(Commission) Anon and Jeremiah

Story by jakeclow309 on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

A commission for MJT. A straight to sex story set in a now Anthro ruled world after humans caused their own fall. Anthros now keep some humans as pets or workers. Follow the tale of a small human who catches the attention of a certain rabbit Anthro.

The alarm of my beat up clock woke me up that Tuesday evening. Having climbed out of bed, I went about my everyday routine of getting dressed and trying not to look at the sad state of my apartment. It was a one room place with no kitchen and no door for the toilet. The walls and ceiling had more cracks than my blinds and curtains. At least I had that going for me. I Yawned and stretched, my skinny feminine frame of a male body aching as I did so.

I left the apartment and made my way down the trash and wreckage filled road. Several human children played by throwing rocks and kicking old cans around dirty yards. The rusting wreckage of old self-driving hover cars blocked certain parts of the broken road.

Slowing to a stop, I looked at a rectangular flat brown building with holes in odd places. This was my old job. A fair crappy bar, for a fairly crap human area. I don't miss it. I just wish I was given a choice when the owner of that bar sold me to another one. I heard it was so they could settle a debt. Figures I would be just another object to them. Turning my head in disgust, I hurried away from the quickly sinking sunset.

I walked a few miles, until the dirty wreckage of the human sector morphed into a cleaner and friendly looking environment. Lions and Tigers watered their lawns, while little bear cubs played virtual reality tag under their parent's watchful eyes. It's perfectly safe walking in the Anthro sector, but I still feel at unease.

All of the Anthros towered over me in height. Their strong looking bodies, sharp fangs, and claws indicated that they could hurt me whenever they wanted. It was their reaction to seeing me that always left me more confused than frightened.

Any time I got within eyeshot of an Anthro, they all looked at me like a human would view a cat or dog. A baby like stare, followed with some of them slowly trying to get close enough without spooking me to give me pats and food. All with the promise that they would treat me right if I became theirs. It may have been a human's world several decades ago, but now it belonged to the Anthros.

I had a tendency to ignore the onlookers as best I could and move swiftly to my new place of employment. I once had a male Wolf last week promise to be my pillow whenever I wanted. Thankfully the Moose bouncer noticed and did me the favor of not letting him in at the time.

A new bouncer greeted me at the door. He was big Buck deer. "Hey, you are one of the new pets, uh, I mean workers. Go on then, busy night!" He quickly said while popping me on the ass as I slid by him. Unfortunately, physical contact was very common at this bar for humans. I hated it.

Once inside, I ignored the main floor and headed straight behind the bar to the workers section in the back. Sally was already changed and about to head to the floor. She stopped in her tracks when she saw me, though. Sally was a very tall skinny lady 5 years older than me. She was oddly protective of me and treated me like her little brother or sister. "Hey, your late bro. Hurry and get changed. The boss will be making his rounds shortly, and we are opening in fifteen minutes." She commanded while quickly giving me a once over and making a shooing motion at me. She left me to change and headed out to the bar.

I felt weird changing in front of other people, which is why I was glad sally didn't continue hovering. I changed quickly into my uniform and gave myself a once over in the nearby mirror. The uniform was basically a skirt with leggings, and a crop top. I felt super exposed. I suppose that was meant to be the point. Putting my good shoes on that sally had got me, I headed out to the bar proper and began helping with opening prep.

Even for a slow night, it was still quite busy. For most people, this would have been an ordinary work night. Not for me, though. Tonight was when I met Jeremiah.

Honestly, I didn't even notice him until he came up to the bar and asked in the gentlest voice. "Hey, get me a beer please."

I grabbed a cold bottle from the cooler and gave him a quick once over. He was a tall Anthro rabbit, quite chubby and round. The rabbit held their head high, with one of their paws propped on his waist.

"Ord-der" I shyly said while pushing the beverage toward the rabbit. They leveled their full gaze at me, a playful grin on their snout. I flinched away and hid my face.

"No, please don't hide your face! You're quite cute!" The big bunny exclaimed. "You also make drinks very well. My name is Jeremiah." He said after taking a sip of his beer.

I couldn't help but smile dreamily back at the sweet guy. I was lost in my amorous thoughts when a big furry paw landed on my shoulder. "Are you distracting another of my employees again, Jeremiah?" The voice of my boss echoed behind me. "I see you have my new and very skilled bartender serving you bottled drinks."

I began to shiver uncontrollably and pulled away from the large tiger. My boss and the owner of the bar was a very muscular, tall, and scary looking tiger Anthro. He wasn't mean to me since I've been working at the bar, but he still frightened me a little.

"Daniel honey, you know I'm always a gentleman." Jeremiah said in a sweet voice.

"Yeah, I know. I know you probably wouldn't know what to do with a Pet if a free one was offered to you." The tiger grinned mischievously.

"Oh, is that a bet?" the rabbit replied coyly. "I'll take this sweet cutie home right now if you want."

Daniel got flustered and so did I. I couldn't believe this hot guy said he thinks I'm cute. He barely knew me. How could he say that?

"Alright, well, employees are free to do what they want off the clock. Until then, they are mine." The bar owner said stiffly. "Oh, Jeremiah, make sure to have him back by opening time." Daniel walked off in a huff, his claws flexing in and out.

Jeremiah shook his head at the leaving owner, and then fixed his warm gaze back on me. "So, little cutie, what do you say? Want me to pick you up when you get off? I'll make it worth the wait."

I couldn't help but smile shyly and nod.

Jeremiah drove me to his house and cooked a meal for us while I watched in quiet interest. We ate a delicious meal and sipped fizzy drinks. We both took a turn in the bathroom to freshen up. Jeremiah let me sit on his bed while he was getting ready. When he got out of the bathroom, I was so nervous. I thought of how much a mistake this may have been. Should I be doing this?

Jeremiah came over and sat down on the bed beside me. His left arm reached around my back and brought me even closer to the very warm and furry rabbit. His strong and steady eyes looked down at me when my gaze finished traveling up his poofy and probably cuddly chest. I looked down quickly. I didn't deserve that look of desire and caring he was giving me. His right paw on my chin forced me to look up again, and this time he held my gaze and would not let it go. My eyes began tearing up. "I...I,....d-d-d-don't..."The words tried to form on my struggling lips.

His finger on my salty lips saved me from finishing. "Yes, you do deserve to be loved, wanted, fucked, and treated with respect." The lapine stated with vigor.

Taking my hand in his oversized paw, he brought it to his snout and opened his mouth wide. His eyes almost dared me to look away again. I couldn't bring myself to disobey. His maw and teeth got closer to my hand, and I started to shake a bit, but I refused to pull away. Jeremiah's sharp looking teeth grazed harmlessly against the back of my hand. He kissed my hand like a gentleman and worked his way up my arm. A giggle escaped my lips, and I wiggled to get free, but the rabbit refused to let go.

I felt his kisses and licks travel up and down my body, causing miniature shivers and flashes of heat to course through me. Then his snout was over my mouth, his tongue playing with mine. It was at this point, that I noticed a familiar heat beginning to rise from underneath me. His kisses were passionate and gentle, and I responded easily. Putting my arms and legs around the bigger male, I felt myself losing what little control I had. Jeremiah suddenly broke off kissing, stuck his paw on my warm ass and pushed me higher on the bed.

The bunny climbed over me, being careful not to squash my delicate form. "You look hungry still. Got room for dessert?" Jeremiah asked. When I didn't immediately speak, and only looked up at the bunny confused, he pointed at his crotch bulge. Nodding eagerly, I made a show of licking my lips and wiggling happily beneath him. The older male grinned and moved even with my tongue I was hanging out of my mouth. Watching him slowly unzip his pants was a new form of torture. Two, three, four, five zipper teeth. I wanted to tear into that bunny's pants so bad. Soon as I started to reach for the zipper, my hand was batted away gently. He went slower and sat down on my arms with a bit of weight. I couldn't move and had to watch this hot bunny slowly unveil his full package while I salivated and drooled for it. He was in control and wanted me to know it.

After moments of aching tension, he finally pulled down his underwear. A hot, thick, dripping cock landed at my face. I licked at the head, while he watched. I nibbled on the foreskin a bit and then began swallowing the shaft down my throat. It was the first time a penis had ever passed these lips, and I was unaccustomed to Jeremiah's size. Once I started gagging a bit, he sat me up against the wall. He checked to see if I was okay and then put his dick on my lips again, expecting me to resume probably. I wanted to do a good job this first time. So I squared myself up and grabbed the dick a bit forcefully, shoving it down my throat. "Whoa, take it easy there cutie; there is plenty of Jeremiah to swallow. Just mind the teeth and breathe calmly through your nose." I looked up at the handsome rabbit, my hands on his plump ass trying to shove as much of his thick cock into my mouth as possible. Jeremiah moaned and pushed on the back of my head, forcing his cock deeper into my mouth as waves and waves of his hot cum began pumping down my throat. My throat seized almost instantly. I choked as cum ran out of my mouth and nose. Jeremiah's dick continued shooting, as he made a hot chattering sound with his teeth. Cum splattered across my face and body. My hair and the walls were dripping with the stuff. The sheets and pillows were done for.

A half minute of non-stop ejaculating, and finally the sexy rabbit was done. His dick, however, was no less hard. "So, how was your first blow job?" Jeremiah asked, panting a little, pulling me closer by my legs. "H-h-t-t-t." I squeaked out through cum soaked airways.

My lips quivered involuntarily as his tongue dived down my throat and met mine. The rabbit's cum swirled between us and made me smile, thinking of me sharing my first time with Jeremiah.

"You're shivering. Still feeling nervous?" Jeremiah asked with concern." Here, flip over on your stomach. Do it."

He lifted off me and helped me flip over onto some of the mostly clean mattress. He got behind me, right between my legs. I tensed up instantly. I couldn't hide the fact that even though I wanted this, I was super scared. The big anthro male behind me could do whatever he wanted, and I wouldn't be able to stop him at all.

His paws wrapped suddenly around my neck and then just as quickly rubbed into my shoulders and circled down my back. "As I thought, you are way to tense. You got to relax. Trust me. You are safe with me. I promise." Jeremiah said while working the muscles in my back.

I couldn't see his eyes and had only his words to go on. However, once Jeremiah promised I would be safe...a hidden knot of tension and fear finally came undone. The feeling of the strong muscular furry paws pressing down into me became so relaxing that I almost started to drift asleep.

I suddenly felt present and awake to the feeling of a tender and wet feeling on my asshole. "B-u-u-h-b-t" I managed to get out.

"You're not denying that this feels good are you?" Jeremiah asked quickly before continuing to lick and massage my anal opening.

I shook my head into the mattress. How could I deny this amazing feeling? All I wanted at this moment was more of him inside me.

My bunny must have sensed my need, because he grabbed my two ass cheeks and pulled them even closer to him. His licks began to get more intense. The wet sensation changed from a breezy tender feeling, to one of a more carnal need. He firmly pulled my hole open and began plowing his tongue deeper and deeper inside me.

Deep moans and sounds of happiness began escaping my mouth. My six-inch cock was trapped and begging for attention against my stomach and the bed. I reached a hand under me, so I could answer its call. My other hand tried to stifle the primal sounds of joy coming from deep within me. Everything was good, until Jeremiah noticed.

"No, no no my pet. I want to hear your sweet noises." He told me sternly while moving and grabbing hold of my hand and putting it firmly palm down on the bed beside me. He then noticed what I had been doing with my other hand. "Alright, looks like I need to set a few rules down." Jeremiah said disappointed.

He rolled me over, so my eyes were able to look into his. "You don't need to mess with that anymore, okay? Leave that to me. You want something to do with your hands? Keep them by your side, or on me. Trust me. You don't have to stress or worry with me here. I'll take care of you. Okay?"

I nodded and smiled sheepishly. I didn't understand why he seemed so disappointed, but I decided to let him handle the rest and try to relax. I put my hands on the bed and grabbed hold of the cover in twisted clumps subconsciously.

Jeremiah chuckled and lifted my legs over my head. He must have noticed the worry in my eyes then or smelled it. He looked down with such reassurance when he said. "I will let you know before I'm going to enter you. Okay?"

I nodded and smiled back, actually happy to have this tall Anthro rabbit over me. I felt vulnerable, sure. But, for the first time in my life...I felt safe.

He pulled off my clothes, and shrugged out of his quickly. Returning back to the task at hand, Jeremiah pushed me higher on the bed, so he could fit on the bed as well and continue playing with my bottom.

The next few minutes passed me by in a haze of intense pleasure as Jeremiah played with my hole with his tongue and hands. I was only barely aware when he said; "I'm putting it in now."

I definitely noticed when a bolt of slight pain, a deep pressure in my ass, and my breath caught in my throat. Every nerve in my ass was alive and awake. Looking down my chest, I could see Jeremiah holding my legs on each shoulder and standing with his butt pulled back, looking concerned. I wiggled a bit, hoping it would help. It only made me slide deeper onto my rabbit's hard thick shaft. I moaned as I felt so full. "You okay pet? I didn't hurt you badly, did I?"

I managed to shake my head and smile a bit. "Alright, just try to relax and don't forget to breathe silly." The chubby and warm bunny told me as he began pushing deeper inside. The weight of his fur and muscled fat held me down. The pain and feeling of fullness kept increasing with every inch that slid inside me. It felt like he was entering my actual stomach with his nine-inch monster. "Only two more inches to go, my sweet pet."

The last two inches finally pushed in and I could just barely feel the heat of his warm balls up against my tail bone. He gave me a few moments to feel full and impaled with rabbit dick, and then he started moving.

As he rocked in and out of me, Jeremiah looked down with a happy grin on his muzzle. "You know you are making the cutest faces and sounds right now." He said as he pushed my legs farther overhead and plunged even deeper into me. I couldn't help but moan and take sharp intakes of breath with every squelch of my boi pussy. The pain that I was feeling receded and was followed by an intense pleasurable heat and hollow feeling. I wrapped my arms and legs around Jeremiah as I tried to push even more of him into me.

"Alright, I understand. I'll fill you up with my love until there is no more room for that fear inside you." The big rabbit said as he wrapped me in his arms and put his muzzle over my mouth. He didn't stop hammering into my tender hole the whole time. If anything, he sped up and began aggressively fucking me while his tongue played with mine. Between hot and heavy kisses, I heard him say; "Here it comes pet. I'm filling you up!"

Sudden warmth began expanding inside me. Jeremiah thrust deep into me several times, as he pushed his tongue deep into my throat. It was hard for me to breathe when Jeremiah's kisses finally slowed down and became gentler. He pumped into me a couple more times, and then slowly and carefully pulled out of my hole. I could feel my stomach gurgle as my ass leaked out cum that my very hot rabbit had just deposited inside me.

There was a sudden weight and shift of the bed to my left. A huge warmth caressed that side of my body. I looked over at Jeremiah who had rolled off me to my side. For a huge bulky rabbit, he was very sweet and considerate of my needs and wants. I smiled and then cuddled up to this guy who had swept me off my feet. I don't recall how I fell asleep, but the next thing I remember is having woken up beside Jeremiah. I was wrapped in his arms, and the rabbit's cum still leaked out of me.

I gave the sleeping Jeremiah a kiss, and then excused myself carefully to the bathroom to clean up. Once clean, I left the bathroom and crawled back into the bed. I must have tickled Jeremiah, because he woke up shortly after giggling. "Wh-what? Pet? Oh, what are you doing awake. Don't worry, we will have plenty of time to play later." His sleepy voice said as he reached for me. I moved closer to those warm and furry inviting arms I had come to trust so well over the course of the night.

Jeremiah wrapped me back into his warm embrace, but had an odd look on his face. When he noticed me looking quizzically, he replied; "Well, I have something I want to ask you actually."

He reached out to the nearby nightstand and grabbed a circular hooped object. Jeremiah brought it closer so I could see. "It's a collar. Well, I mean. Don't you....Will you be mine?" He rambled nervously for once.

The Anthro who was so sweet, thoughtful, protective, and warm asked me if I wanted to be his pet. I wanted nothing more right now in the world. "YES! Ye-s, yes." I practically shouted and then said more softly as I felt bad for being so loud. Jeremiah kissed me hard on the mouth, his sweet tongue penetrating me again. "Thanks, cutie. I will take care of you and treat you so well. You will never be sad or lonely again, and neither will I."

We fell asleep in each other's arms that night, a collar protectively wrapped in my tiny fist and a smile on my face.