The Demons Gamble Part 5

Story by Frozenpawpadz on SoFurry

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Part 5 of The Demons Gamble! Featuring the ever so wonderfully fluffy Terinas and a bunch of random fluffballs randomly generated from my twisted mind!

If you are new to this series, you can find the beginning here:

For those who don't know, this series is extremely cemented in the Diaper and Infantilism fetishes, and this is my personal experiment to see how many other fetishes I can twist together with them while still making sense!

I ran out of time while I had internet access so I was unable to edit this before posting. Once it is edited, I will update the file and let you know here!

This story contains but is not limited to:

Diapers, Crossdressing, Latex Clothing, Latex Characters, Soiling, Incontinence, Wetting, Public diaper wearing, An actual story!, Consent for once!, Orgasm exhaustion, Udder nursing, Gambling, Military, Planning, Story progression, Side characters, Loving mommy doms, Happy crying, Omgnotactuallydemons?!?

Honestly, this probably contains more kinks, I mean, its over 18000 words. I know I can't wait to add more!

Anyways, please let me know what you thought in the comments below, and what you would like to see! I've started a public notepad of ideas for the story on my discord channel, so if you are curious about what's going through my mind, or just want to know when the latest update drops, or you wanna read all the spoilers, come check it out!

All my love to you! My precious beans <3

Chapter 26

The world shifted once more, my gut churning from the feeling of vertigo, and showing it's displeasure by emptying another noisy load into the seat of my extremely expensive diaper. It was a good thing that Terinas taped this one onto me, because if he hadn't, well, it would have been a disaster.

It had only been a few minutes since the diaper was taped onto my waist, but it was doing a surprisingly well job of absorbing the copious amounts of hot seed that erupted from my backside. The diaper had been bulky when Terinas taped it onto my waist, but now that it's had a few minutes to absorb everything, I could feel it was nearly twice as bulky as before and it was straining to keep up with what I was releasing into it.

I still wanted out of it, no matter how large it's capacity, unfortunately even I knew it was too soon for freedom. I felt some gentle pressure on the diaper wrapped around my face, and Terinas tugged on the tapes, releasing me from it and letting the rubbery scent of the nursery fill my nostrils once more.

I looked around, blearily blinking the brightness from my eyes as the tiger casually pulled diapers from my restrained body, minus the one around my waist thankfully. Excluding my own, I had seven diapers wrapped over me in various places.

One wrapped tightly around each of my hands, and one over each foot, like extra slippery socks and mitts. One massive one, donated by the overweight pig or boar was wrapped over my shoulders, covering my chest like a bra. The final one I could feel was basically draped over my lower back, and tucked into the bench below me. That was donated by someone referred to as "Sissy-moo" Whomever that may be. But they sounded like they were kind of adorable, despite how huge of a cum load they pushed into me.

As the diapers were removed by a humming tiger, I heard the pitiful moo of the cow still bound tightly in the crib as she had yet another orgasm. The milking machine force feeding her own cream to her through a gag in the hood she wore, made soft sucking noises as it continued to steadily pump. The puddle on the floor from her leaking diaper seemed to spread throughout her entire nursery. Though I could only see so much with my head trapped in the bondage bench's vice.

"You did a perfect job out there, I'm actually surprised. You fought at the right times, collapsed properly, and your scream sounded quite authentic. One would almost believe it actually hurt and you passed out due to the pain. I think that warrants an extra reward." The tiger spoke coolly, his voice a soft purr as he began to undo my restraints.

He released my ankles first, followed by my wrists, and unbuckling my head last. My back complained loudly as I pushed myself into a sitting position reminding myself about how disgusting I made the diaper Terinas put on me. "I will take those clothes back now and have the smell of human washed off of them. I've got a bull bothering a bartender about how much he wants a dress like yours." He let out a sigh, and snapped his fingers, suddenly leaving me naked save for the impossibly swollen diaper that still refused to leak.

I cracked my jaw loudly and looked over at the tiger. "Thanks, Terinas." I spoke finally. Getting me a raised eyebrow as the tiger carefully folded all of the rubber clothes I had been dressed in for the past few hours. "For what?" He asked with genuine curiosity. "for a few things. Letting me help those people, getting me those achievements, making sure it was painless, giving me this diaper, giving me potential allies, and keeping my identity secret. Lots of stuff really. And that's not even including whatever this mystery reward is that you offered."

The tiger actually looked shocked, not used to being honestly thanked. I raised an eyebrow at him in return. "Not used to people appreciating your efforts?" I asked casually, breaking him from his surprise. "Human. This isn't the only casino I run. I run thousands. For the most part, I am a jailer for souls that have done evil deeds in life. As a reward for my millennia of perfect service, I was given one batch of humans that only did minor evils. Thievery for personal gain and stalking for example. To answer your question, no. I have never heard a human appreciate anything, especially me tormenting them." He spoke plainly, and eyed me as if I was trying to use it as leverage or something.

"Damn dude, that sounds terrible, how do you handle it?" I asked, stepping off of the bondage table slowly. Even if it didn't hurt, being pounded that hard made the legs shaky. The tiger eyed me a moment longer before shaking his head. "I've been doing it for countless millennia, as I said. Both in your past and future. I have staff that respect me, and all the eager sexual partners I could want. Handling it is quite easy. The hard part is only being allowed to torment the souls who break my rules."

I couldn't help but look at him in surprise "You've been at it for that long? But you don't look a day over thirty!" I spoke in an awed tone. He looked at me in confusion at my response, then snorted. I flashed him a grin, and he burst out laughing.

"Careful human." He said when he regained his composure, save for a toothy grin. "I'm starting to find you amusing. That can either be in your favor, or you might just find yourself on stage more often." He chuckled and I couldn't help but shudder slightly at the sound. "Now, I have people to do, and things to prepare. Did you want to free your mommy, or should I?" He asked, adjusting his load of rubbery maid clothes. "Fair enough, good luck with the fucking. But if you could undo her restraints at least? I'm terrible with knots."

The tiger looked at me and chuckled. "Oh, I don't know about that; you took that knot pretty well for a human." He replied with a purr, before bursting into a cackling laugh at the glare I sent his way. He snapped his fingers and was gone. I heard a splash and a rubbery squeak as the cow collapsed into the crib and the large puddle of rubbery piss within.

Chapter 27

It was a messy affair, helping the cow sit up, remove her hood and get her to tell me how to release the pressure on the milking machine so I could get it off her teats and tits. But eventually I was able to help her hobble over to the changing table and sit down on its edge with a relieved sigh, piss running down the slightly slanted table to drip onto the floor.

"Thank you, sweetie. I love being milked so much that I almost didn't want it to end. But, I'm exhausted, I don't even think I could help you onto the changing table for that fresh diaper I promised you." She spoke sadly, and smiled apologetically at me. "I'm good, this diaper can hold a lot more apparently, but you look exhausted. If you want, I can get you changed and you can have a nap?" I offered the cow, and she shook her head, smiling at me.

"You are so sweet, but I'm fine. I should get you out of that before you get a rash." She spoke, and made a move to get off the table, but I pushed her back gently. "I'll heal, plus I doubt I'm fully empty. Tell you what, if you lay back and let me change your diaper, I'll nurse from you without needing the gag again." I offered, figuring offering a deal would help her get some rest. Demons loved deals right?

She seemed extremely conflicted. She was a mom, and having someone she viewed of as her kid changing her diaper just seemed too off to consider. She finally replied and I blushed once more. "I'll let you change my diaper if you promise to nurse until your belly is as full as it can get. And you can't go changing your own diaper either." And even though the idea was embarrassing, I nodded to her. "It's a deal. Do you need help laying. Nope, never mind." I began before she tilted back and smacked into the table unconscious.

She was snoring instantly and I was surprised to see that even rubber cows needed sleep. But, I had to hold up my end of the bargain, and I could wait for her to wake up to change my diaper later. She snored away without waking as I moved her around on the table, finally getting her laying properly enough for me to be able to get her legs into the stirrups.

I didn't lock her restraints; she was unconscious and shouldn't be making it too hard to clean her up. Also, that seemed a bit too derogatory to do to the caretaker. I did close the restraints however, and pushed the green button on the back of the changing table. A soft whirring sound filed the air as the cuffs slowly lifted up her legs and placed her into the birthing position while raising her lower back enough for her twenty-point diaper to sag heavily and make it easier to change.

I had little problems changing diapers. I'd changed the fox, and already had my own diaper changed a few times. Changing it for this cow should be easy.

I had to partially climb onto the changing table to grip the tapes of her diaper, one knee on the ground and the other raised into a small stream of piss as she helplessly peed out the filtered cream that she was forced to drink all night. Why she hadn't soiled herself, I had no idea. One by one, I pulled on the tapes of her diaper, needing to lift her heavy udders to get at each side. Finally, I was able to pull the crotch of her diaper down, and I sighed as I got to work.

Like a normal person, and I mean one that wasn't made of rubber, she had an asshole and a vagina. However, just above her ass I saw words written as if a tattoo, but these seemed to be an actual part of her body. There was a small, but bright white arrow pointed right to her hole, and words written in white blocky letters above it saying "Entrance Only". That may have explained the clean, albeit soggy backside.

I assumed the staff were all under the same restrictions as us people as far as bathroom usage went. The lizard person thing had to get permission to piss in me, and he was rewarded with "potty privileges." This world got stranger every minute I was inside it. Grabbing a baby wipe from a dispenser in an adult sized changing table and lifting a rubber cow's udders to clean liquid latex from her crotch for a diaper change was one of the least strange things to happen to me.

Perhaps I was getting jaded to the experience. I was fairly sure nobody else had gone through anything like I had on my first night here. At least, not yet.

The cow mooed softly in her sleep as I wiped her crotch and bottom. I wasn't sure how necessary it was, but may as well do things right if I don't have guidance to follow. Each wipe came away stained with pink and shiny liquid, and it took just over a dozen until the wipes came away clean. I chucked them into her old diaper like she did with mine earlier, and balled it up.

I used a few wipes to clean the table under where her diaper leaked, so I didn't stain her new diaper so soon, and tossed them into the diaper I had to unroll just to dispose of them. I grumbled slightly from the extra effort, but it was a small thing that didn't truly bother me. I grabbed a new diaper that looked similar to the one she was wearing when I first met her, a simple pink diaper, slightly thick, with the number five printed in hot pink above the waistband.

I began to sing softly, the last song I heard in the truck before I died. "Where are you now, where are you now? Leaving me down here, lost in the waves hey hey hey." I sung softly. I was a terrible singer, but I did okay at karaoke at least. But as I sang, I unfolded the diaper, slipping it underneath her raised backside, and realizing I had to flip it around because I had it backwards.

The cow snorted in her sleep as I adjusted her diaper, my song continuing softly. This table made changing diapers amazingly easy, I had to get the fox to lift his butt a number of times until I had the diaper in the right spot for him to be satisfied by my efforts. This table however, lifted her upper back, so that her butt was lifted nearly an inch from the surface of the table, and it allowed me to slip her diaper easily under her.

I grabbed the bottle of baby-powder from under the table, and sprinkled it liberally into her diaper. Once again, unsure if it was necessary, but if you're going to do a job, may as well do it to the best of your ability right? I pushed the red button on the end of the table, and the mechanical whirring began again. I found out I had to hold the button down as pressing it lowered her onto the diaper, but kept her legs in the birthing position.

After a few long seconds, I climbed up onto the changing table between her legs once she was laying flat, legs spread, and gripped the front of her diaper. I was glad I didn't have to deal with pulling a tail through a hole or anything, as I lifted her surprisingly full udders with an arm, pausing my song to grunt with the surprising effort. I pulled the crotch of her diaper to the base of her udders, and used them to pin it in place.

I gripped the rear flap of her diaper and pulled one of the tapes, needing to lift the left side of her udders so I could tape it securely into the shiny plastic landing zone. The cow grumbled in her sleep as I paused the song, but once I had the one side of her diaper taped on, at least the lower tape, I began to sing once more. A different song because I forgot where I was in the other one.

As I began to sing, I saw a small smile tug the corners of her mouth as she softly snored. The poor woman. And she didn't want the milking to end! I managed to lift her udders without interrupting my singing, and she managed to sleep comfortably throughout the process. "Everything I've come to know is gonna fall to pieces, everything you've come to dream is gonna turn out real."

And with that, the cow was freshly diapered, the crotch swelling and turning a darker shade of pink as she released her bladder helplessly. I let out a sigh as I watched my efforts get used up immediately. Instead of changing her again however, I removed her ankles from the restraints, and walked barefoot through the pink puddle on the floor towards the playpen. My diaper squelched wetly between my thighs as I waddled over, and looked inside.

The playpen, was conveniently dry of rubbery piss, as it seemed to be a converted swimming pool, likely to prevent leaks from spreading outside the range of the play area. I assumed, it was so the cow could make the person wear a rubber hood attached to her milker, and just let them leak much like she had.

I walked around the edge of the pen, taking a good look inside. There were colorful wooden blocks, colorful children books about the joys of wearing and masturbating in diapers. All of the plushies were waterproof, made of shiny inflated plastic like pool toys, and all the large ones were wearing strapons. Of course, they were. A training potty sat to the side, and I had a feeling that one would still have to be wearing a diaper to use it. Finally, there were inflatable pillows, and rubber covered blankets sitting to the side.

I had to staddle the wall to get inside the play-pen, my diaper squishing grossly on the railing before I was able to fully enter. Letting out a sigh, I bent down and picked up a pillow, blanket, and I even grabbed one of the inflatable unicorn toys. I bypassed the dildos I missed on my way in, and once again pushed my diaper against my ass as I made my way back over the railing, needing to hop slightly.

I placed the blanket and toy on the high chair, and clasped the rubbery pillow, walking over to the cow once more. No, I wasn't planning to smother her. Her diaper seemed quite saturated but the wetting seemed to have stopped for now so I at least didn't have to worry about changing her quite yet. As gently as possible, I slid my hand under the back of her head, her snoring interrupted with a snort.

I froze as she cracked an eye at me blearily and made as if to get up. I gently pushed on her shoulder. "You're exhausted, go back to sleep. I just wanted to give you this pillow so you were more comfortable." I spoke softly. She closed her eye slowly and mumbled. "Sweetie." Or something like that. I gently eased the pillow under her head, and her breathing eased once more.

I went back to the high chair, grasping the rubbery blanket and unfolded it. I waddled to the cow and draped it over her gently, and she smiled once more in her sleep before rolling over onto her right side, slipping one hand under her pillow.

I silently splashed back one last time, picked up the pool toy plush thing from the high-chair, and returned to the cow, gently placing the toy against her chest, and to my great amusement, her left arm moving by reflex to wrap around the plush and clutch it to her bosom, letting out a soft mumble and going back to happily snoring.

Chapter 28

I don't know how many hours had passed. Other than the timer I had in the corner of my vision when I got here, I hadn't seen a clock anywhere. But, I did change her diaper four more times, three of which I had to wipe up the small stream of rubbery pee that ran down the length of the changing table. I was getting the hang of changing her by now, getting faster each time.

I was currently sitting in the only dry place in the room, the playpen. My heavily messed diaper, which I only soiled twice more before I was completely empty, and I'm embarrassed to say I pissed once, was sagging heavily into the training potty. The only place I could find where I could comfortably sit, without my heavy mess being pressed into my backside.

"Babygirl, are you here?" The cow called out sleepily, and I heard a series of squeaks and a surprised moo. "I'm over in the playpen." I called out, standing up with a groan, and setting the block I was playing with out of boredom down into the pile. I wasn't bored enough to read those books. "You had a good sleep?" I asked, smiling at her as I lifted a leg and began to climb out of the playpen.

"Oh careful! She exclaimed, her hooves splashing wetly as she came to help me out. "What were you doing climbing into the playpen? You could have hurt yourself." She admonished as she looked me over for scrapes and bruises. I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm fine, it was the only place that was completely dry. So, did you have a good sleep?" I asked again and she finally sighed and leaned forward to kiss my forehead.

"Best sleep I've had in a long time. Why did you give me the plushy though?" She asked curiously, before finally taking a look at my heavily sagging diaper and gasped. "Oh no! How long did I leave you in that icky thing?" She looked so heartbroken at me as if I called her a horrible mom. I chuckled softly and stepped in to give her a hug, and a reassuring pat on the back. She looked like she needed a hug.

"I just couldn't picture you sleeping without a baby safe in your arms. I wasn't ready to go to sleep, so I got you the next best thing. As for how long." I shrugged. "I haven't been able to find a clock anywhere since I showed up in this casino. But you went through four diapers after your first change until you stopped peeing every ten minutes, so however long that worked out to."

She broke the hug and looked at me in embarrassment, holding my shoulders at arm's length. "You changed me four times? I don't remember any of them, I'm sorry I'm such a bad mom." I chuckled and shook my head. "You're a fine mom, you just needed a break is all. Seriously, you're fine." I smiled at her. "If you did get enough rest though, could I bother you to change me out of this? It was getting pretty hard to keep my promise to not change myself." I blushed brightly, but kept the sheepish smile on my face.

"Oh of course sweetie! I can't change you into a ten-thousand-point diaper like this one, but I can put you into a ten-point like you came in with, is that okay? And I'll change you again if you have even the slightest accident before you go!" She promised seeming desperate to redeem her perceived failings, and I blushed but nodded. "That sounds perfectly fine, can you help me onto the table though, this diaper is so swollen I think I might actually fall off of there."

Without another word, the cow slipped her hands under my armpits and kissed me wetly on the forehead, making me blush further. I was really going to have to get used to not being so introverted anymore. "Of course, I can help you sweetie, you just relax and mommy will take care of you." She cooed at me and hugged me tightly to her chest, and I sighed as milk ran down my belly and dripped to the floor.

She laid me down gently on the table, being careful this time to not squish my mess against me as much as possible. It was a futile attempt, but the attempt was appreciated. She didn't grimace in the slightest as she gripped the tapes of my diaper and pulled them free, and pulled the crotch down. I couldn't see any of the mess she had to deal with, save for when I looked down and saw that my crotch was coated. I had to look away.

The cow began to softly sing like I had when I first changed her leaking diaper, and I turned my head to look at her once again in curiosity. "You know the band Avantasia?" I asked as I watched her gently slide the fifth wipe over my crotch and balls, the wipe coming away clean, yet she tossed it in my diaper anyways before grabbing another, working a little further down.

"Oh, you know them? I haven't thought about the band in over two hundred years I think, but for some reason I had them stuck in my head when I woke up." She shrugged and wiped me further, beginning to work on my butt. "Well, I sang a little during your first change, I was just curious, because that's not one of the songs I sang." I admitted, and she smiled brightly. "It was honestly very sweet, I haven't thought of music in a really long time, I forgot how much I enjoyed it." She beamed.

I couldn't help but smile at that. She was really quite sweet. For a diaper addicted demon. "Lift your hips sweetie." She mooed at me, and I did as I was ordered, immediately greeted with a cold wipe running over my right cheek. "Can you be a big girl and hold that pose for a little longer?" I grumbled slightly at the "Big girl" title but nodded. "Yup, as long as you need. Thanks again for changing me." I thanked her again.

Honestly, that was a diaper I was not looking forward to changing in the slightest. Waiting however many hours it had been had been worth it. Now, if there was a shower around, then yeah, chuck the diaper away and have a nice hot shower. "You are so polite, I'm surprised. I wasn't expecting any humans to be remotely gracious from everything daddy told us." She commented, wiping between my butt cheeks and then patting my thigh for me to lower down as she pulled my old diaper away.

"He's had a long period of dealing with terrible humans, the worst of humanity in a way. I don't honestly know if we will be any better however, so I suggest you keep your skepticism. You're less likely to be taken advantage of that way." I suggested, not realizing that she had paused with a wipe between my butt cheeks as I spoke.

I did notice however when the wipe resumed its progress, and I looked up to see a confused expression on her face. "Is something wrong?" I asked, concern tinting my voice. She shook her head and smiled softly at me. "I'm just thinking, how sad it is to not be able to trust you humans completely. We have strict rules we will always follow, so there really isn't any way for us to be taken advantage of, but to always be second guessing those we want to become friends with, it will be hard."

I chuckled. "Nah, if we are to really become friends, a healthy bit of doubt means you are trying to learn more about the other person. To completely trust another person makes them seem infallible, and that can end up being pretty unhealthy, or so I've heard." I reiterated, hoping it made more sense to her. She looked thoughtful at my explanation, before she nodded, and finished cleaning me up.

I watched her pull a new diaper from under the table, this one was worth ten points, the blue one with the cars and blocks. I know you're probably tired of me describing the same diaper over and over, but it's a friendly reminder to not just you, but me as well.

She unfolded it and smiled at me, and I lifted my hips for her, my chastity cage shining brightly in the light of the nursery. "Do you mind if I tell that to the more submissive dealers? I think it would be good for them to know to be wary." I nodded at her. "For sure, I'm sure Terinas already warned them, but I don't know if he told them to be careful even around those, they found likeable. I don't know if you know what happened on stage, but the gorilla and fox both went out of their way to make things easier on me, and all I did was be polite to them."

"I don't know what happened on stage, but I know my main body does. As soon as you leave my nursery, I will probably understand what you mean." She replied apologetically and I simply smiled and waited as she sprinkled powder liberally over my crotch and bottom. "So, do you mean we also shouldn't trust you?" She asked, and I nodded. "Sure, I try to be nice to everyone, or at least I'm trying, but manners aren't something worthy of complete trust. Let me earn yours over time, and just remember to doubt me or my actions, even just a little bit. If I prove your doubts wrong, it's a pleasant surprise. For all you know, I'm trying to get you to rig your game in my favor, or give me more diapers for less work."

"Oh, we have strict rules in place as I said, I do not control the luck or outcome of the games, and Lord Terinas makes sure we pay fair value for what we do with you. I mean, I have to pay you as if I had first met you, a nameless human that I had yet to exchange words with, every single time you come to my table. Trust me, I have complicated calculations a version of me does that decides how much you get paid after a session. That is the only version of me that interacts with all of me." She replied, pouring some baby powder into her palm, and began massaging it over my butt and thighs.

"You are a strange human. You are willing to put yourself in a negative position over making sure we aren't taken advantage of?" She asked, pulling the diaper up between my legs, and admittedly it felt good to be in a clean one again. I simply chuckled, admittedly happy to finally have a clean diaper taped onto me.

"For all you know, even this is a ploy for me to try to gain the trust of the Lord of this place. He values each and every one of you greatly. Even I can see that and it's my, well, I guess second day here. I'm also absolutely terrible with people. Telling you to not trust me may be simple reverse psychology or whatever they call it, and a way to get you to trust me more." I replied, and she chuckled, taping the diaper on my waist snugly.

"Well I think if any of you humans have a chance of doing that in the next hundred thousand years, you are probably more likely than anyone else! Now, you're all fresh and clean, how about we fill that rumbly tummy of yours?" She asked cheerfully, slipping her hands under my armpits once more and lifting me easily from the table. At the mention of food, my stomach loudly grumbled and made me blush. I supposed the only thing I had this morning was fox cum, and it wasn't really with sustenance in mind so my achievement bonus likely didn't apply.

The cow looked simply delighted at the noise. "Let's go into the playpen, as you said, less pee in there. And you can decide if you would rather my nipples or teats." She mooed happily at me and cradled me to her chest. My face reddened further than it did as she massaged that infantile powder into my butt cheeks at the idea of willingly nursing from the cow. As we approached the playpen, a hidden door in the side silently swung outwards as if on a motion sensor.

"That didn't open when I got close." I grumbled, thinking of how much effort it took to get in and out of the thing. "Well sweetie, you aren't a mommy like me. Perhaps someday you might become a milky rubber cow mommy yourself!" She replied in a strangely honest tone simply then kissed my forehead before stepping inside, the door swinging shut behind us with a soft click.

Chapter 29

The pink rubbery cow cradled me gently as she made her way over to the pile of inflatable pillows to the side of the circular room. "I really should get a couch for in here, something I can sit on and watch my little ones play. Really, I wasn't as prepared for you humans as I thought I was." She chuckled, and set me down gently on the cartoon unicorn covered training potty next to the pile of blocks I had begun to stack into a rough castle shape. Not very original of course, but my behind was distracting me while I waited for the cow to wake up.

"Can you play with your blocks for a little bit baby girl, as I get myself some sort of cushion to be more comfortable?" She asked, kneeling down to meet me at eye level. I gave her a bright smile. "Take all the time you need." And I got the warmest smile in return, and another kiss to the forehead. I was starting to like this cow, she took her role as a mom seriously, and appreciated the smallest kindness.

I blushed, and continued stacking the blocks in front of me. My diaper rustled embarrassingly as it pressed against the cup on the front of the potty, designed to prevent missing completely and funnel pee into the toilet. I had to think on whether I should nurse from her nipples or teats. Both were embarrassing, but one had to be less so.

I began work on making a courtyard as the cow piled rubber covered pillows on the floor in a half circle, humming away to the sone "Moonglow". A good one for sure. I finally got the clever idea "Uh miss cow mom?" I asked, having no idea what her name was. "Oh sweetie, just call me mommy, or Moomoo, both works just fine." She spoke cheerfully. Both were extremely humiliating of course, and I even thought I heard a familiar chuckle quietly echoing throughout the nursery. I looked up to the ceiling and flipped the roof the bird.

The chuckle turned into a full-blown cackle before fading away.

"Uh, Moomoo, what would give you more pleasure for me to nurse from? Your breasts or udders?" I asked, my face feeling hot in my embarrassment. "Good question sweetie, I think for just plain nursing that would be my teats. If you were planning to rub and squeeze while nursing, that would be my breasts." She smiled over at me. "You are so thoughtful, thank you." She mooed in delight, before laying down her final pillow, and grabbing a big, see-through, pink, inflatable moose plush with a large white horse-cock strap-on, and laying it to the side.

She must have seen my questioning look because she giggled as she stepped over to me, her arms extended in front of her. "Oh sweetie, just like you thought I needed a baby in my arms, I think while mommy is helping you fill your tummy, you need a plushy in yours." She cooed at me and slipped her hands under my armpits, easily lifting me from the training potty.

"Oh, your diaper still looks dry, I guess it's a little early for potty-training." She teased, and I couldn't help but groan as she carried me over to the pillows and set me down in front of her. "stand there for a moment while mommy gets settled in, can you do that little one?" She asked watching me for confirmation. I nodded and chuckled. "I may not be as old as you, but I am still an adult eh?" I said with a grin, and she snorted. "Let an old woman have her fun, you whippersnapper you."

And with that we both broke out in laughter, which I think we both needed. She sat down heavily in her small pile of pillows, her body squeaking and sloshing noisily as she shifted her position, finally settling down with her legs crossed. "How much would it cost for you to shake your fist and shout at me to get off your lawn when I'm leaving your instance?" I asked teasingly, and she gave her lap a gentle pat. "lay your head in my lap if you chose udders, and sit down if you chose breasts."

She ordered kindly, before giving me a teasing look, and a playful grin. "Pay me five diapers, or give me a diaper to change and I'll do it for free." I chuckled and sat down beside her, needing to adjust quite a bit on the inflated pillows that were quite cold on my naked back, in order to lay my head in her lap. Her udders pressed softly against my face, and they were smooth and warm, and smelled softly of rubber. "There we are." I said with an embarrassed sigh as I looked up at her and the four crazy large teats dangling above my face. "I'll give you a diaper to change, I don't want to have this chastity cage stuck on my balls forever." I joked, and she chuckled in return.

She leaned back slightly and reached over, picking up the inflatable moose toy and pushed it gently into my arms. I sighed and wrapped both arms around it in a hug, and she looked even more happy than when Terinas promised to milk her. "Aww I knew it would look perfect sweetie! Gosh I am so glad I'm recording everything!" She mooed in delight, and my face heated even more. God she was able to embarrass me so easily.

"You really can't share what happens here with the other humans can you?" I had to ask. The movie she made me watch was embarrassing, but if anyone saw me doing this willingly, I'd probably get killed. Over and over, I guess that was possible here. "Of course, I cannot share anything with any other humans. If asked, I can only tell them you won your diapers by gambling, if you give me permission before hand." She reached down and gently pushed the hair on my head back. It was reassuring.

"Then I really have nothing other than my pride that stops me from doing everything you want when I visit. Though last night was really extreme, and I don't think I'd want to do that again too soon." I chuckled and she grinned. "Sorry sweetie, I didn't think you'd be back, and all the other humans just tended to leave when they saw my instance. I figured I'd get as much out of you as I could before you left and never returned." She spoke softly, and a hint of sadness in her voice.

"You, and all the other dealers are lonely, aren't you?" I asked softly, sitting up slightly to look her directly in the eyes. She looked down at me with shock at first, then with a sad smile. "For the last month before you humans arrived, us dealers were restricted to our tables, and the only way to enter our instance is to sit on one of the seats. It's been a lonely month yes." She spoke with a hint of resignation.

"I was told that the only ones who could enter my room if I rent it was me and the staff. I'm assuming you count as staff?" I asked, and a hint of hope entered her eyes as she nodded softly. "Well, is there a way I can invite you and others into my rooms so you can hang out with your friends?" I asked and her smile widened. "There is, but it is an expensive application you have to add into your room console. I think it costs ten-thousand diapers to get, but it allows us to send a copy of ourselves to your room to play with you instead of you having to go to our individual tables. You can't gamble this way, but you can earn diapers from us." I grinned up at her, and she looked so hopeful at me, it nearly broke my heart.

She had hundreds of years to hang out with her friends, and suddenly, they were impossible to reach. I wanted to help. "Guess I have some saving to do then. In the meanwhile, Can I start buying you and your friends pens and papers, and I can start delivering Letters for you? I mean, if you can't have a working telephone or email in your instances. I should be able to bring letters in and out if I was the one who bought them in the first place." I mused out loud.

I was startled from my thoughts as something wet dripped onto my cheek. I blinked and looked up at the cow, and tears ran slowly from her eyes as she looked so happily down a me. "You are so sweet, I don't know why you were sent here, but I am so grateful. next time I see lord Terinas I'll ask if it's possible. If it can be, well, I can't break the rules and give you bonus diapers to pay for the paper, but I can pay you for bringing a letter to me at least, as for how much it would be worth, I don't know. I couldn't even guess until you deliver a letter to me and the reward gets calculated out." She spoke softly and pet my hair gently as more happy tears dripped down.

If I didn't go through with this, I would be the universes greatest asshole.

"Now sweetie, just relax and roll towards me a bit, just lay on your side. I'll help you find a teat, and you just nurse at your own pace okay. No need to rush." She mooed down at me, and I did as told, hearing her voice crack as she changed the subject was making me get all emotional as well. I adjusted as best I could, needing to take one hand off the moose, and finally had myself laying on my side facing her. Her large, shiny udders filling my entire vision.

"Good girl, I'm so proud of you for being such a sweet little baby for mommy today!" She mooed softly at me, and I watched as her hand gently gripped the closest teat to my mouth and pressed its tip against my lips. I continued to blush, and I took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly and opening my mouth.

The teat was warm, and soft as if slipped into my mouth. The tase of rubber was gentle on my tongue as I used it to lube the teat as much as possible to help it slide into my mouth. The cow let out a gentle moan from the touch. I tried to look up, though I couldn't see her face, but she let out a pleased moo and spoke. "Mm, nothing beats the feeling of a warm mouth, certainly not my milkers. Take your time sweetie, you're already doing great." She encouraged lustily.

I took her advice and I tried to suck softly at first, milk slowly dripping out of the teat into my mouth, and the honey flavor slowly coated my tongue. I was a little hesitant, not wanting to use my teeth and hurt her, and I did my best to suck without moving my jaw. I kind of wished for a ring gag by that point.

I slowly got the hang of things, milk squirting into my mouth just fast enough for me to swallow, and avoid the surprisingly strong rubber aftertaste. She must have picked up on my hesitation however, because even though she was lustily mooing, she spoke out. "You can't hurt me baby girl, you can truly milk my teat as much as you want." And I blushed, staring at her large pink and shiny udders. We might have been the same shade of pink to be honest.

With her approval, I began to nurse in earnest, working my bottom jaw in a rhythm like I was trying to drink water from a bottle with the smallest neck imaginable. Squeeze my jaw and cheeks slightly while exhaling, and open my jaws while sucking in. I repeated this a few times, and on the first pull, I noticed my mouth was filled much more, and the moan from the cow was louder and more, lusty. "Mm just like that baby girl, fill your belly for mommy." She mooed.

So much for taking all the time I need, how could I not go hard with how happy she sounded?

I squeezed the rubber moose toy to my chest a little tighter, and went hard, nursing noisily. Admittedly, I was making a little bit of a mess as milk and saliva dribbled down my cheek into her lap, but the cow was blissfully moaning just like she had been in the crib with the milker just hours before. I knew she didn't mind. One of her hands reached down and gave her udders a little bit of pressure, and I saw a small drop of milk form at the tip of each teat, and I took that as a sign I was doing okay.

My belly quickly began to fill and bulge out as I drank mouthful after mouthful of sweet milk, and unfortunately for Moomoo, I was beginning to slow. "Mm good girl, filling your tummy like a good baby for mommy. Going to give me mm, soggy diapers to change." She moaned out lustily, her hand squeezing her udders a little firmer, making them squeak. I guess I had to pee myself now, I had a feeling it would probably make the cow orgasm.

I had to thank Terinas for my achievements later. I squeezed the moose harder, and focused, sucking as hard as I could on her teat. My bladder twinged, as if knowing I wanted to piss myself, and I felt the slight pressure move to the lower part of my bladder. I took in a big mouthful of milk as the first droplets of pee began to seep from my cock, and I let out a small groan.

The dripping quickly turned into a flood as I forced more milk into my belly, and I felt my crotch grow hot as piss sprayed out of my cage, running down my balls and into the diaper around my waist, getting absorbed quickly. I groaned, as I took in more milk, intentionally letting more drip to the floor. "My baby girl is peeing her." She began letting out a high-pitched moo before moaning out the word "Diaper!" and the strong scent of latex filled the air around us.

She must have come, because the strong scent of rubber paired with her suddenly heavy breathing couldn't mean much of anything else. Her hand reached over and gripped the crotch of my diaper firmly as my bladder rapidly drained, her moans of pleasure making my cock twitch slightly, though finally, my belly had enough, and I pulled my head back, releasing her teat and letting the strong taste of rubber take over after the taste of milk.

"Thank you, sweetie." She panted, and I looked up at her, and instead of saying something, I helplessly let out a long and loud belch, which I quickly shut my mouth to stop, but the rumbling noise continued as air forced its way through my nose. When done I blushed deeply "I am so, so-" I began, but she cut me off. "Babies need to burp after feeding or they get sick. It's okay sweetie. I'm sorry I ended up rushing you after all."

I pushed myself slowly into a sitting position, and then smiled at her before shaking my head. "Don't worry, thank you for feeding me, I'm glad I could help make you feel good, though I would have thought that after your earlier milking, you wouldn't want it for a while." I admitted and she chuckled while shaking her head softly. "Only orgasms we get are when you are in our instances, so I want to milk it as much as I can." She replied, and I blinked at her.

"Was that a pun?" I asked, and she cheerfully giggled, getting a playful groan from me. "That was so bad, but so perfect." And I grinned at her. "So, I'm full as possible, doubt I could drink another drop sorry." The cow kissed me on the nose affectionately. "Don't apologize sweetie, you're just a baby, you can only drink so much. Someday when you're bigger, you can drink more, I have no doubt. Now, would you like me to change your diaper now, or did you want to go see what your rewards are for being such a good baby?" she asked, and then burst out laughing at my obvious curiosity and excitement.

"Let's go get you your diapers. But I think you should go right after your change. I just received a notice from main me while you were being such a good girl, that some humans came by asking about you. I told them that I could not give any information on other customers. They moved onto the next table after." She told me and I nodded. "I probably shouldn't go out there in a wet diaper. Umm, do you mind if I tell the other humans a lie as to why I was here so long? To help cover for the fact I wasn't in the crowd?" I asked as she stood, and scooped me up by the armpits.

"Of course, All I can tell them is that I can't give them any information about other clients, though I am curious about what you wanted to tell them?" She asked, bracing me against her hip, the hot and soggy diaper being pressed against my crotch. She then bent down and picked up the moose I put down and pushed it into my arms with a chuckle. I sighed and accepted, though still held onto her shoulder for balance.

"Well, the only way we were allowed to miss the event was to be incapacitated. So, one of the likely humans that visited the table looking for me came up with the idea that I broke my neck somehow in here and took this long to heal. I think I could say, I was milking you, into a bucket. I stupidly knocked over the bucket and slipped on the wet rubber floor." I replied, coming up with the story on the fly.

"I'll say I broke my neck on something embarrassing like the rocking horse, and you babied me until my neck healed enough for me to be able to walk again, and since I already missed the event, I went back to gambling and I was able to win whatever you deem yesterday and today was worth?" I finished, looking at her, wondering if she would be okay with me using her like that.

"Oh, that is an excellent idea sweetie! I approve!" She said cheerfully, and I raised an eyebrow. "You do?" I asked, and received a nod in the affirmative. "Absolutely, you did Daddy a big favor, and possibly protected one of my friends. And it paints me in a good light, nursing you back to health after your unfortunate accident. You are so sweet!" She mooed delightedly, finally setting me down on the floor near the blackjack table. "Just have a seat sweetie. When you leave, I'll even make a show, and apologize profusely to you. If anyone sees, that should make your story seem realistic!"

"I couldn't thank you enough for that. I don't really want to use up all my pride on my second day of being here. I'd like it to last at least a week." I said seriously before laughing, and the cow joined in.

Chapter 30

"Okay sweetie, calculations are done. Here is your payment for last night, and what I would have given you for what I planned for this morning, as well as what you earned by changing my diapers, tucking me in, not changing your own diaper as promised, and helping me orgasm by nursing willingly." She spoke, and my face was a beet red. I could almost hear steam coming from my ears as she waved her hand over the blackjack table.

As her hand moved slowly, I heard a soft pop of displaced air and the scent of baby-powder, and the first diaper that appeared made my heart sink. A thin, pale green diaper with cloth backing and the number "3" stamped in hot pink on the waistband appeared. I hoped that wasn't it, and the cow was just slowly building suspense. I looked up at her and she winked.

Next a familiar ten-point diaper appeared, with its blue plastic, thicker padding, and cute little cars and blocks. I thought to myself, that if this was the next value of diaper, maybe I would be getting a hundred-point diaper, or even a two hundred! It was an exhausting night. And I looked up at the cow with excitement plain on my face.

"There you go, sweetie, you've earned every diaper." She mooed happily at me, and I looked down, and still, there was just the two diapers on the table. My expression must have been hilarious as I looked back up at her, because she met my eyes and immediately broke out into bright laughter, even needing to wrap her arms over her chest to stop her breasts bouncing too much. "Wait, but, why?" I asked, lost for words.

"Because I told her to, because it would be amusing, and indeed it was. You should have seen your face." Came a chuckling purr from behind me and the strong scent of baby-powder. "In fact. Here you go, don't say I've never done anything for you." The bastard purred and snapped his fingers, a hologram of myself appeared, floating above the table.

I had the look on my face as if I had a chastity related injury and the doctor told me that they couldn't save anything, while giving me a "sorry you lost your important bits" cake with sparkly candles. Weirdly specific, but after everything that had happened to me in the last twenty-four hours, it broke my heart.

"Oh daddy, can I finish rewarding him now?" The cow asked, swiping her hand through the illusion and making it dissipate. "Oh fine, very well. At least that was amusing after all that lovey-dovey stuff you just did. You actually did earn this reward human, spend it wisely." He spoke, his voice back to its normal egotistical purr.

In a puff of baby-powder, a massive diaper, at least four inches thick while folded sat on the table. It was white, with dark blue sides, and a plastic so shiny I could nearly see my reflection in it. The most surprising part however, was the hot-pink number "1" right beside the letter "K". I looked up at the tiger, who let out a chuckle. "I like this reaction of his too. Yes human, you have earned a thousand diapers from your hard work. I also left a magic item at the store for you. The banker will give you the rules of it's use." He spoke, grinning toothily at me, and he disappeared in a puff of powder.

I looked over at the cow and she giggled. "Your first thousand-point diaper I take it?" She asked playfully, reaching over and ruffling my hair. I nodded dumbly and she clapped her hands and smiled brightly at me. "You did such a good job sweetheart, now, I imagine you really want to get out of here and spend those hard-earned diapers hmm?" She asked sweetly. "Uh, not that I don't enjoy your company and all.."I began and she snorted in reply.

"Let's get you changed out of that soggy diaper and out of that pesky little cage then hm?" She cooed teasingly. "And don't forget your little moosey." She added. I groaned a bit in reply, but once I grabbed the puffed-up hand of the moose, she slipped her hands under my armpits and carried me easily over to the changing table against her hip.

One diaper, chastity cage removal, and a promise to come visit her from time to time later, I stepped out of the instance and blinked the bright lights of the casino out of my vision. I smiled and looked down at the diapers in my hand. It as weird to be proud over having diapers of all things, but even though I didn't really have a choice in the matter, I earned these!

"I am so, so sorry for what happened to you sir, I hope you will forgive me and consider coming back again!" The motherly cow, the main version of her apologized and bowed her head to me ashamedly. "Oh please, don't worry. Thanks for looking after me, I'll come visit for sure!" I promised, and her eyes sparkled as she bowed her head once more. "Thank you for being so kind, I'll treat you better next time." She promised. I think she meant that, but probably not in a way I'd enjoy. "I'll see you later, thanks again."

And with that, I stepped back a step and turned to leave, but I was interrupted. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Shouted a somewhat familiar voice to my right. I looked over and saw the three military men, rushing towards me in some sort of formation, the American in the lead. I flinched at seeing their cold expressions directed towards me and I turned to run, though I had a feeling I couldn't even sprint fast enough to make it to the bank.

I saw, barely ten feet ahead of me, a familiar man, completely naked, falter in his step towards me, his expression rapidly changing from anger to fear as the bare feet slapped the floor behind me. The man glanced behind me, then spun around nearly dropping his proper shiv in the process. It was the same man who tried to run me down before, and the bank saved me.

"Fuck I hate muggers." Came the American voice behind me, and the voiced agreement from the other two as well. "You alright pal?" He asked, and I turned to look up at him. It was the first time I'd seen him standing and he was tall. At least six-foot-four, lean muscle, short cropped hair and the stubble of an unshaved beard growing evenly across his chin. Me and my five-foot-six body had to crane my neck.

"Uh yeah, thanks for that. Second time he tried to mug me in as many days." I said and then took a look behind me as if I was preparing to run. The Spanish guy spoke quietly and got my attention. "Nobody within earshot, but not safe to talk. Go to the bank and deposit those, we'll walk you there, then meet us at one of the tables near the stage. I assume you know Ryan?" I blinked and nodded, giving them a nod of thanks.

"Here, not much but take this diaper, if anyone is watching, short-term protection money." I offered and handed my two smaller value diapers over to the American. "Clever." Spoke the Chinese fellow and he flashed me a slight grin. The American hesitated, but nodded. "Good idea, and gave me a future business idea. Thanks. Let's go."

Without needing to give any orders, the American took the lead in front of me, eyes scanning the casino area casually but alert. The Spanish guy moved to my left, and Chinese guy took my right. I had to learn their names; I was sounding extremely racist. Uh, I'll call them Marine one, two and three from now on. One in front, Two on my left and Three covering the right.

Nothing eventful happened over the fifty feet to the bank but as we got within a foot of the line, the Marines spread out to give me open passage. "Come meet us at the tables, you can spend them later, just deposit them for now." Number Two ordered and I nodded. "Alright sounds good, I should be just a few minutes." I replied, and with that I stepped into the instance, the world shimmering around me, and I was standing in front of a brightly smiling wolf.

"It is good to see you again! Welcome back, I wasn't sure if Lord Terinas actually took you to use as his plaything or not, you had been gone so long." The wolf spoke cheerfully. I laughed. "No, thankfully he didn't, I don't know if I could have survived more of that. Thank you for using that special lube by the way, damn you're huge." I chuckled, and the wolf actually blushed.

"Sorry about that, if I was wearing my cock ring of size control, I doubt the humans would have thought you were actually suffering. I'm just glad the lube worked as Lord Terinas said it would." He continued to blush, before he waved a hand and a puff of baby-powder appeared on his counter, and a letter sized notebook appeared, along with a pen attached to it by a bungee cord.

"What's with the notebook?" I asked, and added "And how much does it cost? I kind of need one." I asked bluntly, getting a chuckle from the wolf. "Well, as you can see, this is a notebook. This was created by Lord Terinas specifically for you. He said you had a great idea. And he wanted to see if you would keep your word. This book is soul bound to you. That means, if anyone else touches it, they will receive a painful shock down to their very soul. That can take days for the pain to go away." He warned seriously.

"However, this does not apply to the staff. We can touch it as we please because we are all guardians for your soul. But if you do not touch the book for twenty-four hours, it will automatically reappear in your room if you are up to date on rent, or here at the bank. Now, you are able to give out sheets of paper to anyone, and the book is ever full of pages. You can also give temporary access to the pen that lasts a half hour by saying the phrase "You can handle my tool." And the next person to touch the pen will be able to use it for thirty minutes. It also cannot be more than ten feet from the book."

I groaned at the phrase, of course it had to be an innuendo like that. The wolf continued. "A removed page can be used by anyone for any means, but if it is not a member of the staff using the page, and remember, you are not a member of the staff, ten diapers will be deducted automatically from your bank account. If your account does not hold enough for a page, you have twenty-four hours to find the funds or you will be Lord Terinas personal plaything for a number of hours equal to how much you are short."

I couldn't help but shudder at the idea, and the wolf chuckled. "He said, "I am curious to see if you will use this for what you promised. Continue to surprise me human." The wolf finished. But before I could reply he cut me off. "Apologies, for your earlier question, an item like this. An ever-full notebook, and a tethered pen that is soul-bound would cost you just under three hundred thousand diapers. The fact you have to pay ten diapers per page for personal use drops that down to two hundred and ten thousand diapers. This is a very valuable gift; I hope you treasure it."

I had to pick my jaw off the floor, and I had nearly pissed my diaper thinking of the value of this simple book. "Uh, that is a terrifying number, can I leave it here for now and pick it up later? And also, can I deposit this into my account?" I asked, placing the diaper on the counter next to the book. "I see you chose the diapers instead of the mystery gift? Shame, it would have been such a valuable item. I thought more of you." The wolf sighed and shook his head, before both the diaper and the book disappeared once more.

"He told you about that did he? Well, I chose the mystery gift, the diapers are actually from that adorably kind pink cow at the black jack table." I replied and the wolf blinked curiously at me with an exquisitely arched eyebrow. "I'll just say that what Terinas had me wear on stage was an improvement compared to what I was trapped in before he picked me up this morning." And with that, the wolf let out a howling laugh.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of everything that happened. Honestly, I probably would have broken if I didn't have that break from the cow needing the nap she did. The amount of embarrassment, pain, fear. Just too much for me to handle in such a short time.

The wolf calmed down and wiped his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Ah, you will eventually have to tell me what happened in there, oh boy." He chuckled and I shook my head in a blatant no. "I don't want to explain it. However, if you ask Lord Terinas nicely, he will probably give you a copy of the video in high definition, or possibly three-D. Hell maybe even a hologram, I have no idea what he can do. He does enjoy picking on me, though I almost am willing to bet he's going easy on me.

Suddenly there was another puff of baby-powder, and I groaned. On the counter was a set of five blue-ray DVDs. "Nope, that is my call to get out of here, thanks for the help and the explanation. I'll be back later." I promised and turned around, an evil cackle echoing throughout the instance as I jogged out past the edge of the instance. I think I heard a crash as the wolf fell over from laughing so hard.

Chapter 31

After leaving the bank, completely empty handed save for the childish diaper around my waist, I looked around and returned the wave to the cheerful cow at the blackjack table straight ahead, and waved at the little excitable fox as I passed his roulette table on my way to the left. My heart hurt a bit as I thought about how they had no communication with each other.

I glanced briefly at the bright flashing lights of the slot machines just to see one naked man, probably in his late forties thanks to his mostly grey hair, sit down on a stool and disappear in a shimmer of light. "So, even the slot machines are instanced. I wonder if there are staff in there too." I thought, making a mental not to go check it out later. Bright red words covered the screen of the machine that I could see even from as far away as I was. "In Use"

That could be problematic.

After I passed a version of Jeopardy I saw the table with the four people sitting and conversing quietly. I was easily noticed, and received a nod from Marine two as I approached. He was likely being a lookout. Ryan must have seen the nod, because he turned, and grinned at me before waving me over and pulling a chair from another table.

"Nice boxers dude." Marine one joked with his stereotypical Miami surfer dude accent. Though he smiled at me, his body seemed prepared to spring should I be even the slightest threat. To these guys, I wasn't.

"Ha ha." I replied sarcastically, before sitting down in the offered chair. "Embarrassing, but I t's helping keep my hair from being the only thing keeping me warm." I chuckled, getting a grin from the others. "Fair point." He replied, sitting back and crossing his arms. Seemed to be a show of non-aggression. Putting his weapons away so to speak.

I looked around carefully, and saw nobody near our immediate vicinity, though there was one person sitting at a table near the stage, pale faced. I looked from him to the others, and simply got shrugs. "Been sitting there since Lord Kitty-Pants Cackled evilly and took that dude away with him." Ryan spoke casually. "He'll probably get over it. Maybe he was planning something before the show."

"Ahh, that would make sense." I replied casually. "So, sorry if I'm really awkward guys. I'm normally extremely introverted, but I'm trying to break away from that. My name's Steve." I offered. "No problem dude." Marine one replied. "My name is Callum, this here is Jonas, and Lee." Callum said, pointing first to the Spaniard, then the Asian person across the table from him. "So yeah, we need to talk." Callum added, and I nodded.

"Any of you pay for second floor access yet?" I asked, and to which all I got were shaking heads. "Well, should be less people up there, I can give you guys diapers to cover the fee, and I also plan to rent an apartment, which I can bring you in with me, and nobody other than Terinas should be able to hear what goes on in there. Oh, it costs a hundred diapers for access though." I offered.

Ryan nodded, giving the guy at the lone table a quick glance before saying "Yeah, if you can do that for me, I'll pay you back. Is ten percent interest a month okay until I do?" I put my hand on my chin and took on a thoughtful expression. Honestly, I had no intentions of making them pay me back. I'll have to let them know when we get somewhere more private. "Sounds good to me, the rest of you okay with that? For incentive, on the second floor there are supposedly showers and benches, which may mean no more sleeping on the floor." I offered, trying to give them a "Try to refuse that" kind of grin.

Callum looked at me, expression unreadable. "If we pay you back before a month passes?" And I shrugged. "No interest until thirty days passes? I have no idea what month it is here, nor season. So, ten percent interest every thirty days?" I asked, slightly changing the offer, and Ryan agreed immediately. "I'm in, Showers man! I'm starting to chafe." He offered, and Callum nodded, holding out his hand. "we all agree. Can you afford it?" He asked, and I simply nodded, impressed that the others let him speak for them.

"Let's go see if I can pay for you at the banker, you might have to come with me, in case I need o carry the diapers out individually. Actually, we supposedly can enter the tables together, we might be able to enter the bank together too." I suggested, and the others nodded, pushing their chairs back and standing up. I was the only one who crinkled.

"Not very stealthy Steve." Jonas chuckled, taking a position on my left. Lee was carrying the diapers I paid them in protection money earlier, and Ryan was beside me. "So, we are thinking of starting a protection deal." Jonas spoke, obviously wanting his voice to be heard. "Give people a set time to leave their table. Like, three hours exactly, they just have to ask the dealer to tell them when three hours is passed. They leave the table, and we walk them to the bank for ten percent of what they walk out with, minus what they went in with." He spoke casually as we got close to the bank.

"Makes sense, the more they walk out with, the more they should be happy to pay to make sure they get to the bank safely. You can obviously be trusted to keep your word, the moment you don't, nobody will ever trust you in the future." I voiced out, and I caught a sly grin out of the corner of my eye. "You have a good mind there. That is exactly what we were thinking, Thanks for being our first client." He replied, waving the two diapers in his hand.

I chuckled and then we all stopped just outside the line of the instance to the bank. I looked at the others and shrugged. "I doubt you could steal from my bank account if you wanted to, want to see if we could all go in together?" I asked, and the marines looked to one another. Ryan just shrugged. "I'll go in just a moment, and ask if I can bring you guys in with me?" I asked, and received nods. With that, I stepped inside the barrier and the world shimmered.

"Back so soon? What can I do for you?" The familiar voice of the wolf greeted me and I looked up to flash him a smile in greeting. "Hey again. Yeah, I just wanted to ask if I can transfer diapers to other peoples accounts or if I have to physically give them the diapers." I asked curiously, stepping up to the window. The wolf gave me a puzzled expression, obviously not expecting the question. "Well, if you brought the people in with you that you wanted to transfer the diapers to, so I can confirm in person that you willingly transfer diapers to them. Otherwise, you can take diapers out of your account, and bring them to them outside of the instance. May I ask why you want to give your hard-earned diapers to others?"

The wolf asked, and from what I knew of the place, that was a perfectly reasonable question. "Well, these guys owe me a debt, from what I did on stage there. And I want to try to gain some trusting allies so to speak. Easiest way to do that is find some place private we can openly talk. I want to get them passes for the second floor, as well as start renting a room, and invite them in." I replied, and the wolf nodded along.

"Makes sense to me, why don't I just sell you four passes to the second floor. All they have to do is press it to their account tags, and it will dissolve, giving them access. As for renting a room, you currently have one-thousand, two-hundred-eighty diapers in your account. So, with four passes, and your rent reduction achievement, you could afford twenty days of rent on the second floor and be left with two-hundred-fourteen diapers. Or five-hundred-forty-seven if you only wish to have one ten-day rental."

I had to think about it for a moment. It was a lot of diapers to spend in one go for sure. However, I wouldn't need to worry about having some place safe to sleep for twenty days. "I'll get the four passes, and pay for twenty days please." I asked, taking in a deep breath as I thought about how much I just spent. The wolf nodded, and waved his hand over the counter, four small metal disks with the number "2" stamped on its surface appeared in a puff of powder.

"There's the tokens for you to give to whomever you wish. Just tell them to press it to their account tag, and they will get permanent access to the second floor. If you look at your account tag." He spoke, and paused, giving me a chance to reach up and raise my account tag to eye level. Surely enough I had a "214" stamped on it, updated after paying my rent. I looked up at the wolf and raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes and said "Flip it over." I did, and on the left-hand-side of it, there was a number "2" Right above an etched staircase symbol.

In the center of the tag there were more numbers etched into it, the last number steadily lowering in value.

2: 19-23-58-42

Once I realized what I was looking at, the wolf confirmed helpfully. "The number on the far left obviously means you have access to floor number two. The next numbers, in order are the floor your apartment is on, then the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds you have until your lease is up. As a reminder, you will be automatically ejected from your room if you are inside when the lease runs out, and your belongings will become accessible from the bank." I nodded appreciatively from the explanation.

"Just curious, how do I bring others into an instance with me? I don't imagine it's as simple as crossing the line or sitting down together." I asked, remembering my first time coming to the bank, the mugger person who nearly got me before I crossed the line. "That is really simple, you just need to be touching and all parties must be willing to go in as a group. Holding hands is easiest, in case someone isn't focused at the moment of joining an instance together."

"Thanks! And if a person leaves their belongings in my room?" I asked. "They cannot access it unless you bring it outside to them. If you leave the room while the items are inside, they become yours and only you can remove them after. The others can only take them out themselves if they are holding them in the same session that they brought them inside, as well, a person cannot remain in your room without you, nor enter without you, and they will be forcibly ejected if they do not leave within thirty seconds of you." The wolf explained and I smiled in appreciation before he continued.

The only exception to them leaving items in your room, and them being able to take them out at will after is if the item is soul bound to them. Do remember, if you have consumables, such as drinks, food, or if they put on one of your diapers, if they are used within your room, they will keep what they use. So, don't let them put on your expensive diapers, or eat your food without permission. Hospitality rules are in place. If someone kills or attempts to lethally harm you after you willingly bring them into your home, they will automatically be sent to the Diaper Pail."

"I guess final question then." I began, and I received a nod and a smile from the wolf." Well, actually two more questions. First is, can I give someone permissions to stay in the room I rent without me being there? Like, give them a spare key for example?" I asked curiously, and the wolf nodded. "You can spend three thousand diapers here, to get an app for your in-room console. It let's you generate as many spare key tokens that you can deactivate from your console as you wish. Your second question?" He asked cheerfully.

"Thank you, I appreciate all the help. My final question is, you guys aren't actually demons are you? That's just a phrase to make us "stupid humans" get a general idea of what you could be in relation to us right?" I asked, using my fingers to emulate quotation marks.

The wolf frowned slightly, and appeared to be deep in thought about my question. "If its something you aren't allowed to answer no problem, I just had to ask, because many of you are a lot nicer than I expected demons to be. And the rules about everything being consensual, just made me have to ask." The wolf shook his head and smiled.

"No, I can answer you, jus trying to think of the best way to describe things. No we aren't actually demons, as you say, its just generally easier for you to understand us with that general description. We are more. Hm. I'd say, guardians for your souls. Our job is to watch and protect you, and use any method to drive you humans to a proper judgement, wherever that may lead. So, we use lust, threats, humiliation, and temptation to put you in scenarios to be as true about yourselves as possible. Wherever that may lead you." He shrugged. "I don't really know how to describe it, Lord Terinas could probably do it better."

I smiled brightly at him "Thank you for all the advice, it gives me a lot to think about, and it's all extremely useful information. I'm going to likely be starting up a messenger sort of business tomorrow, as I understand you dealers are no longer able to communicate with one another, save through Terinas. If you want to think about who you might want to send letters to, and what you want to write, I'll be by tomorrow to give you paper and pen to use." I offered, and the wolf blinked in surprise.

"You are willing to do that?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in suspicion. I simply nodded. "I mean, you probably have to use paper and pen I own, so I can bring it into other's instances, and take it out of their instances as well to deliver the messages. So I obviously can't deliver letters for everyone every day. But I had an idea to draw up a map of every table, and every dealer, and go around. Start at table one, wait for them to write the letters they want, then deliver them. Once they read the letters, I'll leave their instances and go to table number two. It's slow communication, but it's still communication."

The wolf looked at me skeptically, obviously doubting my intentions. "Why are you wanting to do this? Are you going to hold our friendships hostage to try to take as much diapers as you can?" He asked, his frown deepening. "Not at all. You know that pink cow over there?" I asked, pointing a thumb over my shoulder to roughly where her table was. "She told me about how you've been isolated from each other while being so close. I was a huge introvert in life, and I have so many regrets. Eternity is far too long to be isolated from one another." I explained, and his expression softened. Not quite smiling, and still in contemplation, but the suspicion was lessened.

"This is also just temporary until I can afford the app thing to invite staff to my place, so you can actually hang out together in person. Or at least a copy of you can? I don't really understand how it works. But yeah, postal business until I could afford to get you all together." I explained, and the way his eyes filled with hope, tugged at my heart. He was way too good at the puppy-dog eyes.

"I really hope you aren't lying about your intentions, because I would never forgive you if you are." The wolf said plainly, squeezing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "I plan to have you be my first delivery, so please think of who you want to send a letter to, and what you want to write. I need a day off after yesterday and today, so I'll start tomorrow. The squeaky cow is the reason I came up with the idea, so if you want to thank anyone, it was her inspiration." I smiled brightly at the wolf, and grabbed the second-floor tokens from the counter before turning to leave.

Just before I got to the boundary, the wolf called out. "You are an adorable sissy by the way, I can see why miss Moomoo had so much fun with you." He chuckled, making me trip over my feet and faceplant onto the floor, catching everyone off-guard as they waited for me.

Chapter 32

"What the hell happened dude, you okay?" Callum asked, helping me up off the floor. My face was burning beet red. "Yeah I'm fine, the wolf just had to call out something embarrassing and made me trip over my own two feet. Anyways, each of you take one." I said grumpily, wiping my nose with a forearm. "Just hold it up to your account badge, token, pendant thing. It should disappear, and on the back of your account badge, there should be a symbol of a staircase, with the number two above it."

They all held up the tokens to their necks, save for Lee that held it up to his bicep, and all the tokens disappeared in a puff of powder. I couldn't see their account badges, nor the lanyards or chain attached to them, so it was likely, we were the only ones that could see them. I watched as they all grabbed something and twisted their hands. "Yup, got it." Jonas spoke out. "Should we go upstairs then?" He continued, getting nods from everyone.

Callum spoke out. "I'll go first, Lee, watch my flank. Steve and Ryan in the middle, and Jonas cover the rear." He began to walk casually away, and Lee stepped in right behind him, appearing casual, though his eyes scanned the casino all around us. "Okay guys, let's go." Jonas whispered, and gave each of us a gentle shove, and we had to walk fast to catch up to Lee. Jonas casually took of the rear of our line, protecting everyone from behind.

"So." Jonas began. "Your choice of underwear certainly are not going to be stealthy in the slightest." Jonas spoke teasingly, making me blush. "Well, might be a little nicer for you to look at than my hairy ass as we go upstairs eh?" I shot back with an embarrassed grin, getting a snort from Lee. "Fair point." Lee called back. Not a bad start to a first meeting. At least as far as four naked marines, and a dude in a diaper can be I guess.

"Coming up on the stairs." Callum spoke softly, slowing down slightly as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "If you get an uncomfortable feeling in your gut, don't go up any further." I told them, and I received nods in reply.

Callum crouched down, moving like those guys in all those action movies I'd seen while alive, knees bent, back straight, arms held loosely in front of him and slightly to the sides. I watched the other two marines take up the same stance, and watched as Callum placed his first foot on the bottom stair. He paused for a moment, unmoving, then he waved his left hand for us to go forward.

I was embarrassingly loud as we ascended. Though I received no more comments about stealth from the others as we slowly went up the stairs. My gut clenched, though not from the effects of the stair, it was simply nervousness. I worried we would suddenly be hit by the effects of the stairs, but thankfully we never were.

The stairs were a straight flight up, no curves or corners. Callum held up a fist and we all stopped. Ryan and I a step slower than the others. Callum got down onto his hands and ever so slowly crept forward, easing his gaze over the top of the stairs. His head turned left and right and slowly he backed down to us. "Looks clear to me. Triangle formation just in case. Ryan and Steve, you both are in the middle, we will move slow, but be sure to keep up with us just in case." Callum whispered, and I nodded as the others got into position.

One step at a time, we ascended. I tried to crouch like the others, though my knees weren't trained for it, so I was more awkward but I received no judgement from the others. As one, we reached the top of the stair and moved a few feet forward, I assumed so there was flat ground behind us just in case. A few seconds passed in silence before suddenly I smelled baby-powder and was hit with another notification. I saw the marines jump back, before relaxing slightly in the corner of my vision. I forgot they must have received the achievement for opening a bank account.

Achievement Earned: Going Up 1

Took you long enough to get this one human! At least thanks to how slow you are, I was able to set aside the power for this. For ascending the stairs to the second floor, you now find sleeping more restful. After you sleep, you will remain rested for 10% longer than you would normally. The reward from this achievement is multiplied by the reward from later tiers

First Achievement Bonus: For being the first to receive this Achievement, the temperature of the showers on the second floor of the casino can be adjusted by 25% in either direction. The first achievement bonus does not apply to later tiers, and has to be earned on later tiers of this achievement.

Group Bonus Achieved: For earning this achievement in a group of three people or more, the water pressure of the showers on the second floor of the casino is increased by 15%

To obtain the second tier of this achievement, you must ascend to the third floor of the casino, and remain there for at least ten seconds.

I blinked stupidly as the words disappeared in puff of powder. "Did everyone read that?" Lee asked in a whisper. The rest of us nodded in confirmation. "Group bonus?" He added, receiving a nod. "I got the first achievement, what about you?" Jonas whispered, and I whispered in reply "First as well." And the rest of the group nodded. "Okay, coast appears clear, let's find a safe place to talk." Callum said, and I cleared my throat softly to gain their attention.

Callum had to turn, being in front, but the others just looked at me in their peripherals. "I rented a room for twenty days, used almost everything I had. Let's go find the rooms, and I'll bring you in with me." Callum raised an eyebrow questioningly before nodding. "You could afford twenty days? Damn dude you're lucky." Ryan replied, his voice containing a little whine. "I'll explain later." I commented, looking around the place.

The place was pretty sparse considering how large of a space it was. The wood floor was covered in small carpets without any attention given to decorative detail. As the wolf said, it looked just like the lobby of a three-star hotel. Couches were placed around the area, wooden arm rests, and cushions that looked like they were upholstered with my great-grandmother's curtains. Perhaps twenty couches in total that were just long enough to lay down on without needing to curl up.

There was a coffee table in front of each couch, bare save for a folded news-paper on each one, and a large potted-plant beside the couches, looking like miniature palm trees that offered a little shade from the ever-present fluorescent lights in the ceiling.

Directly to the left of us, against the far wall was a row of ten computers, like the old 2000 versions of the mac. Boxy, but good. The printers on the desks were just as old looking, but as long as they worked, was what was important. Ten feet to the right of the last computer, and immediately beside a hallway that bent to the right, impossible to see down from where we were, was a water fountain attached to the wall. So at least we could get free drink here.

On the right of the hallway entrance was a row of three vending machines, full of chips, pop, chocolate bars, baby-wipes, and one-point diapers. My eyes followed along the wall, and there were two closed doors with the words "Shower Room" in bold on the front. Between the doors was a plain diaper change table, with a plain white waterproof mat on the top. Under the flat top was what appeared to be a built-in vending machine, with diapers of varying values, from one-point, to the same ten-point one I was currently wearing.

Continuing nearly in a completely one-hundred-eighty-degree spin from the computers to our left, was a mirror version of what we saw, starting with the showers and the changing table, then the vending machines, hallway that curved to the left then the fountain and computers.

In the dead center of the room was a spherical railing, allowing people to look down from above onto the stage to watch the events with a better view than those on the main floor. Looking up, I could see a similar hole in the ceiling above to the third floor. I wondered if the view would be magically zoomed in.

"I'd be willing to bet that both of those hallways lead to the rooms and connect together." Jonas spoke, shaking me from my thoughts. "You're probably right. Lee, look after the civs, we'll check it out." Callum spoke before racing off with Jonas towards the hall to our right. They crossed the distance quickly, paused with their backs pressed outside the hall entrance, before spinning around and heading inside with Callum in the lead.

They were only gone for maybe a minute, before they looked out past the hall to our left, and then walked towards us casually, seemingly visibly relaxed. When they got to us, Jonas spoke up. "Yup, nothing but a curved hallway with a bunch of un-numbered doors. There was a single door labeled "Staff Only" but we couldn't get it open. I imagine one of those rooms will be keyed to you."

I nodded in confirmation. "I was told that it didn't matter which door I went into, they all lead to my room as long as I'm the one to open the handle. When we leave, we will be leaving out of a random door every time to prevent ambushes or something." I explained, receiving nods of understanding. Ryan put a hand on my shoulder and grinned. "Well, I think we should go, I want to see what the rooms look like!" He grinned, and the rest of us casually walked towards the left hallway, no longer looking for threats.

"You guys are kind of scary, not going to lie." Ryan commented as we approached the first door in the hallway. As they said, it was unlabeled. "Not as scary as Steve." Lee commented under his breath. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You couldn't see what we saw. How you are walking, just. You're terrifying man." He raised his arms as he couldn't quite figure out how to explain it. "Dude, you're alive and not limping. You don't seem like you are mentally broken, like, you simply shrugged everything off. Just, terrifying." Callum explained, getting nods of agreement from everyone present.

"Okay guys, makes sense, why don't you all grab my shoulder. We have to have contact for you to come in with me. But I'll explain what I've gone through so far. Then we can decide on a plan. Sound good?" I asked, holding up a hand to reach for the doorknob. I felt a hand slap ono my shoulder as Ryan stood beside me. "I'm not sure I want to know, but yeah, I'm good to go." He replied, flashing me a grin.

Once the others gripped my arm or shoulder, I slapped my hand onto the doorknob and the world shifted in a familiar ripple of light, and the door creaked open.

I stepped into the room, with everyone still holding onto me and following along. It was really plain. A five-foot-long hall leading into a room of decent size, appearing to be twenty feet by twenty feet. As expected, it was completely unfurnished, save for a glowing screen embedded in the wall immediately to the left of the door inside the room. The floor was made of hard wood, with no carpets, and there was a single switch for the single light bulb embedded in the ceiling in the center of the room.

The wallpaper was flowery, exactly like one would see in a cheap hotel, and I was pretty sure I even saw a cigarette burn in the floor. I stepped into the room and looked around. Sure enough, there was no bathroom, just one large room, and a thick, leather-bound book on the floor in the corner. I looked to the others as they walked in past me. Ryan flopping gracelessly onto the floor, letting out a yelp "Damn that's cold!"

The rest of us chuckled, and the marines walked the perimeter. Once we were all inside, the door shut behind me with a soft click. Satisfied there were no secret doors or whatever they were looking for, the three marines each picked a wall and sat against it, all in a spot so they could see as much of the room as possible.

I sat down against a wall as well, watching Ryan lay down flat on the floor, completely unashamed about his nudity. "Whenever you're ready man." Jonas encouraged, and I closed my eyes before taking in a deep breath. "Well, I guess I'll start from the beginning, watching the ground come towards me as my truck went over a cliff." I began, and then I continued on without interruptions, and not holding anything back.

Chapter 33

"Holy fuck dude, what a hell of a first day. Sounds like the cow likes you, though damn, I guess that explains why you don't seem to be broken or anything, the cow actually did you a favor by doing that whole dildo bouncer combo. Or at least, she did us a favor." Callum spoke finally, breaking the long minutes of silence between us. I was worried by their pale faces. For veterans like these guys seemed to be, to see them pale was kind of terrifying.

"The tiger wasn't lying when he said we owed you big." Lee spoke softly, bowing his head in respect towards me, his face no less pale. Ryan looked like he was going to be sick. "So, what were you guys planning to do?" I asked, letting out a breath. Callum coughed into his fist and replied for them. "We were going to go sit at a blackjack table together, the one run by the ferret person. I was going to get the dealer in a chokehold, while Lee and Jonas took all the diapers from the table and leave the instance to deposit them at the bank." He explained, pausing briefly.

"Since I heard death isn't permanent here, I was willing to have the ferret kill me if I couldn't escape in time, but after watching the casino for nearly a full day, we saw that none of the dealers moved a single foot from their spots at their tables, likely unable to leave. We planned to start moving, when the Tiger sent out the notice you missed, saying anyone not present will be punished. His cackle that came with it set a chill down even my spine, so we held off."

Callum looked at me, his expression somber. "Then the cover came off of you, and after the explanation that you tried to steal, just." He cleared his throat again into his fist. "We were planning to hurt his staff. I don't think we would come out ourselves after what you went through." He sighed, and the guys looked at me with respect.

"Why would you volunteer for that?" Ryan had to ask. "Well, Terinas said that some idiots were planning to hurt one of his staff. He couldn't punish them until they did something, but he wanted to deter them before they could make a move. Not for your protection, but because he cares for his people. Me well, I didn't want to think of what he would do to the supposed thieves, but I knew it would be terrible. I dunno, just seemed like the right thing to do, and I also didn't really want to piss him off by saying no. so I guess, fifty-fifty kindness and cowardice?"

The others were silent for a little while, and I shifted slightly uncomfortably. The cows milk was making my bladder ache and I didn't really feel like pissing myself in front of these guys.

"Well, thanks to Ryan offering to sacrifice everything he had, inspiring us to do the same, Terinas deposited a thousand diapers into our accounts. I didn't even know we could get accounts. Ryan got fifteen hundred for being the first to volunteer." Lee spoke up. "So, we owe everything we have to you and Ryan here." He looked at me with respect in his eyes.

"We want to give all the diapers we earned to you, honestly, we don't deserve them." Callum added, his face somber. I only replied by shaking my head. "None for me thanks. The cow mom paid me a thousand diapers for what I did for her, and with her. Terinas also promised me a mystery item for agreeing to go along with his scheme, and I don't know what it could be. I imagine I will get it later though." Ryan looked like he wanted to accept, but then he shook his head as well.

"I do propose we work together in a way. How much do you think people would be willing to pay to come in here to sleep in a bed for a night? How much would they pay per hour to listen to music, or watch a movie? Terinas let me use a bath, and it was of course shaped like a baby's bath tub, but it was deep enough for the hot water to go up to my neck. I would pay five thousand diapers to soak in one of those for an hour. Imagine a hot tub where the water never cools, or gets dirty, and smells like your favorite body wash." I spoke and they all seemed to be deep in thought.

"I know you guys don't trust me yet, but I think I want to earn as much diapers as I can to buy things like those, and then charge other people for their use. Would you guys pay for access to gym equipment?" I asked curiously, before Jonas raised a hand. "I see where you're coming from. I'd pay that many diapers to soak in a hot tub for an hour yeah, or to listen to music. Is this your plan whether we help or not?"

I nodded in confirmation. "I have other promises to keep first. I'm going to be a postal delivery service for the next while, a few hours a day. As I said, the staff re lonely, and crave communication with each other. I don't know how much it would pay, but I'll even do it for free. I have a feeling there is an achievement for becoming friends with the staff. And it's reward game changing."

Good old Ryan, changing the subject. "So, speaking of achievements, I've gotten three so far. How about you guys?" He asked, his grin widening as the marines lifted up two fingers each. They hadn't been gambling, and after my show, they said they had all did their rounds, waiting for me to emerge from an instance, and they didn't want to leave me unprotected. I stayed silent, but then all the heads turned to me, and I felt my face grow hot. Particularly my ears.

"Oh, come on, tell us! I bet that you have six achievements after what you've been through!" Ryan exclaimed, the grin on his face wide. "Callum spoke up. "I won't actually bet, but I would be willing to wager that he has at least eight." Logan agreed, holding up eight fingers himself, and Lee squinted at me, holding up both of his hands. "You really think he has ten already?" Ryan asked

I squirmed slightly, my diaper crinkling beneath me. "You guys sure you want to know?" I asked, beginning to do the math in my head. "Just tell us dude." Callum spoke, curiosity filling his voice. I nodded, then made a show of counting on my fingers slowly, mouthing the name of the achievements earned to myself as I remembered each of them. I couldn't quite remember what the bonuses were, but finally, I grinned at the guys, all of whom stared at me wide eyed.

"I guess I win, I'm at fourteen achievements, though if you count the second-tier achievement I got, that would make it fifteen in total." Ryan's mouth dropped, Callum looked pale, Lee was grinning, being the closest bet, and Jonas simply shook his head in amazement.

"Yup, really fucked up first day, wouldn't you say?" I asked, and I got unanimous nods of agreement. "You will have to tell us how you got those. "Ryan asked, nearly begging. "I will, I think the book in the corner there will tell me exactly what I did though. I was told it's a compendium of everything I've bought, information on dealers I've won and lost points to, and I think it records other information as well. Good way to pool information on the value of stuff from the store, and what each dealer likes." I offered, and Ryan made his way to the book in the corner and bent down to pick it up, flashing everyone in the room.

"Guys, I can't pick it up, or open the cover." He complained. "Steve, you're probably the only one that can move it, since this is your room." Jonas spoke out and I nodded, making my way over to the book, and picking it up easily, receiving a playful pout from Ryan. "Alright guys, a quick look, then can we go out for a bit? I really, really need to piss." The others looked at me, and all I could do was raise an eyebrow at them.

"Unless you don't mind me pissing myself around you then going out to change later. I didn't bring any spare diapers with me, and if you didn't notice while I was trapped on stage, it's physically impossible to go without them." I commented, sitting down on the floor in the middle of the room, baby powder puffing out of my leg guards and making the air smell a little flowery.

"It hurts dude, but we've just been holding it in the whole time." I nodded and shrugged. "I'm not strong like you guys, and I imagine you're not completely bloated on milk and cum?" I asked curiously, getting shakes of the head in reply. "After what I've been through, I can handle pissing myself." I shrugged. "Fair point man, I don't care if you go, no judgement. Don't force yourself to hold in around us. Just don't expect me to wipe your ass." Lee commented, getting nods of agreement from Jonas and Callum.

Ryan simply shrugged. "Told you before, I used to be a daddy when I was alive. I'll wipe your ass if you supply the diaper and wipes, and pay me twenty." He got looks from the others, a mix of puzzled and disturbed. "Meh, same goes for you guys. I change one diaper and I can buy food at the bar. Worth it." He shrugged.

I had to chuckle and shake my head. "There is a rubber cow at a blackjack table that would probably pay me to change my diaper for me. And she'll probably feed me for free too, so sorry Ryan, not getting diapers from me that way." And I got a knowing nod in reply. "Well, let's give this a read and then make a plan for after." I suggested, and flipped the cover over to the table of contents.