The Taking of Innocence Chapter 2

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Same warning, no one under 18.... I promised a longer chapter but im becoming so busy with school comeing back into my life that that is prolly a pipe dream. sorry, if i make a chapter 3, i promise it will be better. PLEASE COMMENT!!! thank you all. ^^

Slowly Arion awoke. He had been asleep for the past few hours, lost in the small bit of security his mind offered. He tried to move finding himself unable. He struggled to move, whimpering, his muzzle tied shut with the belt that had been used as a collar earlier. He continues whimpering, still looking around, tied up. Slowly the fox walked closer, kicking the cub swiftly in the belly, the cub crying out loudly in pain, curling up. "There you go, one fresh cub for you... use him however you want" the fox said to a horse standing there watching, his arms folded. Slowly the horse shook his head "I'm not so sure... how much did you want for him?" he asked, turning to the fox. "I'd say he is worth about $5000. After all, he is young, you have many years to make money with him, and he is practically a virgin still since I'm the only one who has used him." The fox said, smiling down at the cub. The horse just shook his head "I'll only give you $3,750 for him, I'm not too sure he is worth more". The fox growled softly "I worked my ass off to steal him and get him here, after about 2 hours I had to put him in the trunk of my fucking car!" he yelled. "I'll tell you what, I try him out, and if he is worth it, ill do business with you, if he isn't, then no deal." The horse said, crouching and picking up the cub by his tail, the cub crying out loudly, squirming to get away as the horse sets him back down "Oh, a feisty ne, maybe he is worth it..." he murmured unzipping and unbuttoning his jeans, sliding them down and off, a massive bulge visible in his boxers as he untied the cub's muzzle.

The cub whined, and as the belt was taken from his muzzle he whimpered. "w-what is this? w-why are you d-doing this to me? Please... let me go..." He cried, the horse gently stroking the cubs cheek "Shhh, you will be silent unless spoken to, you are going to do as I say or be punished severely. My name is Damien, and as of now, I own you." With that he slid his boxers off, his massive sheath in the cub's face. The cub looked at the sheath, then up at the horse, whimpering "Please, don't do this..." He whimpers. Suddenly Damien Slams a fist into the cubs muzzle "I said do not speak, unless spoken to!" he growls, shoving Arion's muzzle into his musky crotch, rubbing the muzzle into it "Now, I want you to start licking." He states, getting ready to slap the cub again. Slowly Arion began to lick, whimpering loudly, the large equine's musk filling his nose as he licks. Slowly the large cock begins to slide out of the massive sheath.

Arion whimpered, looking up at Damien, ears flat, almost crying from fear and embarrassment. He stopped licking, not wanting to even touch the 12 inch cock in front of him, feeling a hard slap to the side of his muzzle. He yelped and almost instantly began to lick the large veiny member, tail tucked between his legs. Damien smiled, a few drops of pre forming at the tip of his cock. He quickly wiped these off with a finger, wiping his finger off on the cub's head, his musk practically filling the entire room as he does so. Slowly the musk began to affect the cub as his eyes glazed over and he started licking a bit more feverishly, tail sliding out from between his legs a bit as he licked. Suddenly Damien grabbed the cub by the fur on it's head, lifting it away from the cock. Arion whimpered, looking at the cock, hating how much he actually wanted to suckle and lick the large member. Damien laughed, seeing the effects of his musk, a few more drops of pre forming as he forced his cock deep into Arion's mouth.

Arion gasped as he was forced to suck the cock, slowly licking it, gagging as it slid into his throat a bit, whimpering softly around it. In answer to the whimpering, he received a hard smack to the head. As he continued to suck, Damien let out a loud moan, his cock throbbing a bit harder as the young mouth took as much of his cock into it as possible, his eyes closing as he rested a hand on top of Arion's head. Slowly he pushed down, forcing his cock deeper into the cub's mouth, moaning again. Arion whined as the cock slid further in, gagging again. Damien placed his other hand on Arion's head and began to roughly hump, ramming his cock into the cub's throat, not really caring how much he hurt Arion. Arion gagged, whining as he was forced to deep throat the massive member, feeling it slide almost three quarters of the way in, crying a bit as he licked the underside. Damien roared out in pleasure, his cock twitching a bit before he came.

What felt like gallons of cum filled Arion's mouth as thick musky ropes of cum exploded from the cock. He found himself unable to swallow the bitter liquid fast enough as it dripped from his chin, his eyes watering as he looked at the stallion. "Don't worry little one, with all the cock I'm going to make you suck, you'll soon love that taste..." the horse panted, just recovering from the powerful orgasm. Slowly he pulled his cock from the cub's muzzle, turning it, smiling.

He turned the cub and rubbed a finger against it's tail hole, eliciting a soft whine from the cub to which he slapped the cub's ass hard several times. As each hit landed on the cub, he yelped softly, eyes tearing up once more. Arion tried to look back at Damien, unable to, forced to just sit and endure the pain. After hitting the cub, Damien wiped some of the left over cum from his cock, rubbing it on Arion's small tail hole. He then sat back, lifting the cub and holding the cub above his cock for a second, a wide smile spreading across his muzzle. In one quick motion, he slammed the cub down on his cock, forcing it deep into the small tight tail hole, spearing the cub with all 12 inches of his cock, a loud moan escaping him. As he was speared, Arion screamed out in pain, his ass feeling like someone was literally ripping it in half as the massive cock rammed in. Slowly, Damien would slide Arion up his cock, only to slam the cub back down onto it, moaning loudly.

With each hilt of the massive cock, Arion cried out, whining, not receiving a slap for it though. Arion's ass clamped down on the cock, milking it unintentionally. Damien smiled, still slamming into Arion still, his cock leaking copious amounts of pre, already almost at his climax. "Ohh gods... maybe Tom was right... maybe your worth it..." he panted.

He began to speed up, moaning loudly, his cock twitching a bit. Suddenly Damien came, his seed exploding into Arion's ass, filling it. Arion felt the familiar sensation of his belly swelling a bit as it filled with the seed. He looked at Damien, whining softly as Damien pulled out, cum leaking from the stretched tail hole. Damien smiled, picking up his clothes and putting them back on, his cock still hard thinking of the money he could make off the cub. He got dressed and left the room, closing the door, leaving the cub laying on the floor whimpering, cum still dripping from it's tail hole and muzzle. "you got a deal, Tom..." he said, smiling at the fox.

The foxes tail wagged happily "Good, $5000." He said, murring, walking to Damien's office to get the transaction written down.