The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 4, Scene 4

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse

Group 4, Scene 4

copyright 2010 comidacomida

Sam didn't object when Andy thrust Jeff into his arms, nor even when the paramedic took the keys. There were any number of reasons he could have, but he simply didn't have the energy; it wasn't a fight worth having. He took careful control of the young husky in his care, leading him to the passenger door of the lorrie and helping him up.

Jeff kept a stranglehold on the gun in his paw and the raccoon knew better than to bother trying to take it-- as far as Sam was concerned the gun may as well have been his daughter Ann's favorite plush pony, or his son Shawn's blanket and Sam knew enough not to try and separate a kid from their safety blankets, even if that kid was nearing 18. The raccoon got into the lorrie beside the young husky, running a paw across one of his own ears as he considered his kits.

Sam's ex lived in Kent. It was several hours away in good traffic, and usually meant a round-about drive on the Orbital. In almost any other situation the raccoon would have scowled at the thought of the distance that separated him from them, but, when he considered the prior events of the past days, he was thankful. His thoughts were disturbed as Andy hopped up into the cab to join them, "Everything okay?" the paramedic inquired.

Sam looked down to Jeff, who sat staring at the gun resting in his paws, held in his lap. The raccoon looked up at Andy, "Not perfect... but I don't think that's possible right about now, mate." he said solemnly.

"Jeff?" Andy asked calmly, "Jeff... are you--" his inquiry was interrupted by the sound of a groan, and everyone in the cab looked ahead of them to see a zombie illuminated by the street lamp barely 10 meters away.

*BLAM! BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM!* The gun game alive in Jeff's paws and Andy had to defend himself from ejected casings. The young husky shot five rounds and, though the first, fourth, and fifth missed, two managed to hit their mark. The second round caught the zombie in the shoulder, but the third caught it in the side of the head, leaving a splattered spray of red across the building beside it.

"Alright, Jeff... alright..." Sam spoke up, "Save the ammo... nothing's gonna hurt us in here."

"They... they got James... 'e... 'e turned into one of em..." Jeff said, lowering the gun back to his lap. His head and eyes sank down to gaze at it. Nobody bothered speaking up, but Sam kept his attention on the husky. The raccoon was surprised that the wolf managed the lorrie without much difficulty. Andy pulled out into the empty street and began getting the large vehicle up to speed.

"Jeff?" Sam asked, reaching an arm out to stretch it around the backing of the seat where Jeff sat, "Hey, mate... you okay?"

"Why'd this 'ave'ta happen, Sam?" the young husky looked up at him, cheek fur damp, "Things like this only 'appen in movies."

"Or in some kamp, tongue-in-cheek, online horror story." Andy acknowledged, offering in his two-cents from behind the steering wheel. Sam ignored the rude, completely uncalled for, baseless comment, focusing instead on the anguished husky.

"Sometimes things just happen." the raccoon shrugged, letting out a sigh, "Life isn't always fair and we can't always choose the paths we take."

"Sometimes it's almost like we have people choosing for--"

"Thank you, Andy... I got it." Sam interrupted.

"Fine... I'll just watch the road, shall I?" the wolf stated flatly.

Jeff let out a sigh and tucked the gun into his pants. He hung his head, "I 'ate this... I 'ate all a it... it's like we're livin' in 'ell."

"Come on, Jeff..." Sam offered, "We'll get through this... we'll get past it, and we'll keep going. There's got to be somewhere safe out there. When we find it, we'll be better off for it." the raccoon moved his arm from the seat to Jeff's shoulders. The young husky moved his head to Sam's chest, weeping quietly.

It felt strange to Sam. He'd had his kids cry before and, while at first he thought it'd be a completely different thing, it seemed so similar-- he found himself wanting to hold them even more. "It'll be alright, Jeff.. we'll get out of this, and we'll get somewhere safe... once we get out of town we'll be fine." He willed himself to believe his own words. ~God...~ he thought to himself, ~Ann... Shawn... please be okay...~

* * * * * *

Tommy had a feeling no matter how many times he found himself in the back of the garbage truck that he'd never get used to the smell. The darkness was one thing, but the sound of shifting trash and smell of god-only-knew-what made him feel uneasy; a zombie could have been in there with him and he'd have never known until it was too late.

"Well... here we are again." Steve called across to him.

"We gotta stop meeting like this?" the fox questioned the German shepherd with a smirk, though he knew Steve wouldn't be able to see it.

"Huh?" came the counter reply.

"Never mind." Tommy felt his ears blush. He'd never been very good relating to people... he didn't usually find it to be worthwhile, but something about Steve made it easy for him, "So... how's your arm?" he added, then winced inwardly as he realized the significance of the question.

"I'm not dead yet." Steve answered, though the comment held less humor than Tommy would have wished.

"I didn't mean... what I meant was..." the fox tried to salvage the conversation.

"I know what you meant... relax, Yank." Steve replied. There was something about the shepherd that Tommy just couldn't put his finger on. Steve had moments when he switched between hot and cold, humor and severity. It kept the fox on his toes in a way that he found he liked... but the next statement he found unpleasant, "If I begin to feel any change I'll let you know so you can... you know... finish it."

"Nobody's talking about doing anything to you, Steve... I just--"

"I'M talking about doing something to me, Tommy..." the shepherd pushed the issue, and the fox heard the dog fumble his way through the garbage toward him, "Listen... you saw what happened with the sergeant. I mean... he was a cop, so I expected him to be a knob-end... but trying to eat his own brother... that's just plain WRONG."

Tommy heard Steve's smile in his voice, and couldn't help but laugh at the comment. The laugh got caught in his throat though when he felt a paw slide around his own, "Uh... Steve?" the fox inquired.

"Listen, Yank... I don't want to have to say this too many times, alright?" the dog's muzzle was close to his ear, "If I start to turn into one of those things it's best for everyone if you put me down... and I mean as far down as I can get..."

"But you won't--"

"It happened to the filth... it can happen to me." Steve countered.

Tommy felt his heart sank. It was strange for the fox to admit it but, out of everyone in the group, he had come to identify most with the eccentric, slightly off-target German shepherd that was holding his paw. He had to think of something to do that could help the situation... some way to save Steve, even if it meant-- "I know a way to make that not happen." the words were out of his muzzle before he could stop himself.

"What... kill me now so we won't worry about it later?" the dog questioned.

"No..." Tommy noted, "Listen..." he took a deep breath and wished he hadn't, practically TASTING the garbage in the air; he coughed and continued, "I know how to stop you from becoming a zombie."

"You're yankin' me." he heard Steve's doubtful reply.

"No... I really mean it." Tommy felt his heart beating wildly in his chest-- it was a long shot, but worth discussing... if he could save Steve, then it would be worth it... wouldn't it?"

"Alright... I'm game." the shepherd replied casually.

"Really?" the fox inquired.

"Yea," Steve responded, "It's not like it's gonna do anything worse than be becoming a zombie."

Tommy felt his ears droop, "Well... that's the thing..."

"What?" the dog questioned with a laugh, "It's not gonna make me into a zombie any faster, is it?" Steve stopped laughing at Tommy's silence, "Hey... uh... Tommy?"

"It might." Tommy answered.

"Maybe ya should explain a bit first then, sound good, mate?" the shepherd asked him in the darkness.

"Well... I'm trained in acupressure and acupuncture. When all this started I was working on a patient who had been bit by his neighbor's son... but what he came to see me about was a fever and his stomach was upset... after placing a few needles there was a change... he got calm and relaxed, and then, a moment later, he changed."

"Changed?" Steve asked.

Tommy nodded, forgetting himself in the darkness, then quietly added, "Yea... into a zombie."

"Oh... well... hell." the shepherd responded.

"Yea... hell." Tommy sighed, "Anyway... it's hard to explain, but I figured out that I can use the same technique to reverse the effect and keep someone from turning into a zombie."

"Seems like a bit of a stretch... how'd you find out something like--" Steve's comment was interrupted when Thomas pulled his shirt up and moved the shepherd's paw further up his arm. He could picture Steve's eyes going wide, "Is... is that--"

"A bite mark... yea..." Tommy sighed, "That patient got me by surprise."

"So you were planning on just doing the same thing to yourself and turning zombie?" the shepherd demanded.

"I was angry at the world." the fox answered, hating himself as he admitted it, "I wanted to leave it on my own terms and make everyone pay for..." he sighed, "you know... never mind... it was just stupid in so many ways... it doesn't have to make any fucking sense."

"But, instead of turning you into one of those things, it cured you?" Steve asked.

"Yea." the fox replied... and silence prevailed.

* * * * * *

The group gathered together once the lorrie had come to a stop. Sam waited by the diesel pump, paws wringing the shovel he held as Andy explained the plan, "Alright... Sam... you stay in the lorrie so you can start it up and get us outta here if something goes wrong. Jeff, you stay with him--"

"No." the young husky said with finality, "I'm gonna 'elp. I got a gun."

Andy sighed, "Listen... you can help from the cab... keep watch on the street, and you can shoot from there if you need to."

Sam placed a paw on Jeff's shoulder. The teen looked up at him, and the raccoon offered a reassuring smile, and a nod, "Nobody's telling you to stay behind, Jeff... you WILL be helping."

Jeff sighed, but said nothing.

"I'll have you two with me." Andy said to Thomas and Steve, "If any zombies get to us we HAVE TO make sure we get this thing filled, so we'll keep em away from the hose."

"Right." Steve nodded

"Got it." Thomas confirmed.

"No." Jeff suddenly spoke up, "I'm not waitin in the cab again... I'm gonna stay out here and help you with the 'ose, Andy." the husky stated with finality, "I'll pick em off before they get close."

"Listen..." Andy stated, "We don't have time to argue--"

"Then let's get started... I'm not changin' my mind." Jeff crossed his arms.

"This is crazy..." the paramedic sighed, "Alright... alright... I'll refuel and Jeff will stick with me... Sam, you be ready to get going... Thomas, can you help make sure no zombies get into the cab?"

"Yea... that, I can do." the fox cracked his knuckles.

"Good." the paramedic turned to the German shepherd, who was holding a fresh metal pipe, tapping it against the palm of his free paw, "Where in the-- never mind." he rubbed his face, "Can you keep the zombies from getting into the bin?"

"I can try." the shepherd nodded.

"Alright," Andy nodded, "Let's do this."

Sam climbed up into the cab, keeping his shovel nearby. Thomas stood on the bonnet of the lorrie, keeping his back to the illumination that shone from the petrol station's lights. The raccoon almost caught himself wondering why the station would have its lights on so late in the morning... but he reminded himself all too quickly that there wasn't anyone around to turn them off.

Letting out a sigh, Sam reached for the picture of his two kits. He rubbed a thumb tenderly across the front of the picture, "I'm not giving up... I won't." he promised them. Glancing out of the window to the pacing young husky, Sam couldn't help but feel a pang of pain for him; Jeff had lost his whole family from the sound of it and the raccoon knew he himself would not have been able to handle it so well. If he could have wished for things to have gone differently, he would in a heartbeat.

Glancing back to the street ahead of the lorrie, Sam's heart skipped a beat. It took him a second to recover from the surprise, but Tommy shouted first, "ZOMBIES!" The group swung into motion a moment later.

Sam braced his paws against the floor of the lorrie and grabbed for his shovel. He saw Tommy slide down easily into a fighting stance, going from a relaxed, wayward fox into a smooth, finely-tuned killing machine in the span of a breath. He heard Andy caution Jeff about using too many bullets, to which the young husky told him that he'd rather use too many than too few. The thought made Sam smile... but not for long.

"Other side!" Steve shouted from the back of the lorrie. Glancing at the side mirror, Sam saw another small group of the undead approach. He didn't have time to give it attention, however, as Jeff's gun rang out and a shot was fired. Sam turned in time to see a spray of red fly from one of the zombies; the shot had caught it in the gut, but it was hardly slowed.

Jeff stalked toward them, taking another shot, and another, but to no effect. "Jeff! Stay back here!" Andy shouted, moving to join the youth with nothing in paw except his medical kit. Zombies closed around them, and Andy was forced to resort to fending them back with the kit, but it was no use; they were surrounded.

"Damn it!" Sam exclaimed, and two zombies leapt upon the door to his right. Using the blade of the shovel, the raccoon struck the first zombie in the neck. The zombie fell away, head in one direction and body in the other. His angle was not good for anything other than clumsy attacks with the shovel, so he did the next-best thing. Sam pulled the door release with one paw and kicked, sending it swinging out into the second zombie, spilling it to the ground. He followed up with striking it with the flat of his shovel, but the zombie managed to block the attack with an arm; the resounding crunch of bone made Sam feel sick to his stomach.

The raccoon didn't have time to consider the situation however as he quickly slid back into the cab, slamming the door shut before another press of zombies could try to get in. At the back of the lorrie he heard the sound of Tommy and Steve in paw-to-paw combat with the undead, but he couldn't risk leaving the lorrie without a driver.

The halting of the gunfire is what caught Sam's attention next. He glanced to the side and let out a wordless shout; Andy and Jeff were backed against one of the pumps, trying to fend off a crowd of zombies. The raccoon could only sit helplessly by as the two were surrounded. In a moment of trepidation, Sam watched as Jeff climbed up onto the pump, then helped pull Andy up, getting them at least partly out of the zombies' reach.

"One... two... THREE!" Andy counted off and, as one, they leapt over the walking dead, and scrambled for the lorrie. Unable to take it anymore, Sam climbed out of the passenger side, holding it open, "Get in!" he shouted, and stalked toward the zombies surrounding the diesel pump. Jeff did not hesitate this time, and complied. Andy likewise followed suit.

Sam could hear the battle still raging at the back of the lorrie, but his eyes were focused on the three zombies far-too-close to the diesel pump, and he was one very unhappy raccoon. "GET!" he shouted swinging his shovel like a cricket bat, cleaving the head off of one of the zombies, "AWAY!" he finished the sentence, sending sparks to the ground as his missed swing collided with a metal post. The zombies pressed forward, and the raccoon was forced to step back.

From the back of the lorrie Sam could hear Thomas' voice, "Steve! Get in the back! Go!" but he had enough trouble in front of himself to worry about the others. Holding the shovel like a staff, the raccoon backpedaled, trying to bar the way of the zombies as his back was pressed against the side door of the rig.

One zombie lunged, and Sam punched out with both paws, forcing the shaft of the shovel into the hyena's open muzzle. He twisted the shovel sideways, forcing the zombie's head to turn with it and sending it tumbling to the ground. He quickly raised the shovel, and brought the sharp end down on its neck, cleanly severing its head. He spun around as another zombie came for him and was barely able to get the shovel up in time before the panther leapt upon him.

On his back, Sam wrestled with the undead cat, pushing the shovel's wooden shaft against his assailant's neck and chest, trying to keep him out of striking range. The double *BANG BANG* of a gun put an end to that as the first shot caught the panther in the neck, and the second one blew out one of its eyes. Sam managed to push the body aside, somehow avoiding the huge cascade of blood that followed.

"You alright, Sam?" Jeff called from the cab.

"Hell yea." the raccoon replied, letting out a breath to steady his heartbeat. He looked up to the smiling face of the teenage husky, "Good thing you were there to help." Sam added. The sound of Jeff's tail beating against the seat was audible even from outside the cab.

"WOO!" Tommy shouted from the back of the lorrie, "We did it!"

Sam glanced around the street, nothing but the slain bodies of zombies strewn about. The raccoon couldn't help but smile as well; no one was hurt... all of the zombies were dead... they had one the fight... they had WON!"

*DING* It was the sound of the pump turning off; the lorrie was full. It was also, Sam realized, the sound of a dinner bell.

"Okay... now we go." Jeff spoke up, quickly grabbing hold of Sam's paw, pulling him up and into the cab. Andy started up the lorrie.

"Move it!" Sam shouted back at Thomas, who was already being helped up into the rubbish bin.

"In a 'ead on collision between this lorrie and about twenty zombies... which would win?" Jeff asked.

"I think we're going to find out." Andy answered, his foot pushing the accelerator to the floor.

* * * * * *

Tommy heard Steve's panting clearly in the darkness. They were on the road again and, after a first few minutes of intense fleshy impacts, the road sounded clear once again. The fox focused his senses in on the shepherd's breath, "You alright, Steve?" he asked.

"No... I'm dead." Steve answered plainly.

"Very funny."

"I thought so." the second response held more humor, "Damn... I can't get enough of watching you smash skulls." the shepherd laughed.

"Yea... well... the feeling's mutual. You're a killer with that pipe." Tommy noted.

"I hear that a lot... but usually they're talking about a different kind of pipe." The fox felt his ears blush at the comment, and he had no retort. Tommy let Steve continue the conversation, "So how many was that each? Four for you? Five?"

"I didn't count." Tommy stated simply. It was a lie... he knew exactly how many. The fox rubbed his paws together in thought.

"I got three." Steve declared proudly, "How many did you get? Come on... how many?" he heard the shepherd slide closer to him.

"Three as well." the fox relented.

"Nawww..." Steve stated in a casual manner, "There was the one you curb stomped... the one you got in the throat-"

"That was a stun... it got back up." the fox interjected.

"Oh?" Steve questioned, "Hmm... I was busy gettin' into this thing" he banged what must have been a fist against the metal wall, "guess I didn't notice."

"I know they're only zombies..." Thomas sighed, "But I... killing them still feels like--"

"Do it." Steve interrupted.

"Do... what?" Thomas asked.

"I want you to do what you did to that patient and yourself." Steve stated. The comment struck Thomas dumb. He didn't react as the German shepherd reached for him and took hold of his paws in the dark, "Just tell me what I have to do... and then do what you need to do."

"But... I... you might turn into--"

"I already am going to, right?" Steve ventured, "May as well try something that could help."

"But it might not." Tommy asked, his brain firing off numerous reasons why he couldnt' risk it, but he could only come back to Steve's argument... it could help.

"But it might." Steve spoke aloud Tommy's thoughts. The fox didn't respond, and the dog did not press the issue. There was silence between them for several minutes before Tommy spoke up again.

"Alright." he said, the word straining to escape him.

"What do I have to do?" Steve asked.

"I need you to lay down."

"In the rubbish?" the German shepherd asked, a tone of humor somehow managing to break through the severity of the situation.

"You have to take off your shirt too... may as well lay it down under you, I guess." the fox shrugged, "Here..." he pulled his own shirt off and handed it to the shepherd, "You can put mine down too. Just... try to get comfortable."

Tommy heard the sound of Steve rustling around, and of cloth being removed from fur. The dog moved around further before speaking up, "Alright... on my stomach or back?" came the question.

"Stomach." Tommy answered, and he began stretching his fingers and going through a series of warm-ups. There was another long pause as neither spoke. Tommy could hear Steven's breath, strangely calm compared to his own; more than either, the fox heard his own heart beating away in his chest. "You alright, Steve?" he called.

"Yea... kinda lumpy bed, but I guess it'll have to do." Tommy couldn't help but smile at the comment; he wished he knew how Steve managed to be so calm. Taking a deep breath, the fox felt around until he located fur... but it wasn't back-fur.

"Uh... Steve?" Tommy questioned, feeling around again, "That's... your ass... isn't it?"

"Yup. A few more inches to the right and you can call yourself a proctologist."

"Why do you have your pants off?" Tommy asked, slowly relocating his paws to a better position along the wolf's spine.

"You said to get comfortable." Steve answered, as if it were the most obvious one in the world.

"Oh... right." Tommy felt his heart beating faster, "As if this wasn't weird enough as it is..." the fox took a deep breath... and forced his fingers to find the spots.

Steve winced, then groaned, then chuckled, "Ouch... careful. Heh heh... sitting in the back of a lorrie surrounded by rubbish, about to figure out of you're gonna save someone's life or turn em into a zombie... that IS kinda weird." the shepherd paused, "uh... if it's the second one, you think you could finish me off before I get you?" the comment included the first note of concern Tommy had heard from the German shepherd

"It won't be the second." Tommy let out a breath, sitting back.

"Optimism's good and all but--"

Tommy smiled to himself, "I'm done..." he felt a wave of relief flow through him as Steve sputtered out several false starts before speaking.

"You mean I--"

"Yea... you're fine." the fox felt himself grinning.

"That was a little anti-climactic." the shepherd noted. Tommy heard him sit up.

"Yea... well... if it means you get to live, I'll pass up the climax any day." the fox let out another sigh of relief.

"What... can't have it both ways, mate?" Steve questioned. That mischievous tone had returned to the dog's voice.

"What do you--" but the paw that slid onto Tommy's bare shoulder gave him all the answer he needed. He was unable to see Steve's muzzle approach his own in the darkness, but he felt the warmth of the dog's breath against his nose and he couldn't help himself from leaning forward to meet it. Tommy slid his paws through the thick, coarse fur on Steve's sides and back even as the shepherd's paws fiddled at the fox's zipper.

"Relax, Yank..." Steve spoke quietly, nibbling on Tommy's cheek fur, "The only thing you have to decide is whether you're gonna 'poke' me more, or if I get to return the favor and 'poke' you a little."

Tommy knew exactly how to answer that... and it was a good answer.


It's that time again, Apoc-Fur-Lypse fans! Group 4 is chugging right along, having emerged from the Harrowing Event with 2 less party members, though Jeff has replaced one in his own right as a full-fledged survivor. Also, per use of a Plot Point, Tommy and Steve end up 'getting together' this chapter-- although it remains implied so the story can maintain its current clean rating (since there's no Mature option on SF).

Here is a behind-the-scenes look at the breakdown of the action for this scene.

Is everyone still "with it" after the Harrowing Event?

Endurance (11) to keep things together. Thomas gets a +3 due to being drugged.

Sam 5 + trait of 7 = 12 SUCCESS

Jeff 5 + trait of 4 = 9 FAILURE

Steve 5 + trait of 5 = 10 FAILURE

Andy 3 + trait of 9 = 12 SUCCESS

Thomas 9 + trait of 1 = 10 + 3 SUCCESS

Jeff and Steve are overcome with negative emotions.

Sam will have to snap Jeff out of it. Andy and Thomas work to restore Steve's focus.

Influence (5 + the number by which Jeff and Steve failed their Endurance rolls) for them to calm down.

Sam 9 + trait of 2 = 11 SUCCESS-JEFF

Andy 1 + trait of 4 = 5 FAILURE

Thomas 6 + trait of 2 = 8 SUCCESS-STEVE

Sam manages to calm Jeff and Tommy calms Steve.

Can the group find a safe path to get to a secure diesel station?

Survival (11) to have a safe trip.

Sam 8 + trait of 6 = 14 SUCCESS

Jeff 3 + trait of 6 = 9 FAILURE

Steve 1 + trait of 4 = 5 FAILURE

Andy 6 + trait of 7 = 13 SUCCESS

Thomas 2 + trait of 8 = 10 FAILURE

Sam finds a safe route for the group to take.

Is the group attacked while they refuel?

Luck roll to avoid attracting attention. Average must be 11 or higher.

Sam 2 + trait of 6 = 8

Jeff 6 + trait of 5 = 11

Steve 3 + trait of 7 = 10

Andy 7 + trait of 6 = 13

Thomas 7 + trait of 0 = 7

Group averages 9.8. FAILURE.

The group is attacked. The group encounters 2d10 zombies.

Roll is 3 + 7.

10 zombies appear.

The group has a chance to kill as many as possible before they're overcome.

Agility roll (11) to hit with a gun, (12) to hit with a melee attack, (13) to hit if unarmed. Roll must be +1 over difficulty to kill. Each character may continue their attack until they fail to hit or kill a zombie.

Sam 7 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS-HIT

Sam 9 + trait of 5 = 14 SUCCESS-KILL

Sam 3 + trait of 5 = 8 FAILURE

Jeff 5 + trait of 6 = 11 SUCCESS-HIT

Jeff 0 + trait of 6 = 6 FAILURE

Steve 8 + trait of 8 = 16 SUCCESS-KILL

Steve 5 + trait of 8 = 13 SUCCESS-KILL

Steve 7 + trait of 8 = 15 SUCCESS-KILL

Steve 1 + trait of 8 = 9 FAILURE

Andy 2 + trait of 4 = 6 FAILURE

Thomas 5 + trait of 8 = 13 SUCCESS-HIT

Thomas 9 + trait of 8 = 17 SUCCESS-KILL

Thomas 7 + trait of 8 = 15 SUCCESS-KILL

Thomas 5 + trait of 8 = 13 SUCCESS-HIT

Thomas 6 + trait of 8 = 14 SUCCESS-KILL

Thomas 3 + trait of 8 = 11 FAILURE

The group successfully kills 7 zombies. 3 remain.

Can everyone manage to evade the zombies?

Agility or Awareness (10 +1 for every 2 zombies) to avoid being harmed while holding them off. Target # is 12.

Sam 7 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS

Jeff 2 + trait of 6 = 8 FAILURE

Steve 4 + trait of 8 = 12 SUCCESS

Andy 3 + trait of 4 = 7 FAILURE

Thomas 5 + trait of 9 = 14 SUCCESS

Jeff and Andy have no escape.

Jeff and Andy better be pretty lucky.

Luck (5 + amount the prior roll missed the target #) to survive.

Jeff 8 + trait of 5 = 6 Target number of 9. SUCCESS

Andy 5 + trait of 6 = 11 Target number of 10. SUCCESS

Jeff and Andy manage to get away from the press of the zombies. (-1 Luck for needing to roll).

Will the group stay with the lorrie?

Endurance [8] to go stay and fight.

Sam 1 + trait of 7 = 8 SUCCESS

Jeff 5 + trait of 4 = 11 SUCCESS

Steve 4 + trait of 5 = 9 SUCCESS

Andy 4 + trait of 9 = 11 SUCCESS

Thomas 7 + trait of 1 = 8 SUCCESS

Everyone will stay and fight.

Jeff and Andy regroup while the other members of the group attack the remaining zombies.

Agility roll (11) to hit with a gun, (12) to hit with a melee attack, (13) to hit if unarmed. Roll must be +1 over difficulty to kill. Each character may continue their attack until they fail to hit or kill a zombie.

Sam 8 + trait of 5 = 13 SUCCESS-KILL

Sam 5 + trait of 5 = 10 FAILURE

Steve 2 + trait of 8 = 10 FAILURE

Thomas 5 + trait of 8 = 13 SUCCESS-HIT

Thomas 3 + trait of 8 = 11 FAILURE

The group kills 1 zombie. 2 remain.

Can everyone manage to evade the zombies?

Agility or Awareness (10 +1 for every 2 zombies) to avoid being harmed while holding them off. Target # is 11.

Sam 6 + trait of 5 = 11 SUCCESS

Jeff 6 + trait of 6 = 12 SUCCESS

Steve 2 + trait of 8 = 10 FAILURE

Andy 9 + trait of 4 = 13 SUCCESS

Thomas 4 + trait of 9 = 13 SUCCESS

Steve is unable to get away.

Steve had better be pretty lucky.

Luck (6) to survive.

Steve 1 + trait of 7 = 8 SUCCESS

Steve gets away from the zombies. (-1 Luck for needing to roll).

Will the group stay with the lorrie?

Endurance [10] to go stay and fight.

Sam 9 + trait of 8 = 17 SUCCESS

Jeff 8 + trait of 4 = 12 SUCCESS

Steve 9 + trait of 5 = 14 SUCCESS

Andy 2 + trait of 9 = 11 SUCCESS

Thomas 9 + trait of 1 = 10 SUCCESS

Everyone will stay and fight.

Steve regroups while the other members of the group attack the remaining zombies.

Agility roll (11) to hit with a gun, (12) to hit with a melee attack, (13) to hit if unarmed. Roll must be +1 over difficulty to kill. Each character may continue their attack until they fail to hit or kill a zombie.

Sam 7 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS-HIT

Sam 8 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS-KILL

Sam 0 + trait of 5 = 12 FAILURE

Jeff 6 + trait of 5 = 11 SUCCESS-HIT

Jeff 8 + trait of 5 = 13 SUCCESS-KILL

The group kills all of the zombies!

This is a reaffirming moment!

Endurance (6), LOW. Rolling LOWER than the target means a character gains 1 Endurance!

Sam 1 + trait of 7 = 8 FAILURE

Jeff 0 + trait of 4 = 4 SUCCESS

Steve 7 + trait of 5 = 12 FAILURE

Andy 9 + trait of 9 = 18 FAILURE

Thomas 4 + trait of 1 = 5 SUCCESS

Jeff and Thomas are just a little more confident.

Determine the group's next unofficial leader.

Influence roll, highest wins. Andy gets +6 for being leader in the past three scenes.

Sam 9 + trait of 2 = 11

Jeff 4 + trait of 3 = 7

Steve 1 + trait of 2 = 3

Andy 0 + trait of 4 = 4 +6

Thomas 3 + trait of 2 = 5

Sam is the temporary leader.

Each character involved in this chapter now loses 1 Plot Point for successfully surviving without a Harrowing Event taking place.

Non-contributing readers, you may vote for your MVP to regain their lost plot point. Anyone who does not have a character involved in this story arc may vote. You may vote by personality, contribution, style, personal preference, or any method you like to make sure your preferred survivor continues to fight another day. The due to a tie in votes for last chapter, I elected to give both Andy and Jeff a bonus plot point as one was an established character and one was new.

Contributing readers please choose the next direction for the group. The ad hoc leader gets 2 votes while everyone else gets 1.

Option 1: Get to the University

Option 2: Get the hell out of town.

Option 3: Find a transmitter station to try and call for help.

Plot Point Opportuntity:

Jeff may spend a plot point to have grabbed his brother's police radio back at the relay station.

Jeff may spend a plot point to elimiate the -1 Luck he received this scene.

Steve may spend a plot point for his wounds to improve. (restore the 2 Vitality he lost).

Steve may spend a plot point to eliminate the -1 Luck he receives this scene.

Andy may spend a plot point to re-assess his medical kit (+4 to Ingenuity on his very next medical roll, one use only), or he may instead make an Ingenuity (12) roll to gain a permanent+1 to ingenuity for medical rolls, failure means the Plot Point is wasted.

Andy may spend a plot point to elimiate the -1 Luck he received this scene.

Tommy may spend a plot point to regain a degree of emotional focus (restore the 1 Endurance he lost).

Congratulations to Group 4 for sticking with it and getting their lorrie filled back up! Now we'll see how far that will get them.