Sin University: Part 2: ~Private Leasons~

Story by Frostpaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Sin University

Tossing on a tight t-shirt that I personally think shows off my abs, and a the jeans I was wearing from before, quickly spraying a bit of body spray on and grabbing my bag as I hit the door. Checking the time making sure I still have enough time to make it to my teacher's office in the math building for tutoring. I take the stairs and head down and out the building only to find its raining. Cursing to myself I run across the parking lot and into the student union using it for cover as I darted out the other side and made the run to the math building. My attempts to stay under cover did not do me much good by the time I made it in the math building I was soaked. I did however thank my lucky stars I had sprang the extra money for a backpack that was waterproof. I swing by the restroom to use the hand drier, I hit the button and am hit with a blast of warm hair as I try to dry out some of my fur and shirt. Though it does not seem to work all that well, looking down at my watch I realized I am already late. Hurrying down the hall and knocking on the door to my teacher's office.

I hear a voice inside call out "Come in." I open the door and step inside shutting the door behind me still wet but at least not dripping on the floor anymore. I look over at the desk at the rather large brown bear in a business suit. While I would die of embarrassment if anyone ever knew but I would have to say he is rather cute for an old dude. When standing he is likely six foot ten, with dark green eyes and a pair of rimmed glasses. He has a bit of a love handle but it works for him, sells the whole academic look. A bit of gray runs in his fur, but while I don't know is actual age I would say he couldn't look over 45-46.

Looking up from his computer screen the light from the screen reflecting on his glasses, as he looks me over raising an eyebrow. Speaking in the same calm but resounding voice he did in class, "You're late. You do poorly in class and you don't seem to be all that interested in correcting the issue."

Looking back at him in shock rendered speechless by his sudden verbal berating.

"Don't have anything to say for yourself then?" standing up and walking toward the door opening it and pointing out the door. "You might as well leave; I don't have time for those that don't give it their all."

"Mr. Wright, I'm sorry I was late, I lost track of time. I swear it will not happen again. I really do need this extra help or there is no way I can get my grade up. I can't lose my scholarship or I am out on my ass. Please give me a chance."

Looking down at me with his brow furrowed as he sighed a bit and shut the door. "We will see, boy. We will see."

The way he said boy sent a chill through my spine, as I nodded and tried to avoid eye contact as I heard a click of the door locking behind me. He moved back around his desk siting down slowly, the chair creaking under his mass. Closing his eyes taking a deep breath as if collecting his thoughts. Slowly opening his eyes again as he stared at me. Taking out his grade book and opening it on his desk looking it over a moment before speaking. "I see you have a D in my class that is rather abysmal. Are you going to go the distance to correct this?"

"Yes sir, I plan to do whatever needs I need to, study all night, extra homework, whatever it takes." Reaching into my bag to pull out my book excited that I was getting a second chance. Stopping and looking up when I hear a chuckle.

"Let's be honest, you're going to need a lot more than just some extra study time. I think we could come to some sort of arrangement. "

My tail curling around the chair I sat in nervously as I spoke, "I don't really have much cash sir, and I can barely afford tutoring."

"Ah I don't think that should be a problem, I think we can get you in the work study program, I do need a student assistant this semester. As your skills in math are lacking, I think rather than grading papers for me I think I will put your other skills to use."

I opened my mouth to say something but could not form words. I was simply taken aback by his statements. After a moment I managed to collect my thoughts and respond, "My other skills sir?"

Turning to his computer screen he clicked his mouse a few times and then began to read.

"Jamie Andrews, age 20. Currently in your second year of your 2-year culinary program here. Two incidents on your record: First it seems you were caught in the gym shower with another student, a male student at that, and you were found in a rather compromising situation. The second involves a rather loud party at one of the local frat houses, where you had become the life of the party so it seems. I believe you are already aware of the sticky details of the events." Turning to look me in the eye before continuing, "In short strip boy, I want to see what I am getting in my new assistant."

I sat there listening to him reading, with every word I felt my heart race quicken, as I realized my sheath was already swelling. Upon his instruction to strip, I began to blush. His voice commanded respect and obedience as though everything was already decided and I simply was just getting a heads up. I simply stood up and started to pull off my wet shirt without thinking twice about it the cool air-conditioned air of the office hitting my still wet fur. I shivered a bit as I tossed the shirt over the back of the chair, kicking off my sandals and unbuttoning and shimming out of my wet jeans.

"Ah I see you did not wear any underwear, you wanted this didn't you." Motioning with his hand that I spin, "Turn around let me look you over."

I blushed a bit more and began to slowly turn, before facing my teacher again. My eyes staring at my feet, my tail tucked between my legs.

Nodding a bit in approval, "Very nice boy, now come here."

Pushed back from his desk and standing, starting to take off his suit jacket and unbutton his shirt. I started to walk over to him.

"No boy. Crawl for me, and I want your tail high in the air, don't act all scared, we both know you want this. " He said as he placed his dress shirt and suit coat over his chair, undoing his belt, as well as slipping off his loafers and sliding them aside with his foot.

I stopped and lowered myself onto all fours my tail raised high and flicked up over my back hanging a bit to my side. I began to crawl around the desk never taking my eyes of the magnificent specimen of bear hood that was clearly outlined along his left pant leg. Once I reached him I sat back on my legs kneeling before him, and the only church that I claim membership to. The church of the almighty cock.

"Remove my pants boy, boxers too, and you best use your teeth. "

I leaned forward nuzzling into his crotch and grasping his zipper with my teeth as I pulled down as the smell of his musk overwhelmed me, I actually felt a bit light headed. After a moment, I took a deep breath and moved up griping the edge of his pants in my teeth and pulled them free of the button releasing them as the fell to heap around his ankles. I moved to grasp his boxers in my teeth as well and pulled them down as well. As I lifted my head teach flopped his cock onto my head resting it across my face and between my ears. It was huge, one of the biggest I have seen outside of a porno. I could feel the heat of it and wanted to taste it so badly. Turning my head and sticking out my tongue to lick at his cock, starting at his balls licking at them taking one in my muzzle then the other sucking lovely on them, enjoying the taste with glee. Slowly I started to lick at the underside of the wonderful length, as he grew hard slowly growing in both length and thickness, as I drizzled pre onto my head. But I do not care, just for the taste of his cock I would do anything. After another 10 minutes of bathing every inch of his cock with my tongue I reached the head and kissed it lovingly. I could not resist any longer as I reached up and griped his length with both paws feeling the veins pulse with blood as I opened my mouth and took the engorged member into muzzle. Softly sucking on just the head at first, enjoying the taste of his pre and appreciating how wide my jaw was forced to simple accommodate his cock.

Looking down at me as I began to lick his cock, he laughed deeply, "I was right about you. You know just where you belong, on your knees with a cock in your mouth."

The heat in my cheeks growing more so with his words, yet I can't help but feel spurred forward. While I love a good time, I have never let anyone talk to me like that. When he says it however all I can think is yes sir. As I begin to try to work more of his cock into my mouth, every inch seems to make me hornier and makes me just want yet another. All the while his cock growing until it reached a rock hard and magnificent 12 inches and thicker then I could wrap my hand around by far.

As I bob up and down the fat length, I feel his paw rest itself on the back of my head yet it does not push or pull. "That's it boy, keep it up."

Slowly working the rest of his cock into my throat burying my nose in his crotch. My eyes watering but I stop from gagging. I pulled back taking a breath before deep throating him again this time swallowing over and over again, once his cock in my throat, as well as running my cock long the underside still in my muzzle.

Moaning a bit, his paw griping the back of my head hard. "I am going to cum soon, don't you dare swallow a drop till I tell you to boy, and keep your mouth open."

He pulled out of my muzzle and starts to paw, as I open my muzzle and he aims at me as he came hard. The first few shot landing across my tongue, I have always loved the taste of cum, and his is superb. He then aims higher and starts to spray all over my face, coating it with a thick layer of his sticky cum. As he starts to slow down he thrusts his cock head into my muzzle and finishes shooting there. As he pulls his cock free, I swish the cum around in my muzzle and feel my tongue swimming in the warm fluid. I can't see anything at this point do to having to close my eyes due to all the cum coating my eye lids. I start to move my hands to clear away the cum from my eyes when his large paws seize my wrists and t pull me up shoving me over his desk forcing my hands behind my back.

Nearly growling in my ear, as I feel his hot breath on the side of my neck, "Did I say you can clean it off boy? You leave my seed were I put it. I guess I will have to teach you a bit of a lesson. Now won't we?"

I would have called out in surprise as I was pulled up and forced over the desk, if not for my full muzzle and fear of what would happen if I lost one drop of what he had given me. I remained silent after he finished speaking just listening to his breathing.

After a moment he spoke again squeezing my wrists together with one paw his other sounded like it was fiddling with keys. "I said Now Won't We?" He emphasizing every word but never raised his voice to make it clear he was serious.

I nodded yes and mmmhmmed, to the affirmative. Just then I felt cold steal clicking on one wrist then the other, realizing he was cuffing me. I heard a desk drawer open and some ruffling, and a wet squeezing noise, I hoped was lube. Soon after I was sure it was as without warning he shoved 2 thick fingers into my tail hole with no regard for going slow, as he pushed them in and out quickly adding a third as I moaned loudly as I pushed back against his hand.

"Will you look at that? You're not just promiscuous; you live for the cock don't you. Any excuse to get something in that tight hole of yours. So young to be such a slut. Your tail is raised high already for me and your rock hard and dripping everywhere. I don't know if you're going to make a good assistant at all now that I think about it. You're far more of a cock slut, a slave to your baser desires. Since you're already serve them you might as well serve me too. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Nodding my head in shame mmmhmming yet again.

"I thought as much, I am going to enjoy debasing you, using you just like you always wished someone would." Leaning in close to my ear again "It's going to be a long hard year slut, you better be ready for a quite a ride."

With that I felt him pull his fingers out roughly and his cock quickly replace them, slowly and relentlessly pushing. At first it did not enter, even after using his fingers he was just too big. I groaned and squirmed under him, just as there was a knock at the door. Panic entered my mind, oh god no we are going to get caught and I am going to get kicked out of school, was all I could think.

Pausing from his assault on my tight passage for just a moment to speak, "Who's there?"

From the other side of the door came the reply, "Its Jeff with janitorial, I'm all finished expect for your office, do you want me to come back tomorrow if you're working late?"

Without skipping a beat my teacher responded "I am going to be in late tonight, mind if you come by in the morning and take out the trash?"

"Not a problem." Was all that was said from the man outside before I heard footsteps walking away.

"Boy you got pre all over my desk, just want am I going to do with you. Now were we... Oh yes." And with that he began to push with redoubled efforts to enter me. Slowly gaining ground pushing in. However it goes to slow for his preference as I am grabbed by my cuffed wrists and pulled back as he sat in his chair positioning me above his shaft.

Grabbing my muzzle in his paw turning my head to face his, "Open your mouth and show me."

Doing so I open my muzzle tilting my head back a bit as to not to spill the seed that filled my muzzle, swishing my tongue back and forth in the delectable white cream.

"Very good, now swallow."

I closed my mouth and swallowed, feeling the cum slide down my throat. Once done I opened my muzzle to show I was empty.

"Now sit boy." Grabbing my tail with one paw and starting to pull down the other paw grabbing my muzzle and forcing me into a deep kiss, his tongue exploring my muzzle. I cried out in pain, there was no way around it, it hurt. That didn't mean I wanted him to stop though, as he stretched me more then anyone before him. I tried to relax and push down myself, as I moaned.

"Go slow sir, I want this so bad, but please go slow" I pleaded, and to my surprise and joy he did exactly as I asked, lessening is grip on my tail and places one paw on each of my hips and slowly helping me down his length. What felt like a hour passed before I felt myself siting in his lap, my tail hole stretched to its limits. He waited a few moments for me to get use to it, as he lightly kissed and nibbled on the side of my neck, eliciting another moan from my lips. He then began to pull me up his length until only the tip remained and pressed in again. It felt like a telephone poll being pushed into me but it did not hurt actually, it was a bit uncomfortable, but I would no have asked him to stop for anything. As he speed up his thrusts slowly but surly I could feel every inch of him pushing on my prostate, as I leaked pre all over myself, wanting so badly to but touch myself. I realized why he cuffed me, all I could do now was moan and live in the moment. He filled me so completely I never wanted it to end.

"Do you like it boy, do you like my cock in you?"

I nodded my head "Yes sir."

He wrapped his arms around me and he lifted me up still impaled on his cock as he bent me over the desk again. Wrapping a paw around my member, causing me to shutter in pleasure as he pulled It from under me and aimed it strait down. Picking up speed as he used the desk to hold me in place he thrust into me in earnest. I can say that I was very happy no one was in the building or I have no doubt they would have heard me as I moaned and cried out in pleasure over and over again. I couldn't count how many times I came. I had never cum from just being fucked before, it was a religious experience let me assure you. After what had to be 2 hours of glorious plowing, I felt his the pace quicken and become almost hurried, each thrust landing with such force that I felt any moment we would break the desk. Moments later I felt a flood of warm cum fill me up, as I moaned loudly, cuming myself yet again across the floor from the sensation. He laid on my back for a time and nibbled on my ear, his cock still lodged firmly in me. Finally he stood up and pulled his soft cock from me, cum running out of my stretched hole onto the floor as well.

Grabbing me by the tail and pulling me back then quickly grasping my neck I was forced face first into the pool of cum on the floor. "You made a mess boy. Now lick up every drop."

My face yet again coated in cum from being pushed into it adding a new layer to the drying. I began to lap at the puddle, slowly licking it all up despite not being able to see it. I was quickly pulled up by the scruff of my neck and thrown back on the desk. I hear some movement as I lay there waiting to be uncuffed, I suddenly feel a collar being locked around my neck then, I feel a tug soon after, pulling my head and neck pining me to the desk, a moment later my feet were pulled apart and with the distinct sound of zip ties as my feet were secured to the legs of the desk.

I began to whimper and plead, "Sir, please let me up sir. I need to get back to my dorm."

"Boy your neck are tied to each other I would not move to much if I was you. This should teach you to disobey your teacher. I will see you in the morning for your next lesson." He then simply zipped up turned and walked out locking the door behind him.

jamie (c) himself

All other charicters (c) frostpaw

~Depending on how well everyone likes this story so far, I may well write a part 3 and 4. So feel free to comment and click away at the little cum button below to show you liked it.~