
Story by Grantan on SoFurry

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Grant shifted in his chair. He'd tried to get a booth but they were all taken. He hated sitting in the middle of a restarant. None of that really bothered him at the moment, he was thinking of something else. He had the menu in his hands, but hadn't even taken a look at it. His eyes were glued to the door. Finally, he saw her walk in. Lisa looked just as nervous, her eyes darting around the room until she saw Grant. She moved quickly over to him and set her purse down by the chair as she sat down.

"Hey" Grant said as she sat down, he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Hey" shey said as she picked up the menu. They both sat in silence, the air so thick it was hard to breath. "So um, about what you said over the phone" Grant started, and instantly her face turned red. "I don't know what is going on" she blurted out, her eyes started to tear up. "Hey, I don't either, this is so strange for me, I don't know what to think." Lisa nodded, and looked up at him from her menu, "That's the first time I remembered a dream I had." She paused, "It was so real I... wait I've never been in your room have I?" Grant nodded. "Do you have a chess trophy on your headboard?" Grant grew pale "y-yes" was all he could summon as an answer.

They both sat and stared at each other for a while. Neither one could actually say what they were both thinking. "Have you guys decided?" The waitress asked, not particularly eager to actually hear what the two had in mind. "Beer" Grant and Lisa both blurted out at the same time. The waitresses frowned and looked at her watch, it was 9:00 am on a Sunday. "Must have been some night" she mumbled as she wrote on her ticket. "You have no idea" both Lisa and Grant again stated at the same time.

"Ok so, you'd already seen me and realized what you were doing when you called me?" Grant asked Lisa as they both worked on the ice cream cones, trying to catch the drips before they hit their hands. "Yes, I saw you, realized what I was doing, and called you." Grant frowned, "But you were still... well you know, doing it when I heard the phone ring." This time Lisa frowned. "It couldn't have been more than a couple of seconds before I had you on the phone" Lisa stated. "Hm, that means that time on the other side starts and stops as soon as we fall asleep or wake up." Grant concluded, then chased a drip of vanillia down the cone. "Mm-hmh" Lisa managed to say, her tongue retracting a large amount of Oreo chip ice cream. "So that means that, you woke up before me, called me, but you were a little ahead of me in time, so... this is so confusing" Grant sighed, and continued consuming his cone, taking a large bite out of the side. "SSSHHHH ouch" he hissed, and held his mouth, a sharp pain hitting his jaw as the cold came into contact with a back tooth. Lisa giggled.

"You know, we can't tell anyone about this right?" Lisa nodded in agreement, "they wouldn't believe us anyway" She added, they both stared through the window at the music store. It was getting late, and both of them were having a great time, even though things were still a bit awkward. They had agreed that what happened was not anything they could have helped. "Hey what are you doing tonight?" Grant asked, Lisa blushed a little but kept herself composed. "Don't have plans, I didn't get much sleep last night after what happened, so I'm tired, but I am not sure I want to go to sleep." Grant smirked, "Well maybe it's a fluke, it's kind of silly to think we both have lives together in another world when we sleep..." Lisa cut in, "It's my fault Grant... I've had a crush on you from the first day you started working at Exion." she confessed, and turned away. Grant was taken back, it wasn't a bad thing but he'd never looked at her as anything other than a co-worker. He felt a little guilty that he'd never seen it. "Hey it's ok, it's not your fault... I think you're great!" He trailed off, trying to come up with something else to say. She sighed and gave a quick snort, "Go figure, the only guy I'm interested in and it's ruined by some stupid other world experience..."

Grant smiled, almost laughed but held back, thinking it might upset her. "Hey nothing is ruined, we're still friends!" Grant's jaw snapped shut. Stupid, stupid thing to say, he thought to himself. Lisa seemed to be off in space though, not even effected by what he said. "Lisa What's W-" "You need to come spend the night at my house" She announced as if he hadn't said a word. "W-why? What do you mean..." Lisa shook her head quickly and grabbed his arm. "No you don't understand. We need to see if we can both fall asleep at the same time, See if you can shift over and ask the other me if she knows I exist, you seem to be able to see both sides better than I can." She had an idea... it was worth a shot.

"Nice place" Grant anounced, standing in Lisa's living room. Simple, but organized. Everything had it's place, but not everything was in it's place. It gave off a relaxed but clean feeling, it was comfortable, warm, inviting. "Thanks" Lisa answered from the kitchen, putting away dishes from the dishwasher. "Um, the couch pulls out, we can watch a movie or something until we want to try going to sleep. I'm not really tired right now." Grant gave a nod, still looking around the room. He smiled at some pictures on her book shelf, a little girl holding a cat over her shoulder, a huge smile on her face. "Is this you?" Grant asked, Lisa's head peeked around the corner. "Yep, I was 8". "Nice, I wish I had pictures like this" Grant picked up the framed picture and turned it around. "Me and Sandy" was written on the back. "Ok what kind of movies are you into?" Lisa asked, and took the picture from Grant, placing it back down on the bookshelf, leaving nothing between them. Grant looked at her, she was obviously not afraid to be close. "Um, action? Comedy?" Lisa raised her eyebrown and smiled, "What, no romance?

They sat together on the couch, neither of them wanting to admit they were tired. Grant tried to think of anything else but what was going on at the moment. Lisa was sitting straight up, obviously tense. It must have been harder for her, now knowing that Grant knew she had liked him. Grant tried not to think about what might be going through her mind. Maybe she enjoyed it? Grant almost felt guilty as his mind went back to that feeling. It had been a long time since he'd had physical contact with a woman. Not since he had a fling with his ex-girlfriend. Grant shook his head, trying to change what he thought about.

"Hey are you ok?" Lisa asked, and Grant turned to her, "Um yeah I'm fine, just kind of nervous, you know. Lisa nodded. "Well you don't have to do this."

"No I want to do this, I want to figure this out more than you do"

"Ok. I'm going to get a drink, you want one?"

Lisa got up before he'd answered, "Yeah sure, um, what ever you're having." Lisa returned after a few moments and handed him a glass. As she sat down she took 3 large gulps of her drink. Grant looked down, the blue plastic cup hiding the true color of what ever it was. He took a drink. "Holy shit" He coughed "what is this?"

"Vodka and cran" Lisa stated.

"Where's the 'cran' though?" Grant coughed again, but took enother drink.

Lisa was almost done with hers already.

"Here's a pillow" Lisa tossed it to Grant as she stood infront of her closet. She rocked a bit, the drinks she had were catching up with her. "Thanks Lisa" Grant smiled and fluffed it up, he laid back looking at the ceiling. "Good night" Lisa slurred, obviously upset about how the night had ended. What could Grant do? He wasn't really attracted to her. She wasn't bad looking at all, quite the opposite, but all the years of working with her, and not being able to think of her that way might have had something to do with it.

"Sweet dreams!" But her bedroom door closed in mid statement. Grant sighed. He was feeling a bit guilty, a bit drunk, and a bit tired. "Well lets give this a try, see what..." It was all he was able to say.

Grant realized something. His arms ached, he was out of breath. It felt like he'd been doing push-ups for an hour. Wait, push-ups and sit-ups. It was dark. Grant opened his eyes, and realized he was supporting himself with his arms, feeling started coming back into his body. He wasn't on the couch. "Mmmmm" a soft moan came from under him. Grant froze. He felt her move under him, using her pelvis to cause a slow gliding motion, suddenly he realized his cock was deep inside her wet, hot hole. He shuddered, the sudden feeling of orgasm flooded him, he felt more of his cum drain from his cock into her. "Oh shit!" He screamed, but as he tried to pull out, he felt her hands shove him back in, her legs wrapped around his waste and she let out a long, heavy moan. Her pussy tightened around his cock, spasming multiple times as she thrust her pelvis up to him.

"Um Lisa?"

"Mmmm, oh yeah"

"Um... LISA!"

"Hmmhmhm" She giggled.


"What... "

"Let.... go"

"Mmmm never, Harvark."

"Avralain, this is Grant"


Lisa shot up, contacting Grant's nose with her forhead. He cried in pain, pulling himself upright on his knees. His hand went to his nose. "Oh god, w-what the fuck are you doing!"

Grant looked at her through watery eyes, "Hey you have your legs around me." He insisted, holding his palm up to her.

Lisa let out a gasp, and flung her legs from around Grant, and gave him a double kick in the chest. He flew back off the end of the bed, his head hit the floor with a dull thud and his body was close behind. His foot contacted the wall, his heal going right through the drywall.


Lisa grabbed at the sheets, and pulled them over her. Her eyes wide as she hugged the sheets to herself. "How could you... did.... did you cum in me?!?!" She lifted herself up, the warmth drizzled down the inside of her thigh. "Oh my god Grant, you came in me!"

Grant slowly brought himself up on all fours, his hand came up to the side of his head, rubbing the knot that would soon develop. "I woke up doing that, I had no idea what was going on."

Lisa gasped, shivers from an orgasm still hitting her. She closed her eyes as an aftershock tingled through her entire body. She let her breath out slowly, she almost couldn't keep her body tense. "Ohhhh, wow, I must have enjoyed it though" she said, taking another deep breath.

"Man down, fuck, I think I broke your well when you sent me flying off your bed." Grant pulled himself up over the end of the bed.

"Don't look!" Lisa squealed and held the sheets tighter.

"Oh for fucks sake Lisa, I didn't mean to."

"Yeah well it looked like you were fighting it pretty hard there pal" Lisa sneared, but she was fighting a smile. She realized she was more pissed about not remembing the event than what had actually happened. She felt almost cheated as she continued to feel the warmth over her body. "Grant, I'm sorry, just took me by surprise, that's all. Now you know how I felt when I woke up sucking your dick." Grant snorted, and stood up.

"Whoh, headache" Grant lowered his head and rubbed his temple with his palm.

Lisa's eyes sank from Grants face, down to his chest, then lower to his abbs, before settling on his dangling member. Her eyebrows went up. Now she really was pissed she didn't remember the encounter. Fuck he was long. "ehem" she caught his attention. He opened his eyes to see what she was looking at. "Oh shit" Grant fell to the floor again, his chest and head the only thing visible over her feet.

"No it's ok, I'm ok, come here just, cover up. We're both here, lets just get some sleep. Come on" and she lifted the corner of the bed spread. Grand looked at her, she had a point. They had already been there. He walked on his knees over to the side of the bed, lifted the covers, then slid under them. "Um, good night... Lisa"

"Good night, Harvark" A broad smile crept across her face.