
Story by Grantan on SoFurry

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Now it was all too real. Grant walked to his bedroom, and sat on the edge of the bed. He started trying to put all the facts together into some logical order. What ever was going on while he was sleeping, was effecting him when he awoke. He thought about seeing both realities. Both existances, if that were even possible. His hand slowly reached across to his shoulder, and felt the scratches in his back. He looked up at the mirror in front of him, turning his body slightly so he could see his back. 6 to 7 sets of claw marks marred his back. Nothing deep, but enough to see.

He riffled through his dresser and looked for a shirt that he could wear out into town. His mind was racing now, about the police officer that obviously wanted him put away. Or at least wanted some answers. Grant had to find the answer first. He looked around his room for his belt, then he heard the buzzing noise. Oh shit his cel phone, he must have not remembered to turn it back to ring mode after the police station. He searched franticaly for it, finally finding it under a pile of towels. "Hello!" he almost yelled into the phone, not bothering to see who it was before he answered it.

"Um, hey buddy" A weak voice came across the phone

"TIM! Geez I'm glad to hear from you! Are you ok?"

"Well yeah, I suppose so. " Tim muttered "As good as someone can feel after last night. Anyway just wanted to call and say thanks for um, saving me, I guess"

Grant sighed, "Listen I'm sorry about last night, I have no idea what happened. What came over me. I never thought I could do something like that."

"Dude you fucking tore them apart! I mean yeah I'm not complaining, you saved my ass, but where did you learn to do that? I've never heard you talk about being good at fighting!"

"Tim, I have no idea. I'm still trying to figure it out."

There was a slight pause before Tim spoke again, "There's one more thing, and... I don't even know if I actually saw this or not. But, after you got punched, I saw... something else, something really strange. Like you were still there, but, I could see a shadow, or another figure over top of you. You looked all, hairy."

Grant didn't know what to say. What could he say, no one would believe him anyway. "Hey man we were all pretty drunk, I'm sure that's what it was."

Most of the day Grant spent looking through the paper at job postings. He'd already figured he could be out of work for about 4 months before he was in trouble. Rent was covered for now, his check from his last job would cover bills for a couple of months. Maybe it was time for a change of pace? He switched sections and started looking at different labor jobs. Something to get him out of the office. His mind started wondering, thinking of digging ditches, carrying conduit around a job site. Girls love construction workers...

"Alright, I look forward to it... yeah I'll bring it. How many copies? Sure thing. Alright thanks for your time. You too. Bye." Grant flipped his phone shut and sighed. It sounded promising, but how many people have they had call them for that position? He couldn't worry about it... he had to just keep trying. Grant put the phone down and rubbed his eyes. He was getting tired again, but was almost afraid of going to bed. But did he have a choice? What could he do, drink a bunch of energy drink and stay up the rest of his life?

He finished his dinner, and headed to his bedroom. The walk down his hall was almost haunting. He opened his door, and walked inside. All his senses were going into overdrive, listening for every little sound. He slowly removed his shirt, then his pants. He sat down on the edge of his bed, and took his socks off. Then he slowly laid down on his bed. His eyes were wide open. He almost laughed at himself as he sat up again. "this is just crazy, what is going on." But just as he spoke, a sudden feeling of fatigue washed over him. "Oh shit." Grant said, he tried to move, but his whole body started feeling disconnected.

"I can do this" Grant forced himself to say, but even as he said it, his body started to slump, his abs lost their hold, and his upper body landed softly on the bed. Grant started to panic, it was not fun to lose control. Maybe the only chance he had was to go with it... but how? He started thinking about everything he was, all his memories, suddenly his room started to fade, and ... there it was, the other room! No one there... here. He took a deep breath, he was not going to close his eyes! He forced them to stay open with every bit of strength he had. He tried to move his arms, but nothing happened. Suddenly he saw her. The figure he'd seen and heard before. Long features, milky white hair covering her entire body, and now he could make out the arms and legs, her hair darkening toward the tips of her limbs. Her long tail slowly waved back and forth as she walked. She hadn't noticed him yet.

"Harvark? Are you awake babe?" Shit she'd noticed! Grant realized that his eyes were wide open, the image of his room and the room she was in was fighting for dominance. He tried to speak, but all he heard was a combination of his own moan, and a low growl. She locked eyes with him, her large puples opening as she took him in. Her tail swished back and forth a couple of times. "Harvark, honey, are you ok? Or... " She paused, and tilted her head sideways. "Furless one, if that is you, answer me!" Grant gasped, then realized he could control his breathing. "Who... are you" He managed to mumble, but the voice that came out was more of a deep groan.

The feline smiled gently, and crawled over Grant's body. "I'm Avralain, you must still be the furless one I catch glimpsed of now and then. I've never seen you hold on this long though." Grant once again made an effort to speak, but as he did, he felt that his tongue was running against something sharp in his mouth, he licked the roof of his mouth, and felt his tongue on his nose. That was strange. "Wait you can see me?" he said, his voice low and commanding. "Yes, I can see both of you right now, what is your name?" The feline gently stroked his cheek with the back of her paw. "My name is Grant, what is happening?" The soft, white fir wrinkled at the edge of soft blue eyes as she answered, "I'm not sure, maybe Harvark will know, that's you, but here with me." Grant couldn't quite get his vision to clear enough to make out details, and his room kept shifting back into his sense of sight. "Wait how do I know this is real?" Grant asked, trying to lift his head. Avralain smiled, a sinister look spread across her face. "Well, you know... There is one thing I always can do to make you wake up..." Avralain slowly slid her paws down his chest, and extracted her claws just enough to snag his underwear as she slowly scooted down his body. Grant shuddered, amazed that he felt everything as if it were happening to him in his room. He felt her warm breath on his cock, he felt her claws run down the inside of his legs, then, he felt her nuzzle his dick, and softly pick it up in her mouth. It instantly started growing as he felt her soft mouth slide over his shaft. "Oh god" is all Grant could say, and at that response, Avralain smiled as she looked up at him, his cock still in her mouth, a slight purring noise could be heard, but more felt. "Oh my god I need to stay here" Grant said, looking down at what was going on. He watches as her head slowly started to move up and down on his hardening member, her moist tongue flicking around.

Suddenly Grant heard another noise, his cel phone. His room flashed into view, but when he looked down, Avralain was still there, still giving him head. "Oh shit you're in my room!" He explaimed as he bolted upright. Avralain looked up, her head stopped moving, her eyes grew big with surprise, then suddenly she was gone. His cock fell as she vanished, but he could still feel the wetness from her mouth. "Oh shit! Damn it, Nooooo" Grant looked around, his phone was on the bed stand. He snatched it up, and opened it. "What!" He yelled, frustration and confusion setting in.


"Yes what! Who is this?"

".... It's... it's Lisa.... I think we need to talk"

"Damn it Lisa, I was in the middle of something"

"Yeah... I know, I was giving you a blowjob..."