The Tribute and the Lost

Story by Revesonant on SoFurry

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So... thought I'd upload something to the site. I had a long intro sort-of thing, but my browser ate it. I'll keep it brief. This is my first story on here, I hope you like it. Whoever all you crazy people are. Feel free to tell me how to do my job if there's anything wrong about it, or whatever. If you have anything to say (good or bad), comment; If you like it, vote or favourite; if you're underage, you clearly know what you're getting yourself into by getting an account and setting the content level to "adult" or "extreme" and I accept no reponsibility for breaking your little fragile minds; and if you want to steal my stuff without attributing it to me, err... don't.

As I said before; I hope you like it.


The dragoness circled low over the rocks. It was that time of the year again. Every six months, the people in the city gave her a... payment. That was the deal. And in return, she stayed in these mountain caves and forests. The people were safe in their little houses, and didn't have to worry about, say, being ripped to shreds in the night. And in return... Twice a year, she was given a free meal.

There were people tied to the rocks. Five, this time. Traditionally, the sacrifices were chosen at random from all the citizens. But the city was getting bigger, and the King had rather craftily modified the selection process. Now, the vast majority of the tributes were convicted criminals. It helped keep the crime down, kept the dragon well-fed and made the people feel a good deal better about the whole arrangement.

The dragoness landed silently by the people. All five had been blindfolded and tied securely to the rocks. This was where the agreement had been made, all those years ago... She let out a laugh, causing the five to stir uncomfortably. They were a lot more fun back then, she thought. Back when they tried to kill me. All those warriors they sent to try and kill me, so much fun...But one day they'd run out of warriors, and they'd sent some messengers to give me these, these peace terms. She sighed. These were the only times of the year she could be sure of having anything like that thrill of danger and the control she felt over those fools who came to slay a dragon. Sometimes she'd kept them alive a few days, to talk to them. To play little games with them. She always won.

She was lonely. Her name, as far as any of the people in the city knew, was Inthorna. Her scales were a dark red colour. She had bat-like wings, retractable claws on each hand and foot, a thick tail...she was still fairly young for a dragon, but it had been a long time since the deal had first been made. She was the only dragon in the area. There were no other dragons for miles and miles around. No matter how hard she looked...

That was probably why they hadn't been able to find anyone who knew how to kill a dragon when she flew down into the city one day. She had come every few nights... jumping from the darkness, stalking prey for hours on end, stealing and killing and devouring at random. The city was rich in money and people. She wasn't sure why she agreed to this system, when she thought about it. But perhaps it was best to settle down before they searched further afield for those who actually knew how to deal with creatures like her.

She examined the offering. Two wolves, a fox and a cat. And a birdmorph... an eagle, perhaps? That would be fun.

She began to feed. The five's whimpers and pleadings and screams fell on deaf ears. One by one, she killed them.

First, the old man, one of the wolves. He didn't last long. Then a female cat, her screams silenced by her claws. She did it quickly, killing them with barely any effort. Inthorna didn't feel guilty about it, not any more. They were so much weaker than her, less important, unworthy. She untied the fox, giving him a moment to try to save himself before spinning and breaking his neck. When she let out the eagle, he tried to fly away. She laughed, and let him have a headstart. Then she took off, swiftly gaining ground on the birdmorph. She roared as she caught up with him, drank in the fear in his eyes as she moved towards him, then crunch-

-and he fell from the sky. She grabbed the body, and brought it back towards the clearing. Dumping it with the other bodies, she sighed and sat down. For a minute there, she thought, flying as fast as I can, it felt playing with another dragon.

It was stupid, she thought, starting a fire. She had everything a dragon wanted. Gold, prey, territory. But she was all alone here. She had travelled a long way from the typical lands where the dragons lived, and that had meant no competition, taking new land that had never before seen one of her kind. But she wished, somewhere inside, that she A friend, at least. She liked to imagine, sometimes, a dragon coming to her lands. He would be strong, and beautiful, yet be so struck by her territory and riches and how powerful she was that he would fall in love with her on sight... And he would love her, mate her like she wanted so much, and he'd be faithful and gentle- at least when she wanted him to be gentle, ha. And then this would seem so much better.

She shook herself. She'd been here for at least fifty years now, and in all that time she'd neither seen nor heard of another dragon in the area, not even another female, and it was getting to the point where that wouldn't have mattered to her. No-one was coming. Even a rival would be something, an equal in a nearby kingdom, but no. The dragons were all far away, and saw no reason to wander in these lands. She looked up, and realised how long she'd been staring into the fire. It was late in the afternoon now. She pulled a chunk of eagle into the fire, and took a bite out of it. Well, at least that was something, she thought. I might be lonely as hell, but today I have food. She gave a dark chuckle. Comfort eating.

She shifted awkwardly. All this thought of mates was beginning to turn her on. She reached down to her entrance and began to finger herself lightly, like she had taken to recently. She moaned as she stroked herself faster now-

There was a little noise from the middle of the clearing, and she froze, breathing heavily. Oh, yes, she thought. That one. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she padded over to the furthest of the rocks and crouched in front of it. There was the last of the sacrifices. Another wolf, only about thirteen or fourteen years old. He was breathing heavily, trembling slightly. The boy was cute, in a way. His fur was a pale, fluffy grey. As she watched him struggle hopelessly in the ropes, a wicked thought crept into her head. She grinned.

She crept behind him, and growled just by his head. He flinched, letting out a gasp as she breathed out on his neck.

"Oh god, please don't..."

She traced a claw along his skin, feeling the way he stiffened in fear as she touched him.

"I don't want to die..." he whimpered. "Lady Inthorna, let me go..."

She snarled and lunged for his neck, and he felt her teeth close around his neck and gasped in pain.

After a few long seconds frozen to the spot, he realised she hadn't bitten down. They both remained still for a few moments before she let go. Tears where running down his face and he slumped a little in relief.

Imthorna leant down to his ear.

"Why should I let you go, little wolf?" she whispered. Her hand continued to stroke his neck and face. "What did you do, I wonder? I can't imagine you volunteering, or being selected at random. So that means you must be one of the criminals. What did you do?"

The boy mumbled something, and she pushed the claw closer to his throat.

"Didn't catch that, I'm afraid."

"Stealing..." he whispered.

She held her hand there for a moment, thinking. Then she lowered it again. To the dragons...crimes were different. She still couldn't see what was wrong with taking what you wanted. If you were agile, strong, cunning enough to take it, you were worthy of it. That's what they'd said...

"What's your name, boy?" she said, after a pause.

The boy hesitated.

"Rezar," he muttered.

The dragoness chuckled.

"Sure it is. Well, it'll do. Rezar..." she growled. "I have an offer for you. If you do well, I'll let you live. It doesn't get any fairer than that."

"What do you want me to do?"

"For a start, you'll have to do everything I tell you," she said. "Don't try to escape. So many of my...guests...have tried to escape. You know what happened to all of them, don't you?"

The boy nodded dumbly. Of course he did. Some of those screams had been very loud.

"Good," she murmured, looking the boy up and down. "Who knows? Maybe you'll enjoy this..."

She took off his blindfold, leaving him blinking in the sudden light. For the first time he caught a glimpse of the dragoness.

Among the first things he noticed was that she was wearing very little. Partly because dragons rarely have to worry about the cold, Inthorna had never seen the need to wear- well, anything much. Most of what she was wearing was better classed as jewellery rather than clothes. A piece of cloth secured her breasts, and a long loincloth-like garment barely hid her lower regions. The rest of her outfit was just...trinkets. An ear-ring, tight bands of various materials around her arms, a necklace. Many of the pieces had been stolen from the city when she had been free to rampage at will. A dragon could not resist the real gold that the richer people in the city freely wore. A dragon could practically smell gold. So she had killed them or robbed them and kept it as a trophy, ornate but mismatched gold, some encrusted with gems. Some of it still had dried blood on it. The dragoness grinned at the look on his face and moved to the other side of the stone to untie him.

"Don't try and run away now," she said, undoing the ropes one by one. "I'm looking forward to this..."

"Looking forward to what, Lady Inthorna?" said the boy, nervously. There was a blurr of movement and he found himself pinned to the floor, face-down. Rezar felt the dragoness' hands holding him down and pulling up his shirt.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Are you really that naïve?" Inthorna giggled, and continued to unbutton the shirt. The boy began to struggle as she finished with the buttons and began to remove his belt. She stopped for a moment and began to stroke his fur.

"Look, you little bitch,"-she smiled as he flinched-"You belong to me now. And since I have no other reason to keep you alive, you'd better stop being so... uncooperative."

She pulled him up to a kneeling position, only to roughly push his torso to the ground. The boy stiffened as the dragoness pulled down his pants.

"Nice tail, bitch," said Inthorna, slapping his ass. The boy yelped. "Now, let's see what we have here..."

She pulled him upright again, laughing as his cock came into view.

"Well, look at that," she said. "Not a bad size for someone so young. You want it a lot, don't you?"

She grabbed the hard cock and began to stroke it up and down, making Rezar moan.

"Say how much you want it, bitch. Tell me how good it feels."

"Don't stop..." whispered the boy. "It feels so good..."

The boy moaned as the strokes intensified.

"It does, does it? And what do you want, bitch?"

The boy hesitated.


"I want to fuck you," he murmured.

The dragoness let go of his penis and pushed him to the ground, turning him over onto his back. She straddled him, keeping him trapped beneath her. She leant down and kissed him lightly, to his surprise. Then she leaned back and began to remove her top. The wolf was breathing heavily now, and she could see in his face how much he wanted her now. As she threw the sparse piece of cloth out of the way, she felt the boy thrust upwards, rubbing against her. She snarled at him, and he froze.

"Not yet, bitch! If you want me, you'll have to earn it. Understand?"

The boy hesitated, then nodded.

"Good. I don't see any need for a slave who can't please me," she said, shifting slightly. "Stay lying down, boy."

She stood up and walked forwards a few steps before lowering herself again, so she was kneeling with his head between her legs.

"Let's see how good you are with your mouth," she said. She grabbed the sides of Rezar's head and pulled it towards her vagina. "Lick me, bitch."

The boy was stunned for a moment, but then began to tentatively lick the edges of her already-lubricated pussy. Inthorna closed her eyes and stroked the back of Rezar's head as he continued to explore her.

"Do you like how I taste? Not bad...A bit deeper, boy..."

Rezar began to press further into the dragoness' entrance. She moaned as his tongue lightly brushed against her clitoris. The wolf was really concentrating now, licking in a rhythm, occasionally dipping his tongue deep into her vagina when she wasn't expecting it and making her moan in pleasure.

"Oh, you little slut! Mmm..."

Every little exclamation from the dragoness made him go faster, deeper, focussing on nothing but making her feel good. She was holding his head in place now, her eyes clamped shut to better concentrate on the sensations she was getting from the wolf's tongue. Finally, after one particularly loud moan, almost a scream of delight, she let go of Rezar's head and pulled herself up with difficulty, panting. She looked down at the boy, and let out a short gasp of breath.

"Very good, boy...That was..." she paused, chest heaving. "Seriously, was that the... the first time you've done this?"

The boy nodded. He looked out of breath, too. Despite his situation, he was smiling up at her. She smiled back, a little unsteadily.

"Well, I think you definitely deserve your reward..."

The dragoness extricated herself from his torso and lay down beside him.

"Since you did so well...I think I'll let you go on top," she whispered in his ear.

Rezar nodded enthusiastically and pulled himself up onto all-fours. Inthorna opened her legs wide, staring down her body at the wolf.

"Whenever you're ready, bitch," she said, grinning impishly. "Let's see if you're as good at the real thing."

The boy clambered over her, carefully aligning himself to her body. Rezar groaned as he entered her for the first time. His cock slid slowly into the dragoness. She was already soaking wet, and he easily penetrated her. With a growl of lust, he started to move in and out.

"Aaaa...It's been a long time since I felt that..."said Inthorna, wrapping her arms around the boy. She moaned as Rezar began to hump her faster, making her whole body shake in time.

"Are you enjoying yourself, bitch?" said the dragoness. "Does my body -ah- feel good?"

Inthorna tightened her grip on the boy, pulling him closer to her.

"Ah! You're so warm and tight..."

"Was that a yes?"

"Yeah..." said Rezar, pushing himself into her again and again. Beneath him, Inthorna gasped and gripped the boy harder, her claws tearing his already ragged clothes.

"Oh, you're good at this..." the dragoness moaned. "Yes! That's-ah..."

The two of them were locked in position, Rezar's face screwed up in concentration. Inthorna had her back arched, trying to pull the boy in even deeper. With a grin, she began to push back into Rezar's thrusts, causing both of them to let out even louder moans of pleasure.

"Lady...Inthornaaaa...I'm going to... cum soon..." the boy said, his voice muffled. Their breath hung in little clouds in the air. It was a cold day, but both were sweating slightly, the moisture allowing them to slip more easily into each other. Inthorna looked up, panting.

"No... bad bitch...Not until after meee..."

The boy groaned and froze for a moment, still embedded deep inside her. She gasped as she felt him struggle to keep his orgasm in check, then suddenly begin to pound her harder and deeper than before.

"Rezaaaaaar...Oh, that's brilliant...Please don't stop..."

The boy's hands held her hips and he continued to drive into her. Inthorna writhed as one deep thrust pushed her over the edge.

"Aah...aah...fuck me... ohgod...I'm cumminnnng..."

The dragoness roared as orgasm struck her, all her muscles contracting slightly, arching back and cutting grooves in the dirt with her claws.

"Please, Lady Inthorna, I need to..."

"You may do so, bitch. Cum inside meee...Fill me with your seed..."

Rezar only managed a few more thrusts before he came as well, shooting cum into her slit. He began to pull out, but Inthorna wrapped her legs around him and pulled him back inside her, while he was still ejaculating into her. He collapsed onto her, panting. The dragoness relaxed back and stroked Rezar softly.

It was never clear how long they were there, lying together on the ground, two living people amongst the dead. Inthorna was content to lie there for a little longer. She only got up when she heard the boy snore. Smiling, she carefully levered him onto the ground.

Then she flapped her wings and leapt to the top of the stone he had been tied to. She stood there for a while, gazing in the direction of the city. What was with that? I just fucked a wolf, she thought. Playing with my food. I must be getting desperate... She hesitated. But it had been...good. He had been good. Much better than I had expected. She glanced at the boy, sleeping beside the stone he expected to die on. He looks so peaceful. That's not right. What kind of person can just adapt like that? As soon as he realised I wasn't going to kill him, he did whatever I said. He enjoyed it. So...was this normal for him?

What could have happened to him to make that seem acceptable?

She sighed. There was something about him. Just for a few minutes, she'd forgotten what she was, what he was. I mated him, she thought. Just like that. No reluctance or regret. But now I feel sick. Why?

He's so young. He threw his life away, and I caught it. Is it guilt? What I did, that would have been unacceptable for any dragon. We are different... she remembered the old words. We are higher than them. They are prey. She hissed slightly. Or...maybe I don't want that to be the last time...

It was getting dark now, and the clouds were ominously black. She looked down. He needed somewhere to stay, one way or another. And...why not? She was breaking no law, no promise. The agreement never said she had to eat the offering. And she had only promised to let him live. Not to let him go.

A malicious grin curled up her mouth. I will keep him. He is mine. Didn't he all but say as much? This is no betrayal of the hierarchy. He will be my slave. My pet. He will serve me, and pleasure me. And if he will not, I'll make him. I can live with four meals, this time. There are plenty of animals in the forests, and they are mine to hunt instead of the people of the city. He's just a substitute, of course. Until my true mate shows up, obviously. This mine.

She carefully picked Rezar up and flew back to her cave. The rain started just as she got through the mouth and placed him inside, out of the rain and wind. She must have gone to sleep like that, in the entrance of the cave, gazing at the boy.