Good Boy

Story by FaolanWrites on SoFurry

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#3 of Anthologies

Good Boy is about Mark, a wolf who can no longer deal with the stress of his daily life, who is introduced to puppy play by his close friend Remy, in the hopes of giving him a way to relax and escape from his worries.

Good Boy was featured in Thurston Howl Publication's BREEDS: Wolves, which is the adult version of SPECIES: Wolves. Expect a lot of naughty content in this anthology, which can be found here:

It is also featured in the anthology Dog Pile by the same publishing house. Dog Pile is all about puppy play and can be found here:

This is the unedited version. The edited version can be found in the anthologies mentioned above.

Good Boy

"I can't take this anymore!" Mark shouted as he kicked the door closed and threw his bag onto the dusty floor of his apartment. The brown wolf nearly ripped his coat as he wrestled himself out of it and flung it into the general direction of his coat rack. His amber eyes scanned his mess of an apartment before he walked over to his old couch and crashed down on it, falling face-first into a pillow. It only took about ten seconds for the tears to come this time, which was faster than yesterday, or the day before that.

For weeks on end, his life had been made up of getting up early, making his way through morning traffic, being yelled at by his boss for threatening to miss deadlines, being annoyed at colleagues who didn't have the things he needed, being stressed out by doing project after project, working overtime, and coming home late, only to eat, fall asleep, and doing the same thing all over again the next day. He had no time to clean his house, his social life was pretty much non-existent, and he couldn't even fall asleep without the help of pills anymore. This routine had been wearing him thin bit by bit every day, up to the point where he'd just come home and cry after another day, wondering if he'd have the strength to get up again in the morning. Even the weekends brought him no solace, as his mind was so full with work-related things that he just couldn't relax. A life like this was unbearable for a wolf. Even the most die-hard loner needed to have a certain amount of positive social interaction.

He put a frozen pizza in the oven once he'd forced himself to get off the couch. After all, nobody would make his food for him. He turned on the TV and sighed as he went through the different channels before turning it off again. He was in no mood to watch more depressive news about yet another supposed terrorist attack, stupid politicians doing stupid things, or threats of war. The wolf couldn't stand the happier shows either. Stupid fake people with forced smiles didn't appeal to him. Not anymore.

To kill time, Mark took his phone out of his pocket to check it for messages. There were some work-related once, but he figured he'd check those out tomorrow. His heart warmed a little at a text he'd received from one of his closest friends, Remy. The marble fox had been shopping and was showing off his new outfits in a series of pictures. The two had been friends for years after meeting at a mutual friend's birthday party. It hadn't taken long for the wolf to consider the fox part of his pack.

"Looking good, cutie," the wolf texted while smiling a little. He made his way back to the kitchen to wait for the pizza there, keeping an eye on the timer.

"Thanks, babe. Now send me a picture of what you are wearing!" the fox texted back after a few minutes.

"Sorry, I'm really not in the mood right now. I look like shit. Maybe later."

"What's wrong, hon? Bad day at work?"

"More like a bad month. I'm seriously thinking about quitting."

The autumn-coloured wolf had expected another text to that, but the fox called him instead. "Oh dear..." he said before taking a deep breath and answering his phone.

"What do you mean quit? You can't quit, you know that!" Remy's high-pitched voice chittered in his ear.

"I know, man, I know. I just don't think I can take this for much longer. I can't eat right, I can't sleep right, I can't even enjoy my weekends!" he whined into the receiving end of his phone. He generally didn't like talking about his problems, as he didn't want to burden anyone else with them, but the wolf knew that Remy would demand him to come clear about it anyway. He loved that about him.

"'s Friday today, so you shouldn't have anything to do tomorrow, right?" the marble fox asked.

Oh, oh...

"Uhm...right?" he said questioningly, wondering what Remy was up to.

"Good! I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be there around twelve, so don't sleep in too much!"

"But...but I eh-" the wolf started.

"Blah blah blah, no buts, mister! See ya, wuffy!" the fox said cheerfully before hanging up the phone.

The wolf moved his phone from his ear and stared at it until his oven signalled that the pizza was ready. Well, at least he wouldn't be alone the next day. That had to count for something.


Being with Remy proved to be enough of a distraction for the wolf to actually have fun for a while. The two friends had crashed onto the fox's couch after a quick trip to the supermarket for some snacks, before putting on a romantic comedy that they'd seen a hundred times already. He chuckled at the same old jokes before his mind wandered back to work again. He sighed deeply and looked down at his paw holding the tiny candy banana he was planning to pop into his mouth. Mark was wondering whether he'd get yelled at again for things other people failed to do. He worked as hard as he could, but if others didn't do their parts, then he couldn't really be blamed for it, right? It wasn't until he looked up again that he noticed the film had been paused.

"Hey, did you pause it?" he asked.

The white fox pouted at the wolf, his lowered eyebrows looked even more menacing due to the black markings in his face. Mark had always thought the markings looked like a double axe. "Yes, I did. Five minutes ago, Mark," Remy said.

"Oh...I... I'm sorry," he said softly, his ears and tail lowering all the way. "It's just that wo-"

He was shushed by the marble fox placing a finger over his lips and giving him a stern look. "I don't want to hear it. Today is about having fun and relaxing. If you can't keep your head away from anything else, I'll be forced to take drastic measures," he said, ending the sentence with a grin on his vulpine face, his yellow eyes twinkling mischievously.

The wolf's ears tilted back and he looked nervous and unsure. "What drastic measures?" he asked.

"Stay there and don't move," the fox said before poking Mark's nose and disappearing upstairs. He returned a minute later with a sports bag, which caused the wolf to frown and tilt his head.

"What's in there? Are we going to exercise?"

"Hmm...not exactly. We're going to clear your head, I hope," he said as he placed the bag on in front of the wolf as he sat down again. "I want you to open this and take out whatever is inside. If you have any questions, I'd like you to ask them," Remy said with a serious look in his eyes.

Mark could tell the fox was excited by the wagging of his tail, so he wondered what was inside the bag. His interest was piqued, to say the least, so he slowly unzipped the black bag, hoping that nothing would jump out at him. When this didn't seem to be the case, he reached in with his dark brown paw and took out a dog collar with a snowflake-shaped tag on it that read "Snow".

"This is a collar. I didn't know you had a dog," he said as he put it aside and reached in again, retrieving a light blue dog harness next. He checked it out with both paws and frowned a little. "A big dog, apparently," he muttered before reaching back in, wondering if he'd find a food bowl next. Remy still hadn't uttered a word, even though he seemed a little nervous, though thrilled.

The brown wolf's paw didn't find a bowl though, and he picked up a small item his fingers had wrapped themselves around. He took it in both paws and moved it closer to his face so he could take a better look at it. It was made of leather and about the size of his fist. "Is this a...glove?" he asked while looking at his friend.

The fox nodded. "It's called a mitten," the marble fox said as he moved a little and sat down on his paws.

"There's no room for a thumb though," Mark noticed as he looked at the curious item. He reached into the bag and took out a second one. He couldn't see a dog wearing this at all. After all, why would it? What purpose did it serve? "Remy, you don't have a dog, do you?"

The fox giggled and shook his head. "Haven't had one ever since I moved out to live by myself."

Staring at the items around him with an intense frown, which was known to Remy as his 'thinking face', the wolf could only come to one other logical conclusion. "Remy, this is going to sound strange, you wear these yourself? Are they yours?"

The lithe fox grinned and nodded. "I do. I participate in puppy play," he explained. "As soon as I put on this gear, I am no longer Remy. Instead, I'll be a puppy by the name of Snow."

"And...then what? You behave like a feral dog? Will you play fetch and sleep in a doggy basket?" the wolf asked with a frown on his face. It just seemed really weird to him. It wasn't that he had a problem with his friend being into this. It was just that he'd never encountered anyone who did this before.

Remy nodded and giggled. "And bark, beg for belly rubs, and play with other pups."

"Why did you pick a nickname? Wouldn't it be easier to just use your normal name? After all, you're pretty much used to it, right?"

"Having a nickname helps me get into character. Sure, there are many pups who just use their own names, but I feel that I can get into my head space easier by using a different name," the white fox said.

"Head space?" Mark enquired.

"The thing that you have been so thoroughly lacking lately, my friend. It's like a sort of trance, almost. It's really difficult to explain, but if I get into my head space, I let go of all of my worries and forget about them for a while. It's strangely relaxing. Pups don't have to worry about bosses, colleagues, workload, bills, and other things like that. We are free from all that."

"Sounds like a dream to me," the brown canine said before taking the collar in his paws again and looking at it. What would it feel like to wear this? Would it feel weird or comfortable? "Since you're a puppy, do you also have someone who takes care of you? A master of some kind?" he asked.

"Not at the moment, no. A lot of pups do, but some of us, me included, like the idea of being free more. I'm pretty sure I'll end up with a nice handler again sometime, but there's no need to rush."

"And what do they do? Tie you up and have their way with you?" Mark asked as he put the collar down again and picked up the weird-looking mittens once more, looking them over and trying them on. Well, one of them, since he couldn't close the second by himself. He felt that his thumb was rendered useless, which was quite annoying.

"You're thinking about BDSM or S&M even. It's not like that. Sure, there's a large part of the puppy community that are totally into engaging into sexual activities with their handlers or each other, but others just do it because they want to escape their normal lives for a while. The relationship between a puppy and his or her handler is about trust and love. Sex can be a part of that relationship, but it's not a requirement," Remy calmly explained while smiling.

Mark felt that he couldn't stop listening to what his friend had to say. It all sounded so good to his ears, and he was definitely intrigued. It helped that Remy was so passionate about it all. It made the brown wolf want to try it for himself. If it would help him get away from the frustration of his boss's lack of proper leadership, then he'd be all for it.

"Do you have sex while being a puppy?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes playfully.

"Heh, what do you think?" the marble fox answered with a smirk on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows.

The wolf chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Foxes... I should've known."

"Asshole," the smaller male said before giggling. "Anyway, want to try it on? I can see in your eyes that you are interested, dear. Just give in," he said as he held up the harness.

After clearing his throat and looking away while blushing, Mark eventually nodded. The harness came on first, and despite it mostly consisting of straps and metal rings, it was definitely comfortable. The light blue didn't go with his fur that well, but he'd just have to ignore that. The gear wasn't his anyway. The mittens came next, and they rendered him helpless. He nearly automatically moved onto all-fours while looking at his friend, who was very gently stroking his neck and shoulders. It felt nice to be touched like that, especially after the hard time he'd been through recently. Remy took a pair of knee protectors out of the bag as well and put them on the taller male. They would protect his knees when he'd walk around on all-fours. The collar came last, a leash attached to it, and even that piece of gear fit very comfortably around his neck, even though it wasn't designed for his size. It somehow made him feel...special? He certainly felt more submissive than without the collar. It was amazing what a simple piece of leather could do to someone.

"I normally never let other people wear my collar, but I'll make a special exception for you today, Mark," he said and smiled. "How are you feeling?"

The wolf actually had to think about that for a bit, and he rolled his shoulder until they popped. "Well...I feel...lighter? Does that make sense? It feels like I'm going to play an exciting game, or as if I'm about to visit a theme park. I know that sounds strange, but it's the same sensation for me. It's comfortable. The petting feels really nice too," he said and moved a little closer to his friend, who continued petting him.

"You act like a natural puppy, cutie. I think this could very well be a really good thing for you. Something that will help you cope with the unfairness in your life. Come. I have something else to show you," the vulpine said as he stood up and walked over to his computer.

" I walk on two paws or on four?" Mark asked.

"Good question, puppy. That's up to you to decide. I'm fine with you doing either."

Mark nodded and got up from the couch, walking over to the fox the way he'd normally walk. He wasn't sure enough about this situation that he'd walk around on his hands and knees. He joined Remy at his computer and took a seat next to him, which was harder than he thought without the use of his thumbs. He guessed the saying was true: a man only truly appreciates something after he has lost it.

Remy opened a website that automatically logged him in. On it were a lot of pictures of people wearing the gear he was currently wearing, and more. Some were even wearing some sort of masks that gave them a canine appearance. He could tell from their tails that they weren't though. "What is this, Remy?" he asked as he kept his eyes on the screen as his friend scrolled through the timeline.

"This is a social media website called 'Pupper'," he said with a smile. "What do you say about making an account for you? You seem to be taking to this rather naturally, considering that you've never even heard of all of this before," the smaller male said. "It must be because you're naturally inclined to act submissive, being an Omega."

His words brought a slight blush to the wolf's face, and he scratched himself behind his ear, which felt really strange now that his paws were covered by the leather mittens. He frowned and pouted at the gear before looking at his friend again. "I don't know, man. I... It's all going a bit fast, isn't it? I mean...this is nice and all, but it's really awkward too. I'm only doing this now because I trust you," he said, looking troubled as his ears lowered a little.

The marble fox turned to him and placed his paws on the canine's cheeks, stroking them while his yellow eyes gazed into Mark's amber ones. "Alright," he said softly. "You are coming with me next week though. The monthly puppy night will be held that night, and I want you to come with me to check it out. You won't have to participate in anything if you don't want to, but please come with me. It's the best way to find out if you'll like all of this or not."

The brown male's eyes grew a little bigger as he took in the fox's request. "Where will this take place?" he asked.

"In the house of one of the local masters. He has enough space to host us. There will also be enough extra gear for you to try things out if you're up for it."

The idea of going to a party liked that made the wolf uncomfortable to say the least. It was all just so strange to him. He'd never known that a community like this even existed, and now he found out that his friend was part of it and the fox was planning on taking him to see a whole group of them at a party a week later? The entire situation felt unreal to him, like a dream. There was only one way to find out if this dream would turn out to be a nightmare or not.

"Alright, but I want you to stick to my side that night, and...and I want a name too. A puppy name. I feel uncomfortable using my real name. What if someone there is connected to my job somehow? I don't need an extra stress factor right now," he spoke as he stated his terms.

"Heh, sure thing, until you find someone else you want to stick to," the fox said with a teasing grin on his face, which got the wolf to pout at him. "What name would you like then?"

"Well, my mother once told me that if my dad hadn't pushed for the name Mark, that my name would probably have been Bobby. Do you think that's a good name?" the wolf asked as he thought about it. He didn't want to use the names of other feral pets he used to have. That would just have been too awkward for him personally.

"Oh! That's a really good one, actually! It sounds so cute! To be honest, I think that name might actually suit you better than Mark!" he said and giggled with enthusiasm. "Alright, I'll just call you Bobby at the party then."

"Thanks. Can you take these off now? I think I'll head back home now," Mark said while wagging. He felt very excited about going to a party with the fox. He imagined adults on all-fours barking and getting attention from the masters. He wondered if it reflected what he would see next weekend. He'd just have to wait and see.


The week leading up to the puppy night was a blur to Mark. It was the same old yelling and screaming, but he wasn't that affected by it, it seemed. He was much too distracted by the thought of going to the party, so he didn't even think of feeling down. He smiled to himself as he had that thought, and filed it away as a good thing. He took a left turn and drove down the road. His eyes scanned the area before he looked at his GPS. He'd reach the place in approximately two minutes. His heart started beating faster in anticipation of what was to come. Would it really be as he'd imagined so many times? Would people be naked? What species should he expect to see there? Would it be scary or awkward? Would he fit in?

"You look really cute when you're worrying like that," Remy said while grinning as he stretched his lithe body in the passenger seat. The little twink was only wearing a pair of hotpants, and his harness. It looked absolutely fantastic on him, but the wolf couldn't help but wonder if this was really okay. Surely, this didn't count as an outfit, did it?

"Shut up, Remy, I'm trying to concentrate," the brown canine said while blushing slightly. Even after all this time, the fox's compliments always managed to catch him off-guard.

The marble fox reached into his bag and took out his light blue collar. He put it on and wagged happily before looking at you. "Call me Snow, Bobby," he said teasingly before fluttering his lashes at his friend, who missed it because he was being a responsible driver. "We will refer to each other by our pup names for the rest of the night, alright?"

"Fine. Shut up, Snow," he said before chuckling a little. It still felt silly to refer to his friend that way. Perhaps if he saw it as a nickname, it wouldn't feel as strange. Nodding to himself while taking a right turn, he decided that he'd view it as such. "Now, where is this handler's house we are supposed to go to?" he asked.

"It's at the end of the street. You really can't miss it," Snow said while carefully giving his chest and stomach, as well as his legs, a final brushing. It wasn't until the end of the street that Bobby knew how right he was.

The word 'house' really didn't do the place justice, as the place was more like a mansion than anything else. It was completely surrounded by a pointy fence, so it was free from having any direct neighbours. Bobby surely felt out of place at the sight of it. He parked the car at the gate and got out after Snow had already done so. The friends walked up to the imposing iron gate. A camera was trained on them and Snow waved happily at it. "Good evening, sir! We are Snow and Bobby, and we've come for the puppy night!" he stated. Bobby winced at the fox's loud voice and looked around to see if anyone could have heard them.

The gates opened automatically, granting the friends access into the lofty home. After walking down the road leading to the front door, they were greeted by their generous host, a dapper-looking cat, his fur black and white, and his eyes a piercing blue. "Good evening, Snow, how are you? I take it that this is your friend Bobby?" he asked, speaking with a rather posh British accent.

Bobby blushed slightly and nodded, his ears and tail lowering slightly because of the nerves he was experiencing. Even though the man obviously wasn't a wolf, there was something about him that radiated authority, which the brown wolf was very sensitive to. He kept his eyes on the ground out of respect.

The cat just smiled at that and nodded his head only once. "It's nice to meet you, Bobby. My name is Mr Blackstone, and you two will be in my care tonight," he said before stepping to the side, revealing his lobby. "Please, come in and join the others. The restroom is behind the first door on your right; the dressing room is behind the second door. The rest is in the basement behind the first door on your left. You are not to wander around the house without explicit permission from me. Do you have any questions?" he explained calmly with the hint of a smile on his face.

Snow and Bobby shook their heads and headed for the dressing room after the cat had turned away from them to head to the basement. The room was frugally decorated, with only some chair and benches along the walls. "This is all so strange still. Is Blackstone English or something? He both dresses and stands like a butler, but he's the owner of this place, right?" Bobby asked.

Snow nodded while checking himself out in a large mirror. "Yeah, he's something else alright. He's a very kind man though. Super intelligent too! I believe he's a professor at the university," he said. "Say, if you want to put on some gear as well, there's a box with stuff over here," he said as he tapped a wooden box with his foot. He took his mittens out of his bag and handed them to Bobby. "Can you put these on me, please?" he asked.

Bobby nodded and did as Snow asked before looking at the gear in the box. "I...I don't know yet. Maybe later. Shall we go to the basement?"

"Oh? Someone sounds eager."

"Shut up! I just... Urgh, forget it. Let's go," he said as he opened the door and walked out. Snow followed him on all fours, his tail wagging happily as he barked at Bobby. It seemed the fox was in his head space already. The two headed down to the basement. What greeted them there was unlike anything Bobby had imagined for the past week. The room was simply huge, and filled with various things that reminded him of his childhood. There was a ball pit, a bouncy castle, pillows spread all over the floor, which was covered in soft mats. Everything was incredibly colourful, and pups of all species were moving around, playing in the aforementioned areas, or curled up on the pillows, often not alone. He spotted several felines, and even a lizard! He even spotted two female puppies, which surprised him. He'd thought that puppy play was mostly a gay thing. Apparently, he was wrong about that. Watching all those puppies interact with each other and the handlers was a little like watching a nature documentary. A very strange one at that. Were it not for the handlers standing and sitting around the room, enjoying drinks, he'd have felt terribly overdressed. The wolf had thought that Snow was underdressed, but a lot of the pups wore even less, as around half of them were downright naked.

Despite the strangeness of it all, the overall feeling in the room was one of happiness and relaxation. There was no sign of negative tension in the air, and everyone seemed very comfortable with each other. He looked next to him to see that the fox had already left to join the others in their games. The white fur was easy to spot, and the autumn-furred wolf found his friend on the bouncy castle, nuzzling a snow leopard before pouncing on him. Bobby chuckled at that and watched the two with a bright smile on his face.

"Cute, aren't they? I didn't know Snow had a handler now," a deep voice spoke to his left. He turned his head to look at a large black wolf who had his aquamarine blue eyes focused on him. "Oh eh, I'm not his handler. I'm...not a handler, actually," he said and rubbed the back of his head as confessing that got him a little nervous again.

"Not a handler? Are you a puppy then? You certainly are cute enough," the man said with a warm smile on his strong face. His broad muscled frame was hugged by a tight black tank top that read "ALPHA" on the chest.

"I'm not sure yet," Bobby said truthfully while looking away shyly, blushing brightly at the man's compliment. It was quite obvious the man saw himself as the leader of a pack with a shirt like that. He had a dominant aura about him as well, but it was different from Blackstone's, as if this man ruled with a soft, yet firm touch. He kind of felt more like a father figure than a leader, Bobby thought.

"Ah, you're new at this then. Come, sit with me, eh..."

"Bobby," the wolf said, feeling strangely comfortable using that name there. He sat down on the couch, but made sure there was some physical space between the two of them still. After all, he didn't know the guy, even though he was a total dreamboat and seemed nice.

"Such a cute name. My name is Richard. Would you mind telling me how you came in contact with the pup scene, Bobby?" the black canine asked.

The younger male turned a little to put the large wolf in his full view, making sure not to meet his eyes directly though, even though he really wanted to look into those gems some more. "Snow introduced me to it after I complained about not knowing whether I could go on with my life the way it was. My job was driving me crazy and left me with little else to do or even think about. Snow figured this was a good way to forget about my worries for a while," he explained. It was only afterwards that he wondered why he was so open about his problems to this man. He was usually quite a reserved person, who only confided in his friends. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something about this man that made him want to trust him. How strange. Could it be the Alpha thing?

Richard nodded while listening, his blue eyes never leaving Bobby's. "It's quite a common reason why people try out puppy play. It's a form of escapism after all. Just, instead of grabbing a bottle or losing all your money by gambling, you take on the role of a puppy. It's a much healthier alternative, if you ask me," he said and smiled. "Do you have a Pupper account?"

The smaller wolf found himself agreeing with the man, and he was nodding away while wagging, until the handler's question finally reached his brains. "Oh, no, not yet. I want to see how tonight goes first," he said.

The man leaned back and turned his eyes back to the crowd. "Well, it seems tonight is definitely going to be a lot of fun," he said with a smirk on his face."

Bobby turned his attention back to the group of puppies, only to have his jaw dropping by what he saw. In the short time he'd been talking with Richard, Snow had somehow managed to shed his last bit of clothing, and was being mounted by a lion wearing a puppy hood. The lion had a leash attached to his collar, which was held by a tough-looking lioness. "Good boy!" she cooed while grinning.

After the initial shock of his best friend having sex in the middle of a room of people, Bobby noticed the lion had a padlock on his collar. When he looked around, he noticed that at least five other pups had the same accessory. "Uhm, Richard, why do so many pups wear a padlock?" he asked softly.

"It means they are owned by a handler, and that you can't play with them unless you have the handler's permission," he said before unzipping his faded grey jeans and reaching into his red black boxerbriefs to stroke and knead his fat sheath.

Bobby found himself transfixed on the man's crotch. He found himself lusting after the man, and he was almost on all fours when the man pushed a finger against his nose.

"If you want to play, you first need to get into your proper uniform, puppy," the black wolf said with a grin.

Understanding those words, Bobby nodded and quickly left the basement for the dressing room. He stripped down to his underwear immediately and giggled nervously at his own enthusiasm. This was all so unlike him. Well, unlike Mark. Perhaps it was exactly like Bobby. He found a spare green leather collar in the gear box and put it on before putting on a matching green harness. He found black leather mittens as well, but he couldn't put those on himself. He whimpered softly before turning around at the sound of the door opening. In walked Mr Blackstone, who smiled kindly at the brown puppy.

"I see you have decided to join in, Bobby. Allow me to help you with your mittens," he said as he walked over. After rendering his hands useless, the black-and-white cat strapped some protectors to his knees as well. "Wouldn't want you to hurt your knees, would we?" he asked before spanking the pup's rear, drawing a surprised yelp from the pup. "Now, have fun, pup," he said as he held the door open.

The green puppy went back down to the basement and went down on all fours as he made his way back over to Richard. He could see that the lion was still on the marble fox, the sound of their bodies slapping together creating a special kind of music the wolf was quite unfamiliar with. He hadn't had sex in a very long time, and now it was right in front of him, in the shape of a large muscular handsome black Alpha wolf, who was currently stroking a rather engorged red length.

The man looked down at him and smiled that easy smile again, before reaching out and petting him. "Such a pretty puppy. Do you want this?" he asked as he teasingly waved his cock in front of Bobby's nose. Bobby nodded and whined softly. It felt a little embarrassing to do this, but knowing what was in it for him quickly made him push those feelings far down. "You'll have to earn it first though. Sit," Richard commanded.

Bobby tried his best to copy the way feral dogs sat on the floor, and wagged happily. There were no obstructing thoughts floating around in his mind any longer. The only thing that mattered was pleasing this man, so he would get rewarded.


Heh, easy. Bobby placed his right paw in the man's hand.

"Other paw."

Putting down his right paw again, the brown wolf moved his weight on his right side and placed his left paw in the man's hand.

"Down," Richard said while pointing down at the floor.

The pup completely flattened himself against the floor in a way similar to how dogs lay down when they wanted a treat.

"Very good. Roll over, pup," the man ordered, causing the happy puppy to roll over onto his back, paws in the air, bulge exposed, and his tail thumping against the floor. "It seems you're a true natural, puppy. Up. You've earned your reward," he said as he spread his legs and drank some of his beer.

Bobby crawled back up as fast as he could and buried his nose in the handler's sack, sniffing so deeply that he could taste the man's musk on his tongue already. This only fuelled his hunger even more. After another few good deep sniffs, the puppy started licking Richard's length, using his long smooth tongue to the best of his ability. He pressed the thick cock into the man's abs with his cold nose, drawing a soft gasp from the black wolf, only to have him moan as Bobby's tongue snaked out to cover the quivering member again.

"'re talented, puppy. You are definitely a good boy," Richard said while placing his paw on Bobby's cheek, stroking his face gently before scratching at just the right spot behind his ear. The pup curled his tongue underneath the red cock, only to scoop it up so he could finally wrap his soft lips around it. He was so eager that he nearly choked himself on it as he deep-throated the guy, causing tears to well up in his eyes. He coughed a little before suckling gently on the tip, his amber eyes on the handler's blue gems. "Careful there, puppy. I don't want you to get hurt," he said softly while petting the younger male between his ears, gently raking his black claws through the fur, leaving subtle trails that were smoothed over by his palm.

Bobby was blushing brightly from the way Richard treated him. Not only were they engaged in a very intimate and lewd activity, but, more than that, the larger wolf was making sure he was comfortable and relaxed. If he'd wanted to make the pup feel loved, he had doubtlessly managed to do so, and the puppy rewarded him by bobbing his head along his shaft, slobbering and sucking as his tongue worked the underside of that tasty meat.

"Hmmff, alright, Bobby, that's enough for now. Let's go somewhere more comfortable," he said before taking a chain out of his pocket. He leashed the smaller male and led him to the bouncy castle. On their way there, Bobby turned his head to look at Snow and the lion, who had ceased their activities and lay cuddled up on one of the large pillows. The lioness was petting them and brushing their fur. The marble fox looked close to sleeping, but he managed to flash a bright smile at his friend, knowing what was about to transpire, judging from the quivering red rocket between the brown wolf's legs.

Richard led the puppy onto the bouncy castle while idly stroking his slick cock, still wet with the smaller canine's saliva. The two female puppies, a tigress and an otter, were cuddled up in the corner and seemingly lost in each other. They looked up when they felt the displacement of air in the castle and briefly looked at the two males before resting their heads back on the colourful PVC surface.

Having the females' eyes on him, even for a short moment, made Bobby feel a little self-conscious, even though he was still extremely excited about what would undoubtedly come next. He playfully bounced on the stretchy surface below, wagging happily. The rookie pup turned around to the wolf holding his leash and gave the man's cock a few more licks before looking up expectantly.

The black wolf looked down and smiled before pointing his fat cock down, poking the pup's nose with it. "Lube it up well, puppy. You'll need it," he said before menacingly licking his teeth, which only served to turn the pup on more. He took the rod in his muzzle and suckled gently, making sure to apply enough tongue, slobbering his saliva all over the large wolf's length. It had been a long time since he'd last been topped, but he was sure Richard would treat him well.

He tried to take the knot into his muzzle as well, but the handler pushed him down before he would accidentally scrape him with his sharp fangs. "Turn around, handsome," he said as he slowly went down on his knees. "Only the best puppies get this kind of reward, Bobby, but I think you've earned it, right?" he asked.

He blushed brightly at those words but wagged strongly before barking and pushing back against the man, who spanked him gently and pushed him back. "Patience, Bobby," he said with a slight chuckle. The black canine gently kneaded the wolf's round rump before spreading the cheeks and pushing his warm cock up between those two wonderful mounds. He took a small bottle of lube out of his pocket and poured the cold substance onto his cock, letting it dribble down and smearing it across the pup's ass, causing him to gasp and yip. After putting the lube away, the man took hold of the smaller male's hips and started grinding up under his tail, squeezing his thick member between the fluffy brown buns.

The hotdogging further strengthened the pup's need, which he showed by actively pushing back against the man. He wanted to be dominated by this male, and he would do whatever he'd demand of him to make it happen. He ground his hips back in circles, making sure to mash the black wolf's length between the soft flesh of his rump and Richard's firm abs. He regretted not being able to touch himself at that point, but this only made it all the more clear that he was at the handler's mercy, an idea that pushed all the right buttons.

After a few minutes of this, the red flesh was aimed at the brown male's slick pucker. The man forced the pup's head up by pulling on the leash. It had been a while since a pup, and especially a new one, had Richard this fired up. He would enjoy this, and hopefully manage to convince Bobby to meet him again at a later date. He showed great promise, and was way too cute for his own good. He lovingly stroked the pup's bubble butt, and smiled to himself. "Clench down as tightly as you can and as long as you can for me, Bobby."

Despite not having had sex for quite some time, the younger wolf knew about this little trick. He clenched down as much as he could, until his muscles let go on their own, causing them to relax. Richard picked this moment to push into him, sinking his cock in about halfway, stretching out the pup without causing him any pain. Bobby moaned loudly and whimpered as he tried to handle the pleasure coursing through his body. He'd have bit the pillow if he'd had one at that moment.

"Oooh! Such a good puppy!" the black wolf groaned. He growled lustfully and took the leash in his muzzle so he had both paws free. He placed them on Bobby's hips and pulled the wolf back against him, thrusting almost all the way in at the same time, drawing another bark from the male. Richard ground his fat knot against the pup's rump as he let him get used to his cock. "Are you doing okay, Bobby?" he asked after he let go of the leash.

The evident concern for his well-being sent a swarm of butterflies to stir in his belly. The smaller canine nodded and barked while wagging happily. He was doing just fine.

"Glad to hear it," Richard said while smiling, before taking hold of Bobby's tail and setting a gentle pace, using the entire length of his cock. He pulled all the way out of the warm body, before pushing all the way back in. He looked down and grinned at the sight of the pup's ass accepting his cock this readily. There was no doubt that Bobby was enjoying this just as much as he was, judging from the cute sounds that escaped the pup's muzzle.

Quickening his pace caused the sounds to grow both in volume and frequency. Over the course of what seemed to be only five minutes, but what had in fact been much longer, the handler had picked up the pace every few minutes, only to end up really slamming his meat into the eager recipient. The swollen knot ground up against the pup's sore rump with each thrust, causing the smaller male's cock to jump and spurt more pre onto the smooth PVC under him, adding to the small pool that had collected over the course of their lovemaking. Bobby was close to his release, but he wanted to hold out for Richard, hoping they could finish together.

Trying to hold out caused his sphincter to clench down on the handler's cock, which made the man groan and thrust even harder. His breathing was quickening, as was his heart rate. It wasn't long before the man let out a dominating howl and slammed his fat knot inside of the boy's rump, seeding the pup and pulling him against his hard body by his hip and tail. He could feel his cock pulsing against the warm slick muscles that hugged his length, milking him of his seed as the boy came hard, shooting his seed up between his arms and onto the surface of the bouncy castle.

Bobby howled softly in comparison to Richard, not wanting to challenge the man in any way. Even in his current role, ancient wolf instincts were deeply instilled in his being. It made it easier for him to accept the man mating him and filling him up with his sperm. Bobby was an Omega, and he was well-aware of this, so having an Alpha inside of him could only be considered an honour. He worked to please the man even post-orgasm, wishing to have as much of the black wolf's essence inside of him as he could. He swayed his hips and tugged on the knot while clenching down on it as well. He couldn't remember ever been this hungry for anyone before.

Richard pulled the pup up onto his knees and nibbled on his neck, placing soft kisses on it as well. "You're such a good boy, Bobby. I hope we'll be able to do this again soon," he murmured in the wolf's ear. Bobby smiled happily and nodded, his tail thumping against the handler's side. Sometime during their lovemaking, the two females had gotten up and left. Seeing as they would be stuck together for a while, the two curled up together in the corner of the bouncy castle, enjoying their blissful private moment of warm relaxation.

On the way back home, Mark happily hummed along with the radio, something he hadn't done in a long time. "So, Remy, are all pup parties like this one?" he asked with somewhat of a smirk on his face while trying to concentrate on the dark road in front of him.

"Hmm? Nah, most are very tame and only focus on the social aspect of being a puppy or a handler. I figured I'd take you along to one of the more fun ones though," the marble fox replied with a grin.

"Why did you throw me in the deep end right away, instead of easing me into the scene by taking me to a tame party?"

"Because I was convinced you needed to get laid, and, as it turns out, I was right."

Mark shifted his weight a little and bit his lip. His rump was sore from Richard's impressive knot. It was a pleasing burning sensation though, especially because it reminded him of what had caused it. His phone vibrated in his pocket and the brown wolf moved his paw over it, knowing the message had to be from the black wolf, whom he had exchanged contact details with after the party.

"So, will you come with me again next time, so you can play with that hunk again?" Remy asked before giggling.

Mark stopped at a traffic light and looked over his shoulder to see the same green gear he'd been wearing in a bag on the backseat. "I have a feeling I will," he said, already looking forward to the next time he could be Bobby.