Like Rabbits [Commission]

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An anonymous commission.

Warning: This story contains sex with underage characters.

"Like you'd ever hurt me!" Anne said with a giggle, petting the big, eager lump of fur but still being a good girl and keeping out of his enclosure.

Well, her parent's had never really used the word 'hurt' possibly realizing that it was a strange word to use in connection with a bunny, no matter it's size. Roger was a Flemish giant and it had taken the thirteen-year-old bunny girl quite some time to actually outgrow the long-eared buck that was bigger than most dogs. But they did say it was now dangerous for her to be alone around him and the other feral rabbits, and that she was always to stay on the other side of the chicken-wire when feeding him.

And they wouldn't tell her why, or more to the point how the big ball of fluff could be dangerous! Anne knew not to get attached to the other rabbits on their farm, since they grew them for their fur and meat, and they would sooner or later go away. But Roger had a pedigree, which meant that his job on the farm was making more bunnies, a 'talent' that made him too valuable to ever become a coat. It was with that in mind that her mom and dad had never minded her playing with Roger, even when she was smaller than he was. Heck, they still had that picture of her when she was six years old and she tried to ride the buck who'd just grown to his full size!

She was pretty sure it had something to do with all the stories in the news. It had been about six months since the scandal first broke out, but the dust still wasn't settling. As far as she understood, there had been something that people had been putting in food and water to keep it from going bad, or something along those lines, and it turned out it was somehow dangerous and people were only now realizing it. She still didn't get why there was a panic about something when nobody even died from it!

But all of a sudden there were all these new rules that for some reason mostly seemed to apply to girls. Even on their farm! Initially it only seemed to apply to mom. At first Anne had no idea why every month her mom suddenly couldn't go near the rabbits when she'd never minded working around them before. She only got a clue when she had her first period and had to go to the gyncelo... gyneclo... the lady-doctor and all of a sudden her parents were fretting about her_being around bunnies once a month. Apparently it applied _especially to bucks, and even though it meant she could barely even play with Roger anymore nobody would give her a straight answer as to why!

"You don't like this either, do you boy?" asked asked the big buck as he pressed his fluffy head against the wire, trying to give the girl's scratching fingers as much access as he could. "It's not like it can do any harm if I just come in to pet you... not like I'm letting you out, right?" she asked, slowly rationalizing what she'd already decided on.

After a quick peek to make sure her folks weren't around, she undid the latch and quickly slipped into Roger's enclosure. The giant bunny was overjoyed at the prospect of some decent cuddling, and as Anne's fingers dig little furrows in the dense fur, the girl allowed herself to relax. In fact, she couldn't believe she'd been silly enough to let her parents convince her that Roger was somehow dangerous.

"Awww, you missed this, haven't you?" she cooed as the big ball of fluff began to nuzzle up against her, leaning into every touch and flicking his ears back as she stroked his head.

His behavior continued to seem innocently affectionate to the equally innocent girl, even though a more experienced woman might have been alarmed when the buck's nose began to wander a little lower, especially with what's been in the news lately. Even when the male's muzzle wound up practically in her crotch, Anne didn't see anything wrong with the situation, figuring that after weeks of trying to cuddle through a fence, her poor Roger was just glad to see her like this again. She'd been told her body was changing, but it seemed mostly to boil down to watching her calendar and remembering when to take pads along with her. The nuances of the changes she was going through were lost on her, but not on the breeding buck's keen nose.

"Oof! Careful Roger, you almost pushed me over! If you get my school clothes dirty then we'll really get in trouble!" she said, referring to the sundress she was wearing.

Her mother always scolded her to change out of her nice clothes before doing her chores or playing around with the animals, and would pounce on her if she spotted a stain on the pretty dress, a fact that Roger just couldn't seem to understand. He was also making some funny noises now, and pushing so far against her it was getting harder and harder to keep her...

"Eeeeep!" Anne squeaked out as her attempts to stay upright made her trip on her own shoelace.

It was grass under her, and a vision of her dress covered in incriminating green stains flashed through the bunny-girl's mind as she twisted in the air, throwing her arms out and managing to land on all fours. She had a second to savor the triumph of narrowly saving her pretty garment when she was almost knocked down on the ground as something heavy landed on top of her.

"What the... Roger! Do you want to get me in trouble?" the girl asked happily, still having no idea what the buck had in mind and just how worried she should have been. "C'mon silly, get off!" she reprimanded, sliding the bunny's forepaws off her shoulders only to have them fasten around her waist. He was heavier than she'd ever imagined he'd be, and as eager as she was to get the weight off her she had to admit that having something so sot and warm draped over her felt kind of nice.

Unbeknownst to the girl, the rabbit had only one thing on his mind ever since Anne had come into his enclosure and he'd caught her scent. He'd become frustrated since things hadn't been playing out the way they usually did when he was with a female, but now that the girl was under him and he had a grip on her, the instincts of a breeding buck kicked in.

"R-Roger! Wh-what are you...?" the girl asked, hearing her own voice shake as her bunny began to rapidly bump against her behind. It took her brain a few seconds to connect the dots, a strange, almost panicky sensation cutting the rough the confusion.

He's trying to... he thinks I'm a female! she thought, not realizing just how close a match she was for the feral male. Anne had never gotten a good look at what happened when bunnies got made, but she remembered the hilarious sight of Roger climbing on a female and the blur his hips became as he began to hump her. Now that she was the one under the buck, the whole thing seemed a lot less hilarious.

The young bunny suddenly found herself short of breath in a way that had nothing to do with the fluffy bulk she was supporting. Even though she still wasn't really afraid, she found herself somehow intimidated by Roger as the male held her tight, jackhammering away at her rear. She didn't really know just what he did with a doe to make a bunny, but as the buck continued making those weird noises it became obvious that he intended to try the same thing with her.

The short dress had flipped up as she fell and she only realized there was nothing but her panties protecting her rump when she suddenly felt something poke one of her cheeks. After that it just kept poking and prodding all over, haphazardly a first until the stabs seemed to hit her panty-covered slit more and more often.

She was panting by the time she felt the wetness soaking into the thin cotton preventing the buck from breeding her, torn between the instinctive urge to get out from under the humping male and a strange impulse that had her perfectly still on all fours as the buck struggled to sink his shaft into her. She didn't really think she had a chance anyway. Roger's grip was surprisingly strong, and she could tell just how deceptively muscular her fluffy friend was by the force of his rutting and the way it was causing her whole body to shake.

"O-okay Roger... you tried but you can't get... just get off me, will you?" she asked, her voice quivering from both anxiety and the furious humping of the bunny on her back.

Roger didn't seem to have any intention of dismounting, and with a gasp Anne realized his diligence may yet be rewarded. She was wearing one of the new slim panties her mom bought her to celebrate her becoming a big girl. Even though they were plain white she remembered how she'd felt like a fashion model posing in front of a mirror in nothing but them and her new training bra. As she felt the slim strip of fabric shift under Roger's onslaught, she wished she'd worn something less chic and more substantial.

The next stab poked against one of her plump lips, and Anne's eyes went wide at the sensation of something hard and hot seemingly squirting over her as it kept prodding. She still had no real idea what Roger was doing or what exactly would happen next, but she could hear herself panting, her heart beating away in her chest as she felt herself close to panicking. When one of the pokes landed in the cleft of her immature sex her breath caught in her throat, only to leave it as a squeal as a fraction of a second later once the lapine member finally struck home and she unknowingly lost her virginity to a feral rabbit. One of the bunny's hands flew up to her muzzle, cutting off the rest of her cry as she felt tears well up in her eyes.

It hurt back there and part of her insisted she call for help, for anybody to come and get the rutting rabbit off her. But she knew that she'd get in trouble for not doing as she was told, or worse yet - Roger would. Her parent's might decide to sell the buck and just the thought of never getting to see him again was enough to keep her quiet as the large lapine on top of her continued humping at the same lightning-fast pace, unaware of his latest female's turmoil.

It doesn't even hurt that bad. Don't be a baby! Anne told herself, trying to muster up some courage and ignore the fact she was helpless, trapped under Roger until he was finished doing whatever he was doing. There had been a sharp sting at first, and whatever Roger was sticking inside her wouldn't hurt if he'd just slow down!

She felt confident enough to take her hand off her muzzle, not that she had a choice. Being humped like this was making her feel funny and she felt like she needed more air than her button-nose could provide. Still on all fours she was panting now, feeling the heat of a blush on her face as the randy rabbit kept pumping away at her young cunny. It was weird having something actually inside her, not to mention someone! Whatever Roger had shoved past her lips felt huge and hard as a rock, although it was at least slick, sliding easily in and out of her increasingly messy sex as the buck rutted her.

Anne figured all she had to do was stay brave and wait for Roger to wear himself out. She wasn't sure why he was doing this, since he could plainly tell she wasn't a feral doe, but even if he didn't figure it out he was sure to exhaust himself soon enough and just hop off. With that comforting thought in mind, the girl tried to get a little more comfortable under the fluffy male's bulk, and as the tension in her back relaxed her rear shifted a little and suddenly everything changed.

"Haaaaa! Haaaaaaaa!" she gasped, her voice shaking as her eyes went blank, staring dead ahead as her mouth went slack.

The sensation was something Anne had never ever imagined. It was like a tickle - some sort of signal that went from the part of her body being touched directly into the brain, a strange thrill but one that she had no desire to shy away from. As her back arched her rump had turned up just a little and suddenly the point of Roger's thingy was grazing something, some sort of spot inside her that seemed to be made for being bumped by the horny rabbit's pistoning shaft.

Strange sounds poured from her open muzzle and she knew she should try and keep quiet, but she doubted her shaky limbs would support her if she tried to put a hand to her muzzle again. She wondered briefly if it would make a difference to Roger if she collapsed, or if the buck would keep her rear lifted and continue to tirelessly hump against her behind. And to her surprise she found herself hoping he would. She felt like she needed him to keep going, at least a little while longer, and not even the knowledge that she had to get away from under him before her parents got back couldn't drive the idea from her frazzled brain.

Her ears were folded back against her head, a submissive gesture even if she wasn't aware of it, but she still heard the buck on top of her make more of those strangely deep murring noises. A second later she felt him tighten his grip before suddenly standing stock still, confusion and frustration starting to fill her mind until Anne felt another part of her start to fill up. Her breath caught in her throat again at the sensation of the hard length now hilted inside her twitching just as she felt a strange heat filling her up back there.

She had a rough idea of just which part of Roger was buried in her sex and for a moment the girl panicked thinking the bunny might be relieving himself inside her. But the rabbit's thingy seemed to be twitching and squirting within her, and it was only when she felt some of the stuff leak around the throbbing length that she dared reach back there. When she brought her hand back for an inspection she saw a strange pearly-white goo covering her fingers, but to her relief the stuff didn't smell yucky.

The girl had no idea of what the goo was, or the significance of the fact that she was fertile and at that very moment having her young womb flooded by quite compatible lapine seed. After a few more seconds of making a mess inside her Roger finally released her and hopped off. She felt mostly relieved to have the heavy bulk off her and the rough humping come to an end, even though some part of her was sure she would have been better off if it had lasted a little longer. She could still feel the heat of her face and knew she must be blushing as red as a beet, but couldn't think of an explanation for that or the fact she was still panting.

Anne hiked her dress around her waist and pushed her panties down to her knees. The white cotton was now a mess and she'd need to find out how to wash them herself to keep her mom from getting angry at her. The few drops of blood from her torn hymen were masked by the more copious load Roger had left in the girl, saving her from a panic attack at the thought she was seriously injured down there.

"Look at what you did..." she addressed the male who was once again getting affectionate with her. "Bad bunny!"

Anne was still on her knees as she wondered if she should pull her soaked panties up to try and keep the mess inside her until she got to the shower, or if she should take the messy undies off and risk a few errant drops as she made a dash for the house. That attention would have been better focused on the male who was once again behind her, sniffing at her rear a few times until he caught her scent under his own. It had been a while since he'd covered a doe, and the breeding buck's instincts were soon surging back to life as he hopped up and once again gripped Anne by her waist.

"Wha... you wanna go again? Oof, you dummy, you're gonna get us caught..." Anne protested with what little breath she had, although for some reason she felt a strange thrill as the buck took her in a mating hold.

She was kneeling this time round and knew that she could wriggle out of Roger's grip and get to her feet. But just as she'd laid her hands on the forepaws girding her waist she felt another poke against one of her cheeks. The prod was enough to send her mind back to that moment before the buck had started filling her up, and it was that maddening tension that held her still more than the amorous lapine.

Anne couldn't believe what she was doing as she let go of Roger's paws, her hands shaking as she bent over and placed them palms-down on the grass. The buck needed to more urging than that and in the blink of an eye she was once again trapped under him as he sought out her already well-bred opening. But this time 'round she knew what was about to happen, and to her surprise the girl found herself impatient to feel Roger inside her! Her hand shook as she pushed it between her legs, trying to catch the lapine stiffy even as it stabbed wildly all over her rear.

It felt hard and warm in her hand, and so gooey she would have lost her grip on it if Roger hadn't confused her fisted paw for a doe's femininity and started humping away. With him thrusting into her grip it was fairly easy to guide the tip to her dripping slit, and once he felt her folds part around him the buck mounting her was quick to realize his mistake.

There was no pain this time, and even though Roger still felt huge as her immature pussy was forced to accommodate him she found herself strangely eager for the sensation of a hard length pistoning in and out of her cummy cunny. The noises from back there were messy now, and she could hear the buck pumping out the white goo he'd sprayed inside her. She was going to be a mess, but as long as Roger didn't take too long she'd be able to make a mad-dash to the bathroom before her parent's got back.

Anne knew she should have been terrified of getting caught like this, especially since she wasn't even allowed in Roger's enclosure anymore, not to mention letting him mount her like she was a feral doe. But despite that knowledge, all the bunny could actually think about was getting that crazy feeling back again. She remembered relaxing her back had done the trick, so she started arching it this way and that, thrusting her rear out until she found just the right angle.

It seemed to her that her body had picked up where it had left off the last time Roger had mounted her, and she once again found strange noises were coming out of her muzzle as maddening tingles spread out from between her legs and seemingly all over her body. She could feel her nipples stiffening against the fabric of her little bra, her toe's curling as she felt something huge mounting inside her.

"G-good bunny, Roger! Keep... keep..." she panted, desperate for something she couldn't name but she was sure would come along as long as the buck on her back kept humping against her.

All of a sudden the tension broke and Anne felt like her mind had broken along with it. Thanks to her sheltered upbringing she'd never even tried touching herself and her young brain wasn't prepared for the sheer power of the orgasm wracking her body. She could feel muscles just below her tummy start to flex, and Roger's thingy suddenly seemed even thicker as the randy rabbit continued to jackhammer into her upturned rump. Her tongue was actually hanging out and she was making bizarre mewling noises without a care in the world about the possibility of being overheard and caught.

With the lapine shaft still rutting her quivering sex the girl stayed on the crest of her first ever climax. Her limbs all felt rubbery and it was all she could do just to support the weight of Roger as he continued to do what breeding bucks did best. She knew what he was trying to do now but she still felt safe in the knowledge that no matter how hard he tried he still couldn't actually give her bunnies, so she felt there was no harm in letting him finish and maybe seeing if she could get that amazing tingly thing to happen again.

"Mpffh! Mpffh!" she huffed, biting her lip to keep herself from crying out.

She was a little oversensitive after her first climax but she still kept her back arched and her legs spread just a little giving the rutting rabbit perfect access to her speared slit. Fortunately for her it took Roger a little longer to finish the second time and Anne had been able to get herself sufficiently worked up to come again just as the stiff lapine length hilted in her began to spray a fresh load of virile bunny-cum into her already flooded womb.

After he was done she couldn't believe the mess that began to leak from her as she stood up on shaky legs, keeping her wadded-up panties pressed against her slit as she waddled as best as she could back towards the homestead.


As she watched the pink length emerge from its plump sheath in response to her stroking, Anne still couldn't believe that something so small could feel so big when it was inside her. She could hear Roger start to make happy little noises as her paw worked underneath him, glad that she'd learned this little trick. Even while washing herself up after that first encounter, she knew she was hooked on the amazing feeling she got under him, and while her visits to the breeding buck the following few days provided her with more of what she'd come to crave.

But at some point Roger seemed to lose interest, and just getting a good sniff of her crotch no longer got him in the mood. It was then that Anne had went looking for what she wanted and became a bit better acquainted with the male bunny's anatomy and how to get him interested. She knew that another minute of stroking would get him riled enough for him to mount her again, and after some careful research she knew what she lacked that had gotten him in the mood before.

Both her phone and her computer had parental locks, but they didn't block out boring but informative articles on the reproduction of feral lapines. So even though she was still clueless about what sex with a boy or man was like she knew quite a lot about what had gone on between her and Roger. She also saw the news stories that she'd figured were boring before, but which had shed light on why her parents were anxious about her or mom being around Roger. It would still be just under two weeks until she could be sure, but the bunny-girl suspected she wouldn't need pads from a few months to come.

As she got on her hands and knees for the now amorous buck, she wondered what it will be like having her still trim tummy swell with his litter. She knew that this would have to stop at some point, but if she was right it couldn't do any more harm to let the big bunny breed her. Telling her parent's would be tricky, but Anne vowed she'd keep Roger and her babies safe even if it meant being grounded for years! The thought, along with her breath, was driven out of her as the lapine shaft slid home and the girl allowed her mind to melt as she savored the feeling of a prize breeder doing what he did best...