The Cistern: Part 3

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#30 of Transformation Stories

We re-join Trevor and Sewer down in the Cistern

Crossing the cistern Toilet headed toward the alcove that served as their kitchen. He'd had a long shower, cleaned his fur and then dried off, now his yellow fur was tidy, sleek and ready for whatever his master had in store for him next.

It felt weird to be wandering around naked except for the cuffs around his ankles and the strip of black polymer clinging to his throat. Kinky accessories didn't really count as clothing and knowing how full of cameras this place was he really couldn't hide. Just thinking about them had his cock stirring, peeking half an inch out of his sheath.

Climbing up the short ramp at the edge of the room Toilet poked his nose into the kitchen alcove. He could see his Master and the scent of food. It made his nose twitch as he moved further into the room. It was just a six foot deep alcove scooped out of the side of the main cistern, nothing special. There was no sign of a table or cooker or anything which he thought was odd. The only piece of furniture was a large clay bowl under what looked like a chute of some kind coming from the ceiling. The enticing smell was coming from there...

Moving further into the room Toilet pushed himself up onto his hind legs and opened his mouth to ask Sewer a question. His master had heard him however and turned around allowing the smaller rat to see the water spout on the far wall. It was a big water bottle, with a metal tube running down into the room, like the kind of water bottles you'd use to feed a lab rat in their cage.

"No way..." Toilet whimpered at the sight of the bottle and the piles of dried fruit, grains, pasta and vegetables filling the bowl, "No fucking way!"

"Language," Sewer said, reaching into the bowl and picking up a large piece of freeze dried lettuce. He started to gnaw on it, crunching it into pieces with his big buck teeth, "I won't have you swearing or I will punish you, now come and join me Toilet, have something to eat."

Hesitating, feet dragging slowly as he approached that bowl the smaller rat whined, he could smell the food, his stomach was rumbling and his mouth was filling with saliva. Clearly this new body had come with the instincts to make this sort of rat food smell appealing.

"You can't seriously expect me to eat this... and drink... out of that.... It is so, so degrading!"

"Why not?" Sewer chuckled, "We are rats, what did you think we'd be eating? Steaks off plates with cutlery?"

"But we aren't actually feral rats..." Toilet protested, shuffling his feet, "Ok these bodies let us walk on all fours, but we are still you know... not ferals!"

"I know," the big rat squeaked in amusement, "But the people upstairs want to watch us eating and drinking like beasts so," he reached out and gripped one of Toilet's ears, pulling his head down so it was level with the food, "Go one, try something."

Squirming, cock thickening up and peeking further out of his sheath the smaller rat tried to resist. It was so humiliating... being made to eat this pet food! But... but it did smell good! Shyly, almost against his will the smaller rat let his tongue curl out and picked up a piece of pasta. It was dry and hard, uncooked and tasted amazing!

Munching, crunching, swallowing Toilet had eaten several muzzlefulls before he realised he had just given in! He was eating like a rat in a cage and with a blush that he could feel turning his ears red he realised his cock was hanging halfway out of his sheath. He whimpered as his Master stepped out of the way, opening a clear path to that water bottle. Continuing to blush, Toilet moved up to the long metal tube, reached up to slide open and cover and started to drink the stream of water that bubbled down the pipe.

Standing on his hind legs, gripping the bars that held the bottle in place the rat drank his full and turned back to the bowl of dried rat food. He was rock hard by the time he picked up a piece of corn and started to nibble on it. It was so humiliating, being treated like nothing more than a rat. It didn't seem to bother Sewer, the bigger rat was watching him, idly stroking his goatee with a grin as Toilet ate his fill.

"What... what do we do next?" Toilet asked shyly as he licked his claws clean, his stomach felt comfortably full and he looked up at the bigger rat curiously.

"Well the club doesn't open for hours, so we have most of the day to ourselves," he stroked his goatee again, curling it around one finger as he considered the smaller rat. "I need to talk to the MC about our show tonight but you," he leant down and started whispering in Toilet's ears, giving very clear instructions of what he expected the rat to do next.

Blushing furiously he thought briefly about refusing but his cock twitched in eagerness. He couldn't wouldn't say no to this... nodding in acceptance he moved back toward the water bottle. Knowing he was being recorded, watched, filmed as he acted the part of rat for the viewing pleasure of the club's patrons. He had a job to do and he was going to make sure he could do it well, regardless of how humiliating it was going to be.


After breakfast things were quiet, Trevor... Toilet lounged in the nest, cuddled up alongside Sewer and just relaxed. They watched a show, occasionally Toilet would go and take a drink from the bottle, about two hours into their calm, quiet, relaxed time Sewer had stood up and made Toilet into his namesake.

Crouched on his knees, snout buried in the golden rat's crotch he had drunk directly from the tap. Of course after all their morning activities this just led to one very big problem for poor Toilet. By the end of the third hour he was bursting to piss, he had so far drunk the entire contents of, his own bladder, a load of fresh water and twice been the recipient of Sewer's piss. His body was full of water, his bladder was aching and hesitatingly, quietly, bashfully he asked Sewer, his master for permission to piss.

The bigger rat shifted to look down at him and smiled, "You may," was all he said and Toilet felt his ears slink back. The bigger rat had made it very, very clear what he was to do next time he needed to go. Leaving their nest the rat made his way across the mesh floor of the cistern to the prop that Sewer had left out early. It was a wedge shaped piece of vinyl covered foam, nothing fancy but it was just the right size and shape for Toilet to rest his legs and rump on, elevating them above his stomach as he lay on his back with his head on the floor.

Settling down, shifting his legs Toilet blushed, his cock starting to peek out of his sheath. There were no straps, no gear, he was just naked, lying there with his legs elevated and his cock now pointed at his stomach and chest. Sewer wasn't forcing him, he'd just told him what he expected and left it up to Toilet to decide if he was going to do it. Sewer hadn't even threatened him with punishments or anything, just told him what he had to do and sat back to wait, to watch.

Blushing heavily, lying with his legs lifted in the air, the yellow furred rat slid a paw down to his sheath, pulling it back to expose his cock. It was poking a bit, he could feel it thickening as he drew closer to actually doing it. Taking a deep breath the rat squirmed a little bit, tail twitching and then relaxed his bladder. He was so full, so desperate to go it wasn't hard and the golden stream of warm rat piss shot out of his semi-firm dick and splashed all over his chest. He adjusted his aim, playing the spray of dark golden liquid up over his neck, opened his muzzle and bore down harder, increasing the flow as it soaked into his chin and filled his mouth.

Swallowing it he let his stream wash across his face, catching droplets in his whiskers which made them sag before he aimed it at his arms, down his stomach. He had a lot to get rid of, his bladder was fit to bursting and whether it was magic or technology his stream of piss just kept coming as his body processed all the liquid he'd drunk! Moaning deeply the dripping wet rat ducked his head and pressed hard, squirting his own piss all over his hair and ears.

Panting softly, Toilet felt the stream starting to lesson, so he shifted is cock, aiming it down and up so the piss flowed over his legs, soaking his knees and shins and bare pink feet. It felt good, not only to be releasing it all but to be soaking himself. As his flow slowed he gripped his shaft and started to work it, stroking himself off as he used his other hand to rub and stroke and squish the piss into his body, rubbing it into his fur.

His cock slipped the remaining distance out of his sheath, rock hard and poking toward his head. His balls were already starting to pull in close, he was so turned on right now. He had just laid down and pissed himself, soaked his fur and was now pawing off; no doubt the whole thing being recorded! Just as he was getting into it, pawing faster, his cock stiffening, his tail and feet curling in anticipation of his orgasm, something went clunk over head.

Taking a deep breath and screwing his eyes shut Toilet moaned as a torrent of warm piss cascaded down out of the pipes. It rushed over him, splashing down around his body as he arched backwards and started to cum! His body jerked, limbs twitching, cock spurting cum across his stomach and chest that was washed away by the torrent of piss. It felt so good, it was warm, musky, like it had just left the person and was just the trigger he'd needed to pitch him over the edge into orgasm.

After emptying his balls the rat sagged against the floor, letting his hand lie by his side and just enjoyed the shower pouring over him. After a moment the flow lessened and he was able to blink his eyes open and look up. Sewer was standing off to one side, grinning down at him. The bigger rat winked and mouthed _"_Good Boy" before walking over.

He swung a leg over, straddled Toilet's body and lowered his rump, settling it directly atop the smaller rat's muzzle. He moaned, pressing his snout up against that tail-hole, starting to slide his tongue in, licking out his master eagerly as warm liquid started to splash across his already soaking went crotch.

From the grunting, squeaking rumbles of pleasure coming from the bigger rat he was clearly enjoying himself. Once he'd finished pissing he started pawing off, Toilet could see his arm moving as he settled firmly atop the rats muzzle. His world was a musky, dim-lit cavern of rat rump and then the shower started up again, piss pouring over Sewer, splashing across his body! The pair of them were clearly not done with the show, he had to help his Master cum and if that meant pushing his tongue deeper, rubbing wet paws through the bigger rats fur, reaching around to tease his hefty balls well... it was his job!

He was Toilet, he was a sewer rat.
