Corruption is Good for the Soul IV

Story by Exulen on SoFurry

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#4 of Corruption is Good for the Soul

It's been a long time since I posted a story to this series, but I wanted to get Father Hall's character right. I ended up scrapping parts of this story over and over until it sat right with me. I think I've got it to a reasonable point and I'm willing to upload it now. Anyway, enjoy!

Father Hall scribbled away on a sheet of yellow paper with a metal quill. The blue-grey mouse had gotten a letter from a cardinal from an eastern country asking for his research on the virtue of chastity. There was a reason someone so high up on the church's ladder was contacting him about this, it was his life's work. For the past 40 years of his currently 58-year life, he was consumed with the idea of chastity. He had researched every aspect one could think of; the harmful effects of masturbation, every sermon and letter he could find from popes and saints on the subject, life stories of chastity freeing furs from horrible lives, how sexuality corrupted morality and how to correct it, sodomy, and its effects on the body, even straying into the field of medicine to reinforce his ideology. His ears twitched when three knocks rattled the wooden door to his little study.

"Enter." He said, setting his pen aside and adjusting his clerical collar.

"Father Hall, do you have a few minutes?" A brown bunny peeked into the room.

'He's new here, brought here by his family for masturbating, name name....' "Thomas! Come in, I've been meaning to chat with you, but I've been kept busy. Should have plenty of time to chat before lunchtime." The mouse smiled and shuffled things about on his desk until he had space to take notes if he needed to. "How have you been? Adjusting well to life here?"

Thomas glanced around the room and gave a quick smile. He shut the door behind him and sat down in one of the wood chairs in front of the desk. "Honestly, it's not easy." He paused and played with his long ears. "Heh, you could say I've adjusted too well." He took a deep breath and looked right into the mouse's blue eyes. "Would you give me confession Father?"

Father Hall's eyebrow raised but he made no other motion until he set his paws on his desk. 'Well, guess he found a way out of the chastity. May have to use something more permanent, but he is admitting to it so there is hope.' He thought and then said: "Gladly."

"Um," Thomas blushed and looked at the floor, clasping his hands together so they would stop fidgeting. "So lately I've discovered that I enjoy chastity." The mouse's eyebrows relaxed. "I mean, I enjoy it too much." One of those blue-grey eyebrows raised. "Before coming here, I was only playing with my, let's say front end, and now that I can't I have found my back end to be equally enjoyable...if not more so. Feeling the chastity cage on me makes me aroused, Father."

"I see, Well-"

"There's more Father. I've been letting someone use my back end. You know, as men do with women." The rabbit blushed until his face was brick red and kept his eyes on the floor.

"I understand, it's okay Thomas." Father Hall got up and walked around the desk, putting his paw on the other rodent's shoulder. "This isn't unheard of, you're not a freak. I am disappointed that you didn't stick to the virtue of chastity, but it takes most furs a couple of falls to find their own path. Plus, you admitted to doing it, that's the first step to salvation."

"Thank you, Father, that means a lot." The brown bunny leaned his head on the grey-blue paw.

"I usually suggest removing the chastity device when these things flare up, you may be more tempted to masturbate but it should help you fight the sodomy."

Thomas' ears perked up at this. "No, no! Please, can I keep it on? I'll be good!"

"Come now, you admitted to being aroused by chastity and expect me to let you keep it on?" The mouse leaned over his desk and opened a drawer. "I'll just unlock it and move your sleeping arrangements around, so you won't get a clear opportunity to sin."

"But Father, I feel better with it on. I'm not as selfish and it's become easier to focus on other tasks. I even feel more sensitive to other fur's emotions." Thomas stood up and put his paw on the mouse's shoulder. "I like who I am in chastity."

Father Hall stopped, his fingers resting on the key. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. Picking up the key with two fingers, he stood up straight, brushing his black robe off and then turning to face the rabbit.

"Listen my boy, I know it's tempting, that's what sin is." He grabbed the younger fur's shoulders. "Don't give in. I've seen too many furs go down this path." He sat Thomas down in the chair again and sat down in the one next to him. "If you do this, it will feel great for a few years. Then after a while you'll start realizing what you left behind, like family, and love."

"What? My family left me already, that's why I'm here."

"Let's start with unlocking you first, okay? Then we can talk." He lifted the key up and grabbed at the brown robe. The rabbit babbled and tried to stop him, but the priest waved his paws away and pulled up the robe and pulled the underwear off. He stopped and stared. 'A black metal cage? All of ours are steel. There's no lock.' Father Hall turned and looked into Thomas' brown eyes. "So, when did you get this?"

"You can see it too? I thought I was going crazy."

"Just calm down and explain what happened."

"Well, you may not believe me but a few nights ago I was doing the midnight prayer and accidentally knocked over one of the candles. Before I even stood up there was a tall black nude wolf with horns on his head talking about being freed, giving me a gift, and he called God the tyrant god. ...Also, he was the one that I let use my back end." Thomas said.

The blue-grey mouse blinked a few times and leaned back in the chair, letting the robe fall and cover the black cage. "So, who told you about the demon of lust and what it's supposed to look like?"

"No one told me anything, I just heard the rumors about him on the way here from the locals."

"There's no need to lie, Thomas."

"I'm not-"

"Listen, it's not real. Even if it were, it could not set foot on holy ground, let alone a chapel of the lord. Demons are subtle, they like to bend and twist the mind from a distance, so no one knows it was them." The priest rubbed his forehead. "If you're not even trying to repent for your sins then I may need to take more drastic measures. But first," He looked back to the bunny. "You need to take off that cage so we can begin a different tactic."

"But I don't have a key, it doesn't even have a place for a key." He lifted his robe to show it, pointing at the smooth metal holding the ring to the cage. "Plus, I like having it on so it's not a big deal."

"So how did you even get it on?" He reached down and ran his thumb on the cage to find some way to take it off. "It's so tight it looks like it was shrunk to be at the root of your fur. I'll have to be careful cutting this off to not hurt you."

"I will not allow you to remove it, Hall." A deep voice echoed through the room.

The pair turned to the corner of the room near the door. Leaning against the wall was a black wolf that towered above both of them, showing off his nude form with his pose pushing his sheath and balls out and showed his horns by tilting his head.

"Libollaz... the demon of lust." The mouse stood up and faced the wolf. "You do exist. How have you entered this holy place?!"

"Easy Hall, I am a lesser divine of fertility, not a demon. Plus, your tyrant god doesn't use his power for such small things." He stood up straight and stepped forward. "Hello again Thomas, enjoying your gift?"

The brown fur nodded before glancing at the blue-grey one and looking away. After giving the rabbit a glare, Father Hall marched over to a bookcase and pulled off a silver and gold cross along with a silver cup that held what looked like a silver pestle in it.

"Great, another fur trying an exorcism on me. You do whatever you need to Hall." The wolf sat down next to the rabbit. The priest set the cup down on his desk, took the cross in his left paw and the pestle in the other. "Thomas, you really shouldn't listen to Hall here. He's caught up in the idea of chastity because of his belief that the only thing that should come from sex is a child, and enjoying the act is a sin."

The blue-grey mouse began chanting in Latin, something that Thomas didn't understand and Libollaz didn't translate. He held the cross high and flicked the silver pestle, making harmless drops of holy water fall on the pair.

"But he's a priest, he's the expert on sin. If anyone should know it's him!" The brown bunny protested.

"He is mortal, as are you. All mortals make mistakes, and all divines do too. But you know how being caged makes you feel, and you like who you are in chastity, it feels right to you. If you ignore those feelings and try to force yourself to be someone you're not, then you would only be hurting yourself. You have to discover who you are and what you like, just accepting who everyone tells you you should be leads to being depressed or worse." Libollaz continued in spite of Father Hall shouting louder and louder, flinging holy water in his face.

"That sounds surprisingly reasonable coming from a demon, er... I mean lesser divine." Thomas corrected after a small glare from the black wolf.

"What!?" The mouse almost shrieked, stopping his ineffective chanting and dropping the dry pestle. "He's a demon! That automatically means you can't listen to whatever he says, regardless of how true it is or isn't, because he's trying to manipulate you into giving him your eternal soul!"

"Eh, keep your souls, I don't want them."

"Even now he lies!" Father Hall stepped forward and shoved the gold cross in the wolf's face. "In the name of God, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, I command you to leave this place! Return to Hell foul demon!"

Libollaz sighed and grabbed the cross, the blue-grey mouse was stunned, and his grip weakened, then tossed it back towards the shelves. "I am not a demon. Are you quite finished, Hall?"

The priest just stepped back, jaw slack, eyes wide. Stripped of his tools, of the very power of God, he was lost. He stood there a moment, the horned wolf staring him down, and bumped into his desk when he stepped back again. He flinched as the wolf took a deep breath, then began hyperventilating as the room turned red, with wisps of red light starting to flutter about.

Thomas looked at the pair of them, and then started undressing as the room went red. Father Hall shot him a dirty look, but he kept undressing anyway. He hadn't been with anyone since Libollaz, and his desire had only grown since then. He saw the black wolf smile at him as he did.

"How do you keep my hole so wet? It's been far easier to put my fingers in there after our fun, but will it stay that way forever?" The rabbit asked.

"My saliva is a great lubricant, little one, it lingers for a week or so unless reapplied."

"Are you going to ...reapply it?" Thomas took his cage in his paw and lifted it out of the way, then took a finger from his other paw and slid it into his hole.

"Haha, in front of Hall? Gladly." Libollaz stood up and grabbed one of those brown legs, lifting it up and making the rodent roll back into the chair. His red shaft starting to poke out of its sheath.

"No! Stop! Sex that does not produce a child is a sin!" Father Hall yelled.

"Hall, I am a lesser divine of fertility, I could make this young fur very pregnant." The wolf's white teeth shone in his smile, then he turned and placed those lips at the rabbit's tail hole. Thomas moaned and his legs quivered in the air as that broad pink tongue slipped into his hole. It was looser than the first time the canine tasted it, but it was still a treat. He ran his tongue around the entrance and then as deep as it would go, and back again. His eyes peeked over his nose that was pressed against the brown taint to watch the expressions of his partner, when those bouncing, caged shaft and balls weren't in the way.

Thomas grabbed those black horns with both of his paws and pulled that head closer. His ass was shaking with need as that tongue explored his depths. He let out whimpers and moans through his bitten bottom lip, his floppy ears laid haphazardly on the back and arm of the chair, and his toes rhythmically clenched with the speed of the demonic tongue.

Father Hall stared at the pair. He glanced down and noticed his clothes were falling off in flakes like ash. He reached for the flakes as they fell, catching much of them, but even those crumbled into finer dust that he couldn't hold on to. He looked back up at the black wolf with his brown prey, an open display of lustful sin that he had failed to stop. He had even failed to realize that the demon was real and was threatening his flock for as long as he'd been here. There had to be some way to stop it.

"Can you really make me pregnant? Give me a child?" Thomas managed to say between moans. Libollaz only responded by nodding when their eyes met. "I don't know if I'm ready for kids yet, it still feels like I am one."

"Hehe," The horned wolf pulled himself up, looming over the rodent with his shaft fully erect. "Are you certain?" He started rubbing his member between those soft butt cheeks, teasing the hole. "Trust me when I say, having a child can change your life for the better. And performing such a miracle would prove that I am a divine to those who doubt me. Feel free to decline, it is your choice."

"No!" Father Hall chimed in and stepped forward. "Take me instead demon! Take me and spare everyone in this monastery from your power!"

"Oh? I was wondering when you'd be interested." Libollaz pointed at the priest's rod poking out of its sheath. "So, what exactly do you want Hall? The tyrant god isn't helping you here, and I see no reason to just do what you tell me to do. What are you offering in return?"

"Use me however you like, and touch nobody ever again. I'll even let you have my soul if it means no one else can be tempted by you again." The blue-grey mouse stepped in between the demon and the rabbit.

"Heh, tell you what. You can keep your soul and everything, and I'll give you the power to say who I interact with in exchange for me impregnating you. So that way it won't be a sin to have sex with you. Sound fair?" Libollaz's smile was still bright and wide as he held out is paw, his red shaft starting to leak onto the wood floor.

"It'd still be a sin to have sex with you..." The mouse stepped back, bumping into the rabbit. But at least he'll be a sacrifice, no one else will get hurt by the demon. He stepped forward and grabbed the black paw. "I accept."

White light burst out where their paws touched, piercing through the red hue in the room. Father Hall jumped back as fast as his footpaws could carry him, and the light faded immediately. His inspection of his paw was interrupted by the horned wolf's chuckling, white teeth displayed in his grin and his red shaft sticking out against his black fur. Dread sunk into every fiber of his being, his stomach sinking like it had turned to stone, ears turned to the canine and went rigid, and his tail only moved when he twitched.

"Now then, Hall, you either hold up your end of the bargain or the deal is broken, and Thomas here will gladly accept my cock." Libollaz stepped over to the desk and wiped everything off it with one arm. "Please bend over your desk so I may lubricate your hole, I do not want to hurt you."

"You have already hurt me, why would you care now about not doing it?" The blue-grey mouse crossed his arms and did not budge.

"Despite what you believe, I have never harmed someone for the sake of harming them and I have no intention of starting now. If that's not enough for you, then truly I tell you, a well lubricated ass makes me cum faster, and the faster this is over with, the sooner you can make me disappear."

His fists clenched and he ground his teeth together. In some ways it would have been easier if the demon would just pounce on him and let him fight to the end, this way held extraordinarily little dignity for a priest of the lord. With a deep breath, the mouse walked forward to his desk, keeping his fists tight, and leaned over it. Keeping his eyes focused forward the whole time, he didn't bother to look at the demon when he chuckled or patted his shoulder, nor did he try to keep his tail out of the way until it was grabbed and pulled out of the way. He did his best not to react, not to the paw placed on his butt cheek, not to the line of kisses that crossed his ass, and not even to the cold nose that pressed against his hole.

Father Hall did not have many expectations of what sex was like, he knew that it felt good enough for furs to do it and had even masturbated a few times in his teenage years, but he did expect to feel like he had lost something about himself for doing it. In the paws of this demon, he was surprised at how normal that broad tongue felt against his hole. Not in the sense of it not being pleasurable, because his mind was bathed in erotic sensations, but in the sense that it felt like a cup of tea, or a hug, or a familiar song. It felt exactly like he could have guessed; nothing fateful, not epic, not saturated in meaning; it felt like he was just experiencing something. That was what felt odd. Disarmingly, oddly normal.

Libollaz felt the tension in the mouse, the anal muscles his tongue relaxed were made to tighten in fear. He let his paws explore the blue-grey mouse, stroking his thighs and lower back, despite the way they twitched at his touch. He pushed his tongue deeper into him, rolling it against the round bump hidden within, only for the walls to clamp down and try to force him out.

"You have to relax; you're acting like I'm about to bite you." Libollaz said, pulling away from Father Hall.

"You might as well bite me! Stop trying to make me enjoy this and get it over with!" The mouse grumbled.

Libollaz rolled his eyes. "If you insist that I bite you...." He pulled the mouse up into a kneeling position on his desk, making him just shy of the wolf's height. The muscles under that blue-grey fur were practically frozen. He leaned in, tilting the head away to expose the neck, and letting a breath out to make the fur dance like a field of grain in the wind. He could feel Father Hall shake as his maw slowly opened and stretched over his neck. His tongue touched first, and his breath made the old mouse feel the dampness of that fur, then his teeth touched skin, forcing the fur apart.

He sealed his lips over everything and sucked gently. His teeth pushed into the skin without breaking it, his tongue started licking everything in that oval, and his arms wrapped around the small mouse. His cock was tucked between Father Hall's butt cheeks but still peeked out the top, his tail wagged slowly in the air as the fur-less rodent one fell limp between his legs, and his ears would have been flat if his horns weren't in the way.

Father Hall didn't dare move, even as the seconds droned on to minutes and the sucking steadily increased. He could feel his skin pressing into every crevasse of this demon's teeth. There was no doubt in his mind that this creature was draining his blood. The worst part was hearing Thomas in the background, his little moans, and his whimpers as the distinct sound of him fingering his ass to the treatment he was receiving. He couldn't hold still forever though, so he adjusted his legs slowly, then after finding that the wolf moved with him, more confidently until he was much more comfortable with the pressure on his legs. Then he realized the boner between his legs was his own, it was odd to feel it when it wasn't the early morning, and he was in his bed.

"Are you quite finished? It can't take that long to suck all my blood out, demon." He said, making himself tense up to sound more agitated.

Libollaz chuckled and broke the seal of his lips, the skin remaining in contact with his teeth until he pulled away. "I don't drink blood, Hall."

The mouse reached up and ran his fingers over his neck. There was an easy to find bump that was mildly sore and damp, and as he pulled his fingers back to look at them, no blood.

"Then you're terrible at biting. Animals bite to kill and eat, are you too incompetent to even be an animal?" He spoke.

"Hall, I didn't bite you to hurt you, I bit you to make you feel good. And at the very least, it aroused you." Libollaz smiled, still holding the mouse.

"It's Father Hall! Especially to you! And stop trying to make me enjoy this, I don't want to." Father Hall said, though if he was red with anger it was hard to see with the red lighting.

"I'll call you Father when you stop calling me a demon. And you only don't want it to feel good because you're scared that you'll like it."

"Of course, I don't want to like it! God does not want us to get pleasure from sex!"

"Then why do you?"

"Demons like you!" Father Hall said.

"Then why doesn't he stop us?"

"He works in mysterious ways, probably for some lesson."

"That's an excuse. If your tyrant god is perfect, can't he withstand any question? Withstand any lie? Why would a god spend no time among his followers, let them read his words in any way they like to justify anything at all, why would he create you to feel things and then shame you for feeling them?" Libollaz said, still holding onto the mouse.

"I... I do not know." Father Hall whispered.

"Because all he wants is the power worship gives him. Me? I just enjoy sex and sexuality, in all its forms. And I know you won't believe that, so let me show you the part of you that you have so self-righteously denied." The wolf smiled; the rodent finally relaxed in his arms.

Father Hall had given up fighting, this demon made too much sense, spoken too many truths. 'At the very least,' he told himself, 'I'm going to have a long think about all of this afterwards, without him in my ear.'

Libollaz held the mouse as his tension relaxed with a deep breath. He rubbed the old male's body with his large paws. He thought about everything he could do for the mouse, but he had only asked for one thing, maybe more fun could be had later. He let his massive cock slide between those blue-grey cheeks, feeling the shiver that radiated through the smaller body. He told Father Hall to relax, and he slid his dick down until the tip was touching the virgin hole. He went very slowly, easing just the tip of his cock into the hole and then waiting. The mouse squirmed around, then eventually settled. He pushed further in, his spit making his entrance easy despite the reflexive clenching with his every advance.

What was most uncomfortable about this was how normal it felt for Father Hall. Just like before, he could have guessed that it would feel just like this. He had felt pressure back there when mother nature called, and while having something so large go the other way wasn't normal for him, it still felt describable, within possibility, almost... mortal. This was what drove furs astray? It was pleasurable yes, but not the mind-blowing experience he'd heard described by those he'd spoken to. If anything, he was souring his own experience feeling ashamed of what he was doing. His eyes opened wide and he gasped. He was so wrapped up in his own head that the canine knot now bumping into his cheeks made him realize how deep it really was. That thing had been huge when he saw it dangling while Libollaz was rimming Thomas, there was no way that it had all fit so soon.

"Oh, but it has. Your ass can do many things you don't know about." Libollaz said.

"You can read my mind!"

"I have been able to read everyone's mind since I was imprisoned here, it was the only entertainment I had. And before you ask, I can't put thoughts in your head. Otherwise, I would have put the idea of breaking the ritual that held me in someone's head centuries ago." The black wolf said.

"I.... Hmmm." Father Hall grumbled. He shifted around and felt the huge shaft inside him again, making him shudder. He felt those big paws on his body rubbing him, then one reached down to his cock. It fit easily inside, making him think about the size of his cock for what felt like the first time.

"Are you ready?" Libollaz whispered in the near hairless ear.

"Is anyone ever ready for this?"

"Probably not their first time, no, but I've been around long enough to know when your body is ready."

The mouse gasped as the wolf pulled back, feeling that dick run over his prostate, feeling his hole try to tighten again from such a wide stretch. Then when it was thrusted back in, he moaned. He didn't realize how full he had been until it was all back in with the knot on his cheeks again. How the hell did it fit? The paw on his cock squeezed gently, and then as the cock in his ass slid out it pulled up and off his dick. Then as it forced its way back in the paw ran down his whole length until it's base was on his pubic fur, entirely covering it again. His cock was too eager to leak into the wolf's paw, it was easy to notice it getting slicker with each pump of his shaft. Tingling waves of pleasure washed over him from a spot in his ass, the canine shaft seemed to be focused on it with each thrust. The combination sensations had him moaning for the first time in decades and using the dark furred arms to hold himself up. From what he remembered; masturbating was nothing compared to this.

Still kneeling on the desk, he began pushing back, despite his better judgement, when the wolf thrusted forward and humping into that large paw as it pulled out. He could feel breath on his neck and shoulder, the warmth of Libollaz's body on his own. His own scent was mingled with a slightly woody musk in the air that threatened to overwhelm it. The sound of the wolf's cock and balls slapping his butt cheeks was mixed with Thomas's whimpers and the wet sounds of him fingering himself quickly, slowing down to pant, and then working his way back to full speed. The question of how many fingers would fit in that hole made him shiver. If Libollaz had sunk his knot into it, a whole fist might fit in there, might fit into his own. A chuckle in his ear made him shake his head to clear out those thoughts. He turned to look into those red brown eyes and saw a confident smile on the horned wolf.

Father Hall had no idea what was happening as Libollaz leaned forward, the canine nose felt cold against his pink nose, and wetter. Then those lips pressed against his and retracted with a soft sound. Father Hall wasn't sure who to thank for the red light hiding his burning face. The wolf smiled again, then pressed his lips forward once more. One, two, three kisses on his lips. The old mouse's heart was beating much faster, should he return the kisses? The wolf's eyebrow wiggled, and the next time he pursed his lips, blue-grey ones met them. They held together, breaths mixing, while the black wolf kept humping his butt and jerking him off. The black lips parted, and a broad tongue licked the mouse's lips between kisses. Unsure of what to do, Father Hall copied the wolf. He let his tongue out and licked lightly on the broad tongue, lips still pressed together. Libollaz moaned and pushed his tongue forward, between parted lips as he opened his own wider. The mouse let out a squeak as the broad tongue dove into his muzzle and licked and rolled against his own. He pushed his own tongue as deep into the canine muzzle as far as it would go but with the black wolf being so much bigger than him it only got halfway in, so he curled his tongue around the broader one.

While Libollaz was enjoying this, it was a rather uncomfortable position to kiss in, and he couldn't help but let Thomas have a better view. He pulled away from the blue-grey mouse and pulled his dick out of his ass, then grabbed him by the hips and made him flip over, resting his back on the desk. Despite Father Hall's grunts of worry and eyes flicking over his desk, the black wolf placed one large footpaw on the desk, then another. The wood didn't even groan or shake, it was made of solid wood, sure, but holding up that much weight had to be a supernatural effect. He lifted those blue-grey butt cheeks and slid his cock back inside before leaning forward and down. He made the mouse squeak again as his knot pressed against his hole and placed another kiss on his lips, tongue already seeking entrance.

Thomas whimpered, the sight of the black butt with its tail wagging in the air and that big red cock sunk into his priest made his hole quiver in envy. He pulled his damp fingers out of his ass and sat up. As good as it felt, he needed more. He wanted to be next. Until then, he had to occupy himself, distract himself from his own needs. He smiled and walked over to the pair as the sounds of wet kissing started. With one brown paw on each dark butt cheek, he pulled them open to see Libollaz's tailhole. It was pink, and though it moved with the wolf's thrusts, it was winking at the rabbit. He leaned forward and licked it. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he got a muzzleful of musk. Woody, fleshy, like the taste of skin and strong sweat. He moaned and dove in for more, letting his tongue lap on the ring, then run in circles, then push in a bit. His tongue was not awfully long, and he was unsure where that place that he liked to play with in his ass was in this one, if the wolf had one. So, when he pushed inside, he just explored, letting his tongue feel every fold and soft ring of muscle, as he lost any sense of smell or taste that wasn't the wolf. He could feel his cage bouncing between his legs, but he was more focused on moving in time with the wolf.

Father Hall was enjoying himself. He could no longer deny that as he willingly licked and curled his tongue around the broad one invading his muzzle, his cock hard and dripping pre between their bellies as that massive cock pounded at his hole. His face burned with shame, a priest of the Lord willingly bedding with a demon and enjoying it. Then the thought of being pregnant hit him. A kid was something he'd always wanted but as a priest he'd taken a vow of celibacy. If Libollaz really could get him pregnant... it would be a miracle. He pulled out of the kiss and shook his head, hearing the wolf chuckle at his thoughts. He felt the wolf adjust his angle and start thrusting again. He squeaked over and over at something inside him being pushed into over and over, it made his body tingle and he felt so close to cumming. He could feel that knot pushing on his hole, the wolf leaned back further for longer thrusts that made it slam into him hard. This was it, wasn't it? He was going to be pregnant!

"Yes, you are. Are you ready to be a real father?" Libollaz chuckled.

Thomas left the wolf's hole to watch, that knot was pushing at the tight ring of muscle on that small mouse, sinking deeper and deeper in with each hit. He leaned in and started licking that knot, trying to stay out of the way but also help his priest get knocked up.

Father Hall felt a tongue near his hole but was too distracted by his feelings. His footpaws were around the wolf's shoulders, his paws holding himself to the table, his tongue lolled out of his muzzle as he moaned. He felt a craving that he never had before, he wanted that knot inside him, he wanted to feel full and so close to another fur.

Libollaz grunted and pushed hard with each thrust, feeling that hole try to take his supernatural length and the rabbit's tongue teasing them both. The struggle of a hole trying to take his knot was always satisfying, but he was willing to admit that there was additional pleasure that it was a priest of the tyrant god stretching around him. He leaned over and planted his footpaws firmly, his tail forcing Thomas out of the way, and he slammed down hard. Once, he felt the ring of muscle give way to more of him. Twice, his balls sounded like they slapped that blue-grey ass. Last, with a final push the hole enveloped half his knot, then the last of it was sucked in. He growled but did not let himself cum yet.

"I want you to ask me to give you a child, Hall. Beg for it if you want." The black wolf growled in that round, fur-less ear.

"Please, I need it, I need you.... Jesus Fucking Christ, cum in my ass and give me your baby!" Father Hall said, making Thomas cover his muzzle.

"With pleasure," Libollaz said softly, velvety, in his ear.

Suddenly, the wolf's crotch flexed, Thomas could see those powerful muscles shoot out everything and Father Hall could feel not only the cock pulsing within him but the hot seed coating his insides, like a hose had gone off in his ass. It was warm and he could feel himself bloating as it just kept going, swirling around in him.

Libollaz motioned for Thomas to come over and the moment he was in reach he pushed the bunny's face down on the mouse's length. Without protest or further guidance, the brown rabbit started bobbing on his priest's cock. Libollaz rolled his eyes at the eager but amateur technique, then pulled the rabbit back and said, "Like this." With his jaw wide, he rolled his lips over his upper teeth and widened his tongue to cover the lower ones, then dove down on the mouse's dick in a way that would make most mortal backs hurt. The slurping sound made Thomas's caged rod bounce in envy and those black fingers holding the cock at just the right angle let the wolf slide all the way down it. He pulled off and let the rabbit try again. He tried to mimic the wolf, going slower as he focused on hiding his teeth and keeping the length where he wanted it.

Father Hall gasped and squeaked, the feeling of someone on his shaft combined with that fat knot throbbing on his prostate made him feel his climax rushing towards him for the first time in decades. He tilted his head up, and watched the demon teaching a member of his flock how to suck dick. Libollaz was incredibly good, it was a miracle he held back from blowing, and then Thomas took it back over. He wiggled and gasped at the jump in skill, he couldn't hold back anymore. He reached down and grabbed the rabbit's head and pushed it down until he was all in. He screamed fuck over and over until it hit.

He felt muscles contract so hard it hurt, his cry was punctured with high pitched gasps, he felt his own cum shoot out and he felt the rabbit swallow everything. His ass tried to clench down on the cock inside him but all it did was put more pressure on his prostate. He let go and fell back into the desk, panting and limp. He felt the rabbit's tongue lick over every centimeter of his shaft, cleaning him up despite his squeaks due to his oversensitivity.

"Congratulations, you're a father now, Hall." Libollaz said as he patted the mouse's stomach.

"Yeah." He said, eyes unfocused as he looked at the ceiling.

"My knot should go down in half an hour, but you now can say who I can interact with." Libollaz smiled.

"I see," The mouse said.

"Can I be next!" Thomas begged, jumping in place.

Libollaz smiled and looked down at Father Hall. "Well, may I?"

"Um, I'm not sure right now."

"Go on, tell him no. The denial excites him." The wolf said in his deep voice.

Father Hall felt his face burning at the thought and shut his eyes as the pair stared at him.

"I need some time alone to think things through," He said through his paws as they hid his face. "Just don't interact with anyone you haven't already, and I'll say your name when I've made my decision, alright?"

"Very well," Libollaz wiggled a bit, making the mouse gasp. "Whatever shall we do until my knot goes down."

"Stop!" Father Hall shouted. "Just leave! Now! I want to be alone!"

"Oh, very well." Libollaz sighed. He stepped back and his knotted shaft slipped free from the mouse's ass like it were a mere finger. "Come, Thomas, let's find a better place to fuck."

Father Hall heard the rabbit giggle as they walked away. He stayed there with his paws on his face until he heard his door click shut. He slid his paws off his face and looked around the room. The red tinted light was gone, everything was lit by the yellow-orange glow of midday light through curtains. He tried to sit up and noticed two things right away. First, his arms bumped into a candle holder on his desk that went tumbling down. So, the wolf put everything back in place. Second, he was back in his clothes, the tight collar dug into his neck as he sat up. He stood up from his desk, everything seemed somehow too normal. Like he had merely had a conversation with Thomas rather than be bred by... was he a demon? He didn't know anymore.

He walked around and then sat at his desk, looking at what was on it. His letter to the Cardinal was laying on top, he swore that he had put it away though. He let out a short laugh. That letter would never be finished, the last thing he'd call himself now was an expert on the virtue of chastity.