The Butchering And Release Of A Soul
Something the brain yeeted out in the open sea known as the world.
The crippling agony of Lonesomeness cuts at the soul like a peach, spraying its blood across the cosmic walls of despair. The soul tries to rebel against Lonesomeness, but alas, it has a companion, Judgment. Joining with Lonesomeness, Judgment scampers on the soul with is cold boots, mocking the soul for every failure it tried to achieve. "Your nothing, you're wasted potential, ebbing on the fountains of purity, inexperience." Judgment continues to mock, "Such a pity to see you lying there, unwilling to come under your complete and utter destruction."
Lonesomeness adds, "Such a fitting fate to see you laying there, a dying entity without a livid companion. Ha, you don't even deserve one; after all, you are the impetus of your own doom."
"Please..." cough the soul, "I just want to live, a little longer..."
As the tendrils of suffering wraps around the soul, a blade stabs at it with fury. The surrounding hellscape's ash drifts away from it, then Lonesomeness and Judgment get a thousand slashes from the thing's sword. The fiends, Lonesomeness and Judgment, are paused for now, wincing in irritable hatred. The soul, now free, rolls over, covered in its blood and scars. The thing, the light, reveals itself as a prismatic phoenix. It leaps over to the soul and picks it up, flying away from the Voids of Dolorem. The phoenix, carrying the soul, zooms into a land where the soul can recover and, hopefully, be rejuvenated.