[Comm] Second Meeting

Story by ComfortableCreatures on SoFurry

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We have something very different this time, this story involves Cock Transformation and Anal Sex from the cocks POV, so let that be your warning!

This is a commission from dinopony on FA as a kind of follow up to this story (Contains cock vore and unbirthing)

If you would like to support me to help me make more stories in the future, you can donate to my Ko-Fi or buy a commission.

Fridis pushed through into the familiar bedroom holding a cup of hot chocolate in his claws, there, in the torchlit room, sitting around a small table in the center, were two other dragons also enjoying their own cups of hot chocolate. Fridis was a little surprised to see the both of them here already, last time he was here he had become very intimately familiar with them and in his excitement for today, he had believed he was the one arriving early, but it seems they had the same idea.

"Fridis! Come, sit, we were just talking about you." Cynder said, the deep purple dragoness gesturing to the empty space beside Spyro.

"Oh? About me?" Fridis said, taking a set at the table, sipping at his drink while listening to the other dragon.

"Mhmm... about how good you would feel between my fucktoy's legs." Cynder responded in her usual seductive, yet commanding tone.

Fridis blushed, she wasn't mincing words tonight. "Heh, well, I suppose that would feel pretty good for everyone involved." He told her.

Cynder chuckled. "Oh, you have no idea. See, we had something special in mind... if you were up for it, that is."

Fridis felt a pang of excitement as he wondered what she could be planning. "Really? What did you have in mind?"

"Well, it was Spyro's idea actually, he got rather excited about it too. Tell him." She said, looking towards the purple dragon beside Fridis.

"Ah, see, after we met I got to thinking, it's so hard to find someone like you that I kinda hoped it might be an opportunity to do something I have wanted to try for a long time now! There are so few dragons around here, especially ones into the type of things we enjoy, it seemed the perfect opportunity. So I was wondering if you might like to spend a couple weeks as my cock." Spyro explained.

Fridis blushed, running the scenario through in his head, becoming Spyro's cock? It certainly explained what Cynder meant by him being between his legs. He was intrigued, more than that even, experiencing sex from the point of view of a dick... snuggling up in a warm slit afterwards... it sounded amazing. "I mean... of course!" He said.

"Wow, that was fast." Spyro looked genuinely surprised by his reaction. "I expected at least some hesitance, two weeks is a long time to spend swinging between someone's legs."

"Heh, sure. But like you said, it's a perfect opportunity, when else am I gonna get the full experience of what it is like to be someone's dick?" He pointed out.

"Told you he would like it." Cynder stated, her tail flicking back and forth behind her. "So, Fridis, when do you want to do this?"

"How about now?" The green dragon asked, barely able to hold in his excitement as he thought more about their proposition. "I don't have any plans for the next couple weeks."

Cynder gave a wide grin, the torch light reflecting off her pointed teeth. "Works with us. You ready for this Spyro?"

The purple male for his part looked fairly surprised. "Sooner the better, I'm getting rather worked up thinking about it!" He said.

"Heh, same here, it sounds like too much fun!" Fridis said, backing up the sentiment.

"Well if you boys are so eager to get started, then let's do it. Go ahead and get on your back, Spyro." Cynder said, holding out a single claw as she directed Spyro over to the pillows in the room.

Spyro did as he was told, flopping onto his back with his legs spread, his cock already halfway out of its slit.

Fridis' eyes locked onto the other dragons member, soon that would be him... a strange but exciting notion.

"Alright Fridis, get on top of Spyro so that you can put your feet at the base of his shaft." The dragoness ordered.

Fridis carefully crawled up onto Spyro, the dragon beneath holding his green-scaled hips steady as he gently sat down on his chest, placing his feet on either side of Spyro's rapidly hardening shaft.

Cynder reached into a leather satchel beside the table, rummaging around before pulling out a scroll clutched tightly in her claws. The scroll practically hummed with the arcane as she drew closer to the pair, placing her free hand at the base of Spyro's cock.

"You're really sure about this? We don't have a scroll to undo the spell, so you might be stuck waiting for it to wear off if you change your mind." Cynder warned.

Fridis nodded eagerly. "Of course! Go ahead and do it."

Cynder nodded back. "Just making sure." She said, before muttering something under her breath, the scroll seemed to ignite into a pink flame, yet produced no heat. The paper burnt away, it's ashes scattering like an unnatural wind had just run through the room.

She then stepped back, eyes glued to the pair, a smile creeping across her muzzle.

Fridis felt it, it was like his feet were being gently squeezed tighter and tighter, yet no matter how tight they were squeezed it never hurt. Looking down he could see his feet merging into the base of Spyro's cock. His legs were forced together, Spyro's cock caught between them as they fused completely together and merged with his member. Fridis now looked as though he was ankle deep into Spyro's slit, as the process of absorbing his lower body began...

The green scaled dragon could feel other changes begin, his wings and tail were both slowly retracting into his body, morphing into himself just as his legs had fixed together.

"It's... it's like my whole body is made of clay..." He said, trying to put the sensation into words.

Suddenly his whole body lurched, Spyro shuddered beneath him as more of Fridis was pulled into his slit.

Fridis for his part could feel his heart racing in his chest, a wave of pleasure rushing through his whole body. It happened again, more of Fridis legs disappearing into Spyro, his whole body twitching and... pulsing? Fridis' whole body felt like it was experiencing a massive muscle spasm over and over, he quickly realized what was happening... his whole body was throbbing like a cock! Several more pulses and he no longer felt the pounding of his heart, only the throbbing of his whole body. Fridis craned his head back to look at Spyro, who was breathing rather heavily, the pleasure he felt was plain across his face.

What really got Fridis' attention though is just how big Spyro looked! Each time more of his lower body was absorbed into the purple dragon, he shrank down more and more. Another pulse and he saw firsthand as it almost looked like Spyro was growing beneath him, but a look around the room confirmed what he already knew, with Cynder looking equally gigantic as she looked on from a distance, a claw casually dangling between her legs.

At this point Fridis could no longer feel his wings shifting and pulling into his body, twisting around he saw they were indeed gone, his back now completely smooth as though they were never there. His movements were becoming more difficult, he could still move but he felt more... stiff.

He looked down at his torso, almost all of his lower body was now gone, fused to Spyro. His twin cocks were rock hard and on the verge of being absorbed and lost within the purple dragon's body. He had never felt so horny in his whole life, like he was experiencing the sum total of his own lust and Spyro's aching need all at once. Fridis blushed and coiled his tail around himself, wrapping the tip of his tail around his cocks and stroking them rather vigorously. He was unwilling to risk his hands being pulled into the male he was now a part of, but he needed to give his members their final sendoff, he would not see them for a couple weeks after all.

Spyro moaned sharply, placing both of his claws over his mouth as he experienced the sensation of Fridis masturbating through their shared body.

Fridis' whole body throbbed harder than before and he felt something pump through him, a thin salty liquid suddenly rushed out of his open maw, it was pre-cum. A normal amount of it for a dragon Spyro's size, but for Fridis shrunken body, it was several mouthfuls worth as it dribbled out of him.

A final pulse from below, Fridis' cock and tail absorbed as he is pulled in all the way to his waist. The constant sensation of his body shifting and changing finally ending, Instead he could focus solely on other new sensations, like how his entire body felt so incredibly stiff as well as this feeling of a constant, driving need for release. None of these sensations were unfamiliar in their nature, he had felt it before whenever he was sporting a raging erection, horny out of his mind. But when he felt them from his own cocks, they had been pale imitations of what he felt now that it encompassed his entire body.

He craned his head back, even more difficult now that the transformation was complete and Spyro was fully erect. Spyro looked absolutely huge from Fridis' perspective, the male looking right back at him, breathing heavily.

"Wow... you look really hot as my dick." Spyro said. "...and every time you move... it feels so good."

"I... feel hot." Fridis responded. "This is so weird, I've never felt so horny in my life." Which was certainly saying something, the green dragon was no stranger to substances and magic that would enhance one's arousal beyond its natural limits.

"Of course, silly." Cynder interjected. "You are a dick, whenever Spyro is horny, you are horny, only for you it's magnified. Your whole body is a sexual organ, there isn't an inch of you that isn't feeling the effects of his arousal." She explained. "You look adorable like this by the way, we are going to have so much fun with you."

"Speaking of, ready to go for a test drive, little buddy?" Spyro said, Fridis wondered if that was what he called his dick normally, or if he was simply teasing him... he supposed it hardly mattered now, though, that need for release was dominating his thoughts, he quickly nodded.

A clawed hand reached towards him, wrapping around Fridis' waist. Fridis moaned out sharply, drowned out by groans from Spyro as both of them experienced just how sensitive he was simultaneously.

"This feels amazing..." Spyro huffed out as he began to slowly stroke his cock. Fridis meanwhile had never experienced anything quite like this, his whole body alight with pleasure just from being touched, a hand wrapped around him, squeezing and stroking his whole body.

Fridis watched Spyro's face closely, watching it contort with pleasure, his view occasionally blocked by Spyro's claws as they stroked along his body, wrapping around his head. His body twitched and convulsed, more pre began to leak from his slack jaw, leaking down onto Spyro's digits, in turn the fluid winding up rubbed all over him, lubricating him.

Spyro's pace did not remain slow and casual for long, the pleasure too much as he began to really pump his hand along his new shaft. Fridis clenched his eyes shut as he was overwhelmed with pleasure, moaning out whenever his mouth wasn't filled with salty pre-cum.

"You look like you are about to burst... do it, I want to see what it looks like when you cum out of him." Cynder called out.

Fridis was so lost in pleasure he nearly missed what she had said, he had to admit, he was curious what that was going to be like as well...

He didn't have to wait long to find out, either, once he had permission from his mistress, Spyro no longer held back. Fridis could feel the pressure building deep within, creeping up his body... until finally it burst, torrents of thick creamy cum pouring out of his mouth, splattering across Spyro's belly, chest and even catching him in the face. A normal load for Spyro was gallons upon gallons for Fridis. The last few pulses came, the cum having lost a lot of its pressure as it dribbled out of his mouth, leaving him with a mouth full of dragon spunk.

His whole body went limp and Fridis felt both drained and fatigued, he slumped back against Spyro's underbelly, looking around to see Cynder watching with a mischievous grin, a potion bottle in one claw as she made her way over to her boy toy.

"Drink this." She said, handing the bottle over to Spyro before cleaning some of his cum off of him with her tongue. "It will make your next load even bigger."

Fridis blushed, realizing what that meant for him, a normal orgasm was like having hundreds of gallons of semen flow through his mouth, what would it be like next time? As he watched them, he started to notice that he was slipping away from them, looking down he saw what was going on... Spyro had gone soft after cummin and Fridis was sliding into the males slit...

Fridis looked back, seeing both of them staring at him.

"Hehe, have fun in there, we will play with you again very soon." Cynder teased, before turning back to continue cleaning up Spyro's body, not letting perfectly good cum go to waste.

Fridis slipped into Spyro's slit, the light of the outside replaced with darkness. The walls around him were soft but cramped and the whole chamber was incredibly warm. The sounds outside were muffled by the layers of dragon flesh between him and them, he could vaguely make out groans and moans as they fooled around.

Fridis tried to move, adjustisting into a more comfortable position. It wasn't easy, his whole body felt limp and weak, but he managed.

"Ah!" Spyro gasped sharply.

"Oh? What is it?" Cynder said.

"I can feel him squirming around in there... it feels good." Spyro huffed.

"Teehee, you will just have to get used to that, wouldn't want to make a scene in public, would we?" Cynder teased him, Fridis could only imagine that Spyro was blushing quite a bit at that. A smile curled across his muzzle, knowing he could have such a profound effect on Spyro even in here was already giving him ideas...

"How about you?" Her voice came again, this time much louder, it seemed she was speaking right above Spyro's slit. "How is it in there?"

"It's tight... and hot, like a sauna... it's really nice though." Fridis said.

"Hehe, I can barely hear you in there. Well you best get used to that too, something tells me you will spend more time inside tight, hot places than outside of them..." Fridis blushed, her teasing was not exactly wrong... "We will put you to your proper use very soon. Just hang tight."

Fridis could faintly hear them fooling around once again, several minutes going by before Spyro began to move. From within all Fridis could tell was that Spyro was now upright, a throb coursing through Fridis' body telling him that something exciting was happening.

"Eat up, fucktoy." Cynder called out, sounding even more distant than before.

Fridis felt himself begin to shift and move, his body swelling up, his head slowly peeking out of Spyro's slit. At first he couldn't see much, he was in the shadow of Spyro's underbelly and could hear the pair of them up ahead, moaning softly. It wasn't until Spyro grew more erect that Fridis had a better view. He could see past Spyro's underbelly and see Cynder in front of him, her pussy practically dripping. Fridis blushed, realizing that if her pussy was in plain view, then Spyro's face was currently pressed against her tailhole... The green dragon twitched and pulsed, growing to his full length, letting him see that Cynder's tail was wrapped around Spyro's neck like a leash.

Cynder looked down between her legs, seeing Fridis swinging between Spyro's legs, the massive green cock nearly dragging on the floor.

"Someone is ready to play..." She released Spyro with her tail. "Lets not keep him waiting any longer, I want to feel him squirming in my ass." Cynder stated.

"Mmm, with pleasure." Spyro said, climbing up on top of his mistress, guiding his cock to her tailhole with his hips.

"Hehe, help line my fucktoy up, Fridis." Cynder ordered.

Fridis blushed, reaching out his hands towards Cynder's imposing rear entrance, still wet with Spyro's saliva, placing both hands against it. Getting his fingers inside he helped guide Spyro as he slowly pushed his hips forward until Fridis' face pressed right up against her tight tail hole, smearing Spyro's spit all over him... until it finally relented and his head slid inside.

Inside of her ass it was far tighter than Spyro's slit had been, squeezing his sensitive body all around. Fridis moaned out sharply and began to squirm, unable to control himself as pleasure coursed through him. In turn he heard moans from both Spyro and Cynder because of this, his squirming making their coupling all the more pleasurable for them. He slid deeper inside with only dragon spit and occasional beads of pre that leaked from his maw to lubricate his path, the more of him that was inside, the more of his sensitive body her anal passage clamped down on and the more pleasure he experienced.

Fully hilted inside, Fridis kept squirming, unable to help himself, Cynder's tight rear clenching down on him periodically. Spyro bucked his hips back, sliding Fridis back out halfway before plunging in again, quickly building up speed, driving Fridis back and forth in her tight passage.

"Mmmf... harder." Cynder growled out.

Spyro obliged, pistoning his hips in and out of her with increased force. Fridis was in so much pleasure he could barely think as he firsthand got to know what it was like to truly be a cock. He could just faintly hear the slapping from outside Cynder, as Spyro's scaly hips collided with her own scaled rump.

Fridis could feel the pressure building down below, more pre leaked from his mouth. Outside he heard Cynder give a sharp cry, her ass then clenching down on him tightly as she came. The pressure was immense, but it felt good as Spyro kept hammering away at her tailhole.

Then he roared out, that pressure suddenly releasing, shooting up Fridis' body as cum began to burst forth from his open maw, the taste of Spyro's musky seed overwhelming Fridis' senses. More and more kept pouring out, every time he thought the tide was over, another pulse from below would send more out him. The anal passage filled with seed, so much that even in these tight confines it was squeezing past his form, leaking out of Cynder's used rear. If Fridis had needed to breathe he would be at risk of drowning in all the cum...

It went on for what felt like eternity, cum pouring out of him, filling Cynder with what had to be actual gallons of cum. It finally ended, as Spyro pulled out, the last of his gargantuan load dribbling from Fridis' mouth. Fridis looked forward, seeing their handiwork as cum leaked freely from Cynder's rear, her stomach bulging noticeably with seed.

He didn't feel drained and exhausted this time... his body throbbed and he realized the pair were far from through.