her mouth. As though she was not sure what was happening.

"I- What?"

"You said you wanted to be married one day, I wanted to be a husband, Why not. We win." He muttered more, as he looked towards the Diamond ring. It was a simple one, a small diamond on top. All he could really afford with his wages. But it had its own charm. Annabelle, looked towards it for a second as she gave a moment pause. She eventually rolled her shoulders with a smirk and nodded,

"Sure, what the Hell, Though I should warn you, I'm not exactly your average woman." She winked at him before letting the ring slip on her. The two got up basicly leaving the room though Annabelle, the Stripper turned her head calling out,

"Scott the drinks are on me put them on my tab." Before they walked off.

Fremont closed his eyes for a minute as he moaned hard. Everything overwhelming him as he grabbed the back of Annabelle's head. She was definitely good at sucking cock. He never felt such pleasure from just oral sex. Annabelle knew what she was doing that's for sure. He wasn't sure how long he could last with how she bobbed her head back and forth.

Vanessa never even dared trying to suck my cock, she always made an excuse of how she would choke on it. I'm not even that damn big. Maybe below average! He imagined before going back to the screen trying to hold his composure.

Dan soon looked up seeing that they were somewhere else, a priest and a couple of people None that Dan knew. As He was standing there, a goofy smile on his face with red eyes, and wearing what seemed to be a suit that was a bit small for him. Annabelle, on the other side, a white veil and nothing much ether. Fremont was surprised that the guy between them was an Elvis impersonator.

"By the power vested in me by the church I announce you, man and wife, uh-huh, you may kiss the bride, with the burning love." He could practically hear this priest say, as without warning him, and Annabelle kissed the smile on their face. However, Dan wasn't sure if this was entirely legal. But it had happened.

Eventually, the two pulled back, running down the aisle and out the room, with a jump cut. His bedroom, her top ripped off, and her moaning more. Those breasts were seeming a bit bigger than before, bouncing back and forth as she was riding him. She was screaming his name.

Eventually, everything went dark from the thing, and the light shimmering around vanished.

"Hmm, did you like our little wedding Tape? I could show more of the consummation of our vows. Though I think we would have more fun reenacting it." She winked at him, though before Dan could say much. He was utterly breathless as she tossed him on the bed. She was strong as he laid back. Looking over, he saw two things, First his New 'Bride.' The other, he dicks. He could barely tell it was his own. The lipstick mark around the lower base and the fact it was twelve inches long at this point instead of its 5 inches hardness.

"Y-y-you how!? This can't be real."

"Oh, but as I said honeybuns, it's all real, and As I told you, I am a Goddess, your Goddess wife." She smirked as she walked over, shaking her hips side to side as she bounded over. She was getting right on top of him. Her pussy head teasing his cock head as she would begin sliding down on it.

Dan couldn't help but feel like he was in heaven. The way his cock pushed up into her, her moans escaping her lips like that of an angel. His cock however large it was at this point felt overly sensative as if it would blow at any second. Then with how tight she was who knows that could happen. But he bit his lips as he felt her push down on him. Her fingers sinking into his chest as she tried taking every inch of him, Her eyes closing as she let out a long moan,

"Ohh Dan!" She called out letting out a hefty sigh, as she felt him spreading her pussy out close to hitting her cervix. The head just pushing against. Fremont reached over grabbing her hips as he pushed her off his cock. Before slamming it down. After all it wouldn't be fair if she did all the work. As he pushed her back down slamming his cock into her.

Annabelle moaned harder as her body jolted down, her breast jiggling slightly as she clawed at his flesh. As she returned the favor bounding on his steel member. The bed under them creeking back and forth. The headboard slamming against the wall. A shudder escaping Dans lips as he suddenly reached over slapping her ass. It felt like jello in his hands as it bounced more. Causing the Goddess to moan more,

"Oh God!" Dan moaned as he fucked her hot pussy Though Annabelle gave a snarky grin.

"Hmm you mean Goddess my love." She moaned louder bouncing on his cock over and over again. While Dan grunted. His body pushing down into the bed as he took deep breaths. His heart racing as he fucked this Goddess. He wasn't sure how to put it. Ether he was going crazy, or a dream. Dan didn't care as he thrusted faster,

"Oh Goddess! I Think I'm I'm Gonna!" But she reached down pushing her finger between his lips.

"Shush let it all our honey, let's truely bind ourselves together." Her voice tender sweet voice growing more as she bounced her eyes crossing as she was clearly enjoying herself as well. But Dan groaned hard his cock throbbing harder.

"Fuck- I'm I'm cumming!" He screamed feeling himself cumming inside her. His hot cum shooting into the Goddess. HIs eyes growing fuzzy as she let out a sigh and moaned more. Leaning down Annabelle gently kissed his lips and with that Fremont was out like a light.

The Map of gilgama Chapter 2

Chapter 2 It would be hours before Deloy woke up by than. It was clear that this was infact not a dream. His body had turned and jerked around as he woke up in the arms of Eileen. At least the cougar her. It was beyond shocking. His fingers trembling...

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The Map of gilgama Chapter 1

The convention center was filled with people from each end of the large building. People were barely moving as they explored the place. It seemed to stretch on nearly endlessly. The many people around. For some, it was just fun, but for others,...

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