Game of Chance. Final Chapter. (Story Commission)

Story by IsaacKonos on SoFurry

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"Following the continuation Every year, a random citizen is chosen to be sent into an alternative dimension to please the whims of a godly Hyena. Hadri, the god of mischief. Although the chosen ones never return from the adventure, this year, things turned out to be different. But maybe not"

Story commission for anonymous. Thanks for commissioning me.

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Game of Chance.

Final Chapter.

(Story Commission)

The moment the gigantic, pink paw pad touched the ground, Sean felt the intense warmth emanating from its soft surface. The nanoscopic Feline also felt the high dampness given the fact Hadri was jogging just some minutes ago.

The poor Cheetah couldn't explain, but he wasn't crushed underneath the enormous weight of that kilometric paw. Instead, Sean only felt the gigantic pressure the giant's body put on him, pinning his insignificant form against the softness of that sweaty pad as if he were a dust particle or even less than that.

Although, the entire action took only a fraction of a second. As fast as the pressure and weight came, it was all gone, and Sean found himself watching the ground moving away from him. In fact, it was the puny Cheetah who was actually moving away from the ground since he was carried along with the majestic raising paw of a godly-sized, white Hyena.

The massive, grass leaf-like trees went so far away from the ex-UFC fighter perspective that they looked like grass instead of huge trees for a moment. But, soon enough, the whole movement was reversed, and Sean found himself watching the same grass leaf growing and increasing in size the closer they got.

"Shit!!! Hadri!!!"

THUMP!!! The loud, rumbling explosion marked the moment the large anthropomorphic Hyena's right heel touched the ground. Sean felt his small body buried in both soil and warm paw pad. The small Cheetah had his whole fur covered in multiples body fluids from two different anthros, and now, dust too. The ex-fighter felt his lungs running out of air, lucky it didn't take longer than a second for the Titanic god-like Hyena to raise that same paw again to take the next step.

Meanwhile, mid-air, Sean was forced to turn his face facing the sweaty sole of the Hyena. It was a better option to smell strongly scented air instead of being totally unable to breathe anything while having his facing buried in the ground underneath tons of body weight from a large, titanic deity like anthropomorphic. Although, this time, when the gigantic paw rested itself on the ground, the puny Cheetah pinned underneath didn't feel the countless muscles and tendons on top of him moving in preparation for the next step.

"Don't tell me he just decided to a standstill due to whatever... Hadri, I'll kill you!!!"

But Sean didn't even have the chance to actually finish his sentence as the monolithic paw resting on top of him put itself into motion again. However, this time it wasn't moving as if it was about to step forward. Instead, it was moving backward and tilting upwards quite slowly. The poor Cheetah felt the blood running to his head and bouncing around his brain as his pathetic form was mercilessly dragged along for the ride within the moving foot. After given some time to recover, the speck of a Cat looks back, turning his face away from the warm, pink sole, and finally understanding what was happening.

Hadri was about to dress. The large, towering, and imposing godly Hyena sat down on the glass to put on his elegant purple boots. Sean was taking the time to observe and take in some deep breaths as it seems he won't be allowed to have fresh air for a long while one more time.

Watching the whole scene from Sean's position was a little disturbing, to say the least. Given the nanoscopic stature of the anthro Cheetah, the closer the left boot came, the larger and vast it became, allowing Sean to see even the fine details on the engraving and adornments on that piece of vestment. The boots, the godly Hyena likes to wear, were especially long, going all the way up above his knees. Once it was placed in the correct position, Hyena's powers would tighten the fabric, making it firm against his body.

Poor Sean watched the whole scene while having his puny form still stuck to the sole of the right paw of the anthropomorphic giant. Just after finishing with the left paw, Hadri would go for the right one.


Sean would yell once again as he watched the towering titan's huge hands moving to grab the last piece of the garment and lifting it up. Hadri was about to place it back on and having no regard to the little passenger stuck to his sole.


The little, nanoscopic version of the white Hyena appeared out of nowhere, standing by the side of the minuscule form of the Cheetah stuck to the pad of that endless paw.

"Sean! How are you doing? Always nice to have you around~."

"You stupid son of a bitch! Take me out here!"

The little Cheetah groaned at the white Hyena, sounding extremely angry and speaking between teeth.

"Aww, Sean! Why are you always so angry? I thought you would be happy to see me since you were yelling my name madly just some moments ago. Hee-hee-hee!"

The poor Cheetah was beginning to forget the high pitched, annoying giggle characteristic of the white Hyena.

"I can see you are enjoying being teeny tiny. Hee-hee-hee!"

"What?! Hell no! I wanted you to..."

But the Cheetah's sentence was abruptly interrupted since the large, towering version of the Hyena pulled his foot into the confines of the warm, purple boot and dragging the pitiful Feline among his sole. Sean immediately felt the change in the atmospheric pressure when the sole he was stuck to made it inside the confined space. The boot's cramped insides forced the air to push against the massive sole of the Hyena to move outside, releasing the space inside to allow the foot of the titan to move in. Unfortunately, to the minuscule Cat stuck to the ball of the giant's pad, the speed and scale of that whole action caused extreme pain against Sean's back until the foot touched the bottom of the boot, resting its heavy tons right on top of the little ex-fighter.

After that, the real Hyena stood back to his full height and rested his weight on top of the tiny passenger completely.

"Ha... Hadri!!!"

Poor Sean could barely speak, giving the amount of weight pressing his minuscule body and threatening to crush him out the existence.

"Did you call me?"

The duplicate version of the white Hyena appeared out of nowhere by the squeezed nano Cheetah's side. The white anthropomorphic generated some sort of barrier around his form, preventing the titan's countless weight to flatten his form just like it was doing to Sean.

"Yeah!!! I... uh!!!"

Unfortunately, the ex-professional fighter was running out of time. Sean's sentence was interrupted once again, this time by the unbelievable G forces generated by the casual movement of the godly Hyena taking a step forward. THUMP! The poor Cheetah coughed blood immediately following the impact of the boot landing on the ground. Sean's brain was more than desperate. The Feline was already so used to feel protected by the godly Hyena's magic he really ignored Hadri's warnings about him running out of favors.

The duplicated version of the Hyena was by the side of the anthro Cheetah's the whole time, his barrier preventing him from getting hurt by the overpowering steps he himself was taking. The white Hyena's expression was neutral and penetrating, as if he had watched this situation happening countless times before.

"Dri... H... Ha... Hadri!.."

Sean spoke between coughs as blood ran out of his mouth in large amounts. The very paw which rested its weight on top of him raised itself into the air one more time.

"Yes, that is me. Hee-hee-hee."

"I... I tho... I thought... Y..."

The smaller duplicate version of the god ran out of patience and decided to lead the conversation.

"You thought you were protected? And, yes, I'm reading your mind since it seems we are running out of time too. I told you many times you wouldn't gain free favors from me all the time, didn't I? Did you caught the bracelet I made for you?"

But, without allowing the puny Cheetah the opportunity to answer, the nano version of the white Hyena continued.

"No! You didn't! You failed. Lucky, you made it out of that challenge alive. But all things come to an end, Sean."

And at that moment, the paw, which was mid-air, reversed its movement, beginning to descend downwards to the ground.

"Aww, Sean. I thought you would be different. I really did. I thought you were gonna make it. Tsk tsk!... Well, goodbye, cutie~."

Those were the last words coming out of the mouth of the white Hyena before Hadri placed a kiss right on the bleeding muzzle of the nano-sized Cheetah and disappeared. Immediately after that, the real-sized god-like Hyena completed his last step. A loud explosion-like sound signaling the gargantuan boot made contact with the ground and also marking the end of another soul. Sean was no more.

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